
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
STEINE CAS Stac a Choss or An Stein Cas
An Stein Cas
Steine Cas
Steine Cas
Murdo Macdonald
John Morrison
John Mackay
Donald Murray
017 A small long hill of rocky heathy pasture, it is low and wedge like and produces good moor pasture interspersed with rocks.
CNOC A CHAIT Cnoc a Chait
Cnoc a Chait
Cnoc a Chait
Murdo Macdonald
John Morrison
John Mackay
017 A small round rocky knoll, which is of conical shape, and produces but little vegetation.
Cnoc a Chait signifies Cat Hill.

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Isobel Macdonald

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