
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
GOB CHUMHA GEODHA Gob Coungesodh or Gob Chumhageodha
Gob Chumha Geodha
Gob Chumha Geodha
Murdo Macdonald
John Morrison
John Mackay
Donald Murray
017 A small rocky point of land or headland, the shore here though low, is bold and rugged.
"Gob Chumha Geodha" signifies Sorrow or Mourning Creek Point
RUDHA THOROB Rudha Harob or Rudha Thorob
Rudha Thorob
Rudha Thorob
Murdo Macdonald
John Morrison
John Mackay
017 A small low and tolerably prominent point of land or headland on the shore of Bhearnara Island,

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Isobel Macdonald

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