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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
West Campbell Street
West Campbell Street
West Campbell Street
Provost R. Brown
Mr William Hodge. Town Clerk
Mr David Semple, Writer
Plate on Wall
012.02 Extends from Ferguslie Walk, Eastward to the Cemetery Wall, Consists of houses two and three Storeys high, Slated and in good repair, which are Chiefly Occupied by Weavers, the South Side of this Street is unedificed._
SESSIONAL SCHOOL [Carbrook Street Sessional School
Sessional School
Sessional School
Sessional School
Provost R Brown
Mr William Hodge, Town Clerk
Mr David Semple Writer
Revd [Reverend] Mr Rennison
012.02 A Substantial building, one Storey high, Slated and in good repair With Playground Attached, Situated in Carbrook Street, Was erected from Voluntary Subscriptions Amongst the members of the Established Church, Aided by a Grant of £175 from Government, The teacher receives Annually £15 from the educational Association fund or General Kirk Session, the remainder of his Salary is derived from Scholars fees, Affords tuition in the elementary branches of an English and Commercial education, Average Attendance About 150._

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 132 --Plan 12. 2. 16 -- Trace 6& 9 -- TOWN OF PAISLEY

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