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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ROBERT STREET [Port Glasgow] Robert Street
Robert Street
Corner Ticket
Town Officer
002.12 A street commencing at at the end of Bay Street and terminating at the West end of Newark Street. It is paved and lighted up with gas.
Newark Castle
Newark Castle
Newark Castle
Mr Leggat
Mr Nesmith
Mr Wood
Statistical Account (New)
002.02 A Castle founded on 1599 by a Sir Patrick Maxwell. It retains its Roof and is yet in tolerably good repair with the exception of a square tower which is shown upon the trace as a Ruin. A little to the East is an old circular Pigeon hut with the remains of two walls jutting out from it, and to the S.W. [South West] is an old Vault apparently as old as the Castle.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 32
Plan 2.12 No 11 Port Glasgow Trace 1. & 2.

"The mansion house of the estate lies contiguous to this town, close
to the shore. From an Inscription on one corner of it, it would seem, that this house was
built in the year 1599. It is a fortified building, pretty large, with a castle or tower
at one end of it, which seems to be of older date than the rest of the house". "At present,
however, this ancient fabric is in ruins, and has not been inhabited since the beginning
of the century". Old Statistical Account volume v - page 552
"The Castle of Newark stands at the eastern extremity of the bay to which it
has given its name, on a point of land projecting into the river". It is built in the Castelated form, and while
fortified, must have been a place of great strength. The building has long been in a ruinous condition, and is
now interesting only as a venerable monument of feudal grandure, a memorial of the spirit and character
of a barbarous age. New Statistical Acct. [Account] page 64

"Where the town of Port Glasgow now stands, there was, in former times, a chapel, which was subordinate
to the parish church of Kilmalcolm: the patronage of this chapel belonged to the proprietor of the barony, and Castle,
of Newark". Chalmers' Caledonia Volume 3 - page 842

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