
Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 26a

O.S.O [Ordnance Survey Office] Glasgow
July 29th 1856

Plan 2-11-No15
Port Glasgow

New Acadamy

You describe this
as a handsome
Schoolhouse, erected
by Government a few years ago.
that Mr Smith
the Schoolmaster
has as yet no permanent
Salary. 'but has
in lieu the Session
Clerkship, besides
School fees.'
Have the goodness
Mr Hannay

Pt. [Port] Glasgow
July 30th 1856

Mr Smith alone
gives me this
information stated
in Name Sheets.
but for further
see other side

Cap Bayly R.E. [Captain Bayly Royal Engineers]

Pt Glasgow
July 30th 1856

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

DANIALSAN, kate117

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