
Continued entries/extra info

page 60

[County of Renfrew
Parish of Eaglesham]

A List of altered and omitted names on the Contract Plans.

Map ref. = Names on Contract plans -- As authenticated in Contract N. [Name] Book -- As authenticated by the Ordnance -- Omitted Names on Contract plans.

019.03 --High Craig (N) [North] -- / -- North Highcraig -- Ardoch Burn
019.03 -- High Craig (S) [South] -- / -- South Highcraig -- West Highcraig
019.03 -- Broad Flat -- / -- Broadflat -- Nethercraig Bridge
019.03 -- Broad Flat Bridge -- Not Entered -- Broadflat Bridge -- High Craig
019.03 -- Dam Head -- Damhead -- Damhead -- /
019.03 -- Nether Craig -- / -- Nethercraig -- /
019.03 -- Over Enoch -- Enoch Over -- Over Enoch -- /
019.03 -- Polnoon -- Polnoon (Farm) -- Polnoon -- /
019.03 -- Mill Hall -- Millhall -- Millhall -- /

017.10 -- Cart Water -- Cart, White, Water. -- White Cart Water. -- Boreland Burn
017.10 -- Wind Hill -- Windhill -- Windhill -- Boreland Bridge
017.10 -- / -- / -- / -- Brackenrig Burn
017.10 -- / -- / -- / -- Simon Law.

019.02 -- Wood House -- Woodhouse -- Woodhouse -- Rivoch Cut
019.02 -- Low Hill -- Lowhill -- Lowhill -- Brownmuir Plantation
019.02 -- East Rivoch -- Rivoch East -- East Rivoch -- Picketlaw
019.02 -- Dam -- not entered -- Mid Dam -- Enoch Burn -- Several stone coffins containing human remains found under a cairn
019.02 -- Dam -- not entered -- High Dam -- Several urns containing calcined human bones found under a tumulus.

019.06 -- Hole Hall -- Holehall -- Holehall -- Melowther Hill
019.06 -- / -- / -- / -- Carrot Burn
019.06 -- / -- / -- / -- Enoch Linn
019.06 -- / -- / -- /-- Holehall Burn.

019.11 -- / -- / -- / -- Munzie Burn
019.11 -- / -- / -- / -- Munzie Well
019.11 -- / -- / -- / -- Munzuin (Runs)
019.11 -- / -- / -- / -- Dykeman's Glen

019.15 -- Drumduff -- / -- Drumduff Hill -- Drumduff [(Ruins)
019.15 -- "Ruins" -- / -- Drumduff (Ruins) -- /
019.15 -- Corsehill -- / -- Corse Hill -- Drumduff Burn

019.07 -- East Ardoch -- Ardoch East -- East Ardoch -- Threepland Burn
019.07 -- West Ardoch -- Ardoch West -- West Ardoch -- Honestly Mount
019.07 -- Stone Byres -- Stonebyres -- Stonebyres -- /
019.07 -- Upper Threeplands -- Threepland Upper -- Upper Threepland -- /
Nether Threeplands -- Threepland Nether -- Lower Threepland -- /

017.14 -- Upper Boreland -- Boreland Upper -- High Boreland -- Church (Cameronians)
017.14 -- Laigh Boreland -- Boreland Laigh -- Laigh Boreland -- Mid Bridge
017.14 -- Manse -- not entered -- Manse -- John's Wood
017.14 -- Church -- / -- Church -- Downcraig Plantation
017.14 -- Eglinton Arms Inn -- not entered -- Eglinton Arms Inn -- Crosslees Bridge
017.14 -- School -- not entered --School -- Topfaulds Plantation
017.14 -- U.P. Church -- not entered -- U.P. Church --Eaglesham Burn
017.14 -- Cross Keys Hotel -- not entered -- Cross Keys Hotel -- Pollok. Knowe Plantation
017.14 -- Hole House -- Holehouse -- Holehouse -- Cornrigs
017.14 -- Castle Hill -- Castle Hill -- Castlehill & Tofts -- Kirkton Lands
017.14 -- Polnoon Street -- not entered -- Polnoon Street -- urns containing calcined human bones found under a cairn
017.14 -- Montgomery Street -- not entered -- Montgomery Street -- /
017.14 -- Cheapside -- not entered -- Cheapside -- Chapel (site of)
017.14 -- Gilmour Street -- not entered -- Gilmour Street -- /
017.14 -- Back Row -- not entered -- Back Row -- /

019.14 -- / -- / -- / -- Myres Burn
019.14 -- / -- / -- / -- Rough Hill Burn
019.14 -- / -- / -- / -- Gowkshaw Burn

018.09 -- Hazledean Bleachfield -- Hazleden -- Hazleden Bleachworks -- Castlehill Plantation
018.09 -- / -- / -- / -- Tumulus
018.09 -- / -- / -- / -- Bogside Brae
018.09 -- / -- / -- / -- Plumb Burn
018.09 -- / -- / -- / -- Eelie Burn

017.13 -- / -- / -- / -- James' Wood
017.13 -- / -- / -- / -- Moor Yett Plantation
017.13 -- / -- / -- / -- Kirktonmoor Bridge
017.13 -- / -- / -- / -- Muir.ill Well (Mineral)
017.13 -- / -- / -- / -- Crowstone Quarry
017.13 -- / -- / -- / -- Carlin Craigs

017.16 -- Black House -- Blackhouse -- Blackhouse -- /
017.16 -- Moor House (W) [West] -- Moorhouse West -- West Moorhouse -- /
017.16 -- Moor house N [North] -- Moorhouse North -- North Moorhouse -- /
017.16 -- Moorshiel Bridge -- Moorshill Bridge -- Muirshield Bridge -- /

018.03 -- /-- / -- / -- Threep Knowe

018.04 -- Moorhouse South -- / -- South Moorhouse -- Binend Burn
018.04 -- Lochcraig -- / -- West Lochcraig -- Lochcraig Burn
018.04 -- Binend Mickle -- / -- Mickle Binend -- Binend Linn
018.04 -- Binend Little -- / -- Little Binend -- North Longlee
018.04 -- Longlee -- / -- South Longlee -- /

019.01 -- Moor House (E) [East] -- Moorhouse East -- East Moorhouse -- Boshee Hill
019.01 -- Kirkton Moor (N) [North] -- Kirkton Moor North -- North Kirktonmoor -- William's Wood
019.01 -- Kirkton Moor (S) [South] -- Kirkton Moor South -- South Kirktonmoor -- Garret Law
019.01 -- / -- / -- / --East Lochcraig
019.01 -- / -- / -- / -- Rieve Hill
019.01 -- / -- / -- / -- Green Law

018.07 -- / -- / -- / -- Bennan Burn or Shieldhill Burn; Soame Burn

018.08 -- Ballagioch -- / -- Ballagioch Hill -- Gill Burn
018.08 -- / -- / -- / -- Queenseat Hill
018.08 -- / -- / -- / -- Queenseat Well (mineral)

019.05 -- / -- / -- / -- Braehead Hill
019.05 -- / -- / -- / -- Braehead (Ruins)
019.05 -- / -- / -- / -- Brown Hill
019.05 -- / -- / -- / -- Greenfield Hill

019.09 -- Blackwood Hill -- Blackwoodhill -- Blackwoodhill -- Dunwan Burn
019.09 -- Loch Goin -- Loch Goin -- Loch Goin or Blackwoodhill Dam -- Blackwoodshill; Knockenbeg Hill
019.09 -- / -- / -- / -- Topfaulds Hill
019.09 -- / -- / -- / Mineral Well

019.10 -- / -- / -- / -- Loch Hill
019.10 -- / -- / -- / -- Carrot Burn

019.13 -- / -- / -- / -- Maidenmire Burn
019.13 -- / -- / -- / -- Loch Burn
019.13 -- / -- / -- / -- Stock Burn

018.12 -- / -- / -- / -- Collory Bog
018.12 --/ -- / -- / -- Collory Bog Burn
018.125 -- / -- / -- / -- Southor's Burn

Transcriber's notes

not too happy with the Omitted names following on. Is there another way? Perhaps 2 columns showing page and Omitted?

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

GreenflyNZ, Hwitha

  Location information for this page.

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