Essential website maintenance

On Tuesday 11 June, a small number of our websites started experiencing some infrastructure-related issues. We are working to restore the functionality affected by these issues and anticipate this will be resolved by next week.


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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
The Estate Map
H Methven Esq Factor
Mr Orr
013.14 The mansion house on the Estate of the same name the property of Mr Stewart and occupied by Mr Orr
NETHERLEE Netherlee The Estate Map
H Methven Esq Factor
Mr Orr
013.14 A farm steading situated on the East side of the road leading between Cathcart & Busby. The property of Mr Stewart
NETHERLEE PRINT AND DYEWORKS Netherlee (Print & Dye Works) The Estate Map
H Methven Esq Factor
Mr Orr
013.14 A Printing & Dyeing establishment on the Cart at Netherlee the property of P McCallum & Co [Company]
The workers houses adjoining the works also a few on the East side of the public road go under the name of Netherlee

Continued entries/extra info

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County of Renfrew Parish of Cathcart

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