Perthshire volume 75

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/25/75/1 SCONE [parish] Scone Scone Scone Scone Scone Scone Scone Revd [Reverend] Doctor Crombie Sheriffs List of Parishes Old Statistical Account New Statistical Account Fullarton's Gazetteer Oliver & Boyd's Directory Valuation Roll for 1857-8 085 ; 086 ; 098 The parish of Scone is in the Presbytery of Perth, Synod of Perth and Stirling; it is bounded on the north by the parish of St Martin's; on the east by Kilspindie and Kinnoull Detd [Detached] No. 1; on the south by Kinfauns, Kinnoull, and Perth; and on the west by the parishes of Tibbermore and Redgorton. The district is one of the most lusciously beautiful in Perthshire; and forms part of the gorgeously adorned and somewhat circular basin, all whose sides look down upon "the fair city" of Perth. All the western district has a cultivated and highly embellished appearance; much of the centre and eastern districts is thickly feathered over with wood; and almost every spot, whether on the rising grounds or on the plains, luxuriates in the vegetation of either farm crop, garden produce, or the forest. According to the Valuation Roll of Perthshire, and the and the Valuation Roll and New Statistical Account of Forshire, a detached part of the parish of Scone is localily situated between parishes of Cargill and Kettins and it is the property of Mungo Murray Esq. of Lintrose House. Also the Sheriff's Clerk of Perthshire, the Parochial authorities and principal inhabitants of Scone proper state that a few farms and parts of farms form this detached portion. Please to look to this as I am not aware that the boundaries of this detached portion have been shown on the plans, as neither of the parishes which it joins were done by me Parish of Scone proper contains 7235 acres Parish of Scone Detd [Detached] contains [blank]
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OS1/25/75/3 Site of GOLD CASTLE Site of Gold Castle Estate Map, 1807. Peter Geekie, Esqr. Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. 085 The site of an ancient castle or stronghold, not a vestige of which, however, remains at present; situated on the east bank of the Tay, within Scone Park. It obtained its name from a tradition in the neighbourhood, which says that a large amount of treasure lies buried in or near the place. "A small brook runs through it", (the Roman Camp) and on the south side of this brook, about 30 yards up from the river are the vestiges of a fortfication called the Silver Castle, probably from the vulgar idea that money was hid in it. This place is situated nearly about halfway between the Roman military road, and a place on the opposite side of the river, where the battle of Luncarty was fought between the Danes and the Scots. But time and the recent operations of the plough, have now almost obliterated these monuments of ancient times. This last remark made 50 years ago, is still more applicable now." New Statistical Acct. [Account] In enlarging Scone Park, a few years ago, the place was completely levelled, and the "small brook" flows through a covered drain or conduit.
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OS1/25/75/4 BOWMEN'S FOLD Bowmen's Fold Bowmen's Fold Bowmen's Fold Bowmen's Fold Estate Map, 1807 Peter Geekie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie Esqr. 085 This name is applied to a small strip of ground in Scone Park; it was once enclosed by a hedge, but how or from what circumstance it obtained the name is not known. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/4 LEGGER LEY Legger Ley Legger Ley Legger Ley Legger Ley Estate Map, 1807 Peter Geekie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. 085 This name is applied to a small piece of ground forming part of Scone Park; it was at one time enclosed by a hedge, but how it obtained its name is not known. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/4 GARRAGIE LODGE Garragie Lodge Garragie Lodge Garragie Lodge Garragie Lodge Peter Geekie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 085 This name is applied to a small, one storey, slated house, on the east bank of the Tay, in Scone ParK. It was built for, and is occupied by salmon fishers, in the fishing season. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/5 Site of BRIDGE [River Tay] Site of Bridge Peter Geekie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr. 085 The site of a bridge on the river Tay, which, according to tradition, was used, probably built, by the Romans. Until within a few years ago large beams of oak were to be seen under the water which are believed to be remains of the bridge; they are now, however covered with shingle, but the people in the neighbourhood point out the place. "The bridge at the mouth of the Almond was the only one across the Tay which the Romans possessed, which rendered the station at Orrea at all times of great importance, as, from the line of their approach, it formed the Key to the possession of the fertile valleys of Strathmore and Gowrie, and all the country to the east of the river.+++ And it is said that, in former times, there was a bridge over the river, and that several large beams of oak yet to be seen under the water formed part of it." New Statistical Acct. [Account]
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OS1/25/75/6 GARRAGIE BANK Garragie Bank Garragie Bank Garragie Bank Garragie Bank Peter Geekie, Esqr. Sub Factor, Scone Estate, Balboughty. Revd. [Reverend] Doctor Crombie, Parish Minister, New Scone. Mr William Keay, Parish Schoolmaster, New Scone. J. Condie, Esqr., Factor for the Earl of Mansfield, Perth. 085 This name is applied to a bank of shingle in the river Tay, it is covered with water when the river is flooded, except two small strips of rough pasture on its top. How it obtained the name is not known. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/6 DERDERS FORD (Disused) Derders Ford Derders Ford Derders Ford Derders Ford Roy's Antiquities Peter Geekie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie Esqr. 085 This name is applied to a ford in the river Tay at the mouth of the Almond and which, according to tradition, was used by the Romans. The depth of water here is three feet when the river is low; but it is seldom, if ever, crossed now as no public road or way leads to it.
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OS1/25/75/7 SCHOOL [Stormontfield] School School School J. Condie, Esqr. Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay 086 A school situated near Stormontfield built by the Earl of Mansfield principally for the education of the children of people employed at the bleachfield. The Earl of Mansfield gives the house rent free and £4 and the neighbouring farmes £1 a year each towards its support. This is gratuitous and may be withdrawn at anytime. Education afforded, English reading, writing, and arithmetic. - Average attendance, 50 - Unendowed.
OS1/25/75/7 IRON BURN Iron Burn Iron Burn Iron Burn J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay 085 A small but very rapid stream which issues from a conduit close to the Tay, and, after a course of about thirty yards, falls into that river.
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OS1/25/75/8 STORMONTFIELD Stormontfield Stormontfield Stormontfield Stormontfield Stormontfield Stormont Bleachfield Estate Map, 1807 J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay New Statistical Acct. [Account] Valuation Roll for 1857-8 086 This name is applied to an extensive bleachfield for linen only, it consists of the mill in which the works are carried on when going, several dwellinghouses for the hands employed at the works, and farmsteading. The buildings are chiefly two stoeys, all slated and in good repair. The works have been stopped for the last two or three years. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/8 INNERBUIST MILL Innerbuist Mill Innerbuist Mill Innerbuist Mill Innerbuist Mill Estate Map, 1807. J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a corn mill with dwellinghouse attached, two storeys, slated, and in good repair; one storey slated offices attached. A new corn mill recently built on the site of an old oil mill is situated a short distance to the south and belongs to the same establishment; both mills are worked by water and are of 10 horse power. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/9 CAIRN [Stormontfield] Cairn Cairn Cairn Cairn J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr Peter GeeKie 086 A large artificial mound of a circular shape, and covered with wood. Its perpendicular height is about twenty feet, and on its top is a level round space about fifteen feet in diameter. It is not Known for what purpose this cairn was raised, but it is the belief in the neighbourhood that it was a watch tower in early times, from its situation on high ground.
OS1/25/75/9 ST MARTINS BURN St Martin's Burn St Martin's Burn St Martin's Burn J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 A small but rapid stream which takes its rise from surface water in Dunsinnan Hill, and, flowing ina westerly direction through the parish of St Martin's, falls into the Tay at Waukmill.
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OS1/25/75/10 Site of HOUSE OF JOHN DE LUCE Site of House of John de Luce Estate Map, 1807 J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 A red block of freestone three feet square and 1 foot in thickness lying on the ground, marks the site of the house in which lived John de Luce or otherwise Hay, the person who, with his two sons, it is said, through their bravery at the battle of Luncarty between the Danes and the Scots, gave victory to the latter. It is not known how the two names came to be given to the same person, but the tradition in the neighbourhood is, that the name was de Luce and not Hay.
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OS1/25/75/11 COLEN Colen Colen Colen Colen Colen Colen Rent Receipt J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 Estate Map, 1807 086 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated, and in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/11 COLEN DEN Colen Den Colen Den Colen Den Colen Den Estate Map, 1807. J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay 086 This name is applied to a narrow glen in, and extending from one side to the other of, Colen Wood.Its sides are steep, and, in general, fifty feet in height from the level ground or bottom of the glen, which for a considerable distance is not wooded. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/11 COLEN WOOD Colen Wood Colen Wood Colen Wood Colen Wood Estate Map, 1807. J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay 086 This name is applied to a large wood in the north side of the parish, east of Colen, from which it takes its name, consisting of oak, beech, fir & some of which are very old, others recently planted. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/12 COLENDEN Colenden Colenden Colenden Colenden Colenden Rent Receipts J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8. 086 This name is applied to a row of houses consisting of a smithy and seven dwellinghouses, all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/12 INNERBUIST COTTAGE Innerbuist Cottage Innerbuist Cottage Innerbuist Cottage Innerbuist Cottage Rent Receipt J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a neat, one storey, slated dwellinghouse in good repair. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/12 ROSEBANK Rosebank Rosebank Rosebank Rosebank Estate Map, 1807 J. Condie, Esqr. Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a neat, two storey, slated dwellinghouse in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/13 FAIRFIELD Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Rent Receipt J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 086 This name is applied to a neat, two storey, slated dwelling house in good repair. Property of Patrick Miller Mathew, Esqr. of Newmiln House, parish of St Martins.
OS1/25/75/13 NEWMILN SMITHY Newmiln Smithy Newmiln Smithy Newmiln Smithy Newmiln Smithy Rent Receipts J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay 086 This name is applied to a row of houses, one of which is a smithy the rest dwellinghouses, they are all slated and in good repair. Property of Patrick Miller Mathew, Esqr. of Newmiln House, parish of St Martins.
OS1/25/75/13 NEWMILN BRIDGE Newmiln Bridge Newmiln Bridge Newmiln Bridge J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 A small stone bridge of one Arch spanning Colen Den Burn, on a private carriage drive leading from the turnpike road to Newmiln House, built 1854 by Patrick Miller Mathew, Esqr. of Newmiln House whose property it is.
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OS1/25/75/14 BARCLAYHILL HOUSE Barclayhill House Barclayhill House Barclayhill House Barclayhill House Barclayhill House Rent Receipt J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 086 This name is applied to a neat and substantial dwelling house two storeys, slated, and in good repair - one storey slated offices attached. Property of Patrick Miller Mathew, Esqr. of Newmiln House, parish of St Martins.
OS1/25/75/14 INNERBUIST Innerbuist Innerbuist Innerbuist Innerbuist Innerbuist Estate Map, 1807 J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 086 This name is applied to an old farmsteading, all the buildings of which are removed except the dwellinghouse house, two storeys, slated, and in bad repair. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/14 ARDGILZEAN Ardgilzean Ardgilzean Ardgilzean Ardgilzean Ardgilzean Estate Map, 1807 J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 086 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated and in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/15 MUIR OF LETHENDY Muir of Lethendy Muir of Lethendy Muir of Lethendy Muir of Lethendy Rent Receipt J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, slated and in good repair. Property in the hand of Trustees of Scone's Lethendy Mortification.
OS1/25/75/15 MUIR COTTAGE Muir Cottage Muir Cottage Muir Cottage Muir Cottage Rent Receipt J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a neat, one storey, slated, dwellinghouse in good repair. Property in the hands of Trustees of Scone's Lethendy Mortification
OS1/25/75/15 ARDGILZEAN COTTAGE Ardgilzean Cottage Ardgilzean Cottage Ardgilzean Cottage Ardgilzean Cottage Rent Receipt J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a neat one storey, slated dwellinghouse in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/16 EASTFIELD COTTAGE Eastfield Cottage Eastfield Cottage Eastfield Cottage Eastfield Cottage Eastfield Cottage Rent Receipt J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 086 This name is applied to a neat, one storey, slated dwellinghouse, having one storey slated offices attached, all in good repair.Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/16 EASTFIELD OF ARDGILZEAN Eastfield of Ardgilzean Eastfield of Ardgilzean Eastfield of Ardgilzean Eastfield of Ardgilzean Eastfield of Ardgilzean Rent Receipt J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 086 A small farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/16 ARDGILZEAN PLANTATION Ardgilzean Plantation Ardgilzean Plantation Ardgilzean Plantation J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a large strip of wood, chiefly fir of about fifty years growth. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/17 WAUKMILL FERRY Waukmill Ferry Waukmill Ferry Waukmill Ferry J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a ferry across the river Tay. Kept by the tenant of WauKmill, who has two small boats for the purpose, the charge being one penny for each passenger.
OS1/25/75/17 DONALD'S BANK Donald's Bank Donald's Bank Donald's Bank Donald's Bank Donald's Bank Estate Map, 1807 J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay General Roy's Antiquities 085 This name is applied to a small but prominent hill in Drumshogle Wood, on the east bank of the Tay; it is circular in shape and has a gradual slope all around. How it obtained the name is not known. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/17 WINDY GATES Windy Gates Windy Gates Windy Gates Windy Gates Estate Map, 1807 J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 085 This name is applied to a steep wooded bank or slope and two passes, or openings, one at each end. The name is supposed to have originated in the circumstance of these passes being subject to strong gusts of wind passing through them, particularly from the southwest, in which direction they are most exposed. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/18 DRUMSHOGLE WOOD Drumshogle Wood Drumshogle Wood Drumshogle Wood Drumshogle Wood Estate Map, 1807. J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 085 ; 086 This name is applied to a long Strip of wood, consisting of oak, beech, and fir, situated on the east bank of the Tay and along the south side of Gelly Burn. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/18 JEANIEBANK Jeaniebank Jeaniebank Jeaniebank Jeaniebank Rent Receipt J. Condie. Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a neat twostorey, slated dwelling-house in good repair; onestorey slated offices attached. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/18 WAUKMILL Waukmill Waukmill Waukmill Waukmill Waulkmill Rent Receipt J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 086 This name is applied to a farmsteading, dwelling house two, out offices one storey, all slated and in good repair. The tenant Keeps a bublichouse and also a ferry across the Tay here. A wauk Mill was once attached to the steading, bur removed fifty Years ago; the place retains the name. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/19 GELLY BURN Gelly Burn Gelly Burn Gelly Burn Gelly Burn Estate Map - 1807 Peter GeeKie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a small, but rapid, stream, which has its rise in the united waters of Whiggle Burn and another small stream at Scone Tile worKs, and, flowing in a westerly direction; falls into the Tay at the N. W. [North West] corner of Drumshogle Wood.
OS1/25/75/19 LOCH EYE Loch Eye Loch Eye Loch Eye Loch Eye Estate Map, 1807 Peter GeeKie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a small strip of ground now drained off and good arable land, but was formerly a marsh. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/19 SCONE TILE WORKS Scone Tile WorKs Scone Tile WorKs Scone Tile WorKs Scone Tile WorKs Estate Map, 1807 Peter GeeKie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. 086 A large tile worKs situated adjacent to Blairhall, and is the property of the Earl of Mansfield. The manufacture of all Kinds of tiles is carried on at these worKs but no bricks.
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OS1/25/75/20 BALBOUGHTY Balboughty Balboughty Balboughty Balboughty Balboughty Estate Map - 1807 Peter GeeKie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a large farmsteading, dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated, and in good repair. It is occupied as the home farm to Scone Palace and has a neat and commodious dairy attached, also two neat cothouses and a smithy. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/20 DAIRY WOOD Dairy Wood Dairy Wood Dairy Wood Dairy Wood Peter GeeKie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 A small strip of wood extending from Balboughty westward to the statute labor road leading northward from Old Scone. It consists of oaK, beech, and fir. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/20 BLAIRHALL Blairhall Blairhall Blairhall Blairhall Blairhall Rent Receipt Peter GeeKie Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated, and in good repair. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/21 SITE OF ROMAN ROAD [Derders Ford to Sherifftown] Site of Roman Road Roy's Antiquities J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay New Statistical Acct. (Account) 085 ; 086 The Roman road from the camp at Ardoch to the north entered the parish at Derders Ford on the Tay, at the mouth of the river Almond taking a northerly direction from here it passed through the camp near Sherifftown, and entered the parish of St Martins a little to the east of Colen. Though no part of this road is traceable above ground at present it has been frequently met with in draining &c by the country people, several of whom still point out its site. "It is stated in the Old Statistical Account, that the 'Roman military road leading from the camp at Ardoch to the bottom of the Grampians, enters this parish on the west, a little above a farmhouse on the Tay, and passes through till it leaves it on the northeast quarter'." New Statistical Acct. [Account]
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OS1/25/75/23 Site of ROMAN CAMP [Derders Ford] Site of Roman Camp Roy's Antiquities J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay New Statistical Acct. [Account] 085 ; 086 The site of a Roman camp not a vestige of which remains at present, situated on a tongue of level tableland which projects from the east, termiating in a steep slope, about fifty feet in height, at the river Tay. A Roman Road, also defaced, passed through the camp from Derders Ford across the Tay about one fourth mile to the southwest. "About a quarter of a mile up the river from this" (Derders Ford) "are the vestiges, it is said, of an encampment. It is a spot of ground inclosed on the west by the Tay, and on the other sides by a fosse. Its figure is nearly an oblong, and its circumference about 535 yards" New Statistical Acct. [Account] The fosse above mentioned has been completely levelled.
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OS1/25/75/25 LANGUAGE WOOD Language Wood Language Wood Language Wood Language Wood Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Estate Map, 1807. James Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a small strip of wood extending from Muirward Wood to Language Bridge, along the south side of Whiggle Burn. It consists of oaK, beech, and fir. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/25 LETHENDY QUARRY Lethendy Quarry Lethendy Quarry Lethendy Quarry Lethendy Quarry Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Peter GeeKie, Esqr. James Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a free-stone quarry, on the east side of the public, adjacent to Lethendy, from which it takes its name. The stone is of good quality, but it is not extensively wrought. Property in the hands of the Trustees Scones Lethendy Mortification.
OS1/25/75/25 OLD LETHENDY Old Lethendy Old Lethendy Old Lethendy Old Lethendy Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay James Condie, Esqr. 086 An old farmsteading, dwelling house two, out offices one storey, all slated and in bad repair. Property in the hands of the Trustees for Scones Lethendy Mortification.
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OS1/25/75/26 WHIGGLE DEN Whiggle Den Whiggle Den Whiggle Den Whiggle Den Estate Map, 1807 Revd. [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay James Condie. Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a small narrow glen or ravine in the west side of Muirward Wood, its depth may be about fifty feet from or below the gener-al surface on each side. Its sides are not very steep. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/26 LANGUAGE BRIDGE Language Bridge Language Bridge Language Bridge Language Bridge Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Peter GeeKie, Esqr. James Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a small stone bridge of one arch spanning Whiggle Burn, on the turnpike road from Perth to Bridge of Isla:- Built and Kept in repair by the county.
OS1/25/75/26 LETHENDY PLANTATION Lethendy Plantation Lethendy Plantation Lethendy Plantatiom Lethendy Plantation Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Peter GeeKie, Esqr. James Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to an extensive fir plantation, the chief part of which is only of about thirty years' growth. Property in the hands of the Trustees of Scones Lethendy Mortification.
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OS1/25/75/27 LETHENDY Lethendy Lethendy Lethendy Lethendy Lethendy Lethendy Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 New Statistical Acct. [Account] J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a large farmsteading and three one storey cothouses situated about ¼ of a mile to the north of the "steading; dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated, and in good repair.
OS1/25/75/27 GAS WORKS [Lethendy] 086 There is a small gas works situated near, and belonging to, the steading, for the purpose of lighting it with gas; gasometer capable of containing 500 cubic feet of gas. Property in the hands of Trustees of Scones Lethendy Mortification.
OS1/25/75/27 WHIGGLE BURN Whiggle Burn Whiggle Burn Whiggle Burn Whiggle Burn Estate Map - 1807 Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr. 086 A small but rapid stream which taKes its rise from surface water in Muirward Wood, and, flowing westward through Whiggle Den, joins another small stream at Scone Tile Works; the united waters of these two streams form a stream called Gelly Burn from this to its confluence with the Tay.
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OS1/25/75/28 MUIRWARD Muirward Muirward Muirward Muirward Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, onestorey, slated dwellinghouse, in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/28 MUIRWARD WOOD Muirward Wood Muirward Wood Muirward Wood Muirward Wood Estate Map - 1807 Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a large wood extending from a short distance north of Newlands to Language Wood; Chiefly fir and some of the trees of great size. The place was a moor before it was planted.
OS1/25/75/28 OAKPARK OakparK OakparK OakparK Oak ParK Oakpark Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie.,Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, onestorey, slated dwellinghouse in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/29 NEWLANDS Newlands Newlands Newlands Newlands Newlands Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/29 NEWLANDS COTTAGE Newlands Cottage Newlands Cottage Newlands Cottage Newlands Cottage Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat twostorey dwellinghouse, one storey slated offices attached, all in good Repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/29 HIGHFIELD Highfield Highfield Highfield Highfield Highfield Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a small farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, slated, and in bad Repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/30 EASTFIELD Eastfield Eastfield Eastfield Eastfield Eastfield Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a small farmsteading, dwelling-house and out offices all one storey, slated, and in bad repair. Property of William McDonald, Esqr. of St Martins.
OS1/25/75/30 MORNINGSIDE COTTAGE Morningside Cottage Morningside Cottage Morningside Cottage Morningside Cottage Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, onestorey, slated dwellinghouse, in good Repair. Property of William McDonald, Esqr. of St. Martins.
OS1/25/75/30 GRETNAGREEN Gretnagreen Gretnagreen Gretnagreen Gretna Green Gretnagreen Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie Esqr 086 This name is applied to a farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, slated, and in good Repair. Property of Alexander McDuff, Esqr. of Bonhard
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OS1/25/75/31 BONHARD SAW MILL Bonhard Saw Mill Bonhard Saw Mill Bonhard Saw Mill Saw Mill at Bonhard Bonhard Saw Mill Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8. J. Condie Esqr. 086 A saw mill and dwellinghouse with offices, to which is attached a small farm; the buildings are all one storey, slated, and in good Repair. The saw mill is worKed by water, eight horse power. Property of Alexander McDuff, Esqr. of Bonhard.
OS1/25/75/31 SUNNYBRAE Sunnybrae Sunnybrae Sunnybrae Sunnybrae Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr. 086 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated and in good Repair. Property of William McDonald, Esqr. of St Martins.
OS1/25/75/31 SUNNYBRAE COTTAGE Sunnybrae Cottage Sunnybrae Cottage Sunnybrae Cottage Sunnybrae Cottage Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, twostorey, slated dwelling. house, in good Repair; one storey slated offices attached. Property of William McDonald, Esqr., of St Martins.
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OS1/25/75/32 MORNINGSIDE Morningside Morningside Morningside Morningside Morningside Rent Receipts Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8. J. Condie, Esqr. 086 A small hamlet situated partly in this parish and partly in the parish of St Martin's, consists of six dwellinghouses and a smithy, all one storey, slated, and in good Repair. The portion in Scone parish is the property of Alexander McDuff, Esqr., of Bonhard.
OS1/25/75/32 ANNATYBANK AnnatybanK AnnatybanK AnnatybanK Annaty BanK AnnatybanK Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8. J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a small farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, thatched, and in bad Repair. Property of William McDonald, Esqr. of St Martins.
OS1/25/75/32 CROSSFORD BRIDGE Crossford Bridge Crossford Bridge Crossford Bridge Crossford Bridge Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 086 A small stone bridge spanning Annaty Burn, from which it taKes its name, on a statute labor Road - built and Kept in Repair by the county.
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OS1/25/75/33 GALLOWS KNOWE Gallows Knowe Gallows Knowe Gallows Knowe Gallows Knowe New Statistical Account J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a small ovalshaped Knoll situated a little to the south Friars' Dew, near Scone Palace. According to tradition it obtained its name from the circumstance of its having been a place where criminals were executed in former times. It is a natural feature and may be ten feet in height, and sloping gradually all round.
OS1/25/75/33 QUEEN MARY'S TREE Queen Mary's Tree Queen Mary's Tree Queen Mary's Tree J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 A large planetree situated adjacent to Scone Palace. According to a tradition in the neighbourhood it was planted by Mary Queen of Scots, from which circumstance it obtained the name.
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OS1/25/75/34 THE BELL TREE The Bell Tree The Bell Tree The Bell Tree J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a large ash tree, situated between Old Scone and the palace. It is so named from the circumstances of the parish church having once stood close to it, viz., from 1784 till 1804, and the church having had no belfry the bell was suspended from this tree.
OS1/25/75/34 Site of CHURCH [The Bell Tree] Site of Church J.Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 The site of the parish church which stood here, at the Bell Tree, for 20 years. In 1784 the parish church, which stood on the Boot Hill close to the palace, became in a ruinous state and at the same time this church was built in its stead, and used as the parish church till 1804, when it was taken down and all the available materials of which it was composed, were made use of in erecting the present parish church at New Scone. A tomb contiguous is where a parish minister, who died while the church was here, is interred. There was no graveyard attached to this church.
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OS1/25/75/35 RIVER TAY For Authorities and Descriptive Remarks see Name Book of [blank] parish
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OS1/25/75/36 STRATHMORE For Authorities and Descriptive Remarks see Name Book of Auchtergaven parish.
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OS1/25/75/37 CLAY BANK Clay Bank Clay Bank Clay Bank Clay Bank Estate Map, 1807. Peter GeeKie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. 085 ; 086 This name is applied to a bank in Sherifftown Wood sloping toward the south with about an angle of twenty degrees. It extends from near Sherifftown to the west end of the wood. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/38 SHERIFFTOWN Sherifftown Sherifftown Sherifftown Sherifftown Estate Map - 1807. Peter GeeKie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. 086 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated, and in bad repair. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/38 SHERIFFTOWN WOOD Sherifftown Wood Sherifftown Wood Sherifftown Wood Sherifftown Wood Estate Map, 1807. Peter GeeKie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. 085 ; 086 This name is applied to a narrow strip of wood consisting of oak, ash, and fir, and bounding Scone Park on the north. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/38 CONEY BANK Coney Bank Coney Bank Coney Bank Coney Bank Estate Map, 1807. Peter GeeKie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a small circular hill, in Sherifftown Wood, having a gradual slope all round. The place was infested with rabbits at one time, from which circumstance the name is derived. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/39 SPARROW MUIR Sparrow Muir Sparrow Muir Sparrow Muir Estate Map, 1807 J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie 086 This name is applied to a part of Scone Park, but was formerly a strip of uncutivated land. covered with heather; Situated between the turnpike Road and the Queen's Drive.
OS1/25/75/39 FRIARS' DEN Friars' Den Friars' Den Friars' Den J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay 086 This name is applied to a narrow wooded ravine or glen adjacent to Scone Palace. Its banks are steep, and Catmoor Burn flows through it. It is associated with the monastery which is supposed to have stood in the immediate vicinity, and tradition says that this place was a particular resort of the friars, from which circumstance it obtained the name.
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OS1/25/75/40 SCONE PARK Scone Park Scone Park Scone Park Scone Park J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr Peter Geekie 085 ; 086 ; 098 Scone Park extends from Quarrymill on the south to Windy Gates on the north, a distance of about two miles and a half along the east bank of the Tay. It varies in width being from one half to three quarters of a mile, its eastern boundary being principally the turnpike road. Nearly the whole of it is quite level and studded with trees.
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OS1/25/75/41 Site of PRISON [Scone Palace] Site of Prison New Statistical Acct [Account] J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 The site of the prisonhouse adjacent to Scone Palace. According to a tradition it stood about the centre of the Village, but not a vestige of the building remains at present.
OS1/25/75/41 Site of CHANTER GATE [Scone Palace] Site of Chanter Gate J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay New Statistical Acct [Account] 086 This name was applied to one of the streets of the village of Scone, but not a vestige of it or of any part of the village remains at the present. It extended from near the Cross in a southerly direction to the east end of Friars' Den, near the Gallows Knowe, to which it is supposed to have laid from the Prison House
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OS1/25/75/42 KING JAMES'S TREE King James's Tree King James's Tree King James's Tree J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a large oak tree in Scone Park close to the palace. According to a tradition in the neighbourhood it was planted by King James VI., from which circumstance it obtained the name.
OS1/25/75/42 OLD CONEY BANK Old Coney Bank Old Coney Bank Old Coney Bank Old Coney Bank Estate Map, 1807 J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a small circular wooded hill, having a gradual slope all round. It was once, it is said, infested with rabbits, from which circumstance the name is derived. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/42 BLUE BLANKET BRIDGE Blue Blanket Bridge Blue Blanket Bridge Blue Blanket Bridge J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to a small stone bridge of one arch spanning Catmoor Burn, on the turnpike road from Perth to Bridge of Isla. Built and kept in repair by the county. It is not known from what circumstance the name is derived.
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OS1/25/75/43 BOOT HILL Boot Hill Boot Hill Boot Hill Boothill Motehill Moothill Mute-hill J. Condie Esqr. Factor Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay New Statistical Acct. [Account] 086 This name is applied to a large artificial Knoll adjacent to Scone Palace, of an oval shape, having its top level, and its sides sloping at an angle of 20 degrees. A church of which the aisle remains, stood on its top, and close to the aisle is a small pond or reservoir, formed a few years ago for the purpose of having command of a supply of water in case of fire at the palace. This knoll is about 18 feet in height from the general surface all around. It is not Known at what time or for what purpose it was formed. "What was vulgarly called the 'boothill', or 'omnis terra', every man's land, remains to be noticed. It is evidently a corruption of Motehill or Moothill. 'The term, says the late Dr [Doctor] Jamieson. 'is evidently Gothic, denoting a place of meeting.' Skene calls it 'the Mute-hill of Scone'; verb. signifying vo. Mote, vide Etymol. Dictionary of the Scottish language vo. Mote In the history of the House of Douglas and Angus, written by Master David Hume of Godscroft, Ed. 1644, it is said, 'Robert Bruce was crowned at Scone in the year 1306 in Ap. at which Sir James Douglas assisted, casting into a heap, as others did, a quantity of earth of his lands of Douglas, which maKing a little hill, is called yet omnis terra. This was the custom of those times, by which homage they that held the King of Scotland supreme under God were distinguished from others'. This story Dr [Doctor] Jamieson characterizes 'a palpable and very silly fable'. According to the old Statistical Account, the hill was between 60 and 70 yards north from the old Abbey Church. Of this church there were scarcely any vestiges when that Statistical Account was written. 'Such changes', it is there said, 'does time introduce, that on that spot where our ancient Kings were crowned, there now grows a clump [continued on next page]
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OS1/25/75/44 BOOT HILL Boot Hill Boot Hill Boot Hill Boothill Motehill Moothill Mute-hill J. Condie Esqr. Factor Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay New Statistical Acct. [Account] 086 Boot Hill [continued] of trees. The church, of which the aisle remains, seems to have been built on the Mote-hill by the first Viscount Stormont about the year 1624. 'The people in the Highlands', it is said 'call the Boothill at this day Tom-a-mhoid, i.e. the hill where justice is administered'. Is the 'Gallows Knowe' connected with this? or the fact that Macbeth, the earliest sheriff in the shire of Perth, was styled Sheriff of Scone". New Statistical Acct. [Account] "Boot Hill" is the only name by which it is Known in the neighbourhood. Tradition says, that the Barons carried clay or eart [earth] in their boots from their respective lands and made this hill or Knoll.
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OS1/25/75/45 CROSS (Removed A.D. 1854) [Scone Palace] Cross (Removed) Cross (Removed) Cross (Removed) Cross (Removed) New Statistical Acct [Account] Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr. 086 The ancient cross of Scone now stands on the south side of the carriage drive from Old Scone to the palace, in a square bench of earth, in height about 6 feet. It formerly stood some ten yards north of its present site in the centre of the avenue, but in making that carriage way, ten years ago, the cross was removed to where it now stands, and the bench of stone steps, which surrounded it, used for building purposes. "A little to the east of this "(an ancient gateway)"is the cross, the only vestige now of the village. It consists of an upright pillar, 13 feet high, slightly ornamented at the top, standing on a pedestal, surrounded by steps, and gradually diminishing to a small flat octagonal stage from which the pillar rises". New Statistical Acct. [Account]
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OS1/25/75/46 QUEEN'S DRIVE Queen's Drive Queen's Drive Queen's Drive J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This name is applied to an avenue leading from the turnpike road near Quarrymill to Scone Palace through Scone ParK. It was finished in 1842 and opened the same year by Her Majesty Queen Victoria when on a visit to Scone Palace, from which circumstance it obtained the name.
OS1/25/75/46 CHURCH (Remains of) [Boot Hill] Church (Remains of) Church (Remains of) Church (Remains of) J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 This was the parish church and was built about the year 1624, but nothing remains of it at present except the aisle, which is in good preservation, having a slated roof and is used as the family burialplace of the Earl of Mansfield. It is situated on the Boot Hill or Mote Hill, contiguous to the palace. " The church, of which the aisle remains, seems to have been built on the Mote-hill by the first Viscount Stormont about the year 1624." New Statistical Acct [Account]
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OS1/25/75/47 Site of CROSS [Old Scone] Site of Cross Site of Cross Site of Cross Site of Cross J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay New Statistical Acct. [Account] 086 The site of the ancient Cross of Scone is a spot in the centre of the carriage drive from Old Scone to the palace. In making this drive about ten years ago the cross was removed about ten yards to the south where it now stand. The following extract from the New Statistical Account describes the Cross as it formerly stood:- "A little to the east of this "(an ancient gateway)" is the Cross, the only vestige now of the village. It consisted of an upright pillar, 13 feet high, slightly ornamented at the top, standing on a pedestal, surrounded by steps, and gradually diminishing to a small flat octagonal stage from which the pillar rises"
OS1/25/75/47 THE WOODY ISLANDS The Woody Islands The Woody Islands George Condie Esq. Solicitor Perth. J. DicKson Esqre Solicitor Perth 086 Two small Islands planted with Wood. mostly fir, situated in the River Tay. nearly opposite to Scone Palace
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OS1/25/75/49 SCONE PALACE Scone Palace Scone Palace Scone Palace Scone Palace J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay New Statistical Acct. [Account] 086 "The present Palace of Scone, as it is now generally called, was built about the beginning of the present centuary, having been begun in 1805 and finished 1808. The design was by the late William Atkinson of Grove-end, London, and the erection might cost about £60,000 or £70,000. The ground on which the former house stood is occupied by this splendid mansion; but in its imposing Gothic style of architecture, and magnificent halls and spacious apartments, the modern palace is incomparably superior. The late Earl of Mansfield, the grandnephew of the Chief justice, spared no expense on the ediface. In most instances, the walls of the former house were entirely taken down and rebuilt. A new front, facing the river, 240 feet in length, was an entire addition. The apartments were greatly enlarged, with the exception of the gallery, which is now 150 feet long, part of it having been taken off for an entrance by a porch. It is a very elegant room. The floor is of tessalated oak, the dark having been formed in the beds of the Tay and the Earn. On the windows, partly of stained glass, are represented the various coats of arms of the family. The roof still retains somewhat of an antique form. It is spendidly furnished, having at the upper end a large and richly toned organ, and in different parts of the room several very valuable cabinets, lately purchased, of the age of Louis XIV. Among the ornaments are marble busts and vases of great beauty, both as to material and workmanship. Almost the only portions of the old walls not taken down but merely incased, are in that part of the house immediately under the diningroom and the drawingroom. *** As a modern room, the drawingroom is the finest. It commands one of [continued on next page]
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OS1/25/75/50 SCONE PALACE Scone Palace Scone Palace Scone Palace Scone Palace J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay New Statistical Acct. [Account] 086 Scone Palace (Continued) the most magnificent views that can be found, from any point, of the richest parts of Perthshire, and its interior is fitted up with great elegance. There seems to have been an intention to combine with the splendour and comfort of the present age, some remembrance of the simplicity of the past. The entrance, for example, has an air of antiquity, having an ancient knocker with the initials D.V.S. The doorway is surmounted with the arms of Lord Mansfield in stone, and the motto, 'uni aequus virtiti'. The house is partially surrounded by terrace walls, and bastions, one of which commands a very extensive view. There are several large trees at a short distance; one of them an ash, said to have been planted by James VI., and many ash and sycamore trees about 300 years of age. *** The ground slopes gradually to the Tay, which flows within about 600 yards of the palace. The house may be approached either through an ancient gateway on the east, or by the modern terrace gate on the south, to which there is a drive entering the park at the distance of about a mile from Perth. This new drive passes over a bridge which crosses a ravine at no great distance from the terrace gate. The gardens lie to the southeast of the pallace. ***** Among the remnants of antiquity within the pallace may be mentioned an old bed of dark brown Genoa velvet embroidered, which is said to have been worked by Queen Mary. The Queen, when at Falkland, is supposed to have given the bed to one of the ancestors of the family, to whom she showed great favour. It was probably conveyed to Scone at the time when the Balvaird branch succeeded to the title of Viscount Stormont. The bed and furniture of a room are preserved, which was called the King's room, and in which there is a tradition that James VI. slept, but it was more probably the 'bedchamber' of Charles II, of which notice is taken in the account of his coronation. The bed and furniture are handsome, and more conformable to his age than to earlier period." New Statistical Account.
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OS1/25/75/51 OLD SCONE Old Scone Old Scone Old Scone J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 The village of Old Scone consists at present of only a few one storey dwellinghouses on both sides of the turnpike road, and these are comparative modern buildings. There is not a house remaining of the old village, which stood adjacent to the palace, its site being partly wooded, and partly ornamented ground.
OS1/25/75/51 Site of the ROYAL CITY OF SCONE Site of the Royal City of Scone Site of the Royal City of Scone Site of the Royal City of Scone J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 "The village or 'royal city', of Scone was built in the immediate neighbourhood, and partly during the era of the monastery. One street was named the chanter gate. Near this street there were some trees that are said to have stood in the garden of the monastery. Among them were some remains of a wall. At the end of the chanter gate was the Gallows Knowe, and in another direction the prison-house, which would suggest that extensive rights were attached to the place. Some of the houses of the village, which had belonged to the Abbey, were appropriated to the courtiers who accompanied James VI., who is said to have been wont to come to Scone for the purpose of hunting. One house was called, at a comparatively recent period, the Earl of Errol's Stables. **** Part of a wall which stood between the palace and the village still remains, together with an ancient gateway." New Statistical Acct [Account]
OS1/25/75/51 [Page] 51 Parish of Scone [note on page] I think this name should be written in Stump as the four houses are of Modern date and that New Scone should be regarded as the principal village and written in Roman Print. New Scone is a considerable village and it contains the parish Church
OS1/25/75/51A [Page] 51a "Site of the Royal City of Scone alters to 'Site of the Ancient Village of Scone', by order of a.o. 8.7.26. This has been carried out in the Fife Ed. [Edition] 1" map of Scotland
OS1/25/75/52 Site of MONASTERY [Scone Palace] Site of Monastery Site of Monastery Site of Monastery Site of Monastery J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay New Statistical Acct. [Account] 086 The site of a monastery at Scone Palace, founded by Alexander I, in 1115 and dedicated to the Trinity and Michael the Archangel. There is not a vestige of it remaining at present. In 1841-2 when forming terraces close to the palace the worKmen came upon fragments of broken arches and other lime-and-stone worK which are considered to have been part of the monastery. An ancient gateway and three ruinous turrets close to and east of the palace are believed to be the remains of a wall that enclosed the monastery. "There seems no doubt that there was a foundation of Culdees at this place before the reign of Alexander I. We might indeed infer this from the circumstance, that the church of Scone at that early period was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, the established mode of dedication with this religious body. We learn from the 'Chronicle of Mailrose' that in 1115 the church of Scone was delivered up to canons regular, who deprived the Culdees of almost all their possessions. The abbey then founded was dedicated to the Trinity and Michael the Archangel. The residents were canons regular of St. (Saint) Augustine, under the direction of a prior, and had various privileges conferred on them. The abbey wall is supposed to have enclosed twelve acre. *** As already noticed, the transference of the religious house at Scone, from the Culdees to the Canons regular of St. (Saint) Augustine, is said to have taken place during the reign of Alexander I. in 1115 *** Sir James Balfour, under the year 1114, has (Continued in pages 55)
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OS1/25/75/53 MUIR OF SCONE Muir of Scone Muir of Scone Muir of Scone Muir of Scone Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay J Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to two dwellinghouses, each one storey, one slated, the other thatched, both in bad repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/53 NEW MAINS New Mains New Mains New Mains Newmains New Mains Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J Condie, Esqr. 086 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated,and in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/53 OLD BALBOUGHTY Old Balboughty Old Balboughty Old Balboughty Old Balboughty Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay J Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to an old farmsteading, now occupied as cothouses, all one storey, slated, and in bad repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/54 WILNA COTTAGE Wilna Cottage Wilna Cottage Wilna Cottage Wilna Cottage Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay J Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat one storey slated dwell-inghouse, in good repair. Situated in the village of New Scone. Property of Mr. P. Blair, Calcutta, India.
OS1/25/75/54 WOODBURN COTTAGE Woodburn Cottage Woodburn Cottage Woodburn Cottage Woodburn Cottage Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay J Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, one storey, slated dwell-inghouse, in good repair. Situated in the village of New Scone. Property of Alexander Robertson Esqr., Coupar Angus.
OS1/25/75/54 HEATH COTTAGE Heath Cottage Heath Cottage Heath Cottage Heath Cottage Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay J Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, one storey, slated dwellinghouse, in the Village of New Scone. Property of Miss Carmichael, New Scone.
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OS1/25/75/55 Site of MONASTERY [Scone Palace] Site of Monastery Site of Monastery Site of Monastery Site of Monastery J. Condie Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay New Statistical Acct. [Account] 086 Site of Monastery (Contd. [Continued] from p. [page] 52) the following statement: 'After the death of Edgar, his brother Alexander, surnamed Ferss, succidit him. Quhill he was a priut man, he had at his christening, by the donatione of hes unckell, Donald Bane, Earl of Gowrey, the lands of Liffe and Invergowrey, quher, in the first yeire of his raing, he began then to build a staitly palace and castle, but was interrupted by the rebells of Meirnes and Murray, quho besett him in the night, and had doubtlesley Killed him, had not Alexander Carrone firmly carried the King save away *** and by a small boat saived themselves, to Liffe and the south parts of the Kingdom, where he raised ane armey and marched against the forsaid rebells of Meirnes and Murray, quhome he totally overthrew and subdewed, for which great mercy and preservatione, in a thankful retribution to God, he foundit the monastarey of Scone; and too it gave hes first lands of Liffe and Invergowrey in Ao 1114' This foundation of the monastery, in 1114, may have proved the way for the dismission of the Culdees in the following year. New Statistical Account
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OS1/25/75/55 This page is a continuation of the descriptive remarks for the entry on page 52
OS1/25/75/56 CRAMOCK BURN Cramock Burn Cramock Burn Cramock Burn Cramock Burn Estate Map - 1807 Peter GeeKie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. 086 A small sluggish stream which taKes its rise from surface water a short distance northeast of Spoutwells, and, flowing in a westerly direction falls into the Tay near Garragie Bank.
OS1/25/75/56 HIGHFIELD PLANTATION Highfield Plantation Highfield Plantation Highfield Plantation Highfield Plantation Peter GeeKie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a large piece of wood, chiefly fir, and about twenty years' growth. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/56 SCONE WOOD Scone Wood Scone Wood Scone Wood Scone Wood Estate Map - 1807 Peter GeeKie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. 086 ; 098 This name is applied to a large wood extending from Old Scone to New Scone, on the north and south side of the road leading between the two above named villages. It consists of fir, oak, and beech. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/57 ORCHARDMOUNT Orchardmount Orchardmount Orchardmount Orchardmount Mr John Mitchell Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, two storey, slated dwelling-house, in good repair; situated in the village of New Scone. Property and residence of Mr. John Mitchell.
OS1/25/75/57 VIOLETBANK Violetbank Violetbank Violetbank Violetbank Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr John Mitchell J. Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, one Storey, slated dwelling-house, having suitable out offices attached - all in good Repair. Property and residence of Mrs. Elizabeth Fotheringham.
OS1/25/75/57 SUNNYSIDE Sunnyside Sunnyside Sunnyside Sunnyside Mr William Donaldson Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Mitchell J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, two storey, slated dwelling-house, having suitable out offices attached. Situated in the village of New Scone. Property and residence of Mr. William Donaldson.
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OS1/25/75/58 SPOUTWELLS Spoutwells Spoutwells Spoutwells Spoutwells Spoutwells Spoutwells Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 New Statistical Account J Condie, Esqr. 086 Farmsteading, the dwellinghouse, a two storey, slated building, in good Repair, is situated a short distance to the east of the offices, which are one storey, slated, and in good Repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/58 BALGARVIE COTTAGE Balgarvie Cottage Balgarvie Cottage Balgarvie Cottage Balgarvie Cottage Mr J. Logie Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat onestorey, slated dwelling-house, having suitable offices attached. Property and Residence of Mr J. Logie.
OS1/25/75/58 HOLLYCOT Hollycot Hollycot Hollycot Hollycot Revd. [Reverend] J. Smith Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, onestorey, slated dwelling-house, having suitable out offices attached - all in good Repair. Property and Residence of the Revd. [Reverend] J. Smith.
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OS1/25/75/59 ROSERANK COTTAGE Rosebank Cottage Rosebank Cottage Rosebank Cottage Rosebank Cottage Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Rent Receipt J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, onestorey, slated dwelling house, in good repair. Situated in the Village of New Scone. Property of Mr J. Oswald, Edinburgh.
OS1/25/75/59 ROSE PLACE Rose Place Rose Place Rose Place Rose Place Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, two storey, slated dwelling house, having suitable out offices attached. Property and Residence of Mr J. Ingles.
OS1/25/75/59 FREE CHURCH MANSE [New Scone] Free Church Manse Free Church Manse Free Church Manse Free Church Manse Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J Condie, Esqr. 086 The Free Church Manse in New Scone is a neat and commodious building, two storeys, slated, and in good repair.
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OS1/25/75/60 RETREAT HOUSE Retreat House Retreat House Retreat House Retreat House Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat and commodious dwelling house, two storeys, slated, and in good repair. Property and Residence of Mr Mrs Morrison.
OS1/25/75/60 ROSEBANK HOUSE Rosebank House Rosebank House Rosebank House Rosebank House Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat and commodious dwelling house, two storeys, slated and in good Repair. Property and residence of Dr [Doctor] Neil.
OS1/25/75/60 VIEW HOUSE View House View House View House View House Mr James Scott Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat and commodious dwellinghouse, in the village of New Scone, two storeys, slated and in good repair. Property and residence of Mr James Scott
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OS1/25/75/61 KINNEAR'S INN [New Scone] Kinnear's Inn Kinnear's Inn Kinnear's Inn Kinnear's Inn Mr John Kinnear Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay James Condie Esqr. 086 A small inn in the village of New Scone, affording neither stabling nor posting accommodation, two storeys, slated, and in good repair. Property and residence of Mr John Kinnear.
OS1/25/75/61 ROSEWOOD COTTAGE Rosewood Cottage Rosewood Cottage Rosewood Cottage Rosewood Cottage Mr Henry Lees Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat twostorey, slated dwellinghouse, in good repair situated in the village of New Scone. Property of Mr H. Lees, Perth.
OS1/25/75/61 DEN OF BALGARVIE Den of Balgarvie Den of Balgarvie Den of Balgarvie Den of Balgarvie Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a narrow glen through flows Annaty Burn; its sides are steep and wooded.It extends from near New Mains eastward to Sunnybrae. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/62 CATMOOR BURN Catmoor Burn Catmoor Burn Catmoor Burn Catmoor Burn Estate Map, 1807 Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 ; 098 This name is applied to a small sluggish stream which taKes its rise from surface water in the north edge of Scone Wood, and flowing in a westerly direction, falls into the Tay at Rome Lodge.
OS1/25/75/62 CATMOOR DEN Catmoor Den Catmoor Den Catmoor Den Catmoor Den Estate Map, 1807 Revd Dr [Reverand Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a narrow glen or ravine through which flows Catmoor Burn, situated in Scone Wood, - its sides are somewhat steep - its depth is about 30 feet. - Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/62 WINDING HILL Winding Hill Winding Hill Winding Hill Winding Hill Estate Map, 1807 Revd Dr [Reverand Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a small ovalshaped hill situated a short distance southwest of Catmoor Den, it slopes off gradually all around, and in height it is about fifty feet from its base. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/63 POST OFFICE [New Scone] Post Office Post Office Post Office Post Office Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 086 The Post Office in the village of New Scone is a sub-post to Perth - is not a money order office - One arrival and one dispatch daily: the former at 7.30, a.m., and the later at 1.30, p.m.
OS1/25/75/63 GARDINER PLACE Gardiner Place Gardiner Place Gardiner Place Gardiner Place Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, two storey, slated dwellinghouse in good repair. Property of Mr John Bruster, Perth.
OS1/25/75/63 BROOMHILL Broomhill Broomhill Broomhill Broomhill Broomhill Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr. William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/64 FREE CHURCH [New Scone] Free Church Free Church Free Church Free Church Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie Esqr. 086 The Free Church in the village of New Scone is a plain substan-tial building, erected in 1845 partly by subscription of the congregation, and partly by assistance from the Free Church Sustentation Fund. Seated for 380.
OS1/25/75/64 SCHOOL [Free Church-New Scone] School School School School Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie Esqr. 086 A school in the village of New Scone, situated contiguous to the Free Church and belongs to the Free Church body, by whom it was build. Education afforded: English reading, writing and arithmetic; mathematics, Latin. and French. Average attendance, 80. - Unendowed.
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OS1/25/75/65 BELL COTTAGE Bell Cottage Bell Cottage Bell Cottage Bell Cottage Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat, one-storey, slated dwellinghouse, in good repair, situated in the village of New Scone. Property and residence of Mrs Burns.
OS1/25/75/65 ALMA COTTAGE Alma Cottage Alma Cottage Alma Cottage Alma Cottage Mr James Neil Mr William Keay Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat and commodious dwellinghous, having suitable out offices attached, the former tw, the latter one storey, all in good Repair. Property of Mr James Neil, Maybank.
OS1/25/75/65 MAYBANK Maybank Maybank Maybank Maybank Mr James Neil Mr William Keay Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J Condie Esqr. 086 A neat and substantial two-storey dwellinghouse having onestorey offices attached, all slated, and in good Repair. Property and residence of Mr James Neil.
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OS1/25/75/66 GARDINER COTTAGE Gardiner Cottage Gardiner Cottage Gardiner Cottage Gardiner Cottage Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat and commodious dwellinghouse, having suitable offices attached, the former two, the latter one storey, all slated, and in good repair. Properpty of Mr James Kilgour, New Scone.
OS1/25/75/66 HELENBANK Helenbank Helenbank Helenbank Helenbank Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat and substantial dwellinghouse, having suitable out offices attached, the former two, the latter one storey, all slated and in good Repair. Property of Mr David Bell, New Scone
OS1/25/75/66 MELVILLE COTTAGE Melville Cottage Melville Cottage Melville Cottage Melville Cottage Mr James Mitchell Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat one storey dwellinghouse, slated and in good Repair Suitable offices attached. Property and residence of Mr James Mitchell.
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OS1/25/75/67 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH [New Scone] U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J Condie, Esqr. 086 The United Presbyterian Church in the village of New Scone is a plain substantial edifice, erected in 1820 by the Sububscription of the congregation. Seated for 350.
OS1/25/75/67 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN MANSE [New Scone] U. P. [United Presbyterian Manse] U. P. [United Presbyterian Manse] U. P. [United Presbyterian Manse] U. P. [United Presbyterian Manse] Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J Condie, Esqr. 086 The United Presbyterian Manse in the Village of New Scone, is a neat and commodious dwelling, two storeys, slated, and in good repair.
OS1/25/75/67 STORMONT HOUSE Stormont House Stormont House Stormont House Stormont House Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a neat and commodious dwelling, two storeys, slated, and in good repair.- one storey slated offices attached. Property and Residence of Mr. Kilgour.
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OS1/25/75/68 BRUCE COTTAGE Bruce Cottage Bruce Cottage Bruce Cottage Bruce Cottage Mr James Bruce Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr 086 This name is applied to a near, two storey dwellinghouse in the village of New Scone, one storey offices attached. All in good repair. Property and residence of Mr James Bruce.
OS1/25/75/68 EARLYBANK Earlybank Earlybank Earlybank Earlybank Mr Robert McLaren Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr 086 This name is applied to a neat, twostorey dwellinghouse having onestorey offices attached all slated and in good repair. Property and residence of Mr Robert McLaren
OS1/25/75/68 EXETERBANK Exeterbank Exeterbank Exeterbank Exeterbank Mr James Mitchell Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr 086 This name is applied to a neat and commodious dwelling house having suitable offices attached, the former two, the latter one storey, all slated, and in good repair. Property & residence of Mr James Mitchell.
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OS1/25/75/69 SCHOOL [ parish-New Scone] School School School School Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil James Condie, Esqr. 086 The parish school, situated in the village of New Scone, is a neat and commodious buidling, consisting of the schoolrom and apartments for the schoolmaster; two storeys, slated, and in good repair. Education afforded :- English reading, writing, and Arithmetic; Mathematics, French, and Latin. Average attendance, 60.
OS1/25/75/69 SCONE ACRES Scone Acres Scone Acres Scone Acres Scone Acres Valuation Roll for 1857-8 Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a portion of the village of New Scone, it is partly laidout in feus, and is being feued as required. Property of John Murray Graham, Esqr., of Murrayshall.
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OS1/25/75/70 SCHOOL [ W of Alma Cottage-New Scone] School School School School Revd. [Reverend] Doctor Crombie, Parish Minister, New Scone Mr William keay, Ph [Parish] Schoolmaster, New Scone Mr James Neil, Maybank, New Scone James Condie, Esqr., Factor for the Earl of Mansfield, Perth 086 A female school in the village of New Scone, situated a short distance west of Alma Cottage, built in 1846, by Lady Mansfield, who, up till 1861, gave £20 a year towards its support, since that time the school has been discontinued, owing to her ladyship disallowing the grant. It was erected with the intention of instructing the girls attending the parish school in all kinds of needlework
OS1/25/75/70 BONHARD BURN Bonhard Burn Bonhard Burn Bonhard Burn Bonhard Burn Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 086 A small but rapid stream which takes its rise from surface water in the parish of Kilspindy, and, flowing in a westerly direction, forming the boundary between the parishes of Scone and Kilspindy, falls into Annaty Burn a little to the west of the Mill of Bonhard.
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OS1/25/75/71 BALGARVIE Balgarvie Balgarvie Balgarvie Balgarvie Balgarvie Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 A large farmsteading, the dwellinghouse, recently erected, is a neat, two storey, slated building and stands a little to the southeast of the offices, which are but one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of John Murray Graham, Esqr., of Murrayshall.
OS1/25/75/71 WEST BUTTERHOLE West Butterhole West Butterhole West Butterhole West Butterhole West Butterhole Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to an old farmsteading at present occupied as cothouses, one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of John Murray Graham, Esqr., of Murrayshall.
OS1/25/75/71 EAST BUTTERHOLE East Butterhole East Butterhole East Butterhole East Butterhole East Butterhole Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a small farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, thatched, and in bad repair. Property of John Murray Graham, Esqr., of Murrayshall.
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OS1/25/75/72 ALNWICK COTTAGE Alnwick Cottage Alnwick Cottage Alnwick Cottage Alnwick Cottage Rent Receipt Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 086 Thus name is applied to a neat, one storey, slated, dwellinghouse in good repair - suitable out offices attached. property of Alexander McDuff, Esqr., of Bonhard.
OS1/25/75/72 MUIR OF MURRAYSHALL Mill of Murrayshall Mill of Murrayshall Mill of Murrayshall Mill of Murrayshall Mill of Murrayshall Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to an old farmsteading which had a corn mill attached to it, but the latter was removed some time ago, and the steading, the buildings of which are all one storey, slated, and in bad repair, is at present occupied as cothouses. Property of John Murray Graham, Esqr., of Murrayshall.
OS1/25/75/72 HIGHFIELD COTTAGE Highfield Cottage Highfield Cottage Highfield Cottage Highfield Cottage Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 A neat two-storey, slated dwellinghouse, in good repair. Property of Captain A. F. Stewart.
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OS1/25/75/73 STONE CIRCLE [New Scone] Druidical Temple Druidical Temple Druidical Temple Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. Mr William Keay 086 Situated a short distance west of the village of New Scone in Scone Wood is a circle of upright stones. The circle consists of eight stones standing at nearly equil distances from each other, and are of various sizes, the largest being four feet, in height. There is no tradition in the neighbourhood respecting them farther than taht they are supposed to be Druidical, but doubtful
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OS1/25/75/74 CROSS [New Scone] Cross Cross Cross Cross Revd Dr [Reverend doctor] Crombie Mr William keay Mr James Neil James Condie, Esqr. 086 The Cross in the village of New Scone was erected in 1831 by the Earl of Mansfield, who, instead of allowing the ancient Cross at Old Scone to be removed to New Scone, as the latter village wished, had a new stone cross made and erected where it now stand. It is a cylindrical column of freestone, ten inches in diameter, fourteen feet high, and stands in the centre of a square bench of four stone steps.
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OS1/25/75/75 STONE CIRCLES [Wester Bonhard] Druidical Temple Druidical Temple Druidical Temple Druidical Temple Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 086 On the farm of Wester Bonhard, situated in a small strip of wood, are two circles of upright stones, one somewhat smaller than the other, the largest being about 10 yards in diameter and containing 9 stones, the smaller 8 yards in diameter and 7 stones. The stones in each circle are at unequil distances from each other, and of various sizes, the largest being five, and the smallest two, feet in height. They are said to be Druidical, but doubtful.
OS1/25/75/75 CROSSFORD Crossford Crossford Crossford Crossford Crossford Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated, and in good repair. Property of Alexander McDuff, Esqr. of Bonhard.
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OS1/25/75/76 SIDLAW HILLS Sidlaw Hills For Authorities and Descriptive Remarks see Name Book of Kilspindie parish.
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OS1/25/75/77 MILL OF BONHARD Mill of Bonhard Mill of Bonhard Mill of Bonhard Mill of Bonhard Mill of Bonhard Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a farmsteading having a corn mill attached, dwellinghouse and offices all one storey, mill two storeys, slated, and in good repair. The mill is wrought by water of eight horsepower. Property of Alexander McDuff, Esqr., of Bonhard.
OS1/25/75/77 WESTER BONHARD Wester Bonhard Wester Bonhard Wester Bonhard Wester Bonhard Wester Bonhard Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8. J. Condie, Esqr. 086 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated, and in good repair. Property of Alexander McDuff, Esqr., of Bonhard.
OS1/25/75/77 EASTER BONHARD Easter Bonhard Easter Bonhard Easter Bonhard East Bonhard Easter Bonhard Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of Alexander McDuff, Esqr., of Bonhard.
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OS1/25/75/78 BLACKCRAIGS Blackcraigs Blackcraigs Blackcraigs Blackcraigs Blackcraigs Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 Farmsteading dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated, and in good repair. Property of Alexander McDuff Esqr. of Bonhard.
OS1/25/75/78 BLACKCRAIGS PLANTATION Blackcraigs Plantation Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 086 This name is applied to a small strip of wood, all fir, and about twenty five years' growth, situated on the west slope of the Sidlaw Hills . Property of Alexander McDuff, Esqr. of Bonhard.
OS1/25/75/78 SHIANBANK Shianbank Shianbank Shianbank Shianbank Shianbank Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 086 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of J. Murray Graham Esqr. of Murrayshall.
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OS1/25/75/79 CHAPEL HILL Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Estate Map - 1807 Peter Geekie Esqr Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr. 098 This name is applied to a small circular eminence within the grounds of Scone Palace, rising very gradually all round, and in height from its base, almost twenty feet. There is no tradition in the neighbourhood or anything respecting how it obtained the name.
OS1/25/75/79 BISHOP'S WELL Bishop's Well Bishop's Well Bishop's Well Bishop's Well Estate Map - 1807 Peter Geekie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie J. Condie, Esqr 098 The name is applied to a spring well on the wast bank of the river Tay, and situated within the grounds of Scone Palace. The spring is perennial and good water, but seldom used and never properly cleaned out. There is no tradition in the neighbourhood as to how it obtained its name.
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OS1/25/75/80 SCONE BRIDGE Scone Bridge Scone Bridge Scone Bridge Scone Bridge Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 098 A small stone bridge of one arch spanning the Annaty Burn, on the Perth and Coupar Angus road, at the south end of the village of New Scone.
OS1/25/75/80 ROME LODGE Rome Lodge Rome Lodge Rome Lodge Rome Lodge Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 098 A small lime and stone building one storey and slated, situated on the east bank of the Tay, built for the accommodation of salmon fishers, and is the property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/80 QUARRYMILL BRIDGE Quarrymill Bridge Quarrymill Bridge Quarrymill Bridge Quarrymill Bridge Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 098 A small stone bridge of one arch spanning the Annaty Burn, on the turnpike road leading from Perth to Bridge of Isla, at Quarrymill, from from which it takes its name.
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OS1/25/75/81 THUMBIE LODGE Thumbie Lodge Thumbie Lodge Thumbie Lodge Thumbie Lodge Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 098 This name is applied to a small wooden shed on the east bank of the Tay used for fishing purposes. How it received its name is not known. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/82 QUARRYMILL Quarrymill Quarrymill Quarrymill Quarrymill Quarrymill Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William keay Mr James Neil Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 098 The name is applied to a small hamlet consisting of two farina works - one of which is disused -, a mill for turning shoemakers' lasts, and a few one storey slated dwellinghouses in good repair. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/82 SPRINGLAND Springland Springland Springland Springland Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 098 The name is applied to a neat and commodious dwellinghouse, two storey, slated, and in good repair. Suitable offices attached. Property and residence of Mrs E. Sandiman.
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OS1/25/75/83 ANNATY BURN Annaty Burn Annaty Burn Annaty Burn Annaty Burn Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay New Statistical Acct [Account] J. Condie, Esqr. 086 ; 098 A small but rapid stream which takes its rise from the united waters of several insignificant streams in the parish of St. Martins, and, flowing in a southwesterly direction, falls into the Tay at Quarrymill, one mile from Perth.
OS1/25/75/83 MILL OF BALGARVIE Mill of Balgarvie Mill of Balgarvie Mill of Balgarvie Mill of Balgarvie Mill of Balgarvie Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 098 This name is applied to a farmsteading having a corn mill attached, the buildings are all one storey, slated, and in good repair. The mill is worked by water of eight H.P. [Horse Power]. Property of John Murray Graham, Esqr. of Murrayshall.
OS1/25/75/83 CROSS TAVERN [New Scone] Cross Tavern Cross Tavern Cross Tavern Cross Tavern Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 098 A small inn in the village of New Scone - the house is two storeys, slated, and in good repair. It affords neither posting nor stabling accommodation. Property of Mr William Cuthbert.
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OS1/25/75/84 NETHER BALGARVIE Nether Balgarvie Nether Balgarvie Nether Balgarvie Nether Balgarvie Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 098 A small farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, thatched and in good repair. Property of J. Murray, Esqr. of Murrdayshall.
OS1/25/75/84 DEN OF SCONE Den of Scone Den of Scone Den of Scone Den of Scone Den of Scone Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 James Condie, Esqr. 098 Two dwellinghouses, each two storeys, slated, and in good repair. Property of Mr Joseph Bell, Perth.
OS1/25/75/84 ANNATYBANK COTTAGE Annatybank Cottage Annatybank Cottage Annatybank Cottage Annaty Bank Cottage Annatybank Cottage Mr John Henderson Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 098 A neat and commodious dwellinghouse, with suitable offices attached, all one storey, slated; and in good repair. Property and residence of Mr Joseph Henderson.
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OS1/25/75/85 PICKSTONHILL Pickstonhill Pickstonhill Pickstonhill Pickstonhill Pickstonhill Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 098 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/85 OLD PICKSTONHILL Old Pickstonhill Old Pickstonhill Old Pickstonhill Old Pickstonhill Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 098 An old farmsteading, dwellinghouse and offices all one sotrey, the former slated, the latter thatched, all in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/85 GOSCHENBANK Goschenbank Goschenbank Goschenbank Goschenbank Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr. 098 A small farmsteading dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/86 WHINNIEMUIR Whinniemuir Whinniemuir Whinniemuir Whinniemuir Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 098 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated, and in good repair. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/86 LANGLEY COTTAGE Langley Cottage Langley Cottage Langley Cottage Langley Cottage Mr James Malcolm Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 098 A neat and commodious dwellinghouse, with offices attached, all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property and residence of Mr James Malcolm.
OS1/25/75/86 LANGLEYBANK Langleybank Langleybank Langleybank Langleybank Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Gilbert Laing Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 098 A neat and substantial dwellinghouse with offices attached, the former two, the latter one storey, all slated, and in good repair. Property and residence of the Revd [Reverend] Gilbert Laing.
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OS1/25/75/87 MANSE [New Scone] Manse Manse Manse Manse Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie, Parish Minister, Scone Mr William Keay, Parish Schoolmaster, Scone Mr James Neil, Maybank, New Scone J. Condie, Esqr., Factor for the Earl of Mansfield, Perth. 098 The parish Manse is a neat and commodious dwelling, two storeys, slated, and in good repair. Suitable out offices attached.
OS1/25/75/87 POPLARBANK Poplarbank Poplarbank Poplarbank Poplarbank Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Rent receipt J. Condie, Esqr. 098 A neat and commodious dwellinghouse, to storeys and slated, having suitable one storey offices attached, and all in good repair. property of Mr Wood of New Mains.
OS1/25/75/87 PARKFIELD Parkfield Parkfield Parkfield Parkfield Mr David Simpson Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie, Esqr. 098 A neat and substantial dwellinghouse two storeys and slated, suitable out offices attached, and all in good repair. Property and residence of Mr David Simpson.
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OS1/25/75/88 LIMEPOTTS Limepotts Limepotts Limepotts Limepotts Limepots Limepotts Mr David Simpson Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay New Statsitical Acct. [Account] Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 098 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices, all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of Mr David Simpson of Parkfield.
OS1/25/75/88 BONHARD HOUSE On SITE OF CASTLE Bonhard House on site of Castle Bonhard House on site of Castle Bonhard House on site of Castle Bonhard House on site of Castle Bonhard Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 New Statistical Acct [Account] 098 The mansionhouse of the estate of Bonhard, is a neat and commodious dwelling, two storeys and in good repair, suitable offices attached. This was formerly called Lower Springfield. The present house was erected in 1849 on the site of an old castle which was twice burned down. Property of Alexander McDuff, Esqr., Advocate, Edinburgh.
OS1/25/75/88 MAYFIELD Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 098 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of the Right Hon [Honourable] the Earl of Mansfield.
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OS1/25/75/89 NEW SCONE New Scone New Scone New Scone New Scone New Scone New Scone Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil Valuation Roll for 1857-8 New Statistical Account James Condie, Esqr. 086 ; 098 The village of New Scone, situated two miles from Perth, on the Coupar Angus road, is about one mile in length. The principal part of the houses have been built within the last fifty years, partly one, and partly two storeys, slated, and in good repair. It has three places of worship, namely, the parish Church, Free Church, and the U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church, and their respective manses There are three schools, viz., the parish school, one belonging to the Free Church, and a female school, the latter built by Lady Mansfield. There are three publichouses, several small grocers' shops, and a post office. The chief part of the village is feued off the estate of the Earl of Mansfield, the remainder off the estate of Murrayshall. The houses are a good deal scattered, though the place is regularly laid out in streets, which are not named.
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OS1/25/75/90 FARINA WORKS [New Scone] Farina Works Farina Works Farina Works Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil 098 A stone building, one storey in which is carried on the manufacture of starch from potatoes, worked by water of six horse power. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/90 FARINA WORKS (Disused) [New Scone] Farina Works (Disused) Farina Works (Disused) Farina Works (Disused) Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Niel 098 A large lime and stone building once used as a manufactory of starch from potatoes, but at present disused for that purpose and the house in bad repair. Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/75/90 GAS WORKS [Scone Palace] Gas Works Gas Works Gas Works Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay J. Condie Esqr. 086 A private gas works belonging to the Earl of Mansfield, situated a short distance to the north of Scone Palace. The gasometer is capable of containing 6500 cubic feet of gas.
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OS1/25/75/91 CHURCH [parish-New Scone] Church Church Church Church Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 098 The parish church, situated in the village of New Scone, is a plain substantial building, erected in 1804 when the parish church was removed from Old to New Scone. In 1834 it was enlarged by the erection of an additional aisle. It stands in the centre of the grave-yard. Sittings, 880.
OS1/25/75/91 LANGLEY BURN Langley Burn Langley Burn Langley Burn Langley Burn Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 098 A small sluggish stream which takes its rise from surface water in the parish of Kinfauns, and flowing in a westerly direction falls into Annaty Burn a short distance west of Langleybank.
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OS1/25/75/92 CARMICHAEL'S INN [New Scone] Carmichael's Inn Carmichael's Inn Carmichael's Inn Carmichael's Inn Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 086 A small inn in the village of New Scone affording stabling on a small scale; but no posting. The house is two storeys, slated, and in good repair. Property and residence of Miss Carmichael.
OS1/25/75/92 DEN OF SCONE Den of Scone Den of Scone Den of Scone Den of Scone Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie, Esqr. 098 This name is applied to a narrow glen through which flows the Annaty Burn. It extends from New Scone eastward to Alnwick Cottage. Its sides are steep and partly wooded. South of the Annaty Burn belongs to the Earl of Mansfield, the north side is the property of John Murray Graham Esqr, of Murrayshall.
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OS1/25/75/93 MCDUFF'S MONUMENT McDuff's Monument McDuff's Monument McDuff's Monument McDuff's Monument Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Mr James Neil J. Condie Esqr. 098 This name is applied to a structure built in 1823 by the late Alexander McDuff, Esqr., for the purpose of ornament. It is merely a single wall 15 inches thick, and 20 feet in height, having its top embattled. Its shape is semicircular in the middle, having two arms or projecting walls, of 15 feet each in length, extending at right angles to each other. Situated on high ground, it commands a very extensive view of Strathmore and the surrounding district. It has been recently repaired by the present Alexander McDuff, Esqr., of Bonhard, and intended to be preserved in memory of his father, by whom it was erected. The following inscription is on a stone near its top:- A1823M.
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OS1/25/75/94 SPRINGFIELD Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie, Esqr. 098 Farmsteading dwellinghouse and out offices all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of Alexander McDuff, Esqr. of Bonhard
OS1/25/75/94 SPRINGFIELD COTTAGE Springfield Cottage Springfield Cottage Springfield Cottage Springfield Cottage Springfield Cottage Rent Receipt Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay Valuation Roll for 1857-8 J. Condie Esqr. 098 This name is applied to a neat, one-storey, slated dwellinghouse, having suitable offices attached. Property of Alexander McDuff, Esqr., of Bonhard.
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OS1/25/75/95 STONE COFFIN CONTAINING HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE A.D. 1846 [Old Pickstonhill] Stone Coffin Containing Human Remains found here A.D. 1846 J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 098 In draining a field to the north of anf adjacent to Old Pickstonhill, in 1846, a stone coffin containing the entire skeleton or bones of a human body, was found, but on being exposed to the atmosphere the bones crumbles into dust.
OS1/25/75/95 STONE COFFIN CONTAINING-HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE A.D. 1841 [nr. Scone Palace] Stone Coffin Containing Human Remains found here A.D. 1841. J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 098 In forming terraces close to Scone Palace in 1841 a stone coffin containing the bones of a human body was found; the bones were buried in the adjacent grave yard and the coffin placed in the wood to the east of it.
OS1/25/75/95 STONE COFFIN CONTAINING HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE A.D. 1841 [Scone Palace-SE corner] Stone Coffin Containing Human Remains found here A.D. 1841. J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 098 In excavating for terraces at Scone Palace in 1841, a stone coffin containing human bones and some ashes, was found close to the S.E. [South East] corner of the palace; the bones were buried in the adjacent grave yard and the coffin lies in the wall a little to the north.
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OS1/25/75/96 STONE COFFIN CONTAINING HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE A.D. 1855 [Colen] Stone Coffin Containing Human Remains found here A.D. 1855 J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 In making some improvements adjacent to Colen, in 1855, a stone coffin containing the entire skeleton of a human body, was found, on being exposed to the air the bones crumbled to dust.
OS1/25/75/96 STONE COFFIN CONTAINING HumWOMAINs FOUND HERE A:D. -1854-[Colen] Stone Coffin Containing Human Remains found here A.D. 1854. J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 Draining a field south of Colen in 1854 a Stone Coffin containing the bones of a human body was found, on being exposed to the atmosphere the bones crumbles to dust.
OS1/25/75/96 STONE COFFIN CONTAINING HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE A.D. 1839 [Innerbuist] Stone Coffins containing remains found here A.D. 1839 J. Condie, Esqr. Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Crombie Mr William Keay 086 In draining a field south of Innerbuist in 1839 two stone coffins each containing the entire skeleton of a human body, were found close beside each other; the bones on being exposed to the atmosphere crumbled to dust.
OS1/25/75/96 [Page] 96 Parish of Scone [signed] J.E. Pratt Capt. R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers] Aug [August] 29th 1864.
OS1/25/75/98 [Page] 98 Names of Objects -- Page Alma Cottage -- 65 Alnwick Cottage -- 72 Annatybank -- 32 Annatybank Cottage -- 84 Annaty Burn -- 83 Ardgilzean -- 14 Ardgilzean Cottage -- 15 Ardgilzean Plantation -- 16 Balboughty -- 20 Balgarvie -- 71 Balgarvie Cottage -- 58 Barclaygill House -- 14 Bell Cottage -- 65 Bishop's Well -- 79 Blackcraigs -- 78 Blackcraigs Plantation -- 78 Blairhall -- 20 Blue Blanket Bridge -- 42 Bonhard Burn -- 70 Bonhard House on site of Castle -- 88 Bonhard Saw Mill -- 31 Boot Hill -- 43 Bowmen's Fold -- 4 Site of Bridge -- 5 Broomhill -- 63 Bruce Cottage -- 68 Cairn -- 9 Carmichael's Inn -- 92 Catmoor Burn -- 62 Catmoor Den -- 62 Site of Chanter Gate -- 41 Chapel Hill -- 79 Site of Church -- 34 Church (Remains of) -- 46 Church -- 91 Clay Bank -- 37 Colen -- 11 Colen Den -- 11 Colenden -- 12 Colen Wood -- 11 Coney Bank -- 38 Cramock Burn -- 56 Cross (Removed A.D. 1854) -- 45 Site of Cross -- 47 Cross -- 74 Crossford -- 75 Crossford Bridge -- 32 Cross Tavern -- 83 Dairy Wood -- 20 Den of Balgarvie -- 61 Den of Scone -- 84 Den of Scone -- 92 Derders Ford -- 6 Donald's Bank -- 17 Drumshogle Wood -- 18 Earlybank -- 68 Eastfield -- 30 Eastfield Cottage -- 16 Eastfield of Ardgilzean -- 16 Easter Bonhard -- 77 East Butterhole -- 71 Exeterbank -- 68 Fairfield -- 13 Farina Works -- 90 Farina Works (Disused) -- 90 Free Church -- 64 Free Church Manse -- 59 Friars' Den -- 39 Gallows Knowe -- 33 Gardiner Cottage -- 66 Gardiner Place -- 63 Garragie Bank -- 6 Garragie Lodge -- 4 Gas Works -- 27 Gas Works -- 90 Gelly Burn -- 19 Site of Gold Castle -- 3 Goschenbank -- 85 Gretnagreen -- 30 Heath Cottage -- 54 Helenbank -- 66 Highfield -- 29 Highfield Cottage -- 72 Highfield Plantation -- 56 Hollycot -- 58 Site of House of John De Luce -- 10 Innerbuist -- 14 Innerbuist Cottage -- 12 Innerbuist Mill -- 8 Iron Burn -- 7 Jeaniebank -- 18 King James's Tree -- 42 Kinnear's Inn -- 61 Language Bridge -- 26 Language Wood -- 25 Langleybank -- 86 Langley Burn -- 91 Langley Cottage -- 86 Legger Ley -- 4 Lethendy -- 27 Lethendy Plantation -- 26 Lethendy Quarry -- 25 Limepots -- 88 Loch Eye -- 19 Manse -- 59 Maybank -- 65 Mayfield -- 88 Monastery (Supposed Site of) -- 55
OS1/25/75/99 [Page] 99 McDuff's Monument -- 93 Melville Cottage -- 66 Mill of Balgarvie -- 83 Mill of Bonhard -- 77 Morningside -- 32 Morningside Cottage -- 30 Muir Cottage -- 15 Muir of Lethendy -- 15 Muir of Murrayshall -- 72 Muir of Scone -- 53 Muirward -- 28 Muirward Wood -- 28 Nether Balgarvie -- 84 Newlands -- 29 Newlands Cottage -- 29 New Mains -- 53 Newmiln Bridge -- 13 Newmiln Smithy -- 13 New Scone -- 89 Oakpark -- 28 Old Balboughty -- 53 Old Coney Bank -- 42 Old Lethendy -- 25 Old Pickstonhill -- 85 Old Scone -- 51 Orchardmount -- 57 Parkfield -- 87 Pickstonhill -- 85 Poplarbank -- 87 Post Office -- 63 Site of Prison -- 41 Quarrymill -- 82 Quarrymill Bridge -- 80 Queen's Drive -- 46 Queen Mary's Tree -- 33 Retreat House -- 60 River Tay -- 35 Site of Roman Camp -- 23 Site of Roman Road -- 21 Rome Lodge -- 80 Rosebank -- 12 Rosebank Cottage -- 59 Rosebank House -- 60 Rose Place -- 59 Rosewood Cottage -- 61 St Martins Burn -- 9 School -- 7 School -- 64 School -- 69 School -- 70 Scone (parish) -- 1 Scone Acres -- 69 Scone Bridge -- 80 Scone Palace -- 49 Scone Park -- 40 Scone Tile Works -- 19 Scone Wood -- 56 Sherifftown -- 38 Sherifftown Wood -- 38 Shianbank -- 78 Sidlaw Hills -- 76 Sparrow Muir -- 39 Spoutwells -- 58 Springfield -- 94 Springfield Cottage -- 94 Springland -- 82 Stone Circle -- 73 Stone Circles -- 75 Site of The Royal City of Scone -- 51 Stone Coffin containing human remains found here A.D. 1846 -- 95 Stone Coffin containing human remains found here A.D. 1841 -- 95 Stone Coffin containing human remains found here A.D. 1841 -- 95 Stone Coffin containing human remains found here A.D. 1839 -- 96 Stone Coffin containing human remains found here A.D. 1854 -- 96 Stone Coffin containing human remains found here A.D. 1855 -- 96 Stormontfield -- 8 Stormont House -- 67 Strathmore -- 36 Sunnybrae -- 31 Sunnybrae Cottage -- 31 Sunnyside -- 57 The Bell Tree -- 34 The Woody Islands -- 47 Thumbie Lodge -- 81 U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church -- 67 U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse -- 67 View House -- 60 Violetbank -- 57 Waukmill -- 18 Waukmill Ferry -- 17 Wester Bonhard -- 77 West Butterhole -- 71 Whiggle Burn -- 27 Whiggle Den -- 26 Whinniemuir -- 86 Wilna Cottage -- 54 Windy Gates -- 17 Winding Hill -- 62 Woodburn Cottage -- 54