
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
SKINNERGATE Skinnergate Mr. Reid City Clerk
Mr. Greig City Clerk
098 [Situation] Branching from High St. N. [North] to Mill St.
A narrow street running from High St. in a northerly direction to the extreme east of Mill St. this Street in former times was considered one of the first in Perth
EXCHANGE HOTEL [Perth] Exchange Hotel Mr. Mc.Laren Landlord
Mr. Thompson City Chamberlain
098 [Situation] E. [East] of Skinnergate
A hotel or family lodging house on the west side of George St. there is a saloon on the ground floor well lighted from the roof which can contain about 200 persons, it is the property of Mr. Drummond.
MODEL LODGING HOUSE [Perth] Model Lodging House George Nichol, Superintendent
Mr. Greig City Clerk
098 [Situation] E. [East] side of Skinnergate.
This establishment is situated about the middle of Skinnergate on the west side, there are 33 beds for males 7 for females, strict attention is paid to cleanliness, & all the arrangements are of a Superior order.

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