
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Site of THE PARLIAMENT HOUSE [Perth] Site of The Parliament House
Site of The Parliament House
Site of The Parliament House
Site of The Parliament House
Site of The Parliament House
Mr. Marshall
Mr. Readdie
Mr William Ross
Mr. Greig
Marshall's Hist [History] of Perth, page 475.
098 [Situation] On the west Side of the Parliament Close.
The site of this old building which is supposed to have been built in the 12th Century is where the Royal Arch Masons Lodge now stands in the Parliament Close. It was entirely demolished in 1818 and the present building erected on its Site

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 84
City of Perth Sheet 98 - 5 No. 9 Trace 5

The Parliament House, meetings of parliament were sometimes held in
Blackfriars monastry but this was the place in which they were held in ordinary.
It stood on the north Side of the High Street a few paces back from the Street
The avenue leading to it Still retains the name of the Parliament Close. Its site
was where the Royal Arch Mason Lodge now is for the erection of which it was
taken down in 1818. Long before that year it had fallen into decay and was
inhabitted by some poor families but it retained many traces of its having....[continued on next page]

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