
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Supposed Site of ST PAUL'S CHAPEL AND HOSPITAL [Perth] Site of St. Paul's Chapel and Hospital
Site of St. Paul's Chapel and Hospital
Site of St. Paul's Chapel and Hospital
Site of St. Paul's Chapel and Hospital
Site of St. Paul's Chapel and Hospital
Site of St. Paul's Chapel and Hospital
Mr Marshall
Mr Hutchison
New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
Marshall's Hist [History] of Perth
Book of Perth
PeacocK's Hist [History] of Perth
098 [Situation] On the South Side of High Street in St. Paul's Close
This Chapel and hospital is believed to have stood in St. Paul's Close but the precise spot is not now well Known. But it is generally believed that the Chapel stood on the northern side of St. Paul's Close. An old man of the name Hutchison who lives in the neighbourhood and who has a property in the close states that he saw great quantities of human bones dug up in all parts of the close and on the north side of the close when digging for the foundation of a house a draw well was found of great depth. This well is considered to have supplied water to the hospital and a few yards east of this of this well the Site of St. Pauls Chapel is shewn on two old plans of Perth. which from the circumstances above related to [continued on next page]

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City of Perth Sheet 98 - 5 No. 8 Trace 5

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