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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Site of SPEY TOWER AND PORT Site of Spey Tower and Port
Spey Tower
Spey Tower
Mr. Marshall

Plan of Perth 1774
Plan of Perth 1792
098 [Situation] In Canal Street near the South end of Speygate
The site of this tower is pointed out opposite the South end of the Speygate near the east end of Canal Street It was a sort of fortress on the City wall and had in it one apartment or more which was sometime use as a strong prison
The Spey Tower was a fortress upon the City Wall near to Earl Gowries Palace and had in it a strong prison. Among those who were at various times confined in it, were the pious persons whom Cardinal Beaton Caused to be Condemned for heresy. From it he witnessed their execution. It was the last of the towers on the wall and was taken down about forty years ago.
Peacock's Hist. [History ] of Perth P. 598
James Carpenter C.A. [Civil Assistant] 31st. Aug. [August] 1860
C.N. Martin Capt. R.E. [Captain Royal Engineeers]

Continued entries/extra info

City of Perth Sheet 98-5 No. 14 Trace 6 [Page] 211

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

GreenflyNZ, DANIALSAN, Chr1smac -Moderator, Robesur, SBlues

  Location information for this page.