
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
EARL OF ATHOLE'S HOUSE (Remains of) Site of - Stewart Earl of Athole's House
The Earl of Athole's House -
Stewart Earl of Athol's House Stewart Earl of Athol's House
Mr. Marshall
New Stat. Acct [Statistical Account]
Plan of Perth 1774 Plan of Perth 1792
098 [Situation] On the west side of the Spey gate
This house it appears stood on the west side of the Speygate nearly opposite Gowrie House Mr. Marshall has pointed out the site, It is also shewn on two plans of Perth dated respectively 1774 and 1792. The tenement standing here at present appears to be a very old building and if not the original house of the Earl of Athole must at least be a part of it. There is a tradition related by the occupants of this house and by others in the neighbourhood, that it was from a window of this house that the affray connected with the Gowrie Conspiracy was first noticed by persons not immediately concerned in it. and all the older inhabitants maintain that some at least of the present [from next page ] "building is part of the old baronial palace or house"
"The Earl of Athole, his house was on the west side of the Speygate nearly opposite to that of the Earl of Gowrie"
New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]

Continued entries/extra info

City of Perth Sheet 98- 5 -- No. 14 -- Trace 6 -- [Page] 205

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