
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Supposed Site of WHITE FRIARS MONASTERY [Perth] Site of White Friars' Monastery
Site of White Friars' Monastery
Site of White Friars' Monastery
Carmelites or White Friars' Monastery Carmelites or White Friars' Monastery
Carmelites Monastery
Carmelites or White Friars' Monastery
Mr Marshalls.
Alexander Moncrieffe - Toll Collector Wellshill T. P. [Turnpike]
Mr William Ross - Solicitor Perth
Marshall's Hist [History] of Perth
Old Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
McFarlane's Plan of Perth 1792
PeacocKs Hist. [History] of Perth
098 [Situation] On the South Side of Long Causeway
The site of this monastery is pointed out on the south side of the Long causeway in Dovecot Land. In the garden ground attached to some of the houses at this place human bones are frequently dug up, which evidently points out the site of the grave yard, and there is here a small dwelling house which had been constructed, in the memory of some very aged persons, of a small ruin and which is traditonally stated to have been the ruins of the church of the monastery. The lower part of the walls of this house appears plainly to have been part a very old building as it's quite different to that of the upper or modern building, but whether it was part of the church cannot now with any degree of certainty be ascertained. The site also referenced on a plan of Perth dated 1792 near the place above referred to.

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City of Perth -- Sheet 98-5. No 7 Trace 1

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