Perthshire volume 45

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/25/45/1 [Page] 1 PARISH OF KINNOULL (DET No.1) SHEET LXXXVI [86] No. 14. 15. SHEET XCVIII [98] No. INDEX Names of Objects -- Pages Kinnoull Detd [Detached] -- 3 Annaty Burn -- 5 Bonhard Burn -- 6 Broompark -- 11 Balthayock Law -- 14 Balthayock Castle (Remains of) -- 15 Balthayock House -- 16 Barndub -- 16 Balthayock Den -- 18 Balthayock Burn -- 18 Croftanrigh -- 6 Craigend -- 17 Hollowdub -- 14 Hail Pool -- 18 Knowhead -- 13 Lynedoch Obelisk -- 9 Murrayshall -- 7 Murrayshall Den -- 7 Murrayshall Burn -- 7 Maidenwells -- 8 Murrayshall Hill -- 9 New Mains -- 18 Old Mains -- 17 Parkside -- 8 Standing Stone -- 6 Sweetwards -- 10 Sitmylane -- 17 Twomile House -- 9 Westhill -- 13 Westhill Wood -- 14 Westwood Cottage -- 16 Glen Carse -- 18 Carse of Gowrie -- 18
OS1/25/45/2 [Page] 2 Blank page
OS1/25/45/3 KINNOULL (Detd [Detached] No 1) Kinnoull Ph [Parish] (Detd [Detached]) (Detd [Detached]) Kinnoull Ph [Parish] Andrew Smith - meresman for Kinnoull parish Robert Stewart meresman for Kinfauns Ph [Parish] 086; 098 [Situation] In the South eastern portion of Perthshire A detached portion of the parish of Kinnoull. Consisting of an Arable and well cultivated district of an irregular Shape lying nearly in a NW. [North West] and SE. [South East] direction, about 2½ miles in length and little more than amile in average breadth, and Consisting of two separate landed properties or estates, respectively Known by the names of Murrayhall and BalthayocK.
OS1/25/45/3 [Page] 3 Parish of Kinnoull (Detached No1) Notes Kinnoull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Parish Kinnoull Detached No.1 The portion described above Kinnoull Detached No.2 Kinnoull Detached No.3 AMS
OS1/25/45/4 [Page] 4 Blank page
OS1/25/45/5 ANNATY BURN Annaty Burn Annaty Burn Annaty Burn J. Murray Graham Esq. Murrayshall Thomas Watson Parkside Stobies map of Perthshire 086 [Situation] Forming a portion of the NE. [North East] boundary of this district A Considerable Stream which rises in the eastern part of the Parish of Scone and flows in a S.W. [South West] direction by the Estate of Murrayshall - where it forms part of the Parish Boundary, - thence through the Village of Scone to where it empties into the River Tay at the North End of Bridgend near Perth.
OS1/25/45/5 [Page] 5 Parish of Kinnoull (detd. [detached] No.1) -- Sheet 86 No.14 Trace 6 Note On this plan 86-14 the name extends no further North than the Mill Dam - & Bonhar Burn empties itself into this Dam - See page 6 AMS
OS1/25/45/6 BONHARD BURN Bonhard Burn Bonhard Burn Bonhard Burn J. Murray Graham Esq. Murrayshall Thomas Watson, Parkside James Cameron, Croftanrigh 086 [Situation] Forming the N. [North] boundary of this district A Small Stream which rises east from Maidenwells and flows in a Circuitous Westerly direction to the Mill Dam of Bonhard Mill where it Empties into the Annaty Burn: it forms the Parish Boundary in its Course
OS1/25/45/6 CROFTANRIGH Croftanrigh Croftanrigh Croftanrigh J. Murray Graham Esq. Thomas Watson James Cameron 086 [Situation] In the northern end of Kinnoull (detd [detached]) A Small Farmhouse with offices and a Farm of land attached, Situated West from Parkside. It is Occupied by James Cameron and the property of J. Murray Graham Esq. of Murrayshall
OS1/25/45/6 STANDING STONE Standing Stone (Druidical) J.Murray Graham Esq. Thomas Watson James Cameron 086 [Situation] In the northern end of Kinnoul (detd [detached]) A Standing Stone about 5 feet high and two feet in diameter, on the Estate of Murrayshall and North from the Mansion. The prorietor of the Estate States that it has always been Considered as a Druidical Memorial Stone Such as is frequently Met with throughout these Countries.
OS1/25/45/6 [Page] 6 Parish of Kinnoull (detd. [detached] No.1) -- Sheet 86 No.15 Trace 4 Croftanrigh This is as the Southern writes it - and he pronounces it Croft'an'righ, placing the acccent with Syllable 'an' -- Could we follow the Gaelic in Perthshire and write it 'Croft an Righ' No when not written so in the locality From the idea entertained of this Stone of its being of a Druidical origin it is apparently a memorial of some event of ancient days. Such in a rude age was the only means of transmitting to posterity some record of an event which was thought worthy of remembrance. But it appears that there is no tradition of true origin of the above stone. My idea is that it is one of the Class of memorials usually called Cat Stanes so common in many parts of Scotland. It had therefore better be written simply "Standing Stone" in Old English.
OS1/25/45/7 MURRAYSHALL Murrayshall Murrayshall Murrayshall J. Murray Graham Esq. Thomas Watson, Parkside William Wedderspoon 086 [Situation] In the northern end of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Neat Mansion House with Offices Gardens & Ornamental Grounds attached Situated in the North end of a detached portion of Kinnoull ph. [parish] and is the property and Residence of John Murray Graham Esq.
OS1/25/45/7 MURRAYSHALL DEN Murrayshall Den Murrayshall Den J. Murray Graham Esq. Thomas Watson 086 [Situation] In the northern end of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Narrow Wooded Valley at the West side of the Mansion-house of Murrayshall through which flows Murrayshall Burn: it extends northwards to Annaty Burn.
OS1/25/45/7 MURRAYSHALL BURN Murrayshall Burn Murrayshall Burn J. Murray Graham Esq. Thomas Watson 086 [Situation] In the northern end of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Stream which rises on the North Side of Murrayshall Hill and flows northwards through Murrayshall Den to where it empties into Annaty Burn.
OS1/25/45/7 [Page] 7 Parish of Kinnoull (Detd. [Detached] No.1) -- Sheet 86 No.15 Trace 4 [Note under Murrayshall:] Murray's Hall would be better - then would follow, of course Murrayshall Den Murrayshall Burn Murrayshall Hill &c. O.M.O. [Ordnance Mapping Office]
OS1/25/45/8 PARKSIDE Parkside Parkside Thomas Watson, Occupier J. Murray Graham Esq. Murrayshall 086 [Situation] In the northern end of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Farmhouse with offices and farm of land attached Situated between Croftanrich and Maidenwells, Occupied by Thomas Watson & the Property of J. M. Graham Esq. of Murrayshall.
OS1/25/45/8 MAIDENWELLS Maidenwells Maidenwells Maidenwells J. Murray Graham Esq. Thomas Watson Charles Lonie 086 [Situation] In the northern end of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Small row of Cottages Situated East from Parkside, With a pendicle of land attached, & Occupied by Charles Lonie and Mrs. Anderson; it is the property of J. Murray Graham Esq. of Murrayshall. The Proprietor states that Maidenwells is the Correct name.
OS1/25/45/8 [Page] 8 Parish of Kinnoull (detd. [detached] No.1) -- Sheet 86 No.15 Trace 5
OS1/25/45/9 TWOMILE HOUSE Twomile House J. Murray Graham Esq. John Logie Thomas Watson 098 [Situation] In the northern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Farmhouse at the West side of the Estate of Murrayshall having offices &c attached, it is Occupied by John Logie and the property of J. Murray Graham Esq.
OS1/25/45/9 MURRAYSHALL HILL Murrayshall Hill Murrayshall Hill J. Murray Graham Esq. Thomas Watson 098 [Situation] In the northern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Very prominent Hill on the Estate of Murrayshall planted with Fir trees; on its summit is an Obelisk erected to the Memory of Thomas Graham Lord Lynedoch.
OS1/25/45/9 LYNEDOCH OBELISK Lynedoch Obelisk Lynedoch Obelisk J. Murray Graham Esq. John Logie 098 [Situation] On the summit of Murrayshall Hill. An Obelisk of Solid Masonry on a Small mound on the Summit of Murrayshall Hill, Commanding splendid and extensive Views of the Surrounding Country, including the Grampian & Sidlaw Hills &c It was erected in 1850. It has two Tablets. - on the North one is Cut "An. Dom. [Anno Domini] 1850. 14 Vic. Reg. [Victoria Regina]" on the south is Cut "To the Memory of Thomas Graham Lord Lynedoch, this Obelisk is dedicated" it stands about twenty feet high.
OS1/25/45/9 [Page] 9 Parish of Kinnoull (detd. [detached] No.1) -- Sheet 98 No.3 Traces 1 & 2
OS1/25/45/10 SWEETWARDS Sweetwards Sweetwards Sweetwards William Wedderspoon William Mason Neil Reid 098 [Situation] In the middle or central portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Small row of Cottages with a pendicle of land attached, on the Estate of Balthayock, the property of N. Ferguson Blair Esq. Occupied by William Mason & others.
OS1/25/45/10 [Page] 10 Parish of Kinnoull (detd. [detached] No.1) -- Sheet 98 No.3 Trace 6
OS1/25/45/11 BROOMPARK Broompark Broompark Broompark John McEwen, Westhill Neil Reid, Balthayock William Wedderspoon 098 [Situation] In the SE. [South East] portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Small row of Cottages having a few acres of land attached, on the Estate of Balthayock, & the property of N. Ferguson Blair Esq.
OS1/25/45/11 [Page] 11 Parish of Kinnoull (detd. [detached] No.1) -- Sheet 98 No.4 Trace 4
OS1/25/45/12 [Page] 12 [Blank page]
OS1/25/45/13 KNOWHEAD Knowhead Knowhead Knowhead James Stirton, Occupier William Wedderspoon Neil Reid 098 [Situation] In the southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Farmhouse with offices and Farm attached, on the Estate of Balthayock, Occupied by James Stirton and the property of N. Ferguson Blair Esq.
OS1/25/45/13 WESTHILL Westhill Westhill Westhill John McEwen, Westhill Neil Reid William Wedderspoon 098 [Situation] In the southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Group of Cottages with gardens attached Occupied chiefly by Farm Laborers; it is on the Estate of Balthayock the Property of N. Ferguson Blair Esq.
OS1/25/45/13 NEW MAINS New Mains New Mains New Mains William Wedderspoon Neil Reid Lease &c 098 [Situation] In the southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Farmhouse with officers and a Farm attached on the Estate of Balthayock Occupied by William Bell, Farmer, Oliverburn - the house is the residence of a Grieve & others. It is the property of N Ferguson Blair Esq.
OS1/25/45/13 [Page] 13 Parish of Kinnoull (detd. [detached] No.1) -- Sheet 98 No.7 Traces 2 & 3
OS1/25/45/14 BALTHAYOCK LAW Balthayock Law Balthayock Law Balthayock Law Neil Reid John McEwen James Watt 098 [Situation] In the Southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). An Elevated portion of arable land on the Farm of Hollowdub and Estate of Balthayock.
OS1/25/45/14 HOLLOWDUB Hollowdub Hollowdub Hollowdub James Watt William Wedderspoon John McEwen 098 [Situation] In the Southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Small Farmhouse with offices and a Farm attached Occupied by James Watt, and the Property of Neil Ferguson Blair Esq.
OS1/25/45/14 WESTHILL WOOD Westhill Wood Westhill Wood Westhill Wood Westhill Wood James Watt William Wedderspoon John McEwen Neil Reid 098 [Situation] In the Southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Wood consisting chiefly of Fir trees Situated near Westhill Cottages, on the Estate of Balthayock, the property of N. Ferguson Blair Esq.
OS1/25/45/14 [Page] 14 Parish of Kinnoull (detd. [detached] No.1) -- Sheet 98 No.7 Trace 3
OS1/25/45/15 BALTHAYOCK CASTLE (Remains of) Balthayock Castle (Remains of) William Wedderspoon Neil Reid John McEwen 098 [Situation] In the Southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). This is the Remains of the Old Castle of Balthayock, which was the Seat of a branch of the ancient Family of Blair, and bears Marks of great Antiquity. The remains Consist of an Oblong Tower about fifty feet high, roofed and Overgrown with Ivy; the Walls are still entire & of Considerable thickness. It stands on the N.W. [North West] of a deep Glen Called Balthayock Den
OS1/25/45/15 [Page] 15 Parish of Kinnoull (Detd. [Detached] No.1) -- Sheet 98 No.7 Trace 6 [Additional quotation:] "At Balthayock the Seat of a branch of the ancient family of Blair are the remains of a castle bearing marks of great antiquity and supposed to have belonged to the Knights Templars. It consists of an oblong tower of about 50 feet in height and the sides 52 and 37 feet. The walls are still entire and of prodigious thickness. Its position is very commanding cresting the top of a deep ravine which the frowning mass as seen from the Carse of Gowrie appears to overhang. The present mansion house of Balthayock which stands within a few feet of the tower had been built at differ- ent periods and is of considerable antiquity. The more modern part bears the date 1578 while that to which it is attached is supposed to be of a date about two centuries earlier There is nothing striking in the character of the edifice beyond the Substantialness which marks buildings of that period." New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] of Perthshire Page 938
OS1/25/45/16 WESTWOOD COTTAGE Westwood Cottage Westwood Cottage Westwood Cottage William Wedderspoon John McEwen Neil Reid 098 [Situation] In the Southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A neat dwellinghouse surrounded by Woods & ornamental grounds Situated West from Balthayock House; Occupied by George Ross Esq. and the property of N. Ferguson Blair Esq.
OS1/25/45/16 BALTHAYOCK HOUSE Balthayock House Balthayock House Balthayock House William Wedderspooon John McEwen Neil Reid 098 [Situation] In the Southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). An excellent Mansion house at the East side of the Remains of the old Castle of Balthayock; it is pleasantly Situated on the N.W. [North West] side of Balthayock Den and is the property of N. Ferguson Blair Esq
OS1/25/45/16 BARNDUB Barndub Barndub Barndub John McEwen William Wedderspoon Neil Reid 098 [Situation] In the Southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Small Cottage on the Estate of Balthayock, a short distance east from Westwood Cottage.
OS1/25/45/16 [Page] 16 Parish of Kinnoull (detd. [detached] No.1) -- Sheet 98 No.7 Trace 6
OS1/25/45/17 OLD MAINS Old Mains Old Mains Old Mains William Wedderspoon Neil Reid Lease, Receipts &c 098 [Situation] In the Southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A large Farmhouse with offices and Farm attached N.E. [North East] from Balthayock House, Occupied by William Wedderspoon, and the Property of N. Ferguson Blair Esq. It is Known as "Old Mains of Balthayock", but being on the Estate of Balthayock Old Mains is quite sufficient:
OS1/25/45/17 CRAIGEND Craigend Craigend Craigend James Robertson William Wedderspoon Neil Reid 098 [Situation] In the Southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). A Cottage with South from Balthayock House, Occupied by James Robertson and the property of N. Ferguson Blair Esq.
OS1/25/45/17 SITMYLANE Sitmelane Sitmelane William Wedderspoon Neil Reid John McEwen Baxter Gray Esq. Springbank Broughton Ferry, N.B. [North Britain] 098 [Situation] In the Southern portion of Kinnoull (detd. [detached]). Cottars houses on the Farm of Old Mains, on the Estate of Balthayock.
OS1/25/45/17 [Page] 17 Parish of Kinnoull (Detd. [Detached] No.1) -- Sheet 98 No.8 Traces 1 & 4
OS1/25/45/17 There is no explanation set out by O.S. officers for altering the spelling from that of the local informants to that provided subsequently by Baxter Gray of Broughty(?) Ferry. In any event, 'Sitmelane' is the form actually used on published map Sheets 98-8 (1:2500) and 98 (1:10,560). The index entry has also been altered from Sitmelane to Sitmylane.
OS1/25/45/18 BALTHAYOCK DEN Balthayock Den Described in Namesheets for Kinfauns Parish
OS1/25/45/18 BALTHAYOCK BURN Balthayock Burn Described in Namesheets for Kinfauns Parish
OS1/25/45/18 HAIL POOL Hail Pool Described in Namesheets for Kinfauns Parish
OS1/25/45/18 GLEN CARSE Glen Carse Described in Namesheets for Kinfauns Parish
OS1/25/45/18 CARSE OF GOWRIE Carse of Gowrie Described in Namesheets for Kinfauns Parish
OS1/25/45/18 [Page] 18 Parish of Kinnoull (det. [detached] No.1) -- Sheet 98 No.8 Trace 4 [Signed] James Carpenter C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 30th. Nov. [November] 1860 C. N. Martin Capt R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers] 30th. November 1860
OS1/25/45/19 [Page] 19 OS/1/25/45 [Volume] 45 CO. [COUNTY] PERTH. PARISH OF KINNOULL (DET. [DETACHED] No.1) SHEET 86. No. 14.15 SHEET 98 No. [Sideways] Kinnoull (Det [Detached] No. 1)