Perthshire volume 34

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/25/34/1 FOWLIS WESTER [parish] Fowlis Wester Fowlis Wester Fowlis Wester Fowlis Wester Fowlis Wester Fowlis Wester Fowlis Fowlis Sheriff's List of Parishes New Statistical Account Old Statistical Account Fullarton's Gazetteer Oliver & Boyd's Almanack Valuation Roll for 1857-8 Philip's Atlas of Co. [Counties] in Scotland Johnston's County Map 083 ; 084 ; 095 ; 096 The parish of Fowlis Wester lies near the centre of Perthshire, and it is in the Presbytery of Auchterarder, Synod of Perth & Stirling. The parish contains about ___ Statute Acres, and is bounded on the east, by Methven parish, and Monzie parish Detached No. 3; on the North, by Little Dunkeld parish and Dull parish Detached No. 2; on the west by the parishes of Crieff and Monzie; and on the south by the parishes of Crieff and Methven. The soil in the valley of the Pow, consists of alluvial deposit, and, in other arable parts of the parish, is very various - gravelly, sandy, clayey, and loamy; and where it rests on Rock, is, in general, fertile, but where it has a clayey subsoil, is cold and wet and unproductive. Slate is found in the hills of the northern division; a species of Limestone occurs at Buchanty; and sandstone is, in general, plentiful. The parish of Fowlis Wester is in two separate parts the greater portion contains the parish church and Village of Fowlis Wester, and is situated as described above the detached portion is situated between the parishes of Crieff, Dull, and Monzie (detached No. 2) in sheets 71 & 83. Parish of Fowlis Wester Proper 22270 Statute Acres Parish of Fowlis wester Detached 593 Statute Acres A Detached portion of the parish of Crieff, called Auchilhanzie, is situated within the South West part of Fowlis Wester Parish.
OS1/25/34/1 [Page] 1 [Note] N.B: wherever Druidical Temple occurs in this book it should be Stone Circle see order dated 10 Decr. [December] 1864. County of Perth -- Parish of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/2 [Page] 2 [Blank page]
OS1/25/34/3 CRAIG LEA Craig Lea Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Young, Harrietfield, Nr. [Near] Methven. Mr. Peddie, Morningside, Harrietfield, Nr Methven. Writing on Mr Jack's cards. 084 This is one of the southern hills of the Grampian Mountains, It is easily distinguished from any of the other hills by a large slate quarry on its southeastern declivity.
OS1/25/34/3 CRAIGLEA QUARRY (Slate) Craiglea Quarry Criaglea Slate Quarries Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Young Mr. Peddie (Foreman of the quarry.) Writing on Mr Jack's Cards Valuation Roll 1857-8 084 This is a very large slate quarry situated on the south-eastern face of Craig Lea. The refuse heaps of slates may be see from a great distance. Property of the Earl of Mansfield Rented by, Mr Thomas Jacke Newtile Cottage Dunkeld
OS1/25/34/3 CREAG AN T-SOILLEIR Creag an-t-Soilleir Mr. Peddie Mr. Allan, Tomlea, Harrietfield, Nr. [Near] Methven Mr. Allan, Milton, Harrietfield Nr. Methven 084 This is the first hill south-west of Craig Lea. It is entirely covered with heathy pasture, and of a darker colour than any of its neighbouring hills. Means, the Clear Craig.
OS1/25/34/3 [Page] 3 County of Perth, Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester, 25 Inch sheet 84, plan 2.
OS1/25/34/4 MILTON BURN Milton Burn Meltown burn Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Young Mr. Peddie Mr. Allan Fullarton's Gazetteer 084 This burn rises about 1½ miles north from Craig Lea, flows along the east side of that hill, and joins the River Almond nearly opposite to Trinity College
OS1/25/34/4 SHILIGAN BURN Shiligan Burn Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Young Mr. Peddie Mr. Allan 084 See name sheets of the parish of Crieff for description of this name.
OS1/25/34/4 CORRIEARICK BURN Corriearick Burn Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Young Mr. Peddie Mr. Allan 084 See name sheets of the parish of Crieff for description of this name.
OS1/25/34/4 GRAMPIAN MOUNTAINS Grampian Mountains For Authorities and Decription see Name Book of sheet 50
OS1/25/34/4 RIVER ALMOND River Almond 070 ; 071 ; 084 ; 085 For Authorities and description see Name Book of sheet 70
OS1/25/34/4 [Page] 4 Perthshire, Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester 25 Inch Sheet 84, plan 6
OS1/25/34/5 LOGIEALMOND LODGE Logiealmond Lodge Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Young Mr. Daniel Patton Mr. Allan Milton 084 This is a shooting lodge belonging to the Earl of Mansfield. It is a one storey house, slated and in excellent repair. The office houses belonging to this lodge are situated a short distance west from the lodge, they are in good repair.
OS1/25/34/5 [Page] 5 Parish of Fowlis Wester.
OS1/25/34/6 [Page] 6 [Blank page]
OS1/25/34/7 CASTLEHILL Castlehill Castlehill Castlehill Castlehill Castlehill Castlehill Mr D Moir Mr A. Robertson Registry of Birth Receipt for SLR [Statute Labour Road] money Thomas Paddie Tenant Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 A small farm house, one storey high, with offices attached: slated, and in poor repair Tenant Thomas Paddie Propr [Proprietor] The Earl of Mansfield
OS1/25/34/7 TOMAFOOR Tomafoor Tomafoor Tomafoor Tomafoor Mr A Robertson Mr D Moir Alexander Duncan Tenant Mr William Keay, Mason Harrietfield Logiealmond 084 A cotter house one storey high, with offices attached slated and in indifferent repair. Tenant Daniel Patton, Francisfield Propr. [Proprietor] The Earl of Mansfield
OS1/25/34/7 [Page] 7 County of Perth -- Ph [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/8 Wester Tomalea Wester Tomalea Wester Tomalea Wester Tomalea Wester Tomalea Mr. Alexander Robertson, Forester Lethendy Cottages, Glenalmond. Mr Daniel Moire, Ground Stewart Lethendy Cottages, Glenalmond Register of Birth Robert Allan Tenant (shepherd) 084 A small house one storey high, with offices attached, the whole slated and in only middling repair Tenant Mr Guild Kindrum Park Proprietor, The Earl of Mansfield Scone Palace by Perth.
OS1/25/34/8 Tomalea Tomalea Tomalea Tomalea Tomilia Mr Robertson Mr Moire William Ewen Tenant Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 A small farm house, one storey high, with offices attached the whole slated, and in middling repair Tenant William Ewen Property of the Earl of Mansfield
OS1/25/34/8 Drum of Culnacloich Drum of Culnacloich Drum of Culnacloich Drum of Culnacloich Drum of Culnacloich Lease, Decr. [December] 1829 Mr D. Moir Mr A Robertson Andrew Moir Tenant 084 A farm house, one storey high, with suitable offices attached; the whole slated and in good repair Tenant Andrew Moir Pror. [Proprietor] The Earl of Mansfield
OS1/25/34/8 [Page] 8 County of Perth -- Parish of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/9 MORNINGSIDE BURN Morningside Burn Revd [Reverend] Mr. Young Mr. Allan Mr. D Patton 084 This burn takes its name from the junction of some small streams about ¾ of a mile northwest from Morningside, and a short distance south from a large stone wall, lying east & west, to the point where it leaves the Morningside farm, after which it is named the Ashengar Burn.
OS1/25/34/9 LOGIEALMOND For Authorities and Descriptive Remarks see Name Book for Redgorton Detd. [Detached] & Monzie Detd. [Detached] No 3
OS1/25/34/9 [Page] 9 Perthshire. Parish of Fowlis Wester, 25 Inch sheet 84, plan 7.
OS1/25/34/10 [Page] 10 [Blank page]
OS1/25/34/11 MORNINGSIDE Morningside Lease 1848 Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Young Mr. J. Peddie, tenant, Harrietfield, Methven Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 A one storey farm house with office houses, all slated and in bad repair. Earl of Mansfield's property.
OS1/25/34/11 FRANCESFIELD Francesfield Francisfield Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Young Mr. Geekie, Factor, Balboughty, Perth D. Patton, tenant, Harrietfield, Methven. Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 A two storey farm house with office houses, slated and in good repair, This farm was named after a sister of the Honble. [Honourable] William Drummond who was at one time the proprietor, but which is now the Earl Mansfield's property.
OS1/25/34/11 ASHENGAR BURN Ashengar Burn Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Young Daniel Patton Mr. J. Peddie 084 This burn is thus named from the point where it cuts the stone wall which divides the farms of Morningside, and Francesfield, to where it joins the River Almond Near Trinity College.
OS1/25/34/11 [Page] 11 Perthshire, Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester. 25 Inch Sheet 84 plan 7.
OS1/25/34/12 EASTER UPPER KIPNEY Easter Upper Kipney Easter Upper Kepney Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Young, Harrietfield, Methven Mr J. Young, tenant, Harrietd. [Harrietfield] Methven Lease 1845 Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 A one storey farm house with office houses all slated and in good repair, Property of Earl of Mansfield Scone Palace, by Perth
OS1/25/34/12 WESTER UPPER KIPNEY Wester Upper Kipney Wester Upper Kepney Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Young Mr. J. Young Mr. Alexander Allan, tenant, Harrietfield, Methven Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 A one storey farm house with office houses, all in good repair, Mr Allan has no lease of his farm, and on his rent receipts, the word Wester is not written before Upper Kepney. The name as written on trace is the [name] by which it is known and by which it is distinguished from the one above. It is also written in this manner in the Valuation Roll - 1857-58 Property of Earl Mansfield.
OS1/25/34/12 [Page] 12 Perthshire, Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester, 25 Inch sheet 84, plan 7.
OS1/25/34/13 BUCHANTY MILL (Corn) Buchanty Mill Buchanty Mill Buchanty Mill Peter Comrie tenant Mr Robertson schoolmaster Buchanty, The Cairnies Duncan McTavish Toll Keeper Buchanty 084 A substantial building two storeys high, slated and in good repair. Corn, but no flour, ground at this mill, Tenant Peter Comrie, West Buchanty on the Abercairney Estate
OS1/25/34/13 BUCHANTY T.P. [Turn Pike] Buchanty T.P. [Turn Pike] Buchanty T.P. [Turn Pike] Buchanty T.P. [Turn Pike] Duncan McTavish Tenant Mr Robertson Schoolmaster P. Comrie West Buchanty 084 A small thatched house, and Toll Bar, at the west end of Buchanty village. Distace from Crieff 7½ mils, from Perth 12½. Duncan McTavish Tenant Repair middling
OS1/25/34/13 BUCHANTY Buchanty Buchanty Buchanty Buchanty Buchanty Buchandy Mr Robertson Schoolmaster Duncan McTavish Toll Keeper Mr Watson South Buchanty by The Cairnies New Statistical Account Valuation Roll for 1857-8 Fullarton's Gazetteer 084 The village of Buchanty consists of about ten old fashioned thatched one storey houses, in only middling repair. The road from Perth to Crieff by Logiealmond passes through this place. Distance from Perth 12½ mils; from Crieff 7½ mils, from Fowlis 3½ mils It is on the Abercairney Estate
OS1/25/34/13 [Page] 13 Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/14 ST METHVEN'S CHAPEL (Site of) St Methven's Chapel (Site of) St Methven's Chapel (Site of) St Methven's Chapel (Site of) Mr Robertson schoolmaster Duncan McTavish Toll Keeper Mr Robertson Lethendy Cottages by Logiealmond 084 The site of this Chapel is on the upper side of Buchanty Bridge, and on the south side of the River Almond and immediately behind Buchanty village. There are no traces of it visible on the ground neither are the dates of its erection nor of it being destroyed, known. Its being dedicated to a saint establishes the fact of its having been erected before the Reformation.
OS1/25/34/14 SCHOOL (Endowed) [Buchanty] School School School Mr Robertson master Duncan McTavish Mr Robertson Lethendy 084 A dwelling house two storeys high, slated and in good repair. The school is supported chiefly by the scholars, as no Government Grant is allowed. The master receives £5.0.0 from lands belonging to the Duke of Atholl, near Dunkeld; formerly it was paid by the Bishop of Dunkeld Tenant Mr Robertson. Proprietor, Abercairney Average number of scholars 35 The usual rudiments of education, taught.
OS1/25/34/14 [Page] 14 Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester [An entry on Bridge of Buchanty has been crossed through]
OS1/25/34/15 STRONESS Stroness Stroness Stroness James Stewart, Ardoch near Fowlis Mr. Robertson, Schoolmaster Buchanty by the Cairnie Mr. Robertson, Lethendy Cottage Logiealmond 084 The eastern extremity of a range of hill running from near Gilmerton, to near Buchanty. It is very steep on the north side, where a few rocks appear, it is covered with heathy pasture.
OS1/25/34/15 BUCHANTY BURN Buchanty Burn Buchanty Burn Buchanty Burn James Stewart Mr J. Robertson Schoolmaster Mr. McGregor Forenought By Fowlis 084 A small stream rising about 1 mile south of Stroness and on the same range. It flows in a northerly direction till it falls into the Almond near to the Village of Buchanty.
OS1/25/34/15 FENDOCH BURN Fendoch Burn Fendoch Burn Fendoch Burn James Stewart Mr. J Robertson, Schoolmaster Mr. Robertson, Lethendy Cottage 083 ; 084 A considerable mountain stream rising in the Grampian Mountains about 4 miles north of Crieff and flowing to the eastward, till it joins the Almond very near Buchanty.
OS1/25/34/15 [Page]15 County of Perth. -- Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester.
OS1/25/34/16 BRIDGE OF BUCHANTY Bridge of Buchanty Bridge of Buchanty Bridge of Buchanty Mr. Robertson, Lethendy Cottages Mr. James Robertson Schoolmaster Buchanty. Mr. Daniel Moir, Lethendy Logiealmond 084 A small one arched stone bridge crossing the River Almond at the village of Buchanty, it was erected and is repaired, at the expense of the county.
OS1/25/34/16 GLENALMOND Glenalmond Glenalmond Glenalmond Mr. Robertson Mr. James Robertson Mr. D. Moir 084 This name applies to the district on the south side of the Almond and extending from Buchanty Burn on the west through the parishes of Fowlis & Monzie, to a point at present not ascertained.
OS1/25/34/16 [Page] 16 County of Perth. -- Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester. [An entry on Glen Almond has been crossed through].
OS1/25/34/17 EASTER BUCHANTY Easter Buchanty Valuation Roll 1857-8 Lease - 1846 Rent receipt 1863. 084 A two storey farm house with office houses, the whole slated and in good repair. Property of Mr. Drummond Abercairney, Nr. [Near] Crieff Tenanted by Mr. Anderson, Buchanty Methven.
OS1/25/34/17 UPPER CULNACLOICH Upper Culnacloich Receipt for poor's taxes 1862 Valuation Roll 1857-8 Mrs. Leitch, Tenant, Harrietfield, Nr. [Near] Methven. 084 A one storey dwelling house with office houses, the whole slated and in good repair. Property of the Earl of Mansfield "Scone Palace by Perth". (Reply to remark 14)
OS1/25/34/17 NETHER CULNACLOICH Nether Culnacloich Lease 1845 Mr. Duff, tenant Harrietfield Nr. [Near] Methven Valuation Roll 1857-8 084 A one storey farm house with office houses, thatched, and in a very ruinous condition, the office houses are being pulled down.
OS1/25/34/17 [Page] 17 Perthshire, Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester, 25 Inch Sheet 84, plan 10.
OS1/25/34/18 [Page] 18 [Blank page]
OS1/25/34/19 GLENTULCHAN Glentulchan Glentulchan Glentulchan Mr. Mercer, Glentulchan, Methven. Mr. Bullions, East Tulchan, Methven. Mr. Anderson, West Buchanty, Buchanty, Methven. 084 A gentleman's seat situated on the south side of the River Almond, about a mile below Buchanty It is two storeys high slated and in excellent repair.
OS1/25/34/19 EAST TULCHAN East Tulchan East Tulchan East Tulchan East Tulchan Estate plan. Mr. Mercer (pror. [proprietor]) Mr. Bullions (tenant) Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 A one storey farm house, with office houses, slated and in good repair. Property of Mr. Mercer, Tenanted by Mr. Bullions
OS1/25/34/19 NORTH TULCHAN North Tulchan North Tulchan North Tulchan Estate plan Mr. Mercer, Proprietor Mr. Bullions 084 This is the home farm attached to Glentulchan. It consists of a dwelling house and office houses, all in good repair.
OS1/25/34/19 [Page] 19 Perthshire. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester. 25 Inch sheet 84, plan 10.
OS1/25/34/20 FRENCHTON Frenchton Frenchton Frenchton Frenchton Letter addressed by the factor Mrs. Russell, Frenchton, Harritfield Nr. [Near] Methven Valuation Roll 1857-8 084 A one storey farm house with office houses all slated and in good repair, Property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/34/20 SHILIGAN COTTAGE Shiligan Cottage Shiligan Cottage Shiligan Cottage Doctor Leitch, Shiligan Cottage Harrd. [Harrietfield] Nr [Near] Methven. (For Shiligan) Mr. Patton, Glenalmond House Buchanty, Nr. [Near] Methven. (For Shiligan) Mr. Patton's Estate plan 1837. 084 A two storey cottage, slated and in excellent repair, Property of the Earl of Mansfield Tenanted by Dr. [Doctor] Leitch.
OS1/25/34/20 WILLIAMSTON Williamston Williamston Williamston Mr. Thomas Cameron, foreman of the farm, and tenant, Harrietfield, Nr. [Near] Methven Valuation roll 1857-8 Mr. Robertson, Schoolmaster, Buchanty Nr. [Near] Methven. 084 A two storey farm house, with office houses, all slated and in excellent repair, Property of the Earl of Mansfield, Scone Palace Perthshire
OS1/25/34/20 [Page] 20 Perthshire, Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester, 25 Inch Sheet 84, plan 10.
OS1/25/34/21 SPLITTER'S WELL Splitter's Well Splitter's Well Splitter's Well Splitter's Well Estate plan 1837 Mr. Mercer. Mr. Bullions, East Tulchan, The Cairnies, Glenalmond. 084 This name is given to a well situated in a wood about half a mile west from Drummick. The water of this well is considered very good. It was named after a man who once lived near it and who gained his livlihood by splitting wood.
OS1/25/34/21 FORT [South Tulchan] Fort Fort Fort Fort Mr. Mercer Mr. Bullions Mr. Taylor 084 This fort is situated about ¼ of a mile south-west from South Tulchan, near the edge of a large wood. It has the appearance of a small green knowe, with a few scattered large stones on its sides. There is scarcely any appearance of trenches about it. It is supposed to be Pictish.
OS1/25/34/21 [Page] 21 Perthshire, parish of Fowlis Wester, 25 Inch sheet, 84, plan 14.
OS1/25/34/22 SOUTH BUCHANTY South Buchanty South Buchanty South Buchanty South Buchanty Mr. Watson, tenant, Buchanty, Methven Valuation Roll 1857-8 Plan of the House 084 A one storey farm house with office houses, all slated and in good repair. Property of Mr. Drummond, Abercairney, Nr [Near] Crieff. Tenant - Mr. Watson.
OS1/25/34/22 DRUMMICK Drumwick Drummick Drummick Drummick Drummick Valuation Roll 1857-8 Mr. Small, Foreman & tenant Drummick Dalbarber, Methven Mr. Watson 084 A two storey farm house with office houses, all slated and in excellent repair. Property of Mr. Thomson, Balgowan, Methven.
OS1/25/34/22 SOUTH TULCHAN South Tulchan South Tulchan Mr. Mercer, Glentulchan, The Cairnies, Glenalmond. Estate Plan 1837. Mr. Taylor, South Tulchan Buchanty, Methven. 084 A one storey cottar house, thatched, and in amost ruinous condition. Property of Mr. Mercer.
OS1/25/34/22 [Page] 22 Perthshire, Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester, 25 Inch sheet, 84, plan 14 [Note under the entry for Drummick:] This name was referred and stated by the examiner to be correct see other authorites in page 23 for New Drummick
OS1/25/34/23 SLUIDUBH Sluidubh R Mill Factor Balgowan by Methven Rent Receipt (1858) Valuation Roll 1863-4 Estate Plan's (1848) Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 A Small Farmsteading dwelling house. one story. offices one. all slated and in good repair. The property of W. Thompson. Esqr. Balgowan.
OS1/25/34/23 NEW DRUMMICK New Drummick R Mill. Factor Balgowan Valuation Roll 1863-4 Estate Plan's (1848) Robert Wright Inspector of poor Methven 084 A Small one story house, slated & in good repair. at present untenanted, & in the hands of the proprietor. W. Thompson Esqr. Balgowan.
OS1/25/34/23 MONABUIE Monabuie R Mill Factor Valuation Roll 1863-4 Estate Plan's (1848) Mr. R. Wright Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 A Small one Story house slated & in good repair at present in the proprietors hands W. Thompson Esqr. Balgowan.
OS1/25/34/23 [Page] 23 County of Perth Parish of Fowles Wester.
OS1/25/34/24 WESTER KINGCAM Wester Kingcam R. Mill Factor Balgowan Valuation Roll 1863-4 Estate Plan's (1848) 084 A Small one Story house Slated And in good repair - at present in the hands of the proprietor W. Thompson Esqr. Balgowan
OS1/25/34/24 EASTER KINGCAM Easter Kingcam R Mill Factor Valuation Roll 1863-4 Estate Plan's (1848) Mr. R Wright 084 A Small house one story, slated & in good repair, at present in the proprietor's hands. W. Thompson Esqr. Balgowan.
OS1/25/34/24 PARK OF KEILOUR Park of Keilour Keillour Park R Mill Factor Valuation Roll 1863-4 Estate Plan's (1848) Mr. R Wright Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 A large Farmsteading at present undergoing repairs dwelling house 2 storys, offices one, in the hands of the proprietor, W. Thompson Esqr. Balgowan
OS1/25/34/24 [Page] 24 County of Perth Parish of Fowles Wester
OS1/25/34/25 LOCH LUIG Loch Luig Loch Luig Loch Luig Lochliag Mr. William Lyall James Maxtone Esqr. Mr. John Garrie Johnston's Co. [County] Map 083 ; 095 A small lake, very shallow and in summer almost dry. It has a soft muddy bottom, and low banks. Property of Charles H. Drummond Moray, Esqr., Abercairney.
OS1/25/34/25 PARKNEUK BURN Parkneuk Burn Parkneuk Burn Parkneuk Burn Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor, Manse Monzie by Crieff Mr. John Laurie, Parish Schoolmaster, Monzie Mr. John Gorrie Ibert, by Crieff 095 A small stream which gathers from surface water on the high ground east of the village of Monzie and falls into the Shaggie Burn, a short distance south of the Falls of Monzie.
OS1/25/34/25 [Page] 25 Parish of Fowles Wester
OS1/25/34/26 MILQUHANZIE HILL Milquhanzie Hill Milquhanzie Hill Milquhanzie Hill Mr. William Lyall, Sub Factor Monzie Estate Monzie James Maxtone, Esqr. Cultoquhey by Crieff Mr. John Garrie Farmer Ibert by Monzie 095 A small but prominent hill of an oval shape, and all thickly planted with fir except part of its north side. Its south and west sides are somewhat steep, but on the north and east it rises with a gradual slope. Probable height, from its base, two hundred feet. The boundary between the parishes of Monzie and Fowles Wester passes over its top. Its east side is the property of James Maxtone, Esqr., Cultoquhey, its west belongs to William Johnstone Esqr., Monzie Castle.
OS1/25/34/26 [Page] 26 Parish of Fowles Wester. [An entry for Ibert Burn has been crossed out]
OS1/25/34/27 AUCHILHANZIE Auchilhanzie Auchilhanzie Auchilhanzie Auchilhanzie James Maxton Grahame Esqr Cultoquhey Mr. Duncan Robertson Land Steward Abercairney Estate Map 1809 Val. [Valuation] Roll for 1857-8 095 A Farm Steading dwelling house and outoffices all two story high slated and in good repair the property of James Maxton Grahame Esqr Cultoquhey.
OS1/25/34/27 [Page] 27 Parish of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/28 [Page] 28 [Blank page]
OS1/25/34/29 GILMERTON Gilmerton Gilmerton Gilmerton Gilmerton Gilmerton James Maxton Grahame Esqr. Cultoquhey Mr. Duncan Robertson Land Steward Abercairney Thomas Souter Esqr. Solicitor Crieff Valuation Roll 1857-8 New Statistical Account 095 A small Village consisting of a Public House Post Office a few grocers shops and some cottages all between one and two stories high chiefly slated. the property of James Maxton Grahame Esqr. Cultoquhey and others
OS1/25/34/29 POST OFFICE [Gilmerton] Post Office Post Office Post Office James Maxton Grahame Mr. Duncan Robertson Thomas Souter Esqr 095 A subpostoffice, Crieff being the Major, it is not a money order office. the arrivals are 6.50 A.M. departure 4.30 P.M.
OS1/25/34/29 [Page] 29 Parish of Fowles Wester
OS1/25/34/30 CULTOQUHEY Cultoquhey Cultoquhey Cultoquhey Cultoquhey Cultoquhey Cultoquhey James Maxton Grahame Esqr. Duncan Robertson Land Steward Abercairney Estate Map 1809 Valuation Roll 1857-8 Johnstone's Co. [County] Map New Statistical Account 095 A substantial plain modern mansion from two to three stories high, the outoffices which are detached are 2 story slated and in good repair, the Garden is neatly layed out, the ornamental ground is small, the property and residence of James Maxton Grahame Esqr.
OS1/25/34/30 CRAIGEND Craigend Craigend Craigend Craigend Craigend James Maxton Grahame Esqr Mr. Duncan Robertson Estate Map 1809 Rent Receipt Valuation Roll 1857-8 095 A Farm Steading dwelling house and out offices the former 2 the latter one Story high all slated and in tolerable repair the property of James Maxton Grahame Esqr. Cultoquhey.
OS1/25/34/30 [Page] 30 Parish of Fowles Wester
OS1/25/34/31 SCHOOL [Gilmerton] School School School James Maxton Grahame Esqr Cultoquhey Mr. Duncan Robertson Land Steward Abercairney Thomas Souter Esqr Solicitor Crieff 095 A School house two Story high and in good repair, in the Village of Gilmerton, belonging to no particular denomination the ordinary course of reading writing and Arithmetic is taught Average attendance about 35 - Unendowed.
OS1/25/34/31 LITTLETON Littleton Littleton Littleton Littleton Littleton James Maxton Grahame Esqr Mr. Duncan Robertson Rent Receipt Estate Map 1809 Valuation Roll 1857-8 095 A Farm steading dwelling house and out houses one Story high Slated and in good repair the name applies equally as well to a Smithy and two Cottage houses adjacent which are also one Story Slated and in good repair the property of James Maxton Grahame Esqr Cultoquhey
OS1/25/34/31 [Page] 31 Parish of Fowles Wester
OS1/25/34/32 BOLLYGLASH Bollyglash Bollyglash Bollyglash Bollyglask James Maxton Grahame Esqr Cultoquhey Mr. Duncan Robertson Land Steward Abercairney Rent Receipt Valuation Roll 1857-8 095 A Farm Steading dwelling house and outhouses all one Story high Slated and in tolerable repair the property of James Maxton Grahame Esqr Cultoquhey.
OS1/25/34/32 CULTOQUHEY QUARRY Cultoquhey Quarry Cultoquhey Quarry Cultoquhey Quarry James Maxton Grahame Esqr Mr. Duncan Robertson Thomas Souter Esqr Crieff 095 A large deep Red sandstone Quarry. The Stone is considered to be very good and durable for building purposes the property of James Maxton Grahame Esqr Cultoquhey.
OS1/25/34/32 BUCHAN'S COTTAGE Buchan's Cottage Buchan's Cottage Buchan's Cottage Buchan Cottage James Maxton Grahame Esqr Mr. Duncan Robertson Rent Receipt Valuation Roll 1857-8 095 A Small one story cottage slated and in good repair the property of Major Grahame Inchbrackie.
OS1/25/34/32 [Page] 32 Parish of Fowles Wester
OS1/25/34/33 ROMAN OUTPOST (Remains of) [Cultoquhey] Roman Outpost (Remains of) Roman Outpost (Remains of) Roman Outpost (Remains of) James Maxtone Graham Esqr. Mr. Duncan Robertson Mr. Thomas Soutar 095 The remains of what is traditionally held to have been an outpost of the Romans, on the west there are distinct remains of three ditches and two ramparts in a tolerably entire state, the remainder of the works is entirely destroyed. The New Statistical Account speaking of Camps, says, "At Cultoquhey, the property of Andrew Maxtone Esqr. there is a similar camp, but of much larger dimensions."
OS1/25/34/33 [Page] 33 Parish of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/34 [Page] 34 [Blank page]
OS1/25/34/35 EASTER BALNOLLO Easter Balnollo Easter Balnollo Easter Balnollo Easter Balnollo East Bilnollo Belnello Mr. Duncan Robertson Land Steward Abercairney James Maxton Grahame Esqr Cultoquey Rent Receipt Estate Map 1844 Valuation Roll 1857-8 Johnstone's Co [County] Map 095 This at present is a wooden dwelling with sheds of the same once a Farm Steading now occupied by the proprietor Charles Home Drummond Moray Esqr Abercairney
OS1/25/34/35 MIDDLE BALNOLLO Middle Balnollo Middle Balnollo Middle Balnollo Middle Balnollo Mr. Duncan Robertson James Maxton Grahame Esqr. Rent Receipt Estate Map 1844 095 A Thatched farm Steading dwelling house and out houses all one story high and only in tolerable repair the property of Charles Home Drummond Moray Esqr. Abercairney.
OS1/25/34/35 WESTER BALNOLLO Wester Balnollo Wester Balnollo Wester Balnollo Wester Balnollo Mr. Duncan Robertson James Maxton Grahame Esqr Rent Receipt Estate Map 1844 095 A Farm Steading a dwelling house and outoffices all slated two story high and in good repair the property of Charles Home Drummond Moray Esqr Abercairney
OS1/25/34/35 [Page] 35 Parish Fowles Wester
OS1/25/34/36 MILTON OF ABERCAIRNY Milton of Abercairney Milton of Abercairney Milton of Abercairney Milton of Abercairney Mr. Duncan Robertson Land Steward Abercairney James Maxton Grahame Esqr. Cultoquhey Estate Map 1844 095 A large Farm Steading consisting of extensive outoffices and four Cottages for servants all slated and from one to two story high in very good repair attached to Abercairney House the name includes a cottage adjacent to and about 7 chains South on the Road Side the property of Charles Home Drummond Moray Esqr. Abercairney.
OS1/25/34/36 MUCKLEBURN QUARRY Muckleburn Quarry Muckleburn Quarry Muckleburn Quarry D. Robertson James Maxton Grahame Esqr Estate Map 1844 095 A large Sand Stone quarry of good quality for building purposes on the margin of the Muckle Burn the property of Charles Home Drummond Moray Esqr Abercairney
OS1/25/34/36 [Page] 36 Parish of Fowles Wester [Note below Milton of Abercairny:] See the proprietor and other Authorities in page 78 for the spelling of Abercairny [Entry for Auchloy is crossed out, with note:] See page 62 for the proper spelling
OS1/25/34/37 BOG BURN Bog Burn Bog Burn Bog Burn Alexander Monteath Esqr. Mr. Thomas Soutar Mr. P. McIntyre 095 A small Stream which rises a short distance north of the village of Gilmerton and falls into Cultoquhey Burn.
OS1/25/34/37 STRATH EARN Strath Earn Strath Earn Strath Earn Alexander Monteath Esqr. Mr. Thomas Soutar Mr P McIntyre 096 A large and fertile valley extending from the foot of Loch Earn, to where the River Earn joins the Tay, the whole of this valley is in a high state of cultivation and contains portions of various parishes, villages, mansions &c, property of various persons.
OS1/25/34/37 [Page] 37
OS1/25/34/38 CULTOQUHEY BURN Cultoquhey Burn Cultoquhey Burn Cultoquhey Burn Alexander Monteath Esqr. Broich, Crieff Mr. Thomas Soutar Writer Crieff Mr. Peter McIntyre Commercial Bank Crieff 095 A small stream which rises at Cope's Well, Ph. [Parish] of Crieff and after a short course falls into the Muckle Burn near the mansion of Inchbrakie, it forms part of the boundary between the parishes of Fowlis Wester and Crieff for a considerable part of its course.
OS1/25/34/38 MUCKLE BURN Muckle Burn Muckle Burn Muckle Burn Alexander Monteath Esqr. Mr. Thomas Soutar Mr. Peter McIntyre 096 A large stream which rises on Buchanty Hill, and after a course of three or four miles falls into the Pow Water, it forms part of the boundary between the parishes of Crieff and Fowlis Wester from the confluence of the Cultoquhey Burn, to its confluence with the Pow Water.
OS1/25/34/38 [Page] 38 Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/39 ARNBANK Arnbank Arnbank Arnbank Arnbank James Maxton Grahame Esqr Cultoquhey Mr. Duncan Robertson land Steward Abercairney Thomas Souter Esqr. Solicitor Crieff Valuation Roll 1857-8 095 A neat Cottage with garden and outhouses one story high Slated and in very good repair the property of Major Grahame Inchbrackie.
OS1/25/34/39 VIEWFIELD Viewfield Viewfield Viewfield James Maxton Grahame Esqr Mr. Duncan Robertson Thomas Souter Esqr. 095 A small cottage house one story high slated and in good repair the property of Major Grahame Inchbrackie.
OS1/25/34/39 [Page] 39 Parish of Fowles Wester
OS1/25/34/40 MILTON OF CULTOQUHEY Milton of Cultoquhey Milton of Cultoquhey Milton of Cultoquhey Milltown of Cultoquhey James Maxton Grahame Esqr Cultoquhey Mr. Duncan Robertson Land Steward Abercairney Thomas Souter Esqr Solicitor Crieff Valuation Roll 1857-8 095 Four cottages one story high slated and in good repair, also a Corn Mill worked by water and a dwelling house the Mill is two store the dwelling is only one slated and in good repair, to each of the Cottages and mill there is a portion of land attached the property of James Maxton Grahame Esqr. Cultoquhey.
OS1/25/34/40 PITTENCLEROCH Pittencleroch Pittencleroch Pittencleroch Pittencleroch Pittencleroth James Maxton Grahame Esqr Mr. Duncan Robertson Rent Receipt Valuation Roll 1857-8 Johnson's Co [County] Map 095 A Small Steading dwelling house and outhouses all one Story high Slated and in good repair the property of Major Grahame Esqr. Inchbackie
OS1/25/34/40 [Page 40] Parish of Fowles Wester
OS1/25/34/41 ARDOCH Ardoch Ardoch Ardoch Ardoch James Stewart, Tenant Mr Robertson, Schoolmaster Buchanty Mr D. Moir, Lethendy Cottage by the Cairnies Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 A shepherds house, thatched and in fair repair. It is on the Abercairney estate James Stewart Tenant
OS1/25/34/41 MURRAY'S HILL Murray's Hill Murray's Hill Murray's Hill James Stewart Ardoch Mr Robertson Schoolmaster Mr McGreggor, Forenought near Fowlis 096 A flat hill lying on the east side of the road from Buchanty to Fowlis, and about mid way between these places.
OS1/25/34/41 [Page] 41 Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester [An entry for Muckle Burn has been crossed out]
OS1/25/34/42 DRUIDICAL TEMPLE Druidical Circles Druidical Circles Druidical Circles Mr. McGreggor, Fornought Mr Robertson, Schoolmaster Buchanty Mr James Stewart, Shepherd Ardoch, near Fowlis 096 The Druidical Circles are situated on the top of a small range of hills lying to the north of Fowlis. They consist of large stones set on their ends, about two feet apart. There is avery large standing stone, about 60 feet to the north, which appears to be some way connected with these circles.
OS1/25/34/42 [Page] 42 Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester [Notes under object name of Druidical Temple:] Stone Circles - see order dated 10th. Der. [December] 1864 Standing stone should not be written to the two stones isolated from the Circles The following is taken from the New Statistical Account. "On the summit of the hill, north of Fowlis Wester village, there is a Druidic circle of stones, and a double concentric circle. This is believed to have been the temple of an arch Druid, which when erected was probably in the midst of a forest in which were the oak, and consecrated grove, the favourite objects of their superstition. The circle consists of sixteen stones, between which and the double circle there is a large stone incumbent, where the arch Druid stood and addressed himself to those around him. The outer precinct of the concentric circle is eighteen yards in circumference, in which are forty stones. Three yards north from it, there is a large standing stone, which is probably monumental of some illustrious dead, as they were then interred around those places where they worshiped the Supreme Being." There is no trace now of the concentric circle noticed above, but it is very probable that the two isolated standing stones formed part of it. [An entry for Braes' of Fowlis has been crossed out]
OS1/25/34/43 [Page] 43 [Blank page]
OS1/25/34/44 FORNOUGHT Fornought Fornought Fornought Stat. [Statistical] Account Mr. McGreggor Mr William Allan Tenant Newbiggin, near Fowlis Johnston's County Map Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 A farm house two storeys high, slated and in good repair. It is at present sub=let to Mr McGreggor, late farmer, but included in the farm of Newbiggin Tenant Mr William Allan On the Ochtertyre Estate
OS1/25/34/44 [Page] 44 County of Perth Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/45 CROWHILL Crowhill R. Mill Factor Valuation Roll 1863-4 Estate Plan (1848) Mr. R Wright J. Cameron (Tenant) 096 A small farmsteading dwelling house one story offices one part slated part thatched in good repair the property of W. Thompson Esqr.
OS1/25/34/45 KNOCKDHU Knockdhu R Mill Factor Valuation Roll 1863-4 Estate Plan (1848) Mr. R. Wright Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 A small one story dwellingho [dwellinghouse], slated & in good repair, occupied by Mrs J. Burns. the property of W. Thompson Esqr.
OS1/25/34/45 DEN OF KEILOUR Den of Keilour R. Mill Factor Mr. R Wright Mr. J. Cameron Crowhill - Methven 096 A deep glen or ravine, very steep, and thickly wooded having a considerable stream passing through it.
OS1/25/34/45 [Page] 45 County of Perth -- Parish of Fowles Wester
OS1/25/34/46 WESTER KEILOUR Wester Keilour Wester Keilor R. Mill Factor Balgowan George Dickie (Tenant) Valuation Roll 1863-34 Robert Wright, Inspector of Poor, Methven Johnston's County Map 096 A very large farmsteading dwelling house 2 story's, offices one the whole slated & in good repair, the property of W. Thompson Esqr. Balgowan.
OS1/25/34/46 GREEN OF KEILOUR Green of Keilour Green of Keillour R Mill Factor Valuation Roll 1863-4 Estate Plans (1848) R. Wrigh Inspector of Poor Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 A large farmsteading. Situated in the den of Keilour. dwelling house 2 storeys offices one all slated & in good repair at present in the hands of the proprietor W. Thompson Esqr.
OS1/25/34/46 ACRES OF KEILOUR Acres of Keilour Acres of Keillour R. Mill Factor Valuation Roll 1863-4 Estate Plans (1848) Mr. R. Wright Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 This name refers to 3 small houses each one story, 2 of them thatched & one slated, in good repair, now in the proprietors hands, W. Thompson Esqr.
OS1/25/34/46 [Page] 46 County of Perth Parish of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/47 LOUISAFIELD Louisfield Louisfield Louisafield Louisafield Louisafield Louisafield Mr. John Miller, Factor, Glentuchan Mr. Daniel Patton, Francisfield Mr. Robert S. Grant, Clerk in Messrs. Condry's Office, Perth. Mr. Robert Wright, Inspector of Poor, Methven Rental Books Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 This was at one time a farmsteading but is now occupied by the families of ploughmen. One storey - slated but in indifferent order, being partly in ruins. Property of The Earl of Mansfield. Named after a sister of the Hon. [Honourable] Mrs. Drummond, who was at one time the proprietor.
OS1/25/34/47 WOODLYBURN Woodleyburn Woodlyburn Woodlyburn Woodlyburn Mr. Daniel Patton, Tenant, Francisfield Mr. Robert S. Grant, Clerk, Perth Rental Books Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 This was at one time a farmsteading but is now used as byres in connection with Francisfield. One storey, slated and partly in ruins. Property of The Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/25/34/47 BELLOUR Bellour Bellour Bellour Bellour Bellour Mr. Robert Mill, Factor, Balgowan Mr. John Cuthbert, Tenant Mr. Robert Wright, Inspector of Poor, Methven Plan of the lands of Keilour, dated 1848 Valuation Roll for 1857-8 084 A middling-sized farmsteading, slated and in good repair; the dwelling being two, and the offices one, storey high. Property of William Smith Esq. of Methven Castle.
OS1/25/34/47 [Page] 47 County of Perth. Parish of Fowlis Wester.
OS1/25/34/48 CRAIGEND Craigend Craigend Craigend Craigend Mr. Robert Mill, factor, Balgowan Mr. David Hill, Tenant Mr. Robert Wright, Inspector of Poor Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 A fine, large farmsteading, the dwelling-house being a good two-storey building. All slated and in excellent state, being quite new. The name was at one time applied to an old farmsteading a little west of this, of which a small house, occupied by a farm-servant, only remains (see trace 1). Property of William Thompson Esqr.
OS1/25/34/48 DALBARBER Dalbarber Mr. Robert Mill, factor, Balgowan Mr. David Hill, Craigend Mr. Robert Wright, Inspector of Poor, Methven Plan of The Lands of Keilour, dated 1848 Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 This name applies to a cottage which was at one time a farmsteading, and a recently erected school, in which a post-office is kept. All slated and in good repair. Property of William Thompson Esq.
OS1/25/34/48 SCHOOL AND POST OFFICE [Dalbarber] School and Post office Mr. Robert Mill, factor, Balgowan Mr. David Hill Craigend Mr. Robert Wright 096 A neat, little building erected by William Thompson Esq. for the education of the children on his estate. The teacher has a government certificate and her salary is made up by government aid and school fees. A plain English education is given and the average attendance is about 80. A post-office box is kept in a room of the school for the receipt of letters &c. which are taken to or brought from, Methven by a passing foot-post. Arrival 9-30 A.M. Departure 2-0 P.M.
OS1/25/34/48 [Page] 48 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/49 CASTLE (Site of) [Keilour] Castle (Site of) R. Mill Factor Mr. R. Wright Mr. David Young Methven 096 The only remains of the building is a mound or heap of stones overgrown with grass & trees. there appears to have been a demesne, surrounding this Castle at one time, as there is several very large isolated trees in the vicinity. "In the eastern extremity of the parish and on the estate of Keillor stood an ancient Castle, with a den on each side of it, which a rivulet has formed into a peninsula." Taken from New Stat. [Statistical] Account.
OS1/25/34/49 KEILOUR Keilour Keillour Keillor Keiller R. Mill Factor Mr. R. Wright Estate Plan (1848) Valuation Roll for 1857 New Statistical Account Fullarton's Gazeteer 084 ; 096 This name refers to what is called the Keilour Estate, which comprises several excellent farmsteadings all in good repair, all the property of W Thompson Esqr. Balgowan.
OS1/25/34/49 [Page] 49 County of Perth Parish of Fowlis Wester.
OS1/25/34/50 COCKERNONNY BURN Cockernonny Burn R. Mill Factor Balgowan Estate Plan R. Wright Inspector of Poor Methven 096 A small slow running stream, which forms the bounday of the estate of Keilour for about ½ mile of its course and then flows Eastward until it joins the Burn of Keilour a little below the Den of Keilour.
OS1/25/34/50 KEILOUR BURN Keilour Burn R. Mill Factor Mr. R. Wright Estate Plan 096 A stream of considerable size flowing rapidly through the den of Keilour, but receives no name until receives the Cockernonny Burn. a little below the den of Keilour, it empties its waters into Gillie Burn.
OS1/25/34/50 [Page] 50 County of Perth. Parish of Fowles Wester.
OS1/25/34/51 KEILOUR FOREST Keilour Forest Mr. Robert Mill Mr. Robert Wright Mr John Crear 084 ; 096 A large and close wood, chiefly fir, lying in the parishes of Fowlis Wester and Methven. Property of William Smythe Esq. Methven Castle.
OS1/25/34/51 [Page] 51 County of Perth Parish of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/52 LINFIELD Linfield Linfield Linfield Linfield Mr. Robert Mill, factor, Balgowan Mr. Robert Wright, Inspector of Poor, Methven Mr. J. Isles, Tenant. Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 A middling-sized farmsteading, the dwelling house being two storeys high and the offices one storey. Slated and but in a middling state of repair. Property of William Smythe Esq.
OS1/25/34/52 KEILOUR LODGE Keilour Lodge Keilour Lodge Keilour Lodge Mr. Robert Wright Mr. John Crear, forester Mr. G. Donaldson, Postmaster, Methven 096 A cottage adjoining the Forest of Keilour, on the south east, at present the residence of the forester. Slated and in good repair. Property of William Smythe Esq.
OS1/25/34/52 LINFIELD BURN Linfield Burn Linfield Burn Linfield Burn Mr. Robert Mill, factor, Balgowan Mr. Robert Wright, Methven Mr. J. Isles, Linfield 084 ; 096 A small stream which collects at the west of Keilour Forest, flows through the forest, and then becomes the boundary between the Parishes of Fowlis Wester and Methven, which it continues to be until it joins the Keilour Burn, near Dalbarber, from which place the united stream takes the name of Gillie Burn.
OS1/25/34/52 GILLIE BURN Gillie Burn Mr. Robert Wright Mr. G. Donaldson Mr. John Crear 096 This stream is formed by the confluence of Keilour and Linfield Burns. It forms the boundary between the Parishes of Fowlis Wester and Methven for about ½ a mile, when it enters the latter parish.
OS1/25/34/52 [Page] 52 County of Perth. Parish of Fowlis Wester.
OS1/25/34/53 CROFTHEAD Crofthead Crofthead Crofthead Rent Receipt James Hunter Tenant Mr McDiarmid, Schoolmaster Fowlis by Crieff 096 A small farm house, one storey high, thatched, and in middling repair. Tenant James Hunter Property of H. H. Drummond of Abercairney, near Crieff
OS1/25/34/53 DRUIDICAL TEMPLE [Fowlis Wester] Standing Stones Standing Stones Standing Stones Mr McDiarmid Mr Syme Grocer, Fowlis Mr Christie, Tail, near Fowlis 096 Four large stones about six feet high, situated about half a mile west from the village of Fowlis, "in one there is an artificial cavity, where the blood and oil of the sacrificed flowed. See Stat: [Statistical] account. Crom-leac is not known in the district to apply to one of these stones as stated in the Statistical Account. The one that is supposed to have been an Altar Stone is lying on the ground with another beside it in the same position; the other two are standing perpendicular in the earth a short distance to the north of them.
OS1/25/34/53 [Page] 53 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis [Note below Druidical Temple:] Crom-leac is not known in the district to apply to one of these stones as stated in the New Statistical Account. The one that is supposed to have been an Altar Stone is lying on the ground with another beside it in the same position; the other two are standing perpendicular in the earth a short distance to the north of them. [Entry for Mounthorley has been crossed out with note:] The name is erased as the object does not appear.
OS1/25/34/54 PITLANDY Pitlandy Pitlandy Pitlandy Mr. M. Christie, Tail Mr John Sorley Mr McDiarmid 096 A small dwelling house, and garden - the house is one storey high, slated and in only middling repair It is untenanted, but on the farm of Tail, and property of Sir P. K. Murray Ochtertyre.
OS1/25/34/54 LOANFOOT Loanfoot Loanfoot Loanfoot Mr. James Scott Tenant Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid 096 A small pendicle - the house is one storey high, thatched and in fair repair James Scott Tenant On the Abercairney estate
OS1/25/34/54 [Page] 54 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester [Entry for Lacock crossed out, with note:] The Western part of the Village of Fowlis Wester was formerly called Lacock and the eastern part called Fowgnolish, both of which names are now become obsolete. They are not to be shown on the plans, particularly as the whole village is now known by the name of Fowlis Wester.
OS1/25/34/55 FOWLIS WESTER [village] Fowlis Wester Fowlis Wester Fowlis Wester Fowlis Wester Stat: [Statistical] Account Mr Christie Tail Mr Syme, Fowlis Mr McDiarmid 096 A small village lying at the botton of the Braes of Fowlis, and about half a mile N [North] of the toll road leading from Perth to Crieff, 12 miles from the former, and 5 from the latter. The houses chiefly are one storey high, thatched, in bad repair, with scarcely any two parallel, or in a straight line with one another. It is on the Abercairney Estate.
OS1/25/34/55 POST OFFICE [Fowlis Wester] Post Office Post Office Post Office Mr Daniel McDiarmid Mr William Syme, Fowlis Mr Maruice Christie 096 A substantial dwelling house, two storeys high, slated and in excellent repair. Major Office Crieff. Arrival 9.30 AM Despatch 3.20 PM Tenant Mr Daniel McDiarmid Propr. [Proprietor] H. H. Drummond Esqr.
OS1/25/34/55 [Page] 55 County of Perth. Ph [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/56 FOWLIS INN [Fowlis Wester] Fowlis Inn Fowlis Inn Fowlis Inn Mr Robert Christie, Tent. [Tenant] Mr M. Christie, Tail Mr McDiarmid 096 A large two storey house, slated and in good repair; it is compared to "a man asleep" by strangers owing to the slackness of business. Tenant Mr Robert Christie Property of H H Drummond Esqr
OS1/25/34/56 CROSS (Sculptured) [Fowlis Wester] Stone Cross Stone Cross Stone Cross Stone Cross Calvary Cross Stat: [Statistical] Account Mr Syme Fowlis Mr M Christie, Tail Mr McDiarmid New Statistical Account 096 A large flat stone about 14 feet high surrounded by a low stone wall, on the top of which are iron railings About the year 84 of of the Christian era, a battle was fought between the Romans, and the natives to the N.W. [North West] of this parish. The latter were put to flight. It is probable that Galgacus, on the occasion, commanded the natives. To mark the tomb of one of the Roman officers who fell, a rude massive stone, was erected. At what time the stone was transported to Fowlis, is not known. contd. [continued] [continued on page 57]
OS1/25/34/56 [Page] 56 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester.
OS1/25/34/57 Stone Cross (continued) 096 [continued from page 56] The cross stood at one time, in the Church yard, to the east of the church, round which it is said, a shoe market was held, every Sabath, to entice the folks to come to church. On the east side of the cross is the figure of a priest, in Druidical costume, leading a cow to the altar, followed by a conclave of priests - also the figure of a wolf, pursued by riders and dogs. (The wolf has the head of a child in his mouth) It is said that a wolfchase took place in this place, when the infuriated animal, being hotly chased, decapitated a child, who, unluckily intercepted his path. Near the top of this stone, is the figure of a cross, to which is attached an iron chain - the pillory - in which Kirk defaulters used to be bound, and pelted with rotton eggs, as a punishment. When this barberous way of penance was superceded, by the [continued on page 58]
OS1/25/34/57 [Page] 57 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/58 Stone Cross (continued) 096 [continued from page 57] the Cutty Stool, the cross was removed to the centre of the square, or play ground, where it at present stands. See Strathearn Herald of June 16th 1860.
OS1/25/34/58 CHURCH [Fowlis Wester] Church Ph. [Parish] Church Ph. [Parish] Church Ph. [Parish] Mr McDiarmid Mr Christie Mr Syme 096 The parish Church is a plane narrow rectangular building of no pretensions to symetry. The date of the foundation of this Church is not known. The site of this Church was chosen by one of the Earls of Strathearn, standing on the Seat Knowe, watching the spot on which the rays of the matin sun irradiated. It was repaired in 1641; and again, in 1841. The entrance to the church from the south is by a gate archway, of hewn stones. On the stone above the arch, is written in antique letters, and orthography "Take heed to thy foot when thow go into the house of God". 1644. It is seated for 461 persons.
OS1/25/34/58 [Page] 58 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/59 THORN Thorn Thorn Thorn Thorn Thorn Rent Receipt Robert Kemp Tenant Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 Two small houses, one storey high, with plot of ground attached, - the houses slated and in good repair Tenant Robert Kemp Propr [Proprietor] H. H. Drummond Esqr. Abercairney
OS1/25/34/59 BANNOCHY Bannochy Bannochy Bannochy Mrs Davidson Tenant Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid 096 A small cottars house, one storey high, thatched, and in middling repair. Tenant Mrs Davidson. Propr. [Proprietor] H. H. Drummond Esqr.
OS1/25/34/59 [Page] 59 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester [Entry for Site of Latterbannochy is crossed out, with note:] Note - As this building has entirely disppeared and was not of any historical interest, it need not be noticed on the plan. [Initialled] F. E. P. Capt. R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers]
OS1/25/34/60 SCHOOL [Fowlis Wester] School (Ph) [Parish] School (Ph) [Parish] School (Ph) [Parish] Mr. D. McDiarmid Mr Christie, Tail Mr Syme, Fowlis 096 A neat house, two storeys high slated and in excellent repair Avirage no of scholars 40. Mr David McDiarmid Schoolmaster.
OS1/25/34/60 TAIL Tail Tail Tail Fail Faill Rent Receipt Mr Maurice Christie Tent. [Tenant] Mr McDiarmid Valuation Roll for 1857-8 Johnston's County Map 096 A neatly built farm house, one storey high, with offices attached; the whole in good repair. Mr Christie Tenant On the Abercairney Estate.
OS1/25/34/60 LATTERBANNOCHY Latterbannochy Latterbannochy Latterbannochy Latterbannochy Tatterbannachy Rent Receipt James Rutherford Tenant Mr Christie, Tail Mr McDiarmid Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 A small farm house, and offices, one storey high; the whole thatched, and in only middling repair. Tenant James Rutherford Property of H H Drummond Esqr
OS1/25/34/60 [Page] 60 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/61 NORTH LODGE [Abercairny] North Lodge North Lodge North Lodge John Graham Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid 096 A small lodge at the north entrance to Abercairney House and on the south side of the turnpike road, about 2 miles east from the village of Gilmerton. Tenant John Grehan
OS1/25/34/61 MANSE [Abercairny] Manse (Ph [Parish]) Manse (Ph [Parish]) Manse (Ph [Parish]) Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid Mr Syme 096 A fine large, and neatly built house two storeys high, with offices attached, the whole slated and in good repair Tenant Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Hardie On the Abercairney Estate
OS1/25/34/61 SHANNOCHAR Shannochar Shannochar Shannochar Shannochar Val: [Valuation] Roll for 1857-8 John Rodgie Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid 096 A pretty farm house, one storey high with extensive offices attached; the whole slated, and in good repair. Tenant John Rodgie Propr. [Proprietor] H H Drummond Esqr.
OS1/25/34/61 [Page] 61 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester.
OS1/25/34/62 BOG OF BANNOCHY Bog of Bannochy Bog of Bannochy Bog of Bannochy Bog of Bannochy Mr Syme Grocer Fowlis Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid New Statistical Account 096 A low marshy stripe of land, planted with mixed wood, and lying on the north side of the the turnpike road betwixt Perth and Crieff, about 13 miles from the former, and 4 from the latter. No person can be found, who knows anything about "Montrose's Goat" mentioned in the New Statistical Account.
OS1/25/34/62 ACHLOY Achloy Achloy Achloy Achloy Achloy Achloy Achloy Auchloy Rent Receipt James Cochran Tenant Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid Valuation Roll for 1857-8 Insurance Papers Johnston's County Map On Tenants Carts 096 A square farm house, two storeys high, with suitable offices attached slated, and in good repair Tenant James Cochran Propr [Proprietor] H H Drummond Esqr
OS1/25/34/62 FAIRY KNOWE Fairy Knowe Fairy Knowe Fairy Knowe Fairy Knowe James Cochran Achloy by Gilmerton Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid Mr. Syme 096 A small Knowe about ¼ of a mile south of Achloy farm steading. It has, lately been greatly reduced by carting sand from it, for building purposes.
OS1/25/34/62 [Page] 62 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester [Note below Fairy Knowe:] No information can be obtained respecting the Urns said to have been found here in the New Stat. [Statistical] Account Enquiries have been made by the examiner.
OS1/25/34/63 [Page] 63 [Blank page]
OS1/25/34/63 64 appears to have been written at top left of page, in error.
OS1/25/34/64 DRUMMIE Drummie Drummie Drummie Drummie Rent Receipt County Val: [Valuation] Roll for 1857-8 Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid 096 A farm house, with offices attached; the house is one storey high, - the whole slated, and in good repair Tenant Peter Comrie Property of H H Drummond Esqr.
OS1/25/34/64 STANDING STONE [New Fowlisj Standing Stone Standing Stone Standing Stone Standing Stone Mr Syme Fowlis Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid John Galloway, New Fowlis, Crieff 096 A small standing stone, about three feet high, on the east side of a small cairn now planted with trees. It is supposed to mark the grave of some "hero or chieftan, who had fallen in battle, which is said to have been fought here
OS1/25/34/64 NEW FOWLIS New Fowlis New Fowlis New Fowlis New Fowlis John Galloway, Tenant Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid Mr Syme 096 A few dwellinhgouses, one storey high thathed, and also others slated - in good repair. It is situated about half a mile south of Fowlis Wester, and on the south side of the Perth and Crieff turnpike road Tenant John Gollaway, & others Propr [Proprietor] H H Drummond Esqr.
OS1/25/34/64 [Page] 64 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/65 NEWTON Newton Newton Newton Mr Methven Robertson, Tenant County Val. [Valuation] Roll for 1857-8 Estate Plan 1837 096 A large farm house two storeys high, with suitable offices attached; the whole slated and in excellent repair Tenant Methven Robertson Proprietor G. R. Mercer Esqr Tulchan Glenalmond
OS1/25/34/65 ISLE Isle Isle Isle Isle James McClelland Tenant Estate Plan 1837 Mr Christie Tail Mr McDiarmid 096 A small thatched house one storey high with offices attached; the whole in very bad repair Tenant James McClelland Propr. [Proprietor] G. R. Mercer Esqr. Tulchan
OS1/25/34/65 LOANSIDE Loanside Loanside Loanside County Vall [Valuation] Roll for 1857-8 Mr M Christie Mr. McDiarmid 096 A pendicle one storey high thatched, and partly in ruins Tenant Mrs Peter Proprietor H. H. Drummond Esqr Abercairney, near Crieff
OS1/25/34/65 [Page] 65 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/66 SOUTH DRUMMIE South Drummie South Drummie South Drummie County Vall [Valuation] Roll for 1857-8 Mr M Christie Mr McDiarmid 096 A farm house one storey high. with offices attached slated, and in good repair Tenant Peter Rodgie Proprietor H. H. Drummond Esqr
OS1/25/34/66 BURNSIDE Burnside Burnside Burnside County Vall: [Valuation] Roll for 1857-8 Mr M Christie Mr McDiarmid 096 A cottage house one storey high offices attached; the whole slated and in good repair Tenant Duncan Drummond Property of Sir P. K. Murray Ochtertyre
OS1/25/34/66 TOFTS Tofts Tofts Tofts County Vall [Valuation] Roll for 1857 Mr McDiarmid Mr M Christie 096 A farm house one storey high, with offices attached, the whole slated and in good repair. Tenant William Christie Property of H H Drummond Esqr.
OS1/25/34/66 [Page] 66 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/67 DOWNIE BURN Downie Burn Downie Burn Downie Burn Mr. M. Christie, Tail Mr. McDiarmid Mr. Syme Fowlis 096 A small stream rising a short distance to the west of the village of Fowlis, at which place it bears the name of that place, untill it passes the Castleton, when it is known as the Downie Burn It joins the Pow about one mile south from the Castleton
OS1/25/34/67 NEWBIGGING Newbigging Newbigging Newbigging Newbigging County Val. [Valuation] Roll for 1857-8 Mr William Allan Tenant Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid 096 A good farm house two storeys high, with offices attached; the whole slated and in good repair Tenant William Allan Proprietor, Sir, P. K. Murray Ochtertyre, near Crieff
OS1/25/34/67 [Page] 67 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/68 Site of CASTLE [Castleton] (Site of) Castle (Site of) Castle (Site of) Castle Mr Christie Tail Mr McDiarmid Mr Syme, Grocer, Fowlis 096 The site of a Castle once the seat of the Earls of Strathearn. There is nothing now visible but a large grassy mound, which covers, it is said, the foundation. It is on the Ochtertyre estate.
OS1/25/34/68 BRAES OF FOWLIS Braes of Fowlis Braes of Fowlis Braes of Fowlis Statistical Account Mr Maurice Christie Mr McDiarmid 096 The southern side of a ridge lying immediately to the north of the village of Fowlis, extending about one mile to the east and about two to the west of the village
OS1/25/34/68 FOWLIS BURN Fowlis Burn Fowlis Burn Fowlis Burn Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid Mr Syme Grocer, Fowlis 096 A small stream rising about half a mile west from Fowlis and flowing in an eastern direction, passing the Castleton after which it bears the name of Downie Burn
OS1/25/34/68 [Page] 68 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/69 SEAT KNOWE Seat Knowe Seat Knowe Seat Knowe Mr M Christie, Tail Mr Syme Grocer Fowlis Mr McDiarmid 096 A small knoll, planted with Fir trees, situated about half a mile north east of the village of Fowlis "One of the Earls of Strathearn, desirous of having a church in the vicinity of his Castle, stood on an eminence, on which he had a summer seat, and resolved to erect it where the sun first shone, which was on the spot where it now stands" See Statistical Account. The eminence mentioned above has since been called the "Seat Knowe".
OS1/25/34/69 BLAIRMORE Blairmore Blairmore Blairmore Mr Maurice Christie, Tail near Fowlis Mr. McDiarmid James Buchan Tenant 096 A substantial farm house two storeys high, with offices attached, slated, and in excellent repair. Tenant James Buchan Proprietor P.K Murray Ochtertyre near Crieff
OS1/25/34/69 [Page 69] County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/70 BACKBURN Backburn Backburn Backburn William Fergusson Tenant Mr Maurice Christie, Tail Fowlis by Crieff Mr McDiarmid, Schoolmaster Fowlis by Crieff 096 A small cottar house, one storey high, thatched, and in middling repair Tenant William Fergusson Proprietor Sir P. K Murray Ochtertyre
OS1/25/34/70 WESTDEN Westden Westden Westden Mrs. Buchan, Tenant Mr Christie, Tail Mr. McDiarmid, schoolmaster 096 A small Pendicle. The house is one storey hig, thactched and in good repair. Tenant, the Widdow of the late Robert Buchan Proprietor, H H Drummond Esqr.
OS1/25/34/70 CASTLETON Castleton Castleton Castleton County Vall [Valuation] Roll Mr Christie Mr McDiarmid 096 A few small thatched houses one storey high, occupied by several tenants; built out of the ruins of the castle of the Earl of Strathearn, from which it derives its name. Tenanted by various persons. Property of Sir P K Murray
OS1/25/34/70 [Page] 70 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/71 SAIR LAW Sair Law Sair Law Sair Law Mr. M. Christie, Tail Mr McDiarmid Mr Syme Grocer Fowlis by Crieff 096 A slightly elevated ridge lying about mid-way bitwixt, the Castle ton and the ruins of the Abby of Inchaffray on which is a round clump of fir trees. It is supposed to have been a place where an open air court, was held.
OS1/25/34/71 GOWANHILL Gowanhill Gowanhill Gowanhill Mr Michael Connell, Tenant Mr Christie, Tail Mr McDiarmid 096 Two cottar houses one storey high, part slated, the other thatched; the whole in middling repair Tenant Michael Connell Property of H H Drummond Esqr.
OS1/25/34/71 [Page] 71 County of Perth. Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/72 [Page] 72 [Blank page]
OS1/25/34/73 NEWINN OF GORTHY Newinn of Gorthy New Inn R. Mill Factor Mr. R. Wright Mr. J. Blaikie Mr. W. Hally, Tenant Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 Shut. This name refers to 4 house's one of which was an Inn at one time, but it is now a Grocer's shop, one of them is a Wright's shop, part 2 storys, part one, all slated & in good repair. The property of Mr Mercer, Tulchan Glenalmond.
OS1/25/34/73 BURNBRAE Burnbrae R. Mill Factor Mr. R. Wright James Young (Tenant) 096 A large farmsteading, dwelling house 2 storys offices one. the whole slated & in middling repair. The property of Mr. Mercer, Tulchan, Glenalmond.
OS1/25/34/73 ALDIE Aldie R. Mill Factor Mr. R Wright D.H. Stewart Tenant 096 A large new excellent farmsteading dwelling house 2 story's, offices one all slated & in good repair this farmsteading bore the name of Middlethird, but it has been changed to Aldie, by the proprietor, Mr T. Mercer Tulchan Glenalmond
OS1/25/34/73 [Page] 73 County of Perth. Parish of Fowles Wester.
OS1/25/34/74 FOREBRAE Forebrae R. Mill Factor Balgowan Robert Wright Inspector of poor Methven Estate Plan 1848 Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 A small farmsteading dwelling house 2 story's - office's the whole slated & in good repair. the property of W. Thompson Esqr Balgowan.
OS1/25/34/74 EASTER SUNNYSIDE Easter Sunnyside R. Mill Factor Mr R. Wright Mr J. Blaikie Sunnyside by Methven 096 This place was once a farmsteading, but now occupied by the Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Millar united presbyterian Minister, dwelling house 2 story's offices one, the whole slated & in good repair the property of W. Thompson Esqr.
OS1/25/34/74 WESTER SUNNYSIDE Wester Sunnyside R. Mill Factor Mr. R. Wright Mr. J. Blaikie (Tenant) 096 A small, neat farmsteading, dwelling house 2 story's offices one, all slated & in good repair the property of, the trtustees of the late R. Pearson.
OS1/25/34/74 [Page] 74 County of Perth. Parish of Fowles Wester.
OS1/25/34/75 NEWMILL Newmill Mr. R Mill Mr. R. Wright Valuation Roll Mr. A. Morrison 096 A small one story dwelling house with a smithy attached at one end, all thatched & in bad repair the property of Mr. Mercer Tulchan Glenalmond.
OS1/25/34/75 [Page] 75 County of Perth Parish of Fowlis Wester
OS1/25/34/76 NETHER MAINS Nether Mains Nethermains Mr. R. Mill Factor Balgowan Mr. R. Wright Inspector of poor Methven Mr. James McFarlan (Tenant) Valuation Roll for 1857-8 096 A large farmsteading dwellinghouse one story with suitable offices one story the whole slated and in very good repair. The property of Mr. Mercer Tulchan Glen Tulchan.
OS1/25/34/76 MAINS OF GORTHY Mains of Gorthy Mr. R. Mill Mr. R. Wright Valuation Roll Mr. Thomas Todd (Tenant) 096 A very large well built farmsteading dwelling house 2 story's with offices one story, all slated & in excellent repair. The property of Mr Mercer Glen Almond.
OS1/25/34/76 [Page] 76 County of Perth Parish of Fowles Wester [Entry for Site of Gorthy House has been crossed out, with note:] Note - As this building has entirely disappeared,and was not of any historical interest, it need not be noticed on the plan [Signed] F. E. Pratt Capt. R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers]
OS1/25/34/77 AUCHLONE LODGE Auchlone Lodge Mr. Robertson, Factor. Mr. Galloway. Donald Graeme Auchlone Lodge, Crieff 096 This is the name given to the south entrance to Abercairny. It is one storey high slated and in excellent condition. Property of Mr. Drummond Abercairny.
OS1/25/34/77 EAST LODGE [Abercairny] East Lodge Mr. Robertson. Mr. Cooke East Lodge, Abercairny, Crieff Peter Ferguson East Lodge, Abercairny, Crieff 096 This is the eastern entrance to Abercairny. It consists of two cottar houses adjoining each other, the whole in excellent repair. Property of Mr. Drummond.
OS1/25/34/77 QUARTERBANK Quarterbank Mr. Robertson Mr. Galloway Mr McNeil, Quarterbank, Abercairny Crieff 096 A one storey dwelling house with office houses all slated and in excellent repair. Property of Mr. Drummond.
OS1/25/34/77 [Page] 77 Perthshire, Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester. 25 Inch sheet 96 plan 9.
OS1/25/34/78 ABERCAIRNY Abercairny Abercairny Abercairny Abercairney Abercairny Abercairney Abercairny Abercairny Abercairny Charles Home Drummond Moray Esq. Abercairny, Crieff Mr. Robertson, Pitlorgie Cottage, Nr. [Near] Crieff Mr. Galloway, Abercairny, Nr. [Near] Crieff New Statistical Account Valuation Roll for 1857-8 Old Statistical Account Directory to Noblemen and Gentlemens Seats, Villages &c. in Scotland Valuation Roll for 1862-3 Anthony Murray W.S. [Writer to the Signet] Law Agent 141 George St. Edinburgh "The word Abercairny has no "e" in the last syllable" Vide Letter dated 9 Jan. [January] 1864 096 A large and handsome house situated in the west of the parish of Fowlis Wester, about 4 miles east from Crieff. It is entirely slated, in a most perfect condition, and is considered the most elegant house in that part of Perthshire. The stables are situated a short distance north of the dwelling house, part of them is built with cut stones; on the south part of the stables is a clocktower with 4 dials. Abercairny is supplied with gas from a small gasometer situated in a wood about ½ a mile east from it, near which is a saw mill wrought by water. Property of Mr. Drummond.
OS1/25/34/78 GAS WORKS [Abercairny] 096 Abercairny is supplied with gas from a small gasometer situated in a wood about ½ a mile east from it, near which is a saw mill, wrought by water. Property of Mr. Drummond.
OS1/25/34/78 [Page] 78 Perthshire, Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester. 25 Inch sheet 96 plan 9.
OS1/25/34/79 KINTOCHER Kintocher Mr. Robertson, Factor Mr. Dull, Kintocher, Fowlis, Crieff Valuation Roll 1857-8 096 A two storey dwelling house with large office houses, all slated and in excellent repair. Property of Mr. Drummond.
OS1/25/34/79 NEWMILL Newmill Mr. Robertson, Factor John McCrostie, Newmill, Fowlis Crieff Mr. Galloway 096 A one storey farm house with office houses all slated and in excellent repair. Property of Mr. Drummond.
OS1/25/34/79 [Page] 79 Perthshire, Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester. 25 Inch Sheet 96, plan 9. [The entry Pow Water has been crossed out, with the note:] For authorities and description of this stream see those given by Sergt. [Sergeant] Greenslade in this same parish
OS1/25/34/80 [Page] 80 Perthshire, Ph. [Parish] of Fowlis Wester. 25 Inch Sheet 96, plan 9. [Otherwise blank page]
OS1/25/34/81 CARSEHEAD Carsehead Valuation Roll 1857-8 Mr. McLaren, Carsehead, Fowlis, Crieff. Mr. Carmichael 096 A two storey dwelling house with extensive office houses all slated and in excellent repair. Property of Sir Patrick Murray, Ochtertyre, Crieff Name not written on Lease.
OS1/25/34/81 DRUMPHIN Drumphin Mr Carmichael, Drumphin, Crieff. Lease 1857. Valuation Roll 1857-8. 096 A two storey dwelling house with large office houses, all slated and in excellent condition. Property of Sir P. Murray.
OS1/25/34/81 [Page] 81 Perthshire, Parish of Fowlis Wester. 25 Inch Sheet 96, plan 10. [The entry for Sweep's Stank has been crossed out with note:] For description and Authorities see Name book of Madderty. [The entry for Strath Earn has been crossed out with note:] See page 37 for this name.
OS1/25/34/82 [Page] 82 [Blank page]
OS1/25/34/83 POW WATER Pow Water Pow Water Pow Water The Pow, or Powaffray Water Mr. D Robertson Land Steward, Abercairney Mr. James Donaldson Innercraigie Mr. Peter McAra Land Steward, Dollerie Fullarton's Gazetteer of Scotland 096 A large Stream which rises in the parish of Methven, and after a circuitous course of several miles falls into the River Earn near Innerpeffray Ferry. a considerable part of its channel is artificial. "This stream, having formerly covered with its waters much of the ground in its vicinity, flows in an artificial channel, cut for it by authority of an Act of the Scottish Parliament, - remarkable for being the last act passed before the Union." Fullarton's Gazetteer, Vol. 1. page 589.
OS1/25/34/83 AUCHLONE BRIDGE Auchlone Bridge Auchlone Bridge Auchlone Bridge Mr. D Robertson Mr. James Donaldson Mr Peter McAra 096 A small stone bridge of one arch spanning the Pow Water, on a Statute labor road, built and kept in repair by the parish.
OS1/25/34/83 [Page] 83 Parish of Fowlis Wester [Volume signed:] F. E. Pratt Capt. R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers]
OS1/25/34/84 [Page] 84 [Volume] 34 OS1/25/34 [Date Stamp] ORDNANCE SURVEY M.S. STORE 28 APR. [April] 1898 SOUTHAMPTON NAME BOOK OF THE PARISH OF FOWLIS WESTER On the 1/2500 Scale IN THE COUNTY OF PERTH For the remainder of Fowlis Wester Proper see Name Books of 6 inch Sheets Nos. [Numbers] 71, 72 & 83. For the Detached portion of Fowlis Wester see Name Books of 6 inch Sheets 71 & 83
OS1/25/34/85 [Page] 85 INDEX See note in red - page 1 Names of Objects -- Page Abercairny -- 78 Achloy -- 62 Acres of Keilour -- 46 Aldie -- 73 Ardoch -- 41 Arnbank -- 39 Ashengar Burn -- 11 Auchilhanzie -- 27 Auchlone Bridge -- 83 Auchlone Lodge -- 77 Backburn -- 70 Bannochy -- 59 Bellour -- 47 Blairmore -- 69 Bog Burn -- 37 Bog of Bannochy -- 62 Bollyglash -- 32 Braes of Fowlis -- 68 Bridge of Buchanty -- 16 Buchan's Cottage -- 32 Buchanty -- 13 Buchanty Burn -- 15 Buchanty Mill -- 13 Buchanty T.P. [Turn Pike] -- 13 Burnbrae -- 73 Burnside -- 66 Carsehead -- 81 Castle (Site of) -- 49 Site of Castle -- 68 Castlehill -- 7 Castleton -- 70 Church -- 58 Cockernonny Burn -- 50 Corriearick Burn -- 4 Craigend -- 30 Craigend -- 48 Creag an t-Soilleir -- 3 Craig Lea -- 3 Craiglea Quarry (Slate) -- 3 Crofthead -- 53 Cross (Sculptured) -- 56 Crowhill -- 45 Cultoquhey -- 30 Cultoquhey Burn -- 38 Cultoquhey Quarry -- 32 Dalbarber -- 48 Den of Keilour -- 45 Downie Burn -- 67 Druidical Temple -- 42 Druidical Temple -- 53 Drum of Culnacloich -- 8 Drummie -- 64 Drummick -- 22 Drumphin -- 81 Easter Balnollo -- 35 Easter Buchanty -- 17 Easter Kingcam -- 24 Easter Sunnyside -- 74 Easter Upper Kipney -- 12 East Lodge -- 77 East Tulchan -- 19 Fairy Knowe -- 62 Fendoch Burn -- 15 Forebrae -- 74 Fornought -- 44 Fort -- 21 Fowlis Burn -- 68 Fowlis Inn -- 56 Fowlis Wester -- 1 Fowlis Wester -- 55 Francesfield -- 11 Frenchton -- 20 Gas Works -- 78 Gillie Burn -- 52 Gilmerton -- 29 Glenalmond -- 16 Glentulchan -- 19 Gowanhill -- 71 Grampian Mountains -- 4 Green of Keilour -- 46 Isle -- 65 Keilour -- 49 Keilour Burn -- 50 Keilour Forest -- 51 Keilour Lodge -- 52 Kintocher -- 79 Knockdhu -- 45 Latterbannochy -- 60 Linfield -- 52 Linfield Burn -- 52 Littleton -- 31 Loanfoot -- 54 Loanside -- 65
OS1/25/34/86 [Page] 86 Names of Objects -- Page Loch Luig -- 25 Logiealmond -- 9 Logiealmond Lodge -- 5 Louisafield -- 47 Mains of Gorthy -- 76 Manse -- 61 Middle Balnollo -- 35 Milton of Abercairny -- 36 Milton Burn -- 4 Milton of Cultoquhey -- 40 Milquhanzie Hill -- 26 Monabuie -- 23 Morningside -- 11 Morningside Burn -- 9 Muckle Burn -- 38 Muckleburn Quarry -- 36 Murray's Hill -- 41 Nether Culnacloich -- 17 Nether Mains -- 79 Newbigging -- 67 New Drummick -- 23 New Fowlis -- 64 Newmill -- 75 Newmill -- 79 Newinn of Gorthy -- 73 Newton -- 65 North Lodge -- 61 North Tulchan -- 19 Park of Keilour -- 24 Parkneuk Burn -- 25 Pitlandy -- 54 Pittencleroch -- 40 Post Office -- 29 Post Office -- 55 Pow Water -- 83 Quarterbank -- 77 River Almond -- 4 Roman Outpost (Remains of) -- 33 Sair Law -- 71 School -- 14 School -- 31 School -- 60 School and Post Office -- 48 Seat Knowe -- 69 Shannochar -- 61 Shiligan Burn -- 4 Shiligan Cottage -- 20 Sluidubh -- 23 South Buchanty -- 22 South Drummie -- 66 South Tulchan -- 22 Splitter's Well -- 21 St Methven's Chapel (Site of) -- 14 Standing Stone -- 64 Strath Earn -- 37 Stroness -- 15 Tail -- 60 Thorn -- 59 Tofts -- 66 Tomafoor -- 7 Tomalea -- 8 Upper Culnacloich -- 17 Viewfield -- 39 Wester Balnollo -- 35 Wester Keilour -- 46 Wester Kingcam -- 24 Wester Sunnyside -- 74 Wester Tomalea -- 8 Wester Upper Kipney -- 12 Westden -- 70 Williamston -- 20 Woodlyburn -- 47