
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Keltie Moss
Walter Boag. Millhaugh
William White, Baadhead
108 ; 109 [Situation] A few chains N. W. [North West] of Keltie Mill in the Northern portion of the parish
A Small enclosure of marshy ground partly upon the farm of Millhaugh which generally flooded in rainy weather
KELTIE MILL (Corn & Flour) Keltie Mill (Oats Barley & Flour)
Keltie Mill (Oats Barley & Flour)
Walter Boag
William White
109 [Situation] In the N. [Northern] portion of the parish
A meal mill for the purpose of grinding Corn worKed by water power, having a Small Cottage, a Couple of offices & a garden attached It is attached to the farm of Millhaugh & the property of Lord Rollo
Wester Keltie
William White.
W. Boag
109 [Situation] About 10 chains S. [South] of Keltie Mill
A Couple of cotters houses, having a Couple offices & a garden attached upon the farm of Baadhead. They are the property of Lord Rollo

Continued entries/extra info

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Parish of Dunning -- Sheet 109 No 13 Trace 4

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