
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Gowan Brae
Gowan Brae
Mr. Neilson
Mr. Soutar
Mr. Robertson
063 A short street branching south easterly from Perth Street.
MEET HILLOCK (Urns found) Meet Hillock Mr. Neilson 063 immediately on the north side of it [Gowan Brae] is a small eminence nearly levelled and cultivated as a garden. The property of Mr. Neilson, who calls it Meet Hillock, & says that it was in its original state a natural Mound of gravel, and in the trenching of it 2 cinerary Urns, and a number of ancient coins were found; some of the latter he has still in his possession.
"About 20 years ago the workmen engaged in removing a large Mound of gravel in the western part of the town, uncovered 2 Roman cinerary urns containing burnt bones, but these were unfortunately broken and thrown away by the men as of no value." New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
Herriot Row
Herriot Row
Mr. Robertson
Mr. Chapman
Val. [Valuation] Roll
063 A short Street branching off Jessie St. and terminating at Bank Head.

Continued entries/extra info

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[Note under Meet Hillock:]
"Mote" a little hill or eminence; a barrow,
or tumulus - Jameison who
also infers the name to be a meeting place.

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Alison James- Moderator, Invicta2

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