
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MANSE [Blairgowrie] Manse
The Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Fraser Occr. [Occupier]
The Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Baxter
Mr. Robertson
052 A fine dwelling house with offices being the parochial Manse The Glebe in 2 portions shewn on Trace with the yellow band also
belongs to it.
MOTE HILL [Hurcheon Hill] Hurcheon Hill
Hurcheon Hill
Hurcheon Hill
Hurcheon or Urchin Hill
Mr. Neilson, Marchant
Mr. Soutar, Banker
Mr. Chapman
New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
052 A small eminence which was almost defaced some years ago in making room for the back wing or Kitchen to the Manse. Mr. Soutar says that it was here, according to tradition, where the Earls of Gowrie held their baron courts, for administering justice. "In its original and perfect state it had a flat surface on the top, which was surrounded by a rampart of earth; but most unfortunately the whole of the earth composing it was some years ago carted away and put upon part of the Glebe and there are now few vestiges remaining. In the course of digging the foundation of the new wing of the manse, in 1838, there was discovered, in the centre of the space formerly occupied by the mound, a circular excavation, about 3 feet in diameter, and 6 feet in depth, which which had been dug far down into the hard gravel, & afterwards filled up with black unctuous looking mould, intermixed with ashes & pieces of charred wood. The writer examined this excavation, but can form no conjecture as to its origin or purpose, unless it may be supposed to mark the spot where witches were formerly burnt, many of whom, according to tradition were executed on this Knoll." New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]

Continued entries/extra info

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[Note below Mote Hill:]
"Immediately behind the Manse there is a circular mound,
or Mote-hill, where, it is said, Earl Gowrie held his regality Court.
It consists of Earth & gravel, & is surrounded on the top with a dyke
of the same materials" Old Stat [Statistical] Account

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