
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ROMAN CAMP [Loaninghead] Roman Camp
Roman Camp
Roman Camp
Mr J. Anderson, Gamekeeper, Gleneagles Ho. [House] near Auchterarder
Mr P. McRobbie, Blackford near Auchterarder
Mr. McRobbie, Drumfad
118 This camp is situated in a stripe of Fir wood, and immediately north of Loaninghead, it is in good preservation, and of an oval shape. It is composed of two trenches, those on the north and south sides being the deepest, on the west there appears to have been the least protection, as there are very slight embanKments, while on the east, the centre is fully 30 feet above the base of the exterior embanKment. There appears to be little doubt as to this being a Roman Camp, and that it was used in connection with the one at Ardoch.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 97
County of Perth. -- Ph. [Parish] of Blackford

[page signed] F. E. Pratt Capt. R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers]

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