
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Shaw Braes
Mr Wood, Dupplin
Mr Larmer, Factor Aberdalgie
097 [Situation] In the S. [South] wetern portion of the parish.
An elevated piece of ground situated in Dupplin demesne over which the principal carriage way passes to the North Lodge.
The Octagon
The Octagon
Mr Wood, Dupplin Mr Larmer, Factor Estate Map 097 [Situation] In the S. [South] western portion of the parish
A spot upon the principal avenue leading to Dupplin Castle situated in a plantation, from which six openings or avenues strike off in different directions through the wood, the avenue itself extends two other openings making eight which gets it the name, Octagon. The sides of each of these avenues, which are covered with grass, are lined with very tall beech trees adding much to the beauty of the effect from their common order upon the wood

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Parish of Aberdalgie -- Sheet 97.15 Trace 5

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