Scheduled Maintenance

This website will undergo scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, September 10th, between 11:00 and 15:00, as well as on Thursday, September 12th, between 10:00 and 12:00. During this time, services may be temporarily disrupted. We apologise for any inconvenience


List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
WEST MAINS West Mains Mr. Henry Stenhouse Teacher Kailzie
Mr. William Melrose West Mains
013 [Situation] About 20 Chains West from East Mains.
A farm house, two stories high with offices garden and farm attached; the property of James Giles Esqr. of Kailzie and occupied by William Melrose.
Craig Head
Craig Head
Mr. Henry Stenhouse
Mr. William Melrose
Johnston's Co. [County] Map
013 [Situation] About ½ Mile W. by S. [West by South] from West Mains.
A high portion of Newby Craigs. It is on the farm of West Mains and is covered with fir and forest trees. The boundary between the Cos. [County's] of Peebles and Selkirk passes along it's Summit.
East Mains
Mr. Melrose West Mains
Mr. J Mark Kailzie Home
013 [Situation] About ¼ of a Mile East from West Mains.
A farm house with offices, in indifferent repair and a small portion of land attached. This a sublet from the farm of West Mains - Proprietor J Giles Esqr Kailzie
NEWBY CRAIGS Newby Craigs See Name Sheet 13 No. 15 Parish of Peebles

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 23

Parish of Traquair (detached) -- Sheet 13 No. 15

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, JOANMUIR

  Location information for this page.