List of names as written | Various modes of spelling | Authorities for spelling | Situation | Description remarks |
STONE GRAIN | Stone Grain | Mr W. Anderson Cramilt W. Dalgleish Talla Linn |
020 | [Situation] In the northern portion of Lyne (Part of) A stream rising at the top of Stonegrain Rig and flowing in a Northern direction till it falls into Cramilt Burn. |
CRAMALT BURN | Cramalt Burn Cramalt Burn |
W. Anderson W Dalgliesh |
020 | [Situation] Running through the northern portion of Lyne (Part of). A large stream rising on the South Side of Dun Law and flowing in a Southerly direction till it falls into the Meggat Water a little to the south of Cramilt farm house. This Burn is Situated on the E [East] side of White Head, Greenbank Hd. [Head] and Cramilt Rig. |
THE BOTTOM | The Bottom | W Anderson W Dalgleish Craigie Rig |
020 | [Situation] On the west side of Cramalt Burn. A piece of flat marshy ground, having a Streamlet flowing thro' its centre into Cramalt Burn, And Situated at the base or bottom of Green Bank. |
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[Page] 13Parish of Megget -- Sheet 20 No. 15 Trace 3
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