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This website will undergo scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, September 10th, between 11:00 and 15:00, as well as on Thursday, September 12th, between 10:00 and 12:00. During this time, services may be temporarily disrupted. We apologise for any inconvenience


List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Garvald House
W.A. Woodrop Esqr Garvald Ho [House]
John Mackie Gardener Garvald House
007 [Situation] In the SW [South West] corner of the parish of Linton close to the boundary

A large, square, plain, building beautifully situated On the East si [side] of the Garvald Burn and surround [surrounded] by a well wooded portion of land Composed of Fir and forest trees It has excellent offices large vegetable Garden And farm of land attached and is the pro [property] and residence of W,A, Woodrop Esqr This place was formerly called Garvalfoot, but on its becoming the property of the present propri [proprietor's] Father, was changed by him to Garvald Ho, [House]
Whitehill Head
W.A. Woodrop Esqr Garvald Ho. [House]
John Mackie Gardener Garvald Ho. [House]
007 [Situation] About 1/8 mile E. [East] of Garvald House

A small arable Hill on the farm of Garvald, partly plan [planted] with Fir and forest trees, It derived its name from an old House called Whitehill which st [stood] at the South side of the hill near Dean Burn

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 8
Parish of Linton -- Sheet 7 No 4 -- Trace 1

Transcriber's notes

Words lost in fold of page.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator, NancyRobertson

  Location information for this page.