Continued entries/extra info
[page] 38"There were from an early period hills or hamlets at Ingiston and Blyth. The latter
in the beginning of the last Century was still known as the town of Blyth. On a hill in its
neighbourhood Called Green Castle there are vestiges of a circular fort". -- Origines Parochiales Scotiæ page 191
"Blyth is a small village near which is a stone bridge over Tarth where the roads
by Linton and Noblehouse meet and on a hill Called Green Castle are the appearances of a Circular fort". -- Pennecuik's Hist [History] of Tweeddale page 199
[Note] -- "Blyth Bank on Sheet 8 No. 5 & 9 was Called Green Castle about the beginning of
this Century but when the farm house of Blythbank was erected it then got the
name of Blyth Bank Hill and is not Known by any other name at present. On
its Summit there is a fortified position Called the Rings". -- Signed P. McHugh Lce Corpl R,S,&.M, [Lance Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners]
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Moira L- Moderator, JOANMUIR
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