
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CAIRN LAW Cairn Law Simon Ritchie
John White
James Alston
008 [Situation] In the South end of the parish of Linton

A Small Hill adjoining the Farm of Hindfordwells, on the Summit of which is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station It is Commonly Called Cran or Carn Law, but Mr Ritchie says that Cairn Law is the Correct name; He says that Persons in the neighbourhood who had Committed Suicide were buried here -- it being at two Laird's lands -- and Small Cairns erected over them. These Cairns do not now exist, as the place is enclosed & planted.

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Parish of West Linton -- Sheet 8 No 1 -- Trace 6

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