
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Black Burn
Black Burn
James Crichton
James Alston
John White
008 [Situation] Running in a westerly direction passing within about 3 chains South of Medwin Mains

A Stream which is formed by the Junction of two Small Streams, on the Farm of Hindfordwells, and flows in a Northerly direction through the Farm of "Medwyn Mains", - by the south side of the Farmhouse - to the Turnpike Road, along the north side of which it passes to Medwyn Cottage; thence Westwards to the S.E. [South East] Corner of Ingraston Moss, where it takes the name of Tarth Water.

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Parish of West Linton -- Sheet 8 No 1 -- Trace 2

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Nora Edwards, Moira L- Moderator, JOANMUIR

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