
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
DRY SYKE Dry Syke Robert Lawrie Shepherd
James Tait Shepherd
014 [Situation] Adjoining Priesthope.
A hollow or glen covered with heathy pasture a Stone Wall passes down and divides the two Farms. Streams rise and sink in several places in it - but are not strong enough to form a flowing stream.
TORYKNEIS Torykneis See Sheet 14 No. 10
PRIESTHOPE BURN Priesthope Burn See Name Sheets for Sheet 14 No. 10

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 29

Parish of Inverleithen -- Sheet 14 No 6 Trace 6

[Entry for Flesh Cleugh is crossed out in Orthography column, with note:]
In N.B. [Name Book] Selkirk Detd. [Detached]

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Alison James- Moderator, P Wills

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