Continued entries/extra info
(NAME BOOK) INDEXHousa Geo -- 39
Howe -- 141
Howe Hill -- 140
Iceland Skerry -- 122
Inkerman -- 73
Innsker -- 27
Inskift of Skewnesstoft-- 72
Johnny Begg's Geo -- 131
Kaiser Clett -- 86
Kiln of Geo-Stane -- 56
Kirk (in Ruins) -- 84
Kirk Banks -- 95
Kirk Geo -- 100
Kirk Hill -- 84
Kirkhill -- 78
Kirkiber -- 79
Kirn Stane -- 158
Lady's Kirk Site of -- 93
Lang Geo -- 124
Lang Ridden -- 88
Lang Skerry -- 81
Lee Sand -- 61
Leira Water -- 64
Lingavi Geo -- 161
Ling Holm -- 63
Lingro -- 41
Linton -- 89
Little Burg -- 152
Little Doos Geo -- 103
Little Feaston -- 78
Little Galt Skerry -- 6
Little Geo -- 82
Little Sandsgarth -- 150
Little Strombery -- 94
Little Vasa Water -- 22
Loadbery -- 5
Loadbery -- 154
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