
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BRIDGE OF BULLABROW Bridge of Bullabrow
Bridge of Bullabrow
Bridge of Bullabrow
D. Stephen Esq. [Esquire] Norton Birsay Adam Kirkness Benzieclett James Harvie Esq. [Esquire] Brecken 094 A: small bridge of Stone and lime, Situated 1/2 mile North, E. of the Congregational Chapel and 1/2 mile East of Quina Moan, Spanning the parish boundary stream at the point where it changes its name from "Burn of Ess" to "Burn of Roo"
BURN OF ROO Burn of Roo
Burn of Roo
Burn of Roo
D. Stephen Esq. [Esquire] Norton Birsay Adam Kirkness Esq. [Esquire] Benzieclett Mr. James Stocken Nether Benzieclett 094 applies to Stream, terminating at the ,Bridge of Bullabrow, and taking its course in a South Easterly direction connecting with the ,Burn of Hackland, 9 Chains South East from the Congregational Chapel, and 1/4 mile West of Orrshun,
Nether Benzieclett
Nether Benzieclett
D Stephen Esq. [Esquire] Norton Birsay Adam Kirkness Esq. [Esquire] Benzieclett Mr. James Stocken occupier 094 a farm house with out offices situated 1/2 mile South, East of, Swartland and 1/2 mile North of , Tufta. the the property of the occupier,

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Parish of Sandwick Orkney

Signed: George Calder C/A

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