
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BRETTA NESS Bretta Ness Mr. W. Seatter, Saviskaill.
Mr. Gibson, Vacquoy.
Mr. Cooper Schoolmaster.
085 Applies to a small promontory jutting out into the Loch of Wasbister. It contains the site of an old chapel previously described.
LAIRD GEOS Laird Geos Mr. Cooper
Mr. Inkster School, Sourin.
High Craigie, Hammer.
085 Laird Geos is the name given to 2 small inlets situate about 20 chains east of "Combs Kirk".
NOUSTY SAND Nousty Sand Mr. Cooper, School, Wasbister.
Mr. I. Inkster, Sourin.
Hugh Craigie, Hammer.
085 Applies to a patch of sandy coast situate immediately south east of Saviskaill. It is used as a landing place by fishermen.
SKUTHIE GEO Skuthie Geo Mr. Cooper
Mr.Inkster, School, Sourin
Hugh Craigie, Hammer
085 Applies to a small inlet situate about half a mile east of "Comb's Kirk".

Transcriber's notes

The details for Nousty Sand appear on page 42, but the name does not appear in the list of names, therefore the details are entered here on page 46, where the place name appears.

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Muriel Rousay

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