
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
KIRBISTER MILL (Corn) Kirbister Milll (Corn) James Johnston Esqr of Coubister Charles Still Esqr of Smoogro
George Frisken tenant
107 A large and very substantial stone building, Second to none in the County as a water power corn mill, receives a plentiful supply of water during summer as well as winter from the Loch of Kirbister. Situated by the County road 6 miles from the town of Kirkwall, and 1/4 of a mile north of the head of Waukmill Bay, David Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie proprietor.
SCATINAN Scatinan James Johnston Esqr of Coubister J.G.M. heddle of Hobbbister James Manson Twartquoy 107 A small dwellinghouse situate on the west bank of the "Burn of Swortebig" about 1/2 mile north west of Hobbister House and about one mile north west of Kirbister Mill. The property of J.G.M. Heddle Esqr. of Hobbister.
UPPER GROUNDWATER Upper Groundwater James Johnston Esqr of Coubister
Charles Still Esqr of Smoogro
John Robertson tenant
107 Small farmhouses and outhouses, situate on the north east side of Loch Kirbister about one mile north by east of Kirbister Mill. The property of Charles Still Esqr of Smoogro.

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