
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BEGGSHOUSE Beggshouse Mr. A. Horne Factor Eday.
Mr. H. Marwick, Postoffice, Eday.
Mr. Robert Reid, Beggshouse Eday.
086 This name applies to a small farm house built of stone slated one storey high in good repair, situated in the district of Millbounds about 150 yards south west from Harcusquoy.
FERNYBRAE Fernybrae 086 This name applies to a small farm house built of stone, thatched, one storey high in poor repair, situated about 300 yards west from Beggshouse.
WANTONBRAE Wantonbrae 086 This name applies to a neat farm house, it is built of stone, slated one storey high, in good repair, situate about a 170 yards north west from Beggshouse.

Continued entries/extra info

D. McKenzie, C.A. [Civilian Assistant]

Transcriber's notes

No Authorities for spelling are provided for Wantonbrae or Fernybrae.

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Muriel Rousay

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