Orkney, Volume 02

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/23/2/1 BURNESS Burness Imp. Gazetteer of Scotland Stat. a/c of Scotland Johnstons Map of Orkney Peace's Map of Orkney Peaces County Almanac & Directory Orkney & Shetland Guide & Directory Oliver & Boyds Edinburgh Almanac North Sea Pilot John A Bruce Sheriff Clerk of Orkney 077; 078; 079; 081 Burness, a parish in the island of Sanday. It comprises the north western limbs of the island. It is bounded on the north by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by The North Sound on the east by Otters Wick and part of the parish of Lady and on the south by the parish of Cross. The parish is in the presbytery of North Isles and Synod of Orkney. Its post town is Kirkwall. There is no detached portion of this parish locally situated within the boundary of any other parish nor is there any detached portion of any other one locally situated within the boundary of this one. It Contains about 3434 Statute Acres.
OS1/23/2/3 LADY Lady Imp. Gazetteer of Scotland Stat. a/c of Scotland Johnstons Map of Orkney Peace's Map of Orkney Peaces County Almanac & Directory Orkney & Shetland Guide & Directory Oliver & Boyds Edinburgh Almanac John A Bruce Sheriff Clerk of Orkney 078; 081; 082; 087; 087A Lady, a parish comprising the north eastern portion of the island of Sanday. Its post town is Kirkwall. It is bounded on the north by North Ronaldsay Firth on the north west by Otters Wick, on the west by the parishes of Cross & Burness,on the south by Sanday Sound & on the east by the North Sea or German Ocean. The parish is in the presbytery of North Isles & Synod of Orkney. There is no detached part of this parish locally situated within the boundary of any other parish nor is there any detached portion of any other parish locally situated within the boundary of this one. It Contains about 8087 Statute Acres.
OS1/23/2/5 CROSS Cross Imp. Gazetteer of Scotland Stat. a/c of Scotland Johnstons Map of Orkney Andersons Guide to the Highlands Peaces County Almanac & Directory Orkney & Shetland Guide & Directory Oliver & Boyds Edinburgh Almanac Peace's Map of the Orkney Islands J A Bruce Esq Sheriff Clerk of Orkney 081; 087 Cross, a parish in the island of Sanday. It comprises the south western limbs of the island. It is bounded on the north by part of the parishes of Burness & Lady, on the south by Spurness Sound, on the west by the North Sound, Lashy Sound, & Eday Sound & on the east by Sanday Sound and part of the parish of Lady.The parish is in the presbytery of North Isles and Synod of Orkney. Its post town is Kirkwall. There is no detached part of this parish locally situated within the boundary of any othrr parish nor is there any detached portion of any other locally situated within the boundary of this one. It Contains about 5143 Statute Acres.
OS1/23/2/7 SELCHIE GEO Selchie Geo Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small rocky creek on the west side of the Holms of Ire midway between Smear Geo and Summer Geo.
OS1/23/2/7 SMEAR GEO Smear Geo Smear Geo Smear Geo Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small creek on the west side of the Holms of Ire a short distance south of The Lotheran.
OS1/23/2/7 SUMMER GEO Summer Geo Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small rocky creek, on the west side of the Holms of Ire, immediately west of Outer Sound.
OS1/23/2/8 LANDWARD GEO Landward Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small creek, situated on the east side and at the north end of the Holms of Ire.
OS1/23/2/8 MULLERY GEO Mullary Geo Mullery Geo Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small creek on the east side of the Holms of Ire immediately S. of Landward Geo.
OS1/23/2/8 THE LOTHERAN The Lotheran The Lotheran The Lotheran Rev. Matthew Fisher,of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 Applies to a small stony bay on the west side and at the north end of Holms of Ire.
OS1/23/2/9 CASTLE GEO Castle Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher, Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small creek, on the west side of the Holms of Ire a short distance south of Outer Sound.
OS1/23/2/9 HOLMS OF IRE Holms of Ire Rev. Matthew Fisher, Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 Applies to two islands connected at low water, they form the western boundary of Ross Wick and are fully one mile north west of Scar. They are in the parish of Cross & Burness and the property of Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/9 OUTER SOUND Outer Sound Outer Sound OuterfSound Rev. Matthew Fisher, Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A rocky passage dividing the Holms of Ire, about 1/2 mile north of Inner Sound.
OS1/23/2/10 LANG GEO Lang Geo Lang Geo Lang Geo Rev.[Reverend] Matthew Fisher, Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small narrow creek, on the west side of the Holms of Ire, a short distance south of Castle Geo.
OS1/23/2/10 POOL GEO Pool Geo Rev. [Reverend] Matthew Fisher, Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small creek, on the west side of the Holms of Ire, 1/8 mile direct west of Kirk Geo.
OS1/23/2/10 UEGAN Uegan Rev. [Reverend] Matthew Fisher, Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small narrow creek, on the west side of the Holms of Ire, immediately south of Pool Geo.
OS1/23/2/10 Parish of Burness Sanday, Orkney
OS1/23/2/11 INNER SOUND Inner Sound Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 Applies to a passage at low water between the Holms of Ire and the mainland of Sanday, about one mile west of Scar.
OS1/23/2/11 MOO GEO Moo Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small bay on the east side of the Holms of Ire, 1/8 mile south of Outer Sound.
OS1/23/2/11 WHAL GEO Whale Geo Whale Geo Whale Geo Whal Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar Re-submitted 077 A narrow creek, on the west side of the Holms of Ire and south of Inner Sound.
OS1/23/2/11 WHAL POINT Whal Point Whal Point Captain Horwood William Tulloch, boatman 077 Applies to a point South of Whal Geo and on the West side of Holms of Ire.
OS1/23/2/12 CHAPEL (In Ruins) [Holms of Ire] Church Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 Applies to the supposed ruins of an old church or chapel, but no information could be obtained as to date or origin &c. It is situated on the Holms of Ire close to Uegan.
OS1/23/2/13 EBB OF THE RIVE Ebb of the Rive Ebb of the Rive Ebb of the Rive Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Mr John Scott, Clerk to Captain Harwood of Westove John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A stretch of Low Water Rocks on the north coast of the island of Sanday nearly 1 mile north east of Scar an 1 mile South of the Beacon at north end of Rive.
OS1/23/2/13 QUOY BANKS Quoy Banks Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Mr John Scott, Clerk to Captain Harwood of Westove John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 Sand Banks and a stretch of Low water Rocks on the north coast of Sanday 3/4ths of a mile east of Roos Wick and the same distance south of Ebb of the Rive.
OS1/23/2/13 TAING OF WESTOVE Taing of Westove Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Mr John Scott, Clerk to Captain Harwood of Westove John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A point of Low water rocks on the north coast of Sanday and forming the eastern boundary of Roos Wick.
OS1/23/2/14 EBB OF HUCKLESOAR Ebb of Hucklesoar Ebb of Hucklesoar Ebb of Hucklesoar Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Mr John Scott, Clerk to Captain Harwood of Westove John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A stretch of Low water Rocks on the north coast of Sanday about midways between Quoy Banks and Ebb of the Rive.
OS1/23/2/14 THE CROOK The Crook Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Mr John Scott, Clerk to Captain Harwood of Westove John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small creek where large quantities of Sea Ware are collected immediately north of Quoy Banks and a short distance south of Ebb of Huckles Oar.
OS1/23/2/15 GEO OF GERSON Geo of Gerson Geo of Gerson Geo of Gerson Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small creek situated a short distance south of Muckle Kiln and 1/8 of a mile west of Airon.
OS1/23/2/15 LITTLE KILN Little Kiln Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small narrow creek, a short distance N. of Muckle Kiln and 1/8 mile west of Airon.
OS1/23/2/15 MUCKLE KILN Muckle Kiln Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small creek, situated between Geo of Gerson and Little Kiln 1/8 of a mile direct west of Airon.
OS1/23/2/16 CRAW'S NEST Craw's Nest Craw's Nest Craw's Nest Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 Applies to a pillar of rock about 30 feet in height, situated 1/4 mile N.W. of Airon and about the same distance west of Yorstons Geo.
OS1/23/2/16 IRON GEO Iron Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small creek situated 1/8 mile east of Craws Nest and 1/4 mile direct north of Airon.
OS1/23/2/16 YORSTANS GEO Yorstans Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small creek or opening between flat rocks, situated about midway between Iron Geo and Airon and a little over 1/8 mile N.E. of Little Kiln.
OS1/23/2/17 AIRON Airon Airon Airon Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small farmhouse and steading situated 1/4 mile direct west of Nouster and about 1/2 mile N.W. of Milldam farm, The property of Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/17 ANNIE'S GEO Annie's Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small rocky creek, situated 1/2 mile [1/2 mile] west of Milldam farm and about the same distance south of Airon.
OS1/23/2/17 RETHIE TAING Rethie Taing Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A point of flat rocks, a short distance south of Annie's Geo and 1/2 mile west of Milldam farm.
OS1/23/2/18 BOAT GEO Boat Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small stony creek, situated between Horsse Geo and Ramli Geo immediately west of Knowe of Gerrow.
OS1/23/2/18 LITTLE GEO Little Geo Little Geo Little Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small rocky creek, situated 1/2 mile 1/8 mile direct west of Know of Yerrow and about the same distance S. of Rethie Taing.
OS1/23/2/18 RAMLI GEO Ramli Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small creek, situated between Boat Geo and Little Geo a short distance west of Knowe of Gerrow.
OS1/23/2/19 HORSE GEO Horse Geo Horse Geo Horse Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 A small creek, lying between a short distance west of Knowe of Yerrow and about 1/4 mile west of Prattafauld farm.
OS1/23/2/19 KNOWE OF YARROW Knowe of Yarrow Rev. Matthew Fisher, of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals John Muir Farmer Viggar 077 Applies to the remains of an old Picts House, reguarding which no further information could be obtained, situated 1/4 mile direct west of Prattafauld farm and about 5/8 of a mile S. of Airon.
OS1/23/2/19 THE NORTH SOUND the North Sound The North Sound The North Sound The North Sea Pilot Admiralty Chart Johnston's Map of the Orkneys 077; 081 The North Sound contained between Westray to the westward and Sanday to the eastward is sometimes called the Sand" from its having a sandy bottom nearly throughout.
OS1/23/2/21 GATESIDE Gateside Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & Steading on the Estate of Westove about 1/8 of a mile east of Roos Loch and a short distance south of Roo.
OS1/23/2/21 ROO Roo Roo Roo Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the Estate of Westove 1/8 of a mile east of Nouster and 1/2 mile south west of Woo.
OS1/23/2/21 WHISTLEBARE Whistlebrae Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & Steading on the Estate of Westove and about midways between the farm house of Gateside and that of Clickimin.
OS1/23/2/22 NOUSTER Nouster Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the Estate of Westove and situated 3/4ths of a mile south west of Scar at the neck of the Isthmus separating Roos Wick from Roos Loch.
OS1/23/2/22 ROOS LOCH Roos Loch Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A large fresh water Loch situated immediately south of the farm of Nouster and seoarated from Roos Wick by a narrow Isthmus.
OS1/23/2/22 ROOS WICK Roos Wick Roos Wick Roos Wick Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A large bay on the north coast of Sanday about 3/4ths of a mile north west of Scar and bounded on the east by the Ting of Westove and on the west by the Holms of Ire.
OS1/23/2/23 CLICKIMIN Clickimin Clickimin Clickimin Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house and steading on the estate of Westove situated 1/4 of a mile east of Roos Loch and the same distance south west of Breck.
OS1/23/2/23 RUNNA CLETT Runna Clett Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A stretch of Low Water rocks immediately north of the dwelling houses of Woo on the estate of Westove and 1/4 of a mile north west of Scar.
OS1/23/2/23 WESTOVE 077
OS1/23/2/23 This entry marked cancelled.
OS1/23/2/24 BROUGH [Woo] Archaeologica Scotica p. 94 077
OS1/23/2/24 PICT'S HOUSE (Site of) [Woo] Picts House (site of) Captain Horwood of Westove 077 A small green mound the site of a Picts House, just above H.W.M. and a short distance North West of Woo.
OS1/23/2/24 SAND AYRE Sand Ayre Sand Ayre Sand ayre Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A long narrow stony Beach north of Scar and extending from Runna Cleat to Tunna Skerry.
OS1/23/2/24 SCAR Scar Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 An extensive modern Mansion house having large and substantial offices attached situated in the district of Burness at the north end of the Island of Sanday and presently the residence of Captain and Mrs Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/24 WOO Woo Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A number of dwelling houses and old Mill now converted into a Carpenter's Shop on the Estate of Westove and 1/4 of a mile north west of Scar.
OS1/23/2/24 Appears that the descriptive note is included in that of "Picts House".
OS1/23/2/25 BRECK Breck Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the Estate of Westove and 1/4 of a mile south west of Scar a short distance north east of West Thrave.
OS1/23/2/25 TUNNA SKERRY Tunna Skerry Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A small Low water skerry at the east end of Sand Ayre and 1/4 of a mile north east of Scar.
OS1/23/2/25 UPPER BRECKAN Upper Breckan Upper Breckan Upper Breckan Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the Estate of Westove situated close to and east of Scar.
OS1/23/2/26 ABOON-DE-RIGGS Aboonderiggs Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the Estate of Westove a little over 1/8th of a mile south east of Nether Breckan and the same distance north east of Sandback.
OS1/23/2/26 MID BRECKAN Mid Breckan Mid Breckan Mid Breckan Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house and Steading on the estate of Westove and 1/4 of a mile direct east of Scar.
OS1/23/2/26 NETHER BRECKAN Nether Breckan Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & Steading on the Estate of Westove a short distance south east of Mid Breckan.
OS1/23/2/27 GRINDYHA' Grindyha' Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A dwelling house on the estate of Westove east of the south end of Roos Loch and 1/8 of a mile north of the farm house of Milldam.
OS1/23/2/27 MILL BRAE Mill Brae Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A round knoll having a flag staff on the top of it on the estate of Westove a short distance east of Scar and south of Mid Breckan.
OS1/23/2/27 SANDBACK Sandback Sandback Sandback Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A Dwelling house on the Glebe of Cross and Burness belonging to the Established Church of Scotland about 1/4 of a mile south east of Scar.
OS1/23/2/28 HYNDGREENIE Hyndgreenie Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house and steading on the estate of Westove a short distance of Westove and south west of Stumpo.
OS1/23/2/28 PARLGO Parlgo Parlgo Parlgo Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the Estate of Westove 1/4 of a mile east of Grindyha' and a short distance north of Stumpo.
OS1/23/2/28 STUMPO Stumpo Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house and Steading on the estate of Westove amd nearly midways between Parlgo and Annabreck.
OS1/23/2/29 PINCOD Pincod Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the estate of Westove 1/4 of a mile east of Prattsfauld and the same distance south east of Annabreck.
OS1/23/2/29 PRATTSFAULD Prattsfauld Prattsfauld Prattsfauld Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house and Steading on the estate of Westove 1/4 of a mile south of Roos Loch and nearly the same distance south west of Hanover.
OS1/23/2/29 ROCK Rock Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A dwelling house on the estate of Westove about midways between Hanover and Pincod.
OS1/23/2/30 ANNABRECK Annabreck Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house and Steading on the estate of Westove 1/8 of a mile south east of Hyndgreenie and about the same distance south of Stumpo.
OS1/23/2/30 HANOVER Hanover Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the estate of Westove about midways between Rock and Millhouse.
OS1/23/2/30 MILLDAM Milldam Milldam Milldam Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the estate of Westove east of the extreme south end of Roos Loch and 1/4 of a mile south west of Stumpo.
OS1/23/2/31 MILLHOUSE Millhouse Millhouse Millhouse Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the estate of Westove 1/8 of a mile south of Milldam and 1/4 of a mile north east of Prattsfauld.
OS1/23/2/31 NEIGARTH Neigarth Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the estate of Westove 1/4 of a mile south east of West Thrave, close to and on the west side of the public road leading to Scar.
OS1/23/2/31 WEST THRAVE West Thrave Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house and steading on the estate of Westove nearly 1/2 mile south west of Scar and a short distance east of Parlgo.
OS1/23/2/32 EAST THRAVE East Thrave Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A small dwelling house on the estate of Westove 1/4 of a mile north west of Saville and a short distance north of the farm of Knowe.
OS1/23/2/32 SMITHSCOT Smithscot Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A dwelling house & Smithy on the estate of Westove a short distance north of the new public School for Cross & Burness.
OS1/23/2/32 STANGASETTER Stangasetter Stangasetter Stangasetter Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the estate of Westove on the west side of the public road leading to Scar and nearly 1/4 of a mile south of Neigarth.
OS1/23/2/33 BEA NESS 081
OS1/23/2/33 GREENQUOY Greenquoy Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the estate of Westove nearly 1/4 of a mile west of Knowe and a short distance north east of Skithow.
OS1/23/2/33 KNOWE Knowe Knowe Knowe Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading an the estate of Westove nearly 1/2 mile west of Saville and a short distance north west of Oyce Pow.
OS1/23/2/33 SKITHOW Skithow Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the estate of Westove 1/4 of a mile south west of Knowe and a little over that distance north west of Oyce.
OS1/23/2/33 Not on this page
OS1/23/2/34 OYCE Oyce Oyce Oyce Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A farm dwelling house & steading on the estate of Westove about 1/4 of a mile south west of Saville and a short distance south east of Knowe.
OS1/23/2/34 OYCE POW Oyce Pow Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove John Deerness, Farmer, Nouster 077 A narrow Channel or arm of the Sea extending inland from Otters Wick to a short distance south east of the farm of Knowe.
OS1/23/2/35 GEO OF TAFTSNESS Geo of Taftsness Geo of Taftsness Geo of Taftsness Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness William Wallace, Tafts 078 A small sandy Bay situated one quarter of a mile west of the "Point of the Geo" and 3/4 mile N.E. of Gleat.
OS1/23/2/37 THE RIVE The Rive Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals Robert Tulloch farmer Helliehow 078; 079 A long point or reef of low water rocks, boulders & stones, extending about 1 mile N.N.W. from near the N.E. extremity of Burness. It has an iron beacon at the extreme point and it can be reached from the land at very low or spring tides, but the reef is so low-lying in many part[s] that the return tide breaks through it in a few minutes after it begins to flow.
OS1/23/2/37 WHITEMILL BAY Whitemill bay Captain Horwood William Tulloch, Boatman Admiralty Chart 078 Applies to a good sized Bay to the north of Whitemill Point, and about 1/2 a mile north of Whitemill Loch.
OS1/23/2/37 WHITEMILL LOCH Whitemill Loch Whitemill Loch Whitemill Loch Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals Robert Tulloch farmer Helliehow 078 A small fresh water in the course of being drained, situated 1/4 mile N.W. of Helliehow and the same distance N.E. of Howbell, all the foregoing names are on the property of Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/38 HELLIEHOW Helliehow Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals Robert Tulloch Farmer Helliehow 078 A small farm house and steading situated 1/2 mile direct east of the farm of Howbell and a little over one mile N.E. of Saville.
OS1/23/2/38 HOWBELL Hoiwbell Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals Robert Tulloch farmer Helliehow 078 A small farm house and steading situated one mile north of Saville and about the same distance N. east of Scar.
OS1/23/2/38 WHITEMILL POINT Whitemill Point Whitemill Point Whitemill Point Rev. Matthew Fisher, Minister of Cross & Burness Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals Robert Tulloch Farmer Helliehow 078 A large promontory, situated 1/2 mile north of the farm of Helliehow and one mile direct east of the Rive. It forms the extreme north-east point of Burness Parish.
OS1/23/2/39 CROW TAING Crow Taing Crow Taing Crow Taing Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A small point of flat low water rocks situated one quarter of a mile west of "Brace Garth", and forming the southwest extremity of North Ronaldsay Firth.
OS1/23/2/39 POINT OF CREESO Point of Creeso Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A small point of flat low water rocks situated on the northwest extremity of "Tafts Ness".
OS1/23/2/40 BRACE GARTH Brace Garth Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A small knoll situated near the southwest corner of "Tafts Ness" and one quarter of a mile north of Tafts.
OS1/23/2/40 MUIR Muir Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A small dwelling house and steading, situated on the west side of North Loch, & one quarter of a mile south of "Tafts". Occupies by "N. Thomson". This, & the foregoing names, are the property of the "Earl of Zetland".
OS1/23/2/40 TAFTS NESS Tafts Ness Tafts Ness Tafts Ness Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A medium sized promontory situated on the extreme north point of the Island of Sanday and one quarter of a mile north of "North Loch".
OS1/23/2/41 GLEAT Gleat Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A farm house & steading situated on the north banl of North Loch & near the southeast corner of Tafts Ness, occupies by "Willliam Angus".
OS1/23/2/41 SAVERS GEO Savers Geo Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A small creek bound in by flat rocks situated one half mile south of "Tafts" and visible at low water only.
OS1/23/2/41 TAFTS Tafts Tafts Tafts Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A small cluster of farm houses & steadings, situated a short distance south of "Tafts Ness" and one quarter of a mile south of "Brace Garth," occupies by James Angus & others.
OS1/23/2/42 NEW GEO New Geo New Geo New Geo Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A small creek situated on the west side of Muir Farm house & used for pulling boats up.
OS1/23/2/42 NORTH LOCH North Loch Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A large fresh water loch situated one eighth of a mile south of "Tafts Ness" and about one mile & a half north of Lopness.
OS1/23/2/42 NOUST OF TAFTS Noust of Tafts Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A small creek situated about sixty yards south of "Tafts", visible at low water only.
OS1/23/2/43 BAY OF SOWERDIE Bay of Sowerdie Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A small bay situated one quarter of a mile north east of "Galilee".
OS1/23/2/43 GALILEE Galilee Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A couple of farm houses and steadings, situated on the northeast side of North Loch occupied by William Gutherie and others. Property of the Earl of Zetland.
OS1/23/2/43 SHELLY KNOWE Shelly Knowe Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Angus Tafts 078 A small knoll situated about one quarter of a mile north of the head of the "Bay of Sowerdie".
OS1/23/2/44 PUND OF HINDGREENIE pund of Hindgreenie Name obtained by Lieutenant F.J.Day R.E. when finally examining the Plan of Orkney. 078 Applies to a Knoll situated at the east end of Sanday and about 1/4 a mile east of Galilee.
OS1/23/2/45 GREESMIE Greesmie Rev. Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Thomson, Nouster David Muir, occupier 078 Applies to a small farmhouse situate about 1/2 mile S.W. of New Ortie and 1/4 mile N. of Saville.
OS1/23/2/45 NEW ORTIE New Ortie Rev. Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Thomson, occupier 078 Applies to a long row of dwelling houses occupied by small crofters and fishermen & situate a short distance S.W. of Ortie.
OS1/23/2/45 ORTIE Ortie Ortie Ortie Rev. Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Thomson, occupier 078 Applies to a farmhouse, situated about 1 1/4 miles N.E. of Scar, and 1 mile S.W. of Whitemill Point on the west side of Otterswick Bay.
OS1/23/2/46 NORTHSKAILL Northskaill Rev. Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Corse, farmer Northskaill 078 Applies to a farmhouse, situate about 1 mile S.E. of Scar and a short distance N. of Saville on the west side of Otterswick Bay.
OS1/23/2/46 SAVILLE Saville Rev. Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Corse, farmer Northskaill 078 A substantial farmstead & steading situate on the west side of Otterswick Bay, about 1/2 mile N. of Lama Ness & 1 mile S.E. of Scar.
OS1/23/2/46 SKATE DYKES Skate Dykes Rev. Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Corse, farmer Northskaill 078 Applies to a point of low water rocks situate immediately east of Saville & Northskaill. All the names in this sheet are on the property of Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/46 TAING AYRE Taingayre Taingayre Taingayre Rev. Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Corse, farmer Northskaill 078 Applies to a point of low water rocks situate about 1/2 mile east of Ortie on the west side of Otterswick Bay.
OS1/23/2/47 LONG TAING Long Taing Long Taing Long Taing Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer Andrew Muir Seater. 078 A long point of flat rocks visible at low water only, It penetrates seaward in a northerly direction, and forms the north-east boundary of "Otters Wick". It is situated half a mile north of "Seater".
OS1/23/2/47 SEATER Seater Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer Andrew Muir Seater. 078 A farm house situated in the north part of the district of "Sellibister" and about one mile to the north of "Newark". It is occupied by Andrew Muir.
OS1/23/2/47 WEST AYRE West Ayre Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer Andrew Muir Seater. 078 A long stony beach, situated one quarter of a mile to the north of "Seater". It extends along the coast for a distance of half a mile.
OS1/23/2/48 WESTAYRE LOCH West-Ayre Loch West-Ayre Loch West-Ayre Loch Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer Andrew Muir Seater. 078 A medium sized fresh water loch, situated about one quarter of a mile to the east of "Setter". This and all the foregoing names are the property of J. Trail Esqr. of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/49 BAY OF SANDQUOY Bay of Sanquoy Bay of Sanquoy Bay of Sanquoy Bay of Sandquoy Bay of Sandquoy Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer Andrew Muir Seater. Johnston's Map of the Orkney Islands North Sea Pilot 078 A large bay situated one half mile to th north of the little district of "Rusness", and running parallel to the same, being bound in on the southwest by "Ting of Toscar".
OS1/23/2/49 SANDQUOY Sanquoy Sanquoy Sanquoy Sandquoy Sandquoy Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer Thomas King Sanquoy Johnston's Map North Sea Pilot 078 A farm house situated on the northest shore of the "Bay of Lanquoy" and three quarters of a mile to the north of "Lamgamay". It is occupied by "Thomas King".
OS1/23/2/49 TAING OF TOR SKER Taing of Toscar Taing of Toscar Taing of Toscar Taing of Tor Sker Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer John Drever Toscar re-submitted 078 A point of flat rocks visible at low water only. It is situated one half mile to the north of "Hogsha" and forms the western boundary of the Bay of "Sanquoy".
OS1/23/2/50 HOW How How How Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer John Shed How 078 A farm house situated ninty yards to the east of "Lanquoy". It is occupied by John Shed.
OS1/23/2/50 RUSNESS Rusness Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer John Drever Toscar 078 A small district situated about five and a half miles to the north of the "U.P. Church" and one quarter of a mile north of "Lopness Bay". It contains the farms of "Toscar", "Hogsha" and several other nameless farms. This district and all the foregoing names are the property of "James Trail Esqr. of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/50 TORSKER Toscar Toscar Toscar Torsker Rev. John dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer John Drever Toscar Re-submitted. 078 A farm house situated in the northwest corner o the district of "Rusness" and one mile and a quarter to the west of "East Langamay". It is occupied by "John Drever".
OS1/23/2/51 EAST AYRE East Ayre East Ayre East Ayre Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer John Drever Toscar 078 A stony beach situated a little to the west of the head of the "Bay of Lopness" and about one half mile south of "Hogsha".
OS1/23/2/51 HOGSHA Hogsha Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer John Drever Toscar 078 A Farm situated in the north east corner of the district of "Rusness" and near the west head of the "Loch of Langamay". it is occupied by John Drever, and the property of James Trail Esqr. of Ratter and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/51 LOCH OF LANGAMAY Loch of Langamay Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer John Drever Toscar 078 A large fresh water loch situated near the head of the "Bay of Lopness" and a little more than a mile to the east "Sellibister," and on[d] the property of "The Hon. The Earl of Zetland."
OS1/23/2/52 EAST LANGAMAY East Langamay Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer George Deerness Langamay 078 A farm house situated on the south side of the "Loch of Langamay" and one eighth of a mile to the northeast of "Langamay" and occupies by "George Deerness".
OS1/23/2/52 LANGAMAY Langamay Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer George Deerness Langamay 078 A dwelling house situated at the head of the "Bay of Lopness" and about one mile and a quarter to the west of the Farm of "Lopness". This and the last name is the property of the "Right Hon. The Earl of Zetland".
OS1/23/2/52 WEST LANGAMAY West Langamay West Langamay West Langamay Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer George Deerness Langamay 078 A farm house situated about one mile and a half to the east of "Sellibister". It is occupied by "James Thomson" and the property of "The Right Hon. The Earl of Zetland".
OS1/23/2/53 BAY OF LOPNESS Bay of Lopness Bay of Lopness Bay of Lopness Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Ben Swanson Ground Officer George Deerness E. Langamay 078 A large bay, situated about six miles to the north of "Saval Green". It is bound in on the southwest by "The Long Ting of Newark, " and runs parallel to the Public Road in the shape of a half circul until it reaches its eastern limit viz. "Lop Ness".
OS1/23/2/55 LETTEN Letten Letten Letten Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness William Guthrie Galilee 078 A small district situated one mile and a half north of "Lopness." and on the east side of the "Loch of Rummie," and "North Loch".
OS1/23/2/55 LOCH OF RUMMIE Loch of Rummie Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness William Guthrie Galilee 078 A small fresh water loch situated a little over one quarter of a mile west of "Hind Greenie".
OS1/23/2/55 RUMMIE Rummie Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness William Guthrie Galilee 078 A small farm house situated in the district of Letten, and one eighth of a mile east of the "Loch of Rummie". It is occupied by "Margaret Walls".
OS1/23/2/56 NORTHWALL Northwall Northwall Northwall Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness William Guthrie Galilee 078 A large district, situated about eight miles north of "Sanday Post Office", It embraces the greater portion of the north end of Sanday and comprises the whole of the "Right Honourabe the Earl of Zetland"'s property in the N .E. extremity of the island.
OS1/23/2/56 PIER OF HINDGREENIE Pier of Hindgreenie Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness William Guthrie Galilee 078 A small point o flat low water rocks situated one half mile east of "Letten," and forming the north extremity of "Sacthrie Bay".
OS1/23/2/56 Hind Greenie Hind Greenie Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness William Guthrie Galilee A small bay situates on the south side of the "Pier of Hind Greenie". It is used by the inhabitants as a landing place for boats. The foregoing names are the property of the "Earl of Zetland".
OS1/23/2/57 SCUTHVIE BAY Scuthvie Bay Scuthvie Bay Scuthvie Bay Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness William Guthrie Galilee 078 A large bay situated on the north east coast of the Island of Sanday, between "Start Point" & "Tafts Ness". It is bound on the east by Langware Ting on Start Point & by Pier of Hind Greenies on the west. The submarine Telegraph to Shetland enters the south coast of this Bay.
OS1/23/2/59 BRUE Brue Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 078 A small farm house and steading situated about two and a half miles west of "Start Point Lighthouse", and occupied by "William Work".
OS1/23/2/59 ROADSIDE Roadside Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 078 A small farm house and steading situated in the southeast corner of the district of "Letten", and occupied by "Richard Muir".
OS1/23/2/59 SALTESS Saltess Saltess Saltess Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 078 A small farm house and steading, situated near the south east corner of the district called "Letten". and occupied by "William Moodie".
OS1/23/2/60 LOCH OF BRUE Loch of Brue Loch of Brue Loch of Brue Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 078 A small fresh water loch situated sixty yards north of "Brue" and extending for one eight of a mile, having and average width of eighty yards.
OS1/23/2/60 NEWBIGGING New Bigging Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 078 A small farm house and steading, situated about one eighth of a mile east of "Roadside," and occupied by "James Work". All the foregoing names are the property of the earl of Zetland.
OS1/23/2/60 STENCHME Stenchme Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 078 A small corner of a Sandy bay. Situated in the north-east corner of the Bay of "Lopness". This name is probably derived from the smell of ware great quantities of which are thrown up here.
OS1/23/2/61 BRACKENQUOY Brackenquoy Brackenquoy Brackenquoy Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 078 A small farm hose, and steading, situated one eighth of a mile south of "Newbigging" and occupied by James Wallace.
OS1/23/2/61 LANGBIGGING Langbigging Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 078 A small farm house, and steading, situated about one half mile north east of "Lopness" and occupied by "David Work".
OS1/23/2/61 NOUTLAND Noutland Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 078 A small farm house and steading situated one hundred yards south of "Brackenquoy", and occupies by "William Moodie".
OS1/23/2/62 THRAVE Thrave Thrave Thrave Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness James Work Thrave 078 A small farm house and steading, situated one half mile south, of the south east corner of the district called "Letten", and occupies by "James Work". All the foregoing names are the property of the "Earl of Zetland".
OS1/23/2/63 KIRK GEO Kirk Geo Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Muir, farmer, Viggar 081 Applies to a small creek immediately below the above old burial ground, from which it takes its name.
OS1/23/2/63 NESS OF BROUGH Ness of Brough Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Muir, farmer, Viggar 081 Applies to a promontory or small peninsula, situate about 1/2 mile W. of Westbrough and nearly 1 mile N. of the parish Manse.
OS1/23/2/63 Site of CHAPEL AND BURIAL GROUND [Viggar] Church (site of) Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Muir, farmer, Viggar 081 Supposed site of an ancient church or chapel, but no definite information could be obtained as to date or origin. A number of ancient looking stones, evidently tomb or headstones, marks the place of a graveyard or burial ground. Situate a short distance W. of Viggar.
OS1/23/2/65 HOWLAND Howland Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Muir, farmer, Viggar John Scott, clerk to Captain Horwood. 081 Applies to a farmhouse, situate about 1/4 mile E. of Viggar and 1/2 mile N.N.W. of Hermisgarth and 1/4 mile W. of Woodhouse.
OS1/23/2/65 VIGGAR Viggar Viggar Viggar Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Muir, occupier 081 Applies to a farmhouse, situate about 1/2 mile south of Roos Loch and 1/4 mile W. of Howland, and 1 mile S.W. of Scar.
OS1/23/2/65 VIGGAR GEO Viggar Geo Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Muir, farmer, Viggar 081 Applies to a small creek, or landing place, situate a short distance S. of Viggar on the W. coast of Burness.
OS1/23/2/66 SAND GEO Sand Geo Sand Geo Sand Geo Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Muir, farmer, Viggar 081 Applies to a landing place on the west coast of Burness, about 1/2 mile S.E. of Viggar abd 1/4 mile N.W. of Hermisgarth.
OS1/23/2/66 STRATIEGARTH Stratiegarth Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Muir, farmer, Viggar James Peace, occupier 081 A farmhouse, situate a short distance E. of the public road at Woodhouse and 1/4 mile W. from Skelbrea. All the names on this list are on the property of Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/66 WOODHOUSE Woodhouse Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Muir, farmer, Viggar Oliver Scott, occupier 081 Applies to a farmhouse & shop situate on the roadside about 1 mile S. of Scar nad a short distance W. of Stratiegarth.
OS1/23/2/67 CROSSGATE Crossgate Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Scott, clerk to Captain Horwood William Rousay, Occupier 081 Applies to a small farmhouse situate a short distance W. of Greenspot and about 1 mile S. of Scar.
OS1/23/2/67 NEWBIGGING Newbigging Newbigging Newbigging Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Scott, clerk to Captain Horwood. 081 Applies to a farmhouse, situate a short distance S.E. of Greenspot and nearly 1/8 mile S.W. from Towerhill.
OS1/23/2/67 TORNESSPARK Turnesspark Tornesspark Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Scott, clerk to Captain Horwood James Towrie, occupier Re-submitted 081 Applies to a small farmhouse situate about 1/4 mile S. of Crossgate and 1/8 mile N. of Hermisgarth and the same distance west from Thorness.
OS1/23/2/68 GREENSPOT Greenspot Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Scott, clerk to Captain Horwood John Rousay, occupier 081 Applies to a small farmhouse situate on the E. side of the public road a short distance S. of Lochend and 1/8 mile W. of Towerhill.
OS1/23/2/68 LOCHEND Lochend Lochend Lochend Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Scott, clerk to Captain Horwood. 081 Applies to a farmhouse situate on the W. side of the public road a short distance S. of Woodhouse and about 1 mile S. of Scar, the residence of Captain Horwood.
OS1/23/2/68 TOWERHILL Towerhill Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Scott, clerk to Captain Horwood Thomas Omond, occupier 081 Applies to a farmhouse, situate 1/8 mile E. of Greenspot and 1/4 mile S.W. of Skelbrae.
OS1/23/2/69 BROUGH (Site of) [Otterswick Bay] Brough (Remains of Picts' Fort) Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Scott, clerk to Captain Horwood Walter Dennison, Westbrough 081 A large circular mound, the remains of a ancient Brough or Picts' fort, Situate on rising ground at the isthmus near the head of Otterswick Bay, which almost divides Burness into a separate island. it was evidently a large fortress or stronghold, having ramparts and ditches, but nothing remains on the surface but the track or mound; but underneath is a mass of rubbish, ashes and stones. There is no record or information to be had of the date or origin. On the property of Colonel Balfour.
OS1/23/2/69 SKELBRAE Skelbrae Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Scott, clerk to Captain Horwood Edward Scott, occupier 081 A substantial farmstead situate about 1/2 mile N.W. of Lama Ness and 1/4 mile E. of Stratiegarth. Property of Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/69 TORNESS Thorness Thorness Thorness Torness Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals John Scott, clerk to Captain Horwood Re-submitted 081 Applies to a dwelling house situate on the E. side of the public road about 1 1/2 miles S. of Scar and 1/4 mile N.E. of Hermisgarth. The property of Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/70 HERMISGARTH Hermisgarth Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals William Alexander, occupier 081 A substantial farmstead, situated at the head of North Bay about 1/2 mile north of Westbrough and nearly 1/4 mile W. of Roadside. The property of Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/70 NORTH BAY North Bay Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals Walter Dennison 081 Applies to a large bay (North part) formed by the promontory of Ness of Brough, on the west side of Burness opposite the head of Otterswick Bay, that on the south of Ness of Brough is distinguished by "South Bay".
OS1/23/2/70 WESTBROUGH Westbrough Westbrough Westbrough Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals Walter Dennison, occupier 081 Applies to a large and substantial farmstead, situate about 1/4 mile N. of the parish Manse and 1/2 mile S.S.W. of Hermisgarth. It is the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour & Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/71 ROADSIDE Roadside Roadside Roadside Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals Simon Peace occupier 081 Applies to a small farmhouse situate on the east side of the public road nearly 1/4 mile E. of Hermiscarth and 1/2 mile N. of Quivals.
OS1/23/2/71 TOR NESS Turs Ness Tor Ness Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals Simon Peace Re-submitted 081 A small neck or promontory at the head of Otterswick and 1/2 mile E. of Westbrough and 1/2 mile N.E. of Quivals. The above names are all on the property of Captain Hiorwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/71 TORNESSHILL Tursnesshill Tornesshill Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer, Quivals Simon Peace Re-submitted 081 Applies to a farmhouse, situate nearly 1/4 mile S.E. of Roadside and over 1/8 mile N.W. of Turs Ness at the head of Otterswick Bay.
OS1/23/2/73 POINT OF THE STYES Point of the Styes Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Ayre Thomas Muir Hillhead 081 A small promontory of flat low water rocks, situate on the south of the "Ness of Brough", and forming the northwestern extremity of the "Bay of Brough".
OS1/23/2/73 Site of PICT'S HOUSE [Styes of Brough] Sit of Picts House Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Ayre Thomas Muir Hillhead 081 A small knoll situated on the southern extremity of the "Ness of Brough". It is supposed to be the site of a "Pictish house".
OS1/23/2/73 STYES OF BROUGH Styes of Brough Styes of Brough Styes of Brough Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Ayre Thomas Muir Hillhead 081 A small knoll situated on the southern extremity of the "Ness of Brough". it is supposed to be the site of a "Pictish House".
OS1/23/2/74 BAY OF BROUGH Bay of Brough Bay of Brough Bay of Brough Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Ayre Thomas Muir Hillhead 081 A small bay situated three quarters of a mile north of "Castlehill"(&O), and penetrating eastward towards the head of "Otterswick Bay". the distance intervening by a little leas than a mile. It is bounded on the north by the Ness of Brough an on the south by "Corsequoy".
OS1/23/2/74 CORSEQUOY Corsequoy Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Ayre Thomas Muir Hillhead 081 A small farm house and steading situates on the southwestern extremity of the Bay of Brough and one mile and three quarters due north of "Kettletoft". Property of "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie".
OS1/23/2/74 LEAVO Leavo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Ayre Thomas Muir Hillhead 081 Applied to the north of the "Brae of Brough" and three eighths of a mile north of "Corsequopy".
OS1/23/2/75 BACK PUNDS GEO Back Pund's Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Scott Revesbank Thomas Muir Hillhead 081 A small creek situated one quarter of a mile southwest of the "Ting of the Pund", and one eighth of a mile west of "Ministers Geo".
OS1/23/2/75 PORT SELR Port Sailor Port Sailor Port Sailor Port Selr Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Scott Revesbank Thomas Muir Hillhead Re-submitted 081 A small stony creek situated three eighths of a mile west "Rivesbank". Its north west entrance is guarded by two small high water rocks.
OS1/23/2/75 PUNDS GEO Pund's Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Scott Revesbank Thomas Muir Hillhead 081 A small creek situated about eighty yards north of "Back Punds Geo" and separated from it by a small headland and at low water by a reef of flat rocks.
OS1/23/2/76 HOBBISTER Hobbister Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Scott Revesbank Thomas Muir Hillhead 081 A small farm house and steading, situated one eighth of a mile south of "Stiglister" and one hundred and thirty yards west of "Fell". it is the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/76 RIVES GEO Rives Geo Rives Geo Rives Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Scott Revesbank Thomas Muir Hillhead 081 A small low water creek situated one quarter of a mile west of Rivesland. It is also one half mile west of "Ayre".
OS1/23/2/76 TAING OF THE PUND Taing of the Pund Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Scott Revesbank Thomas Muir Hillhead 081 A large promontory of Low water rocks situated one eighth of a mile west of Minister Geo, and one half mile north of the farm of "Holland".
OS1/23/2/77 CASTLE GEO Castle Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Ayre James Scott Rivesbank 081 A long narrow creek dry at low water & situated one half mile west of "Hillhead" and about seventy yards north of "Blue Geo".
OS1/23/2/77 HILLHEAD Hillhead Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Ayre James Scott Rivesbank 081 A small farm house and steading situated one quarter of a mile south of Rivesbank, and the property of "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie".
OS1/23/2/77 RIVESBANK Rivesbank Rivesbank Rivesbank Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Ayre James Scott Rivesbank 081 A small farm house and steading situated one quarter of a mile west of "Ayre" and a little less than half a mile east of "Helzie Geo". It is the property of "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie."
OS1/23/2/78 CLAY FACE Clay Face Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Ayre James Scott Rivesbank 081 A small creek situated about sixty yards south of "Helzie Geo" and one eighth of a mile north of the "Castle".
OS1/23/2/78 HELZIE GEO Helzie Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Ayre James Scott Rivesbank 081 A small creek an cave situated three quarters of a mile west of the E.C. Manse of "Cross and Burness", and a little over a mile south west of the Bay of Brough. There is a great [number of] Tourists who visits this cave in summer which however can only be approached in extremely fine weather.
OS1/23/2/78 THE CASTLE The Castle The Castle The Castle Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Ayre Thomas Muir Hillhead 081 A large rocky pillar situated near the northwest entrance to "Castle Geo" and one quarter of a mile south of "Back Pund''s Geo."
OS1/23/2/79 CHAPEL HEAD Chapel Head Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness William Guthrie Hobbister John Sinclair Ayre 081 A small promontory situated on the north side of the "Noust of Ayre" and one eighth of a mile north of the "E.C. Manse".
OS1/23/2/79 MINISTER'S GEO Minister's Geo Minister's Geo Minister's Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness William Guthrie Hobbister John Sinclair Ayre 081 A small low water creek situated one quarter of a mile northwest of the "E.C. Manse" and one quarter of a mile north of "Stiglister".
OS1/23/2/79 SILLOCK GEO Sillock Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness William Guthrie Hobbister John Sinclair Ayre 081 A small low water reek situated opposite "Ayre" and one eighth of a mile southwest of "Chapel Head".
OS1/23/2/80 AYRE Ayre Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness William Guthrie Hobbister John Sinclair Ayre 081 A small farm house and steading situated one eighth of a mile west of the Manse and three quarters of a mile northeast of "Hobbister". Property of "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie."
OS1/23/2/80 MANSE [parish, nr Kettletoft] Manse Manse Manse Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness William Guthrie Hobbister John Sinclair Ayre 081 Applies to the residence of the Minister of the "Parish Church" of "Cross and Burness," situated one mile and three quarters north of "Kettletoft" and near the head of the Noust of Ayre.
OS1/23/2/80 NOUST OF AYRE Noust of Ayre Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness William Guthrie Hobbister John Sinclair Ayre 081 A small bay situated one quarter of a mile south of the southwest entrance of the "Bay of Brough" and one eighth of a mile east of "Minister's Geo".
OS1/23/2/81 MIRES OF WHIP Mires of Whip Mires of Whip Mires of Whip Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness William Guthrie Hobbister John Sinclair Ayre 081 A small fresh water loch situated one quarter of a mile south of the "E.C. Manse" and about one half mile east of "Hobbister".
OS1/23/2/81 STIGLISTER Stiglister Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness William Guthrie Hobbister John Sinclair Ayre 081 A small farm house and steading situated one quarter of a mile southwest of the "E.C. Manse" and one hundred yards east of "Rivesbank". This the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/81 YELL [ruin, NW of Purgatory] 081
OS1/23/2/81 This tiem is cancelled.
OS1/23/2/83 BLEACHFIELD Bleachfield Bleachfield Bleachfield Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Thomas Sinclair, Tenant 081 A small farmhouse and steading situated in Broughtown 1/4 mile N.W, of the farm of Westbrough.
OS1/23/2/83 COO Coo Coo Coo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Magnus Sinclair, Tenant 081 A small farmhouse, situated on Broughtown a short distance north of Bleachfield.
OS1/23/2/83 NEWBIGGINGS Newbiggens Newbiggens Newbiggens Newbiggings Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Thomas Deerness, Tenant Re-submitted 081 A farm house and steading situated in Broughtown 1/8 mile east of Bleachfield and nearly 1/2 mile south of the farm of Westbrough.
OS1/23/2/84 ALMA COTTAGE Alma Cottage Alma Cottage Alma Cottage Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove William Slater, Tenant 081 Applies to a dwelling house in Broughtown, close to New London.
OS1/23/2/84 NEW LONDON New London New London New London Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove James Wilson, Tenant 081 A small farm house and steading situated in Broughtown a short distance east of Newbiggens.
OS1/23/2/84 PARLGO Parlgo Parlgo Parlgo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Mary Sanderson, Tenant 081 A small cottage situated in Broughtown a short distance north of New London. This and the foregoing are the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour & Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/85 BROUGHTOWN COTTAGE Broughtown Cottage Broughtown Cottage Broughtown Cottage Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals 081 Applies to a dwelling house situated in Broughtown a short distance east of New London. The property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/85 PARKHOUSE Parkhouse Parkhouse Parkhouse Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals 081 Applies to a cottage, situated 1/8 mile N.W. of Quivals and 1/4 mile S.E. of the farm of Brough, the property of Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/85 QUIVALS Quivals Quivals Quivals Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals 081 A farm house and steading situated 3/8 of a mile S.E. of the farm of Brough and the same distance N.W. of Odinsgarth. The property of Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/86 ICEGARTH BROUGH Icegarth Castle Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals Archaeologica Scotica p. 94 081 Applies to the ruins of an ancient building supposed to have been one of those ancient strongholds or Picts' House but no definite information could be obtained concerning it. Nothing remains now but a mound, partly excavated which shows rubbish and part of circular wall.
OS1/23/2/86 QUIVALS LOCH Quivals Loch Quivals Loch Quivals Loch Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals 081 A small fresh water loch, lying a short distance east of Quivals and south of the School On the property of Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/86 SCHOOL [nr Quivals] School School School Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Gilbert Miller Teacher 081 Applies to the public school, situated a short distance N. of the farm of Quivals and 3/8 of a mile east of Westbrough. It is under the School Board supervision and has an average mixed attendance of 65. There is about a mile further north a building in course of erection which is to be used as the Parish School.
OS1/23/2/87 BLACK ROCK Black Rock Black Rock Black Rock Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals 081 Applies to a dark coloured rock at low water, which forms a boundary mark between the parishes of Lady and Cross & Burness. It is situate close to the public road at the head of Otterswick Bay, about 1/4 mile E. of Quivals.
OS1/23/2/87 OTTERSWICK Otterswick Otterswick Otterswick Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals 081 Applies to a small district at the head of Otterswick Bay, comprising four small farmhouses, one of which is also called Hillside. The above three names are on the property of James C. Trail Esq of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/87 RUSS NESS Russ ness Russ Ness Russ Ness Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Oliver Drever, Farmer Quivals 081 Applies to a small point where boats land at the head of Otterswick Bay, about 1/4 mile E. of Bkack Rock.
OS1/23/2/88 CORSDALE Corsdale Corsdale Corsdale Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Robert Garriock, Tenant 081 A small farmhouse and steading situated in Broughtown a short distance west of the Free Church, Preaching Station. The property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/88 FREE CHURCH (Independent) [nr Westbrough] Free Church Preaching Station Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Robert Garriock, Tenant 081 A substantial stone erection, used as a place of public worship by a dissenting body of the Free Church congregation, situated 1/2 mile south of the farm of Westbrough and about the same distance north of the Free Church Manse. It is the property of the dissenting body.
OS1/23/2/88 SCHOOLHOUSE Schoolhouse Schoolhouse Schoolhouse Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove William Scott, Tenant 081 A farmhouse and steading situated in Broughtown 1/8 mile S. of Bleachfield and 1/4 mile W. of the Free Church. The property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/89 BRENCHICOT Brenchicot Brenchicot Brenchicot Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove William Wallace, Tenant 081 A small farm house and steading situated in Broughtown 1/8 mile S. of Schoolhouse and 1/4 mile north of the Est[ablished] Church. The property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/89 INKERMANN Inkerman Inkerman Inkerman Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Robert Scott, Tenant 081 A farmhouse with houses attached situated in Broughtown a short distance S. of the Free Church Preaching Station. The property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/90 FLOORA Floora Floora Floora Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove William Scott, Roadside 081 A small farmhouse, situated in Broughtown 1/8 mile north of the Church and the same distance east of Brenchicot.
OS1/23/2/90 KIRKHOUSE Kirkhouse Kirkhouse Kirkhouse Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Charles Gower, Tenant 081 A pauper house, situated close to the Church and a short distance south of Roadside. The three foregoing names are on the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/90 ROADSIDE Roadside Roadside Roadside Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove William Scott, Roadside 081 A small farm dwelling house, situated in Broughtown a short distance south of Floora.
OS1/23/2/91 CHURCH [Broughtown] Church Church Church Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove William Scott, Tenant 081 Applies to the Established Church of the parish of Cross & Burness, situated in Broughtown 3/8 of a mile west of the Free Church Manse and about miles north of Kettletoft. Contains 250 sittings.
OS1/23/2/91 GREYSTONE Greystone Greystone Greystone Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove David Sinclair, Tenant 081 A small farm dwelling house, situated in Broughtown a short distance south of the Church. The property of Colonel Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/91 WHIP Whip Whip Whip Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Charles Cooper, Tenant 081 A small farmhouse and steading situated in Broughtown a short distance west of the Church. The property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/92 BALACLAVA Balaclava Balacava Balaclava Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove James Sinclair, Tenant 081 A small farm dwelling house situated in Broughtown close to the Church. The property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/92 MANSE [W of Free Church] F.C. Manse Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove James Sinclair, Tenant 081 A handsome stone building, situated a short distance west of the Free Church and 1/4 mile east of Telegraph Cottage. The property of the Free Church of Scotland.
OS1/23/2/93 BROUGHTOWN Broughtown Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove William Scott, Tenant 081 A large district extending from the farm of Brough in the north to Gallow Hill in the south. it comprises the Free and E. Churches a number of farms and cottages, and is the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/93 GALLOW HILL Gallowhill Gallowhill Gallowhill Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove James Wilson, Brough-hill 081 Applies to a hill feature, situated 1/8 mile west of the Free Church Manse and the same distance east of Greystone, On the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/93 HILLHOUSE Hillhouse Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove William Scott, Tenant 081 Applies to a district comprising several small farms and cottages, it extends from the Free Church in the west to Templehall in the east and is the property of the Trustees of James Traill Esq of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/94 BROUGH-HILL Brough-hill Brough-hill Brough-hill Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove James Wilson, Tenant 081 Applies to a farm house and a row of dwellings, situated at the west end of Hillhouse about 1/4 mile east of Inkerman. The property of Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/94 FREE CHURCH [S of Brough-hill] Free Church Free Church Free Church Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove Rev Mr Armour 081 A handsome stone erection, used as a place of public worship, situated close to the public school & 1/4 mile south of Brough-hill & 1 1/2 miles north of Kettletoft, Contains 500 sittings.
OS1/23/2/94 ODINSGARTH Odinsgarth Odinsgarth Odinsgarth Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove James Slater, Tenant 081 A handsome new farmhouse and steading, situated 1/8 mile north of Gallowhill and 1/2 mile east of Brough-hill. the property of Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/95 HILLSIDE Hillside Hillside Hillside Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove William Cumming, Tenant 081 A small farmhouse, situated in Otterswick about 1/4 mile north of Templehall. The property of the Trustees of James Traill Esq of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/95 SANDAY Sanday Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove William Scott, Tenant 077 Is situated 30 miles north of Kirkwall and is one of the largest of the Orkney Islands covering an area of about 19 square miles.It is divided into two parishes namely the united parishes of Cross & Burness and Lady Parish. There are two harbours Kettletoft in the south and Otterswick on the N.E. The steamer Orcadia calls at the former four times a week. There are five churches on the island namely two Established two Free and a United Presbyterian. Numerically the latter is above all the others summed into one. The principal proprietor in Lady Parish is James Traill Esq of Rattar & Hobbister and in Cross & Burness Colonel Balfour of Balfour & Trenabie & Captain Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/96 GALLOWHILL Gallowhill Gallowhill Gallowhill Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove George Sinclair, Mustardish A small farm house, situated in Hillhouse 1/4 mile west of Templehall.
OS1/23/2/96 MUSTARDISH Mustardish Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove George Sinclair, Mustardish 081 A small farmhouse situated in Hillhouse close to Gallowhill.
OS1/23/2/96 TEMPLEHALL Templehall Templehall Templehall Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Scott, Clerk to Captain Horwood of Westove William Muir, Tenant 081 A small farmhouse and steading situated at the east end of Hillhouse 1/8 of a mile west of Castle Green farm, the above three farms are on the property of the Trustees of James Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/97 BALFOUR'S GEO Balfour's Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Boloquoy James Melville Mires 081 A small creek, situated a short distance west of Scuthi and 1/4 mile north of Mires.
OS1/23/2/97 BOLOQUOY Boloquoy Boloquoy Boloquoy Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Boloquoy James Melville Mires 081 Applies to a neat farmhouse and steading, situated one mile direct west of Bacaskail and about the same distance N. of Warsetter. It is the property of the tenant James Fea.
OS1/23/2/97 SCUTHI HEAD Scuthi Head Scuthi Head Scuthi Head Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Boloquoy James Melville Mires 081 A small promontory, lying immediately west of Braes Geo and about one half mile north west of the farm of Bacaskial.
OS1/23/2/98 EBB OF SEATER Ebb of Seater Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Bollaquoy James Melville Mires 081 Applies to a stretch of flat rocks extending from Noust of Boloquoy in the south to Grunave Head in the north.
OS1/23/2/98 MIRES Mires Mires Mires Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Bollaquoy James Melville, Tenant 081 A small farmhouse and steading situated 3/8 of a mile N.W. of Bolloquoy and about 1/2 mile west of Bacaskail, The property of The Right Hon. Earl of Zetland.
OS1/23/2/98 NOUST OF BOLOQUOY Noust of Boloquoy Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Bollaquoy James Melville Mires 081 A small creek situated 1/8 of a mile direct west of Boloquoy.
OS1/23/2/99 BALD WILLIE Bald Willie Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Bollaquoy James Melville Mires 081 A small rock lying a short distance out from Grunavi Head and 3/8 of a mile west of Mires.
OS1/23/2/99 GIRNI GEO Girni Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Bollaquoy James Melville Mires 081 A narrow creek immediately E. of Grunavi head and 3/8 of a mile west of Mires.
OS1/23/2/99 GRUNAVI HEAD Grunavi Head Grunavi Head Grunavi Head Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Bollaquoy James Melville Mires 081 A small rocky promontory, situated 3/8 of a mile west of Mires and about the same distance N. of Boloquoy.
OS1/23/2/100 NORTH MILL GEO North Mill Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Boloquoy James Melville Mires 081 A small narrow creek immediately N. of South Mills Geo and 1/4 mile west of Mires.
OS1/23/2/100 SOUTH MILL GEO South Mill Geo South Mill Geo South Mill Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Boloquoy James Melville Mires 081 A small creek situated 1/8 of a mile east of Grunavi Head and 1/4 mile east of Mires.
OS1/23/2/101 BRAAS GEO Braas Geo Braas Geo Braas Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Melville Mires James Walls Hillhead 081 A large stoney creek situated in the north side of Scuthi Head and five eighths of a mile northeast of "Knowes".
OS1/23/2/101 THE WHEEMS The Wheem's Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Boloquoy James Melville Mires 081 Two small high water rocks situated one quarter of a mile north of "Loch Aber" and the south skerry lying opposite "Sheep Geo".
OS1/23/2/101 WHITEFIELD GEO Whitefield Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Fea, Boloquoy James Melville Mires 081 A small stoney creek situated one hundred and fifty yards east of "Loch Aber" and sixty yards north of "Braa's Geo.
OS1/23/2/102 NORTH FEAS GEO North Feas Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Melville Mires James Walls Hillhead 081 A small creek situated about twenty five yards north of South Fea's Geo and eighty yards south of "Bue Geo".
OS1/23/2/102 SHEEP GEO Sheep Geo Sheep Geo Sheep Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Melville Mires James Walls Hillhead 081 A small creek situated one quarter of a mile south of "Blue Geo" and one half mile east of "Fea Hill".
OS1/23/2/102 SOUTH FEAS GEO South Fea's Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Melville Mires James Walls Hillhead 081 A small creek situated one half mile north of "Loch Aber" and one half mile east of "Hillhead".
OS1/23/2/103 BLUE GEO Blue Geo Blue Geo Blue Geo Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Melville Mires James Walls Hillhead 081 A small rocky creek situated one half mile northwest of Scuthi Head and one quarter of a mile east of "Hillhead".
OS1/23/2/103 FEA HILL Fea Hill Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Melville Mires James Walls Hillhead 081 A small hill situated one mile and a quarter east of "Castle Hill (P.O.") and three quarters of a mile north of "Bacaskail." It is the property of the "Right Hon. the Earl of Zetland".
OS1/23/2/103 LOCH ABER Loch Aber Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Melville Mires James Walls Hillhead 081 A small fresh water lake situated on a gentle eminence one half mile north of Knowes. The thrashing mill of "Bacaskail" is worked from here in pipes.
OS1/23/2/104 HILLHEAD Hillhead Hillhead Hillhead Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Walls Hillhead Thomas Hay Upper Lyland 081 A small farm house and steading situated one half mile north of the eastern extremity of "Bea Loch" and one eight[h] of a mile northeast of "Upper Lyland".
OS1/23/2/104 LYLAND Lyland Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Walls Hillhead Thomas Hay Upper Lyland 081 A small farm house and steading situated one quarter of a mile south east of "Purgatory" and one quarter of a mile north of "Bea Loch". This and the two preceeding names are the property of the Right Hon. the Earl of Zetland.
OS1/23/2/104 UPPER LYLAND Upper Lyland Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Walls Hillhead Thomas Hay Upper Lyland 081 A small farm house and steading situated three quarters of a mile east of Castlehill (P.O.) and three quarters of a mile north of "Bacaskail".
OS1/23/2/105 BEA LOCH Bea Loch Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness Peter Shearer Lyland Cottage John Hay Waterhall 081 A large fresh water loch situated one half mile north of and lying parallel to the "Bay of Bacaskail." There is a small channel flowing out of the southwest corner of this loch into Bacaskail Bay., which works a mill situated half way between the point of issue and its mouth. There is some good eel fishing on this loch.
OS1/23/2/105 LYLAND COTTAGE Lyland Cottage Lyland Cottage Lyland Cottage Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness Peter Shearer Lyland Cottage John Hay Waterhall 081 A small dwelling house situated eighty yards west of "Lyland" and one half mile east of "Castlehill (P.O.)"
OS1/23/2/105 WATERHALL Waterhall Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness Peter Shearer Lyland Cottage John Hay Waterhall 081 A small farm house and steading situated on the north bank of "Bea Loch" and one quarter of a mile east of "Skelbister".
OS1/23/2/106 BACKASKAILL Bacaskail Bacaskeal Backaskail Backaskail Backaskaill Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Paul Bacaskail John Hay Waterhall North Sea Pilot Johnston's Map of the Orkneys Stat. Account Peace's Orkney & Shetland Guide, Directory & Almanac (1877) 081 A large farm house and steading situated at the head of the north western extremity of Bacaskail Bay. and one mile and a half east of "Kettletoft". This and the foregoing names are the property of the Right Hon. the Earl of Zetland.
OS1/23/2/106 LONNIE Lonnie Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Custard Purgatory John Hay Waterhall 081 A small farm house and steading situated one quarter of a mile south of "Knowes" and one half mile east of "Bacaskail".
OS1/23/2/106 PURGATORY Purgatory Purgatory Purgatory Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness James Custard Purgatory John Hay Waterhall 081 A small farm house situated one quarter of a mile N. east of "Skelbister" and one half mile south east of the "Parish Church of Cross & Burness."
OS1/23/2/107 BACKASKAIL BAY Backaskail Bay Backaskail Bay Backaskail Bay Bacaskeal Bay Backaskail Bay Backaskail Bay Backaskaill Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Paul Esq. Bacaskail James Custard Purgatory North Sea Pilot Stat. Account of Scotland Johnston's Map of the Orkneys Peace's Directory 081 A large bay penetrating northward from Sanday Sound. It is situated about one mile and a quarter east of Els Ness, and separated from Kettletoft Bay by "Bea Ness" which bounds it on the east, and it is bounded on the west by "Warsetter". It is a very shallow sandy bay and affords rather poor anchorage.
OS1/23/2/107 CHURCH (In Ruins) [NW of Kettletoft] Church (in ruins) Rev. Matthew Fisher of Cross & Burness John Paul Esq. Bacaskail James Custard Purgatory North Sea Pilot Stat. Account of Scotland Johnston's Map of the Orkneys Peace's Directory 081 The ruins of the old church of the parish of Cross. the graveyard attached is still the parish burial ground, but a new and handsome parish church has been erected about 1 1/2 miles further north, which is about the centre of the new united parish of Cross & Burness. The old church is situate about 1/2 mile N.W. of the pier at Kettletoft.
OS1/23/2/109 HILLFIELD Hillfield Hillfield Hillfield Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A small farm house situated near the northwest corner of Housegarth and one quarter of a mile north of "Castlehill". it is occupied by "Mrs Garriock", and the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour & Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/109 HOWSGARTH Howsgarth Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A medium sized district situated on the west side of "Kettletoft Bay". It comprises several medium sized farms, also the post office which is situated one quarter of a mile south of its northwestern extremity. This district is the property of "Captain Horwood of Scar".
OS1/23/2/109 TELEGRAPH COTTAGES Telegraph Cottages Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A small farm house situated one hundred yards east of "Hillfield". It is occupied by "Mr Scott" and the property of "Colonel Balfour of Balfour & Trenabie".
OS1/23/2/110 CASTLEHILL Castlehill Castlehill Castlehill Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A small farm situated about one mile north of "Kettletoft Pier". This house is also used as a public Inn and "Post Office". It is the only Inn on the Island and affords tolerable accom[m]odation to travel[l]ers. It is occupied by "James Miller".
OS1/23/2/110 GREY STANE Grey Stane Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A large stone situated in and pointing out the northwest corner of the district of "Howsgarth". It is about one eight of a mile north east of Skelbister.
OS1/23/2/110 TREBISQUOY Trebisquoy Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 Ruin of a little farm house situated three eights of a mile east of Castlehill, and one half mile south of the northeast corner of "Howsgarth".
OS1/23/2/111 GALDRY Galdry Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A small farm house situated three quarters of a mile east of Castlehill, and one quarter north of "Silver Hall", occupied by "Margaret Westness" and the property of the Trustees of James Trail Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/111 SCHOOL [N of Bay of Kettletoft] School Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 Applies to the south Public School of Lady Parish. it is situated about three quarters north of the Bay of Kettletoft. Average attendance eighty and taught by "John Wallace".
OS1/23/2/111 SKELBISTER Skelbister Skelbister Skelbister Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A farm house situated one eighth of a mile northeast of Castlehill occupied and owned by "John M. Slater".
OS1/23/2/112 LITTLE OVER-THE-WATER Little Overthewater Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A small farm house situated one eighth of a mile south of "Overthewater". It is occupied by "George Lermont".
OS1/23/2/112 OVER-THE-WATER Overthewater Overthewater Overthewater Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A small farm house situated in the district of "Elsness" and one quarter of a mile east of "Trebisquoy" and occupied by "Margaret Westness".
OS1/23/2/112 SLIVERHALL Silverhall Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A small collection of houses situated at the head of the "Little Sea". They are built in two small blocks facing the Little Sea & Public Road and are occupied by various tenants. This and the foregoing names are the property of the Trustees of James Trail Esq of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/113 ELSNESS Elsness Elsness Elsness Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A large district situated in the south part of the Parish of Lady. It is bounded on the east by Howsgarth and extending north to near the head of "Otterswick Bay" and bound on the south by "Sty Wick" "Little Sea" and "Kettletoft Bay". It comprises several large farms also the "Establish" and "Free Church" of the Parish.
OS1/23/2/113 HAMARBRECK Hammerbrake Hamarbreck Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister Re-submitted 081 A large farm in the district of "Elsness", and situated about one mile and a half to the north east of "Kettletoft Pier", and one eighth of a mile north of the E. Church Manse. It is occupied by "James Swanson".
OS1/23/2/113 KIRKHALL Kirkhall Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 Applies to the E. C. Manse, and two small farm houses situated one quarter of a mile north east of Silverhall occupied by the Rev. J. Dangerfield and others.
OS1/23/2/114 CHURCH [Kirkhall] Church Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 Applies to the Established Church of Scotland in Lady Parish situated a little over an eighth of a mile south east of the Manse. It is seated for three hundred and fifty. J. Dangerfield Pastor.
OS1/23/2/114 MANSE [parish, Kirkhall] Manse Manse Manse Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 Applies to the E.C. Manse of Lady Parish situated in the north corner of "Kirkhall". It is occupied by the "Rev J. Dangerfield".
OS1/23/2/115 HOW How Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A large farm house and steading situated one half mile north of "Kettletoft Pier". It is occupied by Oliver Drever and is the property of Captain Horwood of Scar.
OS1/23/2/115 LOCH OF BAASLEY Loch of Baasley Loch of Baasley Loch of Baasley Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A small fresh water loch situated at the head of the little sea being separated from it by the public road, also half way between "Silverhall" and "Kirkhall". This and the foregoing names is the property of the "Trustees of James Trail of Rattar and Hobbister".
OS1/23/2/115 QUIRE Quire Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A small ruin situated on the west shore, and about one eighth of a mile south of the northwest corner of Kettletoft Bay. It has at one time been a small farm house. Property of Captain Horwood of Scar.
OS1/23/2/116 BRIDGE-END Bridgeend Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A dwelling house situated eighty yards west of Silverhall and one half mile north of Elsness farm house occupied by "Ann Drever".
OS1/23/2/116 ELSNESS Elsness Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A large farm house and steading situated on the north western extremity of Els' Ness. It is occupied by William Learmont. This and the last name is the property of the Trustees of James Trail Esq of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/116 ISGARTH Isgarth Isgarth Isgarth Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 Two small farm houses and steadings situated at the head of and near the northwest corner of Kettletoft Bay. They are occupied by Charles Langskill and and David Slater and the property of the Trustees of James Trail Esq of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/117 KETTLETOFT BAY Kettletoft Bay Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A large bay penetrating inland from Sanday Firth, in a northerly direction. It is bounded on the east by "Els Ness" and on the west by Bea Ness. Its length is about three quarters of a mile and its width about half a mile. There is about half a mile of it completely dry at low water. It is a safe anchorage for vessels with easterly or westerly Gales.
OS1/23/2/117 OUSE POINT Ouse Point Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A narrow peninsula penetrating in an easterly direction to the head of the Ouse. It is nearly joined by another promontory penetrating north from Elsness farm. The Ouse cuts the connection.
OS1/23/2/117 THE OUSE The Ouse The Ouse The Ouse Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A small low water channel. It first issues out of a small fresh water loch forty yards east of "Little Overthewater" and flows south for about eighty yards, it then flows south east entering the "Little Sea" one eighth of a mile west of Bridgend. It continues this course for two hundred yards' further, when it enters a deep salt water pool. It then changes & flows south. From the above mentioned pool southward it is known as the "Ouse".
OS1/23/2/118 LASHY SOUND Lashy Sound Lashy Sound Lashy Sound J. Traill Esq Papa Westray Captain Pottinger S.S. Orcadia Admiralty Chart 081 Applies to the passage between Sanday and the Calf of Eday and is bounded on the north by "The North Sound" and on the south by Eday Sound.
OS1/23/2/118 LITTLE SEA Little Sea Little Sea Little Sea Rev. John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish W. Miller Postmaster Castlehill John M. Slater Skelbister 081 A large tidal sandy bay situated immediately at the head of Kettletoft Bay. The tide enters into the Bay through the Ouse which at the point of issue is only seventy yards wide.
OS1/23/2/119 QUARRYHOUSE Quarryhouse Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Melville Mires Hendry Muir Voldabrae 081 A small farm house and steading situated one hundred yards east of "Voldabrae" and one quarter north of "Warsetter". Property of James Fea "Boloquoy".
OS1/23/2/119 SWART HAMAR Swart Hamar Swart Hamar Swart Hamar Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Melville Mires Hendry Muir Voldabrae 081 A portion of low water rocks situated one quarter of a mile west of "Seator", and three quarters north of "North Mire".
OS1/23/2/119 VOLDABRAE Voldabrae Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Melville Mires Hendry Muir Voldabrae 081 A small farm house and steading situated one half mile south of "Seater" and one quarter north of "Warsetter". Property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie".
OS1/23/2/120 LAMBA NESS Lamba Ness Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Fea Seater Thomas Scott Quarryhouse 081 Applies to the above mentioned peninsula. It is nearly circular in shape and the greater part of it is cultivated. it separated the Bays "Braes Wick" and "Pool" from each other. "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie" proprietor.
OS1/23/2/120 LAMBANESS Lambaness Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Fea Seater Thomas Scott Quarryhouse Re-submitted 081 A small district comprising seven small farms, and situated on a peninsula of its own name. one mile and a half north of the farm of "Stove" and about three miles south west of "Kettletoft". "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie" proprietor.
OS1/23/2/120 MID MIRE 081
OS1/23/2/120 SETTER Seater Seater Seater Setter Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Fea Seater Thomas Scott Quarryhouse Re-submitted 081 A small farm steading situated one eighth of a mile south of Boloquoy" and one half west of "Clifts". James Fea Boloquoy proprietor.
OS1/23/2/120 Not on this page
OS1/23/2/121 BRAES WICK Braes Wick Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Quarryhouse Peter Sinclair North Mire 081 A large bay bounded on the east by "Lamba Ness" and on the south by the small district bearing its own name. (Braeswick). It penetrates east from "Eday Sound" having its entrance nearly opposite that of "Calf Sound" and obtaining a length of one half mile by one quarter.
OS1/23/2/121 MUCKLE BAR Muckle Bar Muckle Bar Muckle Bar Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Quarryhouse Peter Sinclair North Mire 081 A large low water basin situated near the centre of the Bay of "Pool". It is about two hundred and eighty in length by one hundred and forty of an average width. Its greatest depth is estimated from twelve to fourteen fathoms.
OS1/23/2/121 THE POOL The Pool Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Quarryhouse Peter Sinclair North Mire 081 A medium sized bay situated on the east of "Lamba Ness" and one eighth west of "North Mire" with the exception of "Muckle" and "Little Bar". This bay at low water is perfectly dry.
OS1/23/2/122 EDAY SOUND Eday Sound Eday Sound Eday Sound Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Quarryhouse Peter Sinclair North Mire 081 A large navigable strait washing the western shore of the Island of "Sanday" and the east shore of "Eday". Its length is from four and a half to to five miles and an average width of one mile & a quarter. The Bays "Braes Wick" and "Pool" on the west of "Sanday" runs east from this Sound and Calf Sound penetrates west from it. The north going tide in this strait runs at the rate of ten "Knots" an hour.
OS1/23/2/122 NORTH MIRE North Mire Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Quarryhouse Peter Sinclair North Mire 081 A large farm house and steading one half mile west of "Warsetter". and one half east of "Lamaness". The occupier holds a "Grocery" licence. These last two names are the property of "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie".
OS1/23/2/122 POOL Pool Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Sinclair Quarryhouse Peter Sinclair North Mire 081 A small cluster of houses situated at the south east head of the Bay of its own name (Pool) and one eighth of a mile west of "North Mire".
OS1/23/2/123 LITTLE BAR Little Bar Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness Andrew Moodie Mid Mire Mrs Backie South Mire 081 A small low water Basin situated in the south east corner of "Pool" and separated from the Muckle Bar by the Graand. This basin only about one quarter the size of the former.
OS1/23/2/123 SOUTH MIRE South Mire Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness Andrew Moodie Mid Mire Mrs Backie South Mire 081 A small dwelling house situated one quarter of a mile east of the southern extremity of "Lamaness" and one eighth of a mile north of the Public school. The foregoing are the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/123 Mid Mire Mid Mire Mid Mire Mid Mire Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness Andrew Moodie Mid Mire Mrs Backie South Mire A small farm house and steading situated mid way between "North and South Mire" and three hundred yards southeast of "Pool".
OS1/23/2/124 TARRISTY Tarristy Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness Peter Sinclair North Mire John Mackay Warsetter 081 A small low water creek situated one quarter of a mile north of "North Mire" and three quarters south west of "Seater".
OS1/23/2/124 THE GRAAND The Graand The Graand The Graand Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness Peter Sinclair North Mire John Mackay Warsetter 081 A long ridge of boulders visible at low water and separating the "Muckle" from the little "Bar". It is supposed to have been at one time a stone pier by the Danes.
OS1/23/2/124 WARSETTER Warsetter Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness Peter Sinclair North Mire John Mackay Warsetter 081 A large farm house and steading situated on a small eminence about two and three quarters of a mile south of "Castlehill" (P.O.)It commands a clear view of the whole "Island of Sanday" from "Start Point" on the north to "Spur Ness" on the south. The proprietor "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie".
OS1/23/2/125 CHAPEL (Site of) [Lambaness] Chapel (Site of) Tenant farmer at North Mire Tenant Farmer at Stove 081 Applies to what is supposed to be the site of an ancient Chapel, situated near the H.W. Mark and a short distance North by East of Lambaness. Only a heap of stones now remain.
OS1/23/2/125 STREETHOUSE Streethouse Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Mackay Warsetter William Thomson Streethouse 081 A small row of dwelling houses situated one quarter of a mile north east of "Warsetter" and occupied by the labourers of that farm. The foregoing names are the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/125 THE WART The Wart The Wart The Wart Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness John Mackay Warsetter William Thomson Streethouse 081 The highest point of the eminence whereon Warsetter is situated and one hundred yards east of the farm house. There is a small "Doo Cot" built here, which from a distance appears to a stranger to be a large stone or rock.
OS1/23/2/127 CLIFTS Clifts Clifts Clifts Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Fea Clifts Peter Muir Knowes 081 A small farm house and steading situated nearly one eighth of a mile south of "Lonnie" and one quarter west of the "Queen of Ho". Property of James Fea Boloquoy.
OS1/23/2/127 KNOWES Knowes Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Fea Clifts Peter Muir Knowes 081 A small farm house and steading situated one hundred and thirty yards east of "Clifts" and the property of "The Right Hon. the Earl of Zetland"
OS1/23/2/127 SCARRIGARTH Scarrigarth Rev Matthew Fisher of Cross and Burness James Fea Clifts Peter Muir Knowes 081 A small farm house and steading situated one quarter of a mile north east of "Streethouse" and three eighths of a mile south west of the "Queen of Ho". Property of "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie."
OS1/23/2/128 BARBERS TOWER Barbers Tower Rev. M. Fisher of Cross & Burness James Muir Braeswick Peter Muir Knowes 081 A small green knoll on which formerly stood an ancient Brough situated seventy yards north of "Knowes" and one half mile west of "Bacaskail". Property of "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie."
OS1/23/2/128 QUEEN OF HO Queen of Ho Rev. M. Fisher of Cross & Burness James Muir Braeswick Peter Muir Knowes 081 A large stony creek situated in the north west corner of Bacaskail Bay and one quarter of a mile southwest of Bacaskail.
OS1/23/2/128 SANDYTAE Sandytae Sandytae Sandytae Rev. M. Fisher of Cross & Burness James Muir Braeswick Peter Muir Knowes 081 A small dwelling house situated one half mile north east of "Warsetter" and two hundred and thirty yards west of "Mirky Geo" "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie" proprietor.
OS1/23/2/129 LINDAY GEO Linday Geo Rev. M. Fisher of Cross & Burness James Muir Braeswick James Muir Scarrigarth 081 A small stony creek situated one half mile south of "Queen of Ho" and one quarter of a mile east of Streethouse.
OS1/23/2/129 MIRKY GEO Mirky Geo Rev. M. Fisher of Cross & Burness James Muir Braeswick James Muir Scarrigarth 081 A small creek situated one half mile north of "Moo Geo" and one quarter south of Scarri Geo.
OS1/23/2/129 SCARRI GEO Scarri Geo Scarri Geo Scarri Geo Rev. M. Fisher of Cross & Burness James Muir Braeswick James Muir Scarrigarth 081 A small stony creek situated one eighth of a mile south of the "Queen of Ho", and one quarter east of "Clifts".
OS1/23/2/130 LANGIE GEO Langie Geo Langie Geo Langie Geo Rev. M. Fisher of Cross & Burness James Muir Braeswick James Muir Scarrigarth 081 A large stony creek situated three eighths of a mile east of Warsetter and one quarter south of "Linday Geo".
OS1/23/2/130 MOO GEO Moo Geo Rev. M. Fisher of Cross & Burness James Muir Braeswick James Muir Scarrigarth 081 A large stony Geo or creek situated three quarters of a mile southwest of "Bacaskail" and one quarter east of "Warsetter".
OS1/23/2/130 SANDAY SOUND Sanday Sound Rev. M. Fisher of Cross & Burness James Muir Braeswick James Muir Scarrigarth 081 A large navigable strait washing the greater part of the south coast of the Island of Sanday. "Sanday Sound" is between Tres Ness and Papa Stronsay" - North Sea Pilot. Its average width is from three to four miles. There is a few large and good anchoring Bays penetrating north on the Sanday shore, from this sound, namely those of "Bacaskail" "Stove", and "Kettletoft." The steam ship "Orcadia" anchors in the latter four times a week.
OS1/23/2/133 GREY MANSE Grey Manse Grey Manse Grey Manse Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 A small bay or Creek on the coast of Kettletoft Bay and nearly 1/4 of a mile north of the pier at Kettletoft.
OS1/23/2/133 KEITLETOFT Kettletoft Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 A small District on the property of Captain and Mrs Horwood of Westoves Marriage Contract Drs comprising several dwelling houses two Storehouses and a Shop. It is situated immediately south of the farm of How and has a substantial Stone Pier at its southern extremity at which a Steamer calls four times a week.
OS1/23/2/133 Bea Ness Bea Ness Bea Ness Bea Ness Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall A promontory on the south side of the Island of Sanday, and separating Kettletoft Bay from Bacaskail Bay. It is on the property of the marriage Contract Trustees of Captain and Mrs Horwood of Westove.
OS1/23/2/134 STY WICK Sty Wick Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 A large Bay extending in a northerly direction from the extreme point of Elsness called The Swarf and Lang Tong to a short distance east of the Lagoon called Little Sea. It is about 1/2 mile south east of Silverhall.
OS1/23/2/134 WEELAN BANKS Weelan Banks Weelan Banks Weelan banks Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 Banks along the coast on the east of Kettletoft Bay and 1/2 mile south of the Farm of Elsness.
OS1/23/2/135 NORTH GEO North Geo Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 A creek on the east side and near the north point of the Holm of Elsness.
OS1/23/2/135 QUOY AYRE Quoy Ayre Quoy Ayre Quoy ayre Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 A stony Beach at the west end of Sty Wick and east of the Lagoon called Little Sea, about 1/2 mile south west of Silverhall.
OS1/23/2/135 SEAL SKERRY Seal Skerry Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 A Low water Rock at the north point and on the east side of the Holm of Elsness.
OS1/23/2/136 HOLM SOUND Holm Sound Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 A strait between the south mainland of the Island of Sanday and the Holm of Elsness.
OS1/23/2/136 POINT OF HOLMSOUND Point of Holm Sound Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 A point of low water rocks on the north side of Holm Sound and forming the south east boundary of the entrance to the Kettletoft Bay.
OS1/23/2/136 SIVERS GEO Sivers Geo Sivers Geo Sivers Geo Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 A stony creek 1/4 of a mile north west of Els Ness and the same distance south east of Point of Holm Sound.
OS1/23/2/137 AUGMUND HOWE Egmount Howe Augmund Howe Augmunds Howe Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall Re-submitted Stat. a/c of Scotland 081 A mound having the appearance of a Pictish building on the west side of Sty Wick and nearly 1/4 of a mile north east of Els Ness. No information could be obtained regarding it but its proximity to the Brough of Quoyness would seem to imply some connection therewith. "On the northern extremity of this cape (Elsness) there is a brough or fort, called Augmund's Howe. It is now in ruins, and overgrown with grass and weeds." Statistical Account of Scotland.
OS1/23/2/137 GEO OF HOLMSOUND Geo of Holmsound Geo of Holmsound Geo of Holmsound Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 A creek a short distance north of the south east entrance to Kettletoft Bay and 3/4ths of a mile south of the farm of Elsness.
OS1/23/2/137 RONNEY Ronney Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 A point of Low water rocks on the south side of Holm Sound and forming the east point of the Holm of Elsness.
OS1/23/2/137 TUMULI [NW of Els Ness] Tumuli From personal obseervation of Lieut. F. J. Day while finally examining the Plan of Orkney. 081 Applies to a number of mounds lying to the north west of Els Ness & a short distance W. of Augmund's Howe. They are most probably the remains of the extensive settlement. Mentioned in Statistical Account of Scotland.
OS1/23/2/138 QUOYNESS BROUGH Quoyness Quoyness Quoyness Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall Archaeologia Scotica p.94 081 A Mound situated on the west side of Sty Wick and nearly 1 mile south west of the Farm of Elsness. It is close to the sea and within a few feet of High Water Mark. In its present ruinous condition the diameter is 63 feet and height 12 1/2 feet and upon being excavated Graves or Kists were found containing human remains. The Mound presents the usual appearance of a large Brough but Mr Farrer late M.P. for South Durham who made some excavations in July 187 says "I am disposed to think that, until further investigation has been made, it would be difficult to determine positively whether the mound was in its original state, a burial place [underlined]. It may have been a Brough[underlined] and the space between the inner and outer walls which I suppose to have been an open area, may have been a mass of rude walling constructed with a view of supporting the building in which the graves are found." It is on the property of the Trustees of James Traill Esq of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/138 TAING OF CORKATAE Taing of Corkatae Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmonth Farmer Elsness William Slater Shoemaker Silverhall 081 Point of low water rocks on the west side of Sty Wick and about one eighth of a mile north east of Quoyness.
OS1/23/2/139 KIRK TAING Kirk Taing Kirk Taing Kirk Taing Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A point of flat rocks situate about 1/2 mile north of Cleat and 3/4 mile N.W. of the U.P. Church, and on the east side of Otterswick Bay.
OS1/23/2/139 LAMA NESS Lama Ness Lama Ness Lama Ness Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A promontory situate about 3 1/4 miles north east of Kettletoft, an about 1 1/4 miles north of the U.P. Church, and on the west side of Otterswick Bay near its head.
OS1/23/2/139 LAMANESS FIRTH Lamaness Firth Lamaness Firth Lamaness Firth Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A channel lying between Lama Ness and Colli Ness, at the head of Otterswick Bay.
OS1/23/2/140 BLACK ROCK Black Rock Black Rock Black Rock Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 Flat rocks situate 1/2 mile east of Iver Stye and about 1 mile north of Appie House.
OS1/23/2/140 COLLI NESS Colli Ness Colli Ness Colli Ness Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A point situate about 3 miles north east of Kettletoft, and about 1 1/2 miles north of Geramount, and at the head of Otterswick Bay.
OS1/23/2/140 IVER STYE Iver Stye Iver Stye Iver Stye Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 081 A point situate 1/4 mile south east of Colli Ness and about 1/2 mile north of the U.P. Church.
OS1/23/2/141 OTTERS WICK Otters Wick Otters Wick Otters Wick Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A large bay on the north side of the island of Sanday, which cuts the island into three arms or peninsular almost. It extends inland in a southwesterly direction about 3 1/2 mile, from the north-east extremity of Burness on the west and from Long Ting on the east side; its breadth is about 1 1/2 miles. There is a large extent of sandy beach at the head of this bay which abounds with shellfish. This bay affords safe anchorage for vessels of any size.
OS1/23/2/142 CLAVAN Clavan Clavan Clavan James Muir, ploughman, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield Lady Parish 082 A dwelling house situate 1/4 mile south of Cleat and 1/4 mile east of Sea Mill. The property of James C. Traill Esq of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/142 CLEAT Cleat Cleat Cleat James Sinclair, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield Lady Parish 082 A farmstead situate about about 1 mile N.E. of the U.P. Church, and about 1 mile west of Newark. The property of James C. Traill Esq of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/142 SEAMILL Seamill Seamill Seamill Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A stone building used as a kelp store, situate 1/4 mile north east of the U.P. Church, and about 1/4 mile S.W. of Cleat. The property of James C. Traill Esq of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/142 TUMULUS [Cleat] Tumulus Tumulus Tenant farmer at Cleat, & from personal observation of Lieut. F. J. Day R.E. when finally examining the Plans of Orkney. 082 Applies to an ancient burial Mound situated about 200 yards south of Cleat Farm House.
OS1/23/2/143 CRUDY Crudy Crudy Crudy Rev John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount David Wallace Crudy 082 A farm house, situated three quarters of a mile to the west of "Garbo" and on the south side of "Otters Wick". Property of "James Trail Esqr. of Rattar and Hobbister."
OS1/23/2/143 TAING OF CRUDY Taing of Crudy Taing of Crudy Taing of Crudy Rev John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount David Wallace Crudy 082 A point of flat rocks situated on the south east shore of "Otters Wick" and one mile to the north east of "Newark".
OS1/23/2/144 GARBO Garbo Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Benjamin Swanson, Ground Officer Andrew Thomson Garbo 082 A farm house situated in the district of "Sellibister", and one eighth of a mile to the south of "Hillhead". Occupied by A. Thomson. "James Trail Esqr. of Rattar and Hobibster"" proprietor.
OS1/23/2/144 PETERKIRK Peterkirk Peterkirk Peterkirk Rev John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount David Wallace Crudy 082 A knoll where at one time there has been a building of some sort. it seems like the site of a old "Picts House", but very recently in taking away some of the stones, skulls have been dug up, and this in conjunction with the name would seem to point to an old "Chapel" and "Burial Ground". it is situated one half mile to the north west of "Garbo", and the property of "James Trail Esqr. of Rattar and Hobbister". "Religious buildings were formerly pretty numerous in this parish...It is likely they would all have been dedicated to some saint or other holy person...PeterKirk, or St Peter's Chapel, on the banks of Otters Wick, near Newark." - Statistical Account of Scotland."
OS1/23/2/144 SCHOOL [W of Bay of Lopness] School School School Rev John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount David Wallace Crudy 082 The north Public School of the Island of Sanday. Attended by Boys and Girls., averaging daily, sixty. It is situated on the west side of the "bay of Lopness", and a little over a quarter of a mile to the south of "Hillhead". "A. McCallum" teacher.
OS1/23/2/144 Site of ST PETER'S CHAPEL Rev John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount David Wallace Crudy 082 A knoll where at one time there has been a building of some sort. it seems like the site of a old "Picts House", but very recently in taking away some of the stones, skulls have been dug up, and this in conjunction with the name would seem to point to an old "Chapel" and "Burial Ground". it is situated one half mile to the north west of "Garbo", and the property of "James Trail Esqr. of Rattar and Hobbister". "Religious buildings were formerly pretty numerous in this parish...It is likely they would all have been dedicated to some saint or other holy person...PeterKirk, or St Peter's Chapel, on the banks of Otters Wick, near Newark." - Statistical Account of Scotland."
OS1/23/2/145 HILLHEAD Hillhead Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Benjamin Swanson, Ground Officer George Muir & Son Sellibister 082 A Farm situated near the north end of the district of "Sellibister", occupied by George Muir & Son and the property of "James Trail Esqr. of Rattar and Hobbister".
OS1/23/2/145 NEWARK Newark Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Benjamin Swanson, Ground Officer John Thomson Newark 082 A small district situated on the west shore of the "Bay of Newark" and about three miles to the north of the U.P. Church. It comprises the farm of "Newark" and several small dwelling houses. It is the property of "James Trail Esqr. of Rattar & Hobbister".
OS1/23/2/145 SELLIBISTER Sellibister Sellibister Sellibister Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Benjamin Swanson, Ground Officer George Muir & Son Sellibister 082 A small district situated on the west shore of the "Bay of Lopness", and 4 1/2 miles to the north of "Saval Green". It contains the farms of "Garbo" "Hillhead", and a few dwelling houses. property of "J. Trail Esqr. of Rattar, and Hobbister."
OS1/23/2/146 LONG TAING OF NEWARK Long Taing of Newark Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Benjamin Swanson, Ground Officer James Slater Knowes 082 A long point of flat rocks situated one quarter of a mile to the northeast of "Newark" farm it forms the southern boundary of the "Bay of Lopness".
OS1/23/2/146 THE KNOWES The Knowes Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Benjamin Swanson, Ground Officer James Slater Knowes 082 A dwelling house situated in the southern extremity of the little district of Sellibister & occupied by "James Slatter".
OS1/23/2/146 WAPPINGSTREET Wappingstreet Rev John Dangerfield Minister of Lady Parish Benjamin Swanson, Ground Officer James Slater Knowes 082 A dwelling house situated in the southern portion of the district of Sellibister, and one half mile to the north of "Newark farm house". it is occupied by "David Moodie", and it and all the foregoing names are the property of "J.Trail Esqr. of Rattar and Hobbister."
OS1/23/2/147 IVAR'S KNOWE BROUGH Ivar's knowe Tenant of the farm of Cleat & from personal observations of Lieut. F.J. Day R.E. when fianlly examining the Plans of Orkney Archaeologia Scotica p. 94 082 Applies to an ancient Tumulus or burial place situated between Garbo and Crudy.
OS1/23/2/147 Site of CHAPEL OF ARSTAS Site of Chapel of Arstas Tenant of the farm of Cleat & from personal observations of Lieut. F.J. Day R.E. when fianlly examining the Plans of Orkney Archaeologia Scotica p. 94 082 Applies to the site of an ancient Chapel nearly 1/2 a mile West of Newark.
OS1/23/2/147 TUMULUS [S of Crudy] Tumulus Tenant of the farm of Cleat & from personal observations of Lieut. F.J. Day R.E. when fianlly examining the Plans of Orkney Archaeologia Scotica p. 94 082 Applies to a small mound supposed to be an ancient burial place, situated a short distance south of Crudy.
OS1/23/2/147 TUMULUS [SW of Crudy] Tumulus Tenant of the farm of Cleat & from personal observations of Lieut. F.J. Day R.E. when fianlly examining the Plans of Orkney Archaeologia Scotica p. 94 082 Applies to a small mound, similar to the one near Crudy, situated 1/2 a mile south west of Crudy.
OS1/23/2/149 LOP NESS Lop Ness Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A medium sized peninsula situated on & forming the Eastern boundary of the Bay of Lopness. It penetrates seawards in a Southerly direction. Its greatest length is about one quarter of a mile, by one quarter of a mile. It is bound on the east by th "Bay of Wheevi".
OS1/23/2/149 LOPNESS Lopness Lopness Lopness Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A substantial farm house, and steading. situated on the west shore of a peninsula of its own name, and two and a half miles west of Start Point Lighthouse. It is occupied by William Harvey Inspector of Poor.
OS1/23/2/149 ORE LEDGE Ore Ledge Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A small flat low water rock situated about one hundred yards north-west of the farm house of "Lopness".
OS1/23/2/150 BROAD GEO Broad Geo Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A small creek situated on the Southeastern extremity of "Lop Ness", it is visible only at "Low Water", being nearly one hundred and fifty yards below High water mark. The foregoing names are the property of the "Earl of Zetland".
OS1/23/2/150 FAY POOL Fay Pool Fay Pool Fay Pool Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A small Sanday creek situated on the west side of "Lop Ness" and about one eighth of a mile south of Lopness farm. It is eighty yards below High Water consequently visible only at Low water.
OS1/23/2/150 Gerra Taing Gerra Taing Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian Applies to the southwestern extremity of Lop ness. It is a point of low flat rocks under High water mark.
OS1/23/2/151 BAY OF WHEEVI Bay of Wheevi Bay of Wheevi Bay of Wheevi Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A medium sized bay, situated on the east of "Lop Ness", and bounded on the east by a small point of Low water rocks penetrating south from "Burrian".
OS1/23/2/151 FISH-HOUSE Fish-house Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A small farm house and steading situated eighty yards east of "Scofferland", and the property of the "Earl of Zetland" occupied by William Tulloch.
OS1/23/2/151 SCOFFERLAND Scofferland Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A farm house and steading situated three quarters of a mile east of "Lopness" and occupied by "Thomas Shed".
OS1/23/2/152 BURRIAN Burrian Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A farm house and steading situated one mile and a quarter east of Lop ness. There is situated a little west of it an ancient pictish fort and immediately in front of it an ancient burial ground. The house is occupied by "John Wilson".
OS1/23/2/152 KELDERKNOWE Kelderknowe Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A small farm house and steading situated one hundred and seventy yards north east of "Burrian, and occupied by "John Wallace". All the foregoing names are the property of the "Earl of Zetland".
OS1/23/2/152 WHALE HEAD Whale Head Whale Head Whale Head Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A small knoll situated one half mile east of "Lopness". There is part of a whale skeleton to be seen on its summit at the present day.
OS1/23/2/153 NEUKS Neuks Neuks Neuks Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A small farm house and steading situated in the east corner of the little district of "The Park", and occupied by "William Towers".
OS1/23/2/153 NEWPARK LOCH Newpark Loch Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A small fresh water Loch situated forty yards northeast of the eastern extremity of "The Park" and one eighth of a mile west of the northeastern extremity of the "Island of Sanday".
OS1/23/2/153 THE PARK The Park Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A small district situated on the north shore of the Bay of "Lotheran", and comprising the farms of "Bunnian" "Kelder Knowe", and "Neuks".
OS1/23/2/154 BIGHT OF LOTHERAN Bight of Lotheran Bight of Lotheran Bight of Lotheran Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A small bay situated one mile west of "Start Point Lighthouse", It is bounded on the west by "Burrian" and on the east by [blank]. It is this bight joining the "Bay of Scuthrie" that severs Start Point from the mainland.
OS1/23/2/154 BURIAL GROUND [Burrian] Old Burial Ground Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 An ancient burial place now disused, situate close to the above Pict's House 3/4 mile W. of Start Point Lighthouse.
OS1/23/2/154 PICT'S HOUSE (Site of) [Burrian] Picts' House Rev. John Dangerfield Minister Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A track of circle round pile of stones supposed to have been the site of one of the ancient Picts' houses or forts, but no definite information could be obtained concerning it. Situate at Burrian 3/4 mile N. of Start Point Lighthouse.
OS1/23/2/155 COLLIGARTH Colligarth Colligarth Colligarth James Swanson, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A substantial farmstead situate about 3/4 mile north of Geramount, and about 1 mile east of the extreme end of Otterswick Bay. the property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/155 MID HOLM Mid Holm Mid Holm Mid Holm Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A small island in Otterswick Bay and about 1/4 mile north of Colligarth.
OS1/23/2/155 NORTH-HILL North-hill North-hill North-hill Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 Applies to 4 farmhouses situate about 1/2 mile east of Colligarth and about 1 mile north of Geramount. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/156 GERRA TAING 082
OS1/23/2/156 LEAVISGARTH Leavisgarth Leavisgarth Leavisgarth George Muir, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate about 1/4 mile south of North-hill and about 1/2 mile south east of Colligarth. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/156 MYRTLELANE Myrtleland Myrtlelane Myrtlelane John Grieve, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate about 1/2 mile south west of Colligarth ad 1/2 mile north of Geramount. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister
OS1/23/2/156 PORTINGALE Portingale Portingale Portingale John Skea, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate about 1/4 mile east of North-hill, and about 1/2 mile north east of Leavisgarth. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/156 TUMULUS [Leavisgarth] Tumulus Tenant of Cleat and obtained by Lieut. Day when finally examining Plans. 082 Applies to a small mound about 1/4 a mile west of Leavisgarth and believed to be an ancient burial place.
OS1/23/2/156 Not on this page
OS1/23/2/157 LITTLE CROTRIVE Little Crotrive Little Crotrive Little Crotrive Edward Sinclair, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate on the north side of the public road, 1/8 mile east of Little Savillegreen & about 1/4 mile west of the U.P. Church. The property of James Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/157 OVERBISTER Overbister Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 Applies to a district, bounded on the east by Cata Sand and a fence running into the head of Otterswick Bay a short distance E. of Colligarth; on the west it leaves Otterswick Bay at a B[oun]d[ar]y mark called Black Rock, following the parish Boundary to near Castlegreen; thence along a fence, past Savillegreen & a short distance E. of Geramount, and the prolongation of this fence to the sea about 1/4 mile west of Lang Taing. This district is at the south end the property of the Earl of Zetland; the north half the property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/157 POINT OF NEVIN Point of Nevin Point of Nevin Point of Nevin Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A small promontory about 1/2 mile north-east of Colligarth and immediately east of Mid Holm.
OS1/23/2/158 BRESSIGARTH Bressigarth Bressigarth Bressigarth James Skea, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate 1/2 mile south of the U.P. Church and about 3 miles east of Kettletoft. the property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/158 CATA SAND Cata Sand Cata Sand Cata Sand Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A sandy bay, dry at low water and situate about 3 1/2 miles east of Kettletoft.
OS1/23/2/158 FLEBISTER Flebister Flebister Flebister James F. McConaghy, MB & C occupeir Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A substantial stone dwelling house situate on the north side of the public road, and immediately east of the U.P. Church. the property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/159 LITTLE SAVILLEGREEN Little Savillegreen Little Savillegreen Little Savillegreen Robert Scott, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A small farmhouse situate 1/8 mile west of Savillegreen & 1/4 mile south of Little Colligarth. The property of J.C. Traill Esq of Rattar & Hobbbister.
OS1/23/2/159 ROADSIDE Roadside Roadside Roadside Mrs Thomson, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A substantial dwelling house situated 1/8 west of the U.P. Church on the public road & 1/4 mile east of Savillegreen & 1/8 mile south east of Newhouse. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister
OS1/23/2/159 SAVILLEGREEN Savillegreen Savillegreen Savillegreen David Muir, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate a short distance east of Castlegreen and about 1/4 mile south of Myrtlelane. the property of J.C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister
OS1/23/2/160 CASTLEGREEN Castlegreen Castlegreen Castlegreen William Muir, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A dwelling house and grocery shop situate about 1/4 mile south of Myrtlelane and about 1/4 mile west of Newhouse. the property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/160 LITTLE COLLIGARTH Little Colligarth Little Colligarth Little Colligarth James Peace, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate about 1/4 mile east of Myrtlelane, & about 1/4 mile south of Colligarth. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/160 NEWHOUSE Newhouse Newhouse Newhouse James Garriock, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A small dwelling house situate 1/8 mile south east of Little Colligarth and about 1/4 mile south east of Myrtlelane. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/161 ARTILLERY VOLUNTEER DRILL HALL [NE of Viggie, Sanday] Artillery Volunteer Drill Hall Artillery Volunteer Drill Hall Artillery Volunteer Drill Hall Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A substantial building used as a drilling place by the Sanday Volunteers, situate 1/8 mile north east of Viggie & a short distance south west of U.P. Manse.
OS1/23/2/161 CROTRIVE Crotrive Crotrive Crotrive Jane Slater, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situated 1/4 mile south of Newhouse & about 1/4 mile southeast of Savillegreen. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/161 VIGGIE Viggie Viggie Viggie James Work, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate 1/4 mile east of Little Savillegreen, & about 1/4 mile south east of Newhouse. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/162 MANSE [U.P., of Kettletoft] U.P. Manse U.P. Manse U.P. Manse Rev. David Calderwood, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A substantial building situate on the north side of the public road immediately west of the U.P. Church, and about 3 miles east of Kettletoft.
OS1/23/2/162 NEARHOUSE Nearhouse Nearhouse Nearhouse William Leslie, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse & grocery shop situate immediately south of the U.P. Church and a short distance east of the Drill Hall.
OS1/23/2/162 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH [E of Kettletoft] U.P. Church U.P. Church U.P. Church Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A large substantial stone building used as a place of worship by the United Presbyterians, and contains about 600 sittings; situate on the north side of the public road about 3 miles east of Kettletoft.
OS1/23/2/163 APPIEHOUSE Appie House Appie House Appie House Edward Sinclair, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate 1/4 mile north of Bressigarth, and nearly 1/4 mile south east of the U.P. Church. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/163 CANKER Canker Canker Canker Simon Deerness, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate 3/8 mile east of the U.P. Church & 1/4 mile north east of Appie House. The property of J.C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/163 COTT Cott Cott Cott Thomas Peace, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate on the south side of the public road & about 1/4 mile east of the U.P. Church. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/164 MID NEIGARTH Mid Neigarth Mid Neigarth Mid Neigarth James Mainland, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate immediately south of North Neigarth & 3/8 mile south east of the U.P. Church. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattsr and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/164 NEIGARTH Neigarth Neigarth Neigarth Stephen Muir, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate about 1/8 mile south of Mid Neigarth and about 1/4 mile east of Bressigarth. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/164 NORTH NEIGARTH North Neigarth North Neigarth North Neigarth William Sinclair, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate about 1/4 mile south east of the U.P. Church & about 1/4 mile south of Canker. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister
OS1/23/2/165 CONNINGHAM Conningham Conningham Conningham John Thomson, farmer, Newark Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 An old farmhouse, vacant, and in a dilapidated condition, situate close to the north side of the public road, and about 1 1/2 miles east of the U.P. Church. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/165 HOWAR Howar Howar Howar Edward Swanney, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farm laborers house on the north side of the public road, situate about 1/4 mile west of Newark. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/165 SHINBRECK Shinbreak Shinbreak Shinbreak Shinbreck John Walls, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farm laborers house on the north side of the public road situated nearly 1/4 mile east of Conningham. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/166 NEWARK FARM Newark Farm Newark Farm Newark Farm John Thomson, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A large substantially built farmstead, situate on the south side of the public road about 2 miles east from the U.P. church. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/166 ROCKS OF SMEARGEO Rocks of Smeargeo Rocks of Smeargeo Rocks of Smeargeo Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 Flat rocks at low water situate 1/8 mile south of Smear Geo, and about 1/2 mile south of Shinbreak.
OS1/23/2/166 SMEAR GEO Smear Geo Smear Geo Smear Geo John Thomson, farmer, Newark Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A port situate 1/4 mile south of Newark & about 1/2 mile south east of Conningham.
OS1/23/2/167 HOWAR SAND Howar Sand Howar Sand Howar Sand Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A sandy beach situate about 1/2 mile south west of Newark & about 1/2 mile south of Conningham.
OS1/23/2/167 PLAIN OF FIDGE Plain of Fidge Plain of Fidge Plain of Fidge Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A large plain of rough ground on the south side of the public road, about 1 1/4 miles east of the U.P. Church and about 1/2 mile west of Newark. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/168 BAY OF NEWARK Bay of Newark Bay of Newark Bay of Newark Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A large bay on the east side of Sanday, situate about 4 miles east of Kettletoft; extending from Cruis Ting, near Tresness, on the South to Lang Ting of Newark on the north, about 1/2 mile N.E. of Newark Farm.
OS1/23/2/169 BEAFIELD Beafield Beafield Beafield James Slater, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmstead, situate of 1/4 mile east of Geramount, & about 1/4 mile north north west of Queensbrig. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/169 GERAMOUNT Geramount Geramount Geramount Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A substantial mansion house (now used as a farm house) situate about 2 miles north east of Kettletoft, & about 3/4 mile south of the head of Otterswick Bay. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar & Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/169 QUEENSBRIG Queensbrig Queensbrig Queensbrig John Muir, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate 1/4 mile south of Beafield & nearly 1/2 mile south east of Geramount. The property of the Earl of Zetland.
OS1/23/2/170 BENZACOTT Benzacott Beazacott Benzacott David Muir, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate nearly 1/4 mile north east of Skaill, & 1/4 mile south of Bressigarth. The property of James C. Traill Esq of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/170 BULL Bull Bull Bull William Grieve, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate about 1/4 mile south of Skaill & about 1/3 mile south west of Benzacott. The property of the Earl of Zetland.
OS1/23/2/170 SKAILL Skaill Skaill Skaill John Muir, Occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate about 1/2 mile east of Geramount & a short distance north east of Queensbrig. The property of James C. Traill Esq of Rattar & Hobbister..
OS1/23/2/171 LAMB COTS Lamb Cots Lamb Cots Lamb Cots Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A small bay situate about 1/4 mile south of Russness Point and a short distance from Measer.
OS1/23/2/171 MEASER Measer Measer Measer William Muir, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A small farmhouse situate about 1/4 mile south-east of Benzacott. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/171 RUSS NESS Russ Ness Russ Ness Russ Ness Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A point situate on the west of Cata Sand and about 1/4 mile north east of Measer.
OS1/23/2/172 CONNINGHOLE Conninghole Conninghole Conninghole Rober Brock, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A farmhouse situate about 1/4 mile south of Bull, and about 1/2 mile south west of Measer. the property of the Earl of Zetland.
OS1/23/2/172 OSSAMY Ossamy Ossamy Ossamy Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A small island visible at High water in Cata Sand, and situate a short distance east of Dees.
OS1/23/2/172 THE DEES The Dees The Dees The Dees Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A small port on the east side of Cata Sand, and situate 1/2 mile south east of Conninghole.
OS1/23/2/172 THE GRITHIES The Grithies The Grithies The Grithies Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A ridge of shingle at low water, on the east side of Cata Sand, and situate about 1/4 mile east of The Dees.
OS1/23/2/175 LANG TAING Lang Taing Lang Taing Lang Taing Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A point of sunken rocks situate a short distance south of Bait Holm and about 3/4 mile west of Tresness.
OS1/23/2/176 BAY OF TRESNESS Bay of Tresness Bay of Tresness Bay of Tresness Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A large bay situate about 2 3/4 miles east of Kettletoft, and about 2 1/2 miles south of the U.P. Church.
OS1/23/2/176 EAST SAND East Sand East Sand East Sand Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A sandy bay situate about 2 1/2 miles east of Kettletoft, and about 1/2 mile west of Tresness.
OS1/23/2/176 THE GALT The Galt The Galt The Galt Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A point of sunken rocks situate about 1/4 mile west of Tresness and about 2 1/2 miles south of the U.P. church.
OS1/23/2/177 SIEBER GEO Sieber Geo Sieber Geo Sieber Geo Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A point situate about 1/8 mile south east of Kirk Taing and about 1/4 mile south of Tresness.
OS1/23/2/177 TINGLY LOUP Tingly Loup Tingly Loup Tingly Loup Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A port situate 1/8 mile south east of Seiben Goe & about 3/8 mile south of Tresness.
OS1/23/2/177 Gairalily Gairalily Gairalily Gairalily Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House A point of sunken rocks situate 1/4 mile south east of Kirk Taing and about 3/8 mile south of Tresness.
OS1/23/2/178 KIRK BANKS Kirk Banks Kirk Banks Kirk banks Name obtained by Lieut. F.J. Day while finally examining the Orkney Plans. 082 Applies to a small knoll close to H.W. Mark, and a short distance S.W. from Tresness.
OS1/23/2/178 KIRK TAING Kirk Taing Kirk Taing Kirk Taing Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A point of sunken rocks situate about 1/4 mile south west of Tresness, and about 1/8 mile S.E. of The Galt.
OS1/23/2/178 THE CLOGG The Clogg The Clogg The Clogg Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A channel running from the Galt in the Bay of Tresness into Cata Sand, and ends about 1/4 mile north west of Tresness.
OS1/23/2/178 TRESNESS Tresness Tresness Tresness Thomas Dreaver, occupier Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish 082 A substantial farmhouse situate about 3 miles east of Kettletoft and about 2 1/2 miles south east of the U.P. church. The property of James C. Traill Esq. of Rattar and Hobbister.
OS1/23/2/179 CRUIS TAING Cruis Taing Cruis Taing Cruis Taing Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A point of flat rocks, situate about 3/8 mile east of Ness Garth, and about 3 1/2 miles from Kettletoft.
OS1/23/2/179 NESS GARTH Ness Garth Ness Garth Ness Garth Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A portion of flat rocks, below H.W.M. on the south end of Newark Bay, and situate about 2 miles south east of the U.P. church and about 3 miles (in a direct line) east of Kettletoft; and 1/4 mile south-east of Tresness.
OS1/23/2/179 THE CROOK The Crook The Crook The Crook Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A small port immediately east of Ness North, about 3 miles east of Kettletoft.
OS1/23/2/180 HANGIE HEAD Hangie Head Hangie Head Hangie Head Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A small point of H.W. situate about 1/4 mile east of Wasso and about 1/4 mile south of Cruis Taing.
OS1/23/2/180 SAND QUOY Sand Quoy Sand Quoy Sand Quoy Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A sandy beach, situate immediately south of Hangie Head, and about 3 1/2 miles east of Kettletoft.
OS1/23/2/180 WASSO Wasso Wasso Wasso Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 Applies to the remains of a Picts' Fort, situate near the extreme end of the promontory of Tres Ness, about 3 1/2 miles east of Kettletoft. Excavations were made recently and the debris or foundation of a large circular building have been laid bare, but nothing more of any importance was discovered.
OS1/23/2/181 HORSE GEO Horse Geo Horse Geo Horse Geo Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A small port situate about 1/8 mile south of Sand Quoy, and about 1/4 mile south east of Wasso.
OS1/23/2/181 TRES NESS Tres Ness Tres Ness Tres ness Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A large promontory situate about 2 1/2 miles east of Kettletoft, and about 2 3/4 miles south east of the U.P. Church. Tres Ness is a low peninsula, forming the western extremity of Tresness Bay; there is a barrow or mound upon the west side of it, but not very conspicuous. This peninsula, having at the inner end of it the farm house of Tresness,is low and [and] terminates in little black Cliffs.
OS1/23/2/181 Cringly Geo Cringly Geo Cringly Geo Cringly Geo Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House A small port situate 1/8 mile south west of Horse Geo, and about 3/8 mile south of Hangie Head.
OS1/23/2/182 CHALDRA ROCK Chaldra Rock Chaldra Rock Chaldra Rock Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082; 087A A pointed flat rock, on the south end of Tresness, and about 1/4 mile south west of Horee Goe.
OS1/23/2/182 GIRNDISH Girndish Grindish Girndish Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A point of flat rocks, situate about 1/4 mile north west of Storehouse Goe, and about 1/4 mile S.W. of Wasso.
OS1/23/2/182 POINT OF TOUTHEY Point of Touthey Point of Touthey Point of Touthey Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A pointed flat rock, situate about 1/4 mile north west of Chaldra Rock, and about 1/4 mile south of Wassa.
OS1/23/2/182 STOREHOUSE GEO Storehouse Geo Storehouse Geo Storehouse Geo Benjamin Swanson, farmer, Geramount Rev. John Dangerfield, Lady Parish Edward Sinclair, farmer, Appie House 082 A small port, situate about midway between Point of Touthey, & Wasso, and about 1/4 mile west of Sand Quoy.
OS1/23/2/183 BROUGH [Hangie Head] Brough (Remains of) Name obtained on the ground by Lieut. F.J. Day R.E. when finally examining the Plans of Orkney 082 Applies to what is supposed to be the remains of an ancient Brough, situated close to Hangie Head on the east side of Tress Ness.
OS1/23/2/183 BROUGH [Tres Ness] Brough (Remains of) Name obtained on the ground by Lieut. F.J. Day R.E. when finally examining the Plans of Orkney 082 Applies to a round object similar to the last, and is also supposed to be the remains of an ancient Brough, situated close to the extreme end of Tres Ness.
OS1/23/2/183 KNAP OF GIRNDISH Knap of Girndish (Remains of Brough) Name obtained on the ground by Lieut. F.J. Day R.E. when finally examining the Plans of Orkney 082 Applies to the remains of an Ancient Brough, situated about 1/2 a mile North West from the extreme end of Tres Ness.
OS1/23/2/185 AYRE SOUND Ayre Sound Ayre Sound Ayre Sound Rev. John Dangerfield, Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 Applies to the passage between Start Point & the mainland of Sanday. It can always be crossed at low water.
OS1/23/2/185 MOUNT MISERY Mount Misery Mount Misery Mount Misery Rev. John Dangerfield, Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 Applies to a small knoll the remains of an ancient Brough situated about one quarter of a mile west of the "Lighthouse". It is supposed to be an artificial knoll, but no information could be obtained concerning it, or whether of modern or ancient origin.
OS1/23/2/185 START POINT Start Point Start Point Start Point Rev. John Dangerfield, Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 An island situated on the north eastern extremity of the "Mainland of Sanday". On its eastern extremity stands the "Lighthouse". This island is separated from the mainland by a narrow strait which can be crossed at low water dry footed.
OS1/23/2/186 CLAY BRAE Clay Brae 082 A small strip of gravel banks along the coast situated between Tobacco Rock & the Lighthouse.
OS1/23/2/186 LIGHTHOUSE [Start Point] Lighthouse Fixed Red 082 Applies to the Lighthouse situated on the Island (Start Point). It was built by the commisioners of Northern Lights, & is seventy feet in height, having a fixed red light visible 15 nautical miles.
OS1/23/2/186 TOBACCO ROCK Tobacco Rock 082 A small promontory of flat low water rocks, situated immediately east of the Lighthouse.
OS1/23/2/187 ALISTERS GEO Alisters Geo Rev. John Dangerfield, Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A large creek situated one eight of a mile north of "Start Point Lighthouse" it is also as a landing place for boats.
OS1/23/2/187 CRINGLEY GEO 082
OS1/23/2/187 LANG WARE TAING Lang Ware Taing Rev. John Dangerfield, Minister of Lady Parish William Harvey Farmer Lopness John Wilson Burrian 082 A small promontory of Low water rocks situated on the north of Alisters Geo and one quarter of a mile north of the Lighthouse.
OS1/23/2/187 Not on this page
OS1/23/2/189 BRAESWICK Braeswick Braeswick Braeswick Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small district, comprising a number of small farmhouses, situate on the south shore of Braes Wick, about 2 1/2 miles from Spur Ness, the extreme southern point of the island.
OS1/23/2/189 STRANG QUOY Strang Quoy Strang Quoy Strang Quoy Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 081 Applies to the pormontory forming the S.W. point of Braes Wick about 2 1/2 miles from Spur Ness, the extreme southern point of the island.
OS1/23/2/189 STRANGQUOY TAING Strangquoy Taing Strangquoy Taing Strangquoy Taing Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 081 Applies to a point of low water rocks running out N. from Strang Quoy.
OS1/23/2/190 CUPPA Cuppa Cuppa Cuppa Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small hollow situated one hundred yards south of "Strang Taing" and one eighth of a mile north of "Hegglieber".
OS1/23/2/190 HEGGLIE BER Hegglie Ber Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a conglomerate rock situated on the west coast of Sandy, and one mile and three quarters north of "Stove".
OS1/23/2/190 HEGGLIEBER GEO Hegglieber Geo Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small creek bounded on the north by "Hegglieber". All the names on this list are on the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/191 DOO GEO 087
OS1/23/2/191 LYRE CLIFF Lyre Cliff Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small rock situated sixty yards south of "Doo Geo."
OS1/23/2/191 NAVO Navo Navo Navo Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 A small creek situated on the west coast of Sanday and one eighth of a mile south of "Heggleiber".
OS1/23/2/191 This entry is cancelled.
OS1/23/2/192 GROO Groo Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applied to a large stony creek situated on the south shore of "Braes Wick" and one hundred and seventy yards east of "Strang Quoy".
OS1/23/2/192 SPANEY GEO Spaney Geo Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a large stony creek situated on the west coast of "Sanday" and three eighths of a mile north of "Stang Ayre". All the names on this list are on the property of "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie".
OS1/23/2/195 HEADBANKS Headbank's Headbank's Headbank's Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small farm house and steading situated near the centre of the district of "Braeswick" and three quarters of a mile north of "Stove".
OS1/23/2/195 HYNDHOVER Hyndhover Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick Robert Wards occupier 087 Applies to a small farm house and steading in the district of Braeswick and three eighths of a mile west of "Holland".
OS1/23/2/195 SKEDGABIST Skedgabist Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick David Brown occupier 087 Applies to a small farm house situated in the district of "Braeswick", and one eighths of a mile east of Headbanks.
OS1/23/2/196 HOLLAND Holland Holland Holland Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small farm house and steading situated in the extreme eastern corner of the district of "Braeswick" and one quarter of a mile south of "West Howar."
OS1/23/2/196 NORTH HOWAR North Howar Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick John Swaney occupier 087 Applies to small farm house and steading, situates about one eighth of a mile west of "Braehowar".
OS1/23/2/196 WEST HOWAR West Howar Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick Samuel Walls occupier 087 Applies to a small farm house and steading situated three eighths of a mile south of "North Mire".
OS1/23/2/197 BALFOURSBRAE Balfoursbrae Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick John Meil occupier 087 Applies to a small farm house and steading situated one half mile east of "Holland" and about three eighths of a mile south of "Warsetter".
OS1/23/2/197 EAST MYRE East Myre East Myre East Myre Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small farm house situated one eighth of a mile east of the Public School, and one quarter east of "West Howar".
OS1/23/2/197 NEBISTER Nebister Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to two old houses situated about half a mile south of "Warsetter". They were at one time used as dwelling houses, but are now converted into byres in conjunction with the farm of "Warsetter". All the foregoing names are the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie.
OS1/23/2/198 BRAEHOWAR Braehowar Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick George Scott occupier 087 Applies to a small farm house and steading situated sixty yards south of the "Public School" and one quarter of a mile west of "Balfoursbrae".
OS1/23/2/198 SCHOOL [N of Stove] School Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to the south Public School of the Island of Sanday. It is situated a little over a mile north of Stove and about two and a half miles south of "Kettletoft". Average attendance, sixty boys and girls. Teacher, "Alexander Maclintock".
OS1/23/2/198 SOUTH HOWAR South Howar South Howar South Howar Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small farm house and steading situated about one quarter of a mile west of "Balfoursbrae" and one mile north of Stove.
OS1/23/2/199 DOUN HELZIE Doun Helzie Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small coast cliff situated on the east shore of Sanday and three quarters of a mile northeast of "Stove".
OS1/23/2/199 QUOY NESS Quoy Ness Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small peninsula situated on the east coast of "Sanday" one mile and a half north east of "Stove", and one mile southeast of "Warsetter".
OS1/23/2/199 THE CROOS The Croos The Croos The Croos Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small promontory situated on the east coast of the Island of Sanday and one mile and a quarter south of the "Queen of Ho" and one quarter S.E. of "Nebister".
OS1/23/2/200 On this page only Authorities namse - no property nor descriptive remarks
OS1/23/2/201 THE STUIN The Stuin The Stuin The Stuin Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a large stoney beach situated about one half mile east of "Nebister" and about one mile south of the "Queen of Ho".
OS1/23/2/202 Only deleted Authorities on this page
OS1/23/2/203 ELS NESS Els Ness Els Ness Els Ness Revd John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmont Farmer Elsness William Slater, shoemaker, Silverhall 087 A Promontory on the Property of the trustees of James Traill Esq of Rattar and Hobbister about 1 mile south east of the Pier at Kettletoft and 1 1/2 miles south of the established Church of Lady parish.
OS1/23/2/203 OTTER HOLE Otter Hole Revd John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmont Farmer Elsness William Slater, shoemaker, Silverhall 087 A small Creek about 1/8th of a mile west of Els Ness.
OS1/23/2/204 HOLM OF ELSNESS Holm of Elsness Holm of Elsness Holm of Elsness Revd John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmont Farmer Elsness William Slater, shoemaker, Silverhall 087 A small island situated in the parish of Lady Sanday and the property of the Trustees of James Traill Esq of Rattar & Hobbister. it is about 3/4ths of a mile south east of the Pier at Kettletoft and the same distance south of the farm of Elsness.
OS1/23/2/204 SOUTH GEO South Geo Revd John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmont Farmer Elsness William Slater, shoemaker, Silverhall 087 A Creek on the west side and near the south end of the Holm of Elsness.
OS1/23/2/204 THE SWARF The Swarf Revd John Dangerfield Minister of Lady William Learmont Farmer Elsness William Slater, shoemaker, Silverhall 087 A point of Low water rocks nearly a quarter of a mile south of Els Ness and forming the south west boundary of the entrance to Sty Wick.
OS1/23/2/205 GUMP OF SPURNESS Gump of Spurness Gump of Spurness Gump of Spurness Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a medium sized hill situated one quarter of a mile west of "Stove" and one mile north of "Spur Ness".
OS1/23/2/205 HOO BACK Hoo Back Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small creek situated on the west coast of Sanday and eighty yards south of the southern extremity of "Stang Ayre". All the names on this list are the property of "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie".
OS1/23/2/205 STANY AYRE Stany Ayre Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a long beach on the west shore of Sanday situated one half mile west of Stove and one half mile north of "Loth".
OS1/23/2/206 HANGIE Hangie Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small green spot situated about three quarters of a mile south of "Stove" and three quarters north of the extreme point of Spurness. It is the site of a few small farm houses.
OS1/23/2/206 INNER HANGIE Inner Hangie Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small creek situated on the west side the Bay of Stove and three quarters of a mile south of Stove.
OS1/23/2/206 OUTER HANGIE Outer Hangie Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small creek on the west side the Bay of Stove and one quarter of a mile south of Hangie.
OS1/23/2/206 SHERRY GEO Sherry Geo Sherry Geo Sherry Geo Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small creek situated on the west coast of "Sanday" one quarter of a mile south of "Hoo Back" and three eighths of a mile west of the "Outer Pier of Hangie".
OS1/23/2/207 BAY OF STOVE Bay of Stove Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a medium sized bay situated at the south end of the Island of Sanday. It penetrates north from Sanday Sound, being bounded on the east by Hacks Ness, and on the west by Spur Ness. Its length is about three quarters of a mile by one half mile.
OS1/23/2/207 CHAPEL (Site of) [Stove] Chapel Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to the site of an ancient chapel, situated one eighth of a mile east of Stove farm house and near the head of the N.E. corner of the Bay of Stove.
OS1/23/2/207 STOVE Stove Stove Stove Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick and John Irvine, Tenant 087 Applies to a large farm house and steading, situated at the head of a Bay of its own name, about two miles north of Spur Ness and two and a half miles south of "Warsetter".
OS1/23/2/208 EDAY SOUND Eday Sound Admiralty Chart North Sea Pilot 087 Applies to the Channel between Lashy Sound on the north and Stronsa Firth on the South. it is formed between the south west end of Sanday, the Holms of Spruness and Link Ness to the eastward, and Eday to the Westward.
OS1/23/2/208 QUOY GEO Quoy Geo Quoy Geo Quoy Geo Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small sandy creek on the east coast of Sanday and three quarters of a mile east of "Stove". All the names on this list belong to "Colonel Balfour of Balfour and Trenabie".
OS1/23/2/208 STARRIE GEO Starrie Geo Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small creek situated on the east coast of Sanday, and one mile east of "Stove" and about one half mile south of "Quoy Geo".
OS1/23/2/209 LOTH Loth Loth Loth Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small bay on the west coast of Sanday three quarters of a mile north of the point of Spur Ness and one half south west of the "Outer Pier of Hangie".
OS1/23/2/209 SPUR NESS Spur Ness Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to the southern extremity of Sanday. It is a long peninsula and forming the western boundary of the Bay of Stove. Also situated about one mile and a half south of "Stove".
OS1/23/2/209 THE SWARF The Swarf Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small low water rock situated three eighths of a mile south of the point of Spurness and at low water almost forming the northern extremity of the Holms of "Spurness".
OS1/23/2/210 HOLMS OF SPURNESS Holms of Spurness Holms of Spurness Holms of Spurness Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to three small islands lying south of "Spur Ness" about one half mile. They are all joined at low water by flat Rock's and stones. There is a house built on the centre isle and was occupied by kelp burners. but of late years the practice had been done away with and the house gone to Ruin. All the names on this list are the property of Colonel Balfour of Balfour and "Trenabie".
OS1/23/2/210 THE KELL The Kel T. Traill Esq Papa Westray Captain Pottinger S.S. Orcadia North Sea Pilot 087 Applies to the passage between Spur Ness and Holms of Spurness.
OS1/23/2/211 CARLIN FOOT Carlin Foot Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small creek situated on the east side and within half a mile of the southern extremity of "Spur Ness". All the names on this list are the property of Colonel Balfour of "Balfour and Trenabie".
OS1/23/2/211 HACKS NESS Hacks Ness Hacks Ness Hacks Ness Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a long narrow peninsula forming the eastern boundary of the Bay of Stove and also situated about one mile and a quarter south east of "Stove".
OS1/23/2/211 NOUST OF HACKSNESS Noust of Hacksness Rev Matthew Fisher, Parish Minister Oliver Drever, farmer Quivals James Muir, farmer, Braeswick 087 Applies to a small stone boat slip on the west side and near to the southern extremity of "Hack's Ness".
OS1/23/2/213 Parishes of Cross, Burness & Lady Orkney Names of the principal proprietors in this Name book The Right Honble The Earl of Zetland per Andrew Gold Esq. Grainbank. By Kirkwall, Orkney. Colonel Balfour, Balfour Castle, Shapinsay. By Kirkwall, Orkney Captain G. I. I. Horwood, Scar, Sanday By Kirkwall, Orkney James E. Trail Esq. Lady Ph. Sanday. By Kirkwall, Orkney. O.S.O. Norwich 12th Dec 1879 Francis J Day Lieut B. E.
OS1/23/2/214 2500 NAME BOOK of the Parishes of CROSS BURNESS & LADY ORKNEY
OS1/23/2/215 INDEX Aboon-de-riggs -- 26 Airon -- 17 Alisters Geo -- 187 Alma Cottage -- 84 Annabreck -- 30 Annie's Geo -- 17 Appiehouse -- 163 Artilery Volunteer Drill Hall -- 161 Augmund Howe -- 137 Ayre -- 80 Ayre Sound -- 185 Backaskaill -- 196 Backaskail Bay -- 107 Back Ounds Geo -- 75 Balaclava -- 92 Bald Willie -- 99 Balfoursbrae -- 197 Balfour's Geo -- 97 Barbers Tower -- 128 Bay of Brough -- 74 Bay of Lopness -- 53 Bay of Newark -- 168 Bay of Sandquoy -- 49 Bay of Sowerdie -- 43 Bay of Stove -- 207 Bay of Tresness -- 176 Bay of Weevi -- 151 Beafield -- 169 Bea Loch -- 105 Bea Ness -- 133 Benzacott -- 170 Bight of Lotheran -- 154 Black Rock -- 87 Black Rock -- 140 Bleachfield -- 83 Blue Geo -- 103 Boat Geo -- 18
OS1/23/2/216 Boloquoy -- 97 Braas Geo -- 101 Brace Garth -- 40 Brackenquoy -- 61 Braehowar -- 198 Braeswick -- 189 Braes Wick -- 121 Breck -- 25 Brenchicot -- 89 Bressigarth -- 158 Bridge-end -- 116 Broad Geo -- 150 Brough -- 183 Brough -- 183 Brough (Site of) -- 69 Brough-hill -- 94 Broughtown -- 93 Broughtown Cottage -- 85 Brue -- 59 Bull -- 170 Burial Ground -- 154 Burness -- 1 Burrian -- 152 Canker -- 163 Carlin Foot -- 211 Castle Geo -- 9 Castle Geo -- 77 Castlegreen -- 160 Castlehill -- 110 Cata Sand -- 158 Chaldra Rock -- 182 Chapel (in Ruins) -- 12 Chapel (Site of) -- 125 Chapel (Site of) -- 207 Chapel of Arstas Site of -- 147 Chapel & Burial Ground Site of -- 63 Chapel Head -- 79 Church -- 114
OS1/23/2/217 Church -- 91 Church (in Ruins) -- 107 Clavan -- 142 Clay Brae -- 186 Clay Face -- 78 Cleat -- 142 Clickimin -- 23 Clifts -- 127 Colligarth -- 155 Colli Ness -- 140 Conningham -- 165 Conninghole -- 172 Coo -- 83 Corsdale -- 88 Corsequoy -- 74 Cot -- 163 Craw's Nest -- 16 Cringley Geo -- 187 Cross -- 5 Crossgate -- 67 Crotrive -- 161 Crow Taing -- 39 Crudy -- 143 Cruis Taing -- 179 Cuppa -- 190 Doo Geo -- 191 Doun Helzie -- 199 East Ayre -- 51 East Langamay -- 52 East Myre -- 197 East Sand -- 176 East Thrave -- 32 Ebb of Hucklesoar -- 14 Ebb of Seater -- 98 Ebb of the Rive -- 13 Eday Sound -- 122 Eday Sound -- 208 Elsness -- 113 Elsness -- 116 Els Ness -- 203
OS1/23/2/218 Fay Pool -- 150 Fea Hill -- 103 Fish-house -- 151 Flebister -- 158 Floora -- 90 Free Church (Independent) -- 88 Free Church -- 94 Gairalily -- 177 Galdry -- 111 Galilee -- 43 Gallow Hill -- 93 Gallowhill -- 96 Garbo -- 144 Gateside -- 21 Geramount -- 169 Geo of Gerson -- 15 Geo of Holmsound -- 137 Geo of Taftsness -- 35 Gerra Taing -- 156 Girndish -- 182 Girni Geo -- 99 Gleat -- 41 Greenquoy -- 33 Greenspot -- 68 Greesmie -- 45 Grey Manse -- 133 Grey Stane -- 110 Greystone -- 91 Grindyha' -- 27 Groo -- 192 Gump of Spurness -- 205 Grunavi Head -- 99 Hacks Ness -- 211 Hamarbreck -- 113 Hangie -- 206 Hangie Head -- 180 Hanover -- 30
OS1/23/2/219 Headbanks -- 195 Hegglie Ber -- 190 Hegglieber Geo -- 190 Helliehow -- 38 Helzie Geo -- 78 Hermisgarth -- 70 Hillfield -- 109 Hillhead -- 77 Hillhead -- 104 Hillhead -- 145 Hillhouse -- 93 Hillside -- 95 Hind Greenie -- 56 Hobbister -- 76 Hogsha -- 51 Holland -- 196 Holm of Elsness -- 204 Holms of Ire -- 9 Holms of Spurness -- 210 Holm Sound -- 136 Hoo Back -- 205 Horse Geo -- 19 Horse Geo -- 181 Howar -- 165 Howar Sand -- 167 How -- 115 How -- 50 Howbell -- 38 Howland -- 65 Howsgarth -- 109 Hyndgreenie -- 28 Hyndhover -- 195 Icegarth Brough -- 86 Inkermann -- 89 Inner Hangie -- 206 Inner Sound -- 11 Iron Geo -- 16 Isgarth -- 116
OS1/23/2/220 Ivar's Knowe Brough -- 147 Iver Stye -- 140 Kelderknowe -- 152 Kettletoft -- 133 Kettletoft Bay -- 117 Kirk Banks -- 178 Kirk Geo -- 63 Kirkhall -- 113 Kirkhouse -- 90 Kirk Laing -- 178 Kirk Laing -- 139 Knap of Girndish -- 183 Knowe -- 33 Knowes -- 127 Know of Yarrow -- 19 Lady -- 3 Lama Ness -- 139 Lamaness Firth -- 139 Lamba Ness -- 120 Lambaness -- 120 Lamb Cots -- 171 Landward Geo -- 8 Langamay -- 52 Langbigging --61 Lang Geo -- 10 Langie Geo -- 130 Lang Laing -- 175 Lang Ware Laing -- 187 Lashy Sound -- 118 Leavo -- 74 Letten -- 55 Leavisgarth -- 156 Lighthouse (Fixed Red) -- 186 Linday Geo -- 129 Little Bar -- 123 Little Colligarth -- 160
OS1/23/2/221 Little Crotrive -- 157 Little Geo -- 18 Little Kiln -- 15 Little Over-the-water -- 112 Little Savillegreen -- 159 Little Sea -- 118 Loch Aber -- 103 Lochend -- 68 Loch of Baasley -- 115 Loch of Brue -- 60 Loch of Langamay -- 51 Loch of Rummie -- 55 Long Taing -- 47 Long Taing of Newark -- 146 Lonnie -- 106 Lop Ness -- 149 Lopness -- 149 Loth -- 209 Lyland -- 104 Lyland Cottage -- 105 Lyre Cliff -- 191 Manse -- 89 Manse -- 92 Manse -- 114 Manse -- 162 Measer -- 171 Mid Breckan -- 26 Mid Holm -- 155 Mid Mire -- 123 Mid Neigaith -- 164 Mill Brae -- 27 Milldam -- 30 Millhouse -- 31 Minister's Geo -- 79 Mires -- 93 Mires of Whip -- 81 Mirky Geo -- 129 Moo Geo -- 11 Moo Geo -- 130
OS1/23/2/222 Mount Misery -- 185 Muckle Bar -- 121 Muckle Kiln -- 15 Muir -- 40 Mullery Geo -- 8 Mustardish -- 96 Myrtlelane -- 156 Ness Garth -- 179 Ness of Brough -- 63 Nether Breckan -- 26 Newark -- 145 Newark Farm -- 166 Newbigging -- 60 Newbigging -- 67 Newbiggings v-- 83 New Geo -- 42 Newhouse -- 160 New London -- 84 New Ortie -- 45 Newpark Loch -- 153 Neuks -- 153 North Bay -- 70 North Feas Geo -- 102 North Geo -- 135 North-hill -- 155 North Howar -- 196 North Loch -- 42 North Mill Geo -- 100 North Mire -- 122 North Neigarth -- 164 Northskaill -- 46 Northwall -- 56 Nouster -- 22
OS1/23/2/223 Noust of Ayre -- 80 Noust of Boloquoy -- 98 Noust of Tafts -- 42 Noutland -- 61 Odinsgarth -- 94 Ore Ledge -- 149 Ortie -- 45 Ossamy -- 172 Otter Hole -- 203 Otters Wick -- 141 Otterswick -- 87 Ouse Point -- 117 Outer Hangie -- 206 Outer Sound -- 9 Overbister -- 157 Over-the-water -- 112 Oyce -- 34 Oyce Pow -- 34 Parlgo -- 28 Parlgo -- 84 Parkhouse -- 85 Peterkirk site of St. Peter's Chapel -- 144 Brough -- 24 Picts House (Site of) -- 154 Picts House site of -- 73 Pier of Hindgreenie -- 56 Pincod -- 29 Plain of Fidge -- 167 Point of Creeso -- 39 Point of Holmsound -- 136 Point of Nevin -- 157 Point of the Styes -- 73 Point of Louthey -- 182 Pool -- 122 Pool Geo -- 10 Portingale -- 156 Port Selr --75 Pratsfauld -- 29
OS1/23/2/224 Proprietors Names -- 213 Punds of Hindgreenie -- 44 Punds Geo -- 75 Purgatory -- 106 Quarryhouse --119 Queen of Ho -- 128 Queensbrig -- 169 Quire -- 115 Quivals -- 85 Quivale Loch -- 86 Quoy Ayre -- 135 Quoy Banks -- 13 Quoy Geo -- 208 Quoy Ness -- 199 Quoyness Brough -- 138 Ramli Geo -- 18 Rethie Laing -- 17 Rivesbank -- 77 Rives Geo -- 76 Roadside -- 59 Roadside -- 71 Roadside -- 90 Roadside -- 159 Rock -- 29 Rocks of Sweargeo -- 166 Ronney -- 137 Roo -- 21 Roos Loch -- 22 Roos Wick -- 22 Rummie -- 55 Runna Clett -- 23 Russ Ness -- 171 Russ Ness -- 87 Rusness -- 50 Saltess -- 59 Sand Ayre -- 24
OS1/23/2/225 Sanday -- 95 Sanday Sound -- 130 Sandback -- 27 Sand Geo -- 66 Sand Quoy -- 180 Sandquoy -- 49 Sandytae -- 128 Savers Geo -- 41 Saville -- 46 Savillegreen -- 159 Scar -- 24 Scarrigarth -- 127 Scarri Geo -- 129 School (Boys & Girls) -- 86 School (Boys & Girls) -- 111 School (Boys & Girls) -- 144 School (Boys & Girls) -- 198 Schoolhouse -- 88 Scofferland -- 151 Scuthi Head -- 97 Scuthvie Bay -- 57 Seal Skerry -- 135 Seamill -- 142 Seater -- 47 Selchie Geo -- 7 Sellibister -- 145 Setter -- 120 Sheep Geo -- 102 Shelly Knowe -- 43 Slunbreck -- 165 Sieber Geo -- 177 Sillock Geo -- 79 Silverhall -- 112 Sivers Geo -- 136 Skaill -- 170 Skate Dykes -- 46 Skedgabist -- 195 Skelbister -- 111 Skelbrae -- 69
OS1/23/2/226 Skerry Geo -- 206 Skithow -- 33 Smear Geo -- 7 Smear Geo -- 166 Smithscot -- 32 South Geo -- 204 South Feas Geo -- 102 South Howar -- 198 South Mill Geo -- 100 South Mire -- 123 Spaney Geo -- 192 Spurness -- 209 Stangasetter -- 32 Stang Quoy -- 189 Stangquoy Taing -- 189 Stany Ayre -- 205 Starrie Geo -- 208 Start Point -- 185 Stenchme -- 60 Stiglister -- 81 Storehouse Geo -- 182 Stove -- 207 Stratiegarth -- 66 Streethouse -- 125 Stumpo -- 28 Styes of Brough -- 73 Sty Wick -- 134 Summer Geo -- 7 Swart Hamar -- 119 Tafts -- 41 Tafts Ness -- 40 Taing Ayre -- 46 Taing of Corkatae -- 138 Taing of Crudy -- 143 Taing of the Pund -- 76 Taing of Tor Sker -- 49 Taing of Westove -- 13 Tarristy -- 124
OS1/23/2/227 Telegraph Cottages -- 109 Templehall -- 96 The Castle -- 78 The Clogg -- 178 The Crook -- 14 The Crook -- 179 The Croos -- 199 The Dees -- 172 The Graand -- 124 The Galt -- 176 The Grithies -- 172 The Kell -- 210 The Knowes -- 146 The Lotheran -- 8 The Ouse -- 117 The North Sound -- 19 The Park -- 153 The Pool -- 121 The Rive -- 37 The Stuin -- 201 The Swarf -- 204 The Swarf -- 209 Thrave -- 62 The Wart -- 125 The Wheems -- 101 Tingley Loup -- 177 Tobacco Rock -- 186 Tor Ness -- 71 Torness -- 69 Tornesshill -- 71 Tornesspark -- 67 Torsker -- 50 Towerhill -- 68 Trebisquoy -- 110 Tres Ness -- 181 Tresness -- 178 Tumuli -- 137 Tumulus -- 142 Tumulus -- 147
OS1/23/2/228 Tumulus -- 147 Tumulus -- 156 Tunna Skerry -- 25 Uegan -- 10 U. P. Church -- 162 Upper Breckan -- 25 Upper Lyland -- 104 Viggar -- 65 Viggar Geo -- 65 Viggie -- 161 Voldabrae -- 119 Wappingstreet -- 146 Warsetter -- 124 Wasso -- 180 Waterhall -- 105 Weelan Banks -- 134 West Ayre -- 47 Westayre Loch -- 48 Westbrough ---70 West Howar -- 196 West Langamay -- 52 West Thrave -- 31 Whale Head -- 152 Whal Geo -- 11 Whal Point -- 11 Whip -- 91 Whistlebare -- 21 Whitefield Geo -- 101 Whitemill Bay -- 37 Whitemill Loch -- 37 Whitemill Point -- 38 Woo -- 24 Woodhouse -- 66 Yorstans Geo -- 16