
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 230

Mid House -- 86
Mid House -- 162
Mid House -- 200
Millbridge -- 211
Mill Cottage -- 62
Millgeo -- 213
Millhouse -- 175
Mill of Barony -- 62
Minna Geo -- 131
Mires -- 78
Mittens -- 47
Mittens -- 113
Montreal -- 94
Montreal -- 162
Mo Ness -- 70
Mossbank -- 105
Mount Misery -- 50
Mount Pleasant -- 113
Mount Pleasant -- 162
Mount Pleasant -- 207
Mousakelda -- 31
Muce -- 140
Muce -- 177
Muckle Bllia Fiold -- 195
Muckle Holm -- 120
Nearhouse -- 26
Nearhouse -- 135
Ness -- 96
Nether Bigging -- 160
Nether Fea -- 174
Nether Skaill -- 133
Nether Stanger -- 96
Neuran -- 66
Newbigging -- 100
Newbigging -- 204
Newhall -- 98
Newhall -- 167
Newhouse -- 73
Newhouse -- 157
New Velzian -- 179
Nicol Point -- 100
Nisthouse -- 118
Northtown -- 170

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator, Quakecity

  Location information for this page.

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