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[page] 72
............................................................................................................. -- Examiners replies to eachof the underlined portions
Contrary to the usual case of the heights feeding the villages below, the
deeper soils are to be met with in the land placed at the highest
elevation in this parish. This to be seen at the Castle of Bargie [Burgie]
and Blervie, the lands of Cluny, belonging to Lord Moray, and
of Phorp, on the estate of Altyre; in each of which the disadvan-
tages of climate, in consequence of high elevation, are more than com-
pensated by the fertility of the soil.
The parish of Rafford, at one time, comprehended part of that of Kinloss
the latter being formed, partly from Rafford, partly from Alves. In 1661
Altyre, then a distinct parish belonging to the parsonage of Dollas, [Dallas]
was by act of Parliament annexed to Rafford.

Landowners - The landowners are Robert Tulloch Esq. of Burgie; ....... -- A.D. Ainsley Esqr bought the lands of the Earl of Fife in this Parish
Sir William G. G. Cumming of Altyre and Gordonstown, Bart. [Baronet] the Earl
of Moray; and the Earl of Fife.

Antiquities.- The most remarkable piece of antiquity in the parish
is the celebrated obelisk called Sweno's Stone, which stands near Tarres, ... -- Sueno's Stone written & described
about ½ a mile eastward of the town of Forres. It has been so often
described, and its origin has been the subject of so many con-
jectures, that nothing new can now be advanced. Warlike instru- ................. -- Shewn on Trace
ments of various Kinds have been dug up in te field where it stands
but no distinct tradition exists of a battle having been fought on or
near the spot. The following accurate description of the obelisk is
taken from Rhynd's "Past and present State of Moray (pages 127.
128 & 129). the Forres Pillar, commonly called Sweno's Stone
is situated about ½ a mile to the east of Forres, on the north side of the
highway, and occupies the position in which, in all probability it
originally was placed. the stone steps around the base are modern,
and were placed as supports to the pillar by a late countess of Moray,
Lady Anne Campbell. It is a hard sandstone 23 feet high above the
ground, and said to be 12 feet more below ground. The breadth at base
is 4 feet; the thickness about 15 inches. On the south side there are five
divisions, each filled up by numerous figures cut in relief
There is a stone of a similar description at Altyre found, it is ........................ -- this stone is shewn on the Trace
said about Duffus, and now placed in the grounds here. It contains

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