OS1/12/15/1 |
KINLOSS [parish] |
Kinloss |
Revd [Reverend] Thomas Stephen
New Statistical Account
Old Statistical Account
Fullarton's Gazetteer
Philips' County Atlas
Sheriff's List of Parishes
Oliver & Boyd's Almanac 1869
Registrars Returns 1862
Survey of the Province of Moray 1798
Valuation Roll for 1744 |
005; 006; 010; 011 |
The parish of Kinloss is in the Presbytery of Forres, Synod of Moray. It is bounded on the north by the Moray Firth; on the east by the parish of Alves; on the south by the parish of Rafford; and on the West by the parish of Forres and Findhorn Bay.
There are no detached portions of the parish of Kinloss and there are no detached portions of another parish situated within it |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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[blank page] |
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RAILWAY STATION (Disused [Findhorn] |
Railway Station
Railway Station
Railway Station |
John L Gow Esq
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
005.12 |
The terminus of the Findhorn Railway. it is a wooden erection and in medium repair owing to the fact of the Findhorn Railway being at present disused; property of the Findhorn Railway Company. |
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HARBOUR [Findhorn] |
Harbour |
John L Gow Esq
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
005.12 |
The harbour is formed by two substantial piers composed of masonry, projecting about 60 yards from high watermark with a space of about 70 yards between, and affording good accommodation for a limited number of shipping. |
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SCHOOL [Findhorn] |
School |
John L Gow Esq
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
005.12 |
A commodious house, where the rudimentary branches of education are taught by a master, there is an average attendance of about 70 scholars. Property of the Trustees and Curator of R.C.M. Ferguson Novar. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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POST OFFICE [Findhorn] |
Post Office
Post Office
Post Office |
John L Gow Esq Factor Kircaldy
Mr Ramsay Ground Officer Findhorn
Mr Angus Schoolmaster Findhorn |
005.12 |
A commodious house Situated within the village of Findhorn and to which there is attached a grocers shop it is two storeys high Slated and in good repair. property of the trustees & curators of Ronald Crawford Munro Ferguson Novar. It is a sub office the main Office being Forres. Despatches at 9am. arrivals at 4 p.m. |
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Crown and Anchor Hotel
Crown and Anchor Hotel
Crown and Anchor Hotel |
John L Gow Esq
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
005.12 |
A commodious house to which there is attached Suitable outoffices, two storeys high Slated and in good repair Property of the Trustees and Curators of R.C.M. Ferguson Novar |
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Police Station
Police Station
Police Station |
John L Gow Esq
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
005.12 |
A commodious house fitted up with cells and other requirements it is one storey high Slated and in good repair. Property of the Trustees and curators of R.C.M. Ferguson. Novar. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Findhorn |
John L Gow Esq
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
005.12; 006.09 |
A considerable village Situated on the N. [North] East of Findhorn Bay there is a Post Office, Church and Schools in this village. The population are chiefly fishermen. It was at no very remote period a port of Some importance. it has now however fallen back considerably in trade caused in a great measure by the closing of the Railway which has its terminus here. Its houses are from one to three storeys in height partly thatched and partly slated and generally in good repair. property of the Heir of late R.C.M. Ferguson, Novar. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss
It is stated in the New Statl [Statistical] Account that "Three fairs are held
annually at Findhorn in October, March & July, on the second Wednesday
(Old Style) of each month, chiefly for sheep, cattle and horses." But the
Final Examiner states " There is no market Stance and no Fairs are
now held in this Parish. see reply to extracts |
OS1/12/15/6 |
FREE CHURCH [Findhorn] |
Free Church
Free Church
Free Church |
John L Gow Esq
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
005.12 |
A plain Substantial building Seated to contain about 600 persons. it is two storeys high Slated and in good repair property of the Free Church body of the parish. Date of Erection 1843 |
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Findhorn Bay
Findhorn Bay
Findhorn Bay |
John L Gow Esq
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
005; 006; 011 |
This bay extends about one mile north of the village of Findhorn and about two and a half South its breadth varies from about one to two miles, and the greater part of it is dry at low water. |
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INFANT SCHOOL [Findhorn] |
Infant School
Infant School
Infant School |
John L Gow Esq
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
005.12 |
A private house in which the rudimentary branches of education are taught to infants by a mistress. It is wholly supported by School Fees. average attendance about 60 pupils, Property of the Heirs of late R C. M Ferguson Novar. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Bessie |
Estate Plan
Mr Sellar, Overseer
William Sclanders Esqr, Factor Forres |
006.07 |
This name is applies to two small houses, one story high, and thatched, which are situated near the sea side, and near the north eastern point of the parish. They are inhabited only for a few months in summer, by the men who are employed in the salmon fishing here. There are two other dwelling houses which bear the same name, but which are a short distance to the east, and situated in the adjoining parish R.C. Munro Ferguson Esqr of Raith, proprietor |
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For Authorities and description see Name Book of Forres Parish |
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Elginshire -- Kinloss Parish |
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Bessie Burn
Bessie Burn
Bessie Burn |
J. Brodie Innes Esq. Milton, Brodie
Revd [Reverend] J Mackie L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] Alves
Mr J. McKimmie, Schoolmaster Alves |
006.07 |
This name is applied to a small stream which is formed by the drainage of the farms of Wester Coltfield and Hempriggs; it runs in a westerly direction for about half a mile, then turns abruptly to the north west for about ¾ of a mile it then joins the Moray Firth at the fishing Station of Bessie. For about 1½ chain above High Water Mark it forms a portion of the Boundary between the parishes of Kinloss and Alves. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Free Church Manse
Free Church Manse
Free Church Manse |
John L Gow Esqr Factor Raith-Kircaldy
Mr Ramsay Ground Officer Findhorn
Mr Angus School-master Findhorn |
006.09 |
A commodious house situated at the southern extremity of the village of Findhorn, it is two storeys high Slated and in good repair property of the Trustees of the Free Church of Scotland |
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Cholera Hospital
Cholera Hospital
Cholera Hospital |
John L. Gow Esqr
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
006.09 |
A substantial brick building Situated at the Southern extremity of the village of Findhorn It was erected by and is the property of the Parochial Authorities for the accommodation of persons Suffering from Cholera. |
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Mount Villa
Mount Villa
Mount Villa |
John L Gow
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
006.09 |
A commodious house Situated about 15 chains east of the Cholera Hospital it is 3 storeys high Slated and in good repair property of RCM Ferguson. Novar. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Nether Longcot
Nether Longcot
Nether Longcot |
John L Gow Esqr
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
006.09 |
A farmhouse and outoffices one storey high thatched and in good repair. Property of R.C.M. Ferguson Novar |
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Muttonhole |
John L. Gow Esqr
Mr Ramsay
Mr Angus |
006.09 |
A farmhouse and outoffices from one to two storeys high partly thatched and partly Slated and in good repair. property of Heirs of late R C.M Ferguson Novar. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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West Longcot
West Longcote
West Longcot
West Longcot |
Revd [Reverend] T Stephens
Mr A Smith
J. Gow Esqr Factor
Mr Sclanders |
006.13 |
A dwelling house with steading etc attached they are one storey high slated and in good repair Property of the Trustees of the late Col [Colonel] Ferguson of Novar Ross shire |
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East Longcot
East Longcote
East Longcot
East Longcot |
Revd [Reverend] T Stephens
Mr A. Smith
J. Gow Esqr Factor
Mr Sclanders |
006.13 |
A farm steading one Storey high thatched and in middling repair Property of the Trustees of the late Col [Colonel] Ferguson |
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New Mains
New Mains
New Mains |
Revd [Reverend] T Stephens
Mr A Smith
J. Gow Esqr Factor |
006.13 |
A farm steading one storey high, thatched and in very bad repair Property of the Trustees of the Late Col [Colonel] Ferguson |
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Parish of Kinloss -- County of Elgin |
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Forres Burn
Forres Burn
Forres Burn |
Rev [Reverend] T. Stephens
Mr Sclanders, Forres
Mr McKenzie, Banker, Forres |
010.04; 011.1 |
A large Stream which takes this name from the junction of Manachy Burn and Burn of Bogs. It forms the Boundary between the parishes of Kinloss and Forres for about one mile and falls into Findhorn Bay. |
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Parish of Kinloss -- Co.[County] Elgin |
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SCHOOL [Parish Church] |
School |
Revd [Reverend] T. Stephens
Mr. A. Smith
J. Gow Eqr |
006.13 |
Parish school with dwelling house attached, the house is two storeys high. the school one, both are slated and in excellent repair, the average number of scholars being forty and it is supported by fees and government grant
Property of the Heritors. The
ordinary branches with Latin & Mathematics
taught. |
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MANSE [parish church] |
Manse |
Revd [Reverend] T. Stephens
Mr A Smith
J. Gow Esqr |
006.13 |
A large commodious house two stories high slated and in excellent repair Property of the Heritors |
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Parish of Kinloss -- County of Elgin |
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FEMALE SCHOOL [parish church] |
Female School
Female School
Female School |
Revd [Reverend] Thomas Stephen Manse Kinloss
Mr William Smith Parish School Kinloss
John Gow Esqr, Riath Kirkcaldy |
006.13 |
This school is situated on the Glebe land at the S. [South] East end of the church. Grant Peterkin of Grange Hall was at the whole expense of the building and it is supported partly by his subscriptions, partly by fees, and partly by the Government. the average number of scholars being about forty. It is a Female School the usual branches and needlework being taught. |
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Church |
Revd [Reverend] T Stephens
Mr W. Smith
J. Gow Esqr |
006.13 |
A plain building with a square Gothic tower at the west end, it was erected in 1765 and is seated for 350 of a congregation Property of the Heritors |
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Parish of Kinloss -- County of Elgin
[Church] This church was built originally about 1652
was rebuilt almost from the foundation in 1765 was
repaired and enlarged in 1830 and was again
enlarged and a tower added in 1861. |
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Hatton |
Estate Plan
Mr Sellar, overseer
William Sclanders Esqr Factor Forres |
006.11 |
This name applies to a large farm house, situated in the north eastern part of this parish, which is two stories high, and having several and extensive offices attached; the whole slated, and in very good condition It is the property of R.C.M. Ferguson Esqr of Raith. |
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Elginshire -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Volunteer's Rifle Range
Volunteer's Rifle Range
Volunteer's Rifle Range |
Mr McKenzie, Banker, Forres
Mr Sclanders, Stamp Office Forres
Mr Michie, Druggist Forres |
011.10 |
A Rifle Range for the use of the Elginshire Volunteers, situated on the shore of Findhorn Bay; it consists of a raised footway from the road to the Targets & Butts, with raised platform at intervals of 50 and 100 yards which render the Targets & Butts approachable at all states of the tide. It is the property of Colonel Grant Peterkin, Grange Hall. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Pundlerscroft |
John L. Gow Esqr
Mr McPherson, Muirton
Mr Sclanders Writer High St. [street] Forres |
006.14 |
A small croft dwelling house and office one storey high, thatched, and in bad repair, the property of the heirs of the late Colonel Ferguson of Novar, Ross Shire |
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Scotsburn |
J. Fleming Esqr Factor Ballindalloch
Mr Sclanders
Mr McKenzie, Banker, Forres |
011.02 |
This name applies to a Carpenters Shop Smithy and two dwelling houses, situated on the County Road from Forres to Elgin & a few chains beyond the Mile Stone from the latter place, the Smithy and dwelling are situated in the Ph. [Parish] of Rafford, the Carpenters shop and dwelling in the Ph. [Parish] of Kinloss they are all one storey high in good repair and the property of Sir George McPherson Grant
of Ballindalloch |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Muitown |
Mr McPherson occupier
Alexander Smith Kinloss
John Gow Factor Raith Kirkcaldy |
006.14 |
A large Slated house two Stories high wth very inferior thatched office houses They are the property of the Heirs of the late Colonel Ferguson Novar, Ross-Shire |
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Blackstob Wood |
Mr McPherson
Alexander Smith
John Gow Factor Raith Kirkcaldy |
006.10; 006.14 |
A large portion of fir wood lying on both sides of the Co [County] Road leading between Forres and Burghead it is situated on the Eastern Side of the Parish It is the property of the Heirs Col [Colonel] Ferguson Novar Rosshire |
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South Damhead |
Mr McPherson
Alexander Smith
John Gow Factor Raith Kirkcaldy |
006.14 |
A small one storey thatched house with thatched office houses attached the whole in Midling repair they are the property of the Heirs of the late Colonel Ferguson |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss
[Muirtown] In reply to a letter the Factor states- "I have been looking at some of the Deeds wrtten out by our Edinburgh Agents and find that when anything relating to the Estate or Barony it is spelled Muirton, but the farm of Muirtown it is spelled the latter way" |
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KINLOSS [house] |
Kinloss |
Mr McPherson Muirton
Alexander Smith Kinloss
John Gow Factor Raith Kirkcaldy |
006.13; 006.14 |
A large Slated house two Stories high with extensive and Good slated office houses attached; they are Situated a little to the East of the Village of Kinloss and is the property of the Heirs of the late Colonel Ferguson of Novar |
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Abbeyside |
Mr McPherson Muirton
Alexander Smith Kinloss
John Gow Factor Raith Kirkcaldy |
006.14 |
A good Slated house two Stories high with office houses and Labours Cottage attached they are occupied by Farm servants and Rented by Mr McKessock of Kinloss They are the Property of the Heirs of the late Colonel Ferguson |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Woodside |
Mr McPherson Muirton
Alexander Smith Kinloss
John Gow Factor Raith Kirkcaldy |
006.14 |
A large Slated house two stories high with Good Slated Office houses all in Good Repair they are Situated a little to the south of the Co [County] Road between Forres and Burghead They are the Property of the Heirs of the late Colonel Ferguson |
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Damhead |
Mr McPherson
Alexander Smith
John Gow Factor Raith Kirkcaldy |
006.14 |
A good one Storey Slated house with Midling thatched Office houses the whole in Fair Repair they are the property of the Heirs of the Late Colonel Ferguson |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Grange Hill |
Mr Ferguson Easter Grange
Mr Dean South Damhead
Mr Sclanders Forres |
006.15 |
A small Hill lying a short distance to the North of Easter Grange it is Cultivated with the Exception of a small portion of wood on its Southern Slope |
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Easter Grange |
Mr Ferguson Occupier
Mr Dean
Mr Sclanders Forres |
006.15; 011.03 |
A couple of large two storey Slated houses with several small thatched dwelling houses Corn Mill Smithy and Extensive Slated office houses attached the whole of which are in Good Repair and are the property of J.C John Brodie Lethan and Culmany |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Co. [County] of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss
Easter Grange Burn -- Cancelled See page 28 for Kinloss Burn |
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Findhorn Railway (Disused)
Findhorn Railway (Disused)
Findhorn Railway (Disused) |
John L Gow Esqr
Mr. Alexander Murray
Rev. [Reverend] T Stephens, Manse Kinloss |
005; 006; 011 |
A single line of Railway extending from Kinloss Station on the Highland Railway to the village of Findhorn It is three miles in length, at present disused. Property of the Findhorn Railway Company There is no Electrical Telegraph Communication between Kinloss & the Village of Findhorn. |
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Moray Firth
Moray Firth
Moray Firth |
John L. Gow Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] T Stephens
Mr. W. Smith, School, Kinloss |
005; 006 |
This is the largest indentation on the Scottish Coast being about 75 miles across at its widest part. It extends from the North Sea to the Town of Inverness, and forms the Northern Boundary of the Parish of Kinloss for a distance of about five miles |
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Parish of Kinloss -- County of Elgin |
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Mill of Grange (corn) |
Col [Colonel] Grant Grange Hall
Mr McKenzie Provost Forres
Mr Michie Druggist Forres |
010.04 |
This name applied to a dwelling one storey high and Meal Mill two stories in height both are Slated the office houses attached are one high and thatched, all in good repair and are the property of Col [Colonel] Grant Peterkin Grange Hall |
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Highland Railway
Highland Railway
Highland Railway |
John L. Gow Esqr. Kirkcaldy
Alexander Murray, Station master, Kinloss
Company's Time Tables |
011 |
An important line of Railway extending from Stanley Junction near Perth to Golspie and from Forres to Keith. It is a Single line of Railway with the exception of 6½ miles from Inverness to Dalcross. Gradients are very high the line crosses the Grampian Mountains, attaining on their Watershed an elevation of about 1500 feet. The total length of Main line 251¼ Miles and of Branchline 14¼ Miles. The portion shown in this parish belongs to Section between Forres & Keith Property of the Highland Railway Co [Company] |
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Ph. [Parish] of Kinloss -- Co.[County] Elgin |
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Kinloss Abbey (Ruins)
Kinloss Abbey (Ruins)
Kinloss Abbey (Ruins) |
Capt. [Captain] Dunbar Dunbar
Rev. [Reverend] T .Stephens
Mr. William Smith |
011.10 |
This name applies to the ruins of Kinloss Abbey situated at the head of the Bay of Findhorn, there are but few traces of the once stately edifice remaining, namely the East gable together with small portion which appears to have been used as dormitorys or cells & some old walls It was founded by King David I December 19th 1150 and confirmed by papal bull 1174. Edward I resided here six weeks in the autumn of the year 1303. and a detachment of his Army remained for a longer period" (See statistical account of Kinloss parish). It was destroyed in 1651 & 1652. "Alex Brodie of Lethen, then Proprietor of Kinloss sold the Stones for the purpose of building the Citadel of Inverness" (See Rev [Reverend] L. Shaws Province of Moray. Captain Dunbar, Dunbar Seapark proprietor |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Kinloss Bridge (Built over the Grave of King Duffus A.D.966)
Kinloss Bridge (Built over the Grave of King Duffus A.D.966)
Kinloss Bridge (Built over the Grave of King Duffus A.D.966)
Kinloss Bridge (Built over the Grave of King Duffus A.D.966) |
Capt [Captain] Dunbar Dunbar
John Miller Esqr Gazette Office Forres
Rev. [Reverend] T Stephens
Mr, William Smith |
011.10 |
This name is applied to a County Bridge spanning Kinloss Burn, Situated at the South end of the village of Kinloss upon the road leading from Forres to Burghead King Duffus who was murdered in the Castle of Forres by Donald the governor about the year 966 was buried under this Bridge (See Statistical Account) |
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011.10 |
" Boethesis the historian says the body was buried in the bed of the Stream and that the Bridge was erected some time after for the purpose of marking the Spot" |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Whiteinch |
John L. Gow Esqr Factor, Raith, Kirkcaldy
Capt. [Captain] Dunbar Dunbar
William Sclanders Esqr Stamp Office Forres |
011.10 |
A farm house one story high with offices attached the whole are Slated and in good repair Heirs of the late Col [Colonel] Ferguson Proprietor |
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KINLOSS [village] |
Kinloss |
Capt [Captain] Dunbar Dunbar
Rev [Reverend] T Stephens
Mr William Smith |
011.10 |
This name applies to a small village Situated upon the road leading from Forres to Findhorn and about two and one half miles from the former. there is a public house at the South end together with a Letter Box placed about the centre from which the letters are collected daily at 9.30 AM by the post which runs from Forres to Findhorn The buildings are one story high partly thatched and partly slated. The whole are in fair repair. It is the property of Miss Laing, Kinloss |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Kinloss Burn
Kinloss Burn
Kinloss Burn |
Capt [Captain] Dunbar Dunbar
Rev [Reverend] T. Stephens
Mr. William Smith |
006; 011 |
This name is applied to a stream known by a different name, having its Source towards the south of the Parish of Dallas, and after running in a northern direction it enters the Parish of Kinloss, adjacent to Easter Grange farm steading after which it is called the Kinloss Burn, it passes the West Side of Kinloss Village and enters Findhorn Bay about one fourth Mile Northwest of Seapark Mansion. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Grange Hall
Grange Hall
Grange Hall |
Col [Colonel] Grant Peterkin, Propr. [Proprietor]
Mr. William Smith
Rev. [Reverend] T. Stephens Parish Minister Kinloss |
011.10 |
This name applies to an elegant, commodious, and substantial mansion, of a quadrangular shape, four stories high one of which is below ground there are suitable offices detached a short distance to the north. The whole are Slated and in good repair Col [Colonel] Grant Peterkin Grange Hall proprietor |
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Milton of Grange
Milton of Grange
Milton of Grange |
Col. [Colonel] Grant Peterkin
Mr. William Smith
Rev. [Reverend] L. Stephens |
011.10 |
This name is applied to a farm house two stories high with suitable offices detached a short distance to the East, the whole are Slated and in good repair Col. [Colonel] Grant Peterkin Grange Hall proprietor |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Sea Park
Sea Park |
Capt. [Captain] Dunbar Dunbar Sea Park
Rev. [Reverend] T. Stephens Parish Minister, Kinloss
Mr. William Smith Parish Schoolmster Kinloss |
011.10 |
This name is applied to a neat commodious and well built mansion of rectangular shape. three Stories high with Suitable offices detached a short distance to the East. the buildings are Slated and in excellent repair Capt [Captain] Dunbar Dunbar Seapark proprietor |
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Abbeylands |
Capt [Captain] Dunbar Dunbar
Rev [Reverend] T. Stephens
Mr. William Smith |
011.10 |
A farm house one Story high with suitable offices attached. the whole are Slated and in fair repair Capt [Captain] Dunbar Dunbar, Proprietor |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss
[Sea Park] -- The Ph. [Parish] Minister & Schoolmaster originally write this
name in two words which agrees with the Proprietor |
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Woodhead |
John Anderson Tenant
Alexander Murray
Mr Sclanders, writer High St. Forres
Col. [Colonel] Grant Peterkin |
011.02 |
A Good Slated house with Good Slated office houses attached They are All in Good Repair and is the property of Colonel Grant Peterkin Grange Hall |
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Newton of Struthers |
Mr Bruce Tenant
John Anderson
John Flemming Factor Ballindalloch |
011.02 |
A large two storey Slated house with Extensive Slated office houses all in Good Repair they are the property of Sir George McPherson Grant Ballindalloch |
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Mains of Struthers |
Robert Forsythe Tenant
Alexander Murray
John Flemming Factor Ballindalloch |
011.02 |
A good one storey slated house with Good Slated Office houses all in good Repair they are the property of Sir George McPherson Grant Ballindalloch |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss |
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Archieston Cottages |
Alexander Murray Station Master Kinloss Station
Robert Forsythe
Captain Dumbar Seapark |
011.02 |
Three small one storey slated Cottages Situated on the northern Side of the Highland Railway they are the property of Capt [Captain] Dumbar Seapark |
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Kinloss Station |
Alexander Murray
Robert Forsythe
Captain Dumbar Seapark |
011.02 |
A very small wooden house Situated on the northern side of the Highland Railway at its junction with the Findhorn Railway it is the Property of the Highland Railway Company |
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Co. [County] of Elgin -- Parish of Kinloss
A.B. Coddington
LtRE [Lieutenant Royal Engineers]
29th June 1870 |
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[volume] 15
of the Parish of
in the
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INDEX to the Parish of Kinloss on 1/2500 Scale
Names of Objects -- Page
Abbeylands -- 30
Abbeyside -- 19
Archieston Cottages -- 32
Bessie -- 7
Bessie Burn -- 8
Blackstob Wood -- 18
Cholera Hospital -- 9
Church -- 14
Crown and Anchor Hotel -- 4
Damhead -- 20
Easter Grange -- 21
East Longcot -- 11
Female School -- 14
Findhorn -- 5
Findhorn Bay -- 6
Findhorn Railway -- 23
Forres Burn -- 12
Free Church -- 6
Free Church Manse -- 9
Grange Hall -- 29
Grange Hill -- 21
Harbour -- 3
Hatton -- 15
Highland Railway -- 24
Infant School -- 6
Kinloss (ph.) [parish] -- 1
Kinloss -- 19
Kinloss (village) -- 27
Kinloss Abbey -- 25
Kinloss Bridge -- 26
Kinloss Burn -- 28
Kinloss Station -- 32
Mains of Struthers -- 31
Manse -- 13
Moray Firth -- 23
Mount Villa -- 9
Mill of Grange -- 24
Milton of grange -- 29
Muirstown -- 18
Muttonhole -- 10
Nether Longcots -- 10
New Mains -- 11
Newton of Struthers -- 31
Police Station -- 4
Post Office -- 4
Pundlerscroft -- 17
Railway Station -- 3
River Findhorn -- 7
School -- 3
School (Ph) [Parish] -- 13
Scotsburn -- 17
Sea Park -- 30
South Damhead -- 18
Volunteers Rifle Range -- 16
West Longcots -- 11
Whiteinch -- 27
Woodhead -- 31
Woodside -- 20 |