OS1/12/9/1/1 |
Duffus |
New Statistical Account
Old Statistical Account
Fullarton's Gazetteer of Scotland
Philip's County Atlas
Sheriff's List of Parishes
Registrar's Return
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Shaw's Survey of the Province of Moray 1798
Oliver & Boyd's Almanac
Valuation Roll for 1667 & 1744
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Ph. [Parish] Minister |
001; 002; 006; 007 |
The parish of Duffus is in the Presbytery of Elgin, Synod of Moray. It is bounded on the north and west by the Moray Firth; on the south west and south, by the parish of Alves; on the south by the parish of Spynie; and on the east by the parish of Drainie.
There are no detached portions of the parish of Duffus, and there are no detached portions of any other parish situated within it. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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[Blank page] |
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POST OFFICE [Burghead] |
Post Office
Post Office
Post Office |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser
Mr Young Elgin |
001.15 |
This name applies to the post office situated at the junction of Grant Street with Young Street the building is two stories high, slated and in good repair. It is a Money Order Office together with being a post office Savings Bank, there is two arrivals and two despatches daily Sunday excepted, the latter taking place at Seven A.M. and three P.M. the former at Eleven A.M. and Six P.M. It is a Minor office Elgin being the Major. |
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[page] 3
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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Morayshire Chemical Manure Works
Morayshire Chemical Manure Works
Morayshire Chemical Manure Works |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young |
001.15 |
This name is applied to Chemical Manure work Situated at the South Western extremity of Burghead the buildings are pretty extensive partly constructed of wood and partly of stone with Tile roofing. the description of Manure Manufactured consists of Phosphate of Bones Superphosphate of Bones and phosphate of Guano. It is the property of Mr. Hutton Burghead |
OS1/12/9/1/4 |
Railway Station
Railway Station
Railway Station |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garrow
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr A. Fraser
Mr Young |
001.15 |
Applied to the Terminus of the Burghead Branch of the Highland Railway and situated adjacent the Southern extremity of Brander Street, the building is one story high Slated and in good repair there is branches of Rails extending from this station to the Harbour Property of the Highland Railway |
OS1/12/9/1/4 |
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County of Elgin -- Ph [Parish] of Duffus |
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Remains of the Roman Station PTOROTON [Burghead] |
Roman Camp
Roman Camp
Roman Camp |
Mr R Young Elgin
Revd [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr R. P. Robertson |
001.15 |
This name applies to the Roman Fortifications situated at Burghead on the Moray Firth and described by "General Roy in his learned work upon the Roman Antiquities of Great Britain, as the most northerly regular Station of that illustrious people, the Ptoroton of Richard of Cirencester. and the alata Castra of Ptolemy of Alexandria and supports his statements by correct references to its distance respectively from Tusis (Spey River) and Baris Forres and by several plausable arguments, he places Ptoroton at the end of the ninth, and commencement of the tenth iter of Richard, and mentions it as the chief town of the Vacomagi, and enjoying the privileges and immunities of Roman Citizenship." (See Stat. Acct.) [Statistical Account]
These works appear to have been divided into two parts namely a higher and lower, protected by ramparts The Eastern portion of the lower part which was protected by four ramparts was destroyed A.D 1809. but there are remains of the rampart which protected the north side of the lower work with a slope about fifteen feet in height upon the north side, the south side having a slope of about ten feet high. There are also remains of the rampart surrounding the upper work visable upon the north and west sides, with a Slope of about forty feet high towards the sea, the southern or inner Slope being about ten feet or twelve feet. The space between the exterior rampart enclosing the lower work and the bottom of the slope forming the upper, is in some parts about 120 feet in others about from 90 to 100. this space would appear to have been the ditch as it is traceable until in reaches the Eminence called the Doorie which is supposed to be where the Northern Bridge stood the ramparts
[continued on page 6] |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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See page 6 for 'Portions of Sculptured Crosses...' |
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Remains of the Roman Station PTOROTON (Continued) |
001.15 |
[continued from page 5]
from other side
are said to have been constructed of Oaken Logs earth and loose Stones The Chief antiquities discovered at various times were as follows Viz. the Roman well with
a Bell Metal Jug found when Cleaning it out together with a Sculptured Stone A.D. 1809, |
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001.15 |
A Stone Coffin and Containing human remains found at the Western extremity of the Most Northerly Rampart A.D 1860 |
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001.15 |
Some Stones were found among the ramparts representing a beautiful hunting Scene supposed to be part of a Cross.
Also a portion of a Cross having upon one side characteristic interlacing Knotwork, Cut in bold relief. and on the other a rough figure of a warrior with Shield, also the fragments of other two Crosses one of which was covered with curious diamond shaped work. these portions of stone were discovered at various times from A.D 1809 to A D 1860 and there can be no definate Spot pointed out where they were taken from, to these may be added the mutilated remains of a female effigy or bust with
the hair curled, parted on the forehead and tied in a knot behind, and found among some rubbish about the year 1862. this bust together with the pieces of Crosses or Sculptured Stones are in the possession of W. Young Esqr proprietor. |
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001.15 |
There were also some Stone Balls found
A.D 1861 a short distance from the Railway Station these Stones are to be seen in the Harbour Office Burghead. There is a tradition current in the village that four Sculptured Bulls were got also several coins but no information can be obtained as to where found, date of finding, or in whose possession they are.
W. Young Esqr proprietor |
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[page] 6 |
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U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
This name applies to the U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church situated at the Eastern extremity of the village of Burghead the building is of rectangular form Ornamented by a Spire upon the South East Corner, slated and in good repair It was erected in 1860 and the number of sittings amount to 300. It is the property of the Congregation |
OS1/12/9/1/7 |
Park Cottage
Park Cottage
Park Cottage |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
A neat and well built Cottage two stories high, slated, in good repair It is situated adjacent to the U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church. and it is the property of Mr. Morrison, Occupier |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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Saint Æthans
Saint Æthans
Saint Æthans
Saint Æthans |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser
A Sclanders Esqr Factor Forres |
001.15; 001.16 |
This name applies to a small district the greater part of which is rough pasture the remainder being occupied by vegetable gardens and dwellings, it is bounded upon the West by Burghead upon the North by the Moray Firth upon the East by Clarkly Hill and upon the South by the Highland Railway and the district known as Links There are several neat dwelling erected here of late years all of which are one story high Slated and in good repair The stances are leased to the builder for a term of ninety nine years at a small yearly rent Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail House, by Forres proprietor |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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Skerrie |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
Applied to a small rock situated a short distance from low water and north of the West end of the village of Burghead it is visable at ordinary low water and it is the property of the Crown. |
OS1/12/9/1/9 |
Cythie |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
A small rock situated north of the village of Burghead and adjacent to Low water mark. it is altogether bare at Ordinary low water. It is the property of the Crown. |
OS1/12/9/1/9 |
Scarf Craig
Scarf Craig
Scarf Craig |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
Applied to a small rock or point of rock situated to the North West of Burghead Village, and adjacent to Low water mark it is the property of the Crown. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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Gordon Square
Gordon Square
Gordon Square
Gordon Square |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser
Mr. Young Elgin Factor |
001.15 |
Applied to an enclosure Situated between Bath Street and the Coast guard Station. the enclosure is Covered with pasture the only building being the Coast guard Station and Life Apparatus Store house together with some out buildings. It is the property of W. Young Esqr. Factor, Elgin |
OS1/12/9/1/10 |
Hitchanhangye |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garioch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
Applied to a Small rock Situated a short distance to the North of the village of Burghead it is visable at the Ordinary Low water Mark, and about five Chains distant from Low Water Mark. It is the property of the Crown |
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County of Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Duffus
[Below entry for Hitchanhangye:]
The Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Garioch on being referred
to in reference to the spelling of this name
states that on inquiry at the old people in
the village he finds that the correct spelling is
Hitchanhangye from "Hitch an' hang ye"
i.e. a hitch of a rope round the neck to hang someone, and the
name has therefore been altered accordingly.
[Signed] P.D. Cap. R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers] |
OS1/12/9/1/11 |
Burghead |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr Garrow
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young Solicitor Elgin |
001.15 |
Applied to a small seaport situated upon a promontory jutting into the Moray Firth It is about Eight Miles North West of Elgin and nine North of Forres. the Village is composed of several regularly built Streets, partly one and partly two stories high the greater part of which is thatched the remainder being slated the whole are in fair repair There is a small, well protected harbour here where about Six hundred vessels enter anualy, the chief import is Coals and bones and the export is fish, Wood, and Stone, the greater part of the inhabitants live by fishing. There is a post office in the Village, three Inns, four public houses, also a Branch of the Caledonian Bank together with a G. A [General Assembly] School Free Church School and a female School. It is the property of W. Young Esqr |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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Burghead Bay
Burghead Bay
Burghead Bay |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser
Mr Young Solicitor Elgin |
001.15; 006.03; 006.07 |
This name is applied to a small Bay extending from burghead in a South Westerly direction fo a distane of about two miles. It is the property of the Crown. |
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Moray Firth
Moray Firth
Moray Firth |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young Solicitor Elgin |
001; 002; 006 |
This name applies to a sheet of salt water extending from Spey Bay upon the East to Inverness upon the West there are several small ports for shiping upon the Firth Lossiemouth, Burghead, Nairn, and Inverness, being the principal.
It is the property of the Crown |
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CHOLERA HOSPITAL (presently used as a School) |
Cholera Hospital (Presently used as a School)
Cholera Hospital (Presently used as a School)
Cholera Hospital (Presently used as a School) |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R P. Robertson
Mr A Fraser
Mr Young |
001.15 |
This name apllies to a small building erected in 1863 for a Cholera Hospital but has never been used as such though intended to be if required. There is a female school taught in this building for some years past th average attendance of which is about sixty daily, the education taught consists of the ordinary branches, together with industry. It is supported by Subscription and School Fees. Parochial Board of the parish of Duffus proprs. [proprietors] |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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FREE CHURCH [Burghead] |
Free Church
Free Church
Free Church |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
This name applies to the Free Church in connection with the parish of Duffus, and situated in the village of Burghead. the building is of rectangular form slated and in good repair it was erected in 1843 and the number of sittings amount to 800. It is the property of the Trustees of The Free Church of Scotland |
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MANSE [Free Church, Burghead] |
Manse |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R P Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
Applied to the Free Church Manse situated in the village of Burghead adjoining the Free Church, the building is two Stories high Slated and in good repair. It was erected A.D. 1843 and it is the property of the Trustees of the Free Church of Scotland |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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SCHOOL [Free Church, Burghead] |
School |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R P Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
Applied to the Free Church School situated adjoining the Free Church the building is two stories high slated and in good repair It was erected in 1845 and the daily average attendance is 120. the course of education taught consists of the Ordinary branches together with Latin and Mathematics. It is supported by Government Grant and School Fees and it is the property of the Trustees of the Free Church of Scotland |
OS1/12/9/1/14 |
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
Applied the the U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse Situated in the village of Burghead the building is two stories high Slated and in good repair
It is the property of the Congregation |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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BATHS (Disused) [Burghead] |
Baths (Disused)
Baths (Disused)
Baths (Disused) |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
Applied to a small house situated at the northern extremity of Bath Street the building is one story high slated and in middling repair There were Baths erected in this house some years since for supplying hot and cold baths but they are out of repair at present. there was a pump attached for forcing the saltwater into the premises Mr. Young propr. [proprietor] |
OS1/12/9/1/15 |
Barrel Well
Barrel Well
Barrel Well |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser |
001.15 |
Applied to a well situated a short distance to the South of the Free Church at Burghead and in the district of St. Æthan It is good fresh water, has no mineral properties Major C. Bruce Dunphail Ho. [House] by Forres proprietor. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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Burgh Head |
Revd [Reverend] John Garioch Manse, Burghead
General Roy's Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain |
001.15 |
This name applies to the Head-land of the point of land jutting into the Moray Firth upon which the village of Burghead is situated. |
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[page] 16
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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Caledonian Bank
Caledonian Bank
Caledonian Bank |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garioch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
This name apples to a branch of the Caledonian Bank situated in Granary Street. the building is two stories high slated and in good repair. It is the property of the Caledonian Banking Company |
OS1/12/9/1/17 |
HARBOUR [Burghead] |
Harbour |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garioch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser
Mr Young Solicitor Elgin |
001.15 |
This name is applied to the Harbour in Connection with the village of Burghead situated at the South west end of the village It is protected by a strong wall upon the south an two small piers constructed of wood which forms the entrance renders vessels secure when once entered. The chief import trade here is Coal and Bones, the latter being conveyed to the Bone Mill at Forres, and the export is Timber, Fish, and Stones. Vessels drawing about ten feet of water enter here without difficulty, and the average number entering yearly is about Six Hundred
It is the property of W Young Esqr Fleurs Elgin. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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On this page, the Reverend's name has been altered from Garroch to Garioch. On page 16 it is written Garioch, but on all other pages it is written as Garroch. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus
[Entry for Church (Quoad Sacra) crossed out with note:]
page 24 |
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ROMAN WELL [Burghead] |
Roman Well
Roman Well
Roman Well |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser
Mr Young Elgin |
001.15 |
This name applies to a Well situated a short distance West of the junction of King Street with Church Street. It was discovered in A.D 1809 when the ramparts composing the Camp were partly destroyed. It is a curious chamber cut out of the solid rock at a depth of from twenty to thirty feet below the general surface, having in the Centre a reservoir for water reached by a flight of some Twenty steps of stane stair hewn out of the solid rock. The well is constructed in the form of a square, with rounded corners, with a semicircular pedestal in the South corner, the inside of the well is said to have been covered with plaster or cement when discovered. |
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001.15 |
When cleaning out the well a Bell Metal Jug was found and is at present in the possession of Mr. McLeoud Dalvey by Forres, also a square stone having a Cross upon the Centre the margin of which was covered with curious shaped Knotwork cut in bold relief. This stone is now placed in the gabele of a house situated at the North West corner of King street, and adjacent to the Roman well.
It [the Well] is the property of W. Young Esqr. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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Coastguard Station
Coastguard Station
Coastguard Station |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser
Mr Young Solicitor Elgin Factor |
001.15 |
Applied to the Coastguard Station situated at the West of the village of Burghead the building is two stories high slated and in good repair. There is a Signal Pole erected a short distance north of the Station, upon which the Drum Signal is hoisted when warned by the Board of Trade that a storm is approaching. there is a Warrant Officer and four men stationed here. It is the property of William Young Esqr. Fleurs, Elgin |
OS1/12/9/1/20 |
Life Apparatus Storehouse
Life Apparatus Storehouse
Life Apparatus Storehouse
Life Apparatus Storehouse |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser
Mr Young |
001.15 |
This name applies to house used for storing the rocket apparatus stationed at Burghead the building is situated adjacent to the Coast Guard station and is one story high slated and in good repair, the apparatus is maned by twelve men four of which are Coastguards, the remaining Eight, being selected from amongst the most experienced and active Fishermen, who are trained to work the apparatus.
It is the property of the Board of Trade |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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Blackman |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young Elgin |
001.15 |
A small rock situated a short distance North West of Burghead Harbour, and visable at ordinary low water. It is the property of the Crown. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus
[Entry for Bailies is crossed out, with note:]
Name cancelled
JM |
OS1/12/9/1/22 |
Site of St. Æthan's Chapel
Site of St. Æthan's Chapel
Site of St. Æthan's Chapel
Site of St. Æthan's Chapel |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr R P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser
Mr Young |
001.15 |
This name applies to the site of an old Chapel situated in the Graveyard adjoining the General assembly school, the foundation of which was found to be entire A.D. 1840 when diging some Graves. Nothing appears to be known about the date of its erection or when disused, also opinion is divided as to the exact personage whose name this was a corruption of. Ethernan a Bishop and Confessor who laboured in the north of Scotland about the close of the Sixth Century, Ædan a disciple of Columba (A.D. 563) and afterwards Bishop of Lindisfarne, who died A.D. 681 and Æta Eata Ædan's successors in the same see, have each in turn been brought forward as the most likely to give rise to the name. It is traditionaly believed in the village that the Stones which Constructed this Chapel were taken to build a Mill about a mile West of the village at the Confluence of the rivulet known as Millie Burn with the sea
W. Young Esqr proprietor |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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SCHOOL [parish, Burghead] |
School |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R P Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
This name is applied to a School at the junction of Church Street and Grant Street; it is in in connection with the Established Church of Scotland, the building is two Stories high slated and in good repair. It was erected in1825 the daily average attendance is about Seventy, and the Course of education taught consists of the Ordinary Branches together with Lattin an Mathematics. It is supported by Government grant and School Fees and it is the property of the Heritors of the parish of Duffus. |
OS1/12/9/1/23 |
MANSE [Quoad Sacra Church, Burghead] |
Manse |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
This name applies to the Manse in connection with the Quoad Sacra Church situated in the village of Burghhead the building is two stories high slated and in good repair It is the property of the Presbytery of Elgin. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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CHURCH [Quoad Sacra, Burghead] |
(Quoad Sacra)
(Quoad Sacra)
(Quoad Sacra) |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr R P Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
This name applies to the Quoad Sacra Church in connection with the Parish of Duffus, and situated in the village of Burghead, the building is of rectangular form, slated, and in good repair. It was errected in A.D. 1822 and supported partly by the seat rents and partly by the Society for propogating Christian Knowledge and the Committee for managing the Royal Bounty, but it was made a Quoad Sacra Church in 1867.
The number of Sittings is 720 and it is the property of the Presbytery of Elgin |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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GRANT STREET [Burghead] |
Grant Street
Grant Street
Grant Street
Grant Street |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R.P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young Factor Elgin |
001.15 |
Applied to a Street situated between the Southern extremity of Bath Street and Sellar Street also running parallel to Granary Street, the buildings are chiefly two stories high the most part of which are slated the whole are in good repair
W. Young Esqr Fleurs Elgin proprietor |
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DUNBAR STREET [Burghead] |
Dunbar Street
Dunbar Street
Dunbar Street
Dunbar Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R.P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young |
001.15 |
This name applies to a street situated between Bath Street and Sellar Street and running parallel with Grant Street. the buildings are chiefly one story high, the greater part of which are thatched, the whole are in fair repair
W. Young Esqr proprietor |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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KING STREET [Burghead] |
King Street
King Street
King Street
King Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser
Mr Young Elgin |
001.15 |
Applied to a street situated between Church street and Sellar Street and running in a parallel line with Dunbar Street the buildings in this street are Chiefly one story high nearly all of which are thatched the whole are in middling repair William Young Esqr. proprietor |
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Forteath Street
Forteath Street
Forteath Street
Forteath Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young |
001.15 |
A Street situated between the Norther extremity of Bath Street and the northern extremity of Sellar Street and running parallel with King Street. the buildings in this Street are one Story high all of
which are thatched the whole are in indifferent repair
W. Young Esqr proprietor |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
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SELLAR STREET [Burghead] |
Sellar Street
Sellar Street
Sellar Street
Sellar Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young Elgin Factor |
001.15 |
This name is applied to a Street situated between the Eastern extremity of Granary Street and the Eastern extremity of Forteath Street the buildings are Chiefly one story high partly slated and partly thatched, the whole are in good repair
W. Young Eqr Fleurs Elgin proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/27 |
Granary Street
Granary Street
Granary Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young Elgin |
001.15 |
Applied to a Street situated between the Southern extremity of Sellar Street and the Harbour. the buildings in this street are chiefly two Stories high the greater part of which are Slated, the whole are in good repair Mr Young Esqr Fleurs Elgin proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/27 |
[page] 27
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/28 |
YOUNG STREET [Burghead] |
Young Street
Young Street
Young Street
Young Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr A Fraser
Mr Young |
001.15 |
Applied to a Street situated between Granary Street and Forteath Street and Running parallel with Church Street the buildings are partly one Story and partly two Stories high, partly thatched, and partly Slated, the whole are in fair repair W. Young Esqr Fleurs Elgin proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/28 |
Brander Street
Brander Street
Brander Street
Brander Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser
Mr Young |
001.15 |
A Street situated between Granary Street and Forteath Street and running parallel with Young Street. the buildings in this street are partly one story and partly two stories high, the whole are in good repair It is the property of W. Young Esqr Fleurs Elgin |
OS1/12/9/1/28 |
[page] 28
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/29 |
BATH STREET [Burghead] |
Bath Street
Bath Street
Bath Street
Bath Street |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young Elgin Factor |
001.15 |
This name is applied to a Street running in a north and south direction and extending from the Western extremity of Grant Street to the Western extremity of Forteath Street. the buildings in this street are chiefly one Story high partly thatched, and partly Slated, the whole are in good repair W. Young Esqr. Maryhill propr. [proprietor] |
OS1/12/9/1/29 |
CHURCH STREET [Burghead] |
Church Street
Church Street
Church Street
Church Street |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young |
001.15 |
A Street situated between Granary Street and Forteath Street and extending in a north and south direction the buildings in this street are chiefly one story high partly thatched and partly slated the whole are in good repair
W. Young Esqr. Maryhill Elgin proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/29 |
[page] 29
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/30 |
HARBOUR INN [Burghead] |
Harbour Inn
Harbour Inn
Harbour Inn |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr A Fraser |
001.15 |
Applied to an Inn situated in Granary Street the building is two stories high, slated and in good repair, It is the property of Mr Simpon, occupier |
OS1/12/9/1/30 |
MASON ARMS INN [Burghead] |
Mason Arms Inn
Mason Arms Inn
Mason Arms Inn |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.15 |
This name applies to an Inn Situated in Granary Street the building is two Stories high Slated and in good repair. It is licenced for the Sale of excisable Liquors, and it is the property of of Mrs. Simpson occupier |
OS1/12/9/1/30 |
PLOUGH INN [Burghead] |
Plough Inn
Plough Inn
Plough Inn |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser |
001.15 |
Applies to an In licenced for the Sale of of excisable liquors situated at the junction of Grant street with Bath street. the building is two stories high, Slated and in good repair Mr Chisholm occupier proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/30 |
[page] 30
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/31 |
Calvie |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young Elgin |
001.15 |
This name applies to a small circular erection of Freestone situated upon a small eminence known as the Doorie, the Clavie stands about four feet high and three feet in diameter. There is an old custom adopted by the villagers of having a Barrel filled with Tar and grease brought to the South East corner of the village upon the last night of the year (Old Style) there it is set upon fire and carried round the village by the Fishermen, no landsman being allowed to take any part in Carrying it, and after encircling the village it is taken to this erection called the Clavie and allowed to Consume what remains of the Barrel but very often fresh fuel is heaped upon the burning remains extending the Ceremony over several hours. The origin of this peculiar custom is involved in the deepest obscurity. Some believe it was introduced by the Romans and that the name Clavie is derived fro the Latin word Clavis, a nail - Witches being frequently put to death in a Barrel Stuck full of Iron Spikes. W Young Esqr. proprietor. |
OS1/12/9/1/31 |
[page] 31
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/32 |
Doorie |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser
Mr Young Elgin |
001.15 |
This name applies to a small eminence a short distance north of the Western extremity of Grant Street. the Knoll which is about twenty feet high with a few yards of pretty level ground upon the top appears to be artificial and has the resemblance of being a portion of the ramparts surrounding the fortification. Upon the summit of this Knoll there is a small erection of Stone standing about four feet high and three feent in diameter, called the the Clavie (see description of Clavie) Some of the older inhabitants believe that this Knoll known as the Doorie is part of the works in Connection with one of the draw Bridges as it is said that another eminence of much larger dimensions Stood a short distance Eastward of the present one and termed the Main Doorie but was altogether removed at the time the village was improved. It is the property of W. Young Esqr |
OS1/12/9/1/32 |
[page] 32
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/33 |
Cabrach Howe
Cabrach Howe
Cabrach Howe |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser |
001.16 |
A small hollow situated a short distance north of Cummingstown it is covered with rough pasture and it is the property of Sir W. Cumming Altyre House by Forres |
OS1/12/9/1/33 |
Cabrach Well
Cabrach Well
Cabrach Well |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser |
001.16 |
Applied to a well situated in the hollow known as Cabrach Howe it has no mineral properties and it is the property of Sir W. Cumming, Altyre. |
OS1/12/9/1/33 |
Clarkly Hill
Clarkly Hill
Clarkly Hill |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser |
001.16 |
This name applies to a hill situated about one half mile to the South of Cummingstown the hill is about two hundered feet high and partly covered with rough pasture and partly Cultivated. and it is partly the property of Sir W. Cumming Altyre and partly that of Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail |
OS1/12/9/1/33 |
[page] 33
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/34 |
INFANTS SCHOOL [Cummingstown] |
Infants School
Infants School
Infants School |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser |
001.16 |
This name applies to a Infants School situated in the village of Cummingstown the building is one story high, thatched and in fair repair, there are only a few young children attending this school who are unable to travel to Hopeman or Burghead. the daily average attendance is about 15 and the education taught Consists of the ordinary branches. It is supported by School fees Sir W. Cumming, Altyre House by Forres proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/34 |
[page] 34
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/35 |
St. Æthan's Well
St. Æthan's Well
St. Æthan's Well
St. Æthan's Well |
William Sclanders Esqr Factor Town Chamberlain Forres
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch Manse Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson Schoolmaster Burghead
Mr. A. Fraser. Postmaster Burghead |
001.16 |
Applied to a Well situated about one half mile to the East of Burghead It is supposed to have derived its name from Ethernon a Bishop and Confessor who laboured in the north of Scotland towards the close of the Sixth Century. the name having become Corrupted This well had the propertys of healing, long ascribed to it by the inhabitants and it is extensively used at present being the only real fresh water in the neighbourhood the other wells being Brackish. It has no mineral properties. Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail Ho [House] by Forres proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/35 |
Masonshaugh |
William Sclanders
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.16 |
A small farm steading situated about one half mile to the East Burghead the buildings are one story high thatched and in fair repair Major C. Bruce Proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/35 |
[page] 35
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/36 |
Masonhaugh Quarries
Masonhaugh Quarries
Masonhaugh Quarries
Masonhaugh Quarries |
William Sclanders Esqr
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.16 |
This name applies to a Freestone Quarry situated a short distance to the north of Masonhaugh farmsteading. there is a large Quantity of Stones raised for building purposes part of which are shipped from Burghead and part sent by Railway. Major Cumming Bruce Propr [Proprietor] Dunphail Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/36 |
Cummingstown |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr A. Fraser |
001.16 |
This name is applied to a small village situated upon the County road leading from Burghead to Hopeman and about one and one half miles distant from the former. the buildings are situated upon both sides of the County road chiefly one story high, the greater part of which are thatched, the whole are in fair repair. there is no building of any note in the village a female School attended by a few childred being the only place worthy of mention Sir William Cumming Altyre propr. [proprietor] |
OS1/12/9/1/36 |
[page] 36
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/37 |
Greenbrae Cottage
Greenbrae Cottage
Greenbrae Cottage |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.16 |
Applied to a neat and well built Cottage two stories high with suitable out offices the whole are slated and in good repair Sir W. Cumming Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/37 |
Greenbrae Quarry
Greenbrae Quarry
Greenbrae Quarry |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.16 |
This name applies to a Freestone Quarry situated a short distance to the north of Greenbrae Cottage there are large Quantities of stones Quarryed here chiefly for building and paving purposes the greater part of which are Shipped from the harbours of Burghead and Hopeman. Sir W. Cumming Altyre proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/37 |
Roddoch Wells
Roddoch Wells
Roddoch Wells |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser Postmaster |
001.16 |
Applied to three wells situated a short distance north of the village of Cummingstown They have no Mineral properties Sir W. Cumming, Altyre, propr [proprietor] |
OS1/12/9/1/37 |
[page] 37
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/37 |
In Greenbrae Quarry description, stones has been written 'sones' with a cross bar through the top of 's'. |
OS1/12/9/1/38 |
Roddoch Bow
Roddoch Bow
Roddoch Bow |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. Alexander Fraser |
001.16 |
This name applies to a small underground pasage situated between the Roddoch Wells and high water mark, the action of water appears to have washed away the rock the southern end of the the passage is accessable by a small opening provided with steps. Sir W. Cumming Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/38 |
Collach Hithe
Collach Hithe
Collach Hithe |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
001.16 |
This name applies to a small harbour or Hythe for boats situated a short distance north of the village of Cummingstown. in stormy weather and the Wind blowing from a Westerly direction the fishing Boats run here for Shelter when it would be dangerous to round the headland at Burghead Sir W. Cumming Altyre proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/38 |
[page] 38
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/39 |
HARBOUR [Hopeman] |
Harbour |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper Elgin |
002.09 |
Applied to the Harbour of Hopeman, Situated about 3 miles to the East of Burghead and about 8 Miles North West of Elgin, It is Constructed of dry Masonry, And is Sheltered on the North and East by a Strong Wall, with an entrance to the West, for the Admission of Vessels into the Harbour, it is Constructed to allow vessels of about 100 Tons burden to enter. Owing to the dangerous entrance occasioned by Sunk rocks vessels bound from and to this port are only insured for three months in the Year and that during the Summer Months. The Chief export from this Harbour being Fish, and Stones from the Masonshaugh Quarry which is Situated about ½ a mile to the west, the import Chiefly Consists of Coal for Consumption in the district - the property of the Harbour Commisioners |
OS1/12/9/1/39 |
[page] 39
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/40 |
Free Church School
Free Church School
Free Church School |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper Elgin |
002.09 |
This name applies to a School in connection with the Free Church of Scotland, the building is one Storey high, Slated and in good repair, the Staff Consists of a Schoolmaster and male Teacher together with a Female Teacher who attends a few hours daily for the purpose of teaching the Female portion of attenders industry. as male and female scholars attend this school. The School was Erected in 1864 by Subscriptions and receives a grant from Government and from the Free Church Education Scheme, which together with the School fees make up the Salary of the Staff, The Education imparted Consist of the ordinary branches together with, Latin, French and Mathematics, the Average daily attendance is 135. The property of the Trustees of the Free Church of Scotland |
OS1/12/9/1/40 |
[page] 40
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/41 |
POST OFFICE [Hopeman] |
Post Office
Post Office
Post Office |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper Elgin, Factor |
002.09 |
This name applies to a Post Office Situated in the village of Hopeman near the Northern extremity of Harbour Street, it is a Minor office the Major office being at Elgin. There is a despatch and delivery daily, the former taking place at 7.0 A.M. and the latter at 6.0 P.M. the building is one Storey Slated and in good repair. The property of G. Duff Esqr. Drummure |
OS1/12/9/1/41 |
Macpherson Street
Macpherson Street
Macpherson Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper |
002.09 |
This name applies to a street in the Village of Hopeman and branching off Harbour Street about Midway and it runs in an Easterly direction for about 13 Chains and terminates at the Free Church School and where the Rough Pasture joins the Village on the East, the houses are one Storey high Thatched And in Middling repair, the property of Gordon Duff Esqr. |
OS1/12/9/1/41 |
[page] 41
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/42 |
[Page] 42
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/43 |
Clashach Cove
Clashach Cove
Clashach Cove |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Rev Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Duffus |
002.09 |
This name applies to a hollow partly Surrounded by a high bank and partly by high rocks, and Situated by the Moray Firth, and about ¾ of a Mile East of the Village of Hopeman, and adjacent to the Site of the Castle of Inverugie, - on the Property of Sir William G. Cumming, Bart [Baronet] of Altyre Ho [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/43 |
Gipsies Cave
Gipsies Cave
Gipsies Cave |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Rev Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Duffus |
002.09 |
This name applies to a Cave Situated in the North East Corner of the Clashach Cove, it is about 20 feet wide at the mouth and extends underground in an North Easterly direction about 120 feet, it derives its name from the fact of its having been the rendezvous of gangs of travelling gipsies who found shelter under its roof, it was infested by these people till within a recent date when the proprietor Sir William Gordon Cumming, Bart. [Baronet] put a stop to their Visits |
OS1/12/9/1/43 |
[page] 43
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/44 |
Inverugie Castle (Site of)
Inverugie Castle (Site of)
Inverugie Castle (Site of) |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch, Manse, Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson, Schoolmaster, Burghhead
Estate Plan |
002.09 |
Applies to the Site of an old Castle, Situated in the Parish of Duffus, at the Western edge of the ridge of rocks along the Shore, and about ¾ of a mile to the East of the Village of "Hopeman" and at the Western extremity of the "Clashach Cove" and adjacent to the "Gipsies Cave". the site can be easily traced as there are remains of the old Castle still visible, but nothing of any definite Character further than the Site can be shewn on the plan, - "It was occasionally the residence of the family of Marschal, who once held a third part of the property of the Parish, and was named after there Chief Seat in "Buchan", - "Vide Statistical Account." - The Site of this Castle is on the property of Sir William G Cummng, Bart [Baronet], of Altyre |
OS1/12/9/1/44 |
[page] 44
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/45 |
Clashach Quarry
Clashach Quarry
Clashach Quarry |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Revd Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Duffus |
002.09 |
This name applies to a very Extensive Freestone Quarry Situated along the Shore of the Moray Firth and about 1½ Miles East of the village of Hopeman. it has a small Port (described below) for the exportation of Stone to London and other parts of England but the export to London has fallen off owing to the dangerous entrance to the port where many small Craft have been wrecked. - on the Property of Sir William Gordon Cumming Bart [Baronet], of Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres |
OS1/12/9/1/45 |
Clashach Port
Clashach Port
Clashach Port |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Duffus |
002.09 |
This name applies to a small harbour on the Moray Firth and Situated about 1½ Miles East of the Village of Hopeman and is used for exporting Stone from the adjacent Quarry. it will accomodate vessels of from 40 to 50 Tons Burden and drawing about 5 feet of water. this Port like the Harbour at Hopeman will only allow of Vessels being insured for three Months in the Year, owing to the dangerous nature of its entrance - The property of Sir William G Cumming Bart [Baronet] of Altyre |
OS1/12/9/1/45 |
[page] 45
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/46 |
Hopeman Lodge
Hopeman Lodge
Hopeman Lodge |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper Elgin |
002.09 |
Applies to a plain but commodious Mansion Situated about ½ a mile to the East of the Village of Hopeman and Commanding a splendid view of the Moray Firth and its oppisite Coast, the building is two Storeys high. Slated and in good repair. it is the property of Gordon Duff Esqr. of Drummure |
OS1/12/9/1/46 |
Braemou Well
Braemou Well
Braemou Well |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser |
002.09 |
This name applies to a Well Situated about 5 Chains to the North of Hopeman Lodge and about ½ a Mile to the East of the Village of Hopeman from which there is a Foot path leading to the well. it has no Mineral properties but the water is used extensively by the people residing in the vicinity, although a copious Supply of water can be obtained much nearer. the property of Gordon Duff Esqr. of Drummure |
OS1/12/9/1/46 |
[page] 46
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/47 |
Burnside |
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse Duffus
J Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus
R Walker Esqr Factor Whiterow by Forres |
002.10 |
This name applies to a very large farmhouse with outstanding offices, dwelling house two storeys offices one storey, the whole slated and in good repair. Property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart [Baronet] Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres |
OS1/12/9/1/47 |
Easter Burnside
Easter Burnside
Easter Burnside |
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse Duffus
J Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus
R. Walker Esqr |
002.10 |
A cothouse through which passes the boundary between this parish and that of Drainie. it is one storey in height thatched and in good repair Property of Sir William G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre. |
OS1/12/9/1/47 |
[page] 47
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/48 |
[Page] 48
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/49 |
Gordon Street
Gordon Street
Gordon Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper Elgin |
002.13 |
This Street Consists of a double row of houses, and is in an unfinished State. it runs North and South and branches off Cooper Street near its Western Extremity and terminates at the Western extremity of Drummuir Street. this Street is Situated in the "Newtown" and is chiefly composed of houses of one storey, Slated and in excellent repair the property of Gordon Duff Esqr. of Drummuir |
OS1/12/9/1/49 |
Hutchon Street
Hutchon Street
Hutchon Street
Hutchon Street
Hutchon Street
Hutchon Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser Postmaster Burghead
Mr Cooper Factor, Elgin
Estate Plan
G. Duff Esqr proprietor |
002.13 |
This Street Consists of one row of houses on the West Side the East Side only having two or three houses openly placed. this Street runs North and South and branches off Cooper Street near its centre and terminates about the Middle of Drummuir Street. the houses are one Storey high, Slated and in good repair, this Street forms the Eastern Boundary of the Newtown, and is the property of Gordon Duff Esqr. of Drummure |
OS1/12/9/1/49 |
[page] 49
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/49 |
The first three modes of spelling Hutchon Street are written Hutcheson, but corrected to Hutchon. |
OS1/12/9/1/50 |
Cooper Street
Cooper Street
Cooper Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper Elgin, Factor |
002.13 |
This Street branches West off Harbour Street about 10 Chains from its junction with Forsyth Street and after running in a Westerly direction, it terminates abruptly at the rough ground to the West of Hopeman Village. there are only a few houses Scattered here and there on either Side of the Street one of which is "Grants Hotel" a description of which you will find elsewhere, the houses are partly one and partly two Storeys high, Slated and in good repair the property of G Duff Esqr. of Drummure |
OS1/12/9/1/50 |
CLARK STREET [Hopeman] |
ClarK Street
ClarK Street
ClarK Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper |
002.13 |
This Street is of a very irregular character consisting only of a few houses at the West end, it branches off Harbour Street nearly midway between Forsyth Street and the Harbour, the Houses are one Storey Slated and in good repair. the property of Gordon Duff Esqr. |
OS1/12/9/1/50 |
[page] 50
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/51 |
Farquhar Street
Farquhar Street
Farquhar Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper |
002.13 |
This name applies to a Street in the Village of Hopeman it lies East and West of Harbour Street and Crosses that Street about 6 Chains from its junction with Forsyth Street. the General Assembly School and the Free Church are Situated in this Street. the houses are generally one Storey Thatched and in good repair The property of Gordon Duff Esqr. of Drummure |
OS1/12/9/1/51 |
THOM STREET [Hopeman] |
Thom Street
Thom Street
Thom Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper |
002.13 |
This name applies to a Street in the Village of Hopeman and lying East and West off Harbour Street, intersecting that Street about 3 Chains from its junction with Forsyth Street. the Houses are one Storey part Slated and part Thatched in Middling repair the property of G Duff Esqr. |
OS1/12/9/1/51 |
[page] 51
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/52 |
Forsyth Street
Forsyth Street
Forsyth Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper Elgin |
002.13 |
This name applies to a Street in the Village of Hopeman, it consists of a row of one Storey houses on the north Side of the County Road leading past Hopeman to Burghead this Street is about a ¼ of a mile long and the houses are part Slated and part Thatched and in Middling repair, the property of Gordon Duff Esqr. of Drummure |
OS1/12/9/1/52 |
Harbour Street
Harbour Street
Harbour Street |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper |
002.09; 002.13 |
This Street consisting of two rows of Houses of one and two Storeys high, this Street lies North and South and branches off Forysth Street about its Centre and after runnng nearly ½ a mile it terminates at the Harbour, the houses are principally Thatched and in good repair the property of Gordon Duff Esqr |
OS1/12/9/1/52 |
[page] 52
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/53 |
Hopeman |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper Elgin, Factor |
002.09; 002.13 |
Applied to a pretty extensive Village Situated on the "Moray Firth" about 8 Miles to the North West of Elgin and about two miles Eastward of Burghead, it is a neatly laid out village, comprised of various Streets all squarely laid out. And all, or nearly all, have names and will be found described seperatly as well as the other objects having names, Among which may be here mentioned. the Free church with its attendant School, The Harbour, Grants Hotel, Post Office and the Newtown this latter name applying to the recent extension of the Village to the West. The Houses in the Village are of One & Two Storeys high the former being predominant, they are generally Slated and in fair Repair. The population is Chiefly Composed of Fishermen who ply their Calling on the Moray Firth and bring the produce of their labour to Hopeman where they are Cured and Exported to the Continent The Village is the property of Gordon Duff Esqr. of Drummuir Castle nr. [near] Keith |
OS1/12/9/1/53 |
[page] 53
County of Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/54 |
Newtown |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper Elgin |
002.13 |
This name applies to a new part of the village of Hopeman and Comprises the houses to the West of Hucheson Street, North of Cooper Street, and South of Drummuir Street. the houses are one and two Storeys high. the former being predominant they are Slated and in Excellent repair. the property of Gordon Duff Esqr. of Drummure |
OS1/12/9/1/54 |
Weddershill |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper Elgin |
002.13 |
This name applies to A Middling Sized farm, Situated adjacent to the village of Hopeman. and at the termination of Forsyth Street at the West end. the dwelling portions of Steading in one Storey Slated, and the other buildings are all one Storey part Slated part Tiled and in tolerable good repair the Property of G. Duff Esqr. |
OS1/12/9/1/54 |
[page] 54
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/55 |
FREE CHURCH [Hopeman] |
Free Church
Free Church
Free Church |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper Elgin |
002.13 |
Applied to the Free Church in Connection with the Village of Hopeman and the Eastern portion of the Parish of Duffus. The building is of rectangular form. it is slated and in good repair. it was erected A.D. 1854 and is built of plain dressed Freestone, and has a small Belfry at the Eastern End. it is Seated for 1000 and is the property of the Trustees of the Free Church of Scotland |
OS1/12/9/1/55 |
Free Church Manse
Free Church Manse
Free Church Manse |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper |
002.13 |
This name applies to a Commodious House of two Storeys high, Situated to the West of the Village of Hopeman on the County Road leading to Burghead. the building is Slated and in excellent repair. The property of the Trustees of the Free Church of Scotland |
OS1/12/9/1/55 |
[page] 55
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/56 |
Backlands |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper |
002.13 |
This name applies to an ordinary Sized Farmsteading Situated about ¼ of a mile to the West of "Hopeman" on the County Road leading to Burghead. the dwelling house is one Storey Thatched and the outbuildings are one Storey Tiled all in good repair. |
OS1/12/9/1/56 |
002.13 |
About 10 Chains to the North of this Steading in a Sand Pit was discovered, a Stone Coffin, and an Urn Containing ashes and Charcoal A.D. 1860. the Stones of Which the Coffin was Composed are still lying near the place where they were found but the Urn was destroyed in the Course of the Search This Farm is the property of Gordon Duff Esqr. of Drummure |
OS1/12/9/1/56 |
[page] 56
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/57 |
General Assembly School
General Assembly School
General Assembly School |
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr Cooper Solcitor Elgin |
002.13 |
This name applies to a General Assembly School in connection with the Church of Scotland. the building is one Storey high, Slated, and in good repair. The daily Average Attenance is about 80. and the course of Education taught is the ordinary branches, together with Latin and
Mathemtics. A female teacher attends the School for a few hours daily, for the purpose of teaching Industry to the Female Scholars. It is the property of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland |
OS1/12/9/1/57 |
Hopeman Farm
Hopeman Farm
Hopeman Farm
Hopeman Farm |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser, Postmaster
Mr Cooper Factor Elgin |
002.13 |
This name Applies to a Small Farm on the East Suburbs of the village of Hopeman. The Steading is one Storey Thatched and in good repair the property of Gordon Duff Esqr. |
OS1/12/9/1/57 |
[page] 57
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/58 |
[Page] 58
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/59 |
Dunbar Street
Dunbar Street
Dunbar Street |
Mr Cooper Factor, Elgin
Revd [Reverend] Mr Garroch
Mr R. P. Robertson |
002.13 |
A street in the village of Hopeman extending from Harbour Street about 11 Chains in an Easterly direction. the houses are generally one storey high and principally Slated and in good repair, property of Gordon Duff Esqr. Drummure. |
OS1/12/9/1/59 |
[page] 59
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/60 |
[Page] 60
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/61 |
Williamston |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr Cooper Elgin |
002.13 |
This name applies to a small Farmsteading Situated about a Mile From Hopeman in a South easterly direction on the County Road from Elgin. the Dwelling House is two Storeys Slated And the outbuildings are one Storey Thatched and in good repair, property of G. Duff Esqr. |
OS1/12/9/1/61 |
Pickylaw |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser, Postmaster
Mr Cooper Factor Elgin
Lease |
002.13 |
This name applies to a Small Farmsteading Situated about half a Mile to the East of the Village on the County Road from Elgin. The Steading is one Storey Slated and in good repair. the property of Gordon Duff Esquire |
OS1/12/9/1/61 |
[page] 61
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/62 |
Drummure Street
Drummure Street
Drummure Street
Drummuir St.
Drummuir St.
Drummuir St. |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser Postmaster Burghead
G. Duff Esqr proprietor
Mr Cooper Elgin
Estate Plan |
002.13 |
This Street is composed of a few houses Scattered on one Side of the Street, it runs in an East and West direction. branching off Gordon Street and Terminating at Harbour Street, the houses are 1 Storey high and are Slated and in excellent repair the Property of Gordon Duff Esqr. |
OS1/12/9/1/62 |
GRANT'S HOTEL [Hopeman] |
Grant's Hotel
Grant's Hotel
Grant's Hotel |
"Schedule (A) No 1 form of Certificate for Inns & Hotels"
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
002.13 |
This name applies to a small Hotel Situated in Cooper Street, Hopeman the building is two Storeys high Slated & in good repair the Accomodation is very small for travellers, only Six persons can be accomodated with Sleeping room. The property of Gordon Duff Esquire of Drummure |
OS1/12/9/1/62 |
[page] 62
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/63 |
Gallow Hill
Gallow Hill
Gallow Hill |
Peter Mortimer Esqr. "Inverugie"
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
002.13 |
This name applies to a Small Knoll or Eminence, Situated about a quarter of a mile to the West of "Inverugie", looking Northwards it commands a Splendid view of Hopeman And the Moray Firth, It is locally believed that at one time it was a place of Execution, but no information can be obtained as to the fact of any one having been executed here. on The Property of Peter Mortimer Esqr. Inverugie |
OS1/12/9/1/63 |
OBSERVATORY [Inverugie] |
Observatory |
Peter Mortimer Esqr. "Inverugie"
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
002.13 |
Applied to a Small Wooden Structure in a field to the South of the Mansion of Inverugie and built by the Proprietor Peter Mortimer Esqr. for his own private Study. the observatory contains a splendid " Munich Refractor" also a "Transit Instrument. |
OS1/12/9/1/63 |
[page] 63
County of Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/64 |
Camus's Stone
Camus's Stone
Camus's Stone |
Peter Mortimer Esqr.
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
002.13 |
Applies to a "Standing Stone" Situated at the lower end of the enclosure to the South of Inverugie and about 10 Chains from the house. the Stone is in an upright position And Stands 5 ft. [feet] 10 In. [Inches] high, 6 ft. [feet] 8 Ins [Inches] broad and about 2 feet thick. It is generally believed in the locality that this stone marks the Spot where "Camus" A Danish Warrior is buried, and who figured in this part of the Country during the Danish Invasion. Any information past this belief could not be gleaned as local history is Silent on this Subject, |
OS1/12/9/1/64 |
[page] 64
County of Elgin -- Ph [Parish] of Duffus
Referred to the field and the examiner states that, According to the
best local authorities it marks the Grave of the Danish General Camus
and therefore I think that Camus's Stone is the correct mode of Writing it
on the Plan |
OS1/12/9/1/65 |
Inverugie |
Peter Mortimer Esqr. Proprietor
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
002.13 |
This name applies to a handsome and Commodious Mansion. delightfully situated on the South Side of "Roseisle" about 8 Miles from Elgin and about a Mile South of the Village of Hopeman, it is a very handsome residence of one Storey, built of finely dressed Freestone, and having a verandah on the South Side which Commands a Splendid View of the adjacent Country. the building was only Erected a few Years ago, is Slated and in Excellent repair. The property of Peter Mortimer Esqr. |
OS1/12/9/1/65 |
STONE COFFIN FOUND HERE A.D. 1859 [Inverugie] |
002.13 |
About Eight Chains in an Easterly direction from the Mansion situated in a stripe of wood in the spot where a Stone Coffin was found A.D. 1859. the Coffin Contained nothing, and was removed by Lady Dunbar to Duffus House where it still remains, the spot where this Coffin was found has every appearance of being a Tumili but no information as to the Certainty of this can be gleaned in the neighborhood |
OS1/12/9/1/65 |
[page] 65
County of Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/66 |
Mains of Inverugie
Mains of Inverugie
Mains of Inverugie |
Peter Mortimer Esqr. "Inverugie"
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch. Manse Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson, Schoolmaster Burghead |
002.13 |
This name applies to a large Farm Steading situated about 15 Chains to the South East of "Inverugie" and about half a mile West of the County Road leading from Elgin to Hopeman, the dwelling house and outhouses comprising the Steading are all one Storey high Slated And in good repair. The property of Peter Mortimer Esqr. Inverugie |
OS1/12/9/1/66 |
Gallowhill Cottages
Gallowhill Cottages
Gallowhill Cottages |
Peter Mortimer Esqr. "Inverugie"
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R P. Robertson |
002.13 |
Applied to two small Cottages situated a little more than a quarter of a mile to the South of the Mansion House of Inverugie. They are one Story high slated and in good repair. The property of Peter Mortimer Esqr. of Inverugie. |
OS1/12/9/1/66 |
[page] 66
County of Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/67 |
Duffus House
Duffus House
Duffus House |
Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] Duffus House
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse of Duffus
J Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus |
002.14 |
This name applies to a mansion house situated about half a mile south east from New Duffus and about six and a half miles from Elgin. It is a large rrregular building from two to three storeys in height slated and in excellent repair, and surrounded by handsome ornamental Grounds. Property of the occupant and proprietor Sir A Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] |
OS1/12/9/1/67 |
St. Peter's Church (In Ruins)
St. Peter's Church (In Ruins)
St. Peter's Church (In Ruins) |
Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] Duffus house
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse of Duffus
Captain Dunbar Duffus House |
002.14 |
This name applies to the ruins of a church situated a short distance north of Duffus House, the walls are entire but it is entirely roofless. It was erected in 1120 and supposed to have been dedicated to St. Peter It was used as the parish church of Duffus until 1869 when a new one was opened for public worship, since that time this church has been allowed to fall into decay. It is on the property of Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] of Duffus House. |
OS1/12/9/1/67 |
[page] 67
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/68 |
POST OFFICE [New Duffus] |
Post Office
Post Office
Post Office |
Sir A Dunbar Bart [Baronet] of Duffus House
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse of Duffus
J Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus |
002.14 |
This name applies to a post office to which is attached a grocers shop situated in the village of Duffus it is a minor office Elgin being the major the arrivals and departures of the mails are as follows viz:- depart 7.40 A.M. arrive 5 P.M. It is two storeys in height slated and in good repair. Property of Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] |
OS1/12/9/1/68 |
New Duffus
New Duffus
New Duffus |
Sir A Dunbar Bart [Baronet] Duffus house
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse of Duffus
J Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus |
002.14 |
This name applies to a small village situated about 10 chains east of the Established Church of Duffus it has a population of about 200 chiefly of the labouring class the houses are from one to two storeys in height partly thatched and partly slated and in good repair. Property of Sir A Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] of Duffus House. |
OS1/12/9/1/68 |
[page] 68
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/69 |
Begrow |
Sir A. Dunbar Bart: [Baronet] Duffus House
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse of Duffus
J Tindel. Schoolmaster Duffus |
002.14 |
This name applies to a small farmhouse with suitable out offices each one storey high partly thatched and partly slated. Property of Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] Duffus House
by Elgin |
OS1/12/9/1/69 |
[page] 69
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/70 |
[Page] 70
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/71 |
St. Peter's Well
St. Peter's Well
St. Peter's Well |
Sir A. Dunbar Bart [Baronet] Duffus House
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse of Duffus
J. Tindel schoolmaster Duffus |
002.14 |
This name applies to a perennial spring situated on the eastern side of the village of Duffus. Property of Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] Duffus Ho. [House] by Elgin. |
OS1/12/9/1/71 |
Crosshill |
Sir A. Dunbar Bart [Baronet]
Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander
J. Tindel Schoolmaster |
002.14 |
This name applies to a small farm house with outstanding offices, dwelling house two storeys offices one storey in height, the whole slated and in good repair. Property of Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] |
OS1/12/9/1/71 |
Shempston |
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander
J Tindel Schoolmaster
Register of voters for the County of Elgin |
002.14 |
A very large farm house with extensive outstanding officies, dwelling house two storeys. officies one storey in height, the whole slated and in good repair. Property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres |
OS1/12/9/1/71 |
[page] 71
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/72 |
Church |
Sir A. Dunbar Bart [Baronet] Duffus House
Dr. [Doctor] Brander Manse of Duffus
J. Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus |
002.14 |
This name applies to the parish Church of Duffus it is a substantial building slated and in good repair. was erected A.D.1869, and seated for 550. Property of the Heritors. |
OS1/12/9/1/72 |
ST LAWRENCE'S WELL (Chalybeate) |
St. Lawrence's Well (Chalybeate)
St. Lawrence's Well (Chalybeate)
St. Lawrence's Well (Chalybeate) |
Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet]
Revd Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander
J Tindel Schoolmaster |
002.14 |
This name applies to a chalybeate spring situated about 5 chains west of Duffus House. Property of Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet]. |
OS1/12/9/1/72 |
Waterybutts |
Sir A Dunbar Bart. [Baronet]
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander
J Tindel Schoolmaster |
002.14 |
This name applies to a house and croft with suitable outstanding offices, each one storey high slated and in good repair. Property of Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] |
OS1/12/9/1/72 |
[page] 72
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/73 |
[Page] 73
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/74 |
Bennet Hill
Bennet Hill
Bennet Hill
Bennet Hill |
William Sclanders, Factor, Town Chamberlan Forres
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch, Manse Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson, Schoolmaster Burghead
Mr. A Fraser Postmaster Burghead |
006.03; 006.04 |
This name applies to a small Eminence Situated a short distance to the South of Burghead, and among the many Sandhills which cover a wide tract of Country it forms no great feature, but it is generally believed to have at one time been a place of interest in this part of the County. Mr. Alexander Jeffrey in his - "Sketches from the Traditional History of Burghead" - Says - "Nothing is known of this eminence, lying a short distance South of the town, further than that tradition has preserved the name, and that it appears to have been in the neighbourhood of a Pictish Colony - the latter fact being Established by the discovery of Stone-lined graves and Scotch Kjokkenmoddings on different parts of its Surface. Very likely it owes its name to St. Bennet, and may have been So Called by the priors of Pluscarden, who followed the rule of that Worthy." - Of The Stone-lined graves mentioned by Mr. Jeffrey to have existed on the Surface of "Bennet Hill", none remain. they have been entirely obliterated by the Shifting of the Sandhills, There is one Situated a Short distance to the East of Bennet Hill and is undoubtedly Tumuli, from which three Stone Coffins have been taken. it was partially destroyed by those employed making the Railway, by taking the Stones for use in Connection with the Railway Works |
OS1/12/9/1/74 |
[page] 74
County of Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/75 |
College of Roseisle
College of Roseisle
College of Roseisle |
William Sclanders Esqr.
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
006.04 |
Applied to a small locality consisting of a few houses of the poorer Class. they are one Storey high Thatched and in general good repair. Situated about 1¾ Miles from Burghead on both Sides of the County Road leading to Elgin, it contains a Smithy and "Female School" (described elsewhere) and is the Property of Major Cumming Bruce of Dunphail Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/75 |
[page] 75
County of Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/76 |
Roseislehaugh |
William Sclanders Esqr.
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
006.04 |
This name applies to a small Farm Steading Situated about 1¾ Miles from Burghead on the County Road from there to Elgin, The dwelling house is a Commodious building situated about 4 Chains apart from the outbuildings is 2 Storeys & Slated the outbuildings being one Storey, Tiled, the whole in good repair. The property of Major Cumming Bruce, Dunphail Ho [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/76 |
Wester Bridgend
Wester Bridgend |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
R Walker Esqr Factor |
006.04 |
Applies to a small Farm Steading Situated 2 miles from Burghead on the North Side of the County Road leading to Elgin, it is one Storey high part Tiled, and part Thatched in General good repair - the property of Sir William G Cumming of Altyre Ho [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/76 |
[page] 76
County of Elgin. -- Ph. [Parish] of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/77 |
Wester Oldtown
Wester Oldtown
Wester Oldtown |
R. Walker Esqr Whiterow, Forres
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
006.04 |
Applied to a large Farm Steading Situated a few Chains to the west of the farm of "Easter Oldtown" and about half a mile to the north of the County road from Elgin to Burghead, the dwelling house is two Storeys high, slated and the outbuildings are one Storey Tiled and in good repair The Property of Sir William G. Cumming Altyre Ho [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/77 |
Sandymoss |
Rev. [Revenend] Mr. Garroch
William Sclanders Esqr.
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
006.04 |
This name applies to a small Farm Steading Situated about half a mile South west of the County Road from Elgin andat a point about one and a half miles from Burghead, it is now used as a sheep farm the buildings are one Storey Thatched and in middling repair the property of Major Cumming Bruce of Dunphail Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/77 |
[page] 77
County of Elgin Ph. [Parish] of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/78 |
Charlestown |
William Sclanders Esqr. Factor, Town Chamberlain Forres
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch, Manse Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson, Schoolmaster Burghead |
006.04 |
This name applies to a small Farm situated about one and a half miles from Burghead on the County Road leading to Elgin. The dwelling house is one storey high, slated and the outbuildings are one storey Thatched And in good repair, The Property of Major Cumming Bruce of Dunphail Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/78 |
FEMALE SCHOOL [College of Roseisle] |
Female School
Female School
Female School |
William Sclanders Esqr. Forres
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch, Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson, Schoolmaster |
006.04 |
This school is situated in a small locality known as the "College of Roseisle", it is a small rectangular building one storey high Thatched and in good repair, the Schoolmistress has a free house which is attached to the School and forms part of the building, Major Cumming Bruce of Dunphail on whose property the School is Situated allows the Sum of a Five Pounds sterling per Annum and together with the School fees makes up the Schoolmistresses Salary. The usual or ordinary branches of Education together with Industry is what is taught. The average daily attendance being about 30 |
OS1/12/9/1/78 |
[page] 78
County of Elgin, Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/79 |
Meadowhillock |
William Sclanders Esqr., Town Chamberlain Forres
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch, Manse Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson, Schoolmaster Burghead |
006.04 |
This name applies to a small Farm. Situated in the Ph [Parish] of Duffus and about a quarter of a mile North of the County Road from Elgin to Burghead and about one mile from the latter named place. The Steading in one Storey Thatched and in middling repair. The property of Sir William Gordon Cumming of Altyre Ho [House] by Forres |
OS1/12/9/1/79 |
Easter Oldtown
Easter Oldtown |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch, Manse, Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson, Schoolmaster |
006.04 |
A large Farm Steading situated about half a Mile to the East of the Farm of "Meadowhillock" and about half a mile from the County Road from Elgin to Burghead. The dwelling house is one Storey Thatched and the outhouses are 1 Storey Tiled and in good repair. The property Sir William Gordon Cumming of Altyre |
OS1/12/9/1/79 |
[page] 79
County of Elgin Ph. [Parish] of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/80 |
HIGHLAND RAILWAY (Burghead Branch) |
Highland Railway (Burghead Branch)
Highland Railway (Burghead Branch)
Highland Railway (Burghead Branch) |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch, Manse Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson, Schoolmaster, Burghead
Mr. A. Fraser, Postmaster, Burghead |
001; 006 |
This name applies to a branch of the "Highland Railway" and worked by the "Highland Railway Company", it is 5 miles in extent, and leaves the Companies line between Forres and Keith at Alves Station, and after running in a Northern direction through the Parish of Alves it enters the Parish of Duffus at a point about 3 miles South of Burghead, it runs in a Northern direction through the Parish of Duffus and terminates at Burghead from which a good traffic is Carried on, Consisting chiefly of Coal, and Bones for the Mills at Forres, the traffic of late has increased greatly, owing to the closing of the Findhorn branch of the Highland Railway which necessitates the Cargoes being Consigned to Burghead instead of Findhorn as formerly. There is no Electric Telegraph on this line of Railway |
OS1/12/9/1/80 |
[page] 80
County of Elgin Ph. [Parish] of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/81 |
Rosevalley |
William Sclanders Esqr. Factor Town Chamberlain Forres
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch Manse Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson Schoolmaster Burghead
Mr. A. Fraser Postmaster Burghead |
006.07 |
This name applies to a large farm steading situated about one and one half miles to the south of Burghead, the dwelling house is one Story high thatched and in good repair the offices are two stories high slated and in excellent repair. Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/81 |
[page] 81
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus
Wards [Entry crossed out] |
OS1/12/9/1/82 |
[Page] 82
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/83 |
Bruntland |
William Sclanders Esqr.
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
006.08; 006.12 |
This name applies to three small Farmsteadings Situated about a ¼ of a mile to the East of the County Road from Burghead to Forres and about 2½ Miles from Burghead, the Steadings are one Storey high part Thatched and part Slated, in fair repair. The property of Major Cumming Bruce of Dunphail Ho. [House] by Forres |
OS1/12/9/1/83 |
Buthill |
William Sclanders Esqr.
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
006.08 |
This name applies to a group of Four Farmsteadings Situated about 2½ Miles to South of Burghead, they are all one Storey high part Thatched and part slated and in general good repair. The property of Major Cumming Bruce of Dunphail |
OS1/12/9/1/83 |
[page] 83
County of Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/84 |
The LinKs
The LinKs
The LinKs |
William Sclanders Esqr. Factor Town Chamberlain, Forres
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch Manse, Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson, Schoolmaster, Burghead. |
001; 006 |
This name applies to a large tract of uncultivated land Extending from Burghead to the Parish Boundary to the west. Along the Shore of the Moray Firth its extent to the South varies from ½ a mile to ¾ of a Mile broad And is bounded chiefly on the South by the County Road, leading from Burghead to Forres till it joins the road from Elgin to Burghead which forms the Eastern Boundary until it joins with the district of St. Æthans, the land is covered with Rough Pasture and Furze And presents a Striking feature to the eye being covered with Sandhills which have been formed by the drifting of Sand from the Sea Shore. The property of Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail House by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/84 |
[page] 84
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/85 |
Northfield |
William Sclanders Esqr.
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
006.08 |
Applied to a small Farmsteading Situated a short distance to the South of Buthill, the dwelling house is one Storey high. Thatched and the outbuildings are one Storey Thatched the whole in middling repair - The property of Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/85 |
Millie Burn
Millie Burn
Millie Burn |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser Postmaster Burghead |
006.03; 006.04; 006.07; 006.08 |
This name applies to a small Stream, having its Source adjacent to the Farms of Bruntland. it flows in a northern direction for a distance of about 2 Miles and enters the Moray Firth about ½ a mile North of Rosevalley farm. The property of Major Cumming Bruce of Dunphail |
OS1/12/9/1/85 |
[page] 85
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/86 |
Arran Wood
Arran Wood
Arran Wood |
William Schanders Esqr. Factor
Mr R. P. Robertson
Mr. A. Fraser |
006.08 |
A small portion of wood situated to the East of the road leading from Burghead to Forres and about two miles from the former. there is about an equal proportion of Fir and forest trees the latter being natural growth It is the property of Major Cumming Bruce, Dunphail |
OS1/12/9/1/86 |
Wards |
William Sclanders Esqr
Revd [Reverend] Mr Garroch
Mr R. P. Robertson
Mr Fraser |
006.08 |
A farmsteading Situated about one half mile to the East of Rosevalley and adjacent to the road leading from Burghead to Forres two and three fourth miles from the former. The dwelling house is two storeys high slated and in good repair, the offices are one storey high thatched and in fair repair, property of Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail. |
OS1/12/9/1/86 |
[page] 86
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/87 |
CROSS on Site of CROSS (Removed to Dunphail House) |
Cross on Site of Cross (Removed to Dunphail House)
Cross on Site of Cross (Removed to Dunphail House)
Cross on Site of Cross (Removed to Dunphail House)
Cross on Site of Cross (Removed to Dunphail House) |
William Sclanders Esqr. Factor, Town Chamberlain Forres
Mr R. P. Robertson Schoolmaster Burghead
Mr. A. Fraser Postmaster Burghead
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch, Manse, Burghead |
006.12 |
Applied to an old Cross situated a short distance to the north of Kirkhill farm steading It is composed of a Block of Freestone forming a square into which a slab of similar stone is ingrafted, standing about four feet high. there is no Carving upon any of the stones and they appear to be of recent erection. Major Cumming Bruce having taken the Original Cross to Dunphail House several years ago the present cross marks the spot from wich it was removed. Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail Ho. [House] by Forres proprietor |
OS1/12/9/1/87 |
[page] 87
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/88 |
Kirkhill |
William Slanders Esqr
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. A Fraser Postmaster
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch Minister Burghead |
006.12 |
A farm house two Stories high with suitable out offices the whole are slated and in good repair It is the property of Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail House by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/88 |
[page] 88
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/89 |
[Page] 89
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/90 |
Standing Stone
Standing Stone
Standing Stone |
William Sclanders, Factor, Town Chamberlain Forres
Rev [Reveren] Mr. Garroch, Manse Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson, Schoolmaster, Burghead |
006.12 |
This name applies to a Small Farmsteading Situated in the Parish of Duffus and about 3 Miles to the South East of the Village of Burghead. The dwelling house is two Storeys high, Slated and the other outbuildings comprising the Steading are one Storey tiled and in Middling repair. This name would lead one to believe that it derived its name from some Antiquity in the Neighbourhood, but after making enquiries nothing can be elicited to Shew that it has derived its name from any object of Antiquity in its Vicinity |
OS1/12/9/1/90 |
[page] 90
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/91 |
[Page] 91
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/92 |
Roseisle |
Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander, Manse Duffus
J. Tindal Teacher Duffus
R. Walker Esqr, Whiterow by Forres |
001; 002; 006; 007 |
This name is applied to a large district of cultivated land. with several farm-steadings upon it. it is Situated in the Northern end of the Parish and is the perperty of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart [Baronet] Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/92 |
[page] 92
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/93 |
[Page] 93
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/94 |
Tappoch |
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse of Duffus
J Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus
Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] of Duffus House |
007.01 |
This name applies to a rising ground situated in the northwestern part of this parish, it is all under cultivation with the exception of a small mound, |
OS1/12/9/1/94 |
007.01 |
a small mound, on which was found a stone coffin containing Human Remains and Bead ornaments A.D. 1859. |
OS1/12/9/1/94 |
007.01 |
And there were also Human Remains found on the western part of the mound in A.D. 1866. Property of Sir W. Gordon Cumming Bart [Baronet] Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres |
OS1/12/9/1/94 |
Easter Backlands of Roseisle
Easter Backlands of Roseisle
Easter Backlands of Roseisle |
Revd Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse of Duffus
J. Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus
R Walker Esqr |
007.01 |
A small farm house with outstanding offices each one storey in height, thatched and in good repair. Porperty of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre. |
OS1/12/9/1/94 |
007.01 |
There was a Stone Coffin containing Human Remains found about twelve chains south west from this farm, A.D. 1861 |
OS1/12/9/1/94 |
[page] 94
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/95 |
Roseisle |
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse
Mr. J. Tinal Teacher
R Walker Esqr Factor |
007.01 |
A Small one storey thatched farm house with outstanding thatched office houses All in Good Repair they are the Property of Sir William Cumming Bruce of Altyre House by Forres |
OS1/12/9/1/95 |
[page] 95
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/96 |
Bank of Roseisle |
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse Duffus
Mr. J Tindal Teacher Parish School Duffus
R Walker Esqr Factor White Row Forres |
007.01 |
Three small thatched farm houses with outstanding thatched office houses all in fair Repair |
OS1/12/9/1/96 |
007.01 |
On the Most Eastern farm a little north of the farmsteading was discovered a Stone Cist in 1861 with a human skeleton in a Sitting position which Crumbled to dust when Exposed to the air |
OS1/12/9/1/96 |
HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE A.D. 1869 [Bank of Roseisle] |
007.01 |
in the same place human Remains was discovered in 1869 they consisted of arm and leg bones with small portions of Rib bones and what was supposed to be part of a human skull They are on the Property of Sir William Cumming Bruce Altyre |
OS1/12/9/1/96 |
[page] 96
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/97 |
Broomhill |
Sir Archibald Dumbar Proprietor
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse
Mr J Tindal Teacher |
007.01 |
A good two storey slated Farm house with outstanding office houses all in good Repair they are the property of Sir Archibald Dumbar Duffis House by Elgin |
OS1/12/9/1/97 |
Mossyards |
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse
Mr J Tindal Teacher
R Walker Esqr Factor White Row Forres |
007.01 |
A small farm house one storey and thatched with one small outstanding thatched office house they are in Midling Repair and is the property of Sir William Cumming Bruce of Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/97 |
Crookies Moss |
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse
Mr. J Tindal Teacher
Sir Archibald Dumbar |
007.01; 007.02 |
A small district of Moss and pasture situated along the southern portion of the Parish It is the Property of Sir Archibald Dumbar and Sir William Cumming Bruce of Altyre |
OS1/12/9/1/97 |
[page] 97
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/98 |
School |
Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse
Mr J Tindal Teacher
Mr Collie Roseisle |
002.13; 007.01 |
This name applies to the Parish School which is a good Slated house with teachers residence attached It is Supported by Heritors Salary Dick bequest Government Grant and School fees average number of Scholars about 70 It is the property of Mr Tindal Tenant and occupant Life Rent proprietor in virtue of office of Parochial Schoolmaster |
OS1/12/9/1/98 |
Kaim of Duffus |
Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse
Mr J Tindal Teacher
Mr Collie Roseisle |
007.01 |
A large Farm house two storeys high and slated with extensive outstanding office houses part of which are thatched and part slated they are in very Good Repair and is the Property of Peter Mortimer Esqr Inveruggie |
OS1/12/9/1/98 |
[page] 98
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/99 |
Episcopal Chapel (Disused)
Episcopal Chapel (Disused)
Episcopal Chapel (Disused) |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch, Manse Burghead
Mr. R. P. Robertson, Schoolmaster Burghead
Mr. Alexander Fraser Burghead (Postmaster) |
007.02 |
This name applies to a building Situated on the County Road from Elgin to Hopeman and a small distance West of the "Manse" it is Seated for 100, is Slated And in bad repair. the property of Sir Archibald Dunbar. Bart [Baronet] of Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/99 |
PARSONAGE (Disused) |
Parsonage (Disused)
Parsonage (Disused)
Parsonage (Disused) |
Rev [Reverend] Mr.. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. Alexander Fraser |
007.02 |
This name applies to building two Storeys high adjoining the above "Episcopal Chapel" (Disused) and was the residence of the officiating Clergyman during the period that Service was regularly held in the Chapel. the building is Slated and in bad repair. the property of Sir Archibald Dunbar Bart [Baronet] of Duffus House. It is now occupied (by permission of Bishop Eden) by two Ladies. |
OS1/12/9/1/99 |
[page] 99
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/100 |
MANSE [parish church] |
Manse |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson
Mr. Alexander Fraser |
007.02 |
This name applies to the Manse of the Established Church of Duffus. Situated on the County Road leading from Elgin to Hopeman about Five Miles distant from Elgin. the building is plain and Commodious, is two Storeys high Slated, and in good repair. the property of the Heritors |
OS1/12/9/1/100 |
Phillexdale |
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. Alexander Fraser
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
007.02 |
This name applies to a small Farmsteading Situated about a ¼ of a Mile to the North East of the "Manse". The dwelling house and outbuildings comprising the Steading are one Storey high part Thatched and part Tiled, in good repair. the property of Sir A Dunbar. Bart [Baronet] of Northfield & Duffus Ho. [House] by Elgin |
OS1/12/9/1/100 |
[page] 100
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/101 |
Rothills |
Sir Archibald Dumbar Proprietor Duffus House
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse Duffus
Mr. J. Tindal Teacher Parish School Duffus |
007.02 |
A small farm house; one story and thatched, with outstanding office houses also one storey and thatched, they are Situated about half way between Elgin and Hopeman along the County Road and is the Property of Sir Archibald Dumbar Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/101 |
Crosslots |
Sir Archibald Dumbar
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse
Mr Tindal Teacher |
007.02 |
A small one storey thatched farm house with suitable outstanding thatched office houses: all of which are in Midling repair and is the Property of Sir Archibald Dumbar Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/101 |
[page] 101
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/102 |
Old Duffus
Old Duffus
Old Duffus
Old Duffus |
Sir Archibald Dumbar Proprietor Duffus House
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse Duffus
Mr J Tindal Teacher Parish School Duffus
New Statistical Account |
007.02 |
A Medium sized farm house one storey high and slated with pretty extension outstanding thatched office houses all of which are in fair repair and is the property of Sir Archibald Dumbar Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/102 |
Wester Unthank |
Sir Archibald Dumbar
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse
Mr J Tindal Teacher |
007.02 |
A Medium Sized farm steading Consisting of dwelling house and outstanding office houses the former of which is two stories and Slated the later one storey and thatched they are the property of Sir Archibald Dumbar Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/102 |
Easter Unthank |
Sir Archibald Dumbar
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander
Mr J Tindal |
007.02 |
A Small farmsteading the dwelling house of which is one storey and slated the office houses are one storey and thatched they are all in good repair And is the property of Sir Archibald Dumbar Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/102 |
[page] 102
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/103 |
Duffus Castle (In Ruins)
Duffus Castle (In Ruins)
Duffus Castle (In Ruins) |
Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander, Manse Duffus
Sir Archibald Dunbar Duffus House
Mr J. Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus |
007.03 |
This Castle Stood on the margin of the Loch of Spynie 4 miles north of Elgin, it was built on an artificial mound and Surrounded by a deep ditch, the walls are still comparatively whole on the south and western Sides, it appears to have been a place of considerable Strength Judging from what now remains of it, the ditch is Still clearly discernable and the walls are standing to a Considerable height, there was a drawbridge upon the ditch its site cannot now be pointed out, It is on the property of Sir A. Dunbar Duffus Ho. [House] by Elgin |
OS1/12/9/1/103 |
Spynie Canal
Spynie Canal
Spynie Canal |
Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander
Mr Young Elgin
Mr J Tindel |
007.07 |
Applied to a Cut drains extending from near Westfield on the west and flowing in an Easterly direction until it enters the River Lossie near to Lossiemouth it forms the southern boundary of this Ph. [Parish]. |
OS1/12/9/1/103 |
[page] 103
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/104 |
Waterymains |
Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] Duffus House
Revd Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse of Duffus
J Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus |
007.03 |
This name applies to a farm steading with suitable outstanding offices, dwelling house two storeys, offices one storey in height, the whole slated and in good repair. Propperty of Sir A Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] of Duffus House. |
OS1/12/9/1/104 |
Mid Mains
Mid Mains
Mid Mains |
Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet]
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander
J. Tindel Schoolmaster |
007.03 |
This name applies to a farmsteading with suitable out officies dwelling house two storeys offices one storey in height. Slated and in good repair. Property of Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] |
OS1/12/9/1/104 |
[page] 104
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus
Easter Waterymains [Entry crossed out] |
OS1/12/9/1/105 |
Easterton |
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander
Mr. J. Tindal
R Walker Esqr Factor White Row Forres |
007.05 |
Three small Farm houses they are Each one storey and thatched with suitable thatched office houses they are in Midling repair and the most Western house is the property of Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail House and the two Eastern houses is the property of Sir William Cumming Bruce Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/105 |
Spindle Muir |
Sir Archibald Dumbar
Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander
Mr. J. Tindal |
007.05; 007.09 |
A small district lying along the southern boundary of the parish it is Composed of fir wood heathy pasture Whins and arable it is the Joint property of Sir William Cumming Bruce Altyre Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail House Sir Archibald Dumbar and Mrs. Monteith of Newton |
OS1/12/9/1/105 |
[page] 105
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/106 |
[Page] 106
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/107 |
Inchkeil |
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse
Mr. J. Tindal Teacher
R. Sclanders Esqr Factor Solicitor Forres |
007.05 |
A small Farm house one Storey high and slated with outstanding thatched office houses all in good repair they are the property of Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail House |
OS1/12/9/1/107 |
Bridgend |
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander
Mr J Tindal
R Walker, Esqr Factor White Row Forres |
007.05 |
A small farm house one storey and thatched with suitable thatched office houses all in Midling repair they are the property of Sir William Cummin Bruce Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/9/1/107 |
Wester Crookies |
Sir Archibald Dumbar Proprietor
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander
Mr J Tindal |
007.05 |
A Small Croft house one storey high and thatched it is situated a little to the East of Bridgeend and is the property of Sir Arthur Dumbar Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/107 |
[page] 107
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/108 |
Spindlemuir |
Sir Archibald Dumbar
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander
Mr J Tindal |
007.05 |
A Small Farm house one storey and thatched with outstanding thatched office houses they are in Midling repair and is the property of Sir Archibald Dumbar Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/108 |
Easter Crookies |
Sir Archibald Dumbar
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander
Mr J Tindal |
007.05 |
A small thatched Croft house with thatched office house they are in Midling repair and is the property of Sir Archibald Dumbar Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/108 |
Spindlemuir Wood |
Sir Archibald Dumbar
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander
Mr J Tindal |
007.01; 007.05 |
A small portion of natural fir wood situated between Easter and Wester Crookies It is the property of Sir Archibald Dumbar Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/108 |
[page] 108
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/109 |
Cottinch |
Sir Archibald Dumbar Propt [Proprietor] Duffus House
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse Duffus
Mr J Tindal Teacher Ph [Parish] School Duffus |
007.06 |
Two small Croft houses with Smithy attached to one of them and Wrights Shop to the other they are the Property of Sir Archibald Dumbar Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/109 |
Waterton |
Sir Archibald Dumbar
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander
Mr J Tindal |
007.06 |
A large farmsteading with Good slated dwelling house and outstanding office houses there is part of the former two stories and part one the whole of the buildings are in very good repair and is the property of Sir Archibald Dunbar Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/109 |
[page] 109
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus
[side note] The proprietors name adopted |
OS1/12/9/1/110 |
Wester Waterymains |
Sir Archibald Dunbar Propt [Proprietor]
Revd. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander
Mr. J. Tindal |
007.06 |
A medium sized farm house with outstanding office houses the former is two stories slated and in midling repair the later one storey slated and in good repair they are the Property of Sir Archibald Dunbar Duffus House |
OS1/12/9/1/110 |
007.06 |
For authorities & Description see Name Book of Spynie Parish |
OS1/12/9/1/110 |
[page] 110
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/111 |
Easter Waterymains
Easter Waterymains
Easter Waterymains |
Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] Duffus House
Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Brander, Manse Duffus
J. Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus |
007.07 |
A farm house with out offices the former two storeys, the latter one storey high, all being slated and in good Repair, property of Sir Archibald Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] Duffus House by Elgin |
OS1/12/9/1/111 |
[page] 111
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/112 |
[Page] 112
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/113 |
Starwood |
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse of Duffus
J. Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus
Register of Voters for the County of Elgin |
007.09 |
This name applies to a very small farm steading with outstandng offices, each one storey in height thatched and in good repair. Property of Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail. House by Forres |
OS1/12/9/1/113 |
Longhillock |
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse of Duffus
J Tindel Schoolmaster Duffus.
Register of Voters for the County of Elgin. |
007.09 |
A small farmhouse with suitable outstanding officees. the former two storeys, slated and the latter one sorey in height and thatched. Property of Major Cumming Bruce Dunphail House. by Forres |
OS1/12/9/1/113 |
[page] 113
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/114 |
[Page] 114
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/115 |
Cemetery |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Garroch Burghead
Mr Robertson Burghead
Mr William Dick Burghead |
001.16 |
This Cemetery is Situated about half a mile to the East of Burghead, it has an area of about 1½ acres and is Surrounded by a Stone Wall. It is the property of the Heritors. |
OS1/12/9/1/115 |
[page] 115
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/116 |
[Page] 116
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/117 |
Tumulus |
Mr Fraser Burghead
Revd [Reverend] Mr Garroch
Mr Dick Burghead |
006.04 |
A small conical mound about 3 feet high by about 10 feet in diameter, it was opened in 1861 when stone coffins were found in it containing Charcoal and what was supposed to be Human Remains. |
OS1/12/9/1/117 |
006.04 |
[The tumulus] was opened in 1861 when stone coffins were found in it containing Charcoal and what was supposed to be Human Remains. |
OS1/12/9/1/117 |
[page] 117
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/118 |
[Page] 118
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/119 |
DUFF STREET [Hopeman] |
Duff Street
Duff Street
Duff Street |
Mr Cooper, Solicitor Elgin Factor
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Garroch
Mr. R. P. Robertson |
002.13 |
This name applies to a Street in the Village of Hopeman, and consists of a Single row of houses at the Northern extremity of the village. the dwellings are all one storey high Slated and in good repair. the property of Gordon Duff Esqr. of Drummure |
OS1/12/9/1/119 |
[page] 119
County of Elgin -- Parish of Duffus |
OS1/12/9/1/120 |
[Page] 120
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/9/1/121 |
CROSS [St Peter's Church] |
Cross |
Sir A. Dunbar Bart. [Baronet] Duffus House
Captain Dunbar Duffus House
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Brander Manse Duffus |
002.14 |
This name applies to an ancient Stone cross situated in the graveyard of St. Peters Church, it is about seven feet six inches in height. was erected A.D. 1120 and is now yeilding to decay. |
OS1/12/9/1/121 |
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Parish of Duffus -- County of Elgin
A. B. Coddington
Lt.R.E. [Lieutenant Royal Engineers]
24th December 1870 |
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of the parish of
1/2500 SCALE
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INDEX to the Parish of Duffus on 1/2500 Scale
Names of Objects -- Page
Arran Wood -- 86
Bank of Roseisle -- 96
Baths -- 15
Bath Street -- 29
Barrel Well -- 15
Begrow -- 69
Bennet Hill -- 74
Backlands -- 56
Blackman -- 21
Braemore Well -- 46
Brander Street -- 28
Bridgend -- 107
Broomhill -- 97
Bruntland -- 83
Burghead -- 11
Burgh Head -- 16
Burghead Bay -- 12
Burnside -- 47
Buthill -- 83
Cabrach Howe -- 33
Cabrach Well -- 33
Caledonian Bank -- 17
Camus's Stone -- 64
Cemetery -- 115
Charlestown -- 78
Cholera Hospital -- 12
Church -- 72
Church (Quoad Sacra) -- 24
Church Street -- 29
Clarkly Hill -- 33
Clark Street -- 50
Clashach Cove -- 43
Clashach Port -- 45
Chashach Quarry -- 45
Clavie -- 31
Coastguard Station -- 20
Collach Hithe -- 38
College of Roseisle -- 75
Cooper Street -- 50
Cowtinch -- 109
Cross on Site of Cross -- 87
Cross -- 121
Crosshill -- 71
Crosslots -- 101
Crookies Moss -- 97
Cummingstown -- 36
Cythie -- 9
Doorie -- 32
Drummuir Street -- 62
Duffus Castle (In Ruins) -- 103
Duffus House -- 67
Duff Street -- 119
Dunbar Street -- 25
Dunbar Street -- 59
Easter Backlands of Roseisle -- 94
Easter Burnside -- 47
Easter Crookies -- 108
Easter Oldtown -- 79
Easterton -- 105
Easter Unthank -- 102
Easter Waterymains -- 111
Episcopal Chapel (Disused) -- 99
Farquhar Street -- 51
Female School -- 78
Forsyth Street -- 52
Forteath Street --
Free Church -- 13
Free Church -- 55
Free Church Manse -- 55
Free Church School -- 40
Gallow Hill -- 63
Gallowhill Cottages -- 66
General Assembly School -- 57
Gipsies Cave -- 43
Gordon Street -- 49
Gordon Square -- 10
Granary Street -- 27
Grant's Hotel -- 62
Grant Street -- 25
Greenbrae Cottage -- 37
Greenbrae Quarry -- 37
Harbour -- 17
Harbour -- 39
Harbour Inn -- 30
Harbour Street -- 52
Highland Railway (Burghead Branch) -- 80
Hopeman -- 53
Hopeman Farm -- 57
Hopeman Lodge -- 46
Hitchanhangye -- 10
Hutchon Street -- 49
Inchkeil -- 107
Infants School -- 34
Inverugie -- 65
Inverugie Castle (Site of) -- 44
Kaim of Duffus -- 98
King Street -- 26 |
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Names of Objects -- Page
Kirkhill -- 88
Life Apparatus Storehouse -- 20
Longhillock -- 113
Macpherson Street -- 41
Mains of Inverugie -- 66
Manse -- 13
Manse -- 23
Manse -- 100
Mason Arms Inn -- 30
Masonhaugh -- 35
Masonhaugh Quarries -- 36
Meadowhillock -- 79
Mid Mains -- 104
Millie Burn -- 85
Moray Firth -- 12
Morayshire Chemical Manure Works -- 4
Mossyards -- 97
New Duffus -- 68
Newtown -- 54
Northfield -- 85
Observatory -- 63
Old Duffus -- 102
Park Cottage -- 7
Parsonage (Disused) -- 99
Phillexdale -- 100
Pickylaw -- 61
Plough Inn -- 30
Post Office -- 3
Post Office -- 41
Post Office -- 68
Remains of Roman Station Ptoroton -- 5
Railway Station -- 4
Roddoch Bow -- 38
Roddoch Wells -- 37
Roman Well -- 19
Roseisle -- 92
Roseisle -- 95
Roseislehaugh -- 76
Rosevalley -- 81
Ruthills -- 101
St. Æthans -- 8
St. Æthans Chapel -- 22
St. Æthans Well -- 35
St. Lawrence's Well -- 72
St. Peter's Church (In Ruins) -- 67
St. Peter's Well -- 71
Sandymoss -- 77
Scarf Craig -- 9
School -- 14
School -- 23
School -- 98
Sellar Street -- 27
Shempston -- 71
Skerrie -- 9
Spindlemuir -- 108
Spindle Muir -- 105
Spindlemuir Wood -- 108
Spynie Canal -- 103
Standing Stone -- 90
Starwood -- 113
Tappoch -- 94
The Links -- 84
Thom Street -- 51
Tumulus -- 117
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church -- 7
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse -- 14
Wards -- 86
Waterton -- 109
Waterton Bridge -- 110
Waterybutts -- 72
Waterymains -- 104
Weddershill -- 54
Wester Bridgend -- 76
Wester Crookies -- 107
Wester Oldtown -- 77
Wester Unthank -- 102
Wester Waterymains -- 110
Williamston -- 61
Young Street -- 28 |