OS1/12/8/1 |
Drainie |
New Statistical Account
Sherriff's List of Parishes
Morayshire Described page 8 dated 1868
Oliver and Boyd's Almanac 1869
Old Statistical Account
Fullarton's Gazeteer of Scotland
Registrar's Returns
Survey of the Province of Moray 1798
Parish Records 1774
Revd [Reverend]Mr Weir Manse, Drainie
Mr Wiseman Inspector of Poor & Registrar, Lossiemouth
Mr Macdonald Schoolmaster, Drainie
Parish Registers
Session Records
Presbytery Records
Presbytery Records 1788
Presbytery Records 1803
Register of Voters 1869-70 |
002; 003; 007; 008 |
The parish of Drainie is in the Presbytery of Elgin, Synod of Moray. It comprehends the ancient and united parishes of Kinneddar and Ogston. Ogston was disjoined from St. Andrews and annexed to Kinneddar in 1642. The church of the united parish was built about 1675, near the mansion house, and on the estate of Drainie, and thereby gave name to the united Parish.
The parish of Drainie is bounded on the north by the Moray Firth, on the east by the parish of Urquhart, on the south by the parishes of St. Andrews Lhanbryd and Spynie; and on the west by the parish of Duffus.
There are no detached portions of the parish of Drainie nor are there any detached portions of any other parish situated within it. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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[Blank page] |
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Covesea Skerries |
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir Manse
Mr McDonald Teacher Drainie
Chart of Coast |
002.07 |
A small rocky Island interspersed with boulders situated a little more than a quarter mile from the nearest Mainland It is quite covered at high tide and is the most western of the skerries which all receive different names and is the property of the Crown. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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[Blank page] |
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Covesea Skerries Lighthouse |
Robert Walker Esqr Factor White Row Forres
Mr McDonald Schoolmaster
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir Manse Drainie |
002.07 |
This light house was erected in 1844 by the Commissioners of Northern lights, and it stands on a high rocky promontory about two miles west of Lossiemouth and commands an Extensive view of the Moray Firth, the column is about one hundred feet high and is capped by a large dome about twenty five feet high, two thirds of which facing the sea is filled by Glass, the most Eastern pannel being red to warn seamen against coming to far in shore. In the Centre of the dome the lamp is placed round which the reflectors revolve the light been seen in its greatest power once every minute the apparatus is octagon and the Entire revolution is performed in Eight Minutes there are two machines in the light room one for driving the apparatus and one for pumping the oil from a cistern up into the lamp
[continued on page 6] |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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[continued from page 5]
the reflectors are Each composed of several circular segments arranged concentrically round a centre disk and are of the finest French Manufacture and transmit the light to a great distance. It is the Property of the Commissioners of Northern Lights |
OS1/12/8/6 |
Covesea Links |
Robert Walker Esqr Factor
Mr McDonald Schoolmaster
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir Manse Drainie |
002.07 |
A district of rough rocky pasture interspersed with whins sand and bent it stretches from Covesea Skerries Light House along the Moray Firth to Covesea it is about a mile long from East to west and half a mile wide from north to south.
It is the Property of Sir W Go[rdon] Cumming Bart [Baronet] of Altyre near Forres. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/7 |
Volunteer's Battery
Volunteers' Battery
Volunteers' Battery |
P. Gatherer Esqr Factor, North Street, Elgin
Rev. [Reverend] Mr Weir Ph. [Parish] Minister
Mr. Wiseman Ph. [Parish] Registrar Lossiemouth |
002.08 |
Applied to an elevated Battery of Artillery upon which three Gun's are mounted and used by the Lossiemouth Artillery volunteers, for practising, and training. It is Government property. |
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[Page] 7
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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LEAD MINE [Branderburgh] |
Lead Mine
Lead Mine
Lead Mine |
P. Gatherer Esqr Factor, North Street Elgin
Rev. [Reverend] Mr Weir Ph. [Parish] Minister
Mr. Wiseman Ph. [Parish] Registrar Lossiemouth |
002.08 |
Applied to a Lead Mine situated a short distance to the North West of the village of Branderburgh. It is not regularly worked but several parties have been prospecting for Lead at different spots, A shaft has been sunk towards its western extremity, the richest ore has been found below High Water Mark and the general average yield of lead is about Twenty per cent. Capt. [Captain] D. Brander Propr. [Proprietor] of Pitgavenie Co. [County] Elgin |
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MITCHELL STREET [Branderburgh] |
Mitchell Street
Mitchell Street
Mitchell Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002.08 |
A small street situated between Commerce Street and Shore Street. the building upon each side are one story high slated and in good repair
It is the property of the Occupiers |
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[Page] 8
County of Elgin -- Parish of Downie |
OS1/12/8/9 |
Halliman Skerries
Halliman Skerries
Halliman Skerries
Halliman Skerries |
Mr. Currie Coastguard Station
Mr Shand Harbour Master
Mr. Main Fisherman, Stotfield
Admiralty Chart bearing date A.D. 1845 |
002.07; 002.08 |
This name applies to a reef of rock situated about one mile to the North West of Stot-
field Hithe, It is about ¾ of a mile from th shore and runs in an Easterly & Westerly direction for a distance of about one half mile, |
OS1/12/8/9 |
BEACON [Halliman Skerries] |
002.08 |
there is a Beacon or land mark erected upon this rock composed of four Iron pillars Cemented into the rock, and forming the outline of a square of about fourteen feet, after which each pillar, is constructed in a sloping position until they meet at a height of about thirty feet from the surface, each side of the square is supplied with steps like a ladder and there is a Cage upon the top for the purpose accommodating Shipwrecked Seamen There is a portion of the rock always visable at High water but very often when the sea is running high the spray breaks over it. There is no Light erected upon this Beacon the Cage merely being painted white. It is the property of the Crown. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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Scarf Craig
Scarf Craig
Scarf Craig
Scarf Craig |
Mr. Shand, Harbour Master Lossiemouth
Mr. Currie, Coastguard Station Lossiemouth
P. Gatherer Esqr Factor North Street Elgin |
002.08 |
A small Craig situated adjacent to Stotfield Hithe and below high water mark. there is a seafowl which is known upon the Moray Firth as the Scarf which frequents this rock hence the origin of the name It is the property of the Crown |
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Ooze Rocks
Ooze Rocks
Ooze Rocks |
Mr. Shand
Mr. Currie
Mr. Main Fisherman Stotfield |
002.08 |
This name is applied to several small detached rocks situated a short distance to north of Stotfield Hithe. they are visable at Ordinary Low water & they have a dark muddy appearance from which it appears the name originated. they are the property of the Crown |
OS1/12/8/10 |
Little Skerries
Little Skerries
Little Skerries
Little Skerries |
Mr. Shand
Mr. Currie
Mr. Main Fisherman Stotfield
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir, Manse, Drainie |
002.08 |
Applied to three rocks visable at low water, and situated a short distance to the northwest of Stotfield Hithe. and they are the property of the Crown. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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Double Mouthed Cave |
Robert Walker Esqr Factor White Row Forres
Mr McDonald Teacher Drainie
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir Manse Drainie |
002.10 |
A large natural arch or Cave with an Entrance on both Eastern and western Ends through which you can pass under a high Headland the arch is forty or fifty feet high in Places and very irregular in formation It is stated that Lady Dumbar discovered some traces resembling the sculptured stones of Scotland on one of its sides of which she made a sketch and sent it to the British Museum. there is nothing of the kind visable at preasent But the rocks along this coast are soft freestone and the traces mentioned would be easily obliterated Proprietor Sir William Gordon Cumming Bart [Baronet] Altyre by Forres |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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Covesea |
Robert Walker Esqr Factor
Mr McDonald Schoolmaster
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir Manse Drainie |
002.10 |
A district of country situated along the shore about mid way between Hopeman and Lossiemouth also a small Village of the same name the the Village is built on a rocky headland and consists of a few one storey thatched houses there is also three or four farm houses included in this district one of which is large two stories and stated with very Good slated office houses the remainder are small one storey and thatched: it is the property of Sir William Gordon Cumming of Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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Gow's Castle
Gow's Castle
Gull's, or Gow's Castle |
Robert Walker Esqr
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr McDonald
New Statistical Account |
002.10 |
This name applies to a portion of detached perpendicular rock about 70 feet high It now stands a little above high water mark but has Evidently been for ages surrounded by the tide as there is an archway worn quite through the Centre of it It now only stands on a small portion at Each End and seems ready to topple over at any time It is the property of Sir William Gordon Cumming Bart [Baronet] of Altyre by Forres. |
OS1/12/8/14 |
Sir Robert's Stables |
Robert Walker Esqr Factor
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir Manse Drainie
Mr McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie |
002.10 |
This name applies to a cave situated about one hundred feet above the high water mark in the Centre of a half Circle of perpendicular cliffs. It has a regular built entrance with a square lookout hole on the Eastern Side and one above the doorway the Cave runs about thirty feet backwards and Gets Narrower and lower as it recedes it is about fourteen feet wide at the entrance by about twelve high and has a rude stone bench Cut out of the solid rock on the western side. Sir Robert Gordon son of Sir Robert the Wizard Concealed his horse in it during the rebellion of 1746 from which cause it is still Called Sir Roberts Stables It is on the Property of Sir William Gordon Cumming of Altyre Ho [House] by Forres |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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Plewland |
Robert Walker Esqr Factor Whiterow Forres
Mr McDonald Schoolmaster
Revd [Reverend] James Weir Manse Drainie |
002.10 |
A large Farm house two stories high and slated with outstanding thatched office houses all of which are old and in bad repair they are the property of Sir William Gordon Cumming Bart [Baronet] of Altyre by Forres |
OS1/12/8/15 |
Easter Plewland |
Robert Walker Esqr
Mr. McDonald
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir |
002.10 |
A very small one storey thatched house formerly a small farm house but now inhabited by farm laborers it is the Property of Sir William Gordon Cumming of Altyre |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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Covesea Hill |
Robert Walker Esqr Factor White Row Forres
Mr McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir Manse Drainie |
002.10 |
A small Cultivated hill in the Centre of the district of Covesea it Commands a very Extensive view both of the Moray firth and surrounding Country it is on the property of Sir William Gordon Cumming Bart. [Baronet] of Altyre by Forres |
OS1/12/8/16 |
Easter Burnside |
Robert Walker Esqr
Mr McDonald
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir |
002.10 |
three small one storey thatched houses occupied by Farm Servants. they are situated Partly in the Parish of Drainie and partly in the Parish of Duffus they are the property of Sir William Gordon Cumming Bart [Baronet] of Altyre |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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Balgreen |
Revd [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse Drainie
J. McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie
R. Walker Esqr. Factor Whiterow By Forres |
002.11 |
This name applies to a small farmsteading with outstanding offices, the latter partly in ruins, each one storey in hight thatched and in bad repair. Property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre Ho [House] by Forres |
OS1/12/8/17 |
Newlands |
Revd [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse Drainie
J McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie
R. Walker Esqr. Factor Whiterow By Forres |
002.11 |
This name is applied to a small farmsteading with outstanding offices, each one storey high, thatched and in middling repair. Property of Sir W. Gordon Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre. |
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Parish of Drainie -- County of Elgin |
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Sweethillock |
Revd [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Weir Manse Drainie
John McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie
R. Walker Esqr. Factor Whiterow By Forres |
002.11 |
A small farmsteading with outstanding offices each one storey high, slated and in good repair. Property of Sir William Gordon Cummings Bart. [Baronet] Altyre Ho [House] by Forres |
OS1/12/8/18 |
North Greens
North Greens
North Greens |
Revd [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse Drainie
J. McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie
R. Walker Esqr. Factor Whiterow By Forres |
002.11 |
This name applies to a small farmsteading with outstanding offices each one storey high, thatched and in good repair. Property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre. |
OS1/12/8/18 |
Easter Covesea
Easter Covesea
Easter Covesea |
Revd [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse Drainie
J. McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie
R. Walker Esqr. Factor Whiterow By Forres |
002.11 |
This name is applied to a farmsteading with out standing offices. dwelling house two storeys high and thatched offices one storey high and slated, the whole in good repair. Property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre. |
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Parish of Drainie -- County of Elgin |
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KINNEDDAR STREET [Lossiemouth] |
Kinneddar Street
Kinneddar Street
Kinneddar Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A Street extending from the Eastern extremity of James Street upon the South until it joins Shore Street upon the North the buildings upon both sides are two stories high, slated and in good repair. It is the property of various proprietors. |
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KING STREET [Lossiemouth] |
King Street
King Street
King Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A Street extending from the end of George Street to the junction with Shore Street. the buildings upon both sides of the Street are chiefly two stories high, slated, and in good repair. and owned by various proprietors |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie
[To the left of correction in King Street description:]
to be corrected |
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QUEEN STREET [Lossiemouth] |
Queen Street
Queen Street
Queen Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
This name applies to a Street extending from Argyle Street to Victoria Street Pitgaveny Street and extending in an Easterly and Westerly direction the buildings erected upon this Street are partly one Story and partly two Stories high, Slated, and in good repair, it is the property of various propr[ietors] |
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SHORE STREET [Lossiemouth] |
Shore Street
Shore Street
Shore Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A Street running parallel to the New Dock and extending from the Northern termination of High Street the buildings which are confined to the south side are chiefly one story high, slated & in good repair, it is the property of various occup[iers] |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie
[To the left of correction in each description:]
To be corrected |
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ARGYLE STREET [Lossiemouth] |
Argyle Street
Argyle Street
Argyle Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002.08 |
A street extending from Dunbar Street upon the South until it meets Shore Street upon the North the greater part of this street is lined with houses upon both sides part of which are two Stories high, and part one Story, the whole are slated, and in good repair. It blongs to various proprietors. |
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JAMES STREET [Lossiemouth] |
James Street
James Street
James Street
James Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman
Charters of Property |
002 |
A small street running in an Easterly and Westerly direction between Kinneddar Street and Argyle Street it is partly built upon both sides and the dwellings are chiefly two stories high slated and in good repair Captain Dunbar Brander & other proprs. [proprietors.] |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie
[To the left of alterations in both descriptions:]
To be corrected |
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JAMES SQUARE [Lossiemouth] |
James Square
James Square
James Square
James Square |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman
Charters of Property |
002 |
This name is applied to a Square situated in
the village of Branderburgh and bounded upon the East by King Street upon the North Queen Street and upon the West by Kinneddar Street it is used as pasture land and it is the property of Capt [Captain] Dunbar Brander of Pitgaveny. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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Entry for Union Street has been deleted. |
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Rock House
Rock House
Rock House
Rock House |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Robert Brander Esqr proprietor and occupier
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir, Manse, Drainie
Mr. Wiseman Parish Registrar Lossiemouth |
002 |
This name is applied to neat Commodious and well built dwelling two Stories high with Suitable out offices the whole are Slated and in good repair.
Robert Brander Esqr Propr. [Proprietor] |
OS1/12/8/23 |
Rock Cottage
Rock Cottage
Rock Cottage
Rock Cottage |
Mr Mustard proprietor
P. Gatherer Esqr.
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr Wiseman |
002 |
A small Cottage two stories high with suitable out offices the whole are slated and in good repair, and it is the property of Mr. Mustard, Occupier. |
OS1/12/8/23 |
Lossiemouth House
Lossiemouth House
Lossiemouth House
Lossiemouth House |
Mr. Badden propr. [proprietor]
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr Wiseman |
002 |
This name applies to a large commodious and well built dwelling three stories high with suitable out offices, the whole are slated and in good repair. It is the property of Mr Badden, Deanery Lossiemouth |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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REFORM PLACE [Lossiemouth] |
Reform Place
Reform Place
Reform Place
Reform Place |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman
Robert Brander Esqr Rock Ho. [House] |
002 |
This name applies to a small block of buildings situated a short distance to the West of Lossiemouth House, the buildings are two stories high, slated, and in good repairs. Heirs of the late Mr. Priest proprietors |
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QUEEN'S LANE [Lossiemouth] |
Queen's Lane
Queen's Lane
Queen's Lane
Queen's Lane |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman
Robert Brander Esqr |
002 |
Applied to a narrow lane situated adjacent to reform place. the buildings are one story high
partly thatched and partly slated the whole are in middling repair. Heirs of the late Mr. Priest proprietors |
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MANSE [U.P. Church, Lossiemouth] |
Manse |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr Wiseman
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. McDonald U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse |
002 |
Applied to the U. P. [United Presbyterian] Manse Situated in the village of Lossiemouth the building is two Stories high, slated and in good repair. It is the property of the Congregation. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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Stotfield |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A small village situated a short distance to the West of the village of Branderburgh. there are a few neat Cottages in the village, the remaining houses are chiefly one story high the chief part of which is thatched and in middling repair, there is neither a post office nor public house in the village, it is principally inhabited by Fishermen, & it is owned by various proprietors. |
OS1/12/8/25 |
Maggie's Craig
Maggie's Craig
Maggie's Craig |
P. Gatherer Esqr.
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A Small Craig Situated adjoining Stotfield Hithe, upon which is erected a Flagstaff or guide post to the fishing boats entering the Hithe, It is altogether covered at high water, and it is the property of the Crown. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/26 |
Stotfield Links
Stotfield Links
Stotfield Links |
P. Gatherer Esqr.
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
This name applies to a portion of uncultivated land extending from the Village of Stotfield until within a short distance of Covesea Skerries Light House, it is about one half mile in breadth and covered with rough pasture and Furze. It is the joint property of Capt. [Captain] Dunbar Brander and Sir W. Cumming, of Altyre |
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Burghwestra Cottage
Burghwestra Cottage
Burghwestra Cottage |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A neat and well built Cottage two stories high, slated and in good repair. It is the property of Mrs. Cameron, Occupier. |
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Skerrycliff Cottage
Skerrycliff Cottage
Skerrycliff Cottage |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A neat Commodious and well built Cottage two stories high, Slated and in good repair. It has small out offices Constructed of wod which are in fair repair, Major Culbard Elgin proprietor. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/27 |
Boiling Well
Boiling Well
Boiling Well |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
Applied to a fresh water Spring Situated in Stotfield Hithe, and about four Chains from the High Water it is visable about half Ebb, and upon removing the seaweed which ferequently chokes it up it boils up very rapidly. It has no mineral properties, & it is the property of the Crown. |
OS1/12/8/27 |
Stotfield Hithe
Stotfield Hithe
Stotfield Hithe |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002.08 |
A Small Hithe or place of Safety for fishing boats, and surrounded to the East North and West by flat rocks with the exception of a narrow passage upon the North side where small fishing boats can enter at low water, there is about 10 feet of water in the Hithe at High water. It is the property of the Crown. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/28 |
Volunteers' Rifle Range
Volunteers' Rifle Range
Volunteers' Rifle Range |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wisman |
002 |
Applied to a Rifle Range situated about one half mile to the west of the village of Stot- field, it is used by the Lossiemouth Artillery volunteers for Rifle practice, it runs in a northern and southern direction and it is five hundred yards in length. Capt [Captain] Dunbar Brander Proprietor |
OS1/12/8/28 |
Smithfield |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A farm house one story high with suitable out offices the whole are thatched and in good repair, Sir W. Cumming Altyre proprietor |
OS1/12/8/28 |
Merrayton |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A small farm house one Story high with suitable out offices thatched and in fair repair, there is no tenant at present residing upon this farm it being joined to that of Coulartbank.
Capt. [Captain] Dunbar Brander pr [proprietor] |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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BAPTIST CHAPEL [Branderburgh] |
Baptist Chapel
Baptist Chapel
Baptist Chapel |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Mr. Wiseman
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir |
002 |
Applied to the Baptist Chapel situated in the village of Branderburgh and at the Western extremity of Shand place. the building is of rectangular form slated and in good repair. It was erected in 1868 and the number of Sittings amount to about 300. It is the property of the Congregation |
OS1/12/8/29 |
PROSPECT TERRACE [Branderburgh] |
Prospect Terrace
Prospect Terrace
Prospect Terrace |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
Applied to a small street situated upon the South side of Denmark Villa the ground upon the south side is unbuilt and laid out in rough pasture that upon the North of the Street being used as ornamental ground, and vegetable garden attached to Denmark Villa. Capt [Captain] Dunbar Brander, Proprietor |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
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Denmark Villa
Denmark Villa
Denmark Villa |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A neat and well built residence two stories high, with Suitable out offices. the whole are slated and in good repair It is the property of Mr. Anderson, & occupied by him |
OS1/12/8/30 |
Brae |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman
Mr. McDonald propr. [proprietor] |
002 |
A Cottage two stories high with small out offices, the whole are slated and in good repair, and it is the property of Mr. McDonald, Caledonian Bank, Elgin. |
OS1/12/8/30 |
Gordon Cottage
Gordon Cottage
Gordon Cottage
Gordon Cottage |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman
Mr. Gordon proprietor |
002 |
This name applies to a small neat and well built Cottage two stories high with out offices. the whole are slated, and in good repair
Mr Gordon propr. [proprietor] & occupier |
OS1/12/8/30 |
[Page] 30
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/31 |
Newton Cottage
Newton Cottage
Newton Cottage |
P.Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman
Mr. Andrew Gow |
002 |
Applied to a neat commodious and well built cottage two stories high with small out offices errected of wood the whole are slated and in good repair Mr. Andrew Gow proprietor |
OS1/12/8/31 |
MANSE [parish church] |
Manse |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
This name applies to the Free Church Manse of the Parish of Drainie. the building is two stories high with small out offices erected of wood the whole are slated and in good repair, and it is the property of the Trustees of the Free Church of Scotland. |
OS1/12/8/31 |
Deanery |
P.Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
M.r Wiseman |
002 |
A neat cottage one story high with suitable out offices the whole are slated and and in good repair and it is the property of
Mr Badden Occupier |
OS1/12/8/31 |
[Page] 31
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie
[Below entry for Manse:]
As the Manse and Church are so contiguous it is superfluous to prefix
Free Church to the Manse. |
OS1/12/8/32 |
FREE CHURCH [Lossiemouth] |
Free Church
Free Church
Free Church |
P.Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
Applied to the Free Church of the parish of
Drainie, the building is of rectangular form
slated and in good repair. it was erected A.D. 1844 and the Sittings Amount to about 650. It is the property of the Trustees of the Free Church of Scotland |
OS1/12/8/32 |
General Assembly School
General Assembly School
General Assembly School |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
This name applies to the General Assembly School of the Established Church of Scotland. the building is two stories high, slated and in good repair, it was erected A.D. 1854. There is a Male and
Female school conducted upon the same premises, with a male teacher for the former and a Female teacher for the latter, together with two pupil teachers of their respective sex, attached to each school, and it is customery for some of the advanced female pupils to attend certain classes under the male teacher, otherwise the schools are sepparate. the dily average attending the male school is 162 and the course of education taught consist of the ordinary branches together with Latin, Greek & Mathematics, the daily average attending the female school is 94 and the education taught comprises the ordinary branches together with industry. Both schools are supported by Government grant & school fees, and it is the property of the Church session. The General Assembly partly built this School and now pay the teachers. |
OS1/12/8/32 |
[Page] 32
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/33 |
GEORGE STREET [Lossiemouth] |
George Street
George Street
George Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A small Street extending from the junction of Prospect Terrace with Lesmundie place to the Southern extremity of King Street, there is no buildings upon this street the ground upon both sides being occupied as ornamental ground & vegetable gardens in Connection with Clifton, Denmark Villa and the Coast Guard Station Capt. [Captain] Dunbar Brander, Proprietor |
OS1/12/8/33 |
LESMURDIE PLACE [Lossiemouth] |
Lesmurdie Place
Lesmurdie Place
Lesmurdie Place |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A Small Street extending from the Junction of George Street with prospect Terrace, until the Junction of Dunbar Street with James place the ground upon both sides is unbuilt and It is the property of Capt. [Captain] Dunbar Brander |
OS1/12/8/33 |
[Page] 33
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/34 |
JAMES PLACE [Lossiemouth] |
James Place
James Place
James Place
James Place |
P. Gatherer Esqr Factor North Street Elgin
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir, Manse, Drainie
Mr. Wiseman Parish Registrar Lossiemouth
Charters of Property |
002 |
A Small Street extending from Dunbar Street until it meets James Street at its junction with Kinneddar Street, This street is partly built upon both sides and the buildings are two Stories high, slated, and in good repair. It is the property of various proprietors |
OS1/12/8/34 |
DUNBAR STREET [Lossiemouth] |
Dunbar Street
Dunbar Street
Dunbar Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A small Street Situated between Argyle Street and the foot of High Street. There is only one House erected upon this street which is two stories high slated and in good repair Capt. [Captain] Dunbar Brander Prop. [Proprietor] |
OS1/12/8/34 |
[Page] 34
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie
[To the left of description of James Place:]
to be corrected
Dunbar St. is not to be written
[Below and beside entry for Dunbar Street:]
? Description
To be written Eastward from Argyle Street |
OS1/12/8/35 |
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. McDonald U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse
P.Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
Applied to the United Presbyterian Church situated in the village of Lossiemouth, the building is of rectangular form Slated and in good repair. It was erected in 1840, and the number of Sittings amount to 400 & It is the property of the Congregation |
OS1/12/8/35 |
Lesmurdie Cottage
Lesmurdie Cottage
Lesmurdie Cottage |
P. Gatherer Esqr. Factor
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A neat commodious and well built Cottage used as Marine residence two Stories high, slated, and in good repair. It is the property of Capt. [Captain] Stewart Lesmurdie. |
OS1/12/8/35 |
Clifton |
Capt. [Captain] Jack proprietor
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A neat and well built dwelling, two stories high, with suitable out offices, the whole are Slated and in good repair. Capt. [Captain] Jack Proprietor |
OS1/12/8/35 |
[Page] 35
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/36 |
Coastguard Station
Coastguard Station
Coastguard Station |
P.Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
Applied to the Coastguard Station at Lossiemouth, the building is three Stories high, Slated, and in good repair the upper Story being used by the men when on duty as a look out place, there is a Signal pole erected adjacent to the Station upon which the Drum is hoisted on receipt of intelligence that a Storm is approaching. There is a Warrant Officer and four men Stationed at Lossiemouth. who along with their other duties take charge of the life apparatus and work it when required.
It is the property of John Brander Esqr Tahitie, South Seas |
OS1/12/8/36 |
[Page] 36
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/37 |
Park Cottage
Park Cottage
Park Cottage |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
This name is applied to neat cottage situated in King Street the building is one story high slated and in good repair Mr. Green, Occupier, proprietor |
OS1/12/8/37 |
COMMERCE STREET [Lossiemouth] |
Commerce Street
Commerce Street
Commerce Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A Street running in an Easterly and Westerly direction and extending from the Rope Work to Pitgavney Street, the houses upon both sides of this street are chiefly two Stories high Slated and in good repair. It is the property of various Occupiers Capt. [Captain] Dunbar Brander Feuer |
OS1/12/8/37 |
[Page] 37
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/37 |
Rope Work should be Rope Walk in Commerce Street description.
Entry for Victoria Street has been crossed out. |
OS1/12/8/38 |
Manse |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
Applied to the parish manse of Drainie, Situated adjacent to Kinneddar Grave Yard. the building is two stories high Slated and in good repair. It is the property of the Heritors |
OS1/12/8/38 |
Coulartbank |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A large farm house Situated about one half mile to the West of the village of Lossiemouth, the dwelling house is two Stories high, Slated, and in good repair. and the out offices are large well built, Slated, and in good repair. Altogether a large and well built farmsteading. Capt. [Captain] D. Brander Pitgaveny proprietor |
OS1/12/8/38 |
GRAVE YARD [Kinneddar Church] |
Graveyard |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
This is applied to the Graveyard attached to the old Church of Kinneddar it is still used as a burying place and It is the property of the Heritors |
OS1/12/8/38 |
[Page] 38
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie
[Below entry for Graveyard:]
As the name of the ancient parish of Kinneddar is prefixed to the Church of that parish
it is considered unnecssary to prefix the ancient parish to the name Grave Yard |
OS1/12/8/39 |
CROSS [Kinneddar] |
Cross |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
This name applies to the old Cross of Kinneddar, which Stands a short distance to the South West of the Site of Kinneddar Church, the Cross is composed of one piece of Free Stone resting upon a small Buttress of masonry, and the figure of a cross cut upon the top of the Stone. It Stands about Seven feet high and is in a good State of preservation. It is supposed to have been erected about the Same time as the Church. It is the property of the Heritors |
OS1/12/8/39 |
Kinnedder Church
Kineder Church
Kinedur Church
Kineadur Church
(Site of) Kinneddar Church
(Site of) Kinneddar Church
(Site of) Kinneddar Church
(Site of) Kinneddar Church
Cean na Dur (Gaelic) |
New Statistical Account
The Revd. [Reverend] Lachlan Shaw's Survey of Morayshire dated 1798
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir Ph. [Parish] Minister
Mr. Wiseman
Old Statistical Account
Shaw's Survey of Morayshire |
002 |
This name is applied to the Old Church of Kinneddar Situated about the Centre of the Graveyard known as Kinneddar Graveyard, there is no remains Standing but the Tomb of Some of the late Ministers of Drainie marks about the Spot where the Church stood. Nothing appears to be known about the date of its erection but according to the "Rev. [Reverend] L. Shaw's Province of Moray, it was in existence in or about the year1280 when Bishop Archibald erected the Bishop's palace at Kinneddar. It was disused about the year 1666 when the Church was removed to Drainie" the lattaer being more central for the parishioners. It is the property of the Heritors. The dedicatory name is unknown. |
OS1/12/8/39 |
[Page] 39
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/40 |
BISHOP'S PALACE (Ruin [Kinneddar] |
Bishop's Palace
Bishop's Palace
Bishop's Palace |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
This name applies to the only remaining portion of the Bishop's Palace at Kinneddar, which is a small piece of masonry standing about 10 feet high 10 feet long and 8 feet thick. all other traces of this once Stately building having disappeared. It was erected about the year 1280, and there is a probability that it was disused about the year 1406 when it is supposed the palace of Spynie was erected, the Bishop having removed to the latter place. Nothing appears to be Known about the "Draw Bri[dge] and other remains" found near the pal[ace] which are mentioned in the "Statistical Account " neither can any traces be shewn with the exception of the Small portion of wall mentioned ab[ove] the ground adjacent being cultivated Capt. [Captain] Dunbar Brander propr. [proprietor] |
OS1/12/8/40 |
[Page] 40
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/41 |
FREE CHURCH SCHOOL [Lossiemouth] |
Free Church School
Free Church School
Free Church School |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
This name applies to the Free Church School of the village of Lossiemouth the building is two stories high slated and in good repair. The daily average attendance is one hundred and nineteen and the course of education taught consists of the ordinary branches together with Latin & Mathematics and it is supported by Government grant and School Fees. It is the property of the Trustees of the Free Church of Scotland. |
OS1/12/8/41 |
Woodsid Cottage
Woodsid Cottage
Woodsid Cottage |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
This name applies to a small Cottage situated in the Southern extremity of the village of Lossiemouth, the building is two Stories high, Slated, and in good repair, and it is the property of Mr. James Sinclair, Lossiemouth. |
OS1/12/8/41 |
[Page] 41
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/41 |
Woodsid Cottage is an obvious error |
OS1/12/8/42 |
CHURCH [Chapel of Ease, Lossiemouth] |
Church (Chapel of Ease)
Church (Chapel of Ease)
Church (Chapel of Ease) |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
Applied to a chapel of Ease situated at the west end of the village of Lossiemouth and connected with the Established Church of the parish of Drainie. the Rev [Reverend] Mr. Weir Manse Drainie, attends to the Spiritual wants of the Congregation and preaches every Sunday in the Afternoon in this Church, the building is of rectangular form ornamented with a Spire upon the West end. it was erected in 1840 and the Sittings amount to three Hundred
It is the property of the Heritors |
OS1/12/8/42 |
Lossiemouth Quarries
Lossiemouth Quarries
Lossiemouth Quarries |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
003.09 |
Applied to a ridge of rock situated upon the North side of the village of Lossiemouth there are several places where Stones are quarried out, and constantly worked, and all the inhabitants of Lossiemouth has the privilage of taking what stones they require.
Town of Elgin proprietors |
OS1/12/8/42 |
[Page] 42
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/43 |
CROSS [Lossiemouth] |
Cross |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Weir Manse Drainie
Mr Wiseman Inspector of Poor Lossiemouth
Mr Gruer Lossiemouth |
002 |
Applied to an ancient Cross Situated in the village of Lossiemouth, it rises to a height of about 7 feet, in the form of a pillar, the pedestal upon which it stands is about 3 or 4 feet in diameter. |
OS1/12/8/43 |
[Page] 43
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/44 |
[Page] 44
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/8/45 |
Lossiemouth |
002 |
This name is applied to the village of Lossiemouth Situated in the North East Corner of the Parish of Drainie and at the confluence of the River Lossie with the Moray Firth, hence the origin of the name, the buildings are chiefly one Story high partly thatched, and partly Slated, all of which are in fair repair, there is no names given to the Streets in this village, with the exception of Queen's Lane and the buildings at the North West corner of Queen's Lane which gets the name of Reform place, there are a few neat dwellings in this village having names, viz Rock House, Rock Cottage Woodside Cottage, together with the U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church, U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse, Free Church School, Post Office, and a Chapel of ease connected whith the Established Church of the Parish of Drainie, include the principal names. At the Eastern extremity of the village of Lossiemouth there is a small village or Fishertown known as Seatown and Separated from the former by the Spynie Canal, there is also a Cholera Hospital situated to the East of Seatown, Lossiemouth together with that of Branderburgh was made a Burgh in 1863 under the Police Act with nine Commissioners elected by both villages, one of which was Chief Commissioner, but for reasons unexplained the three Commissioners retireing by rotation were not elected for the year 1870, neither Substitutes for them, consequently there are only six in existence at present. but although the Commissioners are incomplete the Boad [Board] of Supervision holds the remaining Six responsible for the Sanitary Condition of the villages. There is a good Harbour for Shipping in connection with Lossiemouth and Branderburgh, and although known as Lossiemouth Harbour, it is situated upon the Branderburgh side of the boundary which divides these vilages, the old Harbour of Lossimouth being now disused and out of repair The whole of the village of Lossiemouth is Feued to various proprietors, the Town of Elgin being Feuars or Superiors. |
OS1/12/8/45 |
[Page] 45
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/46 |
Branderburgh |
002.08; 003.05; 003.09 |
Applied to the village of Branderburgh Situated adjacent to the village of Lossiemouth and at the Confluence of the River Lossie with the Moray Firth. It is a thriving village comprising several well laid-out streets. together with a number of neat and well built Cottages or marine residences. the following being the principal buildings viz. Free Church, Free hurch Manse, General Assembly School, Baptist Chapel, three Hotels, two Inns, Houses for Storing the Royal National Life Boat, & Life Apparatus, a Branch of the Bank of Scotland, Coastguard Station, and Terminus of the Morayshire Railway,. The village together with that of Branderburgh is a Burgh under the provissions of the police act, electing Nine Commissioners. Six only being in existence at present. (See description of Lossiemouth) there is a good harbour for Shipping here and although known as Lossiemouth Harbour it is situated in the village of Branderburgh, there are three Basins in connection with the Harbour and they are protected by a Strong and well built Breakwater. The buildings in Branderburgh are generally the property of the occupants.
Captain Dunbar Brander being Feuer or Superior |
OS1/12/8/46 |
[Page] 46
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/46 |
In middle of description, it should read: 'The village together with that of Lossiemouth is a Burgh....' |
OS1/12/8/47 |
Ivy Cottage
Ivy Cottage
Ivy Cottage |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
This name applies to a neat built Cottage one story high with small out offices. the whole are slated, and in good repair. and it is the property of Mr. Reid Custom House Officer Invergordon |
OS1/12/8/47 |
Laverockbank |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002 |
A neat Commodious and well built dwlling or Marine residence two stories high, with suitable out offices, the whole are Slated, and in good repair, and it is the property of Mr. Stables Cawdor Castle. Co [County] Nairn |
OS1/12/8/47 |
Coulart Hill
Coulart Hill
Coulart Hill
Coulart Hill
Coulard Hill
Coulard Hill |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman
Old Statistical Account
New Statistical Account
Revd. [Reverend] Lachlan Shaw's Survey of Morayshire |
002 |
A hill situated a short distance to the West of the village of Branderburgh, it is chiefly cultivated only a small portion being under pasture. It is the property of Capt [Captain] Dunbar Brander of Pitgaveny. |
OS1/12/8/47 |
[Page] 47
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/48 |
Royal National Lifeboat Institution Boathouse
Royal National Lifeboat Institution Boathouse
Royal National Lifeboat Institution Boathouse |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Mr. Wiseman
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir |
003.05 |
This name applies to a Store used for the purpose of Keeping the National LifeBoat, Stationed at Lossiemouth. the building is of rectangular form Slated and in good repair. The Boat is manned by a Crew of Twelve men chosen from amongst the Fishermen of Lossiemouth & Branderburgh who volunteer for the duty when their Services are required, the boat is maintained by voluntary Subscriptions P. Gatherer Esqr North Street Elgin being Honarary Secretary. and it is the property of the Royal Nat. [National] Lifeboat Institution |
OS1/12/8/48 |
BAKER STREET [Branderburgh] |
Baker Street
Baker Street
Baker Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
003.05; 003.09 |
A small street situated between Commerce Street and Queen Street the buildings are partly one and partly two stories high. and it is the property of various proprietors |
OS1/12/8/48 |
[Page] 48
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/49 |
Gordonstown |
R. Walker Esqr Factor Whiterow by Forres
Revd [Reverend] Mr Weir Manse, Drainie
Mr Young Solicitor, Elgin |
002.14 |
Applied to a mansion Situated about 5 miles North West from Elgin, it is a plain, square block of buildings four Storeys in height slated and in good repair, there is ornamental ground attached. Property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre, by Forres |
OS1/12/8/49 |
[Page] 49
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/50 |
CHURCH (In Ruins) |
Church (In Ruins)
Church (In Ruins)
Church (In Ruins)
Church (In Ruins) |
Revd. [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse, Drainie
J. McDonald, Schoolmaster, Drainie
R. Walker Esq. Factor, Whiterow, by Forres
New Statistical Account. |
002.15 |
This name is applied to the Ruins of the first parish church of Drainie which was erected about the year 1675 after the Ancient parishes of Kinneddar and Ogston were united in 1642 and called the parish of Drainie. The walls of this church are still entire but allowed to fall into decay. The Mausoleum for the Gordonstown family was built on the Site of St. Michael's Church which was the church of the Ancient parish of Ogston. |
OS1/12/8/50 |
[Page] 50
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/51 |
SCHOOL [Lossiemouth] |
School |
Revd. [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse Drainie
J. McDonald Schoolmastrer Drainie
R. Walker Esqr. Factor Whiterow By Forres |
002.15 |
This name applies to the parish School of Drainie. It is a substantial building two storeys in hight slated and in good repair Elementary branches of education taught here, average attendance of scholars thirty. Property of the Heritors. |
OS1/12/8/51 |
Little Drainie
Little Drainie
Little Drainie |
Revd [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse Drainie
J. McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie
R. Walker Esqr. Factor Whiterow by Forres |
002.15 |
This name applies to a small farm steading with outstanding offices, dwelling house two storeys slated, offices one storey high partly thatched and partly slated. Property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre. |
OS1/12/8/51 |
Janefield |
Revd. [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse Drainie
J. McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie
R. Walker Esqr. Factor Whiterow By Forres |
002.15 |
This name applies to a Crofters house with offices attached the latter in ruins, each one storey high, thatched and in bad repair. Property of Sir W.G Cumming Bart. Altyre Ho [House] by Forres |
OS1/12/8/51 |
[Page] 51
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/52 |
Windmill Cottage
Windmill Cottage
Windmill Cottage |
R Walker Esqr Whiterow by Forres
Mr McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie
Revd [Reverend] Dr [Doctor] Weir Drainie |
002.14; 002.15 |
A handsomely situated Cottage, occupied by the GameKeepers employed on the Gordonstown estate. it is one storey high slated and in good repair. property of Sir W.G.Cumming Bart [Baronet] Altyre. House
by Forres |
OS1/12/8/52 |
[Page] 52
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/53 |
Church |
Revd. [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse Drainie
J. McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie
R. Walker Esqr Factor Whiterow By Forres. |
002.15 |
This name applies to the parish Church of Drainie The building is of a rectangular form slated and in good repair, was erected A.D. 1823, seated for four hundred. Property of the Heritors. |
OS1/12/8/53 |
MAUSOLEUM on site of St Michael's Church [Gordonstown] |
Mausoleum on Site of St. Michael's Church
Mausoleum on Site of St. Michael's Church
Mausoleum on Site of St. Michael's Church |
Red. [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse Drainie
J. McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie
R. Walker Esq. Factor Whiterow By Forres |
002.15 |
This name applies to a church situated on a rising ground covered with tress, about half-a-mile East of the Mansion house of Gordonstown, the building is of a Gothic character, slated, and is now falling very much into decay, was erected as a Mausoleum for the Altyre and Gordonstown family A.D. 1705. Property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart [Baronet] Altyre. Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/8/53 |
Silverhills |
Revd. [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse Drainie
J. McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie
R. Walker Esqr Factor Whiterow By Forres |
002.15 |
This name applies to a small farm steading with outstanding offices each one storey high Slated and in good repair. Property of Sir W.G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre |
OS1/12/8/53 |
[Page] 53
Parish of Drainie -- County of Elgin
[Below entry for Mausoleum on Site of St. Michael's Church:]
This name was referred to the examiners, who now states that, Michael Church (as originally written)
was built on the Site of the Original Church of the Ancient parish of Ogston which church it is believed
was dedicated to St. Michael. The Mausoleum was built entirely new in 1705 on the Site of the Original
Church for the interment of the Gordonstown family and no Church Service has been performed in it,
except the burial service since the Mausoleum was built. The Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Weir the parish Minister approves
of the present mode (as suggested) of writing the name but would prefer to substitute the word Kirk for Church
but Kirk is not written on the plans. |
OS1/12/8/54 |
CROSS [St Michael's Church Grave Yard] |
Cross |
Revd. [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse Drainie
J Mc Donald Schoolmaster Drainie
R. Walker Esqr. Factor Whiterow By Forres |
002.15 |
This name is applied to a Cross which is situated in the Graveyard of St Michaels Church. It is about seven feet in hight and now falling very much to decay. |
OS1/12/8/54 |
Emilyfolds |
Revd. [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Wier Manse Drainie
J Mc Donald Schoolmaster Drainie
R. Walker Esqr. Factor Whiterow By Forres |
002.15 |
This name applies to a small farm house with outstanding offices each one storey high thatched and in good repair. Property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre |
OS1/12/8/54 |
[Pag]e 54
Parish of Drainie -- County of Elgin |
OS1/12/8/54 |
Entry for Ogston Church crossed out, with note 'See page 50' |
OS1/12/8/55 |
Muirton |
R. Walker Esqr. Factor Whiterow By Forres
Mr Macdonald Schoolmaster Drainie
Revd [Reverend] Dr [Doctor] Weir Manse Drainie |
002.16 |
A large farmsteading with Suitable dwelling house and vegetable garden attached, from one to two storeys high Slated and in good repair, property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/8/55 |
[Page] 55
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/56 |
Balormie |
Mr McDonald Parish School-master
__ Walker Esqr. Factor
Revd [Reverend] Dr [Doctor] Weir Manse Drainie |
002.16 |
This name applies to a large farm Steading. the offices and outhouses of which are 1 Storey high Slated and in good repair
the Dwelling house is 2 Storeys Slated and in excellent repair The property of Sir William G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/8/56 |
Overalehouse |
Mr. McDonald
__ Walker Esqr. Factor
J. Gatherer Esqr. Factor Elgin |
002.16 |
This name applies to a Small Farm Steading the offices &c of which are 1 Storey high, Thatched the Dwelling House is one Storey, Thatched, the whole in Middling repair. The Property of Captn. [Captain] Dunbar of Pitgavenie. |
OS1/12/8/56 |
Cean-na- dur (Gaelic) |
Mr. McDonald
J. Gatherer Esqr. Factor
Revd [Reverend Dr [Doctor] Weir
Old Statistical Account
New Statistical Account
The Revd. [Reverend] Lachlan Shaw's Survey of Morayshire dated 1798. |
002.16 |
A large Farm Steading with Steam Thrashing Mill. the offices &c are 1 Storey, Slated the Dwelling House is two Storeys Slated, the whole in good repair The Property of Captn. [Captain] Dunbar of Pitgavenie |
OS1/12/8/56 |
[Page] 56
Parish of Drainie Sheet 2 plan 16. -- Co. [County] Elgin |
OS1/12/8/57 |
Greens |
Mr. McDonald, Schoolmaster
Walker Esqr. Factor
Revd [Reverend] Dr [Doctor] Weir Manse, Drainie |
002.16 |
This name applies to a Small Farm Steading, the offices &c are one Storey Thatched, the Dwelling House one storey Thatched the whole in good repair the Property of Sir William G. Cumming Bart [Baronet] Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/8/57 |
Wester Greens
Wester Greens
Wester Greens |
Mr. McDonald
J. Gatherer Esqr. Factor
Revd [Reverend] Dr [Doctor] Weir |
002.16 |
This name applies to a Small Farm Steading the Dwelling House Offices and outhouses are all one storey high Thatched and in good repair. The Property of Captn. [Captain] James Dunbar
of Pitgavenie |
OS1/12/8/57 |
Drainie Wood
Drainie Wood
Drainie Wood |
Mr. McDonald
J.Gatherer Esqr. Elgin
Revd [Reverend] Dr [Doctor] Weir |
002.16 |
This name applies to a Fir Wood running East and West and situated about the Centre of the Parish of Drainie it is about a mile long and a ¼ of a mile wide the Property of Sir William G. Cumming. Bart. [Baronet] Altyre House |
OS1/12/8/57 |
[Page] 57
Parish of Drainie Sheet 2 plan 16 -- Co. [County] Elgin |
OS1/12/8/58 |
Sunbank |
Mr. McDonald Schoolmaster
J. Gatherer Esqr. Factor Elgin
Revd [Reverend] Dr [Doctor] Weir Manse, Drainie |
002.16 |
This name applies to a large Farm Steading situated a few Chains to the West of the Road from Elgin to Lossiemouth and about 1½ miles from the latter place, the offices and outbuildings are partly Slated and partly Thatched and are one Storey high. the dwelling house is two storeys high Slated and the whole are in good repair. The Property of Captn. [Captain] Dunbar, of Brander & Pitgavenie |
OS1/12/8/58 |
Paddockdale |
J.Gatherer Esqr.
Mr. McDonald
Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Weir |
002.16 |
A small Crofters house near the 4th Mile Stone from Elgin on the Lossiemouth Road. 1 Storey high Thatched and in good repair. The Property of Captn. [Captain] Dunbar Pitgavenie |
OS1/12/8/58 |
Muirtoncroft |
Mr. McDonald
Walker Esqr. Factor
Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Weir |
002.16 |
A small Crofters house with outhouses attached also a Smithy adjoining on the West End. 1 storey high Thatched and in good repair the Property Sir William G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre. |
OS1/12/8/58 |
[Page] 58
Parish of Drainie Sheet 2 plan 16 -- Co. [County] Elgin |
OS1/12/8/59 |
Lossiemouth Harbour
Lossiemouth Harbour
Lossiemouth Harbour |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002.08; 003.05 |
This name applies to the Harbour of Lossiemouth, which is divided into three Basins, viz. the Inner Basin, the Outer Basin and the New Basin, each of these Basins is
excavated out of the Solid rock. The Harbour is protected upon the North and East by a Strong built Breakwater, Consisting of Dry Masonry, which stands about 10 feet above High water mark. The entrance at the harbour is very narrow and difficult of access, but when once entered vessels can remain with perfect safety, and at ordinary tides vessels drawing sixteen feet of water can enter quite easily.
It is the property of the Elgin and Lossiemouth Harbour Commissioners. |
OS1/12/8/59 |
[Page] 59
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/60 |
HARBOUR HOTEL [Lossiemouth] |
Harbour Hotel
Harbour Hotel
Harbour Hotel |
P. Gatherer Esqr Factor North Street Elgin
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir, Manse Drainie
Mr. Wiseman, Parish Registrar Lossiemouth |
003.05 |
A Hotel two stories high slated and in good repair,situated in Pigaveny Street and Licenced for the sale of home and Foreign Spirits. It is the property
of Mrs.Sim Occupier |
OS1/12/8/60 |
BRANDER ARMS INN [Lossiemouth] |
Brander Arms Inn
Brander Arms Inn
Brander Arms Inn |
P. Gatherer Esqr.
Rev [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
003.05 |
This name applies to an Inn two stories high slated and in good repair, & situated a short distance to the West of the Northern extremity of Pitgaveny Street. It is licenced for the sale of excisable liquors, and it is the property of the Elgin and Lossiemouth Harbour Commissioners |
OS1/12/8/60 |
STAR INN [Lossiemouth] |
Star Inn
Star Inn
Star Inn |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
003.05 |
A small Inn situated at the junction of Commerce Street with King Street the building is two stories high slated and in good repair Mr. Mortinor Easter Covesea, propr. [proprietor] |
OS1/12/8/60 |
[Page] 60
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/61 |
Lossiemouth Station
Lossiemouth Station
Lossiemouth Station |
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
P. Gatherer Esqr
Mr. Wiseman |
003.09 |
This name is applied to the Railway Terminus of the Morayshire Railway (Lossiemouth Branch) the building is one storey high slated and in good repair. There is a Tramway projecting from the Station along both sides of the minor Basin of the Lossiemouth Harbour for the purpose of Conveying goods and minerals to and from the vessels.
It is the property of the Morayshire Railway Company. |
OS1/12/8/61 |
Cliff Cottage
Cliff Cottage
Cliff Cottage |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman Parish Registrar Lossiemouth |
003.09 |
A neat commodious and well built Cottage two stories high slated and in good repair it stands upon the edge of a perpendicular cliff on Rock about fifty feet above the the road and commanding a fine view of the Moray Firth. It is the property of Mr. W. J. Cooper, Occupier |
OS1/12/8/61 |
[Page] 61
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/62 |
Bank of Scotland and Stamp Office
Bank of Scotland and Stamp Office
Bank of Scotland and Stamp Office |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
003.09 |
This name applies to a Branch of the Bank of Scotland situated in Pitgaveny Street the building is two stories high slated and in good repair Together with being a branch of the Bank of Scotland it is a Stamp office
It is the property of Mrs. McDonald, Occupier |
OS1/12/8/62 |
Railway & Steamboat Hotel
Railway & Steamboat Hotel
Railway & Steamboat Hotel |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman
Mr. Anderson Occupier |
003.09 |
Applied to a Hotel licensed for the sale of home and Foreign Spirits the building is two stories high slated and in good repair.
Mr. Anderson Proprietor & Occupier |
OS1/12/8/62 |
HILL STREET [Lossiemouth] |
Hill Street
Hill Street
Hill Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
003.09 |
A small streey situated between high street and pitgaveney street. It is the property of various proprietors Capt. [Captain] Dunbar Brander being the Superior or Feuer |
OS1/12/8/62 |
[Page] 62
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/63 |
CHOLERA HOSPITAL [Lossiemouth] |
Cholera Hospital
Cholera Hospital
Cholera Hospital |
P. Gatherer Esqr. Solicitor North Street Elgin
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir. Parish Minister, Drainie
Mr. Wiseman. Parish Registrar Lossiemouth |
003.09 |
This name is applied to a wooden erection one Story high, situated about one fourth mile to the East of the village of Lossiemouth. It was erected in 1865 by the Parochal board of Drainie, but it never
had occasion to be used. It is the property of the Parochial board of Drainie. |
OS1/12/8/63 |
Seatown |
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
P. Gatherer Esqr
Mr. Wiseman |
003.09 |
Applied to a small village or detached portion of the village of Lossiemouth,and separated from the latter by the Stream known as Spynie Canal. it is properly speaking the residence of the people employed at the White fishing, it is included in the United Borough of Lossiemouth and Branderburgh, under the Police Act. the dwellings are one story high partly slated and partly thatched, and it it is the property of various propprietors. The Town Commissioners of Elgin being Superiors or Feuers. |
OS1/12/8/63 |
[Page] 63
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/64 |
Site of St. Gerardine's Cave
Site of St. Gerardine's Cave
Site of St. Gerardine's Cave |
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman
P. Gatherer Esqr. |
003.09 |
Applied to the site of a cave situated upon the boundary which divides the village of Lossiemouth from that of Branderburgh. It is said to have been "destroyed by a drunken Sailor several years since." (See Statistical Account) and nothing now remains to mark the Spot as the rock where it stood is quarried away several feet from where it stood It is the property of the town of Elgin. |
OS1/12/8/64 |
[Page] 64
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/64 |
Entry for Woodside Cottage has been scored out, with note 'See name sheets of 2.12.' |
OS1/12/8/65 |
St Gerardine's Well
St Gerardine's Well
St Gerardine's Well |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
P. Gatherer Esqr
Mr. Wiseman |
003.09 |
Applied to the Site of a Well situated adjacent to St Gerardine's Cave nothing remains to mark the spot where this well stood but the inhabitants believe that it is the same water supplies the well presently situated a short distance West of the Life Apparatus House It is the property of the Commissioners of the town of Elgin |
OS1/12/8/65 |
Life Apparatus Storehouse
Life Apparatus Storehouse
Life Apparatus Storehouse |
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
P. Gatherer Esqr
Mr. Wiseman |
003.09 |
This name apples to a small rectangular building one Story high situated adjacent to the post office. the building is used as a Storehouse for the Life Apparatus. Supplied by the Board of Trade for the purpose of rescueing distressed Seamen and worked by the Coastguard's Stationed at Lossiemouth It is the property of the Board of Trade. |
OS1/12/8/65 |
[Page] 65
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/66 |
POST OFFICE [Lossiemouth] |
Post Office
Post Office
Post Office |
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
P. Gatherer Esqr
Mr. Wiseman |
003.09 |
This name is applied to the post office at Lossiemouth there are three arrivals and three despatches daily the former at 9.40 A.M. 11.45 A.M. & 4.10 P.M. and the latter at 8.40 A.M. 12.45 P.M. & 4.15 P.M. It is the money order office and Post Office Savings Bank The postal Telegraph
Wires are not into the office as yet. It is the property of Mr. Dunbar Lossiemouth |
OS1/12/8/66 |
STATION HOTEL [Lossiemouth] |
Station Hotel
Station Hotel
Station Hotel |
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
P. Gatherer Esqr
Mr. Wiseman |
003.09 |
Applied to a neat commodious and well
built Hotel three stories high slated and in
good repair, situated adjacent to the Railway Station and considered to furnish the best accommodation to travellers of any Hotel in Lossiemouth
It is the property of the Morayshire Railway Company |
OS1/12/8/66 |
[Page] 66
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/67 |
Victoria Cottage
Victoria Cottage
Victoria Cottage
Victoria Cottage |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. McConachie Proprit. [Proprietor]
Mr. Wiseman |
003.09 |
A neat and well built Cottage two stories high slated and in good repair situated between the Southern extremity of High Street and Prospect Terace. It is the property of
Mr. McConachie Occupier |
OS1/12/8/67 |
Boggsie Cottage
Boggsie Cottage
Boggsie Cottage |
P. Gatherer Esqr. Factor North Street Elgin
Rev. [Reverend] J. Weir Manse Drainie
Mr. Wiseman Parish Registrar Lossiemouth |
003.09 |
A small Cottage situated in High Street the building is two stories high, slated, and and in good repair. It is the property of Mrs Brander Occupier |
OS1/12/8/67 |
SHAND PLACE [Lossiemouth] |
Shand Place
Shand Place
Shand Place
Shand Place |
P. Gatherer Esqr Factor
Mr. Shand, Proprietor
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
003.09 |
This name applies to a small street running in an Easterly and Westerly direction and extending from King St. Street on the West to the southern extremity of High Street on the East, the buildings are two stories slated and in good repair, the Baptist Chapel is situated in this street Mr. Shand proprietor and partly occupier |
OS1/12/8/67 |
[Page] 67
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie
[Below entry for Boggsie Cottage:]
Referred but stated to be correct |
OS1/12/8/68 |
PITGAVENY STREET [Lossiemouth] |
Pitgaveny Street
Pitgaveny Street
Pitgaveny Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
003.05; 003.09 |
This name applies to a street extending from its junction with Hill Street and running parallel to the inner Basin of the harbour and terrminating a short distance to the East of Branderburgh Arms Inn, the buildings are chiefly two stories high, slated, and in good repair. there are two Hotels in the Street together with a Branch of the Bank of Scotland in which is included the Stamp Office.
It is the property of several occupiers |
OS1/12/8/68 |
HIGH STREET [Lossiemouth] |
High Street
High Street
High Street |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
003.05; 003.09 |
A Street running parallel to Pitgaveny Street and extending from Shand Place to its termination at Shore Street the buildings are chiefly two stories high, slated, and in good repair, it is owned by various proprietors Capt. [Captain] Dunbar Brander of Pitgaveny, Superior. |
OS1/12/8/68 |
[Page] 68
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/69 |
OLD HARBOUR [Lossiemouth] |
Old Harbour
Old Harbour
Old Harbour |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Weir, Manse Drainie
Mr Wiseman Inspector of Poor Lossiemouth
Mr Gruer Lossiemouth |
003.09 |
This name applied to the Old Harbour of Lossiemouth, it is now entirely disused and is in a very dilapidated condition being partly filled up with rubbish and the masonry crumbling to ruins. |
OS1/12/8/69 |
[Page] 69
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/70 |
[Page] 70
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/8/71 |
River Lossie
River Lossie
River Lossie |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr Wiseman |
003; 008 |
This name applied to a pretty large stream having its source in the hills to the South of Elgin its course through the parish of Drainie is chiefly below high water mark and its bed is very shallow at low water it enters the Moray Firth at Lossiemouth Harbour and It is the property of the town of Elgin |
OS1/12/8/71 |
Spynie Canal
Spynie Canal
Spynie Canal |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
003; 007; 008 |
Applied to a stream or artificial Drain having its source in the Parish of Spynie and after running in an Easterly direction for a distance of about Six Miles it turns to the North and enters the River Lossie a short distance South of Lossiemouth Harbour. this is the Stream which drained Loch Spynie. it is a sluggish running stream its banks are smooth and it is affected by the Tide for at least two miles from Lossiemouth Southwards Capt. [Captain] D. Brander & other proprs. [proprietors] |
OS1/12/8/71 |
[Page] 71
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/72 |
Moray Firth
Moray Firth
Moray Firth |
P. Gatherer Esqr
Rev [Reverend] Mr Weir
Mr. Wiseman |
002; 003 |
Applied to an arm of the Sea extending from Spey Bay upon the East to Inverness upon the West. There are several detached rocks situated in the Moray Firth in connection with the Parish of Drainie all of which are visible at low water the aftermentioned being the most conspicuous viz Covesea Skerries, Little Skerries, Ooze Rocks, and Halliman Skerries a portion of the latter rock being visable at low water upon which is erected a Beacon, the Shore of the Moray Firth connected with this parish, is bold and rocky in some parts, and in other parts studded with flat rocks.
It is the property of the Crown. |
OS1/12/8/72 |
[Page] 72
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/73 |
Loch Spynie |
Robert Walker Esqr Factor White Row Forres
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir Manse Drainie
Mr McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie |
003; 007; 008 |
This name applies to a district of Country which was formerly Loch Spynie it is now drained and mostly Cultivated
it stretches from the Moray Shire Brick and tile Works on the West to Easter Oakenhead on the East and is about three miles long by half a mile wide. It is the Joint Property of Captain Dumbar Pitgavney and Sir William Gordon Cumming of Altyre House by Forres. |
OS1/12/8/73 |
Easter Greens |
J.P. Gatherer Factor
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr McDonald |
003.13 |
A small farm house one storey high and thatched the office houses are also one storey and tiled they are the Property of Captain Dumbar Pitgavney |
OS1/12/8/73 |
[Page] 73
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie
[Below entry for Lochspynie (originally written Loch Spynie):]
Altered to agree with St.
Andrews Lhanbryd Ph. [Parish]
J.B |
OS1/12/8/74 |
Canal Bridge |
J. P. Gatherer Solicitor Elgin
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir Manse Drainie
Mr McDonald Schoolmaster Drainie |
003.13 |
A small stone and lime bridge with one arch it Spans the Spynie Canal on the southern side of Oakenhead wood and is on the property of Captain Dumbar Pitgavney
This Bridge is on the County Road from Lossiemouth to Lhanbryd &c and is a Co [County] Bridge |
OS1/12/8/74 |
Oakenhead |
J. P Gatherer Factor
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir
Mr McDonald |
003.13 |
A small farm house one storey and thatched with Extensive outstanding slated office houses the whole of which are in fair repair they are the Property of Captain Dumbar of Brander and Pitgavney |
OS1/12/8/74 |
[Page] 74
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/75 |
Easter Oakenhead |
J P Gather Esqr Solicitor Factor Elgin
Mr. MacDonald Parish Schoolmaster Drainie
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir Manse Drainie |
003.13 |
A medium sized Farmsteading the houses of which are all one storey and thatched it is situated about a mile South East from Lossiemouth and is the property of Captain Dumbar of Brander & Pitgavney |
OS1/12/8/75 |
Oakenhead Wood |
J. P Gatherer Esqr
Mr MacDonald
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir Manse Drainie |
003.09; 003.13; 008.01 |
A large district of fir wood Situated between the Elgin And Lossiemouth Branch of the Morayshire Rail Way and River Lossie it stretches South parallel to the River Lossie as far as Caysbriggs farm And is the property of Captain Dumbar Pitgaveny |
OS1/12/8/75 |
[Page] 75
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/76 |
[Page] 76
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/8/77 |
Lochside |
Mr. McDonald, Parish Schoolmaster
J. Gatherer Esqr Factor Elgin
Revd. [Reverend] Mr Weir Manse Drainie |
008.01 |
This name applies to a Small Farm Steading the offices and outhouses are one storey. Slated. And the Dwelling House one Storey Thatched and in good repair, Proprietor Captn [Captain] Dunbar of Pitgavenie |
OS1/12/8/77 |
Caysbriggs |
Mr. McDonald
J. Gatherer Esqr. Elgin
Revd. [Reverend] Mr Weir |
008.01 |
This name applies to a Small Farm Steading the offices &c of which are one storey part Slated and part Thatched. the Dwelling House is one Storey Thatched, the whole in good repair. Captn. [Captain] Dunbar Proprietor |
OS1/12/8/77 |
[Page] 77
Parish of Drainie sheet 8 Plan 1 -- Co. [County] Elgin
[Below deleted entry for Arthur's Bridge:]
See the Name Book
of the Ph [Parish] St. Andrews
Lhanbryd. JM |
OS1/12/8/77 |
Arthur's Bridge [crossed out] |
OS1/12/8/78 |
[Page] 78
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/8/79 |
Westerfolds |
Robert Walker Esqr Factor White Row Forres
Mr MacDonald Parish Schoolmaster Drainie
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir Manse Drainie |
007.03 |
A large farm house slated part of which is two stories high and part one, with Extensive outstanding Slated Office houses, all in Good Repair they are situated in the Western portion of the parish, and is the property of Sir W. Gordon Cumming Bart [Baronet] of Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/8/79 |
Salterhill |
Robert Walker Esqr Factor White Row Forres
Mr McDonald Schoolmaster
Revd. [Reverend] James Weir |
007.03 |
A large farm Steading situated on the Northern side of the district of Loch Spynie the houses of which are all one story thatched and in fair repair
They are the property of Sir W. Gordon Cumming Bart. [Baronet] of Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/8/79 |
[Page] 79
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/80 |
[Page] 80
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/8/81 |
[Page] 81
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie
[Below deleted entry for Loch Spynie Bridge:]
Not written in the adjoining Parish
as it was [omitted] to be supplied |
OS1/12/8/81 |
Loch Spynie Bridge entry has been crossed out. |
OS1/12/8/82 |
[Page] 82
[Blank page] |
OS1/12/8/83 |
Hamlets |
R. Walker Esqr Factor Whiterow by Forres
Revd [Reverend] Mr Weir Manse Drainie
Mr Thomson tenant |
007.04 |
A small farmsteading with dwelling house, it is one Storey high thatched and in middling repair. property of Sir W. G. Cumming
Bart. [Baronet] Altyre by Forres. |
OS1/12/8/83 |
Greens |
R. Walker Esqr
Revd [Reverend] Mr Weir
Register of Voters |
007.04 |
A small farmhouse having Suitable outoffices each being one Storey high thatched and in good repair, property of Sir W.G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre by Forres. |
OS1/12/8/83 |
Ardivat |
R. Walker Esqr
Revd [Reverend] Mr Weir
Register of Voters 1869-70
New Statistical Account |
007.04 |
A large farmsteading having a commodious dwelling house attached from one to two Storeys high Slated and in good repair. Property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet]. |
OS1/12/8/83 |
[Page] 83
County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie |
OS1/12/8/84 |
Cocklehill |
R. Walker Esqr Factor Whiterow by Forres
Revd. [Reverend] Mr Weir, Manse Drainie
Register of Voters 1869-70 |
007.04 |
A small farmsteading having a dwelling house attached, the whole is in middling repair, and is one Storey high and thatched. property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] Altyre Ho. [House] by Forres. |
OS1/12/8/84 |
Balormie |
R. Walker Esqr Factor
Revd [Reverend] Mr Weir
Register of Voters |
007.04 |
A farmsteading to which there is attached a handsome dwelling house, from one to two Storeys high partly Slated and partly thatched and in good repair. property of Sir W. G. Cumming Bart. [Baronet] |
OS1/12/8/84 |
MORAYSHIRE RAILWAY (Lossiemouth Branch |
Morayshire Railway (Lossiemouth Branch)
Morayshire Railway (Lossiemouth Branch)
Morayshire Railway (Lossiemouth Branch) |
R. Walker Esqr
Mr Gatherer Solicitor Elgin
Mr Gruer Lossiemouth |
002; 003; 007 |
This is a branch of the Morayshire Railway extending From Elgin to Lossiemouth ther are no regular intermediate Stations upon it, the distance from Elgin to the terminus at Lossiemouth is 5½ miles. There is a good traffic upon this line chiefly in Coals from the Port of Lossiemouth. property of the Morayshire Railway Company. |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Drainie
A. B. Coddington
Lt. R.E. [Lieutenant Royal Engineers]
24 Nov. [November] 1870. |
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of the parish of
in the
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[page] 86
INDEX to the Parish of Drainie on 1/2500 Scale
Name of Objects -- Page
Ardivot -- 83
Argyle Street -- 21
Arthur's Bridge -- 77
Baker Street -- 48
Balgreen -- 17
Balormie -- 56
Balormie -- 84
Bank of Scotland and Stamp Office -- 62
Baptist Chapel -- 29
Beacon -- 9
Bishop's Palace (Ruin) -- 40
Boggsie Cottage -- 67
Boiling Well -- 27
Brae -- 30
Brander Arms Inn -- 60
Branderburgh -- 46
Burghwestra Cottage -- 26
Canal Bridge -- 74
Caysbriggs -- 77
Cholera Hospital -- 63
Church -- 53
Church (In Ruins) -- 54
Church (Chapel of Ease -- 42
Cliff Cottage -- 61
Clifton -- 35
Coastguard Station -- 36
Commerce Street -- 37
Coulartbank -- 38
Coulart Hill -- 47
Covesea -- 12
Covesea Hill -- 16
Covesea Links -- 6
Covesea Skerries -- 3
Covesea Skerries Lighthouse -- 5
Cross -- 39
Cross -- 43
Cross -- 54
Deanery -- 31
Denmark Villa -- 30
Double Mouthed Cave -- 11
Drainie (Ph.) [Parish] -- 1
Drainie Wood -- 57
Dunbar Street -- 34
Easter Burnside -- 16
Easter Covesea -- 18
Easter Greens -- 73
Easter Oakenhead -- 75
Easter Plewland -- 15
Emilyfolds -- 54
Free Church -- 32
Free Church School -- 41
General Assembly School -- 32
George Street -- 33
Gordon Cottage -- 30
Gordonstown -- 49
Gow's Castle -- 13
Grave Yard -- 38
Greens -- 57
Greens -- 83
Halliman Skerries -- 9
Hamlets -- 83
Harbour Hotel -- 60
High Street -- 68
Hill Street -- 62
Ivy Cottage -- 47
James Place -- 34
James Square -- 22
James Street -- 21
Janefield -- 51
King Street -- 19
Kinneddar -- 56
Site of Kinneddar Church -- 39
Kinneddar Street -- 19
Laverockbank -- 47
Lead Mine -- 8
Lesmurdie Cottage -- 35
Lesmurdie Place -- 33
Life Apparatus Storehouse -- 65
Little Drainie -- 51
Little Skerries -- 10
Lochside -- 77
Loch Spynie Bridge -- 81
Loch Spynie -- 73
Lossiemouth -- 45
Lossiemouth Harbour -- 59
Lossiemouth House -- 23
Lossiemouth Quarries -- 42
Lossiemouth Station -- 61
Maggie's Craig -- 25
Manse -- 24 |
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Names of Objects -- Page
Manse -- 31
Manse (Ph.) [Parish] -- 38
Mausoleum on Site of St. Michael's Church -- 53
Merrayton -- 28
Mitchell Street -- 8
Moray Firth -- 72
Morayshire Railway (Lossiemouth Branch) -- 84
Muirton -- 55
Muirtoncroft -- 58
North Greens -- 18
Newlands -- 17
Newton Cottage -- 31
Oakenhead -- 74
Oakenhead Wood -- 75
Old Harbour -- 69
Ooze Rocks -- 10
Overalehouse -- 56
Paddockdale -- 58
Park Cottage -- 37
Pitgaveny Street -- 68
Plewland -- 15
Post Office -- 66
Prospect Terrace -- 29
Queen's Lane -- 24
Queen Street -- 20
Railway and Steamboat Hotel -- 62
Reform Place -- 24
River Lossie -- 71
Rock Cottage -- 23
Rock House -- 23
Royal National Lifeboat Institution Boathouse -- 48
Site of St. Gerardines Cave -- 64
Site of St. Gerardines Well -- 65
Salterhill -- 79
Scarf Craig -- 10
School -- 51
Seatown -- 63
Shand Place -- 67
Shore street -- 20
Silverhills -- 53
Sir Robert's Stables -- 14
Skerrycliff Cottage -- 26
Smithfield -- 28
Spynie Canal -- 71
Star Inn -- 60
Station Hotel -- 66
Stotfield -- 25
Stotfield Hithe -- 27
Stotfield Links -- 26
Sunbank -- 58
Sweethillock -- 18
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church -- 35
Victoria Cottage -- 67
Victoria Street -- 37
Volunteers' Battery -- 7
Volunteers' Rifle Range -- 28
Westerfolds -- 79
Wester Greens -- 57
Windmill Cottage -- 52
Woodside Cottage -- 41 |