OS1/12/5/1 |
Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Cromdale |
Fullarton's Imperial Gazetteer
Valuation Roll
Old Statistical Account
Oliver & Boyd's Almanack 1870 |
The Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie is in the presbytery of Abernethy and synod of Moray. Patron the Earl of Seafield. It is bounded on the North by Knockando on the South by Abernethy on the West by Duthil on the East by Inveraven and Kirkmichael.
The parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie is situated in the Cos. [Counties] of Elgin and Inverness, the portion in the Co. [County] Elgin contains about ----- acres and is situated in the northern confines of the Parish, the remainder of the Parish which is in the county of Inverness contains about ----- acres
There are no detached portions of the Parish in these or any other counties, neither are there detached portions of any other Parish within its limits. The soil in general is dry and thin, with the exception of the haughs on the banks of the Spey, which in point of fertility are equal to any in the neighbourhood. A series of sloping hills, richly clothed with forest, forms the north sides of the parish, and a range of lofty upland 7 or 8 miles long, covered with heath, called the Cromdale Hills forms the chief part of the South side, By Act of Parliament passed in 1870 the greater portion of the Parish is now in Elginshire |
OS1/12/5/1 |
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OS1/12/5/2 |
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[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/3 |
United Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
United Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
United Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
United Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
United Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Cromdale & Inverallan
Cromdale & Inverallan
Cromdale Advie and Inverallan |
Revd [Reverend] D Macinnes, Parish Minister, Cromdale Manse
Mr D F Ross, Inspector of Poor, Grantown, Strathspey.
Presbytery Records and Session Books
Abstract of accounts of Parochial Board of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Parish Registers
Sheriff's List of Parishes
Registrar's Return for 1862
New Statistical Account
Old Statistical Account
Fullarton's Gazetteer
21st Annual report of the Board of Supervision for relief of the poor in Scotland
John Smith Esqr Grantown Factor to the Earl of Seafield |
An extensive parish situate in the counties of Elgin and Inverness, the greater part being in the former county. It is bounded on the East, by Knockando & Banffshire, on the west by Abernethy, Duthil & Rothiemurchus on the South by Abernethy, Kirkmichael & Kingcardine, and on the North by parts of the parishes of Edinkillie and Ardclach, Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie originally were separate and distinct parishes, but the two latter were joined to the former parish for all civil and ecclesiatical purposes at some remote date, not now ascertainable, Owing to the great extent of this parish, there are three places of public worship in connection with the established Church of Scotland located in the Ancient parishes, that of Cromdale being the parish Church, proper, and those of Inverallan and Advie being Chapels of ease or mission Churches, erected for the accommodation and conveniences of the people, who live in the ancient parishes of Inverallan and Advie. Parochial Schools are also situated like the churches in these districts upon the same principl[e] Regarding the general features of this parish, they are similar in charac[ter] to those generally met with in other
[continued on page 4] |
OS1/12/5/3 |
[Page] 3
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Sheets 14A & 14B
22A & 22B. 33A, B &
C and others in Elgin
and Inverness. |
OS1/12/5/4 |
Cromdale Inverallan
& Advie, Contind [Continued] |
[Continued from page 3]
districts of the Highlands of Scotlan[d] consisting for the greater part of hea[th] covered hills affording Summer gra[zing] for Sheep, and excellent cover for g[rouse] and narrow cultivated straths or valleys, which are not over peopled The Right Honble [Honourable] the Earl of Seafield is sole proprietor of the parish, whose family seat is Castle Grant, a commodious mansion finely Situated in the centre of the ancient parish of Inverallan. The name of the parish as shown hereon, is variously written by different authorities, but the one given first should be adopted, as it is strictly the legal name of the parish and is always used in the principal documents in connectio[n] therewith. "Cromdale" being only use[d] in documents connected with the ordinary parochial business of the parish.
According to the Act of Parliament past in 1870 to define the boundary between the counties of Inverness and Elgin & Moray with the exception of a small portion South West, the whole of the parish is now in the county of Elgin |
OS1/12/5/4 |
[Page] 4 |
OS1/12/5/5 |
Càrn na Croiche |
Mr J. Garrow Tulchan
Mr J Grant Culdrein
Mr J. Grant Straan |
026.13 |
Applies to a prominent hill of considerable height situated about a mil north of Advie Station-
English Meaning Heap of the Gallows |
OS1/12/5/5 |
Allt à Mhadaidh |
Mr J. Garrow Tulchan
Mr J Grant Culdrein
Mr J Grant Straan |
026.13 |
Applies to a small stream rising a little north of Càrn na Croiche and after a north easterly course of about three quarters of a mile becomes confluent with a large burn which is boundary between Ballindalloch and Cromdale -
English Meaning Burn of the Dog. |
OS1/12/5/5 |
[Page] 5
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Càrn na Croiche
Correct JMD
Gallow Hill on adjoing [adjoining] Plan 6 Inch 25
Allt a' Mhadaidh
Correct JMD
Allt Loch Mhadadh
on Sheet 25 6 inch |
OS1/12/5/6 |
Callender |
Rent Reciept
Mr William Grant Tenant
Mr J. Grant Fanmore |
026.13 |
Applied to a good substa[n]tial farmsteading and dwelling house of one story in good repair property of the Right Honourab[le] the Earl of Seafield - |
OS1/12/5/6 |
Craig of Callender |
Mr William Grant Callender
Mr J. Grant Fanmore
Mr J. Garrow Tulchan |
026.13 |
A prominent hill covered with large boulder stones a little north of the far[m] Callender - |
OS1/12/5/6 |
Poll na Cloiche |
Mr William Grant Callender
Mr J. Grant Fanmore
Mr J. Garrow Tulchan |
026.13 |
Applied to a deep pool in the River Spey part[ly] situated in Ballondalloc[h] and Cromdale -
English Meaning Pond of the Stone |
OS1/12/5/6 |
[Page] 6
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Poll na Cloiche
Correct J,M,D, |
OS1/12/5/7 |
Hill of Dalcroy |
Mr J. Grant Bog
Mr J. Grant Deldow
Mr J. Grant Culdrein |
026.13 |
Applies to a prominent hill of considerable height planted chiefly with fir the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield situated a little north of the farm of Bog |
OS1/12/5/7 |
Balvattan |
Rent Receipt
Mr Cumming Tenant
Mr J. Grant Straan |
026.13 |
A crofters dwelling house of one story in good repair the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/7 |
Poll a' Chreagan Mhòir |
Mr William Grant Fanmore
Mr J. Grant Deldow
Mr J. Grant Bog |
026.13 |
Applied to a well known pool in the River Spey situated opposite a large rock called Creagan Mòr -
English Meaning Hole of the Big Rocky place |
OS1/12/5/7 |
[Page] 7
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Poll a' Chreagain Mhòir
J,M,D, |
OS1/12/5/8 |
Creagan Mòr |
Mr William Grant Callender
Mr J. Grant Fanmore
Mr J. Grant Bog |
026.13 |
Applied to a large rock we[ll] known by this name situ[a]ted on the south side of t[he] River Spey and about a mile west of the farm Fanmo[re]
English Meaning, Big Rocky Place |
OS1/12/5/8 |
Polcreach |
Rent Receipt
Mr William Stewart Tenant
Mr J. Grant Bog |
026.13 |
Applied to a small farmsteadings of one story in g[ood] repair situated on the nor[th] side of the River Spey and about three quarters of a mil[e] west of the farm Fanmore |
OS1/12/5/8 |
Woods of Callender |
Mr William Stewart Polcreach
Mr William Grant Callender
Mr J. Grant Fanmore |
026.13 |
Applied to a narrow belt of [wood] situated on the north bank of the S[pey] a little south of the farms Polcreach and Callender the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield - |
OS1/12/5/8 |
[Page] 8
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Creagan Mòr
J,M,D, |
OS1/12/5/9 |
Dail Rainach
Dail na Raineich |
Mr J. Grant Fanmore
Mr A Gordon Advie
Mr J. Grant Bog
The above J.M.D. |
026.13 |
Applies to a hollow piece of arable land situated a little south east of Balnacraobh the property of the Earl of Seafield
English Meaning Dale of the Fern |
OS1/12/5/9 |
Poll a Chreagan Beag
Poll a Chreagain Bhig |
Mr J Grant Fanmore
Mr A Gordon Advie
Mr J. Grant Bog
The above [signed] J,M,D, |
026.13 |
A deep pool in the River Spey situated about half a mile North West of Fanmore
English Meaning Pond of the Little Rock |
OS1/12/5/9 |
[Page] 9
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Dail na Raineich
Dail na Rainich |
OS1/12/5/10 |
Balnacraobh |
Rent Receipt
Mr William Stewart Tenant
Mr J. Smith Factor |
026.13 |
Applied to a Small farm steading situated a little south of Polcreach it is the property of the Earl of S[ea]field |
OS1/12/5/10 |
Poll Dail Rainach
Poll Dail na Raineich |
Mr J. Grant Fanmore
Mr A. Gordon Advie
Mr J. Grant Bog
The above J,M,D, |
026.13 |
A fishing pool a little sou[th] of the farm Balnacraob[h] and Polcreach -
English Meaning Pond of the Fern Dale |
OS1/12/5/10 |
[Page] 10
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Poll Dail na Raineich
Poll Dail na Rainich |
OS1/12/5/11 |
Fanmore |
Rent Receipt
Mr James Grant Tenant
Mr J. Grant Bog |
026.13 |
Applied to a good substantial farmsteading in good repair situated near the east of the parish the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield - |
OS1/12/5/11 |
Sìthean Mòr |
Mr James Grant Fanmore
Mr J. Grant Bog
Mr William Grant Callender |
026.13 |
Applies to a small hill feature well known by this name a little west of the farm fanmore -
English Meaning Big Fairy Hillock |
OS1/12/5/11 |
Càrn a' Mhaoisleich |
Mr James Grant Fanmore
Mr J. Grant Bog
Mr William Grant Callender |
026.13 |
Applied to a small hill feature situated at the eastern extremity of the parish, rumour says that a women perished here during a storm be the name of Mhaoisidh hence the name -
English Meaning - Heap of the Roe |
OS1/12/5/11 |
[Page] 11
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Correct J.M.D.
Sìthean Mòr
Correct J.M.D. |
OS1/12/5/12 |
Sìthean Beag |
Mr J. Grant Fanmore
Mr J. Grant Bog
Mr William Grant Callender |
026.13 |
A heathy hill feature a litt[le] south west of Fanmore the property of Earl Se[a]field-
English Meaning Little Fairy Hillock |
OS1/12/5/12 |
[Page] 12
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Sìthean Beag
Correct J.M.D. |
OS1/12/5/13 |
Lochinoir |
Mr James Gordon Tenant
Mr James Smith Factor
Mr John Grant Bog |
026.14 |
A small dwelling house of one story in good repair with a few acres of land and gardens attached it is the property of the Earl of Seafield -
Situated at the S.W.L. [South West Line] of Trace 26.14. 1 etc |
OS1/12/5/13 |
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Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/14 |
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[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/15 |
Beum a' Chlaidheimh
Beum a' Chlaidheimh
Beum a' Chlaidheimh |
Revd [Reverend] William Forsyth
Revd [Reverend] William Grant
Mr. Anderson |
028 |
A deep hollow or pass through which the road from Carrbridge to Forres and Nairn passes, and distant from Carrbridge about five miles. The name signifies Stroke of the Sword. |
OS1/12/5/15 |
Càrn na Leitire
Càrn na Leitire
Càrn na Leitire |
Revd [Reverend] William Forsyth
Revd [Reverend] William Grant
Mr. Anderson |
028 |
A small heathy pasture hill situated to the eastward of Cnoc an Lamhaich It is very steep and partly rocky on its eastern side from which circumstance it derives its name, which signifies the Hill of the steep shelvy ground |
OS1/12/5/15 |
Cnoc an Lamhaich
Cnoc an Lamhaich
Cnoc an Lamhaich |
Revd [Reverend] William Forsyth
Revd [Reverend] William Grant
Mr. Anderson |
028.00 |
A small but very conspicuous hill covered with healthy pasture and situated a short distance to the east of Càrn Allt Laoigh. It is a Gaelic name signifying Knoll of the casting with the hands. |
OS1/12/5/15 |
[Page] 15
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/16 |
Creag an Righ
Creag an Righ
Creag an Righ |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon Grantown
Mr Evan McBean Ground Officer
Mr Alexander Grant Auchnahannet |
029 |
A high rugged hill over which the boundary between the County of Inverness and the Detached part No.2 of the County of Elgin runs. Its signification is "Craig of the King". Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/16 |
Càm Sgriob
Càm Sgriob
Càm Sgriob |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Revd [Reverend] Evan McBean
Mr. Alexander Grant |
029 |
A prominent hill on the same ridge and about one mile eastward of "Creag an Righ" The County Boundary between Inverness and Elgin Detached No. [number] 2 also passes over it. The name means "Crooked Furrow Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/16 |
Auchnahannet Burn
Auchnahannet Burn
Auchnahannet Burn |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esq. Factor Grantown
Mr Evan McBean |
029 |
A considerable burn having its source near to the farmsteading of Easter Ryneckra and flowing in a south westerly direction until it joins the "River Dulnan" near to the "Mill of Muckrach" - It also forms part of the boundary between the parish of Duthil and Rothiemurchus, and the parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie for a portion of it. |
OS1/12/5/16 |
[Page] 16
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/17 |
Camerory |
Mr A. McGreggor, Tenant,
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown
Mr Smith, Factor |
029 |
A few small houses, and a farm house, situated about two miles North of Grantown, They are all one storey high, thatched, and only in middling repair The Earl of Seafield Proprietor |
OS1/12/5/17 |
Tobar Alain
Tobar Alain
Tobar Alain
Toperallan |
Mr Finlay, Grantown
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown
Mr Smith, Factor.
New Statistical Account
Survey of the Province of Moray dated 1798 |
029 |
A spring well emitting a quantity of water sufficient to turn the machinery of a Corn mill. It is situated at the upper end of Gleann Beag and is the principal source of Glenbeg Burn - The ancient parish name "Inverallan" is derived from the influx of the stream issuing from it into the Spey, which originally received the name "Allan Burn" but owing to local usage "Glenbeg Burn" is now the name by which it is designated and known in the locality - The Signification of the name is - "Clear Spring" JD. |
OS1/12/5/17 |
[Page] 17
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/18 |
Creag Liath
Creag Liath
Creag Liath |
Mr A McGreggor. Camerory
Mr Gordon.
Mr Smith Factor |
029 |
A prominent hill, covered with heathy pasture and rather rocky on its South western slope. It means "Grey Creag" |
OS1/12/5/18 |
Creag Bheithe Bheag
Creag Bheithe Bheag
Creag Bheithe Bheag |
Mr McGreggor, Camrory
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown
Mr Smith Factor |
029 |
A small hill, covered with fir trees, and lying about half a mile to the north East of Creag Liath; It means "Small Creag of the Birds"- |
OS1/12/5/18 |
Creag Bheithe Mhòr
Creag Bheithe Mhòr
Creag Bheithe Mhòr |
Mr McGreggor Camrory
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon,
Mr Smith Factor |
029 |
A prominent hill, the top of which is covered with fir trees, and situated about half a mile South East of Creag Bheithe Bheag, and South of a few houses, named Camerory.
It means, "Large Creag of the Birch" |
OS1/12/5/18 |
[Page] 18
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan, & Advie |
OS1/12/5/19 |
Rychorrach |
Revd [Reverend] E Gordon
Mr E Macbean
Mr A Macdonald, Tenant. |
029 |
Applies to a small dwelling house having suitable offices attached. Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/19 |
Loch na Cloiche-mhuilinn
Loch na Cloiche-mhuilinn
Loch na Cloiche-mhuilinn |
Revd [Reverend] E Gordon
Mr E Macbean
Mr A Macdonald |
029 |
This name applies to a small sheet of water lying on the west side of the old road leading from Grantown to Nairn 5 Miles from
the former place its signifcation is "Loch of the Millstone" |
OS1/12/5/19 |
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County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Loch na Cloiche-muilinn |
OS1/12/5/20 |
[Page] 20
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/21 |
Blàr Creag a' Bheithe |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Ewan Macbean
Mr Alexander Macdonald Rychorrach |
029 |
A large moor extending for better than a mile and a half along the Highland line between Carn Luig and Loch na Cloich-mhuilinn. It is extensively used as a peat moss by the inhabitants of Grantown from which it is 4 miles distant. Meaning "Moss of the Birch Craig" |
OS1/12/5/21 |
Càrn Luig
Càrn Luig
Càrn Luig |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr A. Macdonald |
029 |
A prominent hill on the top of which are a few scattered fir trees, situated directly south of Carn na Croiche, its signification is "Hill of the Hollow" |
OS1/12/5/21 |
Loch Mhic Leòid
Loch Mhic Leòid
Loch Mhic Leòid |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan McBean
Mr A. MacDonald |
029 |
A loch situated about twenty chains east of Easter Crannich. It is about ten chains in length and five in breadth & of an irregular form - On the Property of the Earl of Seafield -
Name Signifies "McLeod's Loch" |
OS1/12/5/21 |
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Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/22 |
Càrn na Croiche Gallow Hill
Càrn na Croiche Gallow Hill
Càrn na Croiche Gallow Hill |
Rev. [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr A. Macdonald |
025; 026.13 |
Applies to a large wooded hill lying on the east side [of] the Highland Railway fiv[e] miles north of Grantown Sta[tion] Tradition says that this was an ancient place of execut[ion] hence - "Hill of the Gallows". |
OS1/12/5/22 |
HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE A.D. 1865 [Gallow Hill] |
025; 026.13 |
(Human Remains were found on this h[ill]
in 1865 -) |
OS1/12/5/22 |
Creag an Fhithich
Creag an Fhithich
Creag an Fhithich |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr John MacKenzie Darrich |
029 |
A Gaelic name signfying "Raven's Craig" applied to a high precipitous rock ov[er]hanging Allt an Fhithich directly south of Carn na Cr[oiche] |
OS1/12/5/22 |
Allt an Fhithich
Allt an Fhithich
Allt an Fhithich |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr John Mackenzie |
030.13 |
Is applied to a considerable stream rising due south [of] Carn Clais an Eich, flowin[g] under Creag an Fhithich and down that romantic gle[n] of which that rock is the hea[d] onwards until it [joins] the River Spey about 12 Chains south of the Boat of Cromdale "Raven's Burn." |
OS1/12/5/22 |
[Page] 22
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan, & Advie
Gallow Hill
English form preferred |
OS1/12/5/23 |
Ballacha |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Magregor E. [Easter] Cottartown |
029.16 |
A Croft house with suitable outoffices, one storey high thatched, and in good Repair, The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/23 |
Auchnafearn |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Grant tenant |
029.16 |
A farmhouse and outoffices one storey high slated, and in good repair, The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/23 |
Greengate |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Findlay Grantown |
029.16 |
A Croft house one storey high Slated, and in good repair, The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/23 |
[Page] 23
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/24 |
Castle Grant
Castle Grant
Castle Grant |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon Grantown
Mr Macbean
Mr Findlay Grantown |
030.13 |
A mansion, situated about 1½ miles north of the village of Grantown. it has ornamental grou[nds] and extensive offices attac[h]ed, it is from three to four Storeys' high Slated, an[d] in good repair. The Seat of the Earl of Seafield.
"Castle Grant one of the Seats of the family of Grant, is the only building in the parish worthy of particular notice, the house is a very ancient and magnificient building, beautifully Situated on the north Side of the Spey, and about the distance of two miles from that river. It is environed with extensive forests of aged trees of amazing stature and variety. The house is a high quadrangular pile of several storeys, with lower wings added to the opposite sides. The apartments are larg[e] well finished and superbly furnished. The dining room is 4[7 by] 27 feet and of a proportionate height, is a most magnific[ent] hall altogether worthy of the Chieftan of a powerful Clan. "
(Vide New Statistica[l Account)] |
OS1/12/5/24 |
[Page] 24
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/24 |
The missing dimensions of the dining room were copied from the New Statistical Account. |
OS1/12/5/25 |
Garthkeen` |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Magregor |
030.09 |
A crofthouse with Suitable Outoffices one Storey high thatched, in good repair, The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/25 |
Easter Cottartown
Easter Cottartown
Easter Cottartown |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Magregor tenant |
029.16 |
A farmhouse and outoffices one storey high thatched, and in good repair The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/25 |
Wester Cottartown
Wester Cottartown
Wester Cottartown |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Magregor tent [tenant] |
029.16 |
A farmhouse and outoffices one storey high thatched, and in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/25 |
[Page] 25
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/26 |
Cairnluichk |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean Pr [Property] Factor
Mr Ross. Lochgorm |
029.12 |
Applied to two croft houses each of which ha[s] Suitable outoffices, one Storey high thatched, a[nd] in good repair, The property of the Earl of Seafie[ld] |
OS1/12/5/26 |
Lochgorm |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Ross, tenant |
029.12 |
A farmhouse and outoffices one storey high, the former Slated, the latter thatched, in good Repair, The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/26 |
Ballieward |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Russell, Ballieward |
029.16 |
Applies to a district Consist[ing] a farm house and a number of croft houses. they are from one to two storeys high thatched and in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/26 |
[page] 26
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/27 |
Allt a' Bhacain
Allt a' Bhacain
Allt a' Bhacain |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon, Free Church Manse, Grantown
Mr McBean, Ground Offices Factor's office Grantown
Mr McGregor, Camerory - by Grantown |
029.16 |
A mountain stream rising between Creag Bheithe Bheag & Creag Bheithe Mhor at Camerory and flowing eastward through the grounds at Castle Grant, and falling into Allt an Fhithich below that mansion - Name Signifies "Stream of the Knoll" - |
OS1/12/5/27 |
An Creagan
An Creagan
An Creagan |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr McBean Pro. [Property] Factor
Mr. McDonald - Gorton |
029 |
A Small Rocky hill situated immeditely north of Càrn a' Ghortein & on the same ridge with it - Property of the Earl of Seafield -
Means The Little Rock |
OS1/12/5/27 |
[Page] 27
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan, & Advie
Allt a' Bhacain
33a Trace 3 etc
An Creagan
33 Plan 8 |
OS1/12/5/27 |
Shleanaferan crossed out - See page 114 for this name
The correct page is 146. |
OS1/12/5/28 |
Gleann Beag
Gleann Beag
Gleann Beag |
James Smith Esqr. Factor
Mr McBean, Ground Officer
Mr Cruickshank |
029 |
A hollow extending from Creagan to Tobar Alain, situated about a mile north-west of the village of Grantown - Its sides, with the exception of the upper end, are cultivated & have several good farmsteadings located on them - Property of the Earl of Seafield - Means Little Glen |
OS1/12/5/28 |
Corshellach Burn
Corshellach Burn
Corshellach Burn |
Mr McBean Pro: [Property] Factor
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr McDonald |
029 |
A mountain Stream rising in the hollow between Creag Bheithe Mhor and the farmsteading of Gorton and flowing southward until it falls into Kylintra Burn near the village of Grantown. |
OS1/12/5/28 |
[Page] 28
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan &
Gleann Beag [situation] 29 & 1/2500 31.3
on 8 & 12 etc
Corshellach Burn [situation] 29 & 1/2500 31.4
33a &c
on 33. a. 8 etc |
OS1/12/5/29 |
Allt Clach na Saobhaidhe
Allt Clach na Saobhaidhe
Allt Clach na Saobhaidhe |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
M Macbean |
032 |
A Small stream having its source at the northern base of Beinn Mòr and flowing in a south Easterly direction until it Joins Glenbeg Burn, near to Toumnarannich. It means the stream of the stone of the den of the fox. |
OS1/12/5/29 |
[Page] 29
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/30 |
Caochan Bàn
Caochan Bàn
Caochan Bàn |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029 |
A Small Stream having its Source about 20 Chains from the northern base of Càm Sgriob and flowing in a north westerly direction until it Joins. Feith à Mho[r] It means the White Stream |
OS1/12/5/30 |
Càrn Cruinn
Càrn Cruinn
Càrn Cruinn |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029 |
A prominent feature Situ[ated] about 30 Chains South East of Cairnloch. it is covered with heathy pasture and rocks to its summit. It means the Round Cairn. |
OS1/12/5/30 |
Beinn Mhòr
Beinn Mhòr
Beinn Mhòr |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
032 |
A hill Situated at the Western end of this parish. The boundary between the Counties of Elgin and Invern[ess] passes at its Western base. It is covered with heathy pasture to its Summit. It means the Large Hill. and is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/30 |
[Page] 30
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/31 |
Cairn Toul |
024 |
Described in the name book of Edinkillie sheet 24 |
OS1/12/5/31 |
Càrn Biorach |
024 |
Described in the name book of Edinkillie sheet 24 |
OS1/12/5/31 |
Càrn an Ruigh-uaine |
024 |
Described in the name book of Edinkillie sheet 24 |
OS1/12/5/31 |
Stone Cist |
024 |
Described in the name book of Edinkillie sheet 24 |
OS1/12/5/31 |
Bridge of Dava |
024 |
Described in the name book of Edinkillie sheet 24 |
OS1/12/5/31 |
Millstone Ford |
024 |
Described in the name book of Edinkillie sheet 24 |
OS1/12/5/31 |
[Page] 31
Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/32 |
Càrn na h-Ath-aoil
Càrn na h-Ath-aoil
Càrn na h-Ath-aoil |
Revd. [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean Pro. [Property] Factor
Mr Alexander McDonald - |
029 |
A hill situated immediately west of the farmsteading of Uig and north west of Rychorrach-. It is covered with heather and is on the property of the Earl of Seafield
Name Signifies "Cairn of the Lime Kiln" - |
OS1/12/5/32 |
Bog Feoir
Local Spelling |
William Brown. Factor
B. Robertson. Ardoch
J. McPherson. Lochallan |
029 |
A mountain stream rising on the west slope of Bad na h Iuraiche and flowing in a south easterly direction until it enters Lochindorb at the Southern extremity of the Parish |
OS1/12/5/32 |
County of Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan, & Advie |
OS1/12/5/33 |
Allt Sùileagach
Allt Sùileagach
Allt Sùileagach |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029 |
A Small stream having its source about 60 Chains South-East of Lochindorb, and flowing in a North Westerly direction until it enters Loch an Dorb. about 30 Chains North of Lochindorb Lodge. It signifies the Stream full of Bubbles. |
OS1/12/5/33 |
Lochindorb Lodge
Lochindorb Lodge
Lochindorb Lodge |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029 |
A commodious house situated on the Eastern shore of Lochan Dorb. it is two storeys high Slated, and in good repair. the property of the Earl of Seafield. Name Written in accordance with estate documents viz- Lochindorb. |
OS1/12/5/33 |
Craig Tiribeg
Craig Tiribeg
Craig Tiribeg |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029 |
A prominent hill Situated at the North Western end of this parish, it is covered with Heathy pasture to its Summit, The property of The Earl of Seafield. Meaning of name obscure - |
OS1/12/5/33 |
[Page] 33
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/34 |
Loch an Dùnain
Loch an Dùnain
Loch an Dùnain |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Fraser |
029 |
A Small deep pool lying between Loch an Eilean and the Highland line, This Small loch is quite hidden on the west side by a high Knoll from which it derives its name. "Loch of the Knoll" |
OS1/12/5/34 |
Easter Crannich
Easter Crannich
Easter Crannich |
Revd [Reverend] E Gordon
Mr E Macbean
Mr A Macdonald |
029 |
A small farmsteading having Suitable offices attached, all in bad repair. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/34 |
Wester Crannich
Wester Crannich
Wester Crannich |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr E Macbean
Mr A Macdonald |
029 |
A small farmhouse with Suitable offices, one storey high, and in bad condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/34 |
[Page] 34
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/35 |
Càrn Clais an Eich |
024; 029 |
See name book of 24 |
OS1/12/5/35 |
Wester Limekilns
Wester Limekilns
Wester Limekilns |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Fraser |
029 |
This name is applied to a farmhouse, steading, and outhouses, all of which are one storey, thatched, and in bad condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/35 |
Uig |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Macbean. Ground Officer |
029 |
A small farmdwelling having suitable offices at hand, one storey high, and in fair repair. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/35 |
[Page] 35
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan, & Advie |
OS1/12/5/36 |
Sithean an Aiteil
Sithean an Aiteil
Sithean an Aiteil |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Fraser |
029 |
This name applies to a very remarkable looking Knowe situated on the west side of the Grantown and Forres road, 5¼ miles from the former place. It rises upwards of a hundred feet from the level plain and terminates in a sharp peak Meaning "Hillock of the Juniper" |
OS1/12/5/36 |
Anaboard Burn |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Macbean |
029 |
A large stream having its source from a moor westward of Loch na Stuirga[ige] Its course is northerly and about six miles in extent. It joins the Dorback Burn at Dava |
OS1/12/5/36 |
Féith Bhàn
Féith Bhàn
Féith Bhàn |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Fraser, Drumgluish |
029 |
This is a tributary of Anaboard Burn. It rises in a moss east of Sithean an Ait[eil] flows into Loch an Eilean on the south east side, leaves it on the opposite side, where it is spann[ed] by a bridge on the County Road and pursues the same course until it falls into Anaboard Burn Mean: "White small Stream or Mo[or] |
OS1/12/5/36 |
[Page] 36
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan, & Advie |
OS1/12/5/37 |
Càrn na Cloiche Gairbhe
Càrn na Cloiche Gairbhe
Càrn na Cloiche Gairbhe
Càrn nan Clach Garbha
Càrn nan Clach Garbha
Càrn nan Clach Garbha |
Mr Peter McIntosh
Mr Smith, Factor
Mr Gordon, Grantown
Revd [Reverend] Mr MacKenzie
Revd [Reverend] Mr Macleod
Mr Macdonald |
029 |
This name is applied to a low hill on a short range forming the boundry between the County Nairn and Inverness and about 1½ mile south west of Lochindorbe, Name Signifies "Cairn of the Rough Stones" |
OS1/12/5/37 |
Loch Ruigh a' Bhuair
Loch Ruigh a' Bhuair
Loch Ruigh a' Bhuair |
Mr McIntosh Glentarroch
Mr Smith Factor
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon Grantown |
028 |
This name applies to a small Loch. situated about one mile S.W. [South West] of Glentarroch farm house and close to the County boundary It means, "Loch of the Cattle Shealing" |
OS1/12/5/37 |
Allt a' Choire Odhair Bhig
Allt a' Choire Odhair Bhig
Allt a' Choire Odhair Bhig |
Mr McIntosh, Glentarroch
Mr Smith Factor
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon Grantown |
029 |
A hill Stream rising near to Loch Ruigh a' Bhuair, and flowing in a North Eastern course, until it joins Glentarroch Burn, a short distance South of Glentarroch farm house
It means "Stream of the small Dun Hollow" |
OS1/12/5/37 |
[Page] 37
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan, & Advie
Càrn nan Clach Garbha
See name book of Sheet 13 County of Nairn for this correction |
OS1/12/5/38 |
Glentarroch |
Rent Receipt
Mr Smith Factor Grantown
Peter McIntosh, Tenant |
029 |
This name is applied to a farm house, one storey high, with stabling byres etc attached, the whole thatched and in fair repair
The Earl of Seafield Proprietor |
OS1/12/5/38 |
Glentarroch Burn
Glentarroch Burn |
Mr McIntosh, Glentarroch
Mr Smith Factor |
029 |
A small stream, rising about one mile to the West of Glentarroch farm house and flowing in a N E [North East] Course for about 3 miles until it falls into Lochindorbe, |
OS1/12/5/38 |
Caochan Dorch
Caochan Dorch |
Mr McIntosh
Mr Smith, |
029 |
A small stream which rises about a mile to the North of Glentarroch farm house, and running eastward, falling into the Southern end of Lochindorbe.
Means Dark Stream |
OS1/12/5/38 |
[Page] 38
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan, & Advie |
OS1/12/5/39 |
Allt Loch an t-Sithein
Allt Loch an t-Sithein
Allt Loch an t-Sithein |
Rev Evan Gordon Free Church Grantown
John Smith Esqr Factor Grantown
Mr Cruickshanks Toumnarannich by Grantown |
029 |
This name applies to a Burn flowing out of Loch an t-Sithein. It runs in a North Westerly direction about 1 Mile & joins Fith a' Mhor-Fhir near the junction of Glentarroch Burn. Name Signifies Stream of the Fairies Knoll Loch - |
OS1/12/5/39 |
[Page] 39
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan, & Advie |
OS1/12/5/40 |
[Page] 40
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/41 |
Lochan Dubh
Lochan Dubh
Lochan Dubh |
Mr McIntosh Glentarroch
Mr Smith Factor, Grantown
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown |
029 |
This name is applied to a small Loch, situated about quarter of a mile to the East of Glentarroch farm house, It means "Black little Loch" |
OS1/12/5/41 |
Fèith a' Mhor-fhir
Fèith a' Mhor-fhir
Fèith a' Mhor-fhir |
Mr McIntosh Glentarroch
Mr Smith Factor
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon. |
029 |
A hill burn rising about one mile and a half to the south of Glentarroch house and having a Northern course for about two miles and half when it joins the Glentaroch Burn near to where that stream empties itself into Lochindorbe It means "Morass of the great man" |
OS1/12/5/41 |
[Page] 41
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan, & Advie |
OS1/12/5/41 |
Heading altered in red to County of Elgin - it lies in both counties. |
OS1/12/5/42 |
[Page] 42
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/43 |
Corrycharcle |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr James Cruickshank |
029 |
A farm steading, dwelling house & offices one story high, thatched & in middling repair. Propperty of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/43 |
Glengour |
Rev [Reverend] E. Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr James Cruickshank |
029 |
A farm steading (partly in ruins), dwelling house & offices one story high, thatched & in bad repair. Property of The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/43 |
Càrn nan Gabhar
Càrn nan Gabhar
Càrn nan Gabhar |
Rev [Reverend] E. Gordon
John Smith Esq
Mr James Cruickshank |
029 |
This name applies to a heathy pasture hill. Property of The Earl of Seafield
Name Signifies (Cairn of the Goats) |
OS1/12/5/43 |
[Page] 43
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan, & Advie |
OS1/12/5/44 |
Ryndian |
Rev Evan Gordon Free Church, Grantown
John Smith Esqr Factor Grantown
Mr James Cruickshank
Drumroy |
029 |
A farm steading, one story high, thatched & in bad repair dwelling house attached. Property of The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/44 |
Drumroy |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr James Cruickshank Tenant |
029 |
A farm steading, dwelling house & offices one storey high thatched & in Middling repair Property of The Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/44 |
Loch an t-Sithein
Loch an t-Sithein
Loch an t-Sithein |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr James Cruickshank |
029 |
A small Loch, situated about two miles south of Lochindorb shooting Lodge & about one & a half miles North East of Creag an Righ. Property of The Earl of Seafield. Name Signifies "Loch of the Fairy's Knoll." |
OS1/12/5/44 |
[page] 44
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/45 |
Creagan h-Othaisge
Creagan h-Othaisge
Creagan h-Othaisge |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr John Cameron |
029 |
A heathy pasture hill near Carr Mòr & Shendale
Property of the Earl of Seafield. Name Signifies (Small Craig of the sheep) |
OS1/12/5/45 |
Càrn a' Druim Ruaidh
Càrn a' Druim Ruaidh
Càrn a' Druim Ruaidh |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr James Cruickshank Drumroy |
029 |
A small hill about half a Mile North of Drumroy
Property of The Earl of Seafield Name Signifies (Cairn of the Red Ridge) |
OS1/12/5/45 |
Càrn Ruigh na Caorach
Càrn Ruigh na Caorach
Càrn Ruigh na Caorach |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr John Cameron |
029 |
A heathy pasture hill Situated about ¾ of a mile East of Corrycharcle Property of The Earl of Seafield Name SignifieS (Cairn of the sheep's Shealling) |
OS1/12/5/45 |
[page] 45
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Note -Creagan na h-Othaisge 22A & 33A |
OS1/12/5/46 |
Ryluachrach |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon Free Church, Grantown
John Smith Esqr Factor, Grantown
Mr John Cameron, Tenant
Rent Receipt for 1866 |
029 |
A farm steading, dwelling house & offices one storey high, thatched & in bad repair Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/46 |
Shendale |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr John Cameron
Rent Receipt 1866 |
029 |
A farm Steading, dwelling house & offices one story high, thatched & in bad repair Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/46 |
Càrr Mòr
Càrr Mòr
Càrr Mòr |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr John Cameron |
029 |
A large Peat Moss Situated about quarter of a Mile East of Loch an t-Sithein Property of The Earl of Seafield Name Signifies (Large Morass) |
OS1/12/5/46 |
[page] 46
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/47 |
Allt Loch na Stuirgaige
Allt Loch na Stuirgaige
Allt Loch na Stuirgaige |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Alexander Macdonald |
029 |
A small stream having its source from the moor near Loch na Stuirgaige running north easterly with Anaboard Burn a few hundred yards south of Anaboard. meaning Stream of the Loch of the Seagull" |
OS1/12/5/47 |
Coire na Burralaich
Coire na Burralaich
Coire na
Burralaich |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Alexander Macdonald |
029 |
A large deep hollow at the north side of Creag
Liath out of which a stream of the same name runs Its signification is "Hollow of the Lamentation" |
OS1/12/5/47 |
Allt Coire na Burralaich
Allt Coire na Burralaich
Allt Coire na Burralaich |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr A Macdonald |
029 |
This name is applied to a small mountain torrent which rises in Coire na Burralaich flows in a northern direction & joins Allt Loch na Stuirgaige close to its junction with Anaboard Burn. Means "Stream of the Hollow of Lamentation" |
OS1/12/5/47 |
[page] 47
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie
Stuirgaige is a local name given to the Seagull See last page |
OS1/12/5/48 |
Caochan Ruadh
Caochan Ruadh
Caochan Ruadh |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr A Macdonald |
029 |
This name appies to a small stream rising a short distance south of the farm of Rychorrach and falling into Anaboard Burn at Uig. meaning "Red Stream". |
OS1/12/5/48 |
Anaboard |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Macbean |
029 |
A small farmhouse: cot house and offices, all one
storey high, thatched and in bad condition. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/48 |
Loch na Stuirgaige
Loch na Stuirgaige
Loch na Stuirgaige |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr A. Macdonald |
029 |
A small sheet of water partially covered with long grass situated quarter of a Mile westward of Coire na Burralaich. This is a local name given to the seagull, or fowl which numerously frequent the Highland Lochs during the Summer Months. |
OS1/12/5/48 |
[page] 48
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/49 |
Easter Ryneckra
Easter Ryneckra
Easter Ryneckra |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029 |
A farmhouse and outoffices one Storey high thatched and in good Repair, The property of the
Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/49 |
Wester Ryneckra
Wester Ryneckra
Wester Ryneckra |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029 ; 032 |
Applied to two farmhouses each of which has Suitable Outoffices, they are each one storey high thatched And in middling Repair The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/49 |
Cairnloch |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029 |
A farmhouse and out-Offices, one storey high thatched and in good Repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/49 |
[page] 49
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/50 |
Auchnahannet Burn
Auchnahannet Burn
Auchnahannet Burn |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029 |
A considerable Stream - having its Source near to the farmhouse of Easter Ryneckra. And flowing in a Southerly direction Until it joins the River Dulnan near. Mill of Muckrach. |
OS1/12/5/50 |
Caochan a' Bhric
Caochan a' Bhric
Caochan a' Bhric |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr Mr Macbean |
029 |
A Small stream having its Source at the western base of Carn Cruinn and flowing in a northerly direction - until it enters Loch ant Sithein. at its Eastern extremity. It means the "Streamlet of the trout." |
OS1/12/5/50 |
Allt Clais Bheithe
Allt Clais Bheithe
Allt Clais Bheithe |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029 |
A Small Stream having its Source at Carr Mòr and flowing in a south easterly direction until it Joins Glenbeg Burn near to Toumnarannich. It means the Stream of the Birch Hollow. |
OS1/12/5/50 |
[page] 50
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Auchnahannet - See page 133 |
OS1/12/5/51 |
Càrn Elric
Càrn Elric
Càrn Elric |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon Free Church Grantown
John Smith Esqr Factor Grantown
Mr Cruickshanks Toumanrannich by Grantown |
029 |
A Heathy Pasture Hill Situated about 1½ Miles South West of Loch an t-Sithein & on the County Boundary. Property of the Earl of Seafield Meaning "Obscure" |
OS1/12/5/51 |
Creag a' Ghiubhais
Creag a' Ghiubhais
Creag a' Ghiubhais |
Rev [Reverend] E. Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Cruickshank |
029 |
A Heathy Pasture Hill situated about ¼ Mile North of Carn Elric & about ½ Mile West of Loch Ruigh a' Bhuair. Property of The Earl of Seafield - Name Signifes "Craig of the Fir" |
OS1/12/5/51 |
Caochan Neachdarach
Caochan Neachdarach
Caochan Neachdarach |
Rev [Reverend] E. Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Chruickshanks |
029 |
A small streamlet rising at the base of Carn Elric flowing about 1½ Miles in a North Easterly direction & joins the Glenarroch Burn at Glentarroch Farm - Name signifies "Neukal Burn" |
OS1/12/5/51 |
[page] 51
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/52 |
[Page] 52
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/53 |
[Page] 53
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/54 |
Toumnarannich |
Mr McGreggor, Camerory
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
James Smith Esq |
029 |
A Small dwellinghouse, one story in height with offices attached both of which are entirely roofed with sods and in wretched repair Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/54 |
Glenbeg Burn
Glenbeg Burn
Glenbeg Burn |
Mr McBean, Ground officer
James Smith. Esqr
Mr McGreggor |
029; 033 |
A large Stream having its source in Tobar Alain and two head Streams rising on the hills about a mile to the west of Toumnarannich at upper end of Gleann Beag - It originally received the name of Allan Burn but owing to local usage Glenbeg Burn is the name by which it is now Known in the locality,
its course being through Gleann Beag - It has been written in anglicized form for Similar
Reasons |
OS1/12/5/54 |
[page] 54
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/55 |
Tombain |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon Grantown
John Smith Esqr Factor
Mr Macbean |
029.08 |
Applied to two farm Steadings and dwelling houses, all of which are one storey high, partly slated and partly thatched and in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/55 |
Upper Derraid
Upper Derraid
Upper Derraid |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029.08 |
Applied to two farm Steading and dwelling houses, all of which are one storey high
thatched and in good Repair, the property of
the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/55 |
Clashindengle |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029.08 |
A farmhouse and outoffices each of which are one storey high thatched and in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/55 |
[page] 55
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/56 |
Easter Kichanroy
Easter Kichanroy
Easter Kichanroy |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
030.05 |
A farmhouse and outoffices
each of which are one
Storey high thatched and
in good repair. The
property of the Earl of
Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/56 |
Wester Kichanroy
Wester Kichanroy
Wester Kichanroy |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
030.05 |
A farmhouse and outoffices
each of which are one
Storey high thatched
and in good repair.
The property of the
Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/56 |
Caochan Ruadh
Caochan Ruadh
Caochan Ruadh |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
030.05 |
A small Stream having its
Source about 30 Chains west
of Easter Kichanroy and
flowing in a South Easterly
direction until it joins Allt
Breac. Means Red Stream |
OS1/12/5/56 |
[page] 56
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/57 |
Tom na Laimh
Tom na Laimh
Tom na Laimh |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
James Smith Esqr
Mr John Grant, Culfoichbeg |
030.07; 030.08 |
Name applies to a prominent hill thickly wooded situated between Dulchan Lodge and
Culfoichbeg on right bank of the Spey, on the property of the Earl of Seafield - Name Signifies " Knoll of the Hand" |
OS1/12/5/57 |
[page] 57
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/58 |
Tulchan Lodge Tulchan Lodge Tulchan Lodge |
John Grant Culfoichbeg
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown
Mr Smith Factor Grantown |
030.08 |
A Shooting Lodge, two storeys high with numerous wooden additions, and offices, It is situated a short distance from the Spey, and on its left bank, and seven miles from Grantown The Earl of Seafield, proprietor |
OS1/12/5/58 |
Culfoichbeg |
Mr John Grant Tenant
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown
Mr Smith, Factor Grantown |
030.08 |
A farm house one storey high with numerous offices attached; the whole slated and in excellent condition The Earl of Seafield properietor |
OS1/12/5/58 |
Easter Lettoch
Easter Lettoch
Easter Lettoch |
Mr William Gordon Tenant
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown
Mr Smith, Factor Grantown |
030.08 |
A farm house, one storey high with offices attached, thatched and in fair repair The Earl of Seafield, proprietor |
OS1/12/5/58 |
[page] 58
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/59 |
Càrn Feurach nan Each |
Mr J. Grant Culdrein
Mr J. Garrow Knocktulchan
Mr J. Grant, Knockanbuie |
030 |
A prominent hill feature
situated about a mile and
a half west of Knocktulchan
the property of the Earl
of Seafield Meaning Cairn
of the horse pasture etc. |
OS1/12/5/59 |
Càrn Sealgach |
Mr J. Grant Culdrein
J. Garrow KnocKtulchan
J. Grant KnocKanbuie |
030 |
A prominent hill situated
at the east of the parish
the property of the Earl of
Seafield Meaning - Hunting Hill etc |
OS1/12/5/59 |
Cùl Dorcha |
Mr J. Grant Culdrein
J. Garrow KnocKtulchan
J. Grant KnocKanbuie |
030 |
Applied to a small hill
feature a little east of
Càrn Feurach nan Each
the property of the Earl
of Seafield -
Meaning The "Dark Rock"- |
OS1/12/5/59 |
[page] 59
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
See Carn Dombraich on adjoining 25 Inch plan |
OS1/12/5/60 |
[page] 60
Parish of Cromdale
Inverallan & Advie
See page 116 for this name |
OS1/12/5/61 |
Glen Tulchan |
Mr J. Grant Deldow
Mr J. Grant Bog
Mr J.Grant, KnocKanbuie |
030 |
A narrow Glen extending from near the north west of the parish to Tulchan Bridge a distance
of about thee miles the property of the Right Honourable the Earlof Seafield |
OS1/12/5/61 |
Burn of Tulchan |
Mr J. Gordon Advie
Mr J. Garrow KnocKtulchan
Mr J. Gordon Culfoichbeg |
030 |
A mountain Stream rising near the north west of the parish flowing in a south easterly direction through Glen Tulchan for a distance of about three miles and falling into the River Spey a little east of Spey Bridge of Tulchan |
OS1/12/5/61 |
[page] 61
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale
Note Gleann Tulchain and Burn of Tulchan on Sheet 25 |
OS1/12/5/62 |
Tulchan |
Mr J. Grant Advie
Mr J. Smith Factor
Mr J. Grant Straan |
030.04 |
A District Name Applied to a portion of ground north of the River Spey embracing several farms about a mile and a quarter north of Advie Station the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/62 |
[page] 62
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale
Note Tulchan A green hill |
OS1/12/5/63 |
Eilean na Muic |
Mr Henery Grant Straan
Mr John Grant Deldow
Mr J. Grant Bog |
030.04 |
Applied to a small island partly cultivated situated a little north of the farm of Deldow |
OS1/12/5/63 |
Straan |
Rent Receipt
Mr Henery Grant Tenant
Mr J. Smith Factor |
030.04 |
Applied to a crofters dwelling house of one story thatched and in good repair with offices attached the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/63 |
Deldow |
Rent Receipt
Mr John Grant Tenant
Mr J. Smith Factor |
030.04 |
Applied to a small farmsteading of one story situated about half a mile north of Advie Station the property of the Right Honourable the Earl
of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/63 |
[page] 63
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie -- Co. [County] Elgin
Note Eilean na Miuic - English Meaning Island of the Pig |
OS1/12/5/64 |
Caochan Ruadh |
Mr J. Grant Cnockanbuie
Mr J. Grant Culdrein
Mr J. McDonald Carneraich |
030 |
Applied to a small stream rising a little south of the hill Cùl Dorcha and after a south easterly course of about a mile and a quarter becomes confluent with the River Spey |
OS1/12/5/64 |
Culdrein |
Rent Receipt
Mr J. Grant Tenant
Mr J. McPherson Duier |
030 |
Applied to a small farmsteading and dwelling house of one story in good repair the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/64 |
[page] 64
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale County of Elgin
Caochan Ruadh - English Meaning Red Rivulet
Knockanbuie - See p 115 |
OS1/12/5/65 |
Tulchan Bridge |
Mr John Grant Deldow
Mr Henery Grant Straan
Mr John Grant Bog |
030.04 |
Applied to a neat wooden bridge which crosses Tulchan burn situated a little west of the croft of Straan |
OS1/12/5/65 |
Tulchan Pool |
Mr John Grant Deldow
Mr Henery Grant Straan
Mr John Grant Bog |
030.04 |
Applied to a deep pool in the River Spey and a famed resort for Salmon situated a little east of Spey bridge of Tulchan |
OS1/12/5/65 |
Spey Bridge of Tulchan |
Mr C. McDonald Carneriach
Mr Henery Grant Straan
Mr John Grant Deldow |
030 |
Applied to a good substantial wooden bridge built by subscription under the liberal patronage of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield, it was built in 1868 and crosses the River Spey a little west of the Croft of Straan |
OS1/12/5/65 |
[page] 65
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/66 |
Bog |
Rent Receipt
Mr J. Grant Tenant
Mr J. Smith Factor |
030 |
Applied to a good substantial farmsteading of one story built with stone thatched and in good repair the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/66 |
Stripe of Taurnac |
Mr J. Grant Bog
Mr J. McDonald Carneriach
Mr H. Grant Straan |
030.04 |
Applied to a small stream rising a little west of the hill Cairn na Croich which follows a southerly course of about three quarters of a mile becomes confluent with the River Spey near Easter Straan |
OS1/12/5/66 |
Easter Straan |
Rent Receipt
Mr J. Grant Straan
Mr J. Smith Factor |
030.04 |
Applied to a dwelling house of one story thatched and in good repair with a few acres of land attached the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/66 |
[page] 66
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie -- Co. [County] Elgin |
OS1/12/5/67 |
Dale of Advie |
Mr John Grant Deldow
Mr Henery Grant, Straan
Mr McDonald Carnerich |
030.04 |
Applied to an extensive piece of flat land which extends from near the farm of Carneriach to about half a mile east of the farm Bog a distance of about two miles |
OS1/12/5/67 |
Advie Station |
Company's Time Tables
Mr Chalmers Station
-Master |
030 |
Applied to a third class station build of wood with waiting attached on the Strathspey Section situated between Ballindalloch Station and Cromdale |
OS1/12/5/67 |
[page] 67
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/68 |
School |
A. Margach Schoolmaster
J. Grant Bog
A. Grant Knocanbuie |
030.04 |
A handsome Stone building with dwelling house for Master Attached. It is a parish School Maintained by the heritors, the Scholars are of both sexes and the average
attendance is about 35 daily.- It was erected in the Year A.D. 186[?] |
OS1/12/5/68 |
[page] 68
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie -- Co. [County] Elgin |
OS1/12/5/69 |
Cairns |
Dr [Doctor] Creick, Dalvey
John Grant, Bog
William Chalmers, Advie |
030.08 |
A number of small irregular conical piles of stones, said to have been erected over the Slain in a conflict while opposing the in-vasion of the DaneS. |
OS1/12/5/69 |
[page] 69
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/70 |
[Page] 70
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/71 |
Delriach |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon Free Church Grantown
John Smith Esq Factor Grantown
Mr A. McDonald Tenant |
030 |
A Farm Steading & dwelling house, one Story high, thatched & in middling repair Property of The Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/71 |
Easter Auchnagallin
Easter Auchnagallin
Easter Auchnagallin |
Rev [Reverend] E. Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Grant Tenant |
030.05 |
A Farm steading & dwelling House one storey high thtched & in middling repair. Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/71 |
Lyngarrie |
Rev [Reverend] E. Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr McQueen, Knock of Auchnahannet |
030.05 |
A dwelling House, one Story high thatched & in good repair Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/71 |
[page] 71
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Delriach - On 6 Inch Plan |
OS1/12/5/72 |
Middle Auchnagallin
Middle Auchnagallin
Middle Auchnagallin |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr.
Mr McDonald, Tenant |
030.05 |
A Farm Steading & dwelling Houses, one story
high, thatched & in good repair. Property of The Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/72 |
Wester Auchnagallin
Wester Auchnagallin
Wester Auchnagallin |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr D. Lawson, Tenant |
030.05 |
A Farm Steading & dwelling Houses, one story high thatched & in good repair. Property of The Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/72 |
Knock of Auchnahannet
Knock of Auchnahannet
Knock of Auchnahannet |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr James McQueen, Tenant |
030.05 |
A Farm Steading & dwelling House, one story high thatched & in good repair Property of The Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/72 |
[page] 72
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/73 |
Auchnahannet |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon Free Church Grantown
John Smith Esqr Factor Grantown
Mr James McQueen Knock of Auchnahannet |
030.05 |
A Farm steading & dwelling House one story high
thatched & in good repair Property of the Earl of
Seafield |
OS1/12/5/73 |
Clais Mhòr Clais Mhòr Clais Mhòr |
Rev. [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr James McQueen |
030.06 |
This Name is applied to a hollow on the face of
Tom Mòr. Property of The Earl of Seafield - Name signifies "Large Hollow". |
OS1/12/5/73 |
[page] 73
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/73 |
Tom Mòr See Page 75 for this name |
OS1/12/5/74 |
[Page] 74
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/75 |
Wester Lettoch
Wester Lettoch
Wester Lettoch |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon Grantown
John Smith Esqr Factor
Mr Grant occupier |
030 |
A farm house and outoffices one storey high
partly thatched and partly slated, in good
Repair, The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/75 |
[page] 75
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/75 |
On 6 inch |
OS1/12/5/76 |
[Page] 76
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/77 |
Torran Bàn
Torran Bàn
Torran Bàn |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Robert Grant, Baluaclash |
030 |
A large mound, resembling a Pictish fort, surrounded on all sides except the south west,
by a deep natural ditch, or ravine called Clais Mòr that is the "Large Pass" Signification "Small White Hill" |
OS1/12/5/77 |
Knockannacardich |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Macbean |
030 |
A small farm house and steading, one storey high, thatched and in good condition Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/77 |
Clais an Dùnain
Clais an Dùnain
Clais an Dùnain |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Robert Grant |
030.09 |
This name is applied to a picturesque glen extending south west of Balnaclach. Its signification is "Hollow" or "Ravine of the Small
Hill." |
OS1/12/5/77 |
[page] 77
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Clais an Dùnain - Sheet 30 Plan 9 |
OS1/12/5/78 |
Auchnarrowmore |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Macbean Ground Officer |
030.09 |
A farm dwelling-house steading and offices, one storey high partly slated and partly thatched, in good condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/78 |
Ballinlagg |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Macbean |
030 |
This place consists of a farm house steading and offices, one storey storey high, in fair condition Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/78 |
Allt Breac
Allt Breac
Allt Breac
Allt Breac |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan McBean
Mr Rogers, Ballinlagg
Mr Lawson, Lyntaurie |
030.10 |
A considerable Stream rising at Uaigh Mhòr flowing south easterly for a distance of about 4 Miles and ultimately fallS into the Spey in the neighbourhood of Cromdale Signification "Spotted Stream." |
OS1/12/5/78 |
[page] 78
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Auchnarrowmore - Sheet 30 Plan 9
Ballinlagg - Sheet 30 6 Inch |
OS1/12/5/78 |
ALLT BREAC is duplicated on page 91 |
OS1/12/5/79 |
Poll na Carraige |
Mr J. Garrow KnocKtulchan
J. Grant Straan
J. Grant Knockanbuie
The Above J.M.D. |
030.08 |
Applied to a deep pool in the River Spey, and a famous resort for salmon situated a little east of Carneriach |
OS1/12/5/79 |
Burn of Duier |
Mr J. Garrow, KnocKtulchan
Mr J. Grant - Straan
Mr J. Grant, KnocKanbuie |
030.08; 030.12 |
A small stream rising a little South of the Moors of KnocKfriull and flowing north till it falls into the River Spey near Bridge of Duier |
OS1/12/5/79 |
[page] 79
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie Co. [County] Elgin
Pòll na Carraige
English Meaning Pond of the Goats |
OS1/12/5/80 |
[Page] 80
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/81 |
Poll Cròm |
Mr J. McPherson Duier
Mr J McDonald Cameriach
Mr J. Smith Straan |
030.08 |
This name is applied to a deep pool in the River Spey well-known by this name situated a little west of the Croft of Duier |
OS1/12/5/81 |
Knock Frink |
Mr J. McPherson Duier
Mr J. McDonald Cameriach
Mr J. Smith Straan |
030.08 |
Applied to a prominent hill
planted with fir situated a
little south east of Advie Station |
OS1/12/5/81 |
Bridge of Duier |
J. McPherson Duier
J McDonald Cameriach
Hugh Grant Straan |
030.08 |
A Small Stone Bridge on the
Turnpike Road Crossing the
Burn of Duier short distance
feom where it joins the Spey |
OS1/12/5/81 |
[page] 81
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie County of Elgin
Poll Cròm
English Meaning Crooked Pond |
OS1/12/5/82 |
Cameriach |
Rent Receipt
James McDonald Tenant
J. McPherson Duier |
030.08 |
Applied to a Crofters dwelling house built chiefly of wood one Story in good repair with a few acres attached the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/82 |
Woods of Knockfrink |
Mr James McDonald Cameriach
Mr J. Smith Factor
Mr J. McPherson Duier |
030.08 |
Applied to a fir wood of considerable extent well known by this name situated a little south of Advie Station |
OS1/12/5/82 |
Duier |
Rent Receipt
Mr James Smith Factor
Mr J. McPherson Tenant |
030.08 |
Applied to two crofters dwelling houses of one Story built with stone thatched and in good repair the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/82 |
[page] 82
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie Co. [County] Elgin |
OS1/12/5/83 |
Uchtubeg |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon Grantown
John Smith Esq Grantown
Mr Macbean
Mr Stewart Occupier |
030.09 |
A farmhouse and outoffices partly thatched and partly Slated And from one to two Storeys high. in good Repair. the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/83 |
Glaschoile |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esq
Mr Macbean
Mr Stewart |
029.12 |
Applied to three Croft houses situated on the road from Grantown to Forres. they have each Suitable outoffices, one storey high. thatched
And in good repair, the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/83 |
Creagan Mòr
Creagan Mòr
Creagan Mòr
Creagan Mòr |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John SMith Esq
Mr Macbean
Mr Stewart |
030.09 |
A prominent hill situated about one mile north of Castle Grant its summit is covered with wood the property of the Earl of Seafield It means the Large Rocky Place |
OS1/12/5/83 |
[page] 83
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/84 |
Lagg |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Stewart
Mr Macbean |
030.05 |
A farmhouse and outoffices one storey high partly thatched and partly Slated, in good Repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/84 |
Huntly's Cave
Huntly's Cave
Huntly's Cave |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean |
029.12 |
This name applies to the deep part of the Ravine through which Allt an Fhithich flows immediately below the Eastern end of Craig an Fhithich. It is Said to be the spot wherein one of the Earl's of Huntly Concealed himself while prescribed by the Government in the 17th Century. |
OS1/12/5/84 |
[page] 84
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Advie & Inverallan |
OS1/12/5/85 |
Caochan Cumhann
Caochan Cumhann
Caochan Cumhann
Caochan Cumhann |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean
Mr MacIntosh |
030.09 |
A Stream having it Source about 8 Chains north of the farm house of Uchtugorm And flowing in a south easterly direction until it joins Allt an Fhithich at Lower Derraid it means the narrow Streamlet. |
OS1/12/5/85 |
Uchtugorm |
Revd [Reverend] Evn Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean
Mr MacIntosh Occupier |
030.05 |
A farm house and outoffices one storey high thatched and in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/85 |
Lower Derraid
Lower Derraid
Lower Derraid
Lower Derraid |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean
Mr Grant. Occupier |
029.12 |
A Croft house and out-offices, one storey high.
thatched and in good repair, The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/85 |
[page] 85
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Advie & Inverallan |
OS1/12/5/86 |
Craigbeg |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean
Mr Lawson Craigbeg |
030.09 |
A farmhouse and out-Offices. one storey high thatched and in good repair The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/86 |
Lynmore |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean
Mr Fraser Lynmore |
030.09 |
A farmhouse and outOoffices one storey high. the former Slated. the latter thatched, all in good repair. the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/86 |
Craigdhu |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Macbean
Mr Fraser |
030.09 |
A croft house with suitable Outoffices, one storey high thatched and in good repair. the property of
The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/86 |
[page] 86
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Advie & Inverallan |
OS1/12/5/87 |
Balnaclash |
Mr Robert Grant
Mr Macbean, Ground Officer |
030.09 |
A farmhouse and offices one storey, former slated the latter thatched, all in fair condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/87 |
Blàr Mòr
Blàr Mòr
Blàr Mòr |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Robert Grant |
030.09 |
This name is applied to a large tract of moorland where the people of the district get their peat, situated on the west side of Allt Breac north wards of Delliefure. Meaning "Large Moss." |
OS1/12/5/87 |
School |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Robert Grant |
030.10 |
This is a small school with the exception of a small grant from government, it is supported by the farmers in the district. It does not belong to any denomination. |
OS1/12/5/87 |
[page] 87
Elgin-shire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/88 |
Caochannaneun |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr R. Grant |
030.10 |
A small one storey dwelling-house. thatched
and in fair condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield Signification. "Rivulet of the Birds" |
OS1/12/5/88 |
Caochan nan Eun
Caochan nan Eun
Caochan nan Eun |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr R. Grant |
030.10 |
This name is applied a a Small stream having its source a little north of Caochannanoun, flowing south easterly, and joining Allt Braec. Meaning of "Rivulet of the Birds" |
OS1/12/5/88 |
Mains of Delliefure
Mains of Delliefure
Mains of Delliefure |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Me Evan Macbean
Mr Macbean G.O. [Ground Officer] |
030.10 |
A farmhouse, steading and offices, two storeys high, slated and in fair condition. Property of
the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/88 |
[page] 88
Elgin-shire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Caochan nan Eun on 22B/14
Mains of Delliefure on 22B/14 |
OS1/12/5/89 |
Clais Gharbh
Clais Gharbh
Clais Gharbh |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon Free Church Grantown
John Smith Esqr Factor Grantown
Mr James Grant Wester Culfoich |
030.10 |
This name is applied to a Hollow Situated between Knockannakeist & Culfoichmore . Property of the Earl of Seafield. Name signifies
Rough Furrow or Hollow. |
OS1/12/5/89 |
Knockannakeist |
Rev [Reverend] E. Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr James Grant |
030.10 |
A farm Steading & dwelling house, one story high thatched & in middling repair Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/89 |
Culfoichmore |
Rev [Reverend] E. Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr James Grant |
030.11 |
A farm Steading & dwelling house, one storey high, thatched & in good repair. Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/89 |
[page] 89
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/90 |
Easter Dellifure
Easter Dellifure
Easter Dellifure |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr James Grant |
030.10 |
A Farm steading & dwelling house, one story high thatched & in middling repair (Partly in Ruin) - Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/90 |
Wester Culfoich
Wester Culfoich
Wester Culfoich |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr James Grant, Tenant |
030.10 |
A Farm Steading & dwelling house, one storey high, thatched & in Middling repair Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/90 |
Wester Delriach
Wester Delriach
Wester Delriach |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr James Grant |
030.11 |
A Farm Steading & dellinghouse, one storey high, thatched & in good repair Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/90 |
[page] 90
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/91 |
Allt Breac
Allt Breac
Allt Breac |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Lawson, Lyntaurie |
031.10 |
A considerable stream rising at Uaigh Mhòr and flowing southeasterly for a distance of about 4 miles falling into the Spey about 21 Chains south of Wester Culfoich - Name Signifies "Spotted Stream." |
OS1/12/5/91 |
[page] 91
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Copy |
OS1/12/5/92 |
Lyntaurie |
Mr Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Lawson, tenant |
029 |
A dwelling house one storey high and in miserable condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/92 |
[page] 92
Elgin-shire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Ourack] See name book of 25
Little Ourack See name book of 25
(In Ruins)
Càrn Bad na Caorach See name book of 28 |
OS1/12/5/93 |
Mill of Dalvey |
Rent Receipt
Mr J. Smith Factor
William Green East Dalriach |
030.11 |
Applied to a meal mill of one story worKed by water in good repair the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/93 |
Burn of Dalvey |
Mr James McDonald, Cameriach
William Green East Dalriach
Mr J. McPherson Duier |
030.11; 030.15 |
Applied to a small mountain stream rising near the centre of the hills of Cromdale which
following northerly direction for about two miles and a half becomes confluent with the River Spey near the mains of Dalvey |
OS1/12/5/93 |
[page] 93
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/94 |
Poll Dubh |
Mr William Green East Dalriach
Mr J. McPherson Duier
Mr J. McDonald Cameriach |
030.11 |
Applied to a deep pool in the River Spey situated near the Mains of Dalvey |
OS1/12/5/94 |
[page] 94
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie -- County of Elgin
Poll Dubh
English Meaning - Dark or Black Pond |
OS1/12/5/95 |
Millton |
Rent Receipt
Mr David Smith Balnalan
Doctor Greig Dalvey |
030.11 |
Applied to a small farmsteading of one story with dwelling house attached the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/95 |
Easter Delriach |
Rent Receipt
Mr William Green East Dalriach
Mr J. McDonald Cameriach |
030.11 |
Applied to a crofters dwelling house with offices and garden attached of one story thatched and in good repair the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/95 |
Buinne-nan-Clamham |
Mr J. McDonald Cameriach
William Green East Dalriach
J. McPherson Duier |
030 |
This name is applied to a portion of the River Spey the stream or torrent of the buzzard and
a famous resort for Salmon |
OS1/12/5/95 |
[page] 95
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Buinne nan Clamhan
English Meaning Stream of the Buzzards |
OS1/12/5/96 |
Great North of Scotland Railway Strathspey Section |
Company Time Tables
A. S. Chalmers - Station Agent |
026; 030; 031 |
This name is Applied to a branch of the Great North of Scotland Railway cons isting of a single line of rails communication between Boat of Garten and Craigellachie |
OS1/12/5/96 |
River Spey |
Speyside Guide
Hugh Grant, Straan
A. S. Chalmers. Advie |
009; 014; 024; 030 |
Applied to a river which has its source at Loch
Spey and after a north easterly course of one hundred miles or following its windings one hundred and twenty it becomes confluent
with the Moray Firth - The River Spey is generally considered the second river in Scotland. In its volume of water and extent of basin - draining not less than 1300 square miles of country while it is universally admitted to the first in rapidity -
See Spey-Side Guide |
OS1/12/5/96 |
[page] 96
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/97 |
Shanvell |
J. Simpson Tenant
Charles McIntosh Auldyoun
D. Smith Balnallan |
030.12 |
A Small thatched dwelling house of one Storey. used as a Cottar house on the farm of Mains of Dalvey The property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/97 |
[page] 97
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie -- County of Elgin |
OS1/12/5/98 |
[Page] 98
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/99 |
Meiklepark Wood |
Mr D. Smith Balnallan
Mr D. Nicholson Runaballoch
Mr A. Sinclair Bellvlair |
030.12 |
Applied to a small birch pla-ntation which extends from near the farm of Balnallan to the burn Allt Eoghainn a distance of about three quarters of a mile |
OS1/12/5/99 |
Aird of Dalvey |
Rent Reciept
Doctor Grant, Tenant
Mr James Smith Factor |
030.12 |
Applied to a small farmsteading and dwelling house of one story in good repair with garden attached the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/99 |
Auldyoun |
Rent Receipt
Mr D. Smith Balnallan
Mr James Smith Factor |
030.12 |
Applied to a small farmsteading and dwelling house of one story thatched and in good repair the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/99 |
[page] 99
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie, County of Elgin |
OS1/12/5/100 |
Mains of Dalvey
Mains of Dalvey
Mains of Dalvey |
Rent Receipt
Mr James Smith Factor
Doctor .. Tenant |
030.12 |
Applied to a large superior farmsteading of one Story slated and in good repair with dwelling house attached the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/100 |
Buinne Bheag
Buinne Beag |
Mr Donald Nicholson
Mr David Smith Balnallan
Mr Alexander Sinclair Ballvlair
The above J.M.D. |
030.12 |
This name applies to a narrow portion of the River Spey situated a little North of the Mains of Dalvey |
OS1/12/5/100 |
Bridge of Dalvey |
Mr D. Nicholson Runaballoch
Mr David Smith Balnallan
Mr Alexander Sinclair Ballvlair |
030.12 |
Applied to a neat substantial stone bridge which crosses the burn of Dalvey situated on the turnpiKe road leading from Advie to Grantown |
OS1/12/5/100 |
[page] 100
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Buinne Beag
This name was not written
on the 6" [Inch] Division work. Please
insert it thereon.
English Meaning - Little Cataract |
OS1/12/5/100 |
Dr Alexander Creyk [a medical surgeon] is listed in the census or 1871 as occupying Mains of Dalvey
The authority name is left blank on the original page. |
OS1/12/5/101 |
Freuchies HillocK
Freuchies HillocK
Freuchies HillocK |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Findlay |
030.13 |
A Small Circular mound Situated within the Deer ParK. at Castle Grant it is Covered with heathy pasture to its Summit and is the property of
the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/101 |
Deer Park
Deer Park
Deer Park |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Findlay |
030.13 |
An extensive park situated Close to Castle Grant, in which A numerous herd of deer are Kept It is dotted with isolated trees And Wood. The property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/101 |
Home Farm
Home Farm
Home Farm |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Findlay |
030.13 |
Applied to the farm Steading Situated about 14 Chains north of Castle Grant, it is from one to two Storeys high slated and in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/101 |
[page] 101
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/102 |
[Page] 102
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/103 |
Milton of Dellliefure
Milton of Delliefure
Milton of Delliefure |
Rev [Reverend] E. Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr McKay |
030.14 |
A Farm Steading & dwelling House one Story high thatched & in good repair Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/103 |
Tom an Uird
Tom an Uird
Tom an Uird |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Gordon, Culfoichmore By Grantown |
030.15 |
This name is applied to a Wooded Hill situated
about 1½ Miles N.E [North East] of the Boat of Cromdale & about half a Mile E. [East] of Wester Dellifure. Property of The Earl of Seafield.
Name Signifies "Knoll of the Hammer" |
OS1/12/5/103 |
Cuarst |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr McKay |
030.14 |
A Cottage, one Story high, thatched & in middling repair, Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/103 |
[page] 103
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/104 |
Easter Pollowick
Easter Pollowick
Easter Pollowick |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon Free Church, Grantown
John Smith Esqr Factor, Grantown
Mr John Smith
Tenant |
030.14 |
A Farm Steading & dwelling House, one story high thatched & in good repair Property of The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/104 |
Wester Pollowick
Wester Pollowick
Wester Pollowick |
Rev [Reverend] E. Gordon
John Smith Esqr
John Grant, Tenant |
030.04 |
A Farm Steading & dwelling House, one story
high, thatched & in good repair. Property of the
Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/104 |
Wester Delliefure
Wester Delliefure
Wester Delliefure |
Rev [Reverend] E. Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr McKay, Delliefure Cottage |
030.14 |
A Farm Steading & dwelling House, one story high, Slated & in good repair. Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/104 |
[page] 104
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/105 |
Càrn na Doire
Càrn na Doire
Càrn na Doire |
Mr Grant KnocKanbuie
Mr Smith, Factor
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown |
030 |
A small hill, covered with heathy pasture, and
forming the last prominent feature on the range, on the Southern Side of Allt na Luachair, and distant about half a mile from that stream It means "Hill of the grove" |
OS1/12/5/105 |
Tom Mòr
Tom Mòr
Tom Mòr |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
James Smith Esqr
Mr Lawson |
030 |
A large hill situated about a mile east of Knock of Auchnahannet on the property of the Earl of Seafield - Name Signifies "Large Knoll" |
OS1/12/5/105 |
[page] 105
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/106 |
Fuaranahanish Well |
Act of Parliament
Inverness & Elgin County
Boundary Bill |
032 |
A well on the New County Boundary be- tween Inverness And Elgin, about 25 Chains north of the Findlarigg Burn |
OS1/12/5/106 |
Findlarigg Burn
this page |
Mr S. Grant, Findlarigg
Mr Clark. Dulnanbridge
Mr Smith, Factor |
032; 033 |
A small stream rising about half a mile N.W. [North West] of Coldhome House and flowing in a southern course until it falls into the
River Dulnan a short distance below MucKrach House this burn forms the County Bdy [Boundary] to its junction with the Dulnan |
OS1/12/5/106 |
[page] 106
Inverness Shire & Elgin |
OS1/12/5/107 |
Lag na Dothich
Lag na Dothich
Lag na Dothich |
Mr Stewart
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr Finlay |
030.14 |
A very peculiar hollow in the hill called Tom a Bheathaich. In appearance it is very like a hole made in sand by an inverted cone - Name Signifies or has reference to "The hollow of the Division of Land or Boundary - Dothich - was anciently the designation of the small divisions into which the estates of Strath Spey were divided, and the name is still used but in a co rrupt form as Davick in the Rent Rolls And Valuation Rolls of Strath Spey Estate. |
OS1/12/5/107 |
[page] 107
Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/108 |
Delliefure Cottage
Delliefure Cottage
Dellifure Cottage |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean, Factor's clerK
Mr Stewart, Tomvaich Grantown |
030.14 |
A one story cottage, with Suitable office houses, thatched and in middling condition. Property of
the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/108 |
Tomvaich |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Stewart |
030.14 |
A farm Steading consisting of two dwelling houses and three office houses all one storey high and in middling condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/108 |
Tom a Bheathaich
Tom a Bheathaich
Tom a Bheathaich |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Stewart |
030.14 |
A small hill Situated in a fir wood about half a mile south-east from the farm steading called Tomvaich Name means. Hillock of the Beasts |
OS1/12/5/108 |
[page] 108
Elginshire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/109 |
Balvlair |
Mr David Smith Balnallan
Doctor Grant, Aird of Dalvey
Mr D. Nicholson Runaballock |
030.15 |
This name applies to two dwelling houses built of stone- thatched and in good repair with gardens and a few acres of land attached the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/109 |
[page] 109
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie -- County of Elgin |
OS1/12/5/110 |
Balnallan |
Rent Reciept
Mr James Smith Factor
Mr David Smith Tenant |
030.15 |
Applied to a good substantial farmsteading of one story thached and in good repair with garden and dwelling house attached the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/110 |
Black Burn |
Mr David Smith Balnallan
Doctor Grant Aird of Dalvey
Mr D. Nicholson Runaballoch |
030.15 |
Applied to a small stream which rises at the eastern extremity of the hill Tom an Uird and
after a north easterly course of about quarter of a mile becomes Confluent with the Burn of Dalvey near the farm of Balnallan |
OS1/12/5/110 |
[page] 110
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/111 |
Creag na Cat
Creagan nan Cat |
Mr John Grant Deldow
Mr James Grant Straan
Mr A. Sinclair Balvlair |
030.16 |
Applied to a Solitary rock situated called Creag-nan Cat on a prominent portion of the
Hills of Cromdale |
OS1/12/5/111 |
Easter Shennach |
Rent Receipt
Mr John McDonald Tenant
Mr James Smith Factor |
030.16 |
Applied to a good substantial farmsteading and dwelling house of one story in good repair with a small garden attached the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/111 |
Bridge of Shennach |
Mr J. McDonald Easter Shennach
Mr A. Sinclair Balvlair
Mr J. Grant Straan |
030.16 |
Applied to a neat wooden bridge which crosses the Burn of Dalvey a little South of the farm Easter Shennach |
OS1/12/5/111 |
[page] 111
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie -- County of Elgin |
OS1/12/5/112 |
Wester Shennach |
Rent Receipt
Mr James Durbor Tenant
Mr James Smith Factor |
030.16 |
Applied to a small farsteading and dwelling house of one story with out houses and gardens attached the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/112 |
Tom na h-Iolair |
Mr J. McDonald East Shennach
Mr A. Sinclair Balvlair
Mr D. Smith Balnallan |
030.16; 034.04 |
Applied to a prominent hill feature well known by this name situated about a mile and a half south
of the farm Auldyoun |
OS1/12/5/112 |
Allt Eoghainn |
Mr J. McDonald East Shennach
Mr A. Sinclair Balvlair
Mr D. Smith Balnallan |
030.16; 034.04 |
Applied to a small mountain stream rising a little north of Tom na Sealgair and after a northerly course of about two miles falls into the River Spey about half a mile east of the Mains of Dalvey |
OS1/12/5/112 |
[page] 112
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Tom na h-Ioliare - English Meaning Hillock of the Eagle
Allt Eoghainn - English Meaning Evan's Burn |
OS1/12/5/113 |
Cree Dearg
Cree Dearg
Cree Dearg |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Rogers |
030 |
Applies to a craggy hill lying south west of Carn a' Ghille Chearr and south east of Carn Bad na Cairach, Signification not Known. |
OS1/12/5/113 |
Càrn a' Ghille Chearr
Càrn a' Ghille Chearr
Càrn a' Ghille Chearr |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Rogers |
030 |
A rugged hill situated a litte south west of Huntly's Cave. Its signification is "Hill of the Left handed Lad" |
OS1/12/5/113 |
[page] 113
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/113 |
Huntly's Cave See p [page] 84 |
OS1/12/5/114 |
Uaigh Mhòr
Uaigh Mhòr
Uaigh Mhòr |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Evan Macbean
Mr Rogers |
030 |
This name signifies "Large Grave", descriptive of the hollow to which it is applied in so far at least as shape is concerned Its situation is in a hollow on the ridge between Sgò'r Gaothan and Carn a' Ghille Chearn |
OS1/12/5/114 |
[page] 114
Elgin-shire -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie
Càrn Bad nan Gad See name book of 25
Blàran Sgoir Ghaothaich See name book of 25 |
OS1/12/5/115 |
KnocKanbuie |
Mr John Grant, Tenant
Mr Smith, Factor, Grantown
Rev [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown |
030.04 |
A farm house, one storey high, with attics also, with offices attached the whole thatched, and in good repair The Earl of Seafield Proprietor |
OS1/12/5/115 |
Creag a' Bharrain
Creag a' Bharrain
Creag a' Bharrain |
Mr Grant, KnocKanbuie
Mr Smith Factor
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown |
030 |
A prominent hill covered with heath, over which the County boundary Crosses and situated about one mile to the West of KnocKanbuie farm house It is a gaelic word which means "Hill of the sharp summit" |
OS1/12/5/115 |
Allt Bad an Eich
Allt Bad an Eich
Allt Bad an Eich |
Mr Grant, KnocKanbuie
Mr Smith Factor
Mr (Revd) [Reverend] Gordon, Grantown |
030 |
A small hill Stream having its source in three small streams and rising a short distance to the West of Creag a' Bharain and running southerly until it joins Allt na Luachair. It means, Stream of the horse's tuft |
OS1/12/5/115 |
[page] 115
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/116 |
Bad an Eich
Bad an Eich
Bad an Eich |
Mr Gordon Grantown
Mr Smith, Factor
Mr Grant, KnocKanbuie |
030 |
This name is applied to a small round topp'd [topped] hill over which the County Boundary
crosses. It is covered with heathy pasture; and lies a short distance to the north of the Stream of that name It means "Horse's tuft" |
OS1/12/5/116 |
Càrn an Fhradhairc
Càrn an Fhradhairc
Càrn an Fhradhairc |
Mr Grant KnocKanbuie
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown
Mr Smith, Grantown |
030 |
A large and prominent hill covered with heath and rather rocky on its Southern side, It means "Cairn of the View" |
OS1/12/5/116 |
[page] 116
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Càrn an Lòun See name book of 25 |
OS1/12/5/117 |
Allt na Luachair
Allt na Luachair
Allt na Luachair |
Mr Grant KnocKanbuie
Mr Smith Factor
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown |
022 |
A considerable sized Stream rising in a flat marshy bog lying about half a mile to the West of Càrn a' Lòin and running in an Eastern course generally, and for about six miles when it joins the River Spey, near Tulchan Lodge It means "Stream of the Rushes" |
OS1/12/5/117 |
Caochan Loisgte
Caochan Loisgte
Caochan Loisgte |
Mr Grant
Mr Smith Factor
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon |
030 |
This name is applied to a small hill stream which rises at the S. [South] Western base of Càrn an Fhradhairc and falling South East until it empties itself into Allt na Luachair It is about one mile and a half long It means " Burnt Stream" |
OS1/12/5/117 |
[page] 117
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan, & Advie
Allt na Luachair on 22B & 22B/12 |
OS1/12/5/118 |
[page] 118
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan, & Advie
Càrn an Fhuarain Mhoir See name book of 25
Allt an Lòin Mhoir See name book of 25 |
OS1/12/5/119 |
Dalchroy |
Rent Receipt
Mr Grant
Mr Alexander McKenzie |
031.01 |
A thatched farm house having outhouses etc attached The dwelling house and one out house are in a State of ruins. It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/119 |
Pòll na Ciste |
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr Grant |
031.01 |
A fishing pool of Dalchroy and North of the Old Church of Advie. |
OS1/12/5/119 |
Eilean na Cloiche |
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr Grant |
031.01 |
A portion of Ground west of Advie Old Ch [Church] It is covered with Whins, Rough pasture, Shingle and Brushwood . The Channel of the river having altered it is now attached to the Mainland. it is the property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/119 |
[page] 119
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie
Pòll na Ciste
English Meaning The Chest Pool
Eilean na Cloiche
English Meaning Island of the Stone |
OS1/12/5/120 |
Caochan Ruadh
Caochan Ruadh |
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr Grant |
031.01 |
Described in 29.4.1 |
OS1/12/5/120 |
Burn of Advie
Burn of Advie |
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr Grant |
031.01 |
Described in 30.1.4 |
OS1/12/5/120 |
[page] 120
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Caochan Ruadh
English Meaning Red Burn
Church -- A name sheet of this will be forwarded to OS [Ordnance Survey] as soon as possible.- |
OS1/12/5/121 |
[page] 121
Co. [County] Elgin -- Parish of Advie |
OS1/12/5/121 |
Ruins [crossed out] |
OS1/12/5/122 |
[Page] 122
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/123 |
Wester AchvochKie |
Rent Receipt
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr Alexander Gordon |
031.10 |
A Slated farm house having outhouses etc Attached. It is the property of The Right Honble [Honourable] The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/123 |
Easter AchvochKie |
Rent Receipt
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr Alexander Gordon |
031.10 |
A Thatched dwelling house having outhouses etc
Attached. It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/123 |
AchvochKie Burn |
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Grant Bogs |
031.10 |
A small Burn flowing at the east side of Easter
Achvoch kie, Commencing its name at the Bridge of Torr Mor and retaining it till it enters the Spey opposite Dalchroy. |
OS1/12/5/123 |
Deantag |
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Grant |
031.10 |
A heathy hill feature N. [North] East of Wester AuchvochKie It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/123 |
[Page] 123
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie
An Deanntag
English Meaning The Nettle |
OS1/12/5/124 |
GREAT NORTH of SCOTLAND RAILWAY (Strathspey Section) |
Great North of Scotland Railway (Strathspey Section) |
The Company's Time Tables
Mr Chalmers Station Master
Mr Alexander McKenzie |
031.01 |
A portion o the Great North of Scotland Railway, extending from Elgin to the Boat of Garten It is the property of the Great North of Scotland Railway Company |
OS1/12/5/124 |
Clach nan Coileach |
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr Grant Bogs |
031.01 |
A large stone north of AchvochKie Burn and East
Side of the River Spey |
OS1/12/5/124 |
Poll Clach na Coileach |
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Alexander McKenzzie
Mr Grant |
031.01 |
A fishing pool about 1/8 of a Mile North of AchvochKie Burn And east Side of the river Spey. |
OS1/12/5/124 |
[page] 124
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Great North of Scotland Railway See page 96
Clach nan Coileach
English Meaning The Cock's Stone
Poll Clach nan Coileach
English Meaning Pool of the Cock's Stone |
OS1/12/5/125 |
Tormore |
Rent Receipt
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Alexander McKenzie |
031.10 |
A Slated farm house having outhouses etc attached all in good repair. It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/125 |
Bridge of Tormore |
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr J Grant |
031.10 |
A bridge of one arch spanning the Burn of Tormore, on the road leading from Grantown
to Inverness. |
OS1/12/5/125 |
[page] 125
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/126 |
Sithian na Fàl Mòire
Sithean na Faile Moire |
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr John Grant
The above J.M.D. |
031.01 |
A small hill east of Easter AchvochKie and north of Tormore Farm Houses It is the property of The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/126 |
Torran Glas |
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr John Grant |
031.01 |
A small green hillock west of Tormore It is the property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/126 |
Biggie's Howe |
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Alexander McKenzie
Mr John Grant |
031.01 |
A small hollow east of Tormore Farm. It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/126 |
[page] 126
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Sìthean na Fàile Mòire
English Meaning The fairy hillock of the big bed
Torran Glas
English Meaning Grey Hillock |
OS1/12/5/126 |
Achvochkie Burn Cancelled see Name Sheet 30. 1 & 2. |
OS1/12/5/127 |
Mains of Advie |
Rent Receipt
Mr Charles Grant
Mr John Grant |
031.01 |
A Slated farm house two Stories high, having extensive Outhouses etc attached. It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/127 |
Bridge of Advie |
Mr Charles Grant
Mr John Grant
Mr Alexander Gordon |
031.01 |
A bridge of one Arch Spanning the burn of Advie. On the turnpike road leading from the Boat of Garten to the Bridge of Avon . |
OS1/12/5/127 |
[page] 127
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/127 |
Burn of Advie See p [page] 120 for this name |
OS1/12/5/128 |
Delay |
Rent Receipt
Mr Charles Grant
Mr John Grant |
031.01 |
A farm house now in ruins. having outhouses etc attached. all in a state of ruins. It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/128 |
Cnoc nan Eun |
Mr Charles Grant
Mr John Grant
Mr Alexander Gordon |
031.01 |
A small hill west of the Mains of Advie. It is
the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/128 |
Knocnaeun or Cnocnaneun |
Mr Charles Grant
Mr John Grant
Mr Alexander Gordon |
031.01 |
A thatched dwelling house having outhouses etc
attached. It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/128 |
[page] 128
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
English Meaning The Birds hill
Cnoc nan Eun
English Meaning The Birds hill |
OS1/12/5/129 |
Bog Buie |
Mr Charles Grant
Mr John Grant
Mr Alexander Gordon |
031.01 |
A small moss north East of BlacKward. It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/129 |
Tom na Cùlugeun
Tom nan Culeagan |
Mr John Grant
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Charles Grant
The Above J.M.D. |
031.01 |
A hill feature East of AchvochKie Farm It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/129 |
Allt an Torra Mhoir
Allt an Torra Mhòir |
Mr John Grant
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr Charles Grant
The above J.M.D. |
031.01; 031.02 |
A small mountain stream rising at the north of Carn Mòr and joining the Burn of AchvochKie at the Bridge of Tormore |
OS1/12/5/129 |
[page] 129
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Bog Buie English Meaning. The Yellow Bog or Quagmire
This name in its Gaelic form Should be Bog Buidhe
But the local Spelling being anglecised it is now
Spelt Bog Buie. As written on name Sheet
Tom nan Cùlagan Culagan
A hill where Sods used to be Cut for the
purpose of putting behind the fire
Allt an Torra Mhòir stream of the big hillocK |
OS1/12/5/130 |
AchvochKie Cottage |
Rent Receipt
Mr Alexander Gordon
Mr S Grant |
031.01 |
A thatched dwelling house having outhouses etc
attached. It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/130 |
Caochan Fiarach |
Mr J Grant
Mr Charles Grant
Mr Alexander Gordon |
031.01 |
A small mountain Stream rising at Bog Buie. and forming Caochan Luadh West of Blackward. |
OS1/12/5/130 |
Caochan Ruadh |
Mr J Grant
Mr Charles Grant
Mr Alexander Gordon |
031.01 |
A small mountain Stream rising at the north west Side of Carn Mòr and joining the Burn of Advie South West of the Old Ch [Church] of Advie. |
OS1/12/5/130 |
Blackward |
Mr J Grant
Mr Charles Grant
Mr Alexander Gordon |
031.01 |
A thatched dwelling house having Blacksmith's shop etc attached It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/130 |
[page] 130
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Caochan Fiarach
English Meaning The Tristing Stream
Caochan Ruadh
English Meaning Red Burn |
OS1/12/5/131 |
Garden Cottage |
Mr James Gordon Lochinoir
Mr James Smith Factor
Mr John Grant Bog |
031.02 |
A thatched cottage, with out-houses and gardens attached situated at the Eastern extremity of the parish the property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/131 |
Tom an Ime |
Mr James Gordon Lochinoir
Mr John Grant Bog
Mr J. Garrow KnocKtulchan |
031.02 |
A small hill planted with fir a little south of Garden Cottage the property of the Earl of Fife |
OS1/12/5/131 |
[page] 131
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Tom an Ime
English Meaning HillocK of the Butter |
OS1/12/5/132 |
[Page] 132
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/133 |
Mill of Advie |
Rent Receipt
Mr William Grant Garvault
Mr J. Smith Factor |
031.05 |
Applied to a meal mill of one story worked by water thatched and in good repair the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/133 |
Garvault |
Rent Receipt
Mr William Grant Tenant
Mr J. Smith Factor |
031.05 |
Applies to a good substantial farmsteading and dwelling house of one story thatched and in good repair with outhouses and garden attached situated about half a mile south of Advie Post Office |
OS1/12/5/133 |
KnockfrinK |
Rent Receipt
Mr William Grant Garvault
Mr J. Smith Factor |
031.05 |
Applied to a small dwelling house in good repair situated a little east of the hill Knock FrinK the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/133 |
[page] 133
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Note in pencil FranK Traing. |
OS1/12/5/134 |
Airdbeg |
Rent Receipt
Estate Plan
Mr William Grant Tenant |
031.05 |
Applied to a small farmst-eading situated a little S [South] of Advie Post Office the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/134 |
Burn of Garvault |
Mr William Grant Garvault
Mr J. Garrow KnocKtulchan
Mr J. Grant Deldow |
031.05 |
This name applies to a small mountain stream rising about half a mile south of Carn Mor called in the upper part of its course Redwell Burn and after a westerly course of about a mile and a half falls into the Burn of Advie |
OS1/12/5/134 |
Leacann |
Mr William Grant Garvault
Mr J. Garrow KnocKtulchan
Mr J. Grant Deldow |
031.05 |
Applied to a steep hill feature of considerable height well known by this name situated about half a mile west of Carn Mor |
OS1/12/5/134 |
[page] 134
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie -- Co. [County] Elgin |
OS1/12/5/135 |
Càrn Mòr |
Mr William Dean Mill of Advie
Mr A Gordon Advie
Mr J. Grant Deldow |
031.05 |
Applied to a prominent hill known by this name Situated near the east of the parish and about a mile east of Advie Post Office |
OS1/12/5/135 |
Red Well Burn |
Mr William Dean Mill of Advie
Mr A. Gordon Advie
Mr J. Grant Deldow |
030.05; 031.09 |
Applied to a portion of a stream rising about half a mile south of Carn Mor and after a westerly course of a little more than a quarter of a mile it is called the BacK Burn |
OS1/12/5/135 |
[page] 135
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/136 |
RED WELL (Chalybeate) |
Red Well |
Mr A Gordon Advie
Mr J. Grant Deldow
Mr J. Garrow KnocKtulchan |
031.05 |
Applied to a spring of water impregnanted with iron situated about half a mile south of Càrn Mòr |
OS1/12/5/136 |
Burn of Coire Seileach |
Estate Plan
Mr J. Smith Esq Factor
Mr J. Grant Advie |
031.09 |
A small stream commencing its name from Allt Creagan and retaining it to the burn of Garvault |
OS1/12/5/136 |
Tom a' Chait |
031.06 |
Decsribed on 29/11 of Inveraven Ph. [Parish] |
OS1/12/5/136 |
[page] 136
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/137 |
Middle Stripe
Middle Stripe
Middle Stripe |
J. Grant Bog
J. Grant KnocKanbuie
C.McIntosh Auldyorn |
031.09; 031.13 |
A small Mountain Stream of about a quarter of a Mile in length which flows into the Burn Allt
Creagan Tarmachain |
OS1/12/5/137 |
Tom a' Chòinich Tom a' Chòinich Tom a' Chòinich Tom na Coinceich |
J. Grant Bog
J. Grant KnocKanbuie
C. McIntosh Auldyorn
The above J.M.D. |
031.09 |
A small Hill forming as it were a Step to the West Side of the Ptarmigan'S Crag. English Meaning Foggy Hillock |
OS1/12/5/137 |
Creag an Tarmachain
Creag an Tarmachain
Creag an Tarmachain |
J. Grant Bog
J. Grant KnocKanbuie
C. McIntosh Auldyorn |
031.09 |
A high hill in the Southeast Corner of the Parish on whose top is a rocky Crag. Called the Ptarmigan's Loaf or Rock. on account of the bird, from which it is Named, being at times seen upon it |
OS1/12/5/137 |
[Page] 137
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie County of Elgin
Tom na Coinich English Meaning Hillock of the Moss
Creag an Tarmachain
English Meaning - The Ptarmigan's Rock |
OS1/12/5/138 |
Moss Burn
Moss Burn
Moss Burn |
J. Grant Farmer Bog
Mr Grant Deldow
Mr Grant KnocKanbuie |
031.09 |
A Small Mountain Stream in the South eastern part of the parish it flows into the Burn of Garvault after a run of a mile |
OS1/12/5/138 |
Stripe of Logieyouse
Stripe of Logieyouse
Stripe of
Logieyouse |
J. Grant Farmer Bog
Mr Grant Deldow
Mr Grant KnocKanbuie |
031.09 |
A Small Mountain Stream in the South-east part of the parish flowing into the Redwell Burn after a Course of About half a Mile. |
OS1/12/5/138 |
Lagaguish |
031.10 |
Described on 29/15 of Inveraven Ph [Parish] |
OS1/12/5/138 |
[page] 138
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie -- County of Elgin |
OS1/12/5/138 |
Burn of Advie See Page 52 |
OS1/12/5/139 |
Allt Creagan
Allt a' Chreahain |
Mr J. Grant Deldow
Mr A. Gordon Advie
Mr J. Grant Bog |
031.13 |
Applies to a sall mountain stream rising a little north west of Carn Gillie Chere and after a northerly course of about one mile it is called
the Burn of Advie |
OS1/12/5/139 |
Càrn a' Ghille Chearr |
Estate Plan
Mr J. Grant Deldow
Mr J. Smith Factor |
031.13 |
Applied to one of the most prominent portions of Cromdale Hills situated about a mile and a half south of Knock FrinK. there is no meaning can be given for this name in any part of the
Parish |
OS1/12/5/139 |
[Page] 139
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/139 |
CARN A' GHILLE CHEARR Should read CÀRN A' GHILLE CHEARR //Email sent -see page 1 |
OS1/12/5/140 |
Allt Creag an Tarmachain |
J. Grant Bog
J. Grant KnocKanbuie
C. McIntosh - Auldyorn |
031.13 |
This Burn rises on the South West Side of Creagan Ptarmigan and flows North Westward. it receives the Waters of the Middle Stripe and is then joined by Allt Creagan. the three Waters forming the Burn of Advie. |
OS1/12/5/140 |
[page] 140
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie -- County of Elgin |
OS1/12/5/141 |
Highland Railway
Highland Railway
Highland Railway |
Company's table of ByeLaws etc etc
Company's table of Tolls charges etc etc
Company's and other Time tables Tickets Cards etc |
029; 032; 033 |
This Railway has direct communication by a single line of rails between Bonar Bridge and the City of Perth and from Inverness to Keith Its route lies through the heart of the Highlands and presents to tourists and others travelling in search of the picturesque opportunities for viewing the magnificent scenery through which the line passes which are unattainable for cheapness and convenience in any other part of Scotland abounding in Scenery of a similar nature. Electric Telegraph communication exists throughout the whole length of the line which is the property of the Highland Railway Company whose head Office is at Inverness |
OS1/12/5/141 |
[page] 141
County of Inverness -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie (Part of)
Copy |
OS1/12/5/142 |
Old Ballintomb
Old Ballintomb
Old Ballintomb
Old Ballintomb
Old Ballintomb |
Mr Stuart, Landsteward and Farmer Ballintomb by Grantown
Revd [Reverend] W. Forsyth. Manse Abernethy
Mr A. Clarke Postmaster & Farmer. Dulnan Bridge |
032.15 |
This place was once a large farmsteading. It is now attached to the farm of Ballintomb, the
4 houses are unroofed and have been in ruins for a length of time The present occupier of Ballintomb farm (Mr Stuart) says he will have
them taken away. probably next year, And the ground occupied by them turned into Arable land. |
OS1/12/5/142 |
TOM NAN CARRAGH Human Remains found here A.D. 1836. |
Tom-nan-Carragh |
Mr Stuart
Mr A. Clarke
Revd [Reverend] W. Forsythe
Mr J. McQueen, Farmer, Gaich by Grantown Strathspey |
032.12; 032.16 |
A small flat hill lying in the middle of Strathspey, and extending lengthwise nearly East & West for about 50 Chains and about 20 in breadth the Eastern point is closely wooded
and separated from the Western portion by a deep trench in sinking which about 30 years ago, human remains were found (see Trace) |
OS1/12/5/142 |
STANDING STONES [Tom nan Carragh] |
032 |
There are 3 large standing Stones on the West part of the hill. each about 8 feet high, Supposed to be the remains of Druidical Circles. The name signifies hill of the Obelisks. |
OS1/12/5/142 |
STANDING STONE [Tom nan Carragh] |
032 |
There is also a large standing stone in the wooded part of this hill about 8 feet high (see Trace) |
OS1/12/5/142 |
[page] 142
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie (Part of) |
OS1/12/5/143 |
Easter Gorton
Easter Gorton
Easter Gorton |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Cruickshank |
032.04 |
A farm house and out- Offices from one to two Stories high. thatched And in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/143 |
Easter Dreggie
Easter Dreggie
Easter Dreggie |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Cruickshank |
032.04 |
A farm house and out Offices one storey high thatched and in good Repair The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/143 |
Mid Dreggie
Mid Dreggie
Mid Dreggie |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Cruickshank occupier |
032.04 |
A farm house and out Offices one storey high thatched and in good Repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/143 |
[Page] 143
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/144 |
Càrn a'Ghoirtein Càrn a'Ghoirtein Càrn a'Ghoirtein |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Maclean Pro [Property] Factor
Mr Cruickshank Mid Dreggie |
029.15; 032.03 |
A prominent hill situated about 30 Chains north of Wester Gorton. it is Covered with heathy pasture to its Summit, And is the property of the Earl of Seafield. It Signifies the Cairn of the little Corn field. |
OS1/12/5/144 |
Wester Gorton
Wester Gorton
Wester Gorton |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Macdonald Occupier |
032 |
A farmhouse and out-Offices from one to two Stories high thatched and in good repair. the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/144 |
Caochan nan Gabhar
Caochan nan Gabhar
Caochan nan Gabhar |
Revd [Reverend] E. Gordon
Mr Mcbean
Mr Mcdonald Wester Gorton |
032.04 |
A Small stream having its Source at Easter Gorton and flowing in a South Westerly direction until it Joins Glenbeg Burn near to Wester Gorton It Signifies The Goats Stream |
OS1/12/5/144 |
[page] 144
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Wester Gorton on 6 Inch |
OS1/12/5/145 |
Corshellach |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr MacIntosh |
029.16 |
A croft house one Storey high thatched and in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/145 |
Auchosnish |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr MacIntosh occupier |
032.04 |
A farmhouse and outoffices from one to two Storeys high, thatched and in good repair, The property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/145 |
Creag a' Bheinnein
Creag a' Bheinnein
Creag a' Bheinnein |
Reverend Evan Gordon
Mr Maclean
Mr Macdonald |
032 |
A hill Situated at the South Eastern base of
Beinn Mòr. it is covered with Coppice Wood and heathy pasture to its Summit And is the
property of the Earl of Seafield. It Signifies the Craig of the Peak. |
OS1/12/5/145 |
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie -- [page] 145
Auchosnish Referred and corrected agreeable to the examiners Reply
and examination trace
Creag a' Bheinnein Referred and corrected agreeable to the examiners Reply and the
examination trace
Sheet 32 6 Inch |
OS1/12/5/146 |
Shleanaferan |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean Pro [Property] Factor
Mr Cruickshank |
029 |
This name applies to two Croft houses situated at the head of Gleann Beag. one story high thatched & in Middling repair- Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/146 |
Càrn Buidhe
Càrn Buidhe
Càrn Buidhe |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr McDonald |
029.16 |
A prominent hill, whose eastern face is thickly wooded, situated between the farms of Corshelloch and Auchnaferan- Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/146 |
[page] 146
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Shleanaferan on 6 Inch
Corshelloch Burn See 6 inchwork page 82 for this name |
OS1/12/5/147 |
Drumourachie |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Macbean, Ground Officer |
032.07 |
A one storey thatched dwelling
house in very bad condition
Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/147 |
GlenbegGlenbeg |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr Macbean, Factor's Office
Mr Macbean, Ground Officer |
032.07 |
A farm steading consisting of dwelling houSe and office housesall one storey high and in very good condition Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/147 |
Wester Dreggie
Wester Dreggie
Wester Dreggie |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Macbean, Ground Officer |
032.04 |
A farm Steading consisting of dwelling house and office houses one storey high, thatched and in bad condition, Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/147 |
[Page] 147
County of Elgin -- Ph [Parish] of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Glenbeg On 6 Inch
Drumourachie On 6 Inch |
OS1/12/5/148 |
Laggan Hill
Laggan Hill
Laggan Hill
Laggan Hill
Laggan Hill |
Mr Macbean, Factor's Office Grantown
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon Grantown
Mr Macbean, Ground Officer
on Lord Seafield's Estate, Grantown |
032.07 |
A small heathy pasture hill Situated a Short distance South east of Glenbeg farm steading It is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/148 |
Laggan Burn |
032.07 |
See common Sh [Sheet] for authorities |
OS1/12/5/148 |
[page] 148
Co. [County] Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/149 |
The Square
The Square
The Square |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card F.C. [Free Church] Schoolmaster |
032.04; 032.08 |
This name is applied to that portion of the village of Grantown in Which the Grant Arms Hotel and the National Bank of Scotland are Situated. It lies directly between the East End and the West End. Th houses in it are partly two and partly one storey high, all Slated and in good condition. |
OS1/12/5/149 |
Grant Arms Hotel
Grant Arms Hotel
Grant Arms Hotel |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean Name printed on houSe |
032.08 |
This hotel is a two storey house slated and in very good condition The office houseS in connexion with this building are now (Augt [August] 1867) in the course of Erection |
OS1/12/5/149 |
Dunbar's Hotel
Dunbar's Hotel
Dunbar's Hotel |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Name printed on house |
032.08 |
This hotel which is also a poSting establishment, is a two storey house slated and in very good conditon. It has office houSes attached which are one Storey high and in good Condition. |
OS1/12/5/149 |
[Page] 149
Elginshire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/150 |
Grantown |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
New Statistical Account |
032.04 032.08 |
The following is taken from the "New Statistical Account":- "The markets held in this Village are monthly for Cattle only- and half yearly for Hiring of Servants Grantown is the only marKet town in the parish. It was founded in the year 1776, by the late Sir James Grant, of Grant in the midst of an extensive uncultivated Moor. Its appearance Since that period has undergone a great change. Near the centre of the town there is a Spacious oblong Square, 180 by 700 feet in length. On the south side of the square stands the Speyside Orphan Hospital, built on a neat design in 1824. There at at present about thirty children in the hospital boys and girls. None are admitted under age 7 or continued above 14 years of age. According to the deed of Settlement the children admitted must be natives of either of the parishes of Cromdale, Abernethy, Duthil, Inveraven or KnocKando. All the children are supplied with clothing, board and education" |
OS1/12/5/150 |
[page] 150
Elginshire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/151 |
High Street
High Street
High Street |
Revd [Reverend] Mr McQueen
Mr Stuart
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon |
032.08 |
This name is applied to that part of the main Street of Grantown which lies between Dunbar's Hotel and the southern end of The Square All the houses in this street, with one exception, are slated and in very good condition. |
OS1/12/5/151 |
Anagach |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr Stuart
Mr McBean. Pro Factor |
032.05 |
This name applies to a few cot-houses
situated near to Spey Bridge & on the
west side of the River Spey - They
are one storey high - slated & in good
repair - Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/151 |
Court House |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Macqueen, Minister Grantown from whom see note attached in Reference to this object which has been erected Since Parish was Examined |
032.04 |
A fine stone building in course of erection in "The Square" of the village of Grantown opposite Lethedry Cottage, which has been erected for the purpose of holding small Debt Courts by the Sheriffs of Elgin and Inverness Shires- It contains Police Cells and accommodation for the person who takes charge of it. Property of the Counties of Elgin and Inverness Shires |
OS1/12/5/151 |
[page] 151
Co. [County] Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/151A |
[page 151 A]
29th July 1868
In answers to yours of
the 27th Inst. I beg to say
that "Court-House" is the
proper name for this building
in cause of erection in the
Square of Grantown opposite
Lethendry Cottage. I never
heard any other name given
to it by any person whatever.
It has been erected for the
Purpose of holding Small-
Debt Courts by the Sheriffs |
OS1/12/5/151A |
This letter refers to the entry on page 151 about the Court House at Grantown |
OS1/12/5/151B |
[page 151B]
of Inverness & Elgin Shires
it also contains Police Cells
and accommodation for the
person who takes charge of it.
Faithfully Yours
H.D. Macqueen |
OS1/12/5/151B |
This letter refers to the entry on page 151 about the Court House at Grantown |
OS1/12/5/152 |
Anagach Moss
Anagach Moss
Anagach Moss |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card |
033.05 |
A small moss situated in the large fir wood east of the village of Grantown. Its surface is covered with a few Scattered fir treeS |
OS1/12/5/152 |
School |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Stuart Schoolmaster and Registrar Grantown |
032.08 |
A Stone building at the eastern side of Grantown. It is slated and in excellent condition. Average number of scholars in attendance, about 200 It is entirely supported by voluntary contributions. There is a small belfrey on this building |
OS1/12/5/152 |
Black Bull Hotel |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Writing on lamp in front of house |
032.08 |
A two storey house with office houses, slated and in excellent Condition. There is a public house directly opposite to the hotel. |
OS1/12/5/152 |
[page] 152
Co. [County] Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie
This school is not a parish school although it
is sometimes so termed in the locality. It was
erected by the Earl of Seafield as a Grammar School for the neighbourhood of Grantown
but it is not now exclusively used for that purpose as the Ordinary branches are taught
The Schoolmaster is also the Registrar of the District of Grantown |
OS1/12/5/153 |
National Bank of Scotland
National Bank of Scotland |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Name on windows of bank |
032.04 |
A very neat two storey dwelling house slated and in excellent condition. There is one small outhouse in connexion with this building |
OS1/12/5/153 |
Lethendry Cottage
Lethendry Cottage
Lethendry Cottage |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card |
032.04 |
A handsome two storey dwelling house with office houses in it rear slated and in excellent condition. This name has been recently applied to this cottage. |
OS1/12/5/153 |
Post Office
Post Office
Post Office |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Writing on window |
032.08 |
A neat stone house slated and in good condition. This is a Money order office. There are 3 arrivals at And 3 despatches from this office of mails, daily. |
OS1/12/5/153 |
[Page] 153
Elgin-shire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/154 |
Caledonian Bank |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Name on windows of Offices |
032.08 |
A large two Storey house, Slated and in excellent condition. This is the banKer's residence. Part of this building is the North British and Mercantile Insurance Office. |
OS1/12/5/154 |
Royal Bank of Scotland
Royal Bank of Scotland |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Name written on windows of bank |
032.08 |
This is a large two storey house, with offices and garden attached This house is the residence of the banker. |
OS1/12/5/154 |
Baptist Chapel
Baptist Chapel
Baptist Chapel |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Grant, Baptist Clergyman Grantown |
032.08 |
A small chapel, slated and in very good condition. Number of sittings 380, Number of communicants at the last dispensation of the Sacrament 253 - Property of the Baptist community of Grantown |
OS1/12/5/154 |
[page] 154
Elgin-shire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie
Caledonian Bank
This name has been referred, and the Examiner in reply states "The Banker
is merely and agent for the Insurance Company, consequently the name of
the Insurance Company has been cancelled. |
OS1/12/5/155 |
Grantown Station
Grantown Station
Grantown Station |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card |
032.08 |
This station, situated 48 miles by rail from Inverness, consists of offices for passenger and luggage traffic, waiting rooms for passengers a double platform etc, the station- agents house and three small cottages for the accommodation of porters are situated quite near to the station. Everything about the station is in good repair. |
OS1/12/5/155 |
KYLINTRA (Saw Mill |
Kylintra |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card |
032.08 |
Three sheds attached to one another which form a saw mill, a dwelling house with a shed attached for an office house. The whole are one storey high and in good condition. |
OS1/12/5/155 |
Kylintra Burn
Kylintra Burn
Kylintra Burn |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Stuart, Ph [Parish] Schoolmaster |
032.08 |
This name applies to a small burn which rises on the high lands west of Grantown, Its general course is south east. It passes the lower end of Grantown and flows into the Spey at Kylintra Above the Highland Railway it is Called "Corshelloch Burn" |
OS1/12/5/155 |
[Page] 155
Elgin-shire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/156 |
Free Church School
Free Church School
Free Church School |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card F.C. [Free Church] Schoolmaster |
032.08 |
A one storey Stone building Situated at the southern end of the village of Grantown, The average number of Scholars attending this school is 120. It is Supported by the Free Church congregation of Grantown. |
OS1/12/5/156 |
East End
East End
East End |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card |
032.04 |
This name is applied to the small Street in the village of Grantown which lies north-east of The Square The houses in this part of the village are principally one Storey high Slated and in good condition |
OS1/12/5/156 |
West End
West End
West End |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card |
032.08 |
This name is applied to that portion of Grantown which lieS South-west of High Street. The houses in it are nearly all one storey high, slted and in very good condition. |
OS1/12/5/156 |
[page] 156
Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/157 |
CHURCH (Chapel of Ease) |
Church (Chapel of Ease)
Church (Chapel of Ease) |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card, F.C. [Free Church] Minister
Revd [Reverend] Mr McQueen |
032.04 |
This church, a stone erection, slated and in excellent condition, is situated immediately west of The Square in the village of Grantown. Its southern end is Surmounted by a bell Erected by the Heritors for the Accommodation of the people living in the Neighbourhood of Grantown - The Parish church proper, being situate too far distant for convenience |
OS1/12/5/157 |
Free Church
Free Church
Free Church |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card |
032.08 |
A very substantial Stone building slated and in excellent condition.It is situated quite near to the Manse Its western end is surmounted by a bell No. of sittings 600. |
OS1/12/5/157 |
Manse |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Revd [Reverend] Mr McQueen Grantown |
032.08 |
A very handsome cottage, one storey high, slated and in excellent condition It is situated immediately behind the Baptist Chapel from which is is separated by the garden attached
to the manse. |
OS1/12/5/157 |
[Page] 157
Elgin-shire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/158 |
Manse |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card F.C. [Free Church] Schoolmaster |
032.08 |
A two storey dwelling house Situated close to the Free Church. It is built of stone, slated and in excellent condition. Property of the Free Church
Body of Grantown. |
OS1/12/5/158 |
Gas WorKs
Gas WorKs
Gas WorKs |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card |
032.08 |
These works consist of a small gasometer and two small stone buildings, the whole enclosed by a fence They are situated near the parish
School. |
OS1/12/5/158 |
Speybridge |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Card |
033.05 |
This name is applied to some small farm houses lying between the village of Grantown and the bridge which crosses the Spey. They are all close to the main road. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/158 |
[page] 158
Elgin-shire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/159 |
Wester Laggan
Wester Laggan
Wester Laggan |
Mr A Clark, tenant
Rent Receipt
Mr Smith Factor |
032.11 |
A farmhouse one Storey high, with a cottars dwelling house, and offices attached, thatched, and in fair repair. The Earl of Seafield proprietor |
OS1/12/5/159 |
Laggan Burn
Laggan Burn
Laggan Burn |
Mr Clark, Post Office Dulnanbridge
Mr Smith, Factor
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon, Grantown |
032.11 |
A small burn, rising about half a mile to the north of Wester Laggan, farmhouse, and flowing in a South Eastern direction for about 2 miles when it falls into the River Spey, It forms the Boundary between the counties of Elgin and Inverness, through the parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie for nearly
half its length. |
OS1/12/5/159 |
[page] 159
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie
Note Laggan Burn - Wrong description |
OS1/12/5/160 |
Coldhome |
William Dow, tenant
Mr A ClarK Dulnanbridge
Mr Smith, Factor. Grantown |
032.11 |
A small dwelling house one Storey high, with offices attached, the whole thatched and only in middling repair The Earl of Seafield, proprietor. |
OS1/12/5/160 |
Laggan of Findlarigg |
Mr Dow, tenant
Mr Clark, post office, Dulnanbridge |
032.11 |
A farm house, one Storey high with numerous offices attached thatched and in fair repair. The Earl of Seafield. proprietor. |
OS1/12/5/160 |
Findlarigg |
Mr Samuel Grant, tenant
Mr ClarK Dulnanbridge
Mr Smith, Factor |
032.11 |
A large farm house, two Stories high, with offices attached, the former Slated the latter thatched, the whole in thorough repair. The Earl of Seafield, proprietor. |
OS1/12/5/160 |
[page] 160
County of Elgin -- Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie Ph [Parish] |
OS1/12/5/161 |
Dulnan Bridge
Dulnan Bridge
Dulnan Bridge |
Mr Clark. Post Office
Mr Smith Factor
Revd [Reverend] E Gordon. Grantown |
032.11 |
A stone bridge of one arch crossing a mile from it junction with the Spey. It was built in 1829 at the joint expense of the County & the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/161 |
Dulnanbridge |
Mr Clark
Mr Smith
Revd [Reverend] E Gordon |
032.11 |
A few dwelling houses, at
Dulnan Bridge. from which
they take their name, one Storey
high, thatched, and in good repair
The Earl of Seafield, proprietor |
OS1/12/5/161 |
Dulnanbridge |
Mr Clark
Mr Smith
Revd [Reverend] E Gordon |
032.11 |
A dwelling house two Stories high, and used as Post office & Shop. It is Subject to the Grantown Post Office. Arrival 3 p.m. Dispatch 10.30. a.m. |
OS1/12/5/161 |
[page] 161
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/162 |
Ballintomb |
John Smith Esqr Factor
Revd [Reverend] William Forsyth
Mr Stewart, occupier
Rent Roll |
032.15 |
A farm house & out Offices each of which is one storey high partly Slated & partly thatched, all in good repair. property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/162 |
Inverallan House |
J. Smith Esq
Revd [Reverend] William Forsyth
Mr Stewart |
032.12 |
A good dwelling House with ornamental ground, garden and Out houses attached, Occupied by Mr Smith Factor to the Earl of Seafield, the proprietor |
OS1/12/5/162 |
Inverallan Church |
J Smith Esqr Factor
Revd [Reverend] William Forsyth
Mr Stewart |
032.12 |
The Ruins of the Old Ch. [Church]
of Inverallan, since the
Union of the Parishes of
Cromdale, Inverallan and
Advie, there is a Mission
Church in Grantown for
the wants of the Inverallan
portion of the Parish |
OS1/12/5/162 |
[page] 162
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/163 |
Lower Gaich
Lower Gaich
Lower Gaich
Lower Gaich
Lower Gaich |
Revd [Reverend] W. Forsythe
Mr A. Clarke
Rent Roll - 1860
W Smith. Esqr
Mr A. Grant (Occupier) |
032.12 |
A large farmsteading having a Snug dwelling house 2 storys slated, with very good offices one story, thatched, and in a fair state of repair Occupied by Mr A. Grant. The property of - Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/163 |
CroftsKellich |
Revd [Reverend] W. Forsythe
Mr A. Clarke
Mr J. Grant. Easter Laggan
Mr Cameron (Occupier) |
032.11 |
A small dwelling one story with offices in the same Range all thatched and in bad repair occupied by Mrs Cameron There is a small croft of Arable land let with this house - All the
property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/163 |
Lower Craggan
Lower Craggan
Lower Craggan
Lower Craggan |
Rent Roll 1860
Mr Smith, Esqr
Mr A. Clarke
Mr J. Grant - (Occupier) |
032.12 |
A small farmsteading dwelling house and story office and all thatched and in a bad state of repair occupied by Mr J Grant, Blacksmith, The
Property of Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/163 |
[page] 163
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/164 |
Easter Laggan
Easter Laggan
Easter Laggan
Easter Laggan
Easter Laggan |
Revd [Reverend] W. Forsythe Manse Abernethy
Mr A. Clarke, Postmaster Dulnan Bridge
Mr J. Grant (occupier)
Rent Roll - 1861
W, Smith Esqr Factor, Inverallan Houe Grantown |
032.11 |
A large farmsteading dwelling house one story. And offices one all thatched and in a bad State of repair. Occupied by Mr Grant Farmer. There are a few small cot houses on this farm occupied by labouring men The property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/164 |
Gaich |
Revd [Reverend] W Forsythe
Mr A. Clarke
Mr J. McQueen (occupier)
Rent Roll (1860)
W. Smith - Esqr. |
032.12 |
A small farmsteading dwelling house and offices each ane story. all thatched and in a fair state of repair Occupied by Mr J. McQueen. The Property of Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/164 |
Upper Gaich
Upper Gaich
Upper Gaich
Upper Gaich
Upper Gaich |
Revd [Reverend] W. Forsythe
Mr A. Clarke
Mr P. Nairn (occupier)
Rent Roll - 1860
W. Smith - Esqr |
032.12 |
A large farmsteading comprising 2 dwelling houses and a number of offices. each one story. all thatched and in middling repair Occupied by Mr P. Nairn. The Property of Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/164 |
[page] 164
Elginshire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/165 |
Upper Craggan
Upper Craggan
Upper Craggan
Upper Craggan |
Mr A. Clarke
Rent Roll - 1860
W. Smith - Esqr
Mr McDougall (Occupier) |
032.12 |
A large first rate farmsteading Consisting of a large dwelling house and a number of offices all thatched and in good repair, The present tenant (Mr McDougall) is a Merchant in Grantown. and lets this place at a high rent in the Summer Season - The property of the
Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/165 |
LOWER CRAGGAN MILL (Corn & Barley) |
Lower Craggan Mill (Corn & Barley)
Lower Craggan Mill (Corn & Barley)
Lower Craggan Mill (Corn & Barley)
Lower Craggan Mill (Corn & Barley) |
Mr A. Clarke
Rent Roll (1860)
W. Smith Esqr
Mr J. Robertson Millwright (occupier) |
032.12 |
A large stone house 2 story's with 2 wooden buildings attached thereto. the whole used as a Corn Mill. There is also Sawing Machinery in the same building's. There is a large dwelling house with a few offices a short distance East from the Mill. The whole forms one holding - and is in a fair state of repair - occupied by Mr J. Robertson - Millwright.The property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/165 |
[Page 165
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie (Part of) |
OS1/12/5/166 |
Lower Craggan Carding Mill
Lower Craggan Carding Mill
Lower Craggan Carding Mill |
Mr A. Clarke
Rent Roll -1860-
W. Smith Esqr
Mr James Grant (Occupier) |
032.12 |
A large stone building 2 story;s slated used as a Carding Mill (for wool only) driven by Water power, there is sawing and turning Machinery on the ground floor- The whole superintended by Mr J. Grant who occupies a neat cottage
one story slated and in good repair, a short distance from the Carding Mill. The property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/166 |
Gaich Wood
Gaich Wood
Gaich Wood
Gaich Wood |
Mr A. Clarke
Revd [Reverend] W. Forsythe
Mr John Grant . Easter Laggan
Mr J. McQueen Gaich
Mr P Nairn Upper Gaich |
032.11 |
A large extent of Scotch and Larch Fir wood lying on the North side of the road from Grantown to CarrBridge - And about 2 Miles from the former; town, near the South side of this wood a short distance from CroftsKettich (On Trace) There is a large Cairns of stones which was opened about 6 years ago. And a Stone Chest found near its centre Containing dust or ashes. The greater part of the Cairn is taken away for the purpose of building Stone fences around the adjoining fields |
OS1/12/5/166 |
[page] 166
Elginshire -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/167 |
Hills of Cromdale
Hills of Cromdale
Hills of Cromdale |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith Esqr
Donal Stewart |
033 |
A chain of Mountains extending over a distance of 7 or 8 Miles - in a north and South direction and forming the Southern boundary of this Parish. They are Covered with heath to their Summit, and are the property of the Honb [Honourable] The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/167 |
033.06 033.07 |
For Authorities and description see Name Book of the parish of Abernethy and Kincardine in Inverness-shire |
OS1/12/5/167 |
[page] 167
Co. [County] Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie (Part of)
Cnocan Buidhe See Page 17 for this name |
OS1/12/5/168 |
[Page] 168
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/169 |
Allanmore |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith
Donald Stewart |
033 |
Applies to two farm houses, each of which are one Storey high. thatched and in good Repair the property of The Honbl [Honourable] the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/169 |
Torinruich |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A farm house and outoffices one Storey high thatched, And in good Repair. the property of the Honbl [Honourable] The Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/169 |
Wester Rynabeallich
Wester Rynabeallich
Wester Rynabeallich |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith Esqr
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A farm house and outoffices one Storey high, thatched and in good repair. the property of the Honbl [Honourable] The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/169 |
[page] 169
Co. [County] of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie (Part of) |
OS1/12/5/170 |
Laggandhu |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A farm house and outoffices one Storey high, thatched and in good Repair. the property of the Honbl [Honourable] The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/170 |
Easter Rynabeallich
Easter Rynabeallich
Easter Rynabeallich |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith Esqr
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A farm house and outoffices one Storey high thatched and in good Repair the property of the Honbl [Honourable] The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/170 |
Cnoc na Seilg
Cnoc na Seilg
Cnoc na Seilg |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith Esqr
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A prominent feature Situated at the N. [North] West Shoulder of the Hills of Cromdale. it is Covered with heathy pasture. and is the property of the Honbl [Honourable] the Earl of Seafield.
It means the Knoll of the Hunt. |
OS1/12/5/170 |
[page] 170
Co. [County] Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie (Part of) |
OS1/12/5/171 |
Allt Eoghainn Bhig
Allt Eoghainn Bhig
Allt Eoghainn Bhig |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A Small Stream having its Source at the N. [North] Western base of the Hills of Cromdale And flowing in a westerly direction until it joins Allt na Crìche near to Easter Rynabeallich. It means the stream of the Little Evan |
OS1/12/5/171 |
Allt na Crìche
Allt na Crìche
Allt na Crìche |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A Small stream having its source at the N. [North] Western base of the Hills of Cromdale. And flowing in a Westerly direction until it joins Dalvey Burn about 40 Chains North of Easter Rynabeallich
It forms the boundary between
the Counties of Inverness & Elginand means the Stream of the
boundary. |
OS1/12/5/171 |
[page] 171
Co. [County] Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie (Part of) |
OS1/12/5/172 |
Fuaranbuie |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith Esqr
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A farm house and outoffices one Storey high thatched and in Middling Repair. the property of the Honbl [Honourable] The Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/172 |
Corshellach |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A farm house and outoffices one Storey high thatched And in good Repair, the property of the Honbl [Honourable] The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/172 |
Allt na Croite
Allt na Croite
Allt na Croite |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A Stream having its Source at the Western base of the Hills of Cromdale and flowing in a N. [North] Westerly direction until it Joins Allt Eoghainn Bhig. close to the farmhouse of Easter Rynabeallich It means the Stream of the Croft or Little Eminence. |
OS1/12/5/172 |
[page] 172
Co. [County] of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie (Part of) |
OS1/12/5/173 |
Site of the BATTLE OF CROMDALE A.D. 1690 |
Site of the Battle of Cromdale A.D.1690
Site of the Battle of Cromdale A.D.1690
Site of the Battle of Cromdale A.D.1690 |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith Esqr.
Donald Stewart |
033 |
The Site of this battle which was fought between the Scots and English troops on the 1st May 1690 is Situated at the western base of the Hills of Cromdale. There are now Several farmhouses Scattered over the ground where the Conflict took place. There is nothing on the field to mark the graves of the fallen. "The Statistical Account says " The Cause of James II having become desperate by the death of John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee, at Killiecrankie, in 1689 he made a bold attempt to renew the war in the Highlands. General Buchan was dispatched with 1500 men of different Clans to lay waste the low Country. On their March through Strathspey they plundered as they went along, and Committed many |
OS1/12/5/173 |
[Page] 173
Co. [County] of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie (Part of) |
OS1/12/5/173 |
Continued on page 174 |
OS1/12/5/174 |
Battle of Cromdale |
Continued |
033 |
serious depredations in the lower
parts of the Country. By this
time Sir Thomas Livingstone, who
was stationed at Inverness-
with a large force of Cavalry and
infantry, Resolved to check them.
Buchan and his force, hearing of
his determination and approach
Returned to the Highlands. On
the 1st May 1690, by break of day
Sir Thomas Livingstone arrived with
his troops at Denaid near
Castle Granty. and in order that
their movement might not
be known they were directed down
the valley of Auchinarrow, a very
Sequestered spot, and to Cross the Spey below Dellachapple. General Buchan and his
Army had come to Cromdale on the 30th April, and Considering it prudent to keep near
the hills, encamped that night at Lethendy, a farm at the foot of the hill of Cromdale.
They had Some advanced Guards or Sentries, placed near the Church of Cromdale
closeby the River and these observing Livingstones troops fording the Spey, immediately
alarmed the Camp; but the Kings troops attacked them before they were even able to dress themselves much less to form, or prepare for Action. They fought gallantly notwithstanding; but were at length compelled to take flight." |
OS1/12/5/174 |
[page] 174
Co. [County] Elgin |
OS1/12/5/175 |
Ruisnuttan |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith Esqr
Donald Stewart |
032.11 |
A Small Stream having it Source at the Western base of the Hills of Cromdale and flowing in a westerly direction |
OS1/12/5/175 |
Allt a' Cheannaiche
Allt a' Cheannaiche
Allt a' Cheannaiche |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith Esqr
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A small Stream having its Source at the Western base of the Hills of Cromdale, And flowing in a N. [North] Westerly direction past the farmsteading of Carsheallach.It means the Merchant's Burn |
OS1/12/5/175 |
Craggan |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Smith Esqr
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A farm house and outoffices one Storey high thatched and in middling Repair, the property of the Rt Honbl [Right Honourable] The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/175 |
[Page] 175
Co. [County] of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie (Part of) |
OS1/12/5/176 |
Allt Mhic Neacai
Allt Mhic Neacail
Allt Mhic Neacail |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon Grantown
John Smith Esqr Factor
Donald Stewart Rynabeallich |
033 |
A Small Stream having its Source at the N. [North] Western base of the Hills of Cromdale. And flowing in a westerly direction past Caggan farm Steading. It means Nicolson's Burn |
OS1/12/5/176 |
Allt na h-Airidhe
Allt na h-Airidhe
Allt na h-Airidhe |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A Stream having its Source at the Western base of the Hills of Cromdale. And flowing in a Westerly direction It means the Stream of the
Shealing. |
OS1/12/5/176 |
Clach nam Pìobhair
Clach nam Pìobhair |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Donald Stewart |
033 |
A large Stone About 5 feet high by 3 or 4 feet in Circumference, Situated at the Eastern extremity of the Battle field of Cromdale, It is Said to be the Stone whereon the pipers of
the Scottish Army Sat, during the progress of the Battle * name Signifies Stone of the Pipers |
OS1/12/5/176 |
[page] 176
Co. [County] Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/177 |
School |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr H. B. Macdonald teacher) |
033.02 |
The parish School (proper)lwhere the elementary branches of education are taught by a master. there is an average attendance of About 60 Scholars. it is one Storey high Slated and in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/177 |
Cromdale Station
Cromdale Station
Cromdale Station |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Sign board |
033.02 |
A Station on the Great North of Scotland Railway. one Storey high Slated. in good repair. The property of the Great North of Scotland Railway Company. |
OS1/12/5/177 |
[Page] 177
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/178 |
[Page] 178
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/179 |
Upper Port
Upper Port
Upper Port |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Macdonald |
033.10 |
A farmhouse and outoffices one Storey high thatched, in good Repair, The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/179 |
Manse |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Macdonald |
033.02 |
A Commodious house Situated about 6 Chains East of the Church. It is from two to 3 Storeys high, Slated, in good Repair. The property of the Heritors of the parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie . |
OS1/12/5/179 |
Mains of Cromdale
Mains of Cromdale
Mains of Cromdale |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Macdonald |
033.02 |
A farmhouse and out-Offices one Storey high partly thatched and partly Slated, in good Repair. The property of The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/179 |
[page] 179
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/180 |
East Port
East Port
East Port |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon Grantown
Mr Macbean Pro Factor Grantown
Mr Macdonald Boat of Cromdale |
033.02 |
A farmhouse and outoffices from one to two Storeys high partly thatched and partly Slated, in good Repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/180 |
Raitt |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Macdonald. |
033.10 |
A croft house one Storey high thatched, in good Repair, The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/180 |
Mill of Castle Grant
Mill of Castle Grant
Mill of Castle Grant |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Macdonald |
033.01 |
A Corn Mill farmhouse and outoffices one storey high thatched, in good Repair, the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/180 |
[page] 180
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/181 |
Tobar ma' Luaig
Tobar ma' Luaig
Tobar ma' Luaig |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Macdonald |
033.02 |
A Spring Well Situated on the Western bank of the River Spey, nearly opposite to the Church of Cromdale - Name Signifies "St Luac's Well it having been dedicated to that Saint. Was it regarded as a Holy Well ? |
OS1/12/5/181 |
Nether Port
Nether Port
Nether Port |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Macdonald Boat of Cromdale |
033.02 |
A farmhouse and out-offices one Storey high
thatched and in good Repair. The property of
the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/181 |
Mid Port
Mid Port
Mid Port |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Grant tenant |
030.14 |
A farmhouse and out-offices one Storey high
thatched and in good Repair The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/181 |
[page] 181
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/182 |
Boat of Cromdale
Boat of Cromdale
Boat of Cromdale |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Macdonald tenant |
033.02 |
This name applies to the house Occupied by the ferryman at Boat of Cromdale, part of which is used as a public house. there is a Small farm and outoffices attached. one Storey high thatched and in good repair.
There is also a public ferry across the River Spey at this place for the conveyance of passengers Horses and Cattle. The property
of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/182 |
Church |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Macdonald |
033.02 |
The parish Church (proper) Situated on the Eastern bank of the river Spey, about 3 miles North East of the village of Grantown. It was built in the year 1812, is seated to accommodate about 900 persons. Slated and in good Repair. The property of the Heritors of the parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie. |
OS1/12/5/182 |
[page] 182
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/183 |
Heathfield |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr John Thomson, tenant |
033.10 |
This name is applied to dwelling house & farm steading, 2 Storey high, Slated & in good repair
Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/183 |
Poor House
Poor House
Poor House |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr John Thomson |
033.10 |
A long Cottage, one story high, thatched & in good repair. Built for the lodgings of the Poor of the Parish Property of the Parochial Board |
OS1/12/5/183 |
[page] 183
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/184 |
Greengate Cottage
Greengate Cottage
Greengate Cottage |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr John Stewart |
029.16 |
A dwelling house
1 story high. Slated & in
good repair. Property
of The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/184 |
Lynmacgregor |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon Free Church, Grantown
John Smith Esqr Factor Grantown
Mr John Stewart Farmer, Lynmacgregor |
029.16 032.04 |
This name is applied to a
number of small Farms
& Cottages situated about
one mile N.W. [north west] of Grantown
& about ¾ of a Mile S. [south] of
Castle Grant. Chiefly
thatched, one story high
& in good repair. Property of
the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/184 |
SOUTH LODGE [Castle Grantj |
South Lodge
South Lodge
South Lodge |
Rev [Reverend] E Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr John Thomson, Heathfield |
032.04 |
A Cottage at South
entrance to Castle Grant
2 Story high, Slated & in
good repair. Property of
The Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/184 |
[page] 184
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/185 |
Tomlea |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr William Ross, Tomlea, Cromdale |
033.10 |
A small farm steading consisting of a dwelling house and two office houses, all thatched and
in middling condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/185 |
Cullinduim |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Ross. |
033 |
A untenanted farm steading consisting of a dwelling house office houses and a small thrashing mill. The whole of them are in very
bad condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/185 |
[page] 185
Elginshire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/186 |
Burnside |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr D Fraser, Croftindam |
033.10 |
A large farm steading consisting of two dwelling houses and extensive office houses, One of the dwelling houses is two storey high, the rest of the buildings are one storey high
and in very good condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/186 |
Burn of Cromdale
Burn of Cromdale
Burn of Cromdale |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr D Fraser |
033.06 |
This name is applied to the burn that flows past the farm steading of Tomlea and into the River Spey near the parish church of Cromdale. Between Tomea and its junction with the River Spey it is called Burn of Cromdale and above Tomlea it is called Allt
Chuine |
OS1/12/5/186 |
[page] 186
Elginshire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/187 |
Upper Tomlea
Upper Tomlea
Upper Tomlea |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon Free Church Grantown
John Smith Esq Factor Grantown
Mr Stewart, Tenant |
033.10 |
A small farm Steading; dwelling house & offices
thatched, one story high & in good repair - Property of the The Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/187 |
Cordon Burn
Cordon Burn
Cordun Burn |
Rev [Reverend] Evan Gordon
John Smith Esqr
Mr Stuart |
033 |
A small Stream having its source at the N.E [North East] base of the Hills of Cromdale, flowing in a North Westerly direction until it
joins Riesruttan Burn |
OS1/12/5/187 |
[page] 187
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Note - Riesrutten Burn, Burn of Cromdale |
OS1/12/5/188 |
Tom Liath
Tom Liath
Tom Liath |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon Free Church, Grantown
Mr Evan Macbean, Factor's Office
Mr Findlay, Grantown |
033.10 |
This name applies to a hill situated at the
south end of the parish, over the top of which
passes the boundary between the parishes of
Cromdale Inverallan and Advie, and Abernethy
and Kincardine. It signifies the Grey Knoll
and is the property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/188 |
[page] 188
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie
Tom Liath On 33B /14 |
OS1/12/5/189 |
Supposed site of the Roman Station TUESSIS |
Supposed Site of the Roman Station Tuessis
Supposed Site of the Roman Station Tuessis
Supposed Site of the Roman Station Tuessis
Supposed Site of the Roman Station Tuessis |
Mr Findlay, Merchant Grantown, Strathspey
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon, F. [Free] Church Minister Grantown
General Roy's, Antiquities
Chamber's Caledonia |
033.02 |
This name applies to the site of one of the Roman Stations or small camps, which were Situated on the Roman Road between Perth and Burghead near Forres- No remains of it exist and its position has only been determined by its situation which is in accordance with the position assigned to it by General Roy & other public writers on Roman Antiquities, and by local tradition |
OS1/12/5/189 |
Supposed Site of ROMAN ROAD |
Supposed site of Roman Road
Supposed site of Roman Road
Supposed site of Roman Road
Supposed site of Roman Road |
Mr Finlay, Merchant Grantown, Strathspey
Revd. [Reverend] E Gordon, F.C [Free Church]Minister Grantown, Strathspey
General Roy's Antiquities
Chambers' Caledonia |
various |
This name applies to what is generally supposed to be the Site of the Roman Road between Burghead near Forres, and Braemar Castle, Respecting the original direction of this road various opinions exist and about no part of it more so than that which is believed to have run through this parish, This arises from no remains indicative of a Roman Road having been found along what is supposed to have been the track of the 10th Iter, and the local tradition regarding it being vague and very obscure, so much so
[continued on next page] |
OS1/12/5/189 |
[page] 189
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie
For 1" [inch] purposes only See
RemarK in Index 1895 -- Mr W. Cramond, Cullen N.B. |
OS1/12/5/190 |
ROMAN ROAD (Supposed Remains of) |
continued |
that after Searching inquiry had been made for information about it in the district only one person was found who had any definite Knowledge of its position. This person Mr Finlay of Grantown, having previously traced out and identified a portion of it pointed out what he and local tradition considered the site of the remaining part of the road through the parish and its course on the plans has been shown accordingly this route is in accordance with that given by General Roy and other public writers of the track of the 10th Iter [Iter=Marching Route] through Vespasiana, and they account for the want of remains indicative of its Roman origin to the face that the Romans throughout Vespasiana did not make their roads with the massy materials which they usually employed, in Similar works of greater Stability. The road is supposed to
have entered this county from the South at Bridge of Brown in Glen Lochy, after which its course was along General Wade's Military Road. the greater part of which from Spey Bridge to Bridge of Brown is Still used as a county road, to the farmsteading of Lynmore, thence past the farm steading of Ballintua on to the river Spey whose eastern bank it took a
Short distance below the houses Known as Feabuie and Kept as far as the Mains of Cromdale, where was Situated one of the Roman Stations called Tuessis whence after running a short distance in the same direction it crossed the Spey at the ford known as Garabha Mòr, then changing its direction northward it passed close to the farmsteading of Tomvaich from which point, its direction was the same as that of the old Statute labour road existing now from there to Forres, and which is believed to have been made on its Site. The only remains of it that exist and have been traced is a portion extending from the camp at Mains of Cromdale to a point in the wood immediately below the ancient chapel near Congash. |
OS1/12/5/190 |
[page] 190 |
OS1/12/5/190 |
Continued from page 189 |
OS1/12/5/191 |
Remains of General Wade's Military Road |
Revd. [Reverend] E Gordon
Mr Finlay
Mr Maclean |
024; 033 |
This name applies to part of the military road made under the Superintendence of General Wade through the hills between Braemar & Fort George, The greater part of it from Spey Bridge to Bridge of Brown is still used as a county road, From Spey Bridge for a considerable distance Northward it is not now traceable |
OS1/12/5/191 |
Mr W Cramond, Cullen, N.B. [North Britain] |
OS1/12/5/191 |
For authorities and description See name booK of that part of the parish of Abernethy and Kincardine which forms the detached part No.1. of the County of Elgin |
OS1/12/5/191 |
[page] 191
County of Elgin -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie
Old Road For 1" purposes see remark in Index 1895 |
OS1/12/5/192 |
[Page] 192
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/193 |
Castle Lethendry
Castle Lethendry
Castle Lethendry |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Robertson |
033.06 |
This is the name by which the ruins of an old castle at the farm steading of Wester Lethendry, are Known. The ruins consist of one large vault encompassed on the each and south by a large high wall which was formerly the principal wall of the castle. All inquiries have been made about this antiquity and nothing concerning its early history could be ascertained Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/193 |
Hill of Lethendry
Hill of Lethendry
Hill of Lethendry |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Robertson |
033 |
A small heathy pasture hill situated about half a mile south-east of Wester Lethendry. Property of the Earl of Seafield This hill is sometimes called Tom of Lethendry |
OS1/12/5/193 |
Croftindam |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr D Fraser, tenant. Cromdale |
033.02 |
A farm Steading consiting of two houses one a dwelling house both thatched and in middling condition Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/193 |
[page] 193
Elginshire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie
Castle Lethendry
This name is in accordance with local usage as the examiner
States in Referring it to him |
OS1/12/5/194 |
Cottartown |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr D. Fraser |
033.06 |
Two very small cottages and one outhouse all one storey high and in middling condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/194 |
Easter Lethendry
Easter Lethendry
Easter Lethendry |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Peter Grant, tenant Cromdale
Plan of farm in Mr Grant's possession |
033.07 |
A large farm Steading consisting of a two storey dwelling house and seven office houses; the former is slated and in middling condition, and the latter are one Storey high, thatched and in indifferent condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/194 |
Wester Lethendry
Wester Lethendry
Wester Lethendry |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
James Robertson, tenant Cromdale
Plan of farm in Mr Grant's possession |
033.07 |
A farm steading consisting of dwelling house and outhouses all one storey high and in good condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/194 |
[page] 194
Elginshire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/195 |
Balchule |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr D Fraser
Mr James Stewart, tenant Cromdale |
033 |
A farm steading consisting of a dwelling house and three outhouses all one Storey high and in middling condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/195 |
Balmenach Distillery |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr McGregor, distiller. |
033.06 |
This name is applied to a two storey dwelling house, office houses, and a number of houses in which the distillation of whisky is carried on. The whole of these, except the dwelling house, are one storey high and all are in very good condition. It is the property and residence of Mrs McGregor. |
OS1/12/5/195 |
[page] 195
Elginshire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/196 |
Lower Balmenach
Lower Balmenach
Lower Balmenach |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr McGregor, tenant. Cromdale |
033.06 |
A farm steading consisting of a dwelling house and an outhouSe; both are thatched and in good condition Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/196 |
Craitnamollacht |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr D Fraser |
033.02 |
A farm steading consisting of a dwelling house and an outhouse, both thatched and in middling condition Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/196 |
Bruntland |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr D Fraser |
033.06 |
Two cottages under one roof, one Storey high thatched and in bad condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/196 |
[page] 196
Elginshire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/197 |
Ballindian |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Robertson tenant |
033.03 |
A farmhouse and out-offices from one to two
Storeys high, partly thatched and partly Slated, in good repair The property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/197 |
Knocknahyl |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Grant. tenant |
033.03 |
A farmhouse and out- offices one storey high thatched, in good repair The property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/197 |
Starindeye |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Stuart tenant |
033.02 |
A farmhouse and out
offices one Storey high
thatched, and in good
Repair. The property
of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/197 |
[page] 197
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/198 |
Inveraguichan |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Stuart Tomnagaun |
033.03 |
A croft house with Suitable out offices. one Storey high thatched. in good repair The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/198 |
Claggersnich |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Grant tenant |
033.03 |
A farmhouse and out- offices from one to two
Storeys high. partly thatched and partly Slated. in good Repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/198 |
Milton of Cromdale
Milton of Cromdale
Milton of Cromdale |
Revd [Reverend] E. Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Grant Claggersnich |
033.02 |
A Corn Mill, farm house And outoffices, one storey high thatched, in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafiled. |
OS1/12/5/198 |
[page] 198
Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie -- Co. [County] Elgin
Inveraguichan On 6 Inch
Claggersnich On 6 Inch
Millton of Cromdale
Corn Mill Written to
the Mill on Plan
and the proper name to
the House on plan 33.13.7
OS1/12/5/199 |
Auchroisk |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Finlay |
033.02 |
A Small farmsteading, dwelling house & offices one story high, Slated and in good repair - Property of the Earl of Seafield - |
OS1/12/5/199 |
[page] 199
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/200 |
Garbh-àth Mòr
Garbh-àth Mòr
Garbh-àth Mòr |
Revd Evan Gordon
Mr Mcbean
Mr Grant Dalchapple |
030.14 |
Applied to a ford on the River Spey. Situated
about 20 Chains N.W. [North West] of the farmsteading of Starindeye, Tradition points to this as being the spot where the Royal Army
forded the River Spey on their march to the Battle of Cromdale. it signifies the "Large Ford". |
OS1/12/5/200 |
Dalchapple |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Grant tenant |
033.02 |
A farm house and out-Offices from one to two
Storeys high thatched in good repair, The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/200 |
Dalchapple (Burn)
Dalchapple (Burn)
Dalchapple (Burn) |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Grant |
033.03 |
A Small stream having its Source at the Junction of Allt a' Cheannaiche and Allt Mhie Neacail. and flowing in a Westerly direction until it enters the River Spey About 10 Chains West of Dalchapple farmsteading. |
OS1/12/5/200 |
[page] 200
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale & Inverallan
Garbh-àth Mòr -- Corrected from remarks sent to the Examiner |
OS1/12/5/201 |
Balnaboddach |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Grant Auchroisk |
033.02 |
A farmhouse and out-Offices, one Storey high
thatched, in good repair, The property of the Earl of Seafield |
OS1/12/5/201 |
Tomnagaun |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Stuart tenant |
033.02 |
A farmhouse and out-Offices one Storey high
thatched, in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/201 |
Balnafettoch |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Stuart Tomnagaun |
033 |
A farmhouse and out-Offices one Storey high
thatched in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/201 |
[page] 201
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/202 |
Waukmill |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon Grantown
Mr Macbean Pro [Property] factor Grantown
Mr Grant tenant |
033.02 |
A farmhouse and outoffices one Storey high, thatched and in good Repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/202 |
Cromdale Inn
Cromdale Inn
Cromdale Inn
Cromdale Inn |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Grant Waulkmill
Sign Board |
033.02 |
A public house and farm Steading, partly thatched and partly Slated, from one to two StoreyS high, in good Repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/202 |
Post Office
Post Office
Post Office |
Revd [Reverend] Evan Gordon
Mr Macbean
Mr Grant Waulkmill |
033.02 |
A Commodious house part of which is used as a grocers Shop, it is one Storey high Slated, in good repair. The property of the Earl of Seafield. The arrivals and departures at this office are as follows. Arrive - 8.30 A.M. depart 2.30 P.M.
8.20 A.M. depart at 6.23 P.M. |
OS1/12/5/202 |
[page] 202
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie
C. W. Wilson
Cap R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers] July 2nd 1868 |
OS1/12/5/203 |
Feabuie |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr D Fraser Croftindam Cromdale |
033.06 |
This name applies to five Croft houses; they are all one storey high thatched and in indifferent condition Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/203 |
West Port
West Port
West Port |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr D. Fraser |
033.02 |
A farm steading consisting of dwelling house and office houses all one Storey high and in good condition Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/203 |
Craigroy |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr D Fraser |
033.05 |
This name is applied to a small Croft house with outhouses, all one storey high, thatched and in middling condition. Property of the Earl of Seafield. |
OS1/12/5/203 |
[page] 203
Elginshire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie |
OS1/12/5/204 |
[Page] 204
[Blank Page] |
OS1/12/5/205 |
Lagnan Caorach
Lagnan Caorach
Lagnan Caorach |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean.
Revd [Reverend] Mr McQueen. |
033.05 |
This name is applied to a hollow the whole extent of which is a Moss, Situated about a Mile north east of the middle of Grantown. It meanS the sheep's haugh or hollow. |
OS1/12/5/205 |
Loch nan Geades
Loch nan Geadas
Loch nan Geadas |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Revd [Reverend] Mr McQueen. |
033.01; 033.05 |
This name is applied to a Swamp situated in Lac nan Caorach. This name means the piKes' Loch. |
OS1/12/5/205 |
Female School
Female School
Female School
Female School
Infant and Industrial School |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Stuart Schoolmaster
Mr Smith Factor
Revd [Reverend] Mr Mcqueen, Grantown |
032.04 |
A neat substantial house, slated and in excellent condition, The school and schoolmistress' residence are under the same roof. Daily Average number of scholars 100. This school is in connexion with the Established Church and receives an endowment of £16 per Annum from a bequest out of which the School was erected. |
OS1/12/5/205 |
[page] 205
Elgin-shire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie |
OS1/12/5/206 |
Back Street
Back Street
Back Street
South Street |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Stuart Ph [Parish] Schoolmaster
Revd [Reverend] Mr McQueen |
032.04; 032.08 |
A row of one storey cottages all slated and in very good condition This row of houses is parallel to the main street of Grantown and east of that part of is called The Square |
OS1/12/5/206 |
Market Stance
Market Stance
Market Stance |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean
Mr Stuart Ph [Parish] Schoolmaster |
033.10 |
This is the first fied north of Back street. There is a wooden House situated in the middle of it. The whole field is enclosed by a paling. There is a monthly Market held here for Cattle only,
and a half yearly Market for the hiring of servants. and is a Chartered Market. |
OS1/12/5/206 |
Speyside Charity School
Speyside Charity School
Spey side Orphan Hospital
Spey side Orphan Hospital
Spey side Orphan Hospital |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Macqueen - Secretary to School
John Smith, Factor
New Statistical Account
Revd [Reverend] Mr Gordon
Mr McBean |
032.08 |
"On the south side of the Square (in the village of Grantown) stands the Speyside Orphan Hospital, built on a neat design in 1824. There are at present about 30 children in the hospital, boys and girls, None are admitted under seven or continued above 14 years of age. According to the deed of settlement, the children admitted must be natives of either of the parishes of Cromdale, Abernethy, Duthill Inveraven or KnocKando. All the children are supplied with clothing, board and education " New Stat Acc.[Statistical Account] |
OS1/12/5/206 |
[page] 206
ElginShire -- Ph. [Parish] of Cromdale, Inverallan and Advie
Speyside Orphan Hospital [side note]
As "Speyside Charity School" did not indicate
the real nature of the charity, the name has been
submitted a second time to the Secretary of the
Institution who now recommends Speyside
Orphan Hospital to be adopted, it being an Orphanage, and this being the name by which
it is Known in the neighbourhood. |
OS1/12/5/207 |
River Dulnan
River Dulnan
River Dulnan
River Dulnan
Dulnan Water |
James Smith Esqr Factor
Revd [Reverend] Mr Forsyth
Mr Alexander Clark
Mr Menzie
BlacK's County Map |
046.03 |
A small river the greater part of which is in the County of Elgin Detd [detached] No.2 It has its Source in several Lead streams rising in the hills between Craig Alvey and the head of the River Findhorn. its course is easterly passing the village of Carr Bridge on to the River Spey into which it empties itself a short
distance below the farmsteading of Ballintomb. |
OS1/12/5/207 |
Cnocan Buidhe
Cnocan Buidhe
Cnocan Buidhe |
Revd [Reverend] Mr MacKenzie
Revd [Reverend] Mr McLeod
Mr Macdonald |
028 |
This name is applied to a Knoll of an oval form on the ridge which forms the boundary for some distance between the parish of Ardclach in the County of Nairn and the parish of Cromdale
Inverallan & Advie in the County of
Elgin. It means "Yellow Little Knoll" |
OS1/12/5/207 |
[page] 207
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie
Note not written on the body of any plan |
OS1/12/5/208 |
[page] 208
County of Elgin -- Parish of Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie
The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Seafield is the only
large proprietor in the Parish -address-
Cullen House
G. Herb Bolland Cap REngrs [George Herbert Bolland - Captain Royal Engineers]
8 Oct 1871- [8 October 1871] |
OS1/12/5/208 |
on adjg [adjoining] Plan
of Kirkmichael |
OS1/12/5/209 |
[Page] 209
Parish of Comdale Inverallan & Advie
Co. [County] ELGIN
Co. [County] |
OS1/12/5/210 |
[Page] 210
Names of Objects -- Page
Achvochkie Burn -- 123
Achvochkie Cottage -- 130
Advil Station -- 67
Airdbeg -- 134
Aird of Dalvey -- 99
Allanmore -- 169
Allt a' Bhacain -- 27
Allt a' Cheannaiche -- 175
Allt a' Choire Odhair Bhig -- 37
Allt a' Chreagain -- 159
Allt a' Mhadaidh -- 5
Allt an Fhitich -- 22
Allt an Torra Mhòir -- 129
Allt Bad an Eich -- 115
Allt Breac -- 91
Allt Clach na Saobhaidhe -- 29
Allt Clais Bheithe -- 50
Allt Coire na Burralaich -- 47
Allt Creag an Tarmachain -- 140
Allt Eoghainn -- 112
Allt Eoghainn Bhig -- 171
Allt Loch an t Sìthe[in] -- 39
Allt Loch na Stuirgaige -- 47
Allt Mhic Neacail -- 176
Allt na Criche -- 171
Allt na Croite -- 172
Allt na h Airidhe -- 176
Allt na Luachair -- 117
Allt Suileagach -- 33
Anaboard -- 48
Anaboard Burn -- 36
Anagach -- 151
Anagach Moss -- 152
An Creagan -- 27
An Deanntag -- 123
An Leacann -- 134
Auchnafearn -- 23
Auchnahannet -- 73
Auchnahannet Burn -- 16
Auchnarrowmore -- 78
Auchosnish -- 145
Auchroisk -- 199
Auldyoun -- 99
Back Street -- 206
Bad an Eich -- 116
Ballacha -- 23
Ballachule -- 195
Balieward -- 26
Ballindian -- 197
Ballinlagg -- 78
Ballintomb -- 162
Balmenach Distillery -- 195
Balnaboddach -- 201
Balnaclash -- 87
Balnacraobh -- 10
Balnafettock -- 201
Balnallan -- 110
Balvattan -- 7
Balvlair -- 109 |
OS1/12/5/211 |
[Page] 211
INDEX Continued
Names of Objects -- Pages
Baptists Chapel -- 154
Beinn Mhòr -- 30
Beum a' Chlaidheimh -- 15
Biggie's Howe -- 126
Black Bull Hotel -- 152
Black Burn -- 110
Blackward -- 130
Blàr Creag a' Bheithe -- 21
Blàr Mòr -- 87
Boat of Cromdale -- 182
Bog -- 66
Bog Buie -- 129
Bog Feoir -- 32
Bridge of Advie -- 127
Bridge of Dalvey -- 100
Bridge of Dava -- 31
Bridge of Duier -- 81
Bridge of Shennach -- 111
Bridge of Tormore -- 125
Bridge of Tulchanpool -- 65
Bruntland -- 196
Buinne Beag -- 100
Buinne nan Clamhan -- 95
Burn of Advie -- 120
Burn of Coire Seileach -- 136
Burn of Cromdale -- 186
Burn of Dalvey -- 93
Burn of Duier -- 79
Burn of Garvault -- 134
Burn of Tulchan -- 61
Burnside -- 186
Cairn Toul -- 31
Càrn an Ruigh-naine -- 31
Càrn Biorach -- 31
Cairnloch -- 49
Cairnluichk -- 26
Cairn's -- 69
Callender -- 6
Caledonian Bank -- 154
Cameriach -- 82
Camerory -- 17
Càm Sgriob -- 16
Caochan a' Bhric -- 50
Caochan Bàn -- 30
Caochan Cumhann -- 85
Caochan Dorch -- 38
Caochan Fiarach -- 130
Caochan Loisgte -- 117
Caochan nan Eun -- 88
Caochannaneun -- 88
Caochan nan Gabhar -- 144
Caochan Neachdarach -- 51
Caochan Ruadh -- 48
Caochan Ruadh -- 56
Caochan Ruadh -- 64
Caochan Ruadh -- 130
Càrr Mòr -- 46
Càrn a' Druim Ruaidh -- 45
Càrn a' Ghille Chearr -- 139 |
OS1/12/5/211 |
Càrn -- the accent has been placed in the proper place to correspond with the Name Book entries. |
OS1/12/5/212 |
[Page] 212
INDEX Continued
Names of Objects -- Pages
Càrn a' Ghille Chearr -- 113
Càrn a' Ghoirtein -- 144
Càrn a' Mhaoisleich -- 11
Càrn a' Fhradhairc -- 116
Càrn Buidhe -- 146
Càrn Clais an Eich -- 35
Càrn Cruinn -- 30
Càrn Elric -- 51
Càrn Feurach nan Each -- 59
Càrn Luig -- 21
Càrn Mòr -- 135
Càrn na Croiche -- 22
Càrn na Doire -- 105
Càrn na h Ath-aoil -- 32
Càrn na Leitire -- 15
Càrn nan Clach Garbha -- 37
Càrn nan Gabhar -- 43
Càrn Ruigh na Caorach -- 45
Càrn Sealgach -- 59
Castle Grant -- 24
Castle Lethendry -- 193
Church -- 157
Church -- 182
Clach nan Coileach -- 124
Clach naìn Piòbair -- 176
Claggersnich -- 198
Clais an Dùnain -- 77
Clais Gharbh -- 89
Clais Mhòr -- 73
Clashindeugle -- 55
Cnocan Buidhe -- 207
Cnoc an Lamhaich -- 15
Cnoc nan Eun -- 128
Cnocnaneun -- 128
Cnoc na Seilg -- 170
Coire na Burralaich -- 47
Coldhome -- 160
Cordon Burn -- 187
Corrycharcle -- 43
Corshellach Burn -- 28
Corshellach -- 145
Corshellach -- 172
Cottartown -- 194
Court House -- 151
Craggan -- 175
Craigbeg -- 86
Craigdhu -- 86
Craig of Callender -- 6
Craigroy -- 203
Craig Tiribeg -- 33
Craitnamollacht -- 196
Creag a' Bharrain -- 115
Creag a' Bheinnein -- 145
Creag a' Ghiubhais -- 51
Creag an Fhitich -- 22
Creagan Mòr -- 8
Creagan Mòr -- 83
Creagan na h Othaisge -- 45
Creag an Righ -- 16
Creag an Tarmachain -- 137
Creag Bheithe Bheag -- 18
Creag Bheithe Mhòr -- 18
Creag Liath -- 18
Creag nan Cat -- 111 |
OS1/12/5/212 |
Càrn -- the accent has been placed in the proper place to correspond with the Name Book entries. |
OS1/12/5/213 |
[Page] 213
INDEX Continued
Names of Objects -- Pages
Cree Dearg -- 113
Croftindam -- 193
Croftskellich -- 163
Cromdale Inn -- 202
Cromdale Station -- 177
Cromdale Inverallan & Advie -- 1
Cromdale Inverallan & Advie -- 3
Cuarst -- 103
Cùl Dorcha -- 59
Culdrein -- 64
Culfoichbeg -- 58
Culfoichmore -- 89
Cullinduim -- 185
Dalchapple -- 200
Dalchapple Burn -- 200
Dale of Advie -- 67
Dail na Rainich -- 9
Dalchroy -- 119
Delay -- 128
Deldow -- 63
Deer Park -- 101
Delliefure Cottage -- 108
Delriach -- 71
Drumourachie -- 147
Drumroy -- 44
Duier -- 82
Dulnan Bridge -- 161
Dulnanbridge -- 161
Dunbar's Hotel -- 149
Easter Delriach -- 95
East End -- 156
East Port -- 180
Easter Achvochkie -- 123
Easter Auchnagallin -- 71
Easter Cottartown -- 25
Easter Crannich -- 34
Easter Delliefure -- 90
Easter Dreggie -- 143
Easter Gorton -- 143
Easter Kichanroy -- 56
Easter Laggan -- 164
Easter Lethendry -- 194
Easter Lettoch -- 58
Easter Pollowick -- 104
Easter Rynabeallich -- 170
Easter Ryneckra -- 49
Easter Shennach -- 111
Easter Straan -- 66 |
OS1/12/5/214 |
[Page] 214
INDEX Continued
Names of Objects -- Pages
Eilean na Cloiche -- 119
Eilean na Muic -- 63
Fanmore -- 11
Feabuie -- 203
Fèith a' Mhor-fhir -- 41
Feith Bhàn -- 36
Findlarigg -- 160
Findlarigg Burn -- 106
Free Church -- 157
Free Church School -- 156
Freuchie's Hillock -- 101
Fuaranahanish Well -- 106
Fuaranbuie -- 172
Female School -- 205
Gaich -- 164
Gaich Wood -- 166
Garden Cottage -- 131
Garbh-àth Mòr -- 200
Garthkeen -- 25
Gas Works -- 158
Garvault -- 133
General Wade's Military Road -- 191
Glaschoile -- 83
Gleann Beag -- 147
Glenbeg -- 147
Glenbeg Burn -- 54
Glengour -- 43
Glentarroch -- 38
Glentarroch Burn -- 38
Glen Tulchan -- 61
Grant Arms Hotel -- 149
Grantown -- 150
Grantown Station -- 155
Great North of Scotland Railway -- 96
Greengate -- 23
Greengate Cottage -- 184
Haughs of Cromdale -- 167
Heathfield -- 183
Highland Railway -- 141
High Street -- 151
Hill of Dalchroy -- 7
Hill of Lethendry -- 193
Hills of Cromdale -- 167
Home Farm -- 101
Human Remains (discovery of) -- 22
Human Remains (discovery of) -- 142
Huntly's Cave -- 84 |
OS1/12/5/215 |
[Page] 215
INDEX Continued
Names of Objects -- Pages
Inveraguichan -- 198
Inverallan Church -- 162
Inverallan House -- 162
Knockanbuie -- 115
Knockannakeist -- 89
Knockannacardich -- 77
Knock Frink -- 81
Knockfrink -- 133
Knocknahyl -- 197
Knock of Auchnahannet -- 72
Kylintra -- 155
Kylintra Burn -- 155
Lagaguish -- 138
Lagg -- 84
Laggan Burn -- 159
Laggandhu -- 170
Laggan Hill -- 148
Laggan of Findlarigg -- 160
Lag na Dothich -- 107
Lethendry Cottage -- 153
Lochan Dubh -- 41
Loch an Dunain -- 34
Loch an t Sithein -- 44
Lochgorm -- 26
Lochindorb Lodge -- 33
Lochinoir -- 13
Loch Mhic Leoid -- 21
Loch na Cloiche-muilinn -- 19
Loch na Stuirgaige -- 48
Loch Ruigh a' Bhuair -- 37
Lower Balmenach -- 196
Lower Craggan -- 163
Lower Craggan Carding Mill -- 166
Lower Craggan Mill -- 165
Lower Derraid -- 85
Lower Gaich -- 163
Lyngarrie -- 71
Lynmacgregor -- 184
Lynmore -- 86
Lyntaurie -- 92
Lag nan Carrach -- 205
Loch nan Geadas -- 205
Mains of Advie -- 127
Mains of Cromdale -- 179
Mains of Dalvey -- 100
Mains of Delliefure -- 88
Manse -- 157
Manse -- 158
Manse -- 179
Market Stance -- 206
Meiklepark Wood -- 99
Middle Auchnagallin -- 72
Mid Dreggie -- 143
Middle Stripe -- 137
Mid Port -- 181
Mill of Advie -- 133
Mill of Castle Grant -- 180 |
OS1/12/5/216 |
[Page] 216
INDEX Continued
Names of Objects -- Pages
Mill of Dalvey -- 93
Millton -- 95
Milton of Cromdale -- 198
Milton of Delliefure -- 103
Moss Burn -- 138
Millstone Ford -- 31
National Bank of Scotland -- 153
Nether Port -- 181
Old Ballintomb -- 142
Poll Cròm -- 81
Polcreach -- 8
Poll a' Chreagain Mhòir -- 7
Poll Clach nan Coileach -- 124
Poll Dail na Rainich -- 10
Poll a' Chreagain Bhig -- 9
Poll Dubh -- 94
Poll na Ciste -- 119
Poll na Cloiche -- 6
Poll na Carraige -- 79
Post Office -- 153
Post Office -- 161
Post Office -- 202
Poorhouse -- 183
Raitt -- 180
Red Well -- 136
Redwell Burn -- 135
Riesnuttan Burn -- 175
River Dulnan -- 207
River Spey -- 96
Roman Road -- 189
Roman Road -- 190
Royal Bank of Scotland -- 154
Rychorrach -- 19
Ryhiachrach -- 46
Ryndian -- 44
School -- 68
School -- 87
School -- 152
School -- 177
Sharwell -- 97
Shendale -- 46
Shleanaferan -- 146
Site of the Battle of Cromdale -- 173
Sìthean an Aiteil -- 36
Sìthean Beag -- 12
Sìthean Mòr -- 11 |
OS1/12/5/217 |
[Page] 217
INDEX Continued
Names of Objects -- Pages
Sìthean na Faile Mòire -- 126
South Lodge -- 184
Spey Bridge -- 191
Speybridge -- 158
Speyside Orphan Hospital -- 206
Standing Stone -- 142
Standing Stone -- 142
Standing Stones -- 142
Starindeye -- 197
Straan -- 63
Stripe of Logieyouse -- 138
Stripe of Taurnac -- 66
Stone Cist -- 31
The Square -- 149
Tobar Alain -- 17
Tobar ma Luaig -- 181
Tom a' Bheathaich -- 108
Tom a' Chait --
Tom an Ime -- 131
Tom an Uird -- 103
Tombain -- 55
Tomlea -- 185
Tom Liath -- 188
Tom Mòr -- 105
Tom nan Carragh -- 142
Tom na Coinnich -- 137
Tomnagaun -- 201
Tom na h Iolaire -- 112
Tom na Laimh -- 57
Tom nan Cùlagan -- 129
Tomvaich -- 108
Torinruich -- 169
Tormore -- 125
Torran Bàn -- 77
Torran Glas -- 126
Toumnarannich -- 54
Tuessis (Supposed site of) -- 189
Tulchan -- 62
Tulchan Bridge -- 65
Tulchan Lodge -- 58
Tulchan Pool -- 65
Uaigh Mhòr -- 114
Uchtubeg -- 83
Uchtugorm -- 85
Uig -- 35
Upper Craggan -- 165
Upper Derraid -- 55
Upper Gaich -- 164
Upper Port -- 179
Upper Tomlea -- 187 |
OS1/12/5/218 |
[Page] 218
INDEX Continued
Names of Objects -- Pages
Waukmill -- 202
West End -- 156
Wester Achvochkie -- 123
Wester Auchnagallin -- 72
Wester Cottartown -- 25
Wester Crannich -- 34
Wester Culfroich -- 90
Wester Delliefure -- 104
Wester Delriach -- 90
Wester Dreggie -- 147
Wester Gorton -- 144
Wester Kichanroy -- 56
Wester Laggan -- 159
Wester Lethendry -- 194
Wester Lettoch -- 75
Wester Limekilns -- 35
Wester Pollowick -- 104
Wester Rynabeallich -- 169
Wester Ryneckra -- 49
Wester Shennach -- 112
West Port -- 203
Woods of Callender -- 8
Woods of Knockfrink -- 82
Old Road -- 189, 191
Altered by Authority of Mr. W. Cramond,
Cullen, N.B. [North Britain], To be used for 1"
purposes only, further investigation
to be made during the revision of
the larger scales. By order of
the D.G. [Director General] 12.8.95 [12 Aug 1895]
This name not recognised
on Strathspey estate E H. |