
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
SCROOF HILL The Scruff Walter Smail, Kitty Flat
Robert Beardon, Mitchelston
023 A middling sized hill on the farm of Mitchelston the Surface of which is partly arable and partly Heathy Pasture
POT LAW Pot Law Walter Smail, Kitty Flat
Robert Beardon, Mitchelston
023 A middling Sized hill on the Farm of Mitchelston the surface of which is arable and heathy pasture

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 49
List of Names collected by La. Corpl. [Lance Corporal] D Mason
[Plan] 23D Trace 5
[Object for The Scruff] Hill
[Object for Pot Law] Hill
[Parish] Stow
[Signed] David Mason La. Corpl. [Lance Corporal] RSM [Royal Sappers & Miners]

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