
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
THE STRUTHER The Struther John Tait, Over Shiels
Alexander Sandlands, Gately
023 A middling sized hill on the Farm of Overshiels the Surface of which is Heathy pasture on it is a Trigl. ^[Trigonometrical Station] called Struthers
CADAMS CLEUGH Cadams Cleugh John Tait, Over Shiels
Alexander Sandlands, Gately
023 A small hollow on the Farm of Over Shiels and about 20 chains to the North of the Farm house
OVER SHEILS Over Shiels John Tait, Over Shiels
Alexander Sandlands, Gately
023 A Farm house two storeys high and in good repair with out offices and a Farm of land attached the property of Adam Fairholm Esq of Chapel occupied by John Archibald

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 39
List of Names collected by La. Corpl [Lance Corporal] D Mason
[Plan] 23C Trace 3
[Object for The Struther] Hill
[Object for Cadams Cleugh] Hollow
[Object for Over Shiels] House
[Parish] Stow
[Signed] David mason La. Corpl. [Lance Corporal] RSM [Royal Sappers & Miners]

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