
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
WEST CALDER BURN West Calder Burn Archibald Dunlop, West Calder
Archibald Henderson, West Calder
010 A small stream having its source on the farm of "Rusha" and flowing in a northeasterly direction past the north side of West Calder village and joins "Harwood Water" near Longside [Langside] farm house they are then called Killandean Burn.
HARWOOD WATER Harwood Water William Black, Harwood West Calder
Thomas Gowan, Baads Mill West Calder
010 A Considerable Stream having its source at the base of Hendries Course and flowing in a north-easterly direction to its junction with "West Calder Burn"

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 65
List of Names collected by C/a [Civilian Assistant] Robert Miller
[Object for West Calder Burn] A stream
[Object for Harwood Water] A stream
[Parish] West Calder
[Signed] Robert Miller c/a [Civilian Assistant]

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