
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
LANGLAW William [Johnston] Farmer Lawfield
Mr Watson Whiteholm
007 A farm house having offices and [small] farm attached occupied by Mr Taylor Dalkeith and the property of the Earl of [Stair]
COLDHAME Coldham George Herdman Farmer Blackdub
William Johnston Lawfield
007 A farm house in indifferent repair [with] offices Threshing Machine and farm attached occupied by George [Herdman] Farmer Blackdub and property of the Earl of Stair
LAWFIELD George Herdman Farmer Blackdub
William Johnston Lawfield
A well consructed house two stories high having suitable [offices] Threshing Mill and Farm [attached] occupied by William [Johnston] Farmer and property of [the] Marquis of Lothian

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 52
Names Collected by John Early C. Asst.
Plan 7D Trace 4
Newbattle Parish

Transcriber's notes

Transcription for Lawfield added to this page and Whitehill School and Whitehill deleted - see OS1/11/21/51

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Welsh Wren