
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ST. CUTHBERT'S STREET St. Cuthbert's Street Corner Ticket
Mr. McLaren Morrison Street
Map of city
A short street leading from the east end of Morrison Street to Torphichen Street, it is paved, lighted with gas and supplied with water, the houses are 3 stories high, in good repair, and are occupied by mechanics &c. part of the south side of Torpichen St. is known by St. Cuthbert's St. by the Lamp Posts, but not generally known by the people.
DEWAR PLACE Dewar Place Corner Ticket
Mr. McLaren Morrison St.
A range of houses on the East side of St. Cuthbert's Street, they are 2 stories high well built and in good repair.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 68
List of Names collected by David Hannay c/a [civilian assistant] Jany [January] 27th 1851

St. Cuthberts' Street - A street
Dewar Place - A range of houses

[signed] David Hannay C/a [Civilian assistant]

Transcriber's notes

This Name Book refers to Edinburgh 1852 - Sheet 34
OS large scale Scottish town plans, 1847-1895 - Scale: 1:1056

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