
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CRAIGENTINNY MEADOWS Craigentinny Meadows Mr. Stewart James Carstairs 003 A large tract of land on the Craigentinny estate, it is irregated by putrescent water from the Common shores of Edinburgh which is carried all over the surface by [ ] of artificial drains. it was formerly the [ ] of Fillyside and South Bank Proprietress. M. Mars[ ]
FILLYSIDE BRAE Fillyside Brae John Jackdon James Carstairs 003 The eastside of a sloping eminence on the farm of Fillyside the surface of which is arable it is confined between two drains running North West and South East
SEASIDE MEADOWS Seaside Meadows Freegate Whins John Jackson James Carstairs County Map 1847 003 A tolerably large tract of Meadow land lying along the sea Coast on the Craigentinny Es[ ]

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Parish of South Leith

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