
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
SHOTTS IRON WORKS Shotts Iron Works Shotts Iron Works Shotts Iron Works Shotts Iron Works William Mcqueen Rimmon Cottage, Gavin Russele Shotts Iron Works Robert McLean Dikehead New Stat. [Statistical] Account, 013.06 These are extensive works having five hot-blast furnaces and a large foundry. The first of these furnaces was erected in 1801. one in 1839. one in 1804 and two in 1857. These furnaces are Supplied with hot air by two engines of about 150 H.P. [horsepower] each, The Furnaces and Foundry are Situated in this parish but some of the buildings extend into the parish of Cambusnethan or Camnethan as it is commonly called. altho' these works are now in existence more than half a century. Yet coal and Ironstone Seem plenty in the immediate neighbourhood, The company to whom these works belong is called Shotts Iron Company. About the works are many cottages and ranges of cottages belonging to the company and occupied by their Tradesmen and laborers. The whole forms a considerable Village and all go under the name "Shotts Iron Works,"

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