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Lanarkshire volume 47

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/21/47/1 MARYHILL [parish] Maryhill parish Maryhill Parish Maryhill Parish Maryhill Parish Maryhill Parish Valuation Roll D. Robertson, Poor Law Inspector Revd. [Reverend] J. Arhtur, Springburn John Russell, Schoolmaster Sheriff's List of Meresmen 001; 006 A parish erected & disjoined from the Barony Parish of Glasgow under the provisions of the Act 7th & 8th Vict. [Victoria] Cap. [Citation of Acts of Parliament] 44, entituled "An Act to facilitate the disjoining or dividing of extensive, or populous parishes, & the erecting of new parishes in that part of the United Kingdom called Scotland; and it is further enacted (Sect [Section] 6th) and whereas in some large & populous parishes which it may be considered necessary or proper to divide into two or more parishes, there area number of poor persons, the greater portion of whom reside in or near the same locality, such locality being sometimes the least wealthy;be it enacted., that it shall belawful for the Lords of Council & sessions if they see cause so to do, to declare and provide, that notwithstanding such divisions or disjunction, the original parish, shall, in so far as regards the support & management of the poor, remain & regard as one parish; and in every such case there shall be one Kirk Session consisting of the members of the Kirk Sessions of all the parishes within the bounds of the original parish, in all mattes & questions relating to the support & management of the poor." The village or town of Maryhill is in the N.W. [North West] of the parish & has a population of about 4000. There are good many ironstone pits in the parish & a few large freestone quarries where it joins Cadder Ph. [Parish] in the east. The River Clyde bounds this parish on the south , the Kelvin on the west, Cadder & Sprinburn on the noth & east. A portion of the City of Glasgow is within the bounds of Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/1 [Page] 1 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish There is not any portion of the parish of Maryhill detached within any other Parish nor is there any portion of any other Parish contained within the bounds of this Parish.
OS1/21/47/2 ACRE Acre Acre Acre Valuation Roll G. Campbell Esqr. James Williamson L. [Lodge] Keeper 001.13 A small house with a field attached said to contain the quantity the name implies. It is well known. The property of Sir A. J. Campbell Bart.
OS1/21/47/2 GARSCUBE BRIDGE Garscube Bridge Garscube Bridge Garscube Bridge Joames Stevenson, Road Surveyor John Russell, Schoolmaster James Warden. Miller 001.13 A large Bridge with three arches over the River Kelvin, connecting the Aberfoil & Glasgow Toll Road. The Bridge is at present being repaired. It is a County Bridge.
OS1/21/47/2 GARSCUBE COTTAGE Garscube Cottage Garscube Cottage Garscube Cottage Valuation Roll G. Campbell Esqr. Proprs [Proprietor's] Brother James Williamson Lodge Keeper 001.13 A Superior Cottage with outhouses & garden attached. occupied by Sir A. J. Campbell' late Factor. The Garscube [Inn] was kept formerly in the house beside it.
OS1/21/47/2 GARSCUBE ROAD 001; 006
OS1/21/47/2 SANDYFLAT Sandyflat Sandyflat Sandyflat Valuation Roll Meikleham's Map Round Glasgow Robert Brown, Occupier 001.13 A Farm Steading occupied by R. Brown. The field in which it is & the one South of it is permanent pasture ground. Property of J. O. Colquhoun Esqr.
OS1/21/47/2 Lanarkshire No. 21 Maryhill Parish 1. There is no entry for Garscube Road on this image - emailed to have it removed.
OS1/21/47/2 1. Siutation - Garscube Bridge, Garscube Cottage and Acre, Trace 2. 2. Situation - Sandyflat, Trace 3.
OS1/21/47/3 STATION [Maryhill] Maryhill Station Maryhill Station Mr Angus, Engineer of Railway J. Barr, Foreman of Works 001.13 The first Station from Glasgow on the "Glasgow Dumbarton & Helensborough Railway:. The foundation of the house is just laid out. There will be many improvements & alterations & made here. At present there is nothing more than is shown. Signal Posts are not yet erected.
OS1/21/47/3 Lanarkshire No. 21. Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/3 1. Situation - Station, Trace 6
OS1/21/47/4 Blank
OS1/21/47/5 ACRE PLANTATION Acre Plantation Acre Plantation Acre Plantation G. Campbell Esqr Hames Williamson Lodgekeeper James Greenhill, Gamekeeper 001.13 A mixed plantation on the side of the Glasgow Toll Road. extending eastward as far as the dyke at the Stone Magazine. The propert of Sir A.J.Campbell Bart.
OS1/21/47/5 MANSE [parish, Maryhill] Manse Manse Manse Manse Valuation Roll Revd. J Colvin John Russell Schoolmaster John Paxton, Elder 001.13 A good dwellinghouse occupied by the Est: Church Incumbent. Revd J Colvin. This is the only Manse in the three parishes (Maryhill Springburn & Shettleston) disjoined from the Barony Parish of Glasgow. It was built in 1851 by the congregation who pays a feu duty for it. The minister also pays a rent for the use of the house & on account of a debt contracted while building it; When the debt is paid, he and his succcessors are entitled to live in it free. There is also an agreement between the proprietor from which it is fued. & the Congregation that the Est. Church Minister shall always occupy it. The house is therefore considered the Manse of Maryhill Church.
OS1/21/47/5 RIVER KELVIN River Kelvin River Kelvin River Kelvin Gazetteer of Scotland Estate Maps G.Campbell Esqr. 001.13 A River which rises in Kilsyth in Stirlingshire & flows into the Clyde near Glasgow. It flows into the Clyde near Glasgow. It Forms the western boundary of this parish & has several Bridges & Cauls on it. There is an aqueduct at Maryhill by which the Forth & Clyde Canal passes over it. The new Railway (Glasgow Dumbarton & Helensborough) crosses the Kevin at Maryhill by a Bridge 60 feet high with 9 arches.
OS1/21/47/5 Lanarkshire No. 21. Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/5 1. Situation - Acre Plantation and River Kelvin, Trace 5. 2. Situation - Manse, Trace 6
OS1/21/47/6 BONVILLE Bonville Bonville Bonville Valuation Roll G. Campbell Esqr. A. McArthur, Occupier 001.13 A Superior house with Offices attached occupied by Mt A McArthur. The property of Sir A. J. Campbell Bart.
OS1/21/47/6 SCHOOL [Main St, Maryhill] School School School Valuation Roll Revd. J. Colvin Jno [John], Schoolmaster 001.13 This school was built in 1850 by the Est. Church Congregation. It is capable of containing 200 pupils. The appointment to this school & the Schoolmaster's Salary is in connection with the Barony Parish of Glasgow. It is considered the Parish School of Maryhill, though the whole of the Heritors of the original parish (Barony) contribute to its support. If the three other schools - Barony, Springburn & Shettleston, were without a Teacher, the remaining or fourth Teacher, would receive the Salary of the other three while their places were vacant.
OS1/21/47/6 Lanarkshire No. 21. Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/6 1. Situation - School and Bonville, Trace 6.
OS1/21/47/7 CHURCH [Maryhill] Church Church Church Revd. J. Colvin J. Paxton. Elder Mr Russell, Schoolmaster 001.13 This Church contains 940 sittings, Revd. J. Colvin Incumbent. It was built in 1824 as a chapel of Ease & was - at the disjunction of Maryhill from the Barony Parish of Glasgow - constituted the Ph [Parish] Church, under the provisions of the Act 7th & 8th Victoria. Cap. 44 Sect 4th. "That if, in any process for disjoining or dividing a parish, it shall be shown to, the satisfaction of our Lords of Council & Session, that there is already built or erected. a Church or place of worship suitable for the new Ph [Parish] proposed to be erected. And capable of being lawfully appropriated to that purpose, whereby the expense of erecting a new or additional church will not be incurred by the Heritors and that the Titulars or others having right of the tiends out of which is to be paid not less than three fourths of the additional stipend or stipends to be modified by reason of such disjunction or division, have consented thereto. after due intination by direction of the Lords of Council & Session to them given."
OS1/21/47/7 Lanarkshire No. 21. Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/7 1. Situation - Church, Trace 6
OS1/21/47/8 BEECHBANK Beechbank Beechbank Beechbank Valuation Roll Mr Reid pr [proprietor] John Russell, Schoolmaster 001.13 A superior cottage on the banks of the Kelvin. occupied by the pr [proprietor] Mr. Reid.
OS1/21/47/8 BELLGREEN Bellgreen Bellgreen Bellgreen Valuation Roll G. Campbell Esqr. Miss Ure. Occupier 001.13 A good Cottage formerly used in connection with a Bleachfield which used to be there. The property of Sir A. J. Campbell Bart.
OS1/21/47/8 GAIRBRAID Gairbraid Gairbraid Gairbraid Valuation Roll John Renwick. occupier John Russell, Schoolmaster 001.13 An extensive Farm Steading on the northern outskirts of Maryhill. The property of J.& G. Dunlop
OS1/21/47/8 MANSE [R.C., Maryhill] 001.13
OS1/21/47/8 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL [Main St, Maryhill] Roman Catholic Chapel (Immaculate Conception) Roman Catholic Chapel Roman Catholic Chapel Valuation Roll Revd. J. Keir John Russell, Schoolmaster 001.13 A chapel in Main St. capable of containing a configuration of about 500. The Priest's dwelling house is attached to it - Revd J. Keir, Incumbent. This Chapel is dedicated is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.
OS1/21/47/8 Lanarkshire No. 21. Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/8 1. The R.C. Chapel and Manse are one entry as there are no entries next to the Manse with regard to the 3rd Column - Authorities for Spelling or the fourth column - Description remarks. 2. Situation - all place names on this sheet are in Trace 6.
OS1/21/47/9 ARGYLE PLACE Argyle Place Argyle Place Argyle Place Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson. Police Inspector 001.13 A row of houses in "Main Street" between "Endrick Place" & the Ph [Parish] Chruch. The Name Applies to the house in line with the south end of the row as well as in "Main Street." The Branch Bank of the Union Bank of Scotland is in the north end of his "Place"
OS1/21/47/9 MAIN STREET [Maryhill] Main Street Main Street Main Street Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson Police Inspector 001.13 The principal Street in Maryhill, beginning with the Town at Aquaduct which separates Wyndord from Maryhill, & ending about the new Railway Bridge. The Corner Ticket is on the house next & south of the Ph [Parish] School. There are several "Places" in this street, as well as a few in other Streets, regularly ticketed & bearing the names of the feuars by whom they are, or were held. The houses in those "Places" are like the generality of dwelling houses in the Town & are occupied by the working classes. The ph [Parish] Church & School, the Police Station, Post Office, Bull Inn, & a Branch Bank of the Union Bank of Scotland are in Main Street. The houses are generally new & about two stories high.
OS1/21/47/9 POST OFFICE [Main St, Maryhill] Post Office 001.13 Included in description of Main Street.
OS1/21/47/9 1. Situation - Main Street, Post Office and Argyll Place, Trace 6.
OS1/21/47/10 GRAHAM'S PLACE Graham's Place Graham's Place Graham's Place Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson Police Inspector 001.13 One house in "Main Street" opposite "Argyle Place".
OS1/21/47/10 SUSAN MURRAY PLACE Susan Murray Place Susan Murray Place Susan Murray Place Corner Ticket Valuation Roll Robert Buchanan, Baker in "S. M. Place" 001.13 A row of dwelling place in "Main Street. between the R.C.Chapel & Gilchrists Court". The Post Office is kept in the south end house of this row.
OS1/21/47/10 WALKER STREET [Maryhill] Walker Street Walker Street Walker Street Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson Police Inspector 001.13 A road off "Main St" to the River Kelvin, chiefly used as an entrance to Reid & Ewing s Printfield, which, has a gate near the bottom of this "Street". At present there are property, no houses in "Walker St." The only houses which can be said to belong to this "Street" ae ends of houses in "Whitelaw & Main" Streets.
OS1/21/47/10 Lanarkshire No. 21. Maryhill Parish Missing Place name from Image - Endrich Place Endrich Place Corner Ticket I.13 Trace 6 A row of dwelling houses in "Main Street" between "Argyle Place" & the Endrick Place Valuation Roll R.C.Chapel. Endrick Place Mr Lennit Grocer in "End. Place"
OS1/21/47/10 1. Situation - all 4 place names are in Trace 6.
OS1/21/47/11 WHITELAW STREET [Maryhill] Whitelaw Street Whitelaw Street Whitelaw Street Corner Ticket Valuation Roll Alexander McAndrew Sergt [Sergeant] of Police 001.13 A Street between "Kelvin & Walker" Streets, running parallel with "Main St:" The houses are occupied by the poorer classes.
OS1/21/47/11 REID STREET [Maryhill] Reid Street Reid Street Reid Street Corner Ticket Valuation Roll Alexander McAndrew Sergt. [Sergeant] of Police 001.13 This Street has very few houses. It is between "Walker Street" & the end of Kelvin St. "Reid & Ewens Printfield is on the west side of the St. It employs about 200 hands in printing Callico &c by Machine Presses.
OS1/21/47/11 UNION BANK OF SCOTLAND [Argyle Place, Maryhill] Union Bank of Scotland (Branch) Union Bank of Scotland (Branch) Union Bank of Scotland (Branch) Valuation Roll Sign or Name Board John Russell Shool master 001.13 A Branch Bank of the Union Bank of Scotland at the north end of Argyle Place in Main St.
OS1/21/47/11 [Page] 11 Lanarkshire -- Parish of Maryhill "Law," A designation given to many hills or mounts, [mountains]" "To Law, To litigate; to subject to legal investigation," "Law, The remainder," Jamieson
OS1/21/47/12 [Page] 12 This page is blank
OS1/21/47/13 GLASGOW, DUMBARTON AND HELENSBURGH RAILWAY Glasgow Dumbarton and Helensburgh Railway Glasgow Dumbarton and Helensburgh Railway Glasgow Dumbarton and Helensburgh Railway Glasgow Dumbarton and Helensburgh Railway Glasgow Dumbarton & Helensburgh Railway John Latham Manager of Ed. [Edinburgh] & Glasgow Railway Peter McGregor, secretaryJ. Cooke Acccountant Act of Parliament Printed Bills Time Tables 001.14 A new line of railway branching off the Edinburgh & Glasgow at Cowlairs. It was passed in 1855 & is expected to be complete in May 1858. Ir runs about 5 miles through thos Ph. [Parish] & is only part complete. At Cambus Possil it has altered the course of the Forth & Clyde Canal for a short distance. It passes out of the parish by a very fine bridge over the River Kelvin. It joins the Caledonian & Dumbartonshire Railway at Bowling & runs along it as far as Dumbarton. From Dumbarton to Helensburgh is intended to be single rails.
OS1/21/47/13 [Page] 13 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/13A OS/21/47/13A This page shaows a letter rather than a description of a place. The letter reads as follows: Glasgow, Dumbartn & Helensburgh Railway 83 St George's Place, Glasgow Jany [ January] 11th 1858 Dear Sir, You are requested to attend a meeting of the Directors, in my Chambers in Wednesday next, the 13th Inst, at two o'clock. I am, Dear Sir, Yours Sincerely James Keyden [Page] 13A
OS1/21/47/14 WESTFIELD Westfield Westfield Westfield Valuation Roll Meikleham's Map Robert Graham Pr. [Proprietor] 001.14 A good farm steading occupied by William Woodrow. The property of Mr. R. Graham.
OS1/21/47/14 [Page] 14 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/15 WEST POSSIL LOCH West Possil Loch West Possil Loch West Possil Loch Estate Map William Graham Richard Watson 001.14 This loch is in dry seasons coarse, wet, meadow land. In winter it is sometimes flooded for days; its general appearance throughout the year may be said to be marshy. It is on Captn. [Captain] Campbell's property.
OS1/21/47/15 LOCHSIDE Lochside Lochside Lochside Valuation Roll Estate Map Richard Watson 001.14 A few scattered dwelling house occupied by colliers. The property of Captn. [Captain] Campbell.
OS1/21/47/15 LOCHEND Lochend Lochend Lochend Valuation Roll Robert Graham Proprietor William Graham - Lambhill 001.14 A superior cottage with offices attached occupied by the proprietor R. Graham.
OS1/21/47/15 [Page] 15 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish Under Place Entry for West Possil Loch is an entry which reads "Dry in Summer"
OS1/21/47/16 CAMBUS POSSIL Cambus Possil Cambus Possil Cambus Possil Valuation Roll Estate Map Richard Watson 001.14 An old Farm Steading occupied by Laborers [temm] only called by them. "Sodom". The property of Captain Campbell.
OS1/21/47/16 POSSIL LOCH Possil Loch Possil Loch Possil Loch Estate Map Richard Watson Wimmil Graham 001.14 This loch is bounded on the north by the Parish Boundary & on the East by the canal. Near the Parish Boundary the ground is dry from refuse being scattered about. The remainder is worse that the West loch. being in some places covered by Mushy Pools. By the side of the Canal the soil appears at times, to be rough meadow land. Its general appearance is Marshy. The property of Captain Campbell. In wet weather this Loch is flooded - particularly in winter.
OS1/21/47/16 Lanarkshire No. 21. Maryhill Parish Cambus Possil Written across the Authorities of Spelling, Situation and Descriptive Remarks Columns "Cam is the British and Celtic, transformed by the Scoto - Saxons into Cambus, signifies bending or bowed - usg or iusg means water." New Statistical Account of Cambuslang, County of Lanark. Possil Lock Additional information in the List of Names as written on Plan Column. (Dry in Summer).
OS1/21/47/16 1. Situation - Cambus Possil, Trace 5. 2. Situation - Possil Loch, Trace 6.
OS1/21/47/17 SCHOOL [nr Lambhill] School School School Valuation Roll James Watson, Teacher Williama Graham 001.14 This School is supported by the heritors in the district of the pupils contributions. The house belongs to the Canal Company.
OS1/21/47/17 Lanarkshire No. 21. Maryhill Parish Missing Entries Lambhill Cottage --- Valuation Roll --- I.14 Trace 6 --- A neat brick cottage built by the proprietor from his Ploughmen. Lambhill Cottage --- William Graham Proprietor Lambhill Cottage --- R Watson Lambhill --- Valuation Roll --- I.14 Trace 6 --- A superior Farm steading occupied by the Proprietor Mr W. Graham Lambhill --- Estate Map Lambhill --- William Graham Proprietor Lambhill Bridge --- Canal Co;s List of Bridges --- I.14 Trace 6 --- The 19th Drawbridge on the Forth & Clyde Canal numbering form the Forth. Lambhill Bridge --- R. Reidman Secretary --- --- It is of light construction (wood), raised from the centre by wheels at the sides. It is capable Lambhill Bridge --- J Milne Superintendant --- --- of bearing 3 tons - the greatest weight allowed without previous notification being given.
OS1/21/47/17 Situation - School, Trace 6
OS1/21/47/18 EAST CAMBUS POSSIL East Cambus Possil East Cambus Possil East Cambus Possil Valuation Roll Estate Map R. Watson, Steward 001.14 A row of thatched Cottages South of Lambhill Bridge. These houses are by the occupiers called [Gomards]. The property of Captain Campbell.
OS1/21/47/18 OVER FOSSIL Over Possil Over Possil Over Possil Estate Map Valuation Roll Andrew McGregor, Heir 001.14 Two houses on the side of the Canal. There are temporary rows of houses for Colliers, north & south of this, on the same property. The propierty of the Heirs of William Peters.
OS1/21/47/18 Lanarkshire No. 21. Maryhill Parish 1. List of names as written Column - Spelling Error. "Over Fossil" should be "Over Possil". Message Sent.
OS1/21/47/18 1. Situation - East Cambus Possil and Over Possil - Trace 6. 2. Spelling assistance requested for a word in the East Cambus Possil Entry [Gomards].
OS1/21/47/19 BRACKENBRAE Brackenbrae Brackenbrae Brackenbrae Valuation Roll A. Young Factor W. Findlay Occupier 001.15 A good Farm Steading. The property of W. Stirling Esqr. There is no particular brae on hill or this Farm. The name if given as many hills are where the ground is almost flat.
OS1/21/47/19 KENMURE HOUSE Kenmure House Kenmure House Kenmure House Estate Map Valuation Roll A. Young, Factor 001.15 A large Mansion with Offices, garden and extensive ornamenta; ground attached. Occupied by Mr W. Stirling Merchant. The property of W. Stirling Esqr of Keir. There are several rows of houses on the Estate, which were built for the Pitmen, by the Cos. working the Pits. As they will be pulled down as soon as the Pits are done, the Factor does not think them worth naming.
OS1/21/47/19 LATCH KENMURE Laigh Kenmure Laigh Kenmure Laigh Kenmure Valuation Roll James Russell, Steward of Estate, A. Young Factor 001.15 A good Farm Steading. occupied by Wilsons & Co. The property of W. Stirling Esqr.
OS1/21/47/19 Lanarkshire No. 21. Maryhill Parish 1. List of names as written Column - Spelling Error. "Latch Kenmure" should be "Laigh Kenmure". Message Sent.
OS1/21/47/19 1. Situation - Kenmure House and Laigh Kenmure, Trace 1. 2. Situation - Brackenbrae, Trace 2.
OS1/21/47/20 HIGH FOSSIL High Possil High Possil High Possil Estate Map Valuation Roll J. Blackley, Factor 001.15 A superior Farm Steading. The property of W.S.S. Crawford Esqr. There are several temporary rows of Colliers Cottages on this property which the Agent considers would be useless to name, as it is the proprietors intention to take them down when the Pits are done.
OS1/21/47/20 POSSIL ROWS Possil Rows Possil Rows Possil Rows Valuation Roll Edward Risk Manager of Pits J. Blackley, Factor 001.15 These rows (particularly the east) are supposed to be permant. They were built by Wilsons & Co. for their pitmen. The property of W.S.S. Crawford Esqr.
OS1/21/47/20 Lanarkshire No. 21. Maryhill Parish 1. List of names as written Column - Spelling Error. "High Fossil" should be "High Possil". Message Sent.
OS1/21/47/20 1. Situation - High Possil and Possil Rows, Trace 4.
OS1/21/47/21 FREESTONE QUARRY [Dubton] Freestone Quarry Freestone Quarry Freestone Quarry R. Grainger Foreman T. Bell Foreman Kenmure Quarry R. Wisper, Pit Master J. Blackley Factor 001.15 This name though well known, seems to be used more for the purpose of distinction from the other Quarries in the neighbourhood, than as a proper name. The Old Quarry S.W. of it was also called "Milton" when in use - about 10 years ago. At present the name is not applied to the old Quarry, but seems to have been revived on the opening to distinguish it. The name is taken from the Quarry being on the lands of Milton. It employs 30 men, has been two years in use * is wrought by Neilson & Law. This Quarry can't go or work in any direction, without interfering with the Railway or the Toll Road. "Freestone Quarry" recommended to be written. Ph/C.H./
OS1/21/47/21 KENMURE QUARRY Kenmure Quarry (Freestone) Kenmure Quarry (Freestone) Kenmure Quarry (Freestone) Post Office Directory Valuation Roll T. Bell Foreman A. Young Factor 001.15 An extensive freestone Quarry on Kenmure Estate - W. Stirling's Esqr Property. It employs 150 men, is 20 years in use & supposed to be good for seven years more. Wrought by Leadbetter & Govan.
OS1/21/47/21 Lanarkshire No. 21. Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/21 1. Situation - both quarries on Trace 5.
OS1/21/47/22 NORTH COLTPARK QUARRY North Coltpark Quarry (Freestone) North Coltpark Quarry (Freestone) North Coltpark Quarry (Freestone) Post Office Directory Valuation Roll Alexander Gifford, Foreman 001.15 This is considered the best Freestone Quarry of the five - Coltmuir, Midton. N [North] & S. [South] Coltpark, & Coltston, on Mr Crawford's property. It is now in use five year; employs about 60 men, & is wrought by Neilson & Law. The names of these quarries are taken from the parks they are in.
OS1/21/47/22 COLTPARK COTTAGE Coltpark Cottage Coltpark Cottage Coltpark Cottage Valuation Roll R. [---] Pit Master J. Blackley, Factor 001.15 A mean looking cottage on the side of the Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway, occupied by laborers. The property of W. J. J. Crawford Esq
OS1/21/47/22 COLTMUIR QUARRY Coltmuir Quarry [Freestone) Coltmuir Quarry [Freestone) Coltmuir Quarry [Freestone) Valuation Roll Post Office Directory Andrew Kirkland, Foreman 001.15 This Quarry is rapidly extending eastward. It has been in use 5 years & will probably last as many more. Forty men are employed in it by Leadbetter & Co.
OS1/21/47/22 [Page] 22 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/23 COLTSTON Colston Colston Colston Valuation Roll J. Blackley, Factor William McGavin Occupier 001.15 A good Farm Steading, the property of W.J.S. Crawford, Esqr.
OS1/21/47/23 MILTONBANK Miltonbank Miltonbank Miltonbank Valuation Roll R. Wyper. occupier J. Blackley, Factor 001.15 A good Cottage off the Coltston Ph. [Parish] Road. The property of W.D.S. Crawford Esqr.
OS1/21/47/23 MILTONBANK COTTAGE Miltonbank Cottage Miltonbank Cottage Miltonbank Cottage Valuation Roll P. O [Post Office] Directory R Black Pr [Proprietor] 001.15 A superior Cottage. The property of R. Black.
OS1/21/47/23 FERNBANK Fernbank Fernbank Fernbank Valuation Roll Post Office Directory R. Black Pr [Proprietor] 001.15 A superior Cottage with offices on the side of the Ed. [Edinburgh] & Glasgow Railway. The property of & occupied by R. Black.
OS1/21/47/23 [Page] 25 Lanarkshire Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/24 COLTSTON QUARRY Colston Quarry Colston Quarry Colston Quarry Valuation Roll Hugh Somerville Foreman J. Blackley, Factor 001.15 A large Freestone Quarry employing about 80 men, wrought by F. Brown. This quarry is 4 years in use & is likely to continue as many more.
OS1/21/47/24 COLTSTON T.P. Coltston Toll Gate Coltston Toll Gate Coltston Toll Gate J. Stevenson Road Surveyor A. Bryson, Toll Keeper Rate Board on House 001.15 A Toll on the high road from Edinburgh to Glasgow. Kept by A. Bryson, There is a row of Collier's houses beside it.
OS1/21/47/24 SOUTH COLTPARK QUARRY South Coltpark Quarry (Freestone) South Coltpark Quarry (Freestone) South Coltpark Quarry (Freestone) Valuation Roll James Wallace Foreman J.Blackley, Factor 001.15 A large Freestone Quarry working in direction of Milton Bank Cottage. The E. [Edinburgh] & Glasgow Railway at this part is cut through Freestone Rock. It employs 40 men, is 5 years in use & likely to last. Wrought by Neilson & Law.
OS1/21/47/24 [Page] 24 Lanarkshire Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/25 GILCHRIST'S COURT Gilchrist's Court Gilchrist's Court Gilchrist's Court Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson Inspector of Police 006.10 The back part of a row of houses in Main Street. South of "Susan Murray Place"
OS1/21/47/25 PETER'S COURT Peter's Court Peter's Court Peter's Court Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson Inspector of Police 006.10 A flagged court off "Main St:" between the Police Station & the "Bull Inn".
OS1/21/47/25 INN [Bull Inn, Main St, Maryhill] Bull Inn Bull Inn Bull Inn Sign Board Mrs J Martin, Innkeeper G. Anderson Inspector of Police 006.10 A respectable Inn in Main Street two stories high, with a porch in front, over which is represented a large Bull. Kept by Mrs J. Martin.
OS1/21/47/25 ATHOLL PLACE Atholl Place Atholl Place Atholl Place Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson, Inspector of Police 006.10 A row of dwelling houses in "Main Street", between Church Street & the Bull Inn.
OS1/21/47/25 [Page] 25 Lanarkshire Maryhill Parish 2
OS1/21/47/26 MARYHILL [town] Maryhill Maryhill Maryhill Maryhill Maryhill Valuation Roll D. Robertson, Inspector of Poor R. Craig, Commissioners' Clerk G. Anderson, Inspector of Police J. Paxton, Elder 006.10 A Town in the N. W. [North-West] of the Parish with a population of about 4500. It was constituted a Police Burgh in 1855, under the provisions of the Act 13th & 14th Victoria, Cap: [??] 33 entituled "An Act to make more effectual provision for regulating the Police of Towns & populous places in Scotland. & for paving, draining, cleaning, lighting, & improving the same." The Streets are regularly numbered & properly named. There is a force of 9 City Policemen Stationed in the Burgh. The lighting & Police or extent of the Burgh, extents north as far as the Est: Ch. [Established Church] Manse, & south past Wynford along the "Garscube Road Maryhill" to a house (on 1/500 Scale) about 3 chains outside the south margin of Trace 5-VI [6] -2, near the Wireworks at the beginning of Springbank, where the latter & the "Garscube Road Maryhill" meet. There are three Magistrates in the Burgh who sit once a week in the Police Station. the Inspector of Police acting as Fiscal. There are also three honorary commissioners appointed to the Town for Sanitary purposes. The Forth & Clyde Canal passes through the Town & has two Aquaducts (beside Locks) one over the road between Wyndford & Maryhill, & the othe rover the river kelvin. The new Railway (Glasgow , Dumbarton & Helensburgh) crosses the Kelvin here by a very fine Bridge. Kelvin Dock - from the little lock at the Saw Mill, was the name of Maryhill 25 years ago. The name (Maryhill) is taken from a lady whose property the village was when the name changed. The principal works in the Town, are the Gasworks, Printfield, Weaving Factory & Saw Mill. There is an Est: Ch [Established Church] & school. A Free Ch. [Church] & School, A Roman Catholic Chapel & an Infant School in Maryhill. The Town begins at the Canal Aqueduct, which separates it from Wyndford & extends north as far as the Manse.
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OS1/21/47/26 The insertion of the word - Police - is accompanied by the initials RH.
OS1/21/47/27 GREENBANK COTTAGE Greenbank Cottage Greenbank Cottage Greenbank Cottage Valuation Roll John Russell ph. [parish] Schoolmaster Thomas Craig. Manager of Printfield 006.10 A mean looking Cottage. occupied two families. The name is only known to the older inhabitants of the Place. The property of W. Reid Esqr.
OS1/21/47/27 AQUEDUCT [Forth & Clyde Canal] Kelvin Aqueduct Kelvin Aqueduct Kelvin Aqueduct Robert Reidman, Canal Secretary James Milne, Canal Suptd: [Superintendent] Adam Stewart, Lock Keeper 006.10 A fine Aqueduct for carrying the Forth & Clyde Canal over the River Kelvin. It has 4 arches, each 80 links in span & 60 feet above the level of the River.
OS1/21/47/27 LOCKS [Forth & Clyde Canal] Kelvin Locks Kelvin Locks Kelvin Locks Canal Co's [Company's] List of Locks & R. Reidman, Secretary J. Milne, Superintendent 006.10 Five Locks on the Forth & Clyde Canal at Maryhill. with two wooden Sluice Gates to each. for letting out & in the water to the Basins for Boats passing through. The Locks, like the Draw-bridges, are wod. [wood] from the Forth. & have houses for the Keepers attached. Kelvin Dock is connected by a Lock gate with the basin between the 22nd & 23rd Locks.
OS1/21/47/27 [Page] 27 Lanarkshire Maryhill Parish 5 [Below entry for Kelvin Locks is a note] "Kelvin Street" and "Kelvin Graving Docks" have been adopted. but the repetition of Kelvin, applying to the Aqueduct and Locks adjacent, is considered unnecessary. NH.
OS1/21/47/28 KELVIN GRAVING DOCK Kelvin Dock Kelvin Dock Kelvin Dock Kelvin Dock Kelvin Dock R. Reidman Secretary J. Milne Superintendent J. Swan timber Mrt. [Merchant] J. Paxton Elder John Keir Burnhouse 006.10 Formerly the name of the Town, & is, even now, by the older inhabitants, commonly applied to everything in the vicinity. It does not, however, according to the best authorities, apply to anything but the Dock. It is used in connexion with the Saw Mill & Canal for building Boats. There is a lock Gate which supplies it from the Basin with water, when necessary. The Saw Mill is wrought by J.& D Swan Timber Merchants. It employs 80 men. It is a Graving Dock [] CA [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/21/47/28 COLLINA COTTAGE Collina Cottage Collina Cottage Collina Cottage J. Swan Pr. [Proprietor] John Russell Schoolmaster John Rennie Schoolmaster 006.10 A superior Cottage commanding a view of the whole of Maryhill, occupied by the pr. [proprietor] J. Swan Timb. Mrt. [Timber Merchant]
OS1/21/47/28 GAIRBRAID HOUSE Garbraid House Garbraid House Garbraid House Valuation Roll Meikleham's Map G. Campbell Esqr 006.10 A superior house occupied by Mr J. Horn - Magistrate. The property of John Dunlop Esqr.
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OS1/21/47/29 SCHOOL [Church St, Maryhill] School School School Valuation Roll Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wilson John Rennie Schoolmaster 006.10 The Free Church School built beside the Church. There is a school of Industry attached to it - capable of containing 170 Pupils.
OS1/21/47/29 CHURCH STREET [Maryhill] Church Street Church Street Church Street Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson, Police Inspector 006.10 A road or Street off "Main Street", leading to the Free Church & Gilshochill. This name cannot be said to apply farther than the Manse, at present there are no signs of building between the Manse & Gilshochill.
OS1/21/47/29 YOUNG'S PLACE Young's Place Young's Place Young's Place Corner Ticket Val: [Valuation] Roll G. Anderson, Police Inspector 006.10 A row of thatched houses off "Ch. St. [Church Street]" near the end, and parallel, with "Main Street".
OS1/21/47/29 SCHOOL [infants, Main St, Maryhill] School School School Valuation Roll John Rennie. F. C. [Free Church] T. [Technical] Teacher Miss Erskine, Teacher 006.10 An Infant School entered from "Main Street" by a good Footpath. The play ground extends to the side of "Whitelaw Street", Patronised by J. C. Colquhoun Esqr of Killermont.
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OS1/21/47/30 KELVIN STREET [Maryhill] Kelvin Street Kelvin Street Kelvin Street Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson Police Inspector 006.10 A Street off "Main Street" extending to the gate of the Weaving Factory & Printfield at the corner of "Reid St." The Factory [is] at present idle. Three Streets are off this St. "Reid & Whitelaw Streets" on one side (north) & Bridge St" on the other.
OS1/21/47/30 BRIDGE STREET [Maryhill] Bridge Street Bridge Street Bridge Street Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson Police Inspector 006.10 A Street extending from the bridge over the Kelvin to near where "Kelvin St["] joins "Main Street". There is a "Square["] & a "Place" off this Street. The Gas Works of the Town are entered from this Street They extend northward to the side of "Kelvin Street".
OS1/21/47/30 BRIDGE SQUARE Bridge Square Bridge Square# Bridge Square Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson, Police Inspector 006.10 Two rows of houses off Bridge Street at right angles to each other. The houses appear to be the poorest in Maryhill
OS1/21/47/30 BRIDGE PLACE Bridge Place Bridge Place Bridge Place Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson, Police Inspector 006.10 An irregular shaped row of houses in "Bridge St" opposite the end of the Factory. There is no sign of building between this "Place" & the Bridge.
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OS1/21/47/31 PRINTWORKS [Reid & Ewing's, Walker St] Printfield or Printworks Printfield or Printworks Printfield or Printworks J. Swan Pr. [Proprietor] of Saw Mill Thomas Craig Manager John Russell, Schoolmaster 006.01 A large establishment employing 200 hands in Printing patterns by machinery. Wrought by the proprietors - Reid & Ewan. In Trade this is commonly called a Printfield, though no field for the purpose is attached.
OS1/21/47/31 HANDLOOM FACTORY [Maryhill] Weaving Factory (Linen & Cotton) Weaving Factory (Linen & Cotton) Weaving Factory (Linen & Cotton) Thomas Craig Mr [Manager] of Printfield J. Swan - Saw Mill R. Jeffray Wyndford 006.10 A hand-loom Weaving Factory for Linen & Cotton weaving. employing about 200 hands when in use. It has been idle for some time
OS1/21/47/31 POLICE OFFICE [Main St, Maryhill] Police Station Police Station Police Station Valuation Roll G. Anderson Police Inspector John Russell, Schoolmaster 006.10 A new house built for the men of the city Police (9 men) stationed in Burgh.
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OS1/21/47/32 GAS WORKS Gas Works Gas Works Gas Works Valuation Roll G Anderson, Police Inspector J Paxton, Elder The Gas Works of the Burgh It is situated between Bridge Street & Kelvin St [Street]
OS1/21/47/32 [Page] 32 Lanarkshire Maryhill Parish [Situation] 6 - 1 Trace B
OS1/21/47/33 POWERLOOM FACTORY [Wyndford, Maryhill] Powerloom Factory Powerloom Factory Powerloom Factory Powerloom Factory R. Jeffray Pr. [Proprietor] J. Sloan Timber Merchant Thomas Craig Manager of Printfield John Russell Schoolmaster 006.02 A large manufactory for weaving cotton & linen. Wrought by power looms. It employs about 200 hands constantly. They are principally women. The mill is the property of R. Jeffray. It is also wrought by him.
OS1/21/47/33 [Page] 33 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish
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OS1/21/47/35 MANSE [F.C., Maryhill] Manse Manse Manse Valuation Roll Revd. [Reverend ] R. Wilson John Rennie, Schoolmaster. 006.02 A superior dwelling house, east of the Free Church, occupied by the incumbent Revd. [Reverend] R. Wilson
OS1/21/47/35 FREE CHURCH [Maryhill] Free Church Free Church Free Church Valuation Roll Revd. [Reverend] R. Wilson John Rennie, Schoolmaster 006.02 A good stone building capable of containing a congregation of 600. It was built in 1846 & has a manse & school attached.
OS1/21/47/35 FORTH AND CLYDE CANAL Forth & Clyde Canal Forth & Clyde Canal Forth & Clyde Canal Estate Maps R. Reidman, Secretary J. Milne, Superintendent 006.02 A navigable canal connected the Firths of Forth & Clyde. There is a branch (2 3/4 miles) from the main canal at Stockingfield , which goes to Port Dundas in Glasgow. There are 39 drawbridges on this canal, including those on the branch. At Cambus Possil there are two aqueducts, one over the new railway, & the other over a stream; at Stockingfield, there is one over a road: & at Maryhill there are two, one over the road at the beginning of Main Street, & the other over the River Kelvin. There are also locks & basins at Maryhill. It passes through this parish 5 miles.
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OS1/21/47/36 GILSHOCHILL Gilshochill Gilshochill Gilshochill Valuation roll G. Campbell Esqr. D. Brown Occupier 006.02 A farm steading on the banks of the canal. The property of Sir. A.J. Campbell Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/47/36 LOCHBURN Lochburn Lochburn Lochburn Valuation Roll G. Campbell Esqr. R. Watson Esatate Steward 006.02 Two farm steadings, the one on the east , Captn. [Captain] Campbell's property & the west Sir. A. J. Campbell's
OS1/21/47/36 STOCKINGFIELD AQUEDUCT Stockingfield Aqueduct Stockingfield Aqueduct Stockingfield Aqueduct R. Reidman Secretary J. Milne Supt. [Superintendent] Map of Canal 006.02 An aqueduct over the road from Wyndford to Lochburn, near where the canal branches off to Glasgow. Thee is a floating bridge or boat here, to enable horses etc. to cross going or coming from the Forth. The bridge is attached to the canal bank by a chain on the side next to Stockingfield, & is put across the water with a boat hook or pole. There is a house near the aqueduct for the bridge - keeper.
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OS1/21/47/37 STOCKINGFIELD Stockingfield Stockingfield Stockingfield Valaution Roll R. Perrat, Pr. [Proprietor] J. Swan, Merchant 006.02 A large washing establishment used two years ago as a bleachfield. There are 15 women employed in washing & felting up made linen etc occupied by the proprietor R. Prrat.
OS1/21/47/37 FORTH AND CLYDE CANAL (Glasgow Branch) Forth & Clyde Canal (Glasgow Branch) Forth & Clyde Canal (Glasgow Branch) Forth & Clyde Canal (Glasgow Branch) Gazeteer of SCotland R. Reidman, Secretary J. Milne Superintendent 006.02 A branch canal from Stockingfield to Glasgow, from the direct line of the Forth & Clyde. This branch was completed in 1777 - 13 years before the west side (from Stockingfield to the Clyde) was. It is said to be 2 3/4 miles to Port Dundas & it is connected with the Monkland Canal - 1 mile, from Port Dundas to St. Rollox. The drawbridges on this branch are numbered in continuation from the Firth of Forth to Port Dundas. The next bridge on the main line of canal from Lambhill is nod. [numbered] after the last on the branch. There are timber basins at Firhill on the branch canal.
OS1/21/47/37 [Page] 37 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish Note under Place Entry for Forth & Clude Canal reads "In sloping Italics Capitals".
OS1/21/47/38 WYNDFORD Wyndford Wyndford Wyndford Wyndford Valuation Roll R. Jaffray Pr. [Proprietor] J. Swan Mt. [Merchant] John Russell Schoolmaster 006.02 The lands of Wyndford comprise those houses on the east side of "Wyndford Street" & the "Garscube Road", from the aqueduct, which separates it from Maryhill, to the Weaving factory on the south; & the mill lade which divides it from Stockingfield on the east. Kelvin Foundry & as far as Stockingfield Aqueduct are also in Wyndford. The weaving facory employs 200 hands & is wrought by power looms. The factory in Maryhill is worked by hand looms. Wyndford is in the parish of Maryhill.
OS1/21/47/38 WYNDFORD STREET Wyndford Street Wyndford Street Wyndford Street Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson Police Inspector 006.02 This name applies from the aqueduct to the corner of the road leading to Kelvin Foundry.
OS1/21/47/38 MILLER'S PLACE Miller's Place Miller's Place Miller's Place Corner Ticket Valuation Roll G. Anderson Police Inspector 006.02 A row of houses with a smithy in it. The end of this row or "Place" is in "Wyndford Street."
OS1/21/47/38 [Page] 38
OS1/21/47/39 KELVIN FOUNDRY Kelvin Foundry Kelvin Foundry Kelvin Foundry Valuation Roll Company's Hand Bill John Shaw, Founder 006.02 An extensive Iron Foundry employing 200 men. A great variety of casting is done here. Wrought by J. Shaw & Co. [Company]
OS1/21/47/39 GARSCUBE ROAD Garscube Road Garscube Road Garscube Road Valuation Roll Corner Ticket G. Anderson Police Inspector 001; 006 This name applies from the corner of the road leading to Kelvin Foundry in Wyndford, to the limits of Maryhill where it joins Spring -bank and continues to Cowcadden Street in Glasgow on margin of 006.02.05. The houses along this road are irregularly numbered - to allow for building from Springbank to Wyndford. The name of this road, "Garscube", is, like the generality of suburban roads, taken from some locality through which it passes, as this road is taken from Garscube House, the seat of Sir. A.J. Campbell Bart. [Baronet]. See description on 1/500 scale plans of Glasgow.
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OS1/21/47/40 BURNHOUSE Burnhouse Burnhouse Burnhouse Valuation Roll John Keir Occupier J. Paxton, Elder 006.02 A small farm house on the side of the road opposite, or west of Wyndford. The property of J. G. Dunlop.
OS1/21/47/40 RUCHILL HOUSE Ruchill House Ruchill House Ruchill House Valuation Roll Meikleham's Map James Fleming, Gardener orSteward 006.02 A superior house with offices garden & ornamental grounds belonging to it. Occupied by the proprietor W. J. Davidson.
OS1/21/47/40 TAMSHILL Tamshill Tamshill Tamshill Valuation Roll James Fleming, Steward R. Watson Steward 006.02 A thatched, house on Mr. W.J. Davidson's property. Occupied by a laborer.
OS1/21/47/40 HILLEND Hillend Hillend Hillend Valuation Roll Estate Map Richard Watson, Steward 006.02 A farm steading occupied by Captn. [Captain] Campbell's Estate Steward & others. There is a smithy here. Property of Captn. [Captain] Campbell. The toll road used to pass this way to Lambhill
OS1/21/47/40 [Page] 40 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish Handwritten note under Ruchill House: "Ruck, - A rick of corn or hay; a small stack of any kind," - " to ruck - To belch, " Jamieson
OS1/21/47/41 PARKHOUSE Parkhouse Parkhouse Parkhouse Valuation Roll Estate Map R. Watson, Steward 006.02 A farm steading, the property of Captn. [Captain] Campbell. It has never been used for anything but farm purposes. The origin of the name is not known. The new railway has changed the course of the toll road near this farm.
OS1/21/47/41 POSSIL OLD QUARRIES Possil Old Quarries (Freestone) Possil Old Quarries (Freestone) Possil Old Quarries (Freestone) Estate Map Richard Watson, Steward William Graham, Lambhill 006.02 These old quarries are famous for the great quantities of Freestone they produce for nearly a century. They are useless thes 20 years & now form deep quarry holes, aend slopes of earth covered with plantings. The property of Captn/ [Captain] Campbell.
OS1/21/47/41 CHAPEL [a farm] Chapel Chapel Chapel Valuation Roll W. Woodrow, Occupier W. Harold Steward 006.02 Apoor farm steading on the banks od the Forth & Clyde Canal (branch) The property of Mr. M. Montgomery of Kelvinside House.
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OS1/21/47/42 GARRIOCH Garrioch Garrioch Garrioch Valuation Roll Alexander Young Occupier W. Harold Steward 006.02 A poor farm steading & a good dwelling house occupied by different persons. The property of Mr. M. Montgomerie. Formerly this name was spelled Garroch: The ioch [underlined] is now used by the proprietor.
OS1/21/47/42 GARRIOCH HOUSE Garrioch House Garrioch House Garrioch House Valuation Roll Thomas Allan Pr. [Proprietor] J. Swan Timber Merchant 006.02 A superior house on the side of the "Garscube Road Maryhill." Good offices are attached. Occupied by Mr. T. Allan.
OS1/21/47/42 GARRIOCH COTTAGE Garrioch Cottage Garrioch Cottage Garrioch Cottage Valuation Roll J. Dunlop Occupier W. Harold, Steward 006.02 A small cottage on the side of the public road from Garrioch to Kelvinside House. The property of Mr. M. Montgomerie.
OS1/21/47/42 [Page] 42 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish "Garradh.- A garen a wall, dyke, or mound." "Garnadh, - a thrust, act of thrusting, cramming or gluttony." "Garrach, - Gorbellied, greedy, voracious, having a bad odour." " Garrach, - A glutton, a worhtlesscreature." - Gaelic Dictionary.
OS1/21/47/43 KELVINSIDE HOUSE Kelvinside House Kelvinside House Kelvinside House Valuation Roll Post Office Directory W. Harold Steward 006.02 A superior house with good offices etc. attached. A great portion of the grounds about this house are on 1/500 scale. Occupied by the proprietor Mr. M. Montgomerie.
OS1/21/47/43 RUCHILL BRIDGE Ruchill Bridge (No. 20) Ruchill Bridge (No. 20) Ruchill Bridge (No. 20) Canal Co's [Company] List of Bridges R. Reidman Secretary J. Milne Supdt. [Superintendent] of Canal 006.02 The 20th drawbridge on the Forth & Clyde - numbering from the Forth & the 1st on the "Branch"from Stockingfield. It is similar in construction to the other drawbridges on the canal, being made of wood, & opened or raisd from the centre by means of wheels attached to the sides, & connected with the centre by chains for raising orclosing it.
OS1/21/47/43 [Page] 43 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish "Prick." - a rick of corn or hay, - Jamieson
OS1/21/47/44 EASTPARK Eastpark Eastpark Eastpark Valuation Roll Post Office Directory Robert Malcolm, Occupier 006.02 This name is often improperly given to the cottages between Chapelside & the gate of the avenue to Kelvinside House. The proper application is between Chapelside & Eastpark Cottage on that side of the "Garscube Road Maryhill." The name is derived from the park or field, which the cottages now occupy being the eastern extremity of a steading which once stood near it. It is in the Burgh of Maryhill
OS1/21/47/44 CHAPELSIDE Chapelside Chapelside Chapelside Valuation Roll P.O. [Post Office] Directory D. Caughie Pr. [Proprietor 006.02 A superior cottage in Eastpark numbered 242 on the "Garscube Road Maryhill" It as well as the other cottages in Eastpark are in the burgh of Maryhill.
OS1/21/47/44 GOWANBANK Gowanbank Gowanbank Gowanbank Valuation Roll P.O. [Post Office] Directory Mrs. W. Neilson 006.02 A superior cottage in Eastpark nod. [numbered] 240 on the "Garscube Road Maryhill" occupied by Mrs W. Neilson.
OS1/21/47/44 [Page] 44 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish "Gowan, - The generic name for the Daisy." - Jamieson
OS1/21/47/45 WHINSTONE COTTAGE Whinstone Cottage Whinstone Cottage Whinstone Cottage A. Wylie Pr. [Proprietor] R. Malcolm 006.02 A superior cottage in Eastpark nod. [numbere] 212 on the "Garscube Road Maryhill." I t has been named recently.
OS1/21/47/45 EASTPARK COTTAGE Eastpark Cottage Eastpark Cottage Eastpark Cottage Val. [Valuation Roll P.O. [Post Office] Directory R. Aitken Pr. [Proprietor] 006.02 A superior cottage in Eastpark nod. [numbered] 204 on the "Garscube Road Maryhill." It is occupied by Mr. R. Aitken & forms the s. [south] eastern extremity of Eastpark.
OS1/21/47/45 NEWHOUSE Newhouse Newhouse Newhouse Valuation Roll P.O. [Post Office] Directory James Fleming Steward 006.02 An old farm steading nod. [numbered] 186 on the "Garscube Road Maryhill." The property of W. J. Davidson
OS1/21/47/45 KELVINSIDE COTTAGE Kelvinside Cottage Kelvinside Cottage Kelvinside Cottage P.O. [Post Office] Directory Val. [Valuation] Roll J. Benny, Occupier 006.02 A small cottage in the Burgh of Maryhill nod. [numbered] 106 on the "Garscube Road Maryhill." The property of Mr. M. Montgomerie.
OS1/21/47/45 FIRHILL Firhill Firhill Firhill Val. [Valuation] Roll J. Murray, Occupier James Fleming, Steward 006.02 A farm steading. The property of Mr. W. J. Davidson.
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OS1/21/47/46 FIRHILL BRIDGE Firhill Bridge ( No. 21) Firhill Bridge ( No. 21) Firhill Bridge ( No. 21) Canal Co's. [Company's] List of Bridges R. Reidman Secretary J. Milne Canal Supdt. [Superintendent] 006.02 The 21st drawbridge - numbering from the Firth of Forth, & the 2nd on the branch canal - from Stockingfield. It is similar in construction to the other canal bridges. East of this there are two large basins for seasoning timber. There is a small boat building dock, also connected with the branch canal.
OS1/21/47/46 SPRINGBANK FOUNDRY Sprinbank Foundry Springbank Foundry Springbank Foundry J. Down, Founder Edward Moore Foreman A Ramsay Mr. [Manager] of Wire Works 006.02 A large foundry at the north end of Springbank employing betwee 3 & 400 men. Wrought by Glennie & Co. [Company] The handbill of this Co. [Company] calls it "Iron Works." Ironstone is not wrought into Pig & Malable Iron here, as at Dixon's "Iron Works" in Glasgow. All that is used here is supplied from Iron Works for mouldingetc. The only Malable Iron made here is for the use of the Co. [Company] & what is made, isvery little. All the houses belnging to it are moulding shops. A large engine works is situated west of the foundry & comes upon 1/500 scale.
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OS1/21/47/47 NORTH WOODSIDE FOUNDRY North Woodside Foundry North Woodside Foundry North Woodside Foundry J. Down Founder J. Russell, Manager A. Ramsay, Manager of W. [Wire] Works 006.02 A foundry similar in every respect to Springbank Fdy. [Foundry] - using cast metal for moulding. Wrought by J. Down & Co. [Company].
OS1/21/47/47 SPRINGBANK Springbank Springbank Springbank Springbank Springbank P.O. [Post Office] Directory Valuation Roll A. Ramsay J. Ramsay Supt. [Superintendent] Mt. Arranged on 1/500 scale plans 006.02 A district in the suburbs of Glasgow joining the burghof Marhill on the north;Cowcaddens & Glasgow, south & west, & St. Rollox in the east. With the exception of the foundries the whole of Springbank is on 1/500 scale.
OS1/21/47/47 KEPPOCH Keppoch Kppoch Keppoch Valuation Roll Estate Map R. Watson Steward 006.02 Ann extensive farming establisment for rearing pigs etc. The property of Captn. [Captain] Campbell.
OS1/21/47/47 [Page] 47 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish "Kebbuck, a cheese, - Brocket's" Glossary "Capa, A cap, a top." - Gaelic Dictionary
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OS1/21/47/49 POSSIL BURN Possil Burn Possil Burn Possil burn Burgh Plan of Maryhill Schedule descriptive of Burgh Richard Watson, Steward of Estate 006.02 This burn issues from drains about Springbank Village, & flowing through the Esate of Possilpasses twice under the canal - at, or west of Hill-end, & at Stockingfield Aqueduct, & flowing past Wyndford enters the Kelvin near "Gairbraid House".
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OS1/21/47/51 EASTFIELD PLACE Eastfield Place Eastfiled Place Eastfield Place Valuation Roll James Liddell Springburn road John Barr Inspector of Police 006.03 A row of two storied houses between the Edinburgh & Glasgow Turnpike Road, & the road which joins through Balgray from the end of "Springburn Road" - Both Spring: [ Springburn] Rpad & Balgray are in the adjoining parish of Springburrn. The houses are new & are wellknown by the name "Eastfield Place"
OS1/21/47/51 COWLAIRS WORKS Cowlairs Works See Name Sheets of Springburn Ph. [Parish].
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OS1/21/47/53 NEW MOSESFIELD New Mosesfield New Mosesfield New Mosesfield Valuation Roll Post Office Directory W. Neilson Occupier 006.03 A superior dwelling house with offices attached. The property of W. Dixon - Ironworks.
OS1/21/47/53 STOBHILL Stobhill Stobhill Stobhill Valuation Roll Meikleham's Map William Notman Occupier 006.03 A good farm steading the property of Mr. J. Stewart
OS1/21/47/53 COCKMUIR Cockmuir Cockmuir Cockmuir Valuation Roll Meijleham's Map Revd. [Reverend] J. Arthur 006.03 A good farm steading sub-let by the tenant. the property of Mr. J. Reid.
OS1/21/47/53 BALGRAY BRAE See authorities etc on the Name List of the Parish of Springburn
OS1/21/47/53 [Page] 53 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish "Stob, - The stump of a tree; a palisade, a stake driven into the ground to form a fence, the stump of a rainbow or that part which seems to rest on the horizon when no more of it is seen. " - Jamieson
OS1/21/47/54 ASHFIELD Ashfield Ashfield Ashfield Estate Map Valuation roll Richard Watson Estate Steward 006.03 A good farm steading the property of Captn. [Captain] Campbell
OS1/21/47/54 POSSIL MAINS Possil Mains Possil Mains Possil Mains Estate Map Valuation Roll R. Watson Steward 006.03 A farm steading shaped partly oval, adjoining the offices belonging to Possil House, but quitedistinct from them in name and occupation. The property of Captn. [Captain] Campbell
OS1/21/47/54 EDINBURGH AND GLASGOW RAILWAY Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway Murrays Time Table John Letham Manager of Ry [Railway] William Paton Manager at Cowlairs 006.04 A line of railway between Edinburghh & Glasgow, running through the Maryhill Ph. [Parish] for about 3/4 of a mile, part of it ( near the quarries on Milton & Kenmure Estate) is cut through solid freestone rock. The electric telegraph is on the east side.
OS1/21/47/54 OS1/21/47/54 Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway shows a situation of 006.03 on the Page but 006.04 on the Transcript. Notification sent.
OS1/21/47/54 [Page] 54 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/55 POSSIL HOUSE Possil House Possil House Possil House Valuation Roll Estate Map R. Watson, Steward 006.03 A large mansion with ornamental grounds & offices attached. Occupied by Sir A. Alison Bart .[ Baronet]. The property of Captn. [Captain Campbell.
OS1/21/47/55 EASTFIELD Eastfield EastfieldEastfield Valuation Roll Estate Map R. Watson Steward 006.03 A large farm steading on the side of the high road from Glasgow to Edinburgh. The property of Captn. [Captain] Campbell.
OS1/21/47/55 OLD MOSESFIELD Old mosesfield Pld mosesfield# Old Mosesfield Valuation Roll W. Neilson - N. [New?] Mosesfield James Breeze Occupier 006.03 A superior house with offices attached,. This name is well known by the distinction"Old." The property of William Dixon of the Ironworks.
OS1/21/47/55 [Page] 55 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/56 [Page] 56 blank page
OS1/21/47/57 BALORNOCK HOUSE Balornock House Balornock House Balornock House Valuation Roll Meikleham's Map W.R. Petterson Esqr. 006.04 A large mansion with pleasure grounds, garden & offices attached. Occupied by the proprietor W. R,. Patterson Esqr.
OS1/21/47/57 HIGH BALORNOCK High Balornock High Balornock High Balornock ~Valuation Roll Meikleham's Map W. R. Patterson Esqr. 006.04 A farm steading now occupied by laborers. the property of A. Menzies.
OS1/21/47/57 [Page] 57 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Ph [Parish] "Balladh, A wall; a rampart." Noch, Nock, Nokk, The nick or notch of a bow or arrow" Gaelic Dictionary
OS1/21/47/58 BARMULLOCH Barmulloch Barmulloch Barmulloch Valuation Roll Walter Weir, Occupier J. Blackley, Factor 006.04 A good farm steading the proprerty of W. S.S. Crawford Esqr.
OS1/21/47/58 HILLHEAD Hillhead Hillhead Hillhead Valuation Roll Walter Weir J. Blackley, Factor 006.04 A cottage on Milton [underlined] Farm slightly elevated form the lands of Milton & Provan Mill. The property of W. S.S. Crawford Esqr.
OS1/21/47/58 [Page] 58 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish "Barr, The top - the uppermost part of anything, a point as of a weapon A crop of grain or other vegetables; supriority etc. - a hill, "Mullach, The top, summit, or upper extremity of anything, a height, an eminence, " Gaelic Dictionary
OS1/21/47/59 MILTON Milton Milton Milton Valuation Roll G. Simpson, Occupier J. Blackley, Factor 006.08 A large farm steading Some house, including a smithy on the side of the road south of this farm are in Provan Mill, or are like the houses around the mill called Provan Mill. The steading is the property of W.S.S. Crawford Esqr.
OS1/21/47/59 [Page] 59 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish
OS1/21/47/60 CALEDONIAN RAILWAY Caledonian Railway (Glasgow & Garnkirk Station) Caledonian Railway (Glasgow & Garnkirk Station) Caledonian Railway (Glasgow & Garnkirk Station) Caledonian Railway (Glasgow & Garnkirk Station) Caledonian Railway G. Graham Engineer of Line Railway Map (Graham's) William Beattie, Clerk R. Bankier Stat: [Station] Master, Steps Time Table. 006.08 This name (Glasgow & Garnkirk Station) is seemingly Known to the Officials of the Caledonian Railway only. In Time Tables the name is given as the "Caledonian". The Garnkirk or "Glasgow & Garnkirk Railway" extended to Whifflet in Old Monkland Ph [Parish]. There is a branch to St Rollox from Milton, which is the original line of the "Glasgow & Garnkirk Railway". That from Milton to Glasgow is commonly called the "Glasgow Extension" by the Railway authorities. Mr Graham the Engineer considered the "Extension" superfluous, as it was made by the Cal: Co: [Caledonian Company] & consequently is the "Cal: Railway" [Caledonian Railway]. The "Glasgow & Garnkirk Railway" is the name according to the "Act of Parliament" & the Caledonian Co. [Company] hold it in lease from the Co. [Company] by whom it was made. See Name Sheets of Cadder Parish.
OS1/21/47/60 [Page] 60 Lanarkshire -- Maryhill Parish [page signed] John Bayly Capt R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers]
OS1/21/47/61 [Page] 61 NAME BOOK Co. [County LANARK PARISH OF MARYHILL
OS1/21/47/62 INDEX Names --- Sheet -- Plan -- Page Acre -- I -- 13 -- 2
OS1/21/47/63 [PAGE] 63 Names -- Sheet -- Plan -- Page Eastfield -- 006 -- 03 -- 55 Freestone Quarry -- 001 -- 015 -- 21 Fernbank -- 001 -- 015 -- 23 Free Church -- 006 -- 02 -- 35 Forth & Clyde Canal -- 006 -- 02-- 35 Forth & Clyde Canal (Glasgow Branch) -- 6 -- 02 -- 37 Firhill -- 006 -- 02 -- 45 Firhill Bridge -- 006 -- 02 -- 46 Garscube Bridgec -- 001 -- 013 -- 2 Garscube Road -- 001 -- 013 -- 2 Gairbraid -- 001 -- 013 -- 8 Graham's Place -- 001 -- 013 -- 10 Glasgow, Dumbarton & Helensburgh Railway - 001 -- 014 -- 13 Gilchrist Court -- 006 -- 014 -- 25 Greenbank Cottage -- 006 -- 01 -- 27 Graving Dock -- 006 --01 -- 28 Garbraid House -- 006 -- 01 -- 28 Gas Works -- 006 -- 01 -- 32 Gilshochill -- 006 -- 02 --36 Garscube Road -- 006 --02 -- 39 Garrioch -- 006 -- 02 -- 42 Garrioch House -- 006 -- 02 -- 42 Garrioch Cottage -- 006 -- 02 -- 42 Gowanbank -- 006 -- 02 -- 44 High Possil -- 001 -- 015 -- 20 Handloom Factory ( Linen & Cotton) -- 006 -- 01 -- 31 Hillend -- 006 -- 02 -- 40 High Balornock -- 006 -- 04 -- 57 Hillhead -- 006 -- 04 -- 58 Inn -- 006 -- 01 -- 25 Kenmure House -- 001 -- 015 -- 19 Kenmure Quarry (Freestone) -- 001 -- 015 -- 21 Kelvin Street --006 -- 01 -- 30 Kelvin Foundry (Iron) -- 006 -- 02 -- 39 Kelvinside House -- 006 -- 02 -- 43 Kelvinside Cottage -- 006 -- 02 -- 45
OS1/21/47/64 [PAGE] 64 Names -- Sheet -- Plan -- Page Keppoch -- 006 -- 02 -- 47 Lochside -- 001 -- 014 -- 15 Lochend -- 001 -- 014 -- 15 Lambhll Cottage -- 001 -- 014 -- 17 Lambhill -- 001 -- 014 -- 17 Lambhill bridge -- 001 -- 014 -- 17 Laigh Kenmure -- 001 -- -15 -- 19 Locks -- 006 -- 01 -- 27 Lochburn -- 006 -- 02 -- 36 Manse -- 001 --13 -- 5 Manse -- 001 -- 013 -- 8 Main Street -- 001 -- 013 -- 9 Miltonbank -- 001 -- 015 -- 23 Miltonbank Cottage -- 001 -- 015 -- 23 Maryhill -- 006 -- 01 -- 26 Manse -- 006 -- 02 -- 35 Miller's Place -- 006 -- 02 -- 38 Milton -- 006 -- 08 -- 59 Northcoltpark Quarry Freestone -- 001- --015 -- 22 Newhouse -- 006 -- 02 -- 45 North Woodside Foundry -- 006 -- 02 -- 47 New Mosesfied -- 006 -- 03 -- 53 Over Possil -- 001 -- 015 -- 18 Old Mosesfield -- 006 -- 03 -- 55 Post Office -- 001 -- 013 -- 9 Possil Loch -- 001 -- 014 -- 16 Possil Rows -- 001 -- 015 -- 20 Peter's Court -- 006 -- 01 -- 25 Printworks -- 006 -- 01 -- 31 Powerloom Factory (Linen & Cottton) -- 006 -- 02 -- 33 Police Station -- 006 -- 01 -- 31 Parkhouse -- 006 -- 02 -- 41 Possil Old Quarries -- 006 -- 02 -- 41 Possil Burn -- 006 -- 02 -- 49 Possil Mains -- 006 -- 03 -- 54 Possil House -- 006 -- 03 -- 55
OS1/21/47/65 [PAGE] 65 Names -- Sheet -- Plan -- Page River Kelvin -- 001 -- 013 -- 5 R C Chapel - 001 -- 013 -- 8 Reid Street -- 001 -- 013 -- 11 Ruchull House -- 006 -- 02 -- 40 Ruchhill Bridge -- 006 -- 02 -- 43 Sandyfalt -- 001 -- 013 -- 2 Station -- 001 -- 013 -- 3 School -- 001 -- 013 -- 6 Susan Murray Place -- 001 -- 013 -- 10 School -- 001 -- 014 -- 17 South Coltpark Quarry (Freestone) -- 001 -- 015 -- 24 School -- 006 -- 001 -- 29 School -- 006 -- 001 -- 29 Stockingfield Aqueduct -- 006 -- 002 -- 36 Stockingfield -- 006 -- 002 -- 37 Springbank Foundry (Iron) -- 006 -- 002 -- 46 Springbank -- 006 -- 002 -- 47 Stobhill -- 006 -- 003 -- 53 Tamshill -- 006 -- 003 -- 40 Walker Street -- 001 -- 013 -- 10 Whitelaw Street -- 001 -- 013 -- 11 Westfiled -- 001 -- 014 -- 14 West Possil Loch -- 001 -- 014 -- 15 Wyndford -- 006 -- 002 -- 38 Wyndford Street -- 006 -- 002 -- 38 Whinstone Cottage -- 006 -- 002 -- 45 Young's Place -- 006 -- 001 -- 29