
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
SHIELDHILL Shieldhill Shieldhill Shieldhill Shieldhill Shieldhill Shieldhill Shieldhill Revd. [Reverend] John Lawrie
Mr. James Brown Mr. W. Black
J. G. Chancellor Esqr.
Johnstons County Map
Forrests Map Statistical Account.
033.08 A neat and Commodious builling Consisting of the old house, in addition to the North Wing lately erected, it is build in the Elizabethan Style & is three storeys High slated & in excellent condition. The Offices are one storey high slated & in good repair. Immediately East of the dwelling house stands a small square Tower, embuttled, 25 feet high and the walls 2 feet thick, About 12 years ago the walls were nearly level with the ground but were then raised to their present height & is now used as a Pigeon House. Property and residence of John G Chancellor Esqr.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 35
Parish of Liberton

Also written on page - over columns 2-4:
The second land-owner is Alexander Chancellor, Esq. of Shieldhill, whose ancestors have been in possession of this estate for the last four centuries, as appears from a charter still extant granted by Thomas, Lord Somerville to Willliam Chancellor of Shieldhill and Quothquan, A.D. 1432. The family residence was originally at Quothquan and remained there till 1567 when the then proprietors wined Queen Mary's party at Hamilton, and engaged in the battle of Langside. After her defeat, a party of 500 Horsemen sent out by Regent Murray to demolish the houses of her adherents burned down, among others the mansion house of Quothquan. After this calamity, the family residence was moved to Shieldhill which appears originally to have been a square tower of no great dimentions but which has at different times been added to and modernized. particularly by the present proprietor.

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