Lanarkshire volume 43

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/21/43/1 LANARK Lanark Lanark Lanark Statistical Account Johnstons County Map Forrests Map "Some trace the origin of the name of this parish to the Latin terms Lana and arca, quasi the Woolchest; others to Law-cerig, the bank of the river; or to the Gaelic words Lan, signifying a house, repository, or church and deare, a bilberry. A derivation equally probable is that given by Chalmers in his Caledonia; namely from Llannerch, which in several places in Wales is applied to a slip of level ground, or a vale." The parish lies pretty nearly in the centre of the county to which it gives its name. It is of any irregular oblong form; in the South about 3, in the north about 5 miles broad. It is from 6 to 7 miles in length; and stretches along the eastern bank of the river Clyde, which seperates it on the south from Pettinain and Carmichael, and on the west from Lesmahagoe. The adjacent parish on the north is Carluke, from which it is partly divided by Mashoch burn. Carstairs bounds it on the east. The ground nowhere rises into any eminence deserving the name of a hill. There is no extensive sheet of water in the parish. Lang-loch to the south-east, is the largest. There are places however, which bear evident marks of having formerly been under water, particularly the low valley adjoining the house of Lee, amounting to more than 100 acres. [continued on page 2]
OS1/21/43/1 [Page] 1
OS1/21/43/2 LANARK (Continued) [continued from page 1] The principal rivers are the Clyde and Mouss. - The parish lies upon a mass of old red sandstone, which probably forms the basis of the country to the south and east.'' + + + Carboniferous limestone is wrought in considerable quantities in Craigendhill, on the north-west corner of the parish, accompanied by a small seam of coal, but which does not yield sufficient to burn limestone. + + + The principal land-owners are Sir Norman Macdonald Lockhart, Bart. [Baronet] of Lee; Lady Mary Ross of Bonington; Mrs. Elliot Lockhart of Cleghorn; George Baillie, Esq. of Jerviswood; Thomas Young Howison, Esq. of Hyndford; the Misses Carmichael of Smyllum Park; Walker and Company of New Lanark; Sir Richard Honyman of Huntly Hill; Archibald Nesbit, Esq. of Carfin; Alexander Gillespie, Esq. of Sunnyside.'' Statistical Account. There is no village of any note in the parish but the town of Lanark. There are no detached portions of this parish in any other parishes, and [no] detached portions of other parishes within the boundaries of this -
OS1/21/43/2 [Page] 2
OS1/21/43/3 BRIDGE (Remains of) [Mouse Water] Roman Bridge Roman Bridge Roman Bridge Revd. [Reverend] Alexander McGlashan Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Stark Mr. William Ballantyne 025.12 This would appear to have been a bridge across the Mouse Water in connection with the Roman Road, the remains of which are very small, still some portions of the mason work are quite distinct in the fissures of the rocks over which it has been built. Nothing of a traditionary nature can be obtained with reference to it, farther than its having been the work of the Romans. Cleghorn Bridge appears to have been built very near its site. The remains of this bridge are so situated in the fissures of the rocks that they cannot be shown on the Plan.
OS1/21/43/3 CLEEKHIMIN Cleekhimin Cleekhimin Cleekhimin Cleekimin Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Stark Mr N. Annan Mr John Gray Johnstons County Map. 025.03 Thatched farmsteading in indifferent repair.
OS1/21/43/3 COLLIELAW Collielaw Collielaw Collielaw Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Stark Mr N. Annan Mr John Gray 025.03 Farmstead in good repair - property of Sir Norman Lockhart.
OS1/21/43/3 LEEMUIR Leemuir Leemuir Leemuir Leemuir Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Stark Mr N. Annan Mr John Gray Johnstons County Map 025.02 Farmstead in good repair Property of Sir Norman Lockhart. The Steading is divided by the Ph [Parish] boundary.
OS1/21/43/3 3 Ph [Parish] of Lanark
OS1/21/43/3 Collielaw: the Situation in document is 25.3-4 BRIDGE: the description has been continued in the Situation column but I have transcribed it in Description remarks.
OS1/21/43/4 CAMP (Site of) [Lanark Moor] 025.16 "There are remains of two Roman camps in the neighbourhood of Lanark. The most considerable is not far from Cleghorn-house, and was thought by General Roy to have been the work of Agricola It measures 600 yards in length, and 420 in breadth, and at the south-west angle has a small post or redoubt. The other is situated upon Lanark moor, on the opposite side of the Moss, and within a mile of one in the adjoining parish of Carstairs, apparently of later construction, and of which the vestiges are much more distinct. Through this passed the great Roman road from Carlisle to the wall of Sutouinus, leaving the camp at Cleghorn upon the right". Stat. [Statistical] Acct. [Account] Page 12. There is the site of a small Roman camp on the borders of Lanark Moor - no vestiges of it remain at present, the place where it stood having been levelled, drained and cultivated about 12 years ago It is very doubtful that the Roman Road ever passed through the Camp on Lanark Moor, as stated in the Stat. [Statistical] Acc [Account] its direction does not favor the idea, and the person who destroyed the camp states that no remains were discovered to confirm the conclusion arrived at by the writer of the Stat. [Statistical] Acct [Account]
OS1/21/43/4 ROMAN ROAD [Lanark parish] Roman Road Roman Road Roman Road Revd Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Revd Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.03 The site of this road cannot be pointed out or identified beyond the place where it is shown to terminate on Plan 25.12.- With the exception of the portion shewn by black dotted lines on Plan 25.8 no remains exist. The site has been pointed out by old residents and there is no reason to doubt its accuracy as the persons by whom it was pointed out assisted at the digging up of the stones of which it was composed - The portion referred to on 25.8 is well defined the stones composing it never having been disturbed.
OS1/21/43/4 4 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header] and 12 [Situation for Roman Road]
OS1/21/43/4 The Name "Roman Road" on this page appears to have been amalgamated by the surveyor along with "Site of Roman Road" which has not been pre-populated. There seems no purpose in requesting a further pre-population in this instance. The Description for "Camp" spreads into the Situation column as well as that of Description. No entries appear for Spelling of Authorities for this place. The description implies that two such camps exist in the Parish, but only this one set of details appear to have been recorded.
OS1/21/43/5 AUCHENGLEN Auchenglen Auchenglen Auchenglen Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.05 A farmsteading partly slated & partly thatched in good repair Property of Norman Lockart Esq
OS1/21/43/5 BIRKHILL Birkhill Birkhill Birkhill Birkhill Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map 025.05 A farmsteading on storey slated in good repair Property of J. Frame
OS1/21/43/5 BURNBANK [farm] Burnbank Burnbank Burnbank Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.05 A farmsteading one storey slated in good repair Property of Norman Lockart Esq
OS1/21/43/5 MASHOCK BURN Mashock Burn Mashock Burn Mashock Burn Mashock Mill Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Forrests County Map 025.05 It rises near Chapel and falls into River Clyde near Holmfoot In the latter part of its course it forms the boundary between the parishes of Lanark & Carluke. Not rapid, gravelly bed
OS1/21/43/5 5 [right corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/5 Auchenglen and Burnbank. In Description for each place, the owner has originally been shown as "Lady Lockart", but this has been scored through and amended to "Norman Lockart Esq".
OS1/21/43/6 APPLEBANK Applebank Applebank Applebank Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.05 A cothouse, thatched, in bad repair, Property of Major Hewieson
OS1/21/43/6 CARFIN Carfin Carfin Carfin Carfin Carfin Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map New Stat. [Statistical] Acct. [Account] 025.05 A plain two storey mansion residence and property of Dr Anderson. Offices attached, slat [Slated] one storey and in good repa [repair]
OS1/21/43/6 HOLMFOOT Holmfoot Holmfoot Holmfoot Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.05 A plain slated two storey house with offices attached in good repair. Property of Major Hewieson
OS1/21/43/6 HOWIESON HALL Howieson Hall Howieson Hall Howieson Hall Hall Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Forrests County Map 025.05 A farmsteading, one storey, slated, in good repair Property of Major Hewieson This is a modern building there was no building more ancient bearing the same name in the neighbourhood-
OS1/21/43/6 6 [left corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/6 Howieson Hall. A different hand has scored out the original Spelling entry "Howiesonhall" and amended it to the two separate words, the same hand adding that part of Description beginning "This a modern building". Admin notified. Carfin. Part of two words in Description are lost in tight binding of right margin.
OS1/21/43/7 BROCKLAND BRIDGE Brockland Bridge Brockland Bridge Brockland Bridge Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.06 A small stone bridge of one arch spanning Brockland Burn on a T.P. [Turnpike] road - built and kept in repair by the county-
OS1/21/43/7 BROCKLAND BURN Brockland Burn Brockland Burn Brockland Burn Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.06 A small stream which takes its rise from surface water near Craighill Lime Works, and falls into Mashock Burn about 1/4 mile south of Lee House - not rapid - gravelly bed
OS1/21/43/7 BROCKLAND GLEN Brockland Glen Brockland Glen Brockland Glen Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.06 A steep narrow and thickly wooded glen through which flows Brockland Burn
OS1/21/43/7 LOCHKNOWES Lochknowes Lochknowes Lochknowes Lochknowe Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Forrests County Map 025.06 Farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse and out offices one storey high thatched and in tolerable repair. property of Norman Lockhart Esq, Lee House.
OS1/21/43/7 7 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/8 GIBSHOUSE Gibshouse Gibshouse Gibshouse Gibshouse Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map 025.06 Dwellinghouse one storey high, slated and in good repair. Property of N. Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/8 LEE BURN Lee Burn Lee Burn Lee Burn Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.06 A small stream which takes its rise from surface water near Leemuir forming the boundary between the parishes of Lanark & Carluke till it falls into Mashock Burn near Lee - not rapid - gravelly bed-
OS1/21/43/8 PEASE TREE Pease Tree Pease Tree Pease Tree Pease Tree Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne New Stat [Statistical] Acct.[Account] 025.06 A very large oak tree at Lee House. It is supposed to be a relict of the ancient Caledonian forest, evidently very old though it still continues to vegetate - It was measured some time ago and found to be 60 feet in height & 30 in [inches] circumference and to contain 1460 cubic feet of wood
OS1/21/43/8 8 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/9 CARTLAND Cartland Cartland Cartland Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.06 A small village or hamlet consisting of three rows of one storey houses partly thatched and partly slated & occupied chiefly by agricultural labourers- Property of Norman Lockhart Esq Lee Ho. [House] There is an unendowed school here - Teacher's Salary £20 - £10 from the heritors - fees worth about £10, with house & garden -
OS1/21/43/9 CRAIGEN HILL Craigen Hill Craigen Hill Craigen Hill Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.06 A small oval shaped hill partly heathy & partly rough pasture, remarkable only for its extensive limeworks - Property of Norman Lockhart Esq Lee House.-
OS1/21/43/9 LEE HOUSE Lee House Lee House Lee House Lee Lee Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Forrets County Map Johnstons County Map 025.06 A plain modern mansion erected in 1815 on the site of a very old house, none of which is at present standing - Three storeys high, flat roof & embattled, with three massive circular towers at three corners. The out offices are connected with the main building on the east. Property & residence of N. Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/9 9 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/10 CALEDONIAN RAILWAY Caledonian Railway Caledonian Railway Caledonian Railway Rev. [Reverend] Alexander McGlashan Mr. John Gray Mr. William Ballantyne 025.06 A double line of railway between Glasgow & Edinburgh and Glasgow & Carlisle.
OS1/21/43/10 LOCKHARTBANK Lockhartbank Lockhartbank Lockhartbank Rev. [Reverend] Alexander McGlashan Mr. John Gray Mr. William Ballantyne 025.10 Farmsteading houses all one storey, thatched and in tolerable repair. Property of N. Lockhart Esqr. [Esquire]
OS1/21/43/10 NEMPHLAR BRAE Nemphlar Brae Nemphlar Brae Nemphlar Brae Rev. [Reverend] Alexander McGlashan Mr. John Gray Mr. William Ballantyne 025.10 A gentle declivity falling off towards the N. E. [North-East] and thickly wooded. The whole of this was and is partly still a fox [cover]. On the Lee estate & property of Norman Lockhart Esqr. [Esquire] Lee House
OS1/21/43/10 10 Parish of Lanark
OS1/21/43/10 I think the Description entry for Nemphlar Brae contains fox [cover]
OS1/21/43/11 BIRKENHEAD Birkenhead Birkenhead Birkenhead Birkenhead Birkenhead Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray Johnstons County Map 025.07 Farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse and out offices, all on storey, slated and in good repair. Property of Norman Lockhart Esq Lee House.
OS1/21/43/11 FULWOOD Fulwood Fulwood Fulwood Fulwood Fulwood New Fulwood Old Fulwood Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Rent Receipt Mr John Gray Johnstons County Map 025.07 Farmsteading, dwelling-house 2 out offices three storey, all slated and in good repair. property of Norman Lockhart Esq Lee Ho. [House]
OS1/21/43/11 LONGHILL Longhill Longhill Longhill Longhill Longhill Longhill Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Rent Receipt Mr John Gray Johnstons County Map 025.07 Farmsteading, one storey, thatched, and in bad repair. Property of A. Lockhart Esq, Cleghorn.
OS1/21/43/11 11 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/11 Fulwood. Spellings "New Fulwood" and "Old Fulwood" are bracketed together and one Authority given.
OS1/21/43/12 CRAIGENHILL LIME WORKS Craigenhill Lime Works Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.07 Extensive lime work at Craigen Hill, from which the name is derived. The stone is of good quality, quarried and burnt here & sent to different places by railway.
OS1/21/43/12 LIMESTONE QUARRY [Watch-holes] Watch-holes Quarry Watch-holes Quarry Watch-holes Quarry Watch-holes Quarry Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.07 An extensive limestone quarry and kilns. The layer of stone, which is of good quality & twelve feet below the surface, is nearly worked out.
OS1/21/43/12 WATCH-HOLES Watch-holes Watch-holes Watch-holes Watch-holes Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.07 A small round hill partly arable & partly heathy pasture remarkable only for its extensive limestone quarry-
OS1/21/43/12 12 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header] As the preceding name "Watch-holes" applies to the feature containing the Quarry its repetition in this instance is unnecessary. MK [beneath Name "Limestone Quarry"]
OS1/21/43/12 Craigenhill Lime Works. Only one Spelling is shown, but three Authorities. Limestone Quarry. See also continuation note by surveyor "MK" regarding Name.
OS1/21/43/13 DUCKING STANE Ducking Stane Ducking Stane Ducking Stane Ducking Stane Royal Charter of Lanark Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr Alexr [Alexander] Veitch Mr Arch [Archibald] Ross 025.11 A stone in the Mouse Water at which point the Municipal Boundary leaves it and takes Woodend Burn - It is customary for the Municipal Authorities to go through the form of riding in procession along the boundary annually - the boys accompanying them are here immersed the better to impress on their memories the position of the stone.
OS1/21/43/13 STOBILEE BURN Stobielee Burn Stobielee Burn Stobielee Burn Stobielee Burn Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.08 It collects from drains on the parish boundary and forms the boundary between Lanark & Carstairs till its junction with the river Mouse near Cleghorn Railway Station
OS1/21/43/13 13 [right corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header] This name corrected to "Stobilee" Burn on the Plans of Lanark to agree with Carstairs Ph [Parish] by order of Captain Pratt R.E. [Royal Engineers] [under name Stobielee Burn]
OS1/21/43/13 Stobilee Burn. See continuation entry. The Spelling version used in Carstairs has been preferred by the surveyors. Ducking Stane. The Situation is given as "25.11".
OS1/21/43/14 CAMP (Remains of) [Old Windsor] 025.08 Adjacent to this house [Old Windsor] is the site of a Roman Camp. Part of the ramparts can be traced at the NE [North East] corner. It forms a parallelogram, and is of the largest kind. There are remains of two Roman Camps in the neighbourhood of Lanark. The most considerable is not far from Cleghorn-house and was thought by General Roy to be the work of Agricola. It measures 500 yards in length, and 420 in breadth, and at the south-west angle has a small post or redoubt.
OS1/21/43/14 CLEGHORN Cleghorn Cleghorn Cleghorn Cleghorn Cleghorn Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray New Stat [Statistical] Acct [Account] 025.08 A large plain mansion-house three storeys, in good repair Property & residence of Allan Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/14 OLD WINDSOR Old Windsor Old Windsor Old Windsor Old Windsor Windsor Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray Johnstons County Map 025.08 A cothouse thatched in bad repair. Property of Allan Lockart Esq
OS1/21/43/14 WELLHEAD Wellhead Wellhead Wellhead Wellhead Wellhead Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray Johnstons County Map 025.08 A farmstead, one storey, in good repair, slated, Property of Allan Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/14 14 [left corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/14 Old Windsor. The Description for this place runs on into that for "Camp". Camp. No separate entries exist for Spelling or Authorities for this place, which appears to have been entered as a continuation of that for "Old Windsor". That portion of the Description beginning "There are remains of two Roman Camps" appears to be written by another hand and spreads across the Spelling and Authorities columns as well as that for Description.
OS1/21/43/15 NEMPHLARMOOR Nemphlarmoor Nemphlarmoor Nemphlarmoor Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.09 A cothouse thatched one storey in bad repair. Property of Norman Lockart Esq
OS1/21/43/15 15 [right corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/15 Entries on this page regarding places "Crossford Bridge" and Shiel Burn have been scored out.
OS1/21/43/16 CLYDEBANK Clydebank Clydebank Clydebank Clydesbank Rev Alex [Alexander] McLashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map 025.09 A farmsteading, one storey, in good repair, Property of Dr Anderson
OS1/21/43/16 WEST NEMPHLAR West Nemphlar West Nemphlar West Nemphlar West Nemphlar Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map 025.08 A farmsteading, one storey, in tolerable repair. Property of Norman Lochart Esq
OS1/21/43/16 WESTSIDE OF NEMPHLAR Westside of Nemphlar Westside of Nemphlar Westside of Nemphlar Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.09 A farmsteading, one storey, in good repair. Property of Mr Jack
OS1/21/43/16 WEST-TOWN OF NEMPHLAR West-town of Nemphlar West-town of Nemphlar West-town of Nemphlar Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.09 A farmsteading, one storey, par [partly] slated and partly thatched, in good repair, property of Norman Lochart Esq
OS1/21/43/16 16 [left corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/17 CARTLAND BRIDGE T.P. Cartland Bridge T.P. [Turnpike] Cartland Bridge T.P. [Turnpike] Cartland Bridge T.P. [Turnpike] Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 A neat one storey slated dwellinghouse, to which is attached a turnpike gate at which full rates are payable - Foot passengers pay a halfpenny for crossing the bridge.-
OS1/21/43/17 CRAIG COTTAGE Craig Cottage Craig Cottage Craig Cottage Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 A one storey slated dwellinghouse with out offices attached, all in good repair-
OS1/21/43/17 MY LADY'S WELL My Lady's Well My Lady's Well My Lady's Well Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 A spring of pure water issuing from a freestone rock. It is kept in a very unclean state - cattle being allowed to drink from it. There is no appearance of its ever having been enclosed by any kind of mason work. Origin of name not known - not a mineral spring.-
OS1/21/43/17 17 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/18 CHAPEL KNOWE Chapel Knowe Chapel Knowe Chapel Knowe Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 A small oblomg shaped wooded knoll, steep on all sides. It is generally believed in the neighbourhood that a chapel stood in the vicinity at time, but where is not known-
OS1/21/43/18 TINTOCHLAND Tintochland Tintochland Tintochland Tintochland Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map 025.10 Farmstead, dwellinghouse two & out offices one storey all slated and in good rep [repair] Property of Norman Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/18 EAST-TOWN OF NEMPHLAR East-town of Nemphlar East-town of Nemphlar East-town of Nemphlar Rev Alexander McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr William Ballantyne 025.10 Three farmsteadings adjacent to each other, partly thatched & partly slated, all one storey & in good repair. Property of Norman Lockhart Esq -
OS1/21/43/18 18 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/19 CASTLE QUA (Site of) Castle Qua Castle Qua Castle Qua Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 The site of an ancient castle or stronghold. The only vestiges of it remaining are a few scattered stones, which appear to have been used in a building of some kind formerly. It is generally believed in the neighbourhood that there is a subterraneous passage leading from this to Castle Hill at Lanark, passing under the Mouse Water. It is not known at what time or for what purpose it was built. On the very brink of Cartland Craigs and overhanging a precipice of above 200 feet of perpendicular height, are to be seen the vestiges of an old stronghold called by some the Castle of the Quaw, probably from the Gaelic cuas or cave. Neither history nor tradition has preserved any record of what this was, or of the date of its erection. And it is only remarkable for certain subterraneous caves or arched ways of rather a singular description, which have probably given the place its name. New stat [Statistical] Acct. [Account]
OS1/21/43/19 MOUSE WATER Mouse Water Mouse Water Mouse Water Mouse Water Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map 025.10 A considerable stream which rises in the north part of the parish of Carnwath, entering the parish of Lanark at Cleghorn & falls into the River Clyde a short distance below the Cartland Craigs. It is rapid, particularly so the last three miles of its course. Rocky bed.- The Authorities having been a second time consulted regarding the orthography of this name confirm that already given.
OS1/21/43/19 19 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header] The only orthography which can be obtained for this name is Castle Qua. It is supposed that Quaw has originated from the final letter having been sounded aw On re-reference to the field
OS1/21/43/19 Castle Qua. That part transcribed in description, beginning "On the very brink" is written in red ink and spreads over the Authorities and Situation columns. The remarks in Continued entries beginning "The only orthography" spread over the Names and Spelling columns. Mouse Water. The Description beginning "The Authorities" is actually written spreading across the Authorities and Situation columns.
OS1/21/43/20 WALLACE'S CAVE Wallace's Cave Wallace's Cave Wallace's Cave Wallaces Cave Wallaces Cave Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Forrests County Map Johnstons County Map 025.10 A natural cave or hollow in the cliff in the western extremity of Cartland Craigs on the north side & about fifty feet above the bed of the stream. It is 6 feet in height 2 wide & 8 in length. Access to it is my means of a winding foot path from the top. According to tradition this cave afforded concealment to the Scottish patriot Sir William Wallace on several occasions, hence its name - "The popular tradition that a cave in this ravine (Cartland Crag) once afford [afforded] a refuge to the patriot Sir William Wallace, gives addition [additional] interest to the scene" Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
OS1/21/43/20 20 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/20 That part of Description beginning "The popular tradition" is written in red ink. Some words in this portion are partly lost in the tight right margin binding.
OS1/21/43/21 BARONALD Baronald Baronald Baronald Baronald Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map 025.10 A neat and substantially built dwellinghouse, two storeys high, slated, and in good repair. Property of Dundas McQuin Gray Esq
OS1/21/43/21 BARONALD FARM Baronald Farm Baronald Farm Baronald Farm Baronald Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map 025.10 Farmsteading buildings all one storey, slated and in good repair, Property of Dundas McQuin Gray Esq
OS1/21/43/21 CARTLAND BRIDGE Cartland Bridge Cartland Bridge Cartland Bridge Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 A large stone bridge of three arches spanning the Mouse Water at the western extremity of Cartland Craigs. It is 125 feet in height and of great strength - on a T.P. [Turnpike] road - built & kept in repair by the County.
OS1/21/43/21 21 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/22 CARTLAND CRAIGS Cartland Craigs Cartland Craigs Cartland Craigs Cartland Craig Cartland Craigs Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 025.10 A ravine composed of two faces of irregular and precipitous rocks, between which flows the Mouse Water. The cliff on the north side is about 200 feet high & above this again is a steep slope of about the same height. On the south side the cliff is only abou [about] 100 feet, topped by a steep slope as on the north both sides thickly wooded to the water edge except a few places where the bareness of the rocks precludes vegetation of any kind.
OS1/21/43/22 SCHOOL [Cartland] School School School Revd. Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Revd. Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 A small one storey thatched house used as a school for the accommodation of the village of Cartland. The schoolmaster receives £5 annually from the heritors of the Parish, and another £5 from Lady Lockhart of Lee House. The latter is not an endowment, but ceases at the Lady's pleasure, she also gives the house free Average attendance 35. Education reading, writing and arithmetic.
OS1/21/43/22 22 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/23 BALLIANS Ballians Ballians Ballians Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 Three dwellinghouses, one storey high, thatched & in good repair. Property of N. Lockhart Esq Lee Ho. [House]
OS1/21/43/23 MIDDLEBANK Middlebank Middlebank Middlebank Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 Farmstead - dwellinghouse two storeys out offices on all slated and in good repair. property of Norman Lockhart Esq Lee House.-
OS1/21/43/23 NEWSTEADINGS Newsteadings Newsteadings Newsteadings New Steading New Steading Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Forests County Map Johnstons County Map 025.10 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey all slated and in good repair. Property of Norman Lockhart Esq, Lee House.-
OS1/21/43/23 SQUARE Square Square Square Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 Two sides of a square of buildings the other two sides of the square were never built. The name is derived from the circumstance of the proprietors intention at first having been to form or complete a square of buildings. Thatched, one storey & in good repair. property of Norman Lockhart Esq Lee Ho. [House]
OS1/21/43/23 23 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/24 CARTLAND MAINS Cartland Mains Cartland Mains Cartland Mains Cartland Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map 025.01 Farmsteading consisting of dwelling house & out offices the former two & the latter one storey high, all slated and in good repair. Property of Norman Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/24 CARTLAND SMITHY Cartland Smithy Cartland Smithy Cartland Smithy Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 A one storey slated dwellinghouse to which is attached a smith's shop. Property of Alexr [Alexander] Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/24 GREENTOWERS Greentowers Greentowers Greentowers Green Towers Greentowers Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [Wiliam] Ballantyne Forrests County Map Johnstons County Map 025.10 Farmstead - houses all one storey, thatched and in good repair - Property of N. Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/24 LEE FOLLY (Ruins of) Lee Folly Lee Folly Lee Folly Folly Folly Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm. [William] Ballantyne Forrests County Map Johnstons County Map 025.10 The ruinous walls of a building which was never roofed. It was intended for a view or standhouse & was commenced in 1817, the same year in which Lee House was erected. The walls are about two feet thick & three storeys in height.-
OS1/21/43/24 24 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/25 CHAPEL [a farm] Chapel Chapel Chapel Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 Farmsteading - houses one storey high thatched and in good repair. Property of N. Lockhart Esq Lee House
OS1/21/43/25 ROTHESTONBANK Rothestonbank Rothestonbank Rothestonbank Rothiesbank Rothiesbank Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Forrests County Map Johnstons County Map 025.10 Farmsteading - houses one storey, slated in good repair Property of Norman Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/25 WHINPARK Whinpark Whinpark Whinpark Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 Two ranges of one storey thatched dwellinghouses in good repair. Property of Norman Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/25 HEATHERAMLANE Heatheramlane Heatheramlane Heatheramlane Rev Alexander McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr William Ballantyne 025.10 A row of dwelling houses consisting of nine tenements partly thatched & partly slated, all one storey and in good repair. Property of Norman Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/25 25 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/26 CROFTHEAD Crofthead Crofthead Crofthead Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr William Ballantyne 025.10 Farmsteading - one storey, thatched and in good repair. Property of Norman Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/26 HALLTOWN OF NEMPHLAR Halltown of Nemphlar Halltown of Nemphlar Halltown of Nemphlar Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr William Ballantyne 025.10 A cluster of one storey partly thatched & partly slated dwelling houses, in tolerable repair. Property of Norman Lockhart Esq The Authorities have altered this name on its being re-referred to them, they were under the impression in the first instance that the name referred to a different place.
OS1/21/43/26 KNOWETOP Knowetop Knowetop Knowetop Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr William Ballantyne 025.10 A farmstead on the east side & two cothouses on the west side of the road, partly thatched & partly slated & in good repair Property of N. Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/26 MIDDLETOWN OF NEMPHLAR Middletown of Nemphlar Middletown of Nemphlar Middletown of Nemphlar Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 Two farmsteadings about sixty yards apart all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of Norman Lockhart Esq Lee House.-
OS1/21/43/26 26 [left corer of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/26 Halltown of Nemphlar. The text transcribed into Description beginning "The Authorities have altered" actually appears under the Authorities and spreads across the Situation column. This name has originally been entered as "Haugh of Nemphlar" and then scored out and re-written.
OS1/21/43/27 GLENBURNIE Glenburnie Glenburnie Glenburnie Glenburnie Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.11 A cottage, slated, one storey, in good repair, Hugh Studhart Esqr
OS1/21/43/27 JERVISWOOD Jerviswood Jerviswood Jerviswood Jerviswood Jarviswood Jerviswood Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray Forrests Map Statistical Account 025.11 A farmsteading, dwellinghouse 3 storeys, offices one, all slated, in good repair. Property of J. Bayly Esq
OS1/21/43/27 LOCKHART MILL Lockhartmill Lockhartmill Lockhartmill Lockhartmill Lockhart Mill Lockhart Mill Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray Forrests Map Rent Receipt 025.11 A farmsteading, one storey, slated, in good repair. Property of Sir Norman Lockhart The ruins of the mill stand adjacent to the farmsteading. This name having been re-referred to the Authorities, they give it "Lockhart Mill"
OS1/21/43/27 WOODEND Woodend Woodend Woodend Woodend Woodend Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray Forrests Map 025.11 A cothouse, thatched, in tolerable repair. Property of J Bayly Esq
OS1/21/43/27 27 [right corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/27 Lockhart Mill. The text transcribed into Description beginning "This name having been" is actually written in the Situation column spreading partly into the Spelling column
OS1/21/43/28 BELFIELD Belfield Belfield Belfield Belfield Belfield Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray Forrests Map 025.11 A farmsteading, dwelling house and offices one storey, slated in good repair. Property of - Scott Esq
OS1/21/43/28 BURNBANK [cottage] Burnbank Burnbank Burnbank Burnbank Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.11 A cothouse, one storey, thatched in good repair Property of J. Scott Esq
OS1/21/43/28 CROFTONHILL Croftonhill Croftonhill Croftonhill Croftonhill Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.11 A large plain mansion Property and residence of Dr Gray
OS1/21/43/28 MOUSEBANK Mousebank Mousebank Mousebank Mousebank Mousebank Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray Forrests Map 025.11 A farmsteading, dweling house 2 storeys, offices one, all slated in good repair Property of Hugh Studhart Esq
OS1/21/43/28 28 [left corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/29 HUNTLYGATE Huntlygate Huntlygate Huntlygate Huntlygate Huntlygate Rent Receipt Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.12 Farmsteading one storey, thatched, and in good repair. Property of William Gilaspy Torburnhill.
OS1/21/43/29 NORTHFAULDS Northfaulds Northfaulds Northfaulds Northfaulds Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.12 Farmsteading - dwellinghouse two, out offices one storey, all slated and in good repair. Property of J.G. McKirdy Esq Lesmahagow
OS1/21/43/29 STANMORE Stanmore Stanmore Stanmore Stanmore Stanmore Robt [Robert] Lithgow Esq Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.12 A neat and substantially built dwellinghouse erected in 1817 - three storeys high, slated and in good repair. Property and residence of Robert Lithgow Esq
OS1/21/43/29 29 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/30 CASTLE (Ruins) [Castlehill] 025.10 A short distance to the South of this steading [Castlehill] are the remains of an ancient castle or tower, of which nothing is known. The portions of the walls remaining are four feet thick and about six feet in height.
OS1/21/43/30 CASTLEHILL Castlehill Castlehill Castlehill Castle (ruin) Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Rent Receipt Mr John Gray 025.07 Farmsteading one storey high, thatched, and in bad repair. Property of N. Lockhart Esq Lee House.
OS1/21/43/30 FULWOOD BURN Fulwood Burn Fulwood Burn Fulwood Burn Fulwood Burn Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm. [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.07 A small but rapid stream which takes its rise in the parish of Carluke, from surface water, & falls into [the ?] Mouse water near Castleh [Castlehill] The latter part of its course it [is ?] enclosed between steep wooded b [banks ?] Gravelly bed.-
OS1/21/43/30 30 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header] About half a mile below Lanark upon an elevated situation on the banks of the Mouse, stands the picturesque remnant of a lofty tower, of which little or nothing is known. The eminence is called Castle Hill, and from it the Lockharts of Cambusnethan take their title New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
OS1/21/43/30 Castlehill. The Spelling and Authorities for this place are bracketed together with "Castle (Ruins)". The Description runs on and has been transcribed separately. Castle (Ruins). The Spelling and Authorities for this place are bracketed together with "Castlehill" and have not been duplicated in transcription. The Description runs on and has been transcribed separately. See also additional information, written in red ink, beginning "About half a mile below Lanark" which spreads over the Authorities and Situation columns. Fulwood Burn. Some words in Description are partly lost in the tight binding of right margin.
OS1/21/43/31 CLEGHORN MILL (Corn) Cleghorn Mill Cleghorn Mill Cleghorn Mill Cleghorn Mill Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm. [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.12 A corn mill worked by water - sixteen horse power two storeys high slated and in good repair. Property of A Lockhart Esq Cleghorn.
OS1/21/43/31 JERVISWOOD MILL Jerviswood Mill Jerviswood Mill Jerviswood Mill Jerviswood Mill Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.12 A saw mill worked by water - fifteen horse power. A lint mill attached. One storey. Slated and in good repair. About eighty yards S.W. [South West] from the mill is the residence of the miler, a one thatched dwellinghouse and out offices. Property of John Bayly Esq Jerviswood
OS1/21/43/31 MILL FARM Mill Farm Mill Farm Mill Farm Mill Farm Mill Farm Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Rent Receipt Mr John Gray 025.12 Farmsteading, one storey high, slated and in good repair. Property of A. Lockhart Esq Cleghorn
OS1/21/43/31 31 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/31 Jerviswood Mill. It is assumed that the word "storey" should have appeared in Description between "one" and "thatched", but transcribed as seen.
OS1/21/43/32 CALEDONIAN RAILWAY (Lanark Branch) Lanark Branch of the Caledonian Railway Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm. [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.12 A single line of railway from Lanark, joining the Caledonian line near Cleghorn Station.
OS1/21/43/32 LEITCH FORD Leitch Ford Leitch Ford Leitch Ford Leitch Ford Royal Charter of Lanark Mr Wm. [William] Annan Mr Alexr. [Alexander] Leitch Mr Archd. [Archibald] Ross 025.11 A ford across the Mouse Water. There is a stone in its centre to mark the Muni [Municipal] Boundary of Lanark-
OS1/21/43/32 WOODEND BURN Woodend Burn Woodend Burn Woodend Burn Woodend Burn Royal Charter of Lanark Mr Wm. [William] Annan Mr Alexr. [Alexander] Leitch Mr Archd. [Archibald] Ross 025.11 A very small stream which rises from surface water a little east of Burnbank and after a very short course empties itself into Mouse Water at the Ducking Stane. It forms a part of the Municipal Boundary of Lanark.
OS1/21/43/32 32 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/32 Caledonian Railway. Only one Spelling is given and bracketed with the four Authorities.
OS1/21/43/33 CLEGHORN BRIDGE Cleghorn Bridge Cleghorn Bridge Cleghorn Bridge Cleghorn Bridge Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm. [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.12 A small stone bridge of one arch spanning the Mouse water near Cleghorn from which it takes its name On a T.P. [Turnpike] road - built and kept in repair by the County
OS1/21/43/33 CLEGHORN BRIDGE T.P. Cleghorn Bridge T.P.[Turnpike] Cleghorn Bridge T.P.[Turnpike] Cleghorn Bridge T.P.[Turnpike] Cleghorn Bridge T.P.[Turnpike] Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm. [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.12 A small one storey slated dwellinghouse to which is attached a turnpike gate, at which full rates are payable
OS1/21/43/33 CLEGHORN STATION Cleghorn Station Cleghorn Station Cleghorn Station Cleghorn Station Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm. [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.12 A minor station on the Caledonian Railway near Cleghorn from which it takes its name.
OS1/21/43/33 33 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/34 HAGHOLM Hagholm Hagholm Hagholm Hagholm Hagholm Hagholm Johnstons County Map Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm. [William] Annan Rent Receipt Mr John Gray 025.12 Farmsteading, one storey high, thatched and in good repair. Property of John Bayly Esq Jerviswood.
OS1/21/43/34 HUNTLYBANK Huntlybank Huntlybank Huntlybank Huntlybank Huntlybank Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm. [William] Annan Rent Receipt Mr John Gray 025.12 A small farmsteading one storey, thatched and in bad repair. Property of William Gilaspy Torburnhill.-
OS1/21/43/34 STICKHILL Stickhill Stickhill Stickhill Stickhill Stickhill Stickhill Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm. [William] Annan Rent Receipt Mr John Gray Johnstons County Map 025.12 Farmsteading one storey thatched and in good repair. Property of J.G. McKirdy Esq Birkwood Lesmahagow
OS1/21/43/34 WINDSOR Windsor Windsor Windsor Windsor Windsor Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm. [William] Annan Mr John Gray Johnstons County Map 025.12 Farmsteading one storey high, thatched and in bad repair. property of A. Lockhart Esq, Cleghorn
OS1/21/43/34 34 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/35 MILL FARM Mill Farm Mill Farm Mill Farm Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.14 Farmstead consisting of dwelling-house and out offices all one storey slated and in good repair - Property of the burgh of Lanark.
OS1/21/43/35 MOUSE MILL (Corn) Mouse Mill Mouse Mill Mouse Mill Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.14 A corn mill worked by water - 10 horse power - two storeys slated and in good repair. Property of the burgh of Lanark.
OS1/21/43/35 ORCHARD-DELL Orchard-dell Orchard-dell Orchard-dell Orcharddell Orcharddell Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Forrests County Map Johnstons County Map 025.14 A neat dwellinghouse and out offices the latter one and the former two storeys high all slated and in good repair
OS1/21/43/35 SUNNYSIDE LODGE Sunnyside Sunnyside Sunnyside Sunnyside Lodge Sunnyside Lodge Sunnyside Lodge Sunnyside Lodge Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm. [William] Ballantyne Forrests County Map Johnstons County Map New Stat.Acct. [Statistical Account] Messrs Maine and Morrison, Agents 025.14 A neat dwellinghouse two storeys high & slated - out offices attached one storey & slated all in good repair. Property & residence of M. Gillespie Esq
OS1/21/43/35 35 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/36 HAKESPIE HILL Hakespie Hill Hakespie Hill Hakespie Hill Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.14 A small round hill falling off abruptly in a steep wooded slope towards the west & north Property of N. Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/36 LINNBANK Linnbank Linnbank Linnbank Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.14 A one storey thatched cothouse consisting of two tenements - in bad repair. Property of N. Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/36 LINNHEAD Linnhead Linnhead Linnhead Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.14 A small one storey thatched cothouse in bad repair. Property of N. Lockhart Esq, Lee.-
OS1/21/43/36 WELLDALE Welldale Welldale Welldale Welldale Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map 025.14 Two dwellinghouses one slated the other thatched - in good repair Property of N. Lockhart Esq
OS1/21/43/36 36 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/37 BRIDGE-END Bridge-end Bridge-end Bridge-end Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.14 Two small one storey thatched dwellinghouses in bad repair - name derives from the circumstance of their situation near Lanark Old Bridge.-
OS1/21/43/37 CLYDESHOLM GREEN Clydesholm Green Clydesholm Green Clydesholm Green Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.14 A one storey thatched dwelling-house in bad repair. The name is derived from the circumstance of its being situated on a piece of ground which was once the washing green of Lanark -
OS1/21/43/37 LANARK OLD BRIDGE Lanark Old Bridge Lanark Old Bridge Lanark Old Bridge Rev Alexander McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr William Ballantyne 025.14 A large stone bridge of three arches spanning the River Clyde on a Turnpike Road. Kept in repair by the county. April 19th 1649 - The brethern, after their return from the synod, reported to the baillies of Lanark being then present, law willing, all the brethern of the synod were to further the work of building a bridge at Clydesholm by a contribution of their several parishes - and desires the baillies not to neglect speedily to go on with the work, which the presbytery will further all they can. Extract from note to Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] p24.
OS1/21/43/37 LANARK OLD BRIDGE T.P. Lanark Old Bridge T.P. [Turnpike] Lanark Old Bridge T.P. [Turnpike] Lanark Old Bridge T.P. [Turnpike] Rev Alexander McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr William Ballantyne 025.14 A small one storey slated dwelling house to which is attached a turnpike gate at which full rates are payable-
OS1/21/43/37 37 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/37 Lanark Old Bridge That part of Description beginning "April 19th 1649" spreads across several columns.
OS1/21/43/38 BARONALD BANK Baronald Bank Baronald Bank Baronald Bank Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.14 A small one storey slated dwellinghouse in good repair Property of Mr J. Graham
OS1/21/43/38 CLYDESBANK Clydesbank Clydesbank Clydesbank Rev Alexander McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.14 Dwellinghouse one storey slated and in good repair Property of Thos [Thomas] Smith Esq
OS1/21/43/38 STONEBYRES LINN Stonebyres Linn Stonebyres Linn Stonebyres Linn Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr William Ballantyne 025.14 The lowermost of the Falls of Clyde. It is formed by three shelves of nearly equal height which make a total fall of about 36 feet over these the water is thrown into a deep basin and after a short course through flat & broken rock it spreads out into a broad sheet For some distance above & below the fall the river is enclosed by bold rocky slopes wooded to the water's edg [edge]
OS1/21/43/38 38 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/39 BANKHEAD Bankhead Bankhead Bankhead Bankhead Bankhead Bankhead Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map Forrests Map 025.15 A group of buildings consisting of a farmsteading, Cot & Dwelling houses, the two former are one, the latter two, storeys slated with one exception, and in very good repair. Property of Henry Walker Esq.
OS1/21/43/39 BRIARYBANK Briarybank Briarybank Briarybank Briarybank Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.15 A dwelling house with out offices, all one storey, slated, and in very good repair. Property of Henry Walker Esq.
OS1/21/43/39 WAMPHERFLAT Wamphraflat Wampherflat Wampherflat Wampherflat Wampherflat Wampherflat Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Mr Robert Wood Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Johnstons County Map Forrests Map 025.15 A two storey dwelling house, slated, and in very good repair. Property of Mrs Mary Honeyman
OS1/21/43/39 39 [in right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/39 Wampherflat. Mr Wm Ballantyne is listed twice in the Authorities for this place.
OS1/21/43/40 ST KENTIGERN'S CHURCH (Ruins) Old Church Old Church Old Church Old Church Old Church Old Kirk Old Kirk Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] Johnstons County Map Forrests Map 025.15 This antiquity is situated within the parish Cemetery, a short distance from the town. All that remains of the original building is six low Gothic arches, probably the interior division of one of the aisles, and a portion of the exterior wall belonging to the same aisle. A vault and a small square building, erected for the accommodation of grave watchers, are of modern construction. The founder and exact date of the erection of the Old Church are not known. It is said in Chalmers Caledonia to have been in existence as early as the beginning of the 12th century, and that it was dedicated to Kentigern the patron Saint of Glasgow.
OS1/21/43/40 40 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header] It appears to have been in existence at the beginning of the twelfth century, before the re-establishment of the bishoprick of Glasgow by Prince David and was dedicated to Kentigern, the patron saint of that city and founder of the episcopate. In 1589-90 the presbytery passed a resolution that the Kirk of Lanark should be removed from the auld place to a situation within the town. Not withstanding of this resolution the Kirk still remains in the old place, and continued to be the parish church until 1777, when a new one was built in the middle of the town. Long before this period however it had fallen into a ruinous state, and had ceased to be used for public worship. Stat. [Statistical] Acct. [Account]
OS1/21/43/40 The additional information beginning "It appears to have been" is spread across the Spelling, Authorities and Situation columns
OS1/21/43/41 CROSSLAW Crosslaw Crosslaw Crosslaw Crosslaw Crosslaw Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Johnstons County Map Forrests Map 025.15 Cothouse, one storey, slated and in middling repair property of Henry Walker Esq
OS1/21/43/41 FRIARSFIELD Friarsfield Friarsfield Friarsfield Rev Alex.[Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood 025.15 A one storey dwelling house with out offices, all slated and in good repair property of Mr D. Moncrieff
OS1/21/43/41 SCHOOL [nr Crosslaw] School School School Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robert Wood 025.15 A dwelling house, which has for some years past, been used as a School & Schoolmasters residence, it is supported by the pupils fees, and is not connected with any religious denomination. Average attendance 70 - Education elementary. The building is two storey, slated and in good repair.
OS1/21/43/41 SMYLLUM COTTAGE Smyllum Cottage Smyllum Cottage Smyllum Cottage Smylum Park Smylum Park Smyllum Park Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robert Wood Johnstons County Map Forrests Map Stat.Acct. [Statistical Account] 025.15 Cothouse one storey, slated, and in good repair, property of Miss Mary Carmichael.
OS1/21/43/41 41 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/42 CASTLEBANK Castlebank Castlebank Castlebank Castlebank Castlebank Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Johnstons County Map Forrests Map 025.15 A very elegant mansion, with suitable pleasure grounds, and garden attached, it is two storeys high, slated, and in very good repair, property of Neil Dyce Esq Sheriff.
OS1/21/43/42 LOCH COTTAGE Loch Cottage Loch Cottage Loch Cottage Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Rob [Robert] Wood 025.15 A dwelling house, one storey, slated, and in good repair, property of the Town Council of Lanark. On the adjacent Loch a number of boats have been placed by the Town Council, for the recreation and amusement of pleasure-seekers, a small charge being made for the use of the same, and this cottage has been erected for the accommodation of the person having charge of - and who pays a yearly rent for - the boats; the house is, at present, licensed for the sale of spirituous liquors.
OS1/21/43/42 NEWMAINS Newmains Newmains Newmains Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robert Wood 025.15 Farmsteading, with out offices, all one storey, slated, and in good repair. Property of the Town Council of Lanark.
OS1/21/43/42 42 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/43 KINGSON'S KNOWE COTTAGE Kingson's Knoll Cottage Kingson's Knowe Cottage Kingson's Knowe Cottage King-son's Know Kings Sons Knowe Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Stat Acct. [Statistical Account] Johnstons County Map 025.15 Dwelling house two storey, slated and in good repair property of Mr Gavin Greenshields.
OS1/21/43/43 WESTPORT Westport Westport Westport Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood 025.15 A double row of buildings forming the western entrance to the town of Lanark, it extends from the extreme west of the town, to North Vennel. The houses are from one to three storeys partly thatched & partly slated, and are occupied by various classes of individuals.
OS1/21/43/43 LANARK HOUSE Lanark House Lanark House Lanark House Rev Alexander McGlashan Rev Thomas Stack Mr Robert Wood 025.15 A two storey dwelling house which has very recently undergone considerable improvement, the out offices are one storey and all slated, the property and residence of the Rev Alexander McGlashan the parish minister, he having vacated the manse belonging to the Ph [Parish] Church, in consequence of his not being pleased with its situation.
OS1/21/43/43 43 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/44 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH [Lanark] Church Church Church Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Rob [Robert] Wood 025.15 A small building at the western extremity of the town of Lanark, it is supported by the voluntary contributions of the congregation, and is known as the congregational Church, it contains about 200 sittings
OS1/21/43/44 KINGSON'S KNOWE Kingson's Knoll Kingson's Knowe Kingson's Knowe King-son's Know Kings Sons Knowe Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robert Wood Stat Acct [Statistical Account] Johnstons County Map 025.15 A row of dwelling houses, two storey slated and in good repair, property of Henry Walker Esq and Mr Bryce. In the Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] mention is made of King-son's Moss and King-son's Stane. These names have been particularly enquired after but they are not known at present.
OS1/21/43/44 MANSE [nr Congregational Church, Lanark] Manse Manse Manse Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood 025.15 A plain, two storey dwelling house used as a residence for the minister of the above church [Congregational Church], but not occupied as such at present.
OS1/21/43/44 44 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/44 The pre-populated Name "Braxfield Burn" appears on this page in error. Admin informed.
OS1/21/43/45 ST PATRICK'S COTTAGE St Patrick's Cottage St Patrick's Cottage St Patrick's Cottage Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood 025.15 A one storey dwelling house, slated and in very good repair, property of Mrs Eliza Gibson. Has derived its name from its proximity to the well.
OS1/21/43/45 ST PATRICK'S WELL St Patrick's Well St Patrick's Well St Patrick's Well Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robert Wood 025.15 A jet of water, conducted for a short distance by pipes to the side of a Ph [Parish] Road, from a well, the well is now covered, but it is stated that it supplied the town of Lanark with water some few years since. This well possesses no medicinal properties - It cannot be ascertained how, or when it obtained the name.
OS1/21/43/45 DOVECOT DUBS Dovecote Dovecote Dovecote Rev Alexander McGlashan Rev Thomas Slack Mr Robert Wood 025.15 A two storey dwelling house, together with an office house, one storey; the former is slated, the latter thatched, all in good repair, property of Mr John Swan.
OS1/21/43/45 45 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header] O.S.O [Ordnance Survey Office ?] Stirling It is requested that the authorities given for this name in the 1/500 name book of Lanark be copied into this book - TL [under name "Dovecot Dubs"]
OS1/21/43/45 The Name "Dovecot Dubs" which appears on this page, also appears correctly, on page OS1/21/42/13. It appears that this has been a double entry by the surveyor, see also additional information in Continued entry regarding this Name. Admin informed.
OS1/21/43/46 COTTAGEHILL Cottagehill Cottagehill Cottagehill Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thomas Stark Mr Robert Wood 025.15 A one storey dwelling house, slated, and in very good repair, property of Mr Chas. [Charles] Clarke.
OS1/21/43/46 WHITEHILL Whitehill Whitehill Whitehill Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood 025.15 Farmsteading. Dwelling house two storeys, houses, one; the name is also applied to detached dwelling house, of two tenements property of Mr Thos [Thomas] Dobbie.
OS1/21/43/46 BRAXFIELD BURN Braxfield Burn Braxfield Burn Braxfield Burn Braxfield Burn Royal Charter of the Municipality of Lanark Mr William Annan Mr Alexander Veitch Mr Alexander Ross 025.15 A small stream formed by the drainage of the town of Lanark, passing through Gullie-tudlem and emptying itself into the River Clyde-
OS1/21/43/46 GAS WORKS Gas Works Gas Works Gas Works Rev Alexander McGlashan Rev Thomas Stark Mr Robert Wood 025.15 A two storey building, with the necessary furnaces etc, erected in the year 1832 for the manufacture and supply of Gas to the town of Lanark, the whole of the building is slated, and in very good repair.
OS1/21/43/46 46 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/47 BROOKLAND Brookland Brookland Brookland Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thomas Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood 025.15 A very elegantly built dwelling house, with office houses, the former two, the latter, one storey high, all slated and in very good repair, residence & property of S. Field Esq
OS1/21/43/47 MANSE [F.C., Lanark, nr Brookland] Manse F.C. [Free Church] Manse F.C. [Free Church] Manse F.C. [Free Church] Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thomas Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood 025.15 A very elegantly built two storey house, without office houses, slated and in very good repair. It belongs to the Free Church congregation
OS1/21/43/47 NURSERYBANK Nurserybank Nurserybank Nurserybank Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood 025.15 A two storey dwelling house, slated, and in good repair, property of Mr Laurence Campbell.
OS1/21/43/47 PEATLEY COTTAGE Peatley Cottage Peatley Cottage Peatley Cottage Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robert Wood 025.15 A one storey dwelling house, built of brick, slated and in very good repair, property of Mr Jas. [James] Peat.
OS1/21/43/47 47 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/48 GALLOW HILL Gallow Hill Gallow Hill Gallow Hill Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood 025.15 A small, low, arable hill, the property of various persons.
OS1/21/43/48 MANSEFIELD Mansfield Mansefield Mansefield Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood 025.15 A very elegant, two storey, dwelling house, the out offices are one storey, all slated, and in very good repair. Residence and property of Stephen Gray Esq
OS1/21/43/48 WATERLOO PLACE Waterloo Place Waterloo Place Waterloo Place Rev Alexr. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thomas Stark Mr Robert Wood 025.15 A group of buildings consisting of a Farmsteading, out offices, and dwelling houses. The dwelling house in connection with the farmsteading is one storey, & slated the out offices one storey & thatched, the remainder are two storeys, & slated, the whole in good repair. Property of Mr James Linn.
OS1/21/43/48 48 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/48 Gallow Hill. The Situation 25.15 has not been pre-populated for this place. Now done.
OS1/21/43/49 FOUNDRY [Lanark] Lanark Foundry Lanark Foundry Lanark Foundry Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thomas Stark Mr Robert Wood 025.15 A one storey building, consisting of workshop, and furnace, used for the purpose of casting & fitting Iron and Brasswork, slated and in good repair, property of Mr Thos [Thomas] Love.
OS1/21/43/49 STEELE'S CROSS Steele's Cross Steele's Cross Steele's Cross Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robert Wood 025.15 A row of two storey houses, consisting of 3 dwellings and 1 Public house, slated and in very good repair, property of Messrs Clark & Love.
OS1/21/43/49 THE DUB The Dub The Dub The Dub The Dub Royal Charter of Municipality Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr Alexr. [Alexander] Veitch Mr Archd [Archibald] Ross 025.15 This name is applied to a slight hollow which was once a marsh, drained many years since. Its western extremity forms one of the points of the Municipal Boundary ~
OS1/21/43/49 WHEATPARK Wheatpark Wheatpark Wheatpark Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood 025.15 A very neatly built two storey dwelling house, slated, and in very good repair, property of Stephen Gray Esq
OS1/21/43/49 49 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/50 ARGYLE COTTAGE Argyle Cottage Argyle Cottage Argyle Cottage Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood 025.15 A one storey dwelling house, slated, and in very good repair, property of Mr John White.
OS1/21/43/50 NURSERYBANK COTTAGE Nurserybank Cottage Nurserybank Cottage Nurserybank Cottage Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood 025.15 A one storey dwelling house, slated and in very good repair, property of Mr John Bonnington.
OS1/21/43/50 PARK PLACE Park Place Park Place Park Place Rev Alex. [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robert Wood 025.15 Two, one storey dwelling houses, slated, and in very good repair, property of Mr David Templeton & Mrs Agnes Lindsay.
OS1/21/43/50 SPRINGFIELD Springfield Springfield Springfield Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood 025.15 Farmsteading, the dwelling house two storeys & slated, the office houses one storey & thatched, all in middling repair, property of Mr Ricd [Richard] Core.
OS1/21/43/50 50 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/51 BATIES MAINS Baties Mains Baties Mains Baties Mains Baties Mains Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.16 A cottage slated in good repair Property of Miss Carmichael Derivation not known
OS1/21/43/51 CALDWELL-SIDE Caldwell-side Caldwell-side Caldwell-side Caldwell-side Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.16 A small farmsteading slated in good repair. Property of William Girdwood
OS1/21/43/51 HUNTLYHILL Huntlyhill Huntlyhill Huntlyhill Huntlyhill Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.16 A farmsteading one storey slated in good repair. Property of J. Gillespie Esq
OS1/21/43/51 SPRINGBURN Springburn Springburn Springburn Springburn Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.16 A cothouse one storey slated in good repair property of Sir Charles Ross
OS1/21/43/51 [page] 51 Ph [Parish] of Lanark
OS1/21/43/51 Baties Mains. This Name has been incorrectly pre-populated as "Balies Mains". Admin informed of this and also the fact that transcribed data for this place has somehow duplicated on this page. Duplication seems to have rectified, pre-population still to amend. Now fixed
OS1/21/43/52 JERVISWOOD MAINS Jerviswood Mains Jerviswood Mains Jerviswood Mains Jerviswood Mains Jarviswood Jarvies Wood Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray Frasers Map Johnstons County Map 025.11 A farmsteading, dwelling-house 2 storeys, offices one, all slated in good repair. Property of J. Bayly Esq
OS1/21/43/52 MELVINHALL Melvinhall Melvinhall Melvinhall Melvinhall Melvinhall Melvinhall Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray Frasers Map Johnstons County Map 025.11 A cothouse, one storey, slated, in good repair. Property of J. Bayly Esq
OS1/21/43/52 VALLEYFIELD Valleyfield Valleyfield Valleyfield Valleyfield Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan 025.11 A cothouse, one storey, slated, in good repair. Property of J. Scott Esq
OS1/21/43/52 52 [left corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/53 RACE COURSE [Lanark Moor] Race Course Race Course Race Course Race Course Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 025.16 The Lanark race Course occupies a portion of the Lanark Moor on the west side. It is a mile round. Kept in good repair, two small stands and a weighing shed are permanent objects. property of the burghers of the town of Lanark
OS1/21/43/53 SANDYFORD BRIDGE Sandyford Bridge Sandyford Bridge Sandyford Bridge Mr Wm [William] Allan Mr Alexr [Alexander] Veitch Mr Archd [Archibald] Ross 025.16 A small stone bridge of one arch over Sandyford Burn on the turnpike road from Douglas to Carnwath - built by the County.
OS1/21/43/53 LANARK MOOR Lanark Moor Lanark Moor Lanark Moor Lanark Moor Lanark Muir Lanark Muir Rev Thomas Stark Mr Robert Wood Mr William Annan Mr John Gray Frasers Map Johnstons County map 025.16 A large patch of pasture, Rough & heathy with furze It is the property of the burghers of the town of Lanark
OS1/21/43/53 53 [right corner of header]
OS1/21/43/54 SANDY BURN Sandyford Burn Sandyford Burn Sandyford Burn Sandy Burn Sandy Burn Sandy Burn Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr Alexr [Alexander] Veitch Mr Archd [Archibald] Ross The Rev Wm [William] Struthers, Minister, Carstairs Robert Monteith Esq of Carstairs Mr John Murray Schoolm [Schoolmaster] of Carstairs 025.16; 026.13 A small stream formed by drains on Lanark Moor, after a short course it empties itself into the River Clyde near Cobblehaugh - It forms a portion of both Parish and Municipal boundary for a short distance of its course
OS1/21/43/54 54 [left corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/54 An entry for "Engine house" has been scored out on this page.
OS1/21/43/55 BONNINGTON Bonnington Bonnington Bonnington Bonnington House Bonington Rev A McGlashan Mr J Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Forests Map Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 032.03 A plain neat mansion in good repair, finely situated - property of Sir Chas. [Charles] Ross
OS1/21/43/55 CORRA LINN Corra Linn Corra Linn Corra Linn Corra Linn Rev A McGlashan Mr J Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 032.03 The highest and most striking of the three waterfalls on the Clyde. This is formed of two cascades several yards apart. On each side the river is enclosed by high black rocks. The best view on the Bonnington side is one which has been recently opened up by the present proprietor Sir Chas. [Charles] Ross A flight of steps has been formed on the face of the rock by which the traveller descends to the level of the bottom of the falls & immediately in front of them
OS1/21/43/55 ROBIESLAND Robiesland Robiesland Robiesland Rev A. McGlashan Mr J Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 032.03 Slated farmstead in good repair property of Sir Chas [Charles] Ross
OS1/21/43/55 55 [right corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/56 PONCLAIR BURN Ponclair Burn Ponclair Burn Ponclair Burn Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr Alexr [Alexander] Veitch Mr Archd [Archibald] Ross 032.03 A small stream which rises from a recently covered well and falls into the River Clyde at Lanark Mills -
OS1/21/43/56 RIVER CLYDE River Clyde River Clyde River Clyde Rev A McGlashan Mr Jno [John] Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025; 032 The portion of River Clyde which forms a boundary of Lanark Ph [Parish] is about ten miles in extent. From a short distance above Hyndford Bridge it begins a S. [South] Westerly course through holm land to the junction of Douglas Water at which point it forms an acute bend and takes a N. [North] Westerly course to the village of Crossford where it leaves the Ph [Parish] of Lanark. In its course from Douglas Water to Crossford it is thrown over Bonnington, Corra, Dundaff & Stonebyres Linns and passes the villages of New Lanark, Kirkfield Bank & Hazelbank & receives Mo [Mouse] Water, River Nethan & severa [several] smaller streams.
OS1/21/43/56 56 [left corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/56 River Clyde. No Situation is actually shown on this page. A small part of the latter part of the Description is lost in the tight binding of the right margin.
OS1/21/43/57 NEW LANARK New Lanark New Lanark New Lanark Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan#Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 032.03 A large village tenanted by the girls and workmen attached to the twist mills within the village The rows of tenements are slated buildings in good repair, of 5 & 6 storeys in height. There is a school is a building close to the factory. The village is concealed by steep wooded hills.
OS1/21/43/57 NEW LANARK MILLS New Lanark Mills New Lanark Mills New Lanark Mills Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 032.03 The first of these mills was built by David Dale in 1784. They now consist of several high substantial plain buildings, extending along the water's edge, accommodating upwards of 1000 workmen & factory girls. The manufacture is cotton twist. There is no steam power used, but nearly all the water of the Clyde is diverted to the machinery of the mills - Walker & Co are the present proprietors
OS1/21/43/57 57 [right corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/58 BONNINGTON MAINS Bonnington Mains Bonnington Mains Bonnington Mains Bonington Bonnington Farm Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashane Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] Forrests Map 032.03 Large farmstead in good repair Property of Sir Chas. [Charles] Ross
OS1/21/43/58 DUNDAFF LINN Dundaff Linn Dundaff Linn Dundaff Linn Dundaf Linn Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashane Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Stat.Acct. [Statistical Account] 032.03 A waterfall on the Clyde & 4 feet in height. It extends entirely over the river
OS1/21/43/58 PAVILION [Corra Linn] Pavilion Pavilion Pavilion Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashane Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 032.03 A small neat building. The interior is furnished with a series of mirrors which display a curious reflection of Corra Linn
OS1/21/43/58 WALLACE'S CAVE Wallace's Cave Wallace's Cave Wallace's Cave Rev Alex [Alexander] McGlashane Mr John Gray Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 032.03 A cavity on the face of cliff near Corra Linn. Nearly circular in form - 12 ft [feet] in height - about 10 in diameter, said to have been a hiding place of Wallace
OS1/21/43/58 58 [left corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/59 LANGLOCH Langloch Langloch Langloch Rev T. Stark Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr John Gray 032.04 Farmstead in good repair Name derived from loch adjacent. The loch itself never receives the name of Lang Loch
OS1/21/43/59 MOTE [Lanark] Mote Mote Mote Rev T. Stark Mr W Annan Mr John Gray 032.04 A flat round patch of pasture elevated about 2 feet above a broad ditch which nearly surrounds it. There are several old fir trees on it. Nothing of its history is known in the locality. It is called the Mote The ditch is perhaps artificial, but has never been constructed for defensive purposes, the circumference is too small, and the position altogether unfavourable for a fort. It was probably a justice seat. On Re-reference to the field
OS1/21/43/59 LANARKMOOR T.P. Lanarkmoor T.P. [Turnpike] Lanarkmoor T.P. [Turnpike] Lanarkmoor T.P. [Turnpike] Lanarkmoor T.P. [Turnpike] Rev T. Stark Mr Annan Mr John Gray On Re-reference to Authorities 032.04 A Toll bar. Full rates leviable.
OS1/21/43/59 59 [right corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/59 Lanarkmoor Turnpike. This name has originally been entered by the surveyor as "Lanarkmuir Turnpike" which has been scored through and amended. Mote. The portion of Description beginning "The ditch is perhaps" has been written in a different hand.
OS1/21/43/60 HYNDFORD Hyndford Hyndford Hyndford Rev T. Stark Mr Wm [William] Annan Mr J. Gray 032.04 Large farmstead in good repair property of Sir Wyndham Anstruther
OS1/21/43/60 HYNDFORD BRIDGE Hyndford Bridge Hyndford Bridge Hyndford Bridge Rev T. Stark Mr W, Annan Mr J. Gray 032.04 A large stone bridge, 5 arches, built over the Clyde. The architectural details are strong & elegant. It is a county bridge
OS1/21/43/60 HYNDFORDBRIDGE-END Hyndfordbridge-end Hyndfordbridge-end Hyndfordbridge-end Rev T. Stark Mr W Annan Mr J Gray 032.04 A neat hamlet, small, houses one storey in good repair
OS1/21/43/60 60 [left corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/61 OLD TILLIEFORD Old Tillieford Old Tullieford Old Tillieford Old Tillieford Rev Thos. [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt. [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Anna Mr John Gray 032.07 A one storey thatched farmstead in bad repair Property of Sir Charles Ross Bart. [Baronet] Bonnington. There is a ford across the Clyde here, from which circumstance3 the name is derived.-
OS1/21/43/61 TILLIE FORD Tillie Ford Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Anna Mr John Gray 032.07 A ford crossing the River Clyde about half a mile above Bonnington Linn.
OS1/21/43/61 61 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/61 The Authority "Wm. Anna" appears to be a mistake by the surveyor for "William Annan" mentioned elsewhere in this volume. Tillie Ford. Only one Spelling is shown for this place, but four Authorities.
OS1/21/43/62 BONNINGTON LINN Bonnington Linn Bonnington Linn Bonnington Linn Bonnington Linn Bonnington Fall Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Anna Mr John Gray New Stat. [Statistical] Acct. [Account] 032.07 The uppermost of the Falls of Clyde. The river here is divided into two parts by an island access to which is by an iron bridge from the north side; a little to the west of this bridge the water rushes over an almost perpendicular height of thirty feet. On the South of the island the fall is broken into two the lowermost is about twenty feet perpendicular & is a continuation of the shelf on the north of the island The uppermost is irregular & about ten feet in height. From this to Corra Linn, half a mile lower down, the river is confined between pre-cipitous rocky banks from fifty to seventy feet high.
OS1/21/43/62 62 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/63 CHARLESTON Charleston Charleston Charleston Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Anna 033.10 Farmsteading, dwelling house two, offices one storey high, the former slated, the latter partly slated and partly tiled. all in very good repair. property of Sir Chas [Charles] Ross.
OS1/21/43/63 COBLEHAUGH Coblehaugh Coblehaugh Coblehaugh Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Anna 026.13 Farmsteading, dwelling house & offices one storey high, slated, and in good repair. property of Sir Chas. [Charles] Ross.
OS1/21/43/63 THE SHOALS The Shoals The Shoals The Shoals Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Anna 033.10 This name is applied to that portion of the River Clyde between Hyndford and Carmichael Mills, so called from the circumstance of the bed of the river suddenly becoming very rocky, & its course rapid & shallow
OS1/21/43/63 63 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/64 BOATHAUGH Boathaugh Boathaugh Boathaugh Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Anna 032.08 Farmsteading, dwelling & outhouses all one storey high, thatched & in good repair, property of Sir Chas [Charles] Ross.
OS1/21/43/64 HYNDFORD MILLS Hyndford Mills Hyndford Mills Hyndford Mills Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Anna 033.01 A group of buildings, one of which is a corn mill, another a bone dust & carding mill, the remainder composing the dwelling & out offices to the same, all one storey high, thatched, tiled & slated (partly) and in middling repair, the mills are worked by water, the machinery of each about 10 horse power, property of Sir Chas [Charles] Ross.
OS1/21/43/64 64 [left corner of header] Ph [Parish] of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/65 CASTLEGATE Castlegate Castlegate Castlegate Revd Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Revd Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood 025.15 A two storey dwelling house situated at the southern extremity of the street bearing the same name. It is slated and in very good repair Property of Mr Daniel Thomson.
OS1/21/43/65 CASTLEPARK Castlepark Castlepark Castlepark Revd Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Revd Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood 025.15 Farmsteading, dwelling house two storeys and slated, out offices one storey and thatched. All in good repair. Property of the Misses Prentice
OS1/21/43/65 NEMPHLAR Nemphlar Nemphlar Nemphlar Nemphlar Nemphlar Nemphlar Revd Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Mr John Gray Mr Ballantyne Johnstons County Map Forrests Map Stat.Acct. [Statistical Account] 025.10 A considerable hamlet comprised chiefly of groups of detached Farm houses and cottages, the several groups bearing distinctive names, but all known by the general name of Nemphlar. Property of Norman Lockhart Esq Lee House.
OS1/21/43/65 65 [right corner of header] Lanark Parish [in header]
OS1/21/43/66 CASTLE HILL Castle Hill Castle Hill Castle Hill Castle Hill Revd Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Revd Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.15 A small prominent knoll, in the immediate vicinity of and between the town of Lanark and the River Clyde, on the summit of which it is supposed a Castle once stood, at present no remains of the Castle or any of its defensive works are traceable. The summit of the hill is now a bowling green and its sides gardens. "The Castle-Hill, which we have already mentioned as a small mount in the immediate vicinity of the town, towards the river, is supposed to have been originally a Roman castellum; and General Roy mentions a fine silver Faustina as having been found here. But at present there is scarcely left a single vestige either of the ancient Roman work, or of the royal castle which in later times occupied its site. It has been converted into a bowling-green" Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
OS1/21/43/66 DELVES Dells Delves Delves Delves Revd Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Revd Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.15 The ruin of a two storey building erected for a Tannery and used as such for a short time. It is now used as a shed for cattle.
OS1/21/43/66 66 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/66 The portion of Description in inverted commas beginning "The Castle-Hill" spreads over the Situation as well as Description columns and is a quote from the Statistical Account of Scotland.
OS1/21/43/67 BRAXFIELD Braxfield Braxfield Braxfield Revd Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Revd Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood 025.15 A plain two storey dwellinghouse the adjacent out offices are one storey, all slated and in good repair. Property of Mr R. McQueen.
OS1/21/43/67 GALLOWHILL COTTAGE Gallowhill Cottage Gallowhill Cottage Gallowhill Cottage Revd Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Revd Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood 025.15 A small farmsteading, consisting of dwelling house and out offices, all one storey, slated and in very good repair. property of Lady Vessy.
OS1/21/43/67 GULLIE-TUDLEM Gullie-tudlem Gullie-tudlem Gullie-tudlem Gullie-tudlem Gullie-tudlem History of Lanark, dated 1835 Revd Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Revd Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne Mr Robert Wood 025.15 A deep ravine, extending from the south-ern extremity of Castlegate to the River Clyde and bounded on the East for a short distance by Castle Hill. A small stream formed by the sewerage of Lanark runs through it. In a history of Lanark bearing date 1835, it is said of this ravine that "This den must have been an admirable defence to the Castle, in days of yore; as it retains all the marks of having been anciently filled with water" Both sides are thickly wooded.
OS1/21/43/67 67 [right corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/68 SMYLLUM PARK Smyllum Park Smyllum Park Smyllum Park Smyllum Park Revd Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Revd Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Robt [Robert] Wood Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.15 A massive erection built in the Norman style of Architecture, it consists of two connected quadrangular blocks with battlemented tops. In the centre of the front line of the main block, a large circular tower rises to a considerable height above the walls of the building, two smaller towers of similar form, with loop windows abut from its side, and an elegant porch composed of miniature tower and battlements projects from its base. There are also square battlemented towers with loop windows at the corners of the front block. The second block is plain in construction, a battlement is carried round the top and round watch towers are placed at the angles and other points of the lines at irregular intervals. The courtyard at the back of the second block, is enclosed by a high semicircular wall, the adjacent offices are large and exhibit some details in the Norman Style. It is the property of Miss Mary Carmichael.
OS1/21/43/68 SCHOOL [Nemphlar] School School School Revd Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan Revd Thos [Thomas] Stark Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne 025.10 A small one storey thatched house used as a school for the accommodation of the village of Nemphlar. The Schoolmaster receives the sum of £5 yearly from the heritors of the Parish and his house and garden are free, with these exceptions, he is entirely dependant on the scholars fees which are very small. Average attendance 25. Education reading, writing and arithmetic.
OS1/21/43/68 68 [left corner of header] Parish of Lanark [in header]
OS1/21/43/68 Smyllum Park. Part of Description spreads over Situation as well as Description column.
OS1/21/43/69 43 [left corner of header] OS1/21/43 69 [right corner of header] NAME BOOK Parish of Lanark Parts of Sheets 24, 25, 26, 32 & 33 Co. [County] Lanark
OS1/21/43/69 Page has been oval rubber stamped twice "Ordnance Survey M.S. [Manuscript] Store Southampton" one dated "Oct 1924" and second "15 Oct 1932".
OS1/21/43/70 Lanark [left corner of header] Parts of Sheets 24, 25, 26, 32 & 33 [in header] 70 [right corner of header] Index [header] [Column 1] Name -- Page Applebank -- 6 Argyle Cottage -- 50 Auchenglen -- 5 Ballians -- 23 Balies Mains -- 51 Bankhead -- 39 Baronald -- 21 Baronald Bank -- 38 Baronald Burn -- 21 Belfield -- 28 Birkenhead -- 11 Birkhill -- 5 Boathaugh -- 64 Bonnington -- 55 Bonnington Linn -- 62 Bonnington Mains -- 58 Briarybank -- 39 Bridge-end -- 37 [Column 2] Brockland -- 47 Brockland Bridge -- 7 Brockland Burn -- 7 Brockland Glen -- 7 Burnbank (Farm) -- 5 Burnbank (Cothouse) -- 28 Braxfield -- 67 Bridge -- 3 Braxfield Burn -- 44 Caldwellside -- 51 Caledonian Railway -- 10 Carfin -- 6 Cartland -- 9 Cartland Bridge -- 21 Cartland Bridge T.P. [Turnpike] -- 17 Cartland Craigs -- 22 Cartland Mains -- 24 Cartland Smithy -- 24 Castle (Ruins) -- 30 [Column 3] Castlebank -- 42 Castlehill -- 30 Castle Qua (Ruins) -- 19 Chapel -- 25 Chapel Knowe -- 18 Charleston -- 63 Cleekimin -- 3 Cleghorn -- 14 Cleghorn Bridge -- 33 Cleghorn Bridge T.P. [Turnpike] -- 33 Cleghorn Mill -- 31 Cleghorn Station -- 33 Clydebank -- 16 Clydesbank -- 38 Clydesholm Green -- 37 Coblehaugh -- 63 Collielaw -- 3 Congregational Church -- 44 Corra Linn -- 55 Cottagehill -- 46 [Column 4] Carig Cottage -- 17 Craigen Hill -- 9 Craigenhill Lime Works -- 12 Crofthead -- 26 Croftonhill -- 21 Crossford Bridge -- 15 Crosslaw -- 41 Castlepark -- 65 Castlegate -- 65 Castle Hill -- 66 Ducking Stane -- 13 Dovecot -- 45 Dunduff Linn -- 58 Delves -- 66 East-town of Nemphlar -- 18
OS1/21/43/70 Index page in four columns of "Name", each with associated column of "Page"
OS1/21/43/71 INDEX [in header] [Column 1] Name -- Page Foundry -- 49 Friarsfield -- 41 Fulwood -- 11 Fulwood Burn -- 30 Gallow Hill -- 48 Gas Works -- 46 Gibshouse -- 8 Glenburnie -- 27 Greentowers -- 24 Gallowhill Cottage -- 67 Gullie-tudlum -- 67 Hagholm -- 34 Hakespie Hill -- 36 Halltown of Nemphlar -- 26 Heatheramlane -- 25 Hewisonhall -- 6 Holmfoot -- 6 Huntlybank -- 34 [Column 2] Huntlygate -- 29 Huntlyhill -- 51 Hyndford -- 60 Hyndford Bridge -- 60 Hyndeford Bridge-end -- 60 Hyndford Mills -- 64 Jerviswood -- 27 Jerviswood Mains -- 52 Jerviswood Mill -- 31 Kingsons Knowe -- 44 Kingsons Knowe Cottage -- 43 Knowetop -- 26 Lanark Branch of the Caledonian Ry [Railway] -- 32 Lanark House -- 43 [Column 3] Lanark Moor -- 53 Lanarkmuir T.P. [Turnpike] -- 59 Lanark (parish) -- 1 Lanark Old Bridge -- 37 Lanark Old Bridge T.P. [Turnpike] -- 37 Langloch -- 59 Lee Burn -- 8 Lee Folly -- 24 Lee House -- 9 Leemuir -- 3 Limestone Quarry -- 12 Linnbank -- 36 Linnhead -- 36 Loch Cottage -- 42 Lochknowes -- 7 Lockhart Bank -- 10 Lockhartmill -- 27 Longhill -- 11 Leitch Ford -- 32 [Column 4] Manse (Congregational) -- 44 Manse (Free Church) -- 47 Mansefield -- 48 Mashock Burn -- 5 Melvinhall -- 52 Middlebank -- 23 Middletown of Nemphlar -- 26 Mill Farm (Plan XXV.12) -- 31 Mill Farm (Plan XXV.14) -- 35 Mote -- 59 Mousebank -- 28 Mouse Mill -- 35 Mouse Water -- 19 My Lady's Well -- 17
OS1/21/43/71 Continuation Index page with four columns of "Name" each with associated "Page" column
OS1/21/43/72 INDEX [header] Name -- Page [Column 1] Nemphlarbrae -- 10 Nemphlarmoor -- 15 New Lanark -- 57 New Lanark Mills -- 57 Newmains -- 42 New-steadings -- 23 Northfaulds -- 29 Nurserybank -- 47 Nurserybank Cottage -- 50 Nemphlar -- 65 Old Tillieford -- 61 Old Windsor -- 14 Orchard-dell -- 35 Park Place -- 50 Pavilion -- 58 Pease Tree -- 8 Peatly Cottage -- 47 Ponclair Burn -- 56 [Column 2] Race Course -- 53 River Clyde -- 56 Robiesland -- 55 Roman Camp -- 14 Rothestonbank -- 25 Roman Road -- 25 Roman Camp -- 4 School -- 41 Smylum Cottage -- 41 Springburn -- 51 Springfield -- 58 Square -- 23 Stanmore -- 29 Steeles Cross -- 49 Stickhill -- 34 Stobielee Burn -- 13 Stonebyres Linn -- 38 St Kentigern's Church (Ruins) -- 40 St Patrick's Cottage -- 45 St Patrick's Well -- 45 Sunyside Lodge -- 35 Sandyford Bridge -- 53 Sandy Burn -- 54 [Column 3] Smyllum Park -- 68 Tillie Ford -- 61 Tintochland -- 18 The Shoals -- 63 School -- 22 School -- 68 Valleyfield -- 52 The Dub -- 49 Woodend Burn -- 32 Wallaces Cave (Plan XXV.10) -- 20 Wallaces Cave (Plan XXII.3) -- 58 Watch-holes -- 12 Waterloo Place -- 48 Welldale -- 36 Wellhead -- 14 Westport -- 43 West Nemphlar -- 16 Westside of Nemphlar -- 16 West-town of Nemphlar -- 16 Whamperflat -- 39 Wheatpark -- 49 Whinpark -- 25 [Column 4] Whitehill -- 46 Windsor -- 34 Woodend -- 27
OS1/21/43/72 Continuation Index page with four columns of "Name" each with associated "Page" column.